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February 24th, 2016, 15:50
BB Code Instruction 1

It sounds complex, but it's not. We used BB Code at the Old Board and it works the same here, except you can do so much more with it to enhance your posts. If you look at the attached image below, you will see the Text Box for posting at the Old Board.

The buttons you see at the top of the Text Box are your toolbar. Those buttons apply the BB Code to allow you to; bold your text, make it in italics, underline your text, add media, photos, links, colour, text size or link to Facebook and Twitter. Some of you were very good at being creative with these controls and so these instructions are designed to know how they work and what they can do for your posts.


It is called BB Code, because it's the language we use to communicate directly to the software, to tell it what to do. It is designed to receive these commands and know what to do with them.

The most important point, is that the BB Code must be placed directly before and after the command to format your message as you wish.

The link below will take you to our page which shows you how to successfully use the BB Code here to do so many different things.


Just a reminder, you can adjust your toolbar settings here, from the Forum Actions button on the Top Right.



February 24th, 2016, 17:02
At the Old Board, posting a YouTube clip required you to edit the link to make it work, before you surrounded the link with the BB Code [youtube].

Now, you simply put the [video] BB Code around any video link, and it will appear.
I recommend using the preview post button first, to ensure it's going to turn out.


February 25th, 2016, 00:45
Ok, from now we don't need BB Code for video. Please use button in Editor window instead.

1. Click button with film picture on it:


2. Insert URL in line for it and click OK.


Please pay attention: by security reason we can allow only few selected and known providers like Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc. and also some trusted "adult" providers. Full list you will see when will click button with film picture.

If community will need to add some more video-providers, I will write special script to make it inclusion secure.

February 25th, 2016, 01:23
Adult providers, now you've got my attention! ;)