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View Full Version : How To Add Attachments?

February 21st, 2016, 18:20

February 21st, 2016, 18:48
Button "Go advanced" at right bottom corner of the "Quick reply" box. Option to add attachment is there in editor first row (second from right)

Size of attachments is limited to 200 Kb. For posting bigger attachments pls use external services.

February 21st, 2016, 19:11
You might be able to part the sea...but after you do all your left with below "Quick Reply" is on the left advanced options of which adding attachments is not an option

February 21st, 2016, 19:15
I have no idea what are you talking about :)
Attachment button in full editor only is specific to vBulletin platform.

February 21st, 2016, 19:18
I guess your referring to the "Dead Sea Scrolls".

February 21st, 2016, 19:58
MFAS, are you being deliberately obtuse or just obstreperous?

Moses has given you clear and precise instruction on how to load attachments.

This is a "new" board with new ways of doing things. We all have to learn the new idiosyncrasies.
For all of us, there are two options - work through the new system and ascertain how it works or piss off. I trust you will decide to learn the new way of doing things.

Moses: In all fairness to MFAS' question, the "Go Advanced" tag on the button could be better labelled. How about "Additional Options", as per the page to which the button links?

February 21st, 2016, 20:55
"This is a new board with new ways of doing things. We all have to learn the new idiosyncrasies."(quote)yaren

Hmmm, I needn't do anything but die and pay taxes.

February 22nd, 2016, 01:47
When you are posting, there is a grey button at the bottom right corner that says Post Quick Reply Go Advanced Cancel.

Click the Go Advanced button.

That will open up a menu, down below where you download the attachment or provide the link to where the image is (photobucket...etc)

Find the Manage Attachments button.

When you click that, another window opens with an area to download a file, or provide a link to a photo.

I am working on having better controls....still missing the toolbar to highlight words, at posting codes, italics etc...

Once I resolve that we should be able to see images instead of thumbnails.

How did you do with your Avatar...need some assistance?



February 22nd, 2016, 04:43
It is simple to find, please take a look at pictures:

1. click :Go advanced"

2. Click button


3. You will see popup window with attachment management, you can choose old attachment or upload new by "Add File" button.


After uploading you can choose at the same popup window leave it in attachment or place inline to post (buttons are at right bottom corner, "DONE" will leaves in attachment, while PLACE INLINE will do as promised - place inline)

February 22nd, 2016, 05:05
"Hmmm, I needn't do anything but die and pay taxes.

MFAS - Partially true. Even paying taxes is an optional extra.

However, if you intend to stay with the board then you DO have to learn the new ways. If you cannot/will not "play nicely" then please piss off. The two guys who are working so hard to get this board up-to-speed do not deserve your ongoing irascibility or snide insults.

February 22nd, 2016, 05:10
Please pay attention: attachments can be switched OFF in your profile. You should read instructions and choose options depends on your computer/phone models and browser...

To do it:
1 choose FORUM ACTIONS at top right (black) menu
2. choose EDIT PROFILE
3. at left column choose GENERAL SETTINGS


scroll down till 4 and 5, read instructions and make your choose