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February 13th, 2016, 07:19
I need help. I've been going through a 'Thomas Mann' type experience for some time now. I'm at that vulnerable age and I don't want my death to be in Friendship.
It's all about the Bag-Packing Boy (BPB) who works there.
Don't ask which boy cos there's only one like him in all Thailand; slim, gorgeous and dark-haired with mesmerising eyes and a smile to melt the hardest heart.
His allure is also his unavailability.
He packs my bags (I always position myself in his line) without ever acknowledging my existance. I may as well be a ghost.
Little does he know that my kitchen is full of stuff that I don't need because of him.
I'm hoping that someone like Christianpfc will go there and get his name and be generous enough to post it here. Christianpfc is indeed very generous in this regard but there may be others.
I've tried putting the question in Thai and English but I always freeze up at the last moment.
If knew BPB's name I could at least utter it while he stuffs my bag with yet another bottle of body washing milk.

February 13th, 2016, 08:08
I suggest you forget this boy and look for someone who is definitely gay and more available. Shop somewhere else.

February 13th, 2016, 09:22
I suggest you ignore Mancs advice. Go there, smile and say hello. What's the worst that can happen?

February 13th, 2016, 10:16
Thanks for the two pieces of advice from Mancs & arsenal.
I'm in a quandry.
A quote (adjusted for gender) from Eric Gamalinda in 'My Sad Republic" may be apt right now:
"Let him remain where he is. A constellation away"

February 13th, 2016, 10:59
Ah, but thaiguest, faint heart never won fair man (idiom adjusted to suit the situation).

IтАЩm with arsenal, as he suggests, next time you go there, smile and say тАЬHelloтАЭ. After all, youтАЩre simply being polite and it commits neither party to anything in particular. If that doesnтАЩt spark a conversation, then on your next visit, you can progress to, тАЬHi! How are you today?тАЭ

From little acorns and all that . . . :x

February 13th, 2016, 11:00
After he gives you the bag drop it say thanks if he helps you retrieve it the ask him his name.

February 13th, 2016, 11:51
I'm in a quandry.
A quote (adjusted for gender) from Eric Gamalinda in 'My Sad Republic" may be apt right now:
"Let him remain where he is. A constellation away"
A drama queen if I ever heard of one. I suspect you're a "Cats" aficionado rather than one preparing (tearfully/heroically) to die in Venice.

OF COURSE smile at him say hello!!
OF COURSE walk away with a smile if not acknowledged!!
OF COURSE you won't keel over and die!!
OF COURSE the best-thing- that-could-happen might well happen!!! TiT!!

February 13th, 2016, 12:47
I hope you realise, thaiguest, that by posting these tantalising snippets of information about him here you have ensured that dozens of steely-eyed, slobbery-lipped board members, many of whom may not have set foot in Friendship supermarket for years, are now preparing, if they are not already in the process, to go to said supermarket to check out the goods for themselves. If faint hopes of marital bliss still flicker in your breast, I suggest you abandon your quandry pronto and hie you back there. Stick a 1000 baht note to your forehead, smile, and if he still doesn't take the hint just tell him you think he's gorgeous. In Thailand (let alone Pattaya!) no one is going to punch your lights out for doing that.

February 13th, 2016, 13:01
Slip him a 20 Baht tip and a smile and a thank you.

February 13th, 2016, 13:34
advice #1: "just do it" (c)

advice #2: "there are no straight guys in Thailand, but just isn't enough vodka at party sometimes" (c)

advice #3: "better to do something and to regret about it 1 hour, than not to do something and to regret about it the rest of life"

February 13th, 2016, 15:03
A little desperate but......

Find out what time he finishes work. Go there just before that, buy heaps of stuff that you couldn't possibly carry by yourself and ask him if he could help you carry the bags back to your room. Once in the room, put the hard word on him.

February 13th, 2016, 15:39
moses for president. Love your rules...have lived by them since the beginning of time.

February 13th, 2016, 16:29

February 13th, 2016, 18:17
Another Gamalinda quote: тАЬIn the landscape of despair, everything was a miracle.тАЭ If you do decide to smile at him you might hand him your Thai phone number with a 500 baht tip. That will get his attention. Or forget him. But don't go on like this. It's time to advance or retreat.

Brad the Impala
February 13th, 2016, 18:35
I hope you realise, thaiguest, that by posting these tantalising snippets of information about him here you have ensured that dozens of steely-eyed, slobbery-lipped board members, many of whom may not have set foot in Friendship supermarket for years, are now preparing, if they are not already in the process, to go to said supermarket to check out the goods for themselves.

They'll be queuing in the aisles! I'd go, even if I wasn't fishing, just to see this mesmerising paragon!

Make sure however that you don't sit in a deckchair outside Paragaon, as the mascara would melt even quicker than in Venice.

February 13th, 2016, 19:04
I'm in a quandry.
A quote (adjusted for gender) from Eric Gamalinda in 'My Sad Republic" may be apt right now:
"Let him remain where he is. A constellation away"
A drama queen if I ever heard of one. I suspect you're a "Cats" aficionado rather than one preparing (tearfully/heroically) to die in Venice.

OF COURSE smile at him say hello!!
OF COURSE walk away with a smile if not acknowledged!!
OF COURSE you won't keel over and die!!
OF COURSE the best-thing- that-could-happen might well happen!!! TiT!!

Thank you for the advice though I have never seen myself as a drama queen but one lives and learns.
You will grant me that death on a Venetian beach is one thing while death in a Pattaya grocery store is quite another.

February 13th, 2016, 19:27
I hope you realise, thaiguest, that by posting these tantalising snippets of information about him here you have ensured that dozens of steely-eyed, slobbery-lipped board members, many of whom may not have set foot in Friendship supermarket for years, are now preparing, if they are not already in the process, to go to said supermarket to check out the goods for themselves.

They'll be queuing in the aisles! I'd go, even if I wasn't fishing, just to see this mesmerising paragon!

Make sure however that you don't sit in a deckchair outside Paragaon, as the mascara would melt even quicker than in Venice.

I will no doubt see him next week tripping through Sunnee hand in hand with a young farang.

February 15th, 2016, 10:36
Friendship supermarket in South Pattaya road? I might have a look out of curiosity next time I'm in Pattaya.

His allure is also his unavailability.
From your report above, you don't know if he is available or not. He treats you like all other customers. You have to make the first step. Suggestions have been given by others. (Making the first step is not my strong point either.)

February 15th, 2016, 14:55
Not bad at all, thaiguest. I certainly wouldn't kick him out of bed. Today I just happened to find myself in Friendship and just happened to end up in his checkout line. Quite dark-skinned, broadish nose, compact hair - I wondered if he might have some negro blood in his make-up. The flashing eyes made me think 'masculine, not gay', though my intuition is far from infallible in these matters. I had my sporty-but-caring, sensual-but-generous, all-round-good-egg smile ready and waiting, but he was a business-like blur as he packed my bag and our eyes never even met. Frankly I'm useless at making the first move anyway and he would have had to stroke my crotch while fluttering his eyelashes nineteen to the dozen before I would have felt that, just maybe, he was interested. Cute but not quite a Tadzio in my book and I left with my mascara intact.

February 15th, 2016, 15:16
That's him. All details correct. Maybe a tad the wrong side of kosher though. I went there today too but he was not there-perhaps on a break. But I'll be back.

February 16th, 2016, 01:17
I shop at Friendship every week and never saw any boy I would be even remotely interested in there . But in the massage place behind Tukcom there's one boy I would date anytime.

Nirish guy
February 16th, 2016, 02:11
OMG such a lot of drama ( from an alleged non drama queen :-) about nothing.

So, the next time you're in the shop and he serves you, just look up with fake surprise, say "oh wow, you're so handsome, you have boyfriend already or not?" and flash your biggest smile - and he'll either say "NOOOO, I not gay, I not want" or he'll say "NOOO, I not gay, I not have ( meaning he might want) or "Nooooo, I not have, no one likes me" which means "so, when are you taking out !"

Either way at least you'll know where you stand and if it's the first answer in the negative then at least you'll have the fun of going back in every week and playing the same game with him and laughing together about it and who knows, one week he just might give you the different answer that you were hoping for - either way you've nothing to lose and all to gain - so, CARPE DIEM my man CARPE DIEM ! :-)

Chok Dee with that and do be sure to let us know the outcome of course !

February 16th, 2016, 05:07
If there's drama here (diagnosed br Mr Smiles) it's of the contagous kind.
I only asked for help "to give to airy nothings a local habitation and a name" or something like that.
Carpe Diem is stimulating advice any day of the week and thanks for the Chok Dee.

February 16th, 2016, 12:06
Well, curiousity killed the cat.
I made a special trip to Friendship today, a full 5 minutes out of my way, to see this alluring vision of cuteness.
And I can say that he was absolutely and definitely....not there!

February 16th, 2016, 17:31
in the 15 or so years I've been gracing Thailand with my presence I've lost count of the number of " boys" in menial jobs I've had success with; biggest obstacle can be language sometimes, would say my success rate would be 30%. When one is on minimum pay, a smile and a 1000bht preceded by a drink or two usually works even on so called straight boys.

February 16th, 2016, 21:12
Actually, I have a similar situation with 3 boys. Two are vendors at local market and I try to get served by them. I think one is gay and interested. I wouldn't be eating 3 carrots per week if it wasn't for this boy. The third is a mocy taxi driver, but there are several, and sometimes he is there and sometimes not. I walk past and if he is not there I walk all the way, one day I will get him and put my hand around his abdomen to see if there is resistance. I even have the mocy boy's facebook and I think he knows what I'm up to but is not interested. However, 1000 Baht can surely change that (I might indeed increase my offers from 500 to 1000, the boy at Hua Lampong rejected 500 Baht three times now over the last months).

February 16th, 2016, 22:01
Can't imagine how much Friendships takings are increasing! I too went along and didn't see anyhting out of the ordinary at the checkout. Will try again tomorrow though!

February 16th, 2016, 23:09
Going back to SGT in 2010, Poster A was trying to figure out how to invite a Foodmart Boy to his room and was never able to do so. Later, Poster B informed us that he had already had a very satisfying encounter with the same boy in his room.

Faint heart....., as said above.

February 17th, 2016, 11:47
This brings back a memory of a lad at Family Mart who I would sometimes flirt a little and leave small change.
One night said "see you later" and he replied "when?" Just never know what some small talk can lead to.

February 17th, 2016, 13:03
One night said "see you later" and he replied "when?" Just never know what some small talk can lead to.
No cockteasing allowed around here pilgrim, thank you very much.
And so it led to . . . . . ??

Not asking you to pull an a447 in his glorious detailing of every fallen public hair. A simple yes or no will suffice.

" ... will try again tomorrow ... "
... and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. The Bard is rolling over in his grave at this moment, never expecting that such a simple profundity would be encouraging sodomy-quest in Siam 400 years later.

February 17th, 2016, 13:47
Nothing happened Smiles! Could not bring him to my room since the bf would be displeased and had no other room options at that time. He later moved on so did not see him on subsequent visits. Often times there were cute male clerks at Family Mart near my condo but now only girls. Maybe Family Mart learned that girls are more reliable?

February 18th, 2016, 15:39
Nothing happened Smiles! Could not bring him to my room since the bf would be displeased and had no other room options at that time. He later moved on so did not see him on subsequent visits. Often times there were cute male clerks at Family Mart near my condo but now only girls. Maybe Family Mart learned that girls are more reliable?

Or that the clients the girls draw in are more reliable; no doubt the Family hires customer profiling gurus who cannot but conclude that those with the condition that dared not speak it's name before never shut up now (After Senator P B).
Note we can quote the Bard but we cannot be fans of Old Possum in the Westend.....but if it was good enough for tsl & alw it's good enough for me but I AM a Rearend snob.

February 24th, 2016, 17:48
I was in Friendship the other day so did check out some of the check out boys.
A cute one was at the baggage dropoff/claim area leaning his back against the counter. His hand was behind his back and opening and closing as if, give me a tip! I was ever so tempted.:p

February 25th, 2016, 01:33
If knew BPB's name I could at least utter it while he stuffs my bag with yet another bottle of body washing milk.
I'm another one who is slow asking the questions, but after about 3~4 visits, you really do need to ask his name.
Followed by where do you come from.
Then maybe ask for his phone number ? Then you can text him later, so his co workers don't hear the discussions about your date.

Others might have better chat up lines.

I suppose you have already made sure he's not on Planet Romeo ?

February 27th, 2016, 17:06
OK, a few days ago, I saw the boy in question.
So, yes, he does exist.
Is he cute? Yes.
Desirable? Yes.
Would I go all gaga over him? No.

But isn't it a good thing that we would all go gaga over a diffrent boy!

Anyway, I don't believe in all this getting carried away over boys working in conventional jobs.

But then again, the waiter who served me in a restaurant last night had me drooling!
Could not stop admiring him.
So, we're all hopeless.

February 27th, 2016, 19:36
Why is 'the boy you can't have' so attractive? just put your energy into the ones you can have.
A bit like my friend, always drooling over boys he sees with other farang, is it the fact that he can't have them that makes them so attractive?

February 28th, 2016, 22:18
A bit like my friend, always drooling over boys he sees with other farang, is it the fact that he can't have them that makes them so attractive?

So true, the rice is always browner on the other side of the paddy; or is it whiter?

Nirish guy
February 29th, 2016, 00:20
A bit like my friend, always drooling over boys he sees with other farang, is it the fact that he can't have them that makes them so attractive?

It's Thailand, who ever told him that just because they're with another farang that he can't have them, that problem is at most usually nothing more than an issue that revolves around timing more than anything else.

February 29th, 2016, 00:42
Francois, in that context I would say browner, but of course, it could be whiter on the other side of the plate, that is unless you are following the new carbohydrate trend of eating brown rice. It's not for me and one of the few occasions where I would prefer to put something white in my mouth.

Nirish, so true you are, but I was talking about that 'one moment in time'


February 29th, 2016, 10:37
I had a similar sort of experience - with a twist. I always tried to go to one line at the Central Chidlom supermarket because the check-out boy was just so gorgeous. If he was on duty, I'd always try to catch his eye, but never did. Then the bag packer clearly saw me and leaned over. "Do you like him?" he asked! Yes, I replied. I was then more than staggered when he asked, "Do you want him? I can arrange it!" Unfortunately I was so surprised by this part-time pimp than I just said nothing. A few weeks later I noticed the boy was no longer working in the supermarket. Then a couple of months after that, I saw him in one of the Twilight bars with an older Thai customer. He had clearly found his true calling!

advice #3: "better to do something and to regret about it 1 hour, than not to do something and to regret about it the rest of life"
How true!

March 11th, 2016, 07:15
Well, it has been about a month since the OP presented us with his quandary.

Time enough to have done something, or to get over it.
Much advice, some conflicting, has been given.

So, progress report please.

March 23rd, 2016, 14:37
I was in Friendship on Tue 22.03.2016 around 12:00, and there was a boy who fits the description and who is my type (but just passing through and enough choice in the bars I didn't say or do anything).

April 5th, 2016, 17:26
When in Friendship the other day I noticed a farang in the checkout lane chatting it up with a cute Bag Boy then saw him him hand the cute boy a 20 Baht tip. Cutie pie seemed very pleased for the tip. So a happy ending ;)