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View Full Version : Quite a surprising result for Thailand - Gay couple win custody battle against Thai surrogate mother

Nirish guy
April 26th, 2016, 16:57
This case has been going on for quite a long time now and the fathers fought hard to keep their child, pity the Court didn't rule them BOTH the child's legal guardian, but perhaps that is hoping for a bit much for now, but hopefully in the future that might change, either way congratulations to them both.

"Gay couple win custody battle against Thai surrogate mother

A same-sex American-Spanish couple have won a high-profile custody battle over a baby born through a Thai surrogate mother who wanted to keep the child after she found out they were gay.
Bangkok's Family Court ruled that the legal guardian of the child is Gordon Lake, her American biological father.

The child was born before a Thai ban on commercial surrogacy was imposed.

Correspondents say that the case was complicated by the fact that Thai law does not recognise same-sex marriages.

"The court has granted legal custody of [the child] Carmen Lake to Gordon Lake, my client, and [said] that my client is her only guardian," Mr Lake's lawyer Rachapol Sirikulchit said.

Mr Lake and his partner, Spaniard Manuel Santos, both 41, have been in Thailand since beginning their legal battle over Carmen since she was born in January 2015."

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April 27th, 2016, 03:12
No surprise to me. Was before the ban, and all was legal at that time.
Besides that, the kid is better of with them