View Full Version : Toilet sex in Khao San Road

March 31st, 2016, 21:28
No, not me. It's uncivilized.

But stickman has an interesting report about toilet sex in Khao San Road and cheapskates:
(http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/StickmanWeeklyColumn2015/Khao-San-Road-Bangkok-Thailand.htm)That comes as a surprise, toilet sex everywhere else seems to be gone (let's estimate I made 100 visits to public toilets in shopping malls from 2013 to now, and nothing interesting to report, maybe 5 times I exchanged views with others that indicated we are there for the same reason.)

(My laste time in KS was for Halloween, and I still think back in horror. A Thai friend asked me to join his party, it took me 15 minutes from one end of KS to his table, I just said hello and told him I don't like loud music and crowds*, and 15 minutes to get out on the other side. But now, with information above, I might have a look again.
*True, but what did I expect at Halloween in Khao San? But I didn't think it would be that bad.)