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March 22nd, 2016, 20:08
Is there a delete one's own post feature? I can find none.
Comes in handy (for say, the same length of time under which the edit feature runs). Today I doubled posted a message. Dumb I know, but it might lighten up the Mod's duties to let folks get rid of their own feces.

March 22nd, 2016, 21:14
Funny, when I saw the title had to think of course about (gogo)bar and wandered what you meant in a wrong forum location.
After reading the post OK I get it, as will everybody else. Must have taking a brainwave to come up with the title?

Then I saw your avatar, damn man, that just makes the title weird again.

March 22nd, 2016, 23:59
From the Welcome to the new Sawatdee Network site thread
Okay, the Edit time has been set to One Hour or 60 Minutes, for both the title and the post. The "Last Edited" message will appear for anything edited after 30 Minutes. The minimum number of characters for a post is now 2. The maximum number of photos in a post is set to 5, so if you want that increased, please let me know!


I notice from the Two Boyfriends ? thread, the time limit for the edit feature has been set too long (60 Minutes).
The Edit feature allows you to delete your post and so you had 60 minutes after your double post to delete the double.

When you make a post, you should be able to read it and edit it, if necessary (for spelling, composition etc...)
The hope is always that you do this before other members start responding to what you wrote.
You shouldn't edit your post, after we have other responses to the thread.

I'm going to change the Edit Time back to 15 minutes
It will now list, that you've edited your post after 5 Minutes.

I hope that works better!


March 23rd, 2016, 00:16
I think 15 minutes edit time is enough.
I always need to edit. See typo's or missing words that need to be corrected or sometimes a sentence just does not make any sense.
I re-read before posting, but yet still most posts I see errors afterwards. That is why I read my own post 3-4 times and dislike writing long posts, too many errors that need corrected.

March 23rd, 2016, 12:14
Surfcrest, in my original post I was referring to a Delete Own Post feature, whether it exists (as it did on the Old Sawatdee), or whether there is no such animal.

How we managed to somehow be talking about the Edit feature I don't know.

March 23rd, 2016, 12:19
Funny, when I saw the title had to think of course about (gogo)bar and wandered what you meant in a wrong forum location.
After reading the post OK I get it, as will everybody else. Must have taking a brainwave to come up with the title?

Then I saw your avatar, damn man, that just makes the title weird again.
You really are an old Farang indeed. My avatar has been the same for about a million years, on more than one message board.
A number of persons have asked me to please pull that trigger, but I have ignored them, as you can see.

March 23rd, 2016, 12:22
Surfcrest, in my original post I was referring to a Delete Own Post feature, whether it exists (as it did on the Old Sawatdee), or whether there is no such animal.

How we managed to somehow be talking about the Edit feature I don't know.

The Delete Button is in the bottom right hand corner, when you are Editing your post.



March 23rd, 2016, 15:54
Wow, I totaly missed that. Thanks

After having tried it out using this particular post, that delete button is not there. I know your photo shows it as there, but it doesn't seem to be available to me.

March 23rd, 2016, 16:49
At the right bottom of your image sit these functions: SAVE -- GO ADVANCED -- DELETE -- CANCEL

At the bottom of my posting functions are these:

March 23rd, 2016, 16:50
At the right bottom of your image sit these functions: SAVE -- GO ADVANCED -- DELETE -- CANCEL

At the bottom of my posting functions are these: POST QUICK REPLY -- GO ADVANCED -- CANCEL

Either I am missing something or something is not quite right in the kingdom.

March 25th, 2016, 13:00
Okay, I think I have adjusted it now to allow you to delete your own posts within the 15 minutes allowed now for editing. I shortened the editing window from 60 minutes because we had a conversation happening almost in real time, which made the 60 minute limit problematic for subsequent posts. It's all open for debate, but to be fair...posts should not be allowed to be edited after someone else has responded to the thread.

I have also allowed you to delete the whole thread within the 15 minute editing window. I could see one wanting to do this if the started a double post, or they notice after they've posted that someone else has posted the same thing or something similar. If you want this adjusted back, please let me know!


March 26th, 2016, 10:08
A good compromise, thanks. Frankly, the only reason I would use the delete button would be in the case of an inadvertent double post.

March 26th, 2016, 14:20
When I say you, I mean all registered members as well.
Please let me know if this needs subsequent adjusting!
