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View Full Version : Essential to wear condom, even for oral sex

April 17th, 2016, 14:51

The outbreak started in straight couples, but is now being seen in gay men too.

"We've been worried it would spread to men who have sex with men," Peter Greenhouse, a consultant in sexual health based in Bristol, told BBC News.

"The problem is [they] tend to spread infections a lot faster simply as they change partners more quickly."

They are also more likely to have gonorrhoea in their throats. There further resistance is more likely to develop as antibiotics get to the throat in lower doses and the area is also teeming with other bacteria that can share the resistance to drugs.

The bacterium that causes gonorrhoea is extremely adept at shrugging off our best antibiotics.

So two drugs - azithromycin and ceftriaxone - are used in combination.

But now resistance to azithromycin is spreading, doctors fear it is only a matter of time before ceftriaxone fails too."

April 17th, 2016, 15:33
Yes, indeed it is essential. Many Thai guys are unaware (in my experience) of the dangers of unprotected oral sex and I always make a point of educating my partners.
Hiv infection is also a small possibility....small but big enough for me not to take chances and not to allow my partners to take chances either. I know one Thai guy who is convinced, rightly or wrongly, that his hiv status is the result of oral sex.

April 18th, 2016, 02:18
What's next, hand jobs wearing gloves?

April 18th, 2016, 09:38
What's next, hand jobs wearing gloves?

Normally one has to pay EXTRA for that - especially if it's the pink rubber ones!!


April 18th, 2016, 09:47
Found the solution:


April 18th, 2016, 11:23
Many Thai guys are unaware (in my experience) of the dangers of unprotected oral sex and I always make a point of educating my partners.
I would make a guess than in fact most Thai guys are unaware of this danger - and add that a huge number still remain unaware of the risk of contracting HIV through unprotected anal sex. I have met a few guys - as I'm sure most of us have - whose first experience of sex was as a schoolboy through unprotected anal intercourse with a local older Thai. But though living outside main cities, these guys then developed a desire to meet farang for sex. Each then arranged to come to Bangkok to meet a farang partner for a week-end of sex, sometimes unprotected, even though the boys then were not yet 18.

One, now 23 has just graduated from a prestigious specialist college. He decided to be checked about 2 years ago and discovered he was positive. He has kept this information from almost all of his friends. Now he is applying for jobs and has finally started to realise the enormity of his condition - even though his viral load is now undetectible. He has been through half a dozen interviews with major companies. At each one the interviewers have congratulated him and said they would offer him the advertised position. But these companies require medical certificates. Solely as a result of his HIV status, he was then turned down for each. He is now becoming desperate, not just because of his condition, but because he might never be unable to work in the industry which has been his childhood dream.

What makes these cases all the sadder is that Thailand used to be a leader in the field of anti-HIV education programmes. But then these were significantly reduced in the early 2000s. Had they remained in place, perhaps these guys would not now be infected. And unless something on a national scale is done to point out the real risks of unprotected oral sex, the HIV toll will just keep rising although at a much smaller rate.

April 18th, 2016, 11:32
It's not just in Thailand too - my BF in Vietnam has a friend in the same position after a positive HIV diagnosis and has told us -

Cannot find any work as medical certificate required - and has similarly had promises of work withdrawn,
99% of "friends" he has confided in have deserted him,
Family regard him as letting them down and if not overtly hostile, at best cold with him
Now openly talking of suicide as his best option

I don't know how much we in the West kid ourselves that it would be better where we are - and I hope we never have to find out.


April 18th, 2016, 11:49
And if it is this bad in Thailand and Vietnam, consider what it may very well be like in places like Myanmar, Laos and China!

April 18th, 2016, 14:22
Found the solution:
For those few who haven't seen the movie, here is the clip -


April 19th, 2016, 00:30
Just by the nature of the HIV virus, the likelihood that it could be passed from person to person through oral sex, kissing or anything involving the mouth is unlikely. Absorption is different for the mouth than it is for the colon and vagina, if you're familiar with oral tinctures and anal suppositories. Blood through the mouth is a possibility, but I think that would be quite noticeable and a deterrent in itself.

Gonorrhea is much different. It jumps easily from mouth to throat, making it a bug that sweeps through the casual sex environment. The good thing with gay men though, is that the symptoms when you have it on your penis are quite noticeable. You may not notice it in your throat, but because it jumps so easily...the infection will probably become more noticeable when it gets to the penis. Only if you suck, but don't get sucked...might you not notice it in your throat.

The one that we need to watch for, especially lately with the amount of infections in Gay Men is Syphilis. Some people show symptoms, while others don't or don't know what the sores are and ignore them until the disease moves into advanced stages. You are diagnosed by a blood test that doesn't always catch it, so some practitioners may simply start you on the treatment (usually a powerful antibiotic injection into your hip) rather than risk missing the infection.

I've never been infected with anything in Thailand, but I did get Gonorrhea once at a bathhouse in Mexico City and then through the bathhouse scene in the 80's and 90's. What I've noticed with Thai bar boys over the years are warts. That's more of a concern because it turns into cancer.


April 19th, 2016, 01:32
Just by the nature of the HIV virus, the likelihood that it could be passed from person to person through oral sex, kissing or anything involving the mouth is unlikely.
The key word here is surely "unlikely" - meaning not impossible but highly improbable if you take the necessary precautions. The US Centers for Disease Control says this about oral sex amongst msm –

The risk of HIV transmission through oral sex is much less than that from anal or vaginal sex—but it is not zero.
Performing oral sex on an HIV-infected man, with ejaculation in the mouth, is the riskiest oral sex activity.
Factors that may increase the risk of HIV transmission through oral sex are oral ulcers, bleeding gums, genital sores, and the presence of other sexually transmitted diseases.

So, leaving aside the possibility of being infected with other nasty STDs, having an HIV+ guy ejaculate in your mouth is the riskiest oral sex activity. But we will rarely if ever know if that cute guy we are with is HIV+ or not – and if he knows, it is unlikely he will tell us.

The AVERT organisation also provides some recent facts about Thailand –

• 90% of new adult infections are transmitted via unprotected sex.
• Of all new infections, 41% were among msm, male sex workers and transgender people.
• in Bangkok, HIV prevalence (amongst msm) was 24.4% compared to the national HIV prevalence of 7% for this population across all of Thailand.
• Surveys show that people under the age of 25 have lower levels of HIV knowledge and HIV testing and counselling than those over age 25.
The fourth point is surely illustrated by the low level of condom usage in many of the relatively new saunas away from the centre of the city aimed at younger Thais for Thais.

Taking risks is part of all our lives. The problem with msn sex here in Thailand - as I am sure is true in some other countries - is that too many of the guys we are likely to meet (younger Thais, Vietnamese, Lao, Cambodians, Burmese etc.) are just not fully aware of the risks, and at least some of the tourists with whom they will have sex openly advertise they seek partners for very risky sexual behaviour. And that of course increases the risk for all the future partners of those guys. But we are not monks and this is Thailand - so we just have to protect ourselves as best we can.


April 19th, 2016, 05:12
I think if there was evidence of people becoming infected with HIV through oral sex or something related, that they would have documented case studies and oral sex would be part of the strategy, as it is with Gonorrhea. Not that I'm saying there absolutely isn't, but there's not a lot of medical evidence of it.

The HIV virus has a very limited life span outside of the host. It's virulence is not in the transmission phase. It's how it mutates in the body and both the mouth and digestive system are harsh environments for the HIV virus to survive in outside the bloodstream.

I worry, especially for Thailand when I read some of the risks some young gay Thais take with "Hi Sex", a culture that's not something you hear of safe sex being practiced in. I'm sure anyone who has had sex with a Thai outside of the commercial sex scene may have encountered no thought on the Thai's part about safe sex at least once, if not a lot more.

I see the same thing back home as I sometimes go to the bathhouse. I don't see a lot of people taking the effort to reach for a condom. Whether this is because they're already infected, whether they're undetectable and think they're safe again or because getting HIV is no big deal anymore, given how many are infected and how easy the treatment is in some countries.

If anything, I'm surprised that they think only 90% of new infections are from unprotected sex. Where else would they become infected, given the amount of screening being done on the blood supply in 2016?


April 19th, 2016, 11:01
. . . or because getting HIV is no big deal anymore, given how many are infected and how easy the treatment is in some countries.
That's my guess. Most us recall how shit scared we were decades ago when we realised this virus would kill us - end of story. And as the death toll mounted the more concerned we became. Even using condoms and taking precautions, there was always the fear: when will we get it? Now, detected early and with proper treatment, it's just another chronic illness that, hopefully, will have a vaccine and a cure sooner rather than later.

For most of us, the fear element - played up so effectively in national governments' anti-HIV PR campaigns in the early days - has now all but disappeared. But for the young Thai and Vietnamese boys mentioned in earlier threads it has been replaced by another fear: dreams of good jobs shattered along with being shunned by most of their friends. When a guy in his mid-twenties considers suicide as a serious option, it's a sobering lesson on how this dreadful virus continues to take its toll on human suffering.

April 19th, 2016, 11:52
Some very useful posts above so the more the better.

Another reason to use condoms for oral sex is the danger of the STD chlamydia amongst other things. An acquaintance of mine in BKK previously contracted this infection; he says he believes he knows who gave it to him, and he says they used condoms except for oral sex.
Luckily the infection cleared up with one dosage but the doctor told him chlamydia is rife in Thailand as well as other parts of the world.

April 19th, 2016, 12:26
It's common on forums like this one to focus on the Thais and other nationalities here with whom we have sex and from whom we might pick up some disease. Not often do we talk about ourselves and the effect that collective "we" might have on these guys. Gaybutton's site presently has some bug issue and so I cannot access it to find the results of a poll conducted about 5 years ago. However, there is a summary thread about it on gaythailand. The following excerpt from a post makes this point -

Gaybuttonthai forum held a poll a few months ago asking posters a series of questions about their last HIV tests. Out of a total of 62 responses, 12 had tested negative in the previous year. A further 25 had tested negative in the previous 1 and 10 years. Astonishingly (at least in my view – although I admire the posters honesty), 13 had never once been tested and a further 12 had tested positive. Despite msm being advised to have regular testing, less than 20% had been tested within the last 12 months. Of the remaining 80% - discounting those who had tested positive – it can reasonably be assumed that some were in fact HIV positive at the time the poll was taken.

Since this group is likely to have reasonably regular sexual encounters in Thailand, taken together with the growing lack of condom use, the possibilities of transmission to Thais and vice-versa could at the very least be higher than average.
We have a responsibility to protect not only our own health but that of all our partners.

April 19th, 2016, 13:02
Not to state the obvious or anything, but maybe not fucking 5 different people a week would prove to be beneficial?

Then again, I'm hardly one to talk. Little while ago I had pubic lice running around in my eyes.

April 19th, 2016, 13:21
. . . maybe not fucking 5 different people a week would prove to be beneficial?
I'll win the lottery before most gay visitors stop fucking around!

April 19th, 2016, 15:03
And let's not forget infection from HPV (Human papillomavirus) which is quite common. Good news is that there is an effective vaccine; bad news is that most people don't get the vaccine. HPV was the cause of death of the beloved LMTU who often proclaimed his taste for cock sucking.

April 19th, 2016, 15:35
Whilst of the subject of protecting oneself, please don't forget to get vaccinated against shingles. Over dinner at Dick's two friends who had suffered from it explained the pain and discomfort, to say nothing of the danger to your sight it you are unlucky enough to have it strike you on the forehead. The vaccine has only recently become available in Thailand and I had the shot at BNH in Bangkok the next day. It was expensive, Bt. 6,000 plus a consultation fee. But the doctor said it is extremely effective and protects you for about 10 years.

April 19th, 2016, 18:06
Yes, good idea to get Shingles vaccine but not 100% effective, even so, it can reduce severity of an occurrence as I have experienced.The bf recently had his grandmother vaccinated at a Clinic even though she has had shingles; cost 6000 Baht as reported above.

I read there is a newer version of the vaccine but not readily available.

Nirish guy
April 19th, 2016, 18:15
Man what a fun thread, hell I think it's just put me off sex for life, that's it, where's the orange Robes, I'm becoming a monk and going back to being a virgin again for a while ! :)

April 19th, 2016, 18:58
Man what a fun thread, hell I think it's just put me off sex for life, that's it, where's the orange Robes, I'm becoming a monk and going back to being a virgin again for a while ! :)

haha... I could be wrong, but I'm assuming the temples aren't a place you want to live to avoid having gay sex, lol.

April 19th, 2016, 19:31
I think it's just put me off sex for life . . . I'm becoming a monk and going back to being a virgin again for a while ! :)
And I'm definitely going to win the lottery! ;)

April 19th, 2016, 22:16
I'll put my hand up here (!) - I've contracted Chlamydia several times in Thailand. I always used condoms for anal but not for oral - so clearly I can work out what's happening and would hazard a guess (no evidence) that its entirely possible that the majority of sex-workers in Thailand are infected with Chlamydia

One of the major problems is that often the boys who swing both ways will contract if from females and so the vicious circle perpetuates.

Another problem is that in males it can be almost symptom-less - in my case I noticed only tender/painful balls a week or so after getting home - no pain on urination or discharge as you'd often (but not always)get with gonorrhea.

In females it can be completely symptomless - hence they often dont know they are infected and as I said the circle of infection just perpetuates. Although symptom-less the untreated complications can be severe.

The final problem I found is that in the UK NHS there is NO follow up check whatsoever - you are diagnosed (most often via an extremely painful "dipstick" down the urethra - because its cheaper than a pee test) and automatically prescribed Doxycycline - but no test whatsoever is done to check if it has worked (and it is not 100% effective)!! So its possible that there are significant numbers in the UK never mind anywhere else who have NOT actually been cured and are happily spreading it even further. Of course nobody wants to complain because they don't want to admit they had it in the first place!

So I now self-treat with 100mg of Doxycycline daily as a prophylactic during the trip and follow up with a single dose of 1 gram of Azithromycin on my return. Since I started doing that - no problems.

April 20th, 2016, 02:03
So I now self-treat with 100mg of Doxycycline daily as a prophylactic...

... and which is why STDs are rapidly becoming resistant to all antibiotics. *sigh*

April 20th, 2016, 04:50
....and by the time Doxyclycline (for example) becomes useless, I'll be dead - so forgive me if I don't worry about it.


April 20th, 2016, 09:50
scotty, you won't be the only one dead! The over use of antibiotics will eventually make all of them useless and then many people will die needlessly. Thailand is a perfect example of people self-medicating for any and everything and never follow the regimen till its end.Sigh.

April 20th, 2016, 11:19
Well done to Scottish guy re telling us about the chlamydia you have gotten in Thailand; so lets' hope it persuades more people to use condoms for oral sex too.

April 20th, 2016, 11:53
The over use of antibiotics will eventually make all of them useless and then many people will die needlessly.
As if this is not enough of a bad scenario, this is another -

The development of new antibiotics by the pharmaceutical industry, a strategy that had been effective at combating resistant bacteria in the past, had essentially stalled due to economic and regulatory obstacles. Of the 18 largest pharmaceutical companies, 15 abandoned the antibiotic field . . .

Because antibiotics are used for relatively short periods and are often curative, antibiotics are not as profitable as drugs that treat chronic conditions, such as diabetes, psychiatric disorders, asthma, or gastroesophageal reflux. A cost–benefit analysis by the Office of Health Economics in London calculated that the net present value of a new antibiotic is only about $50 million, compared to approximately $1 billion for a drug used to treat a neuromuscular disease.

April 20th, 2016, 22:23
scotty, you won't be the only one dead!

I won't fucking CARE, will I?

And once you've had the dipstick down your Jap's eye wielded like a ramrod loading a cannon, you won't care either!


April 21st, 2016, 00:13
If everyone used that rationale there would be even more deaths from communicable diseases.

But, fact is, many of the antibiotics currently being used will likely be ineffective before scottish-guy's demise.

April 21st, 2016, 00:43
Francois, I find you an intelligent guy, but really ..........

Who is being irresponsible here - I'm taking measures to avoid contracting a sexually transmitted disease which one of the top STI Consultants in UK tells me is entirely preventable by prophlyaxis. Of course he doesn't advocate my course of action but if that is what I as an indidual choose to do then neither is he going to lie about its effectiveness.

Would it be more responsible to risk contracting this disease (because I am NOT going to wear a condom for oral sex) and having done so then risk spreading it around every partner I have?

The public are being whipped up into a panic about antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" - I'm sorry to tell you but I've been hearing the same scare stories for 30 years now. I doubt I'll be around in 30 years time - so if it's OK by you I'll continue to protect myself instead of being scared shitless like a bunch of old women.

fact is, many of he antibiotics currently being used will likely be ineffective before scottish-guy's demise.

Francois my dear - if something is a "fact" it is not merely "likely", it is 100% certain.
Either it's a "fact" or it isn't.
From your subsequent use of the word "likely", I think we can safely assume that your fact is not in fact a fact at all


April 21st, 2016, 02:05
I doubt I'll be around in 30 years time...

Oh, I hope you are. I also hope you need treatment at some point in the intervening years. You know, like a hip replacement, or chemo. That's when you'll realise that without antibiotics, a lot of routine surgeries won't be viable any more, and that'll be because of stupid, selfish, me-me-me attitudes such as yours. I trust you suffer, a lot, when that time comes. :)

April 21st, 2016, 04:39
...I also hope you need treatment....like a hip replacement, or chemo.... I trust you suffer, a lot, when that time comes. :)

In other words "I hope you die of Cancer, screaming in agony"
Wow! Just WOW!!
That's the sort of thing I'd expect to hear from a petulant 12yo in the middle of a major freak-out - but from an adult???
I think you're the one needing treatment Tobi - I hope you get it before you hurt someone.

April 21st, 2016, 07:13
And let's not forget infection from HPV (Human papillomavirus) which is quite common. Good news is that there is an effective vaccine; bad news is that most people don't get the vaccine. HPV was the cause of death of the beloved LMTU who often proclaimed his taste for cock sucking.

Sorry. But what is LMTU?

April 21st, 2016, 10:26
LMTU was one of the posting names (another was HeyGay) of an Englishman named John Booth who lived, I believe, in Pattaya and wrote frequently on gaythailand.com and probably also here. He had what some regarded a strange habit of posting in extremely mangled English, sometimes making outrageous claims of information he would assert was 100% true but only he was in the know. When this would be disproved, he would never admit he had been wrong! Many people seemed to enjoy his posts. Others did not. Yet those who knew him personally found him a delightful companion

With respect to Francois, I believe he died a few years ago not of HPV but of cancer - and in a particularly tragic way. He was simply unable to afford the treatment and passed away at the home of friends who were looking after him. One very positive series of posts he made was to alert readers of the dangers of HPV which he had contracted and for which he had been successfully treated. He wrote of the wonderful treatment he had received at Chulalongkorn Hospital. I am sure others will correct any inaccuracies in this post)

I know it is wrong to give out posters' names but he and his posting names were linked prominently on the Boards after his death.

April 21st, 2016, 12:25
Thanks for the explanation. Tragic to die because one can't afford treatment. I live in Canada and have a Thai husband. We sometimes think of retiring to Thailand year round, but that would mean losing Canadian health insurance. In order to keep the insurance, we have to be physically in Canada six months out of the year. I'm very sorry to hear that these two friends of yours died this way. Fragile, this life of ours. Unfair, too.

April 21st, 2016, 13:01
Medical insurance is a 'must' if you are considering living anywhere and your home country provides even basic healthcare. I know some live here in Thailand without it and some hospitals will treat patients without insurance. Others will quite literally turn you away if you do not pay in advance.

I find myself in a rather invidious position. As a UK citizen who has contributed all his working life to the Insurance fund for the National Health Service, I should have access to it at any time. However, since I have lived outside the UK for more than half my career, that benefit was withdrawn - thanks to Tony f--king Blair's government - and to this day I have never been formally advised of this by any government department. So I cannot have elective treatment under the UK's NHS - unless I return to live there for at least 6 months each year. Ironically I am also entitled to basic healthcare in Hong Kong where I have Permanent Resident status. But that's not much use in the case of a sudden illness requiring immediate treatment? So I need to have additional insurance to cover Thailand and my travelling.

For the record, I never met John Booth. I may not have liked his posting style but the manner of his passing was very sad.

April 21st, 2016, 13:15
Francois, I find you an intelligent guy, but really ..........

Thank you scottish-guy. Fact is I am an intelligent guy except when I post after quaffing wine.

Nothing I posted was directed personally toward you, just a general observation about overuse of antibiotics by the populace. So don't take it personally and relax a bit.

April 21st, 2016, 13:21
With respect to Francois, I believe he died a few years ago not of HPV but of cancer - and in a particularly tragic way.

As I recall is was cancer but caused by HPV? In the words of LMTU (Let-Me-Tell-You)

May his sole rest in piece.

April 21st, 2016, 13:43
I really have no idea. There is a post he made on gt.com on 9 February 2010 -

I have been meaning to write this post for some time, as some of you may know I have been hit by a very serious HPV virus, that could have killed me, with in a short time, I was having it seen to at the Bumrangrad Hospital with in the terms of my Insurance, but I felt they were just interested in getting as much money from me as fast as they can, by building up the bill, I said to my Consultant Doctor very clever man, he said well the is a Private Hosital as your insurance has now finished, if I was you come with me to where I Teach in the afternoon, it will be less than a 1/4 of the price. http://kanchanapisek...hula/chula.html (http://kanchanapisek.or.th/kp7/chula/chula.html) at Chulalongkorn University Hospital, This is a proper Hospital the Nurses are equivalent of our UK MacMilain Nurses only interested in getting you better, constantly caring professional and I can not give this Hospital enough of the credit it deserves, that saved my life.
As he lived for another 3 years, I had just assumed it was a different cancer. But it could perhaps have been a relapse. The start of next week marks the third anniversary of his passing.

From what I knew of him, he would have laughed heartily at your last line! ;)

April 21st, 2016, 19:24
That's the sort of thing I'd expect to hear from a petulant 12yo in the middle of a major freak-out - but from an adult???

You're the one behaving like a child, by using antibiotics as a prophylactic and thereby creating resistant STDs and transmitting them to those who aren't misusing them.

Are you even aware that there are no new treatments in the pipeline? There are very few drug companies even researching this area, because it's much more profitable to create drugs for chronic conditions that require popping pills forevermore, than a 28-day or less complete cure. For them it's the difference between a drug that earns billions and one that just earns a few million. No contest.

Even if new antibiotics do come on line in the next few years, of which there's absolutely no guarantee, they're likely to cost many thousands a pop, way outside the reach of people in third-world countries.

A world without affordable antibiotics will be a world in which millions of children will be condemned to die, every year.

So, yes, if you keep misusing, I do genuinely hope you die in agony some day, as I'd like to think that sooner or later the universe will serve you the revenge that you so richly deserve.

April 22nd, 2016, 01:04
Oh, just fuck off Tobi - you'd think I was "misusing" heroin the way you're going on - instead of taking an antibiotic prophylaxis which a senior NHS Consultant has told me is effective in preventing me from contracting a sexually transmitted infection which is rife and of which carriers of the infection most often have no symptoms.

And yes, you ARE acting like a petulant 12yo by declaring that you hope people of whose actions you disapprove die in agony from cancer. Are you sick in the head or something - that is not the way normal people think or behave.

Further - you're probably a hypocrite into the bargain, because if an effective HIV vaccine was produced tomorrow , I'm willing to bet you'd be at the front of the queue to receive it and you wouldn't be concerning yourself about whether the virus might mutate to become resistant to the new treatment.

Get off your high horse you sanctimonious prick.

No offence.

April 22nd, 2016, 01:39
Offence? None taken!

I wouldn't give a shit if you were shooting up smack. Go ahead, you'd not be hurting anyone but yourself, as I doubt anyone else loves you enough to care. Oh, and you certainly wouldn't be contributing to the risk that generations of young people will die because of your selfishness.

A preventative vaccine is hugely different from a treatment for a disease, but I imagine you're too dumb to know the difference.

I honestly despise people like you, a sad, bitter old grandpa who won't wear a condom or won't wait till he's caught something to be treated, because he'd rather hurt other people because it's more convenient. You're pathetic.

So, to reiterate, I genuinely hope you get cancer, of the dick maybe and it drops off. Hey, here's hoping that curse goes from my fingers straight to God's ears. You won't be missed.

In the meantime, try getting yourself a fucking education. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs194/en/

April 22nd, 2016, 01:51
....A preventative vaccine is hugely different from a treatment for a disease, but I imagine you're too dumb to know the difference...

If you only knew, my dear.

April 22nd, 2016, 14:13
So now self-treat with 100mg of Doxycycline daily as a prophylactic during the trip and follow up with a single dose of 1 gram of Azithromycin on my return. Since I started doing that - no problems.

Do you need a prescription for the antibiotics or can get without? Chlamydia has been a problem for me too and i have a test everytime as soon as i return to Australia. Free testing and treatment for std at the clinic and more thorough than clinics i have tried in Thailand and Taiwan. For example, they always take a throat swab which to me is fairly important in regards to std from oral sex.

April 22nd, 2016, 14:49
While on the subject of antibiotics and cause for concern, the use of antibiotics can and does cause the death of "good" bacteria on the skin which then leads to fungal infections such as "ring worm" (not a worm). Had this happen two times when using antibiotics to fight a strep infection of the throat. Then had to use an anti-fungal cream to clear up that.

And for the unfortunate with weaken immune system, the long term use of antibiotics can kill off good bacteria in the intestinal track resulting in C. difficile infection which is quite nasty. Cure for that is ingestion of shit from a healthy individual to replace natural bacteria in stomach/intestines. A preventative measure is frequent rimming of healthy partners. :rolleyes:

April 22nd, 2016, 15:01
Aussie, if I source the medication in the UK before I go - I need a prescription no ifs or buts.

I can get a free prescription in the UK from my GP as the antibiotic Doxycycline is a standard anti-malarial treatment (so everybody taking it for that purpose is also offending Tobi and similarly liable to die screaming in agony with cancer) - but making a case for Azithromycin is difficult, so most often I get a private prescription and the drugs from a 100% reputable UK website. You merely state that you need the Doxy as an anti-malarial and the Azithromycin for travellers diahorrea

On a couple of occassions I have left it too late to get supplies and have purchased both drugs freely in Pattaya.

If you are interested I can give you precise details of the pharmacy in Pattaya which I have used - but send me a PM as I don't want Tobi to be organising demonstrations outside their shop:


April 23rd, 2016, 11:58
The fourth point is surely illustrated by the low level of condom usage in many of the relatively new saunas away from the centre of the city aimed at younger Thais for Thais.
Most gay saunas in Bangkok now provide condoms with the locker, in some places you have to ask. The sauna scene is in slight decline, from 32 in 2014 to 25 now in Bangkok metropolis.

April 23rd, 2016, 17:20
Doxycycline is a standard anti-malarial treatment so everybody taking it for that purpose is also offending Tobi...

Doxycycline came in to use in 1967, that's how old some of the antibiotics we are still using and relying on today are. If Doxycycline were created now it certainly wouldn't be used for as a prophylactic for malaria, especially as drug resistant malaria is spreading, it's now rife in Burma and along the Thai borders.

You're probably too stupid to realise that malaria remains the single biggest killer in the world today, and drug resistant malaria is the ultimate nightmare, for everyone.

Oh, and don't worry, I won't be picketing the pharmacy. I doubt that would change the mind of a senile old fool like you who thinks their paid-for-partners are nothing more than little brown fuck machines, disposable repositories for jizz, and who doesn't care about infecting them with drug-resistant STDs.

I know you're type, I saw your type in the 1980's, then you would have had HIV+ and knowingly continued to pressure partners into barebacking, because God-forbid you should have to wear a condom.

However, with a bit of luck you'll get a headache, pop a few paracetamol, which in combination with the doxycycline and alcohol will hopefully induce long-term liver failure.

Oh, what a pleasure overload I'm having at that thought!

April 23rd, 2016, 17:37
Well MiniMee couldn't help with a plastic bag from 7-11 - he says I'm never in Thailand - but in any case I'd regard any other people who want to see someone die in agony for disagreeing with them to be as well-balanced as Tobi .. in other words.............


I'd happily cut your throat, as I would anyone's who is knowingly spreading antibiotic-resistant STDs. :)

April 23rd, 2016, 18:47
I'd happily cut your throat, as I would anyone's who is knowingly spreading antibiotic-resistant STDs. :)

Firstly - I don't HAVE and am therefore NOT speading any STIs. The reason I dont HAVE any is because I take the preventative measures I've outlined.

Secondly....when is some Admin action going to to taken over these comments? It's one thing to be wishing people to die in agony with cancer but quite another to be openly advocating cutting their throats.

It's like water off a duck's back to me personally - but Tobi is clearly disturbed and his comments clearly contravene board rules.

April 23rd, 2016, 19:04
Firstly - I don't HAVE and am therefore NOT speading any STIs.

Yes. You. Are.

Taking antibiotics as a "prophylactic" doesn't prevent you catching STDs, you're simply taking the cure in advance, which means until that happens, you're transmitting resistant STDs back to your partners.

This is exactly why you should abstain from sex when you're being treated for an STD with antibiotics, as failing to do so is, for example, the major cause of the completely drug-resistant gonorrhea that is now starting to appear around the globe.

You should treat any STD after you catch it, and refrain from sex during treatment, instead of trying to treat it at the point of contagion and thereby infecting your partners with drug-resistant STDs.

But you're too selfish to do that, huh? You'd rather infect other people with drug resistant diseases. So, why are you surprised that I'm proud to announce that in cases like yours, I'd be happy to thin the herd personally?!

April 23rd, 2016, 19:11
Finished wanking now?


While you're wiping up, let me enlighten you further:

You say you know "my type" - in fact you know nothing. For a start I don't actively fuck anybody far less "little brown fuck machines" ot "jizz repositories" as you so delicately describe the bar and go-go boys whom I have always displayed the utmost respect for and would never knowingly place in any danger.

The unfortunate situation though, is that every time I take one of them off it is far more likely that THEY (unknowingly or otherwise) are putting ME in danger of contracting various STI's, so I choose to take the measures I deem appropriate to mitigate that risk. Do you really think that a bar boy or go-go boy who has STIs or even HIV will voluntarily take himself out of circulation? If you do you're even more of a fool than you appear. The sad fact is that he will continue to take the risk of spreading it to all and sundry.

In order to mitigate the risk of HIV transmission I don't do bareback anal sex - I think everybody would regard that as a reasonable precaution. As I've said, I refuse to use a condom for oral sex - I'd rather do without oral sex altogether, so in order to mitigate the risk of contracting Chlymidia which I suspect the majority of sex workers are probably carrying, I choose to use Doxycycline (which MILLIONS of people are taking routinely every day as an anti-malarial anyway - so I am one of MILLIONS contributing to long term resistance to this drug)

I'm sorry to disappoint you on your prediction of my demise but I never get headaches and never take Paracetamol The Doxy I take maybe twice a year for 2 weeks at a time, and nowadays I drink very little alcohol - so I fear you'll be dead long before there's any chance of celebrating my departure.

I'm also sorry that you're fucking PARANOID and possibly borderline PSYCHOTIC - but if you don't want to attend a psychiatric unit there are maybe some pills I can get you privately (nudge, nudge). Trust me - you need them - and urgently.

April 23rd, 2016, 19:14
...the bar and go-go boys whom I have always displayed the utmost respect for and would never knowingly place in any danger...

So why won't you wear a condom or treat any STD after you've caught it then?!

April 23rd, 2016, 19:20
I won't wear a condom for oral sex because it's like getting sucked off through a carrier bag. There is very little sensation and one might as well just have a handjob instead. If a boy insisted, I would just say "lets not bother, let's do something else"

As for your second point - I despair - I HAVE in the past contracted STIs in Thailand, I HAVE had them treated. I no longer contract them (specifically Chlymidia) because I take PREVENTATIVE MEASURES (see above). It's clear you disapprove of that but which part don't you comprehend?

April 23rd, 2016, 19:23
So...should I wait until I contract Malaria before taking any precautions?

You know what Tobi - fuck right off, I won't be responding to a psycho any further

April 23rd, 2016, 19:26
I won't wear a condom for oral sex because it's like getting sucked off through a carrier bag. There is very little sensation and one might as well just have a handjob instead. If a boy insisted, I would just say "lets not bother, let's do something else"

So, pure selfishness, and you don't give a fuck about the bar boy, huh?!

As for your second point - I despair - I HAVE in the past contracted STIs in Thailand, I HAVE had them treated. I no longer contract them (specifically Chlymidia) because I take PREVENTATIVE MEASURES (see above). It's clear you disapprove of that but which part don't you comprehend?

OK, listen up, because it's you who don't comprehend. Let me give you an education. Taking prophylactic antibiotics does not prevent you catching STDs. It simply starts treating them at the point of contagion. You are not instantly cured, ie. you don't just take one dose to get rid of an STD, do you? It takes time, and during that time, you are contagious, and are capable of transmitting a resistant STD to a partner. Got it?!

April 23rd, 2016, 19:29
So...should I wait until I contract Malaria before taking any precautions?

The majority of people taking Doxycycline as a prophylactic for malaria are not stuffing their STD infected dicks down a dozen different bar boys throats every week.

April 23rd, 2016, 19:46
Nor am I


April 23rd, 2016, 19:52
And NOT taking prophylactic antibiotics (and being exposed to STIs) means that until the incubation period has passed (which can be 2 - 3 weeks for common STIs) you are completely unaware that you are infected, and are unwittingly infecting others.

Them, WHEN YOU COME home you may STILL be unaware that you are infected and you will then be passing it around all and sundry until (if you're lucky)you notice custard coming out your dick or (in the case of Chlymidia) you notice absolutely NOTHING and continue to pass it round every partner you have until some unknown date in the future.

Why don't you tell us all your medical qualifications Tobi.


April 23rd, 2016, 19:55
So, again, why not get tested and treated, instead of risking infecting people with drug resistant STDs? You're taking the antibiotics anyway, so why not wait to do that until you get home? Why is it necessary for you to have unprotected sex whilst you're taking antibiotics?

April 23rd, 2016, 19:58
Yes. You. Are.

April 24th, 2016, 01:29
Is it just me or is this bitchfest getting a tad tiresome? One of you has to stop.

April 24th, 2016, 01:33
I've already bid him farewell - I can do no more

April 24th, 2016, 01:35
Is it just me or is this bitchfest getting a tad tiresome? One of you has to stop.

I suggest a no-holds barred MMA match to the death. Metal octogan cage, two 6 inch knives thrown into the ring, two fighters. Who will be victorious?

April 24th, 2016, 01:39
I've already bid him farewell - I can do no more

Umm. No offense meant, but not really. You keep responding to him.

April 24th, 2016, 01:40
I suggest a no-holds barred MMA match to the death. Metal octogan cage, two 6 inch knives thrown into the ring, two fighters. Who will be victorious?

They both lose, and the forum wins?

April 24th, 2016, 15:01
One of you has to stop.

I will, happily, when @scottish-guy stops promoting antibiotics as prophylactics so he and others like him can pass on drug-resistant STDs because it's more convenient than wearing a condom or getting tested. You'd hope he'd get tested anyway, given that you can catch syphilis and gonorrhea through oral sex, and Doxycycline is no protection against either of those.

I'd like to hope that the majority of members here feel the same way as I do. I don't think you would easily dismiss someone like @scottish-guy if he was HIV+ and advocating bare-back sex without telling his bar boy partners, would you? In the years to come, antibiotic resistant bacteria may result in millions of extremely unpleasant and unnecessary deaths, but it's entirely preventable, as long as morons like @scottish-guy and his ilk stop abusing antibiotics now.

April 24th, 2016, 15:03
I will, happily, when @scottish-guy stops promoting antibiotics as prophylactics.
Face facts! It'll never happen

April 24th, 2016, 15:11
Face facts! It'll never happen

Yeah, you're right, it's probably @scottish-guy's "thing", like being an HIV "giftgiver". Ugh.


April 24th, 2016, 16:17
Is this what SGT has sunk to - a fuckwit being allowed to say he wants to cut my throat and accusing me of infecting others with HIV (which I do NOT have)?

If Surfcrest and Moses cannot control this Bitch Board throwback I won't be staying

April 24th, 2016, 16:27
I won't be staying

I thought you'd already said "Bye"?

April 24th, 2016, 17:44
For clarity I've said "Bye" To Tobi, not to the Forum.

However, if he is to be allowed to threaten members with cutting their throats and accuse them of having HIV, then I'll be saying Bye to the forum also.

I've been very supportive of Surfcrest since he took over this board - but he needs to stamp on such behaviour if he doesn't want it dragged down to Bitch Board level.

April 24th, 2016, 19:21
I think everyone here has realised you're clearly delusional, and an obvious danger to others, but please feel free to quote where I've actually said you're HIV+.

However, I'd view you knowingly risking infecting partners with HIV less of an issue that what you're actually doing because a world with antibiotic resistant diseases and no available treatments will make the "AIDS epidemic" of the 1980's look like a mere sniffle.

In what might be only only a few short years from now, and because of wilfully selfish behaviour such as yours, hundreds of millions of babies, children, young people and the elderly will die from every day diseases because there will no longer be any viable antibiotic treatments available, and this will also severely curtail routine surgery for even minor ailments.

Unlike HIV, everyone reading this won't be able to avoid the consequences. You won't be able to wear a condom or abstain from sex to avoid getting sick from what will be ordinary and everyday illnesses that will quickly become incurable and fatal diseases.

You've already said, you won't use condoms because it means oral sex doesn't feel as good. Hey, I've heard that same argument from HIV+ guys who insist on barebacking. But I'll will ask you this yet again, because you've repeatedly avoided giving an answer.

Why won't you wait to be treated until after you're infected?

April 24th, 2016, 20:17
I've been very supportive of Surfcrest since he took over this board - but he needs to stamp on such behaviour if he doesn't want it dragged down to Bitch Board level.
I think that if Tobi's attacks were based on anything factual, it might be difficult to defend yourself...but as it sounds more like medical fantasy, I think it would be quite easy to knock him down a few sizes. I mean, anyone who remotely thinks that your "self medicating" yourself against "infections" has any impact on "infections" and "antibiotic effectiveness" in the world, is nuts.

I think he's toying with you, as he did before with us all when he wanted us all to believe he was Beachlover. Do you remember when he was buying iPhones for barboys he just met?


April 24th, 2016, 20:24
I think that if Tobi's attacks were based on anything factual...

"The use and misuse of antimicrobial drugs accelerates the emergence of drug-resistant strains."

The World Health Organization


Resistance in tuberculosis
Resistance in malaria
Resistance in HIV
Resistance in influenza

April 24th, 2016, 20:27
I mean, anyone who remotely thinks that your "self medicating" yourself against "infections" has any impact on "infections" and "antibiotic effectiveness" in the world, is nuts.

I think you're an idiot. http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm092810.htm

April 24th, 2016, 20:38
Do you remember when he was buying iPhones for barboys he just met?

I wasn't buying them for barboys I just met but for people who had spent the best part of a month with me. Oh, and any criticism from you is a bit rich given that you're the guy who bought a bar boy a motocy, huh?!! :P

April 25th, 2016, 12:18
"The use and misuse of antimicrobial drugs accelerates the emergence of drug-resistant strains."

The World Health Organization
This is all becoming more than ridiculous! Please quote from anywhere in any recognised medical publication this conclusion specifically as it refers to use by one guy on one gay forum with less than 1,000 readers. You can't - because it doesn't exist.

The WHO and other such bodies are 100% correct in their general conclusions and we know the effects are already happening. But it is not happening just because of Scottish-guy. Heck, it's not happening even if every gay reader on every Board around the world is doing it! So rather than continue this pathetic line of reasoning, why don't you be constructive and start a campaign amongst all the doctors in the Third World and many in the Second (always wondered who fits into the Second category?) and a few in the First to threaten to work to have them struck off medical registers if they continue to over-prescribe antibiotics as a quick way of getting patients in and out of their clinics? Start in Pattaya and you'll have your work cut out for you for years!

We have all got your message. Time now to cool it!

April 25th, 2016, 14:34
I wasn't buying them for barboys I just met but for people who had spent the best part of a month with me. Oh, and any criticism from you is a bit rich given that you're the guy who bought a bar boy a motocy, huh?!! :P
Actually sweetie pie, he wasn't a barboy, you weren't there and this is just another example of shit you know absolutely nothing about. Your logic, that Scotty taking antibiotics, whether you think he needs to or he thinks he needs to, has anything to do with any infection he may or may not have is simply silliness.

Now, if you have something sensible to add to the conversation, lay it out on the table! If you're only going to resort to calling people names and accusing them of having HIV when they don't, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to ban you.

Your choice pal!


April 25th, 2016, 15:16
Tobi, what's up? Life has gotten you so down you've had to resort to this shit?

Hell, not only did I buy a bar boy a motorbike, I fell in love with him, we moved to Khon Kaen of all places in the world, I housed and fed everyone within his family at some point, bought his mom a "gwaai-tiao" stall & restraurant, built his dad a shop in the village, and the list of shit I did is pretty much endless.

What do ya figure?

Oh, and not to mention, it's Surfcrest's money. If he wants to buy someone a motorbike, I'm pretty sure he's allowed to.

EDIT: Actualy, I bought him two motorbikes. The second one had a side-cart, so he could transport his goods to sell Thai BBQ at the markets every day, which of course I funded the start up of.

April 25th, 2016, 15:29
I never claimed to be there, you told me in a PM you'd bought him a motorcycle.

Having sex whilst you're taking antibiotics is what is creating superbugs. Let's see if I can make this crystal clear. If you caught gonorrhea, you might have been prescribed Amoxicillin, 21 capsules to be taken 3 times a day for a week. You aren't cured instantly on taking the first capsule. You're warned it's essential to finish the course, even if the symptoms abate. Why? Because, if you stop midway, you can end up still being infected but now with a resistant variety. Even after a few days of treatment, you're likely to still be infectious, and if you're having sex with another person, you're probably transmitting a resistant variety of the disease.

This is why doctors and surgeons worldwide are begging people not to have sex whilst taking antibiotics, because sex is proving to be one of the biggest transmitters of drug-resistant diseases, especially amongst the young. See the original poster's link or http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/17/gonorrhoea-will-spread-across-uk-doctors-fear

"So I now self-treat with 100mg of Doxycycline daily as a prophylactic during the trip and follow up with a single dose of 1 gram of Azithromycin on my return. Since I started doing that - no problems." Doxycycline, and now azithromycin, are failing to treat super gonorrhea, because people are continuing to have sex whilst they're taking them or using them as prophylactics.

I'm gobsmacked that people on this board don't realise that without viable antibiotics, hundreds of millions will die around the globe, annually.

Oh, and if you read what I wrote, at no point did I state that @scottish-guy had HIV.

April 25th, 2016, 15:30
It was only in response to Surfcrest's bitching that I bought a couple of guys iPhones.

April 25th, 2016, 15:41
Heck, it's not happening even if every gay reader on every Board around the world is doing it!

This is disproportionately affecting gay guys. http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/super-gonorrhea-major-health-concern-gay-men-uk/#gs.LQOoBOc

I would have the same attitude if someone was here promoting barebacking whilst being HIV+. I get that @scottish-guy doesn't want to wear a condom because oral sex with condoms sucks, but I don't get why he insists on using antibiotics as prophylactics, when he could and should be tested and then get treated for anything he's caught. Doxycycline and azithromycin won't protect you from catching gonorrhea or syphilis, both of which can be transmitted orally, so getting tested is pretty much essential anyway.

April 25th, 2016, 15:47
Oh, and not to mention, it's Surfcrest's money. If he wants to buy someone a motorbike, I'm pretty sure he's allowed to.

It was only in response to Surfcrest's bitching that I bought a couple of guys iPhones.

April 25th, 2016, 16:16
I never claimed to be there, you told me in a PM you'd bought him a motorcycle.

Having sex whilst you're taking antibiotics is what is creating superbugs. Let's see if I can make this crystal clear. If you caught gonorrhea, you might have been prescribed Amoxicillin, 21 capsules to be taken 3 times a day for a week. You aren't cured instantly on taking the first capsule. You're warned it's essential to finish the course, even if the symptoms abate. Why? Because, if you stop midway, you can end up still being infected but now with a resistant variety. Even after a few days of treatment, you're likely to still be infectious, and if you're having sex with another person, you're probably transmitting a resistant variety of the disease.

This is why doctors and surgeons worldwide are begging people not to have sex whilst taking antibiotics, because sex is proving to be one of the biggest transmitters of drug-resistant diseases, especially amongst the young. See the original poster's link or http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/17/gonorrhoea-will-spread-across-uk-doctors-fear

"So I now self-treat with 100mg of Doxycycline daily as a prophylactic during the trip and follow up with a single dose of 1 gram of Azithromycin on my return. Since I started doing that - no problems." Doxycycline, and now azithromycin, are failing to treat super gonorrhea, because people are continuing to have sex whilst they're taking them or using them as prophylactics.

I'm gobsmacked that people on this board don't realise that without viable antibiotics, hundreds of millions will die around the globe, annually.

Oh, and if you read what I wrote, at no point did I state that @scottish-guy had HIV.
The PM I sent you wasn't just about that and this is when you first arrived and no one believed you were real.

Anyhow, back to your theories:

It's true. Infections in general become stronger, as they become more resistant to antibiotics. An individual can weaken their resistance to an infection by not taking their antibiotics as prescribed. It doesn't need to be about having sex, gonorrhea, or Amoxicillin...it works that way with any infection. They key element, is that the infection or bacteria, must be extinguished from the body so that the other essential bacteria in your body can regenerate and return to making your bodily functions normal again.

I don't believe that was the example that Scotty gave to us and so I'm a bit confused why you need to reach so far to apply it to him? Scotty didn't say he had anything when he decided to "self-treat with 100mg of Doxycycline daily as a prophylactic during the trip and follow up with a single dose of 1 gram of Azithromycin on my return"

What impact would that have on the resistance of an infection...he doesn't even have? How is an infection he doesn't have going to become stronger and more resistant to antibiotics, when it doesn't even exist? So yes, he may be lowering his own body's effectiveness to use Doxycycline on this infection, if and when he ever has it again, or any other infection Doxycycline might be prescribed, but this would be relevant if Scotty was coming to Thailand each year, coming here a few times a year or living here year round and always taking the antibiotic. But that has no impact on the rest of the world or anyone else but Scotty.

I'd be more worried taking antibiotics when I didn't need to and the impact on the good bacteria in your body that you need to survive. Especially in Thailand, where antibiotics greatly lessen your skin's ability to resist UV rays.


April 25th, 2016, 16:34
What impact would that have on the resistance of an infection...he doesn't even have? How is an infection he doesn't have going to become stronger and more resistant to antibiotics, when it doesn't even exist?

If you take antibiotics as "prophylactics", as @scottish-guy is doing, it doesn't prevent you from catching something.

It simply starts treating it at the point of contact. You're not immediately "cured". So, for example, you catch chlamydia from a guy, it gets exposed to your "prophylactic" antibiotic Doxycycline, but it isn't killed yet. You then transmit an antibiotic resistant version back down the next guy's throat.

But hey, what does that matter? You finish your own "cure" by taking a larger dose of another antibiotic, azithromycin, when you get home, as @scottish-guy recommends.

It will be the third-world that will be massively impacted if we lose just one more antibiotic in the fight against disease. The wealthy will be able to afford hospital admission to be drip-feed massive doses, which isn't pleasant and can have permanent side-effects, or available themselves of new and undoubtedly incredibly expensive drugs, if and when they come online.

You'd think I was demanding that people stop having sex. I'm not. Just don't misuse - and it is misuse - antibiotics as prophylactics because it's more convenient for you, and please don't promote and gloat about doing it, because a lot of people are going to die from such selfish behaviour.

April 25th, 2016, 16:39
....at no point did I state that @scottish-guy had HIV...

Just for clarity, to avoid the re-writing of history, and to illustrate how something can be clearly implied and later denied:

....it's probably @scottish-guy's "thing", like being an HIV "giftgiver"...

And for the avoidance of doubt - Tobi has never met or corresponded with me, doesn't know me - and wouldn't have the least idea if I had a pimple on my nose apart from anything else

April 25th, 2016, 16:52
Just for clarity, to avoid the re-writing of history, and to illustrate how something can be clearly implied and later denied:

I didn't write "it's probably @scottish-guy's "thing", as well as him being an HIV "giftgiver" did I? However, in my book and what I what I wanted to make clear, is that I honestly believe what you're doing is actually worse than HIV giftgiving, because partners can choose to protect themselves against that. I don't imagine you declare your use of prophylactic antibiotics to your those servicing you with a blowjob, do you?

And for the avoidance of doubt - Tobi has never met or corresponded with me, doesn't know me - and wouldn't have the least idea if I had a pimple on my nose apart from anything else

I wouldn't want to meet or correspond with you. However, I will ask you, yet again.

Why won't you wait until you've caught something before taking antibiotics?

April 25th, 2016, 17:04
Tobi, shut up already. Nobody gives a shit what pills scottish-guy is taking. No worries, I promise it's not going to cause a global epidemic.

April 26th, 2016, 00:35
It simply starts treating it at the point of contact. You're not immediately "cured". So, for example, you catch chlamydia from a guy, it gets exposed to your "prophylactic" antibiotic Doxycycline, but it isn't killed yet. You then transmit an antibiotic resistant version back down the next guy's throat.

I think you're really reaching on this one, yet again. This spontaneous reaction between chlamydia and Doxycycline are going to happen during a sexual encounter where the chlamydia is going to exchange DNA with what other strain? I think if you look at the rise in the number of cases of chlamydia in Gay Men, it's probably more related to why we are seeing a rise in other types of infections with the same group. If chlamydia strains are exchanging DNA strains between other infections, we're talking about people who are infected with more than one type of chlamydia at a time. That's more related to people not noticing and treating symptoms as they appear and continuing to engage in casual sex, not what Scotty is describing. How you've connected all that to the entire third world escapes me still.


May 19th, 2016, 14:28
I think you're really reaching on this one, yet again.

Apologies for the tardy response, I've been on holiday! I was using chlamydia as an example, but it applies to all STDs and all antibiotics. However, I'll let Lord Jim O'Neill have the last word on my behalf: "We need to inform in different ways, all over the world, why it's crucial we stop treating our antibiotics like sweets." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-36321394

May 19th, 2016, 15:06
Ok, Chicken Licken, I'll play - here's my contribution to the "OH MY FUCKING GOD WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE TOMORROW" game - and I think it trumps Lord Jimmy O'Neill (who is an economist and hasn't a single clinical qualification to his name):

"I came here today because I wanted to stress the urgency of the challenge to people who are not in this room.... there is still a pressing need for action.... this is not one of the summer movies where you can close your eyes during the scary parts." -- President Bill Clinton, in a speech about YK2/Millenium Bug at the National Academy of Sciences, July 15,1998

Remind me how that impending catastrophe (Yk2, not Clinton) worked out again, hmmmm?


May 19th, 2016, 15:19
Ok, I'll play...

I'm not asking you to give up sex.

I'm not asking you to wear a condom.

I'm just asking you not to use antibiotics as prophylactics.

So, why won't you get regularly tested and treat any STDs as and when you catch them instead?

May 19th, 2016, 15:23

Did Tobi guarantee it, too? :D

May 19th, 2016, 15:26
I know a few people in their 60's who think along the lines of "I'll die before it kills me"

Yeah, nice friends you have, who like you, just don't give a shit about the risk of giving their partners drug-resistant STDs.

May 19th, 2016, 18:26
Doctors in Thailand have told Sky News they are seeing a worrying growth of antibiotic-resistant infections - with some warning of a "collapse of the modern medical system" if urgent action is not taken.

At a children's hospital in Bangkok, associate professor of paediatrics Dr Warunee Vandepitte told Sky News that each month she is seeing children die from infections that until recently have been treatable.


May 19th, 2016, 21:01
The Y2K bug in 2000 stopped my central heating working so Clinton was right, it was urgent.

May 19th, 2016, 22:26
Yeah, nice friends you have, who like you, just don't give a shit about the risk of giving their partners drug-resistant STDs.

Oh fuck off you trolling cunt.

No offence

May 19th, 2016, 22:31
No offence

None taken, you hypocritical Gift Giver.

May 20th, 2016, 00:47
Oh go on Tobi - make my day - what "gift" would I be giving anybody?

May 20th, 2016, 04:37
Oh go on Tobi - make my day - what "gift" would I be giving anybody?
Acute boredom?

May 20th, 2016, 07:02
Let's examine the evidence of who's boring:

Posts 4,424
Liked 15

Posts 1,604
Liked 57

I rest my case, and my antibiotics

May 22nd, 2016, 16:06
what "gift" would I be giving anybody?

Umm, that would be drug resistant STDs.

In the meantime, instead of your sick attempts to compare the deaths of children to YK2, do tell us why you simply won't get tested and treated once you've caught an STD, instead of insisting on promoting reckless behaviour that the facts show is already killing people, including kids.


May 22nd, 2016, 17:53
You always know someone fears they're losing the argument when they're reduced to dragging "sick/ill/dying children" into it.

Any fool can see it's your paranoia I'm comparing to YK2 - but as you're the only fool here right now, I guess you'll have to do.

As for the rest of your ranting - I don't take medical advice from unqualified amateur doctors thanks. If you care to reveal all your medical/clinical qualifications then I might (just might) take you a little more seriously instead of dismissing you as a gullible fool who gets all his information from an utterly corrupt media.

And while you're at it - you might turn your attention from my 28 Doxycycline capsules a year "habit" (which in your twisted mind is responsible for every STD case and every dying child in the world), to the millions of farmers who pour SACKFULS of antibiotics into the food of trillions of animals every day.

Seriously - take your own advice and seek medical help (of the psychiatric variety) ASAP

May 22nd, 2016, 18:30
It's certainly possible that some resistance is caused by consumption of meat from animals fed antibiotics. However, it's not proven and somewhat unlikely, given that antibiotics don't survive the high temperatures involved in most cooking.

You keep refusing to answer why you won't wait until you've caught something before getting treated. Do you not get tested at all? If nothing else, I trust this discussion will have alerted members of this board about the risk of slipping their unsheathed cocks down a bar boy's throat when your penicillin encrusted dick has been there before them. It's also important not to forget that you can catch gonorrhoea and syphilis orally. I won't post pictures in case anyone is about to eat, but do google 'untreatable syphilis' and take a look at the images, so you at least have a clue about what your irresponsible behaviour will cause. Oh, and you really should get tested, as doxycycline whilst creating cross-resistance, won't protect you against either disease.

I should also give you and your scuzzy ilk a health warning. If you do get an infection, don't forget to tell your doctor or surgeon that you've been using antibiotics as prophylactics. Tens of thousands of westerners die each year because they're given the normal treatment for an infection, rather than the hospital IV drip often necessary to counteract "superbugs".

In regard to my mental health, it's fine, but I'm afraid that your utter contempt for those condemned to die in the third world because of your irresponsible behaviour is undoubtedly psychopathic and unlikely to be treatable.

However, hopefully someone, or something, someday soon, will come along and start thinning the herd.

May 22nd, 2016, 18:36
I'll answer your questions when you post images of your medical qualifications

May 22nd, 2016, 18:51
I doubt you'd answer even then, especially given that I've already linked to many sources quoting medical professionals around the globe, including the World Health Organisation, who are all stating that what I'm telling you is fact.

Hey, c'mon @scottish-guy, grow some balls, like Latin, and just freely admit you hold and treat bar boys and their like with utter contempt, instead of all this wriggling about like disease-ridden worm on a hook.

I'd have more respect if you developed the courage of your convictions and just announced that you actually get off on Gift Giving.

May 22nd, 2016, 19:05
LOL im not in the least interested in your "respect" - don't flatter yourself.

May 22nd, 2016, 19:07
I'm not surprised, you obviously don't have any self-respect, either.

May 23rd, 2016, 02:09
Oh honestly ladies...no need to get so nasty and personal and gay catty.

May 23rd, 2016, 02:59
I thought it was compulsory.

May 23rd, 2016, 07:30
Surfie, it is time to apply the guillotine.

Both Scottie and Tobi have their opinions and all this clap-trap will not change their respective minds. Though we may have a few "board-deaths" from boredom.
