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View Full Version : British family attacked in Hua Hin, for being tourists

April 28th, 2016, 09:24
Shocking footage has emerged of what is reported to be a British family being attacked in Thailand, apparently because they were western tourists.


The link includes a 2.25 video, I cannot download

The couple and their adult son were leaving a bar in the Hua Hin province in the early hours of April 13 after celebrating Thai New Year, News.com.au reports, when they were attacked by a gang of young men.
“At one point the mother, believed to be in her 60s or 70s, tried to sit back up and was kicked in the jaw causing her to fall unconscious,” News.com.au reports.
British media is reporting that one eyewitness who intervened had claimed in an online forum that the gang deliberately targeted Western tourists.
Two of the attackers are reportedly in custody but Thai police have released the footage to help find another two still at large.
The condition of the three victims is unknown.

April 28th, 2016, 13:38
You can check out the whole story, from start to finish with Coconuts.




April 28th, 2016, 14:36
No doubt us older, gentle SGT members will be shocked - but the unfortunate reality is that you could see equally bad or worse incidents any Friday or Saturday night in London, Manchester, Birmingham, or Glasgow.

No doubt we are all appalled by the sight of a group of young men kicking people on the ground, but I'm afraid that is just the nature of these street fights - Queensberry rules do not apply and kicking, stamping, lashing out with belts etc is exactly how these packs of young guys attack.

It's impossible to tell why the fight/attack occurred and there is certainly no justification for it - but it seems a huge leap to state as fact that "just being tourists" was the sole reason. The mother involved certainly seems to have been very animated in the build-up, and the guy (father?) in the floral shirt seemed to continually come back and forth to continue whatever argument was going on - rather than the whole family just more sensibly getting to fuck out of it.

That is not to say that the family were in anyway to blame - just that the situation is confused and will probably become no clearer now the Thai police are involved!

April 28th, 2016, 15:11
Here is the Khaosod link mentioned in the Coconuts story. Hope they don't kick old ladies lying on the ground in the face in those English cities that SG mentioned.

April 28th, 2016, 15:26
Horrible video. Probably both sides to blame. As Scottish has pointed out we've got plenty of that in the UK. Not too much googling required to find British OAPs with smashed in faces after a mugging. And those are pre-meditated, not drunken behaviour.

April 28th, 2016, 15:57
It's all over the "Scottish" press today and apparently the family concerned are Scots - so no doubt some verbals were exchanged as you know that they are like


April 29th, 2016, 09:25
http://www.theage.com.au/world/british-tourist-family-knocked-out-cold-in-thailand-attack-video-goes-viral-20160429-goi1n6.htmlupdate just now fromhttp://www.theage.com.au/content/dam/images/g/o/i/1/c/p/image.related.articleLeadwide.620x349.goi1n6.png/1461896365676.jpg (http://www.theage.com.au/action/emailToFriend?id=1008611538)

A video of the attack has stirred shock and outrage over its brutality and the ages of the victims. Photo: AP
Bangkok: A British tourist out celebrating his elderly father's birthday accidently bumped into a Thai man among street of partygoers in a Thai resort town, police say, sparking a horrific attack caught on CCTV video that has gone viral on the internet.
"We were all unconscious. My mum did not even realise she had been kicked in the face," said 43-year-old Lewis Owen, a graphic designer living in Singapore, told London's Mirror newspaper.
"I did not know my head had been stamped on," he said.

An elderly British couple and their son are on the ground after they were savagely attacked during a family vacation in Hua, Hin, Thailand. Photo: AP
"It was just out of the blue. None of us were drunk – we had just had a merry night and were going home."

The video shows Mr Owen, his mother Rosemary, 65 and his 68-year-old father, who is also called Lewis, being kicked and punched as they lay helpless on a footpath.
At the end of the video Mrs Lewis sits up as one of the attackers kicked her head, smashing it into the ground.
The attack lasted about two minutes.
As the attackers disappeared into the crowd, bystanders came to help the three who were unconscious.
Police have arrested four suspects after the attack during Buddhist new year celebrations in Hua Hin, a town nestled on the Gulf of Thailand 200 kilometres south-west of Bangkok, on April 13.
Police are searching for two other suspects.
Both the elder Mr Owen and Mrs Owen suffered head injuries requiring hospitalisation but they have since recovered.
The younger Mr Owen said "I don't remember much because I was knocked unconscious and there were stitches in my head."
He said he did not know why they were attacked.
"I didn't know them. It was just random," he said.
Police spokesman Chaiyakorn Sriladecho told reporters that four alleged attackers later said "they were sorry and that they wouldn't have done this if they were not drunk."
He said the suspects told police they collided in the street with one of the tourists and an argument soon broke out between the two parties.
The suspects claimed the younger British man pushed and slapped one of them first, so they jumped on the family and savagely beat them, he said.
The suspects aged between 20 and 32 have been bailed to appear in court on May 3.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/world/british-tourist-family-knocked-out-cold-in-thailand-attack-video-goes-viral-20160429-goi1n6.html#ixzz47B7Z8eyF
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April 29th, 2016, 15:26
Here is how it is being reported in Scotland. If you follow the link, use an ad blocker as they pop up all over the place. I have reproduced the photos from the article.

You may have difficulty telling an elderly Scottish woman from an elderly Scottish man - this is normal. :cool:



April 29th, 2016, 17:53
i really dont care if the Scots were acting the fool, or whatever. There is simply no excuse for attacking people, especially the elderly and female in thus manner. Oh what a wonderful culture.

April 29th, 2016, 19:31
i really dont care if the Scots were acting the fool, or whatever. There is simply no excuse for attacking people, especially the elderly and female in thus manner. Oh what a wonderful culture.

The culture didn't attack them. Six drunk belligerent individuals did. They were arrested.

April 29th, 2016, 19:42
Get off your high horse (or pony de jour) LatintopXXX - nobody has said there was any excuse

April 29th, 2016, 21:07
When the Japanese were visiting the USA and throwing around cash, I heard a lot of people putting them down. Many Americans could not afford to shop where they were shopping and do the things they were doing.

Here in Thailand, there are places that cater to tourist where a beer may cost 450 baht and a meal for 2 may cost around 1000 baht. Is this pissing of the youth who see their options for good income as few unless they sell themselves to a foreigner for sex.. Yeah... its only human nature that foreigners will be seen as the problem when they are looking to place the blame.

April 29th, 2016, 21:50
The couple and their adult son were leaving a bar in the Hua Hin province in the early hours of April 13 after celebrating Thai New Year

​I think one of the important points missed from the original article is that this all happened in Hua Hin on April 13th and it's only found it's way to the media weeks later? Hmmmm!


April 29th, 2016, 23:03
I think the title of the thread is highly misleading (but I accept that is how the story is being characterised by the media and the thread title reflects the media spin).

I've seen no evidence whatsoever that this family was attacked "for being tourists" - nobody approached them and attacked them.

What happened was that the family were leaving the bar, there was a collision with a person or persons in the soi - and the ensuing remonstrations over the collision escalated into extreme violence.

There's no excuse for the actions of the Thais involved but had the family simply walked away rather than keeping the pot boiling, it may have ended differently. This is THEIR country not ours and if you insist on poking a bear then at some point will bite you.

Ive always found the best policy is to just aplogise profusely (even if you're in the right) and WALK AWAY!

April 30th, 2016, 11:50

Well, now that the story is out...we're not the only one finding out all about it. Whatever the circumstances, someone is not happy about it and who knows what that means to the six they've apprehended after it's all over. Add this incident to all the other reports of violence surfacing, it's rather embarrassing...and unfortunate for these guys, as they're some of the few actually caught.


April 30th, 2016, 13:16
unfortunate for these guys, as they're some of the few actually caught

Will it come as any major surprise if a year from now, perhaps even less, all six of them are right back on the streets again?

I like their empty "I'm sorry." Certainly they are. Sorry, that is, they were caught. Why do I have a feeling none of them are the least bit sorry about what they did?

April 30th, 2016, 15:58
Let's face it; anything that accused people say after an hour in police custody is what the police want them to say. Ask the Burmese....

April 30th, 2016, 17:53
Will it come as any major surprise if a year from now, perhaps even less, all six of them are right back on the streets again?

I like their empty "I'm sorry." Certainly they are. Sorry, that is, they were caught. Why do I have a feeling none of them are the least bit sorry about what they did?

Anyone who knocks a grandmother to the ground and when she sits up, kicks her in the face knocking her head to the cement and rendering her unconscious... Has to have some type of guilt feelings don't you think? I mean.. Who does that? Who would kick a grandmother in the face to have her head impact the cement beneath her? Only a person that would later apologize to the media and police... That's who.


April 30th, 2016, 18:48
Is this pissing of the youth who see their options for good income as few unless they sell themselves to a foreigner for sex.. Yeah... its only human nature that foreigners will be seen as the problem when they are looking to place the blame.
I don't for a moment believe those Thais were pissed off because the three farang were tourists and probably earned far more than they did. They were pissed off because . . . they were pissed! It's clear from the vdo that the one who hit the son to the ground is arguing with someone else before the three Brits come into view. The couple's son accidentally - and seemingly quite gently - bumps into one of them. The drunken Thai takes offence, hits him to the ground and then everything escalates quickly and appallingly.

We all know that many Thais drink way too much and that one reason is the idiotic system of levelling a vastly lower tax on spirits than, say, wine (well, I like wine!). In this case, today's English press has articles about the Thais being drunk on beer. That may or not be the case (although the first Thai in the attack is clearly holding a beer bottle). A second problem surely is a lack of education in Thai society whereby attacking someone thought to have attacked you is the natural reaction. Over Songkran a staggering 110,909 people were arrested for being drunk. 16,000+ drivers had licenses confiscated due to drink driving. Drink and drunkenness is a nasty part of the culture.

The suggestion that the parents should just have walked away after their son was felled to the ground is an obvious course of action - but I can't imagine many people taking it. I'll bet the couple were furious and in no way realised that reacting as they did they might end up knocked out in a disgraceful manner. I doubt if many people who come to Thailand for a pleasant holiday are even aware that there is a latent element of violence in many Thais once they have consumed too much alcohol. And it's not something the government or the Tourist Authority is keen to advertise. Now they are hoist with their own petard as the worldwide PR through You Tube will have alerted vast numbers that this is not always the Land of Smiles.

May 1st, 2016, 00:20
Has to have some type of guilt feelings don't you think?

No, I don't. I think these thugs enjoyed it and proudly talked about it among themselves right up until the moment they were caught. I believe if they were not caught they would still be bragging about it among themselves. I don't think the accidental bump by the son was anything more than the catalyst. I think these guys were drunk and looking for trouble. They found what they were looking for, but wouldn't have found it at all if it had been people capable of beating hell out of them.

No matter what caused it or what the motivation was, there is nothing that can make an attack like this right. It was sheer vicious bullying against people they knew couldn't fight back, at least not effectively. If it was a young strong man, with two or three other strong young men with him, if it had been him who bumped into this thug, I don't believe an attack would ever have happened. In my opinion, it is nothing but cowardice to attack people who can't fight back. I hope each of them are on the receiving end of bully attacks while they're in jail. Let's see what kind of fight they put up there.

Several against one and several against people helpless to fight back is unfortunately a common occurrence in Thailand. I read news items about people being attacked and sucker attacked nearly every day.

May 1st, 2016, 02:06
There is no justification for kicking someone when they are lying helpless on the ground but I also wonder if this could have been avoided if the son and then the mother had not reacted as they did. It appears as if the mother slapped the Thai guy before he punched her. The family were regular visitors to Thailand and might have learned that it's better to walk away from a gang of drunk Thais. It's also good to know that there will be a full investigation into how the video came into the public domain and adversely affected the good name of Thailand.Incidentally it was the Owen family from Wales.

May 1st, 2016, 02:14
I was wondering if there was ever an event like this in Thailand where a Thai grandmother was kicked in the head like the grandmother in the video? Then I wondered what would happen if the youth were farang and the elderly family were Thai? Would the farangs be allowed to wai for the camera and posters on message boards saying that the Thai family should have just walked away when the farangs sucker-punched their son?

Funny that this seems to be not such a big deal to those in authority but let a Chinese tourist wash their feet in a sink and all hell will break loose!

May 1st, 2016, 03:46
scotty boy, reading or even better comprehension is not your strong point. Some of the posts convey the message " that had the young lady not worn skimpy clothes she would not have ben raped" and others convey an even stronger message.

May 1st, 2016, 03:49
but then you did say that this is a common occurrence in your homeland (nice!!) so possibly culturally not so jarring....and probably explains why old scot ladies look like old scot men....guess getting punched and kicked in the face would do that. Thank goodness there is a class system and I'm at least 3 rungs away from yours.

May 1st, 2016, 08:09
Hua Hin clip leak 'caused more harm'
Published: 01/05/2016
Writer: Post Reporters
Police investigating the brutal assault of three British tourists in Hua Hin are searching for whoever leaked footage of the attack, and plan to charge them for dealing another blow to the country's battered tourism image... (read more)...

Please credit and share this article with others using this link: http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/954489/hua-hin-clip-leak-caused-more-harm.

May 1st, 2016, 08:18
I was wondering if there was ever an event like this in Thailand where a Thai grandmother was kicked in the head like the grandmother in the video?
This was just posted on Richard's site, even more disturbing to see some motorcycle punks kicking the crap out of a thin young woman.



May 1st, 2016, 14:15
.. Thank goodness there is a class system and I'm at least 3 rungs away from yours.

I know, but don't give up hope - if you try really hard you can climb the social ladder and thus get a little closer to me


May 1st, 2016, 15:08
This was just posted on Richard's site, even more disturbing to see some motorcycle punks kicking the crap out of a thin young woman.
Not sure who Richard is! That vdo is horrific but the scenario is interesting. It seems the girl has to be a Thai (or Lao according to the comments below) with blonde hair and that she is from a club as two other girls also with long blonde hair are seen on the extreme right disappearing back inside when the attack starts. The two she is chatting to as the attack starts also slink away. Hard to make out if they are both men. Then there is the fact that even once the girl has hit the ground and the really heavy stuff starts, the other Thais all just amble away.

It almost appears that either an attack on this girl was expected or some form of similar attack is a regular occurrence outside this club. The comments suggest the main attacker was her regular customer and is actually married to a lady with royal connections. That being the case, anyone prepared to lay bets that he will be prosecuted for anything?

May 1st, 2016, 16:07
scotty boy....I never bothered to point out whether my 3 rungs were north or south of yours...only that in my society no one gets kicked in the face. Now go wallow in that English subsidised scottish mud.

May 1st, 2016, 16:08
...and yes...common theme is that the Thais just stand around and watch......

May 1st, 2016, 17:42
It almost appears that either an attack on this girl was expected or some form of similar attack is a regular occurrence outside this club.

To me, it appears the attack was pre-planned and a revenge attack.

May 1st, 2016, 19:01
scotty boy....I never bothered to point out whether my 3 rungs were north or south of yours...only that in my society no one gets kicked in the face. Now go wallow in that English subsidised scottish mud.

Unfortunately for you, you don't have to explicitly point out how low in the food chain you are - you've exposed that on this forum on many occasions.

Now, which society are you referring to where nobody has ever been kicked in the face? I note that you state your location is Amsterdam so it certainly can't be THAT society - since it is a pretty violent place.

Of course, maybe by "society" you mean the high-class people you associate with?
If so, what do these pillars of the community make of your rather "unusual" sexual predilections which (according to your own accounts of them) seem to involve getting down low and dirty with a succession of rented strays and derelicts - humiliating and fucking them "like a pony", telling them their bunghole is "loose like an old woman", and then throwing money on the floor at them?

Now, which of us is it who "wallows in the mud" again?

May 1st, 2016, 19:42
The Thai video clearly shows a planned attack as a gang arrives on motorcycles, for what none of us will ever know. Look at it again. It's not a genuine attack designed to cause gbh. The blows and kicks are actually quite mild compared to what they might have been if someone really wanted to cause harm. Compare the last kick on both the videos and you'll see a big difference in the level of force.

May 2nd, 2016, 16:45
Not sure who Richard is! That vdo is horrific but the scenario is interesting.

Sorry, Richard is: http://www.richardbarrow.com/

Richard Barrow is one of my favorite blog posts from Thailand and a regular contributor to our Sawatdee Network Twitter Page and News Feed. Another favorite is Stickman and for these blog sites, the big topic or the question being asked is; Is there more violence these days in Thailand or is it the same, but more being caught on cellphone cameras and posted to Social Network?

The government, of course is embarrassed by it all and concerned that it will damage their golden reputation. So they've vowed to throw the full weight of the law at them...the six apprehended, whatever that means.
