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View Full Version : Opening night new bar in Jomtien. Cocky2

May 1st, 2016, 05:34
Opening night at Cocka2
30 Apr 2016 (http://www.nickysgaythailand.com/gay-blog/opening-night-at-cocka2/)
We now have the report of the opening night at the Cocka2 in Jomtien Complex. Thanks to Adam for sending this in.
http://www.nickysgaythailand.com/gay-blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/cocka21604292.jpg (http://www.nickysgaythailand.com/gay-blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/cocka21604292.jpg)
“So Two Faces is no more but rising in it’s place is not a phoenix but The Cocka2 Bar. The Cocka2 Bar is the latest addition to the already busy and vibrant Gay bar scene in the Jomtien Complex.
“You can’t miss the Cocka2 as it has a giant colourful cockatoo at the front of the bar.
http://www.nickysgaythailand.com/gay-blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/cocka21604295.jpg (http://www.nickysgaythailand.com/gay-blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/cocka21604295.jpg)“Opening night was a fun affair with a wonderful selection of food, including a roast pig on the spit. There was live music, mainly in English, with some of the guests getting into it by giving us a song or two.
“The staff were welcoming, so far a more mature selection than other bars. There is a nice big bar to sit up at if you wish and a pool table. Prices are slightly higher than my regular bar but The Cocka2 is a welcome addition to the Jomtien bar scene.”


more photos on Nickys site


May 1st, 2016, 19:46
I defy anyone to tell the difference between one bar and another in Jomtien Complex. They're all the same.

May 1st, 2016, 21:29
I like the scene of the old codger in the vest and the boy with the red shirt at the table - discussing world affairs no doubt


May 1st, 2016, 23:08
Do you Scots call that garment a vest? Tank top, A shirt, singlet, athletic shirt or, in American parlance, a "wife beater". Oh so tacky!

See my avatar for a vest.

May 2nd, 2016, 00:04
Cocky 2 very quiet tonight. New Man Bar which replaced Sam's Mexican Restaurant had one boy
and one customer. Jomtien Complex quiet last night but traffic jams everywhere due to 2 day
Thai holiday.

May 2nd, 2016, 01:59
....See my avatar for a vest.

THAT, my dear Francois, is a WAISTCOAT


May 2nd, 2016, 10:32
OH I had my eye on the guy in the white tee-shirt looking at his Mobile.
Probably making a "date"...
Too bad no close-ups!!!

May 2nd, 2016, 18:30
THAT, my dear Francois, is a WAISTCOAT


Waistcoat, how quaint; but I would need a much smaller waist or a much larger coat to fit me.

The proper name is un gilet

May 2nd, 2016, 21:55
To be quite frank, the assortment of geezers as pictured puts me right off. I could just as well visit a home for the old and infirm.

May 2nd, 2016, 23:32
Lego: So what kind of clientele are you hoping for in a gay bar in gay Jomtien? Oscar nominees, educated highbrow chaps from the worlds of media and politics, Nobel laureates discussing the Higgs Bosun. Do tell us.

May 2nd, 2016, 23:56
Many, many boyz in Jomtien Complex who outnumber the geezers.That's be honest, no geezers, no boyz!!!

May 3rd, 2016, 00:23
Lego: So what kind of clientele are you hoping for in a gay bar in gay Jomtien? Oscar nominees, educated highbrow chaps from the worlds of media and politics, Nobel laureates discussing the Higgs Bosun. Do tell us.

Your response stirred a recollection in my mind Arsenal - and set me thinking that perhaps Lego had the same dissatisfaction with his hotel room, and confronted the manager:

Lego: "When I pay for a view, I expect something more interesting than that."
Manager: "But that is Pattaya, Sir."
Lego: "Well it's not good enough."
Manager: "Well may I ask what you expected to see out of a Pattaya hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically across the plain..."
Lego: "Don't be silly. I expect to be able to see the sea."
Manager: "You can see the sea! It's over there between the land and the sky!"
Lego: "I'd need a telescope to see that."
Manager: "Well might I suggest you move to a hotel closer to the sea. Or preferably in it."


May 3rd, 2016, 15:39
Absolutely priceless Scottish. And indeed the question must be asked: if the Oscar noms, media chaps and laureates were there...would they want to speak to Lego?

May 7th, 2016, 22:06
I wish them well.Its not easy to open a new bar,especially when there are so many bars in that area.

May 8th, 2016, 07:35
Higgs Bosun ... which ship is he on?

" Hi, I'm a Higgs-Boson and the Universe was my idea. "