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View Full Version : Love at First Sight

February 13th, 2016, 18:12
I was in Bangkok for the weekend it was hot I went to Chatuchuk market walked aimlessley bought 2 modern metal sculptures, nice and quite resonably priced now I don't haggle anymore just say give me your best Price I will buy it or I will keep walking, it works.
I walk some more when there he was gorgeous to say the least whiter than most(not that it makes any difference) nice eyes and prortioned very well for his size.
We went back to my hotel the desk people didn't glance though he had the required documentation.
Communication was awkward at first it gradually improved, oh he was with his sister at the market I quickly learned she was a bitch.
We have been together only a brief time but i know he was the one. I would never ask more than he could give and affection from me was what he craved. I still am amazed that in Thailand I was able to find love everlasting as this is the only country that breeds white miniture shnauzers.

February 13th, 2016, 20:00
Learned this young-punk tweetle code-talk somewhere, by someone. But nonetheless: +1 ... and L-)
A nice bit of cock teasing at the end, but worth it.