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View Full Version : death in paradise

April 22nd, 2016, 07:03
just watched a fantasic programe all about the deaths in thailand island. 6 deaths in 2 years on 1 small island
and all the corruption in the investication

April 22nd, 2016, 12:10
It would have been nice if you had posted the programme title and where you saw it - as others might then be able to find it, perhaps eventually on YouTube.

April 22nd, 2016, 14:27
It was on Channel 4 (where else could it be? ) here in the UK on Wednesday 20 April. Fascinating and frightening though I didn't see much that was new to me....apart from close-ups and interviews with the two framed Burmese, one of whom looked about sixteen. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the Thai Police and their masters weren't lying about his age. As well as about everything else.
I'd been unaware that there had been other mysterious and barely investigated deaths since the trial.

April 22nd, 2016, 14:55
There is a short summary here -


I was also unaware there had been 6 tourist deaths in little more than a year on Koh Tao including one in a swimming pool and another hanged - ruled suicide! As the above article concludes -

Whether some of these deaths are, as the Thai mayor tells Channel 4, down to tourists living too fast and hard while on holiday, or whether there's something more sinister going on, the film can't possibly conclude.
But it also asks if, after the two young Burmese arrested for the deaths of Hannah Withering and David Miller and an "investigation plagued by allegations of corruption, ineptitude and violence", they are merely "scapegoats for the Thai mafia."