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View Full Version : How can you be a criminal in Thailand?

February 23rd, 2016, 21:39
This is one thing that's always left me scratching my head a little. I know the media reports of Thailand being some haven for criminals -- drug dealers, pimps, pedophiles, Russian mob, etc. I just don't quite understand how that would work though.

For those that have lived in Thailand a decent while, especially those outside of Bangkok and tourist areas, I'm sure you know what I mean. I can barely take a shit without other people knowing about it. It's a very communal society here, and life very much happens on the street. Everyone knows the general gist about everyone, and this is especially true if you happen to have white skin. I can't do or buy anything without other people noticing.

Took me a while to get used to, but I honestly believe it's very beneficial. In the 14 months I've been at this house, I've seen a cop twice. Once he was just passing through on a motorbike, and the other time was escorting a monk to bless some recently purchased land (I'm assuming -- the monk was doing some meditation stuff in an empty lot). Yet, there's no crime here. That's because everyone watches over everyone, so if anyone acts like an idiot, everyone within a 3km radius will know about it within hours.

So I'm still a little dumbfounded. How can you be a criminal here? I have no desire to be a criminal, but if I started selling drugs out of my house, or started bringing kids back here, or started a little casino in my living room, I'm sure it'd take all of 3 hours for the cops to be at my door. Word would get around quick.

Media tells us Thailand is a haven for criminals, but I just don't see how that's possible? BTW... I view this as a positive to society, not a negative. I look on Facebook and see all the petty & vehicle theft going on back home, where that just doesn't really happen here, or at least not that I know of.

February 24th, 2016, 01:20
Thais might see a lot and gossip about it, but they are quite reluctant to report someone to the authorities. The reason, of course, is that Thai people's trust in their police force is rather limited, and that they don't want any hassle that might arise from being a snitch. Also, there's little law and order mentality, so as long as someone is not personally affected by someone else's wrongdoings, they see no reason to act.

Then there's organized crime, often masterminded by people close to the police, or outranking them, which gives them a level of impunity.

There's obviously quite some crime in Thailand, and it's not really that hard to see how it can happen. When was your last tax audit, cdnmatt?

February 24th, 2016, 03:31
...I can barely take a shit without other people knowing about it...

Try shitting indoors - it's much less noticeable


February 24th, 2016, 05:54
Thais might see a lot and gossip about it, but they are quite reluctant to report someone to the authorities. The reason, of course, is that Thai people's trust in their police force is rather limited, and that they don't want any hassle that might arise from being a snitch. Also, there's little law and order mentality, so as long as someone is not personally affected by someone else's wrongdoings, they see no reason to act.

Yeah, understood, but they would still react by shunning you. Take a hypothetical, and say I started selling MDMA out of my house. Guaranteed, within 6 - 24 hours everyone around here would know about it, they wouldn't be very pleased, and would shun me. And these are all people I see basically every day, and rely on for daily living -- bottled water, cigarettes, dinner for the dogs, soap, etc. If they shunned me, that would probably make my life so uncomfortable I'd have to leave, hence why I believe you never really have to worry about petty crime here.

Then there's organized crime, often masterminded by people close to the police, or outranking them, which gives them a level of impunity.

I don't mind the organized crime. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty confident the mafia control this area. At least someone is policing this area, and it ain't the police. I actually enjoy it though. You leave them alone, they leave you alone. Reminds me of how my mom always explained how Southern Ontario was decades ago. Residents were actually happy when the Hell's Angels moved into town, because almost overnight all the low-life drug peddlers and prostitutes disappeared off the street. That type of activity still happened of course, but it was taken low key, so you and your kids didn't get subjected to it on the streets. I could be wrong, but I'm assuming that's what happens here, which works great for plebs like me.

February 24th, 2016, 08:23
Thailand gives the impression that absolutely anything goes whereas actually the opposite ids true with the exception of the sex industry. I suspect that many criminals believe that there is no chance they'll get caught.

February 24th, 2016, 11:56
So I'm still a little dumbfounded. How can you be a criminal here?

Well, for one thing you could live in KK and not have a proper visa or have overstayed your visa.

Also you could set up a bridge club and have too many cards on the table.

February 24th, 2016, 13:54
Absolutely right Francois. It is this sort of nefarious criminal activity that Thailand is at last trying to stamp out. As I understand it when the gangs of bridge players and visa over stayers have been dealt with (harshly I hope) then the authorities will move on to jaywalkers and people selling cuddly toys/roses without the required permit.

February 24th, 2016, 14:20
Well, for one thing you could live in KK and not have a proper visa or have overstayed your visa.

I have yet to understand why Thailand doesn't just offer a self-employment VISA. They're missing out on billions of baht per-year in tax revenue, and instead force us to do stupid shit like become (expensive) "friends" with immigration officials.

Take a look at https://nomadlist.com/ -- 4 out of the top 6 destinations are Thailand. Chiang Mai especially seems massively popular with folks like myself who work off the internet. Many (most?) of us can easily prove the 80,000/month or whatever the requirement for a retirement VISA is. I'd be more than happy to pay taxes in exchange for a legit VISA, and am quite confident the same goes for 10s of thousands of expats in this country.

February 24th, 2016, 21:25
It's very easy for criminals to hide in Thailand , especially in the Pattaya area, they mix with other retired expats and are planniing their mafia operations behind closed doors. So I do not agree with OP that everyone within a 3 mile radius will know about your activities. Unless you live in a Thai village and are the only gay in the village.


February 25th, 2016, 01:48
I don't mind the organized crime. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty confident the mafia control this area. At least someone is policing this area, and it ain't the police. I actually enjoy it though. You leave them alone, they leave you alone.
Living in a relatively lawless country has its ups and its downs. Best case, you feel more free, for as long as you don't piss in anyone's cornflakes, you can pretty much do as you please - unlike in over regulated, over policed and over paranoid nanny states. Worst case, the shit hits the fan, then you practically have no recourse.

For me, like for you apparently, it has worked out splendid so far, but the thing is, there are no guarantees. Whatsoever.

February 25th, 2016, 08:05
For me, like for you apparently, it has worked out splendid so far, but the thing is, there are no guarantees. Whatsoever.

Depends how you look at it though, right? Things like drugs, prostitution, illegal gambling and so on are always going to happen, regardless of where in the world you're living. Personally, I'd much prefer that type of activity to be handled in an organized fashion by the mafia. No matter what, and regardless of where you live, you're going to have a 19 year old running around selling drugs. I'd much prefer that 19 year old have a 45 year old mafia boss who keeps him in check, versus him just running around freely doing as he pleases.

February 26th, 2016, 21:46
If you are a VIP even in a small village, nobody dares to accuse you..the father of my former boyfriend was shot to death when he went to his land and there was no Police who investigated...and most of the paedophilic cases hapens between thais and not farangs...hehe..but the farang cases are made public in the news..because there is a lot of money involved also...speaks bribe and as you now ..the Thais are all poor but the farangs are all rich..whoo..