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View Full Version : Thailand Tourism Festival 2016 in Lumpini park

January 14th, 2016, 22:40
Thailand Tourism Festival 2016 in Lumpini park, Jan 13-17, 12-22 hrs.
http://www.tourismthailand.org/Events-a ... 2016--6949 (http://www.tourismthailand.org/Events-and-Festivals/Thailand-Tourism-Festival-2016--6949)

Went today for 1.5 hours, will go again tomorrow. Same as last year: highly recommended, learn or see something new every time.

January 14th, 2016, 22:50
A festival :

January 16th, 2016, 07:49
Today I go, maybe, afternoon or after dark.
Also: the yearly TIT Tourist fair in Sirikitti Centre is from 17->20/21/2 coming.

January 20th, 2016, 11:37
The festival is over, and it was as full success as far as I can judge. Went three times, total over 6 hours, and a fourth time to meet a friend there.

Got estimated 2 kg of printed material (mostly in Thai, but they have English too) which took me two days to browse and sort. There is some redundancy: they print various different brochures and maps with always the same information.

Got inspiration for upcoming trips:
Khao Wong Prachan in Lobpburi province 3790 steps to top of mountain and temple,
Pa Si Tong (golden leaves) in Rayong, Klaeng district, Pra Sae river mouth,
Phaya Khan Khak Toad museum in Yasothon

Crowded on weekend evening. Spot many cute boys (rarely cute boys in Lumpini other time).

Got some OTOP foodstuff as well. However, I did not have dinner there (quote as posted on my blog):

Food at festivals: don't! I eat before or after I go to a festival, after having suffered the following inconveniences twice. First you have to queue to order. Then the food will be served with single use cutlery and crookery (produces waste and unpleasant to handle). Then you have to look or wait for an empty seat or rather eat while standing or sitting on the curbstone because there are no empty seats.
Applied here as well as far as I could see.

January 20th, 2016, 20:01
Another festival of sorts.

" As much as I wish Adolf Hitler came back, seized power and restored Germany to her former glory, if he escaped he would be 126 by now and surely dead of old age."quote:Christian PFC).

January 23rd, 2016, 17:09
A warped version of "beauty is truth and truth beauty".
Poverty is the greatest social evil; "when poverty comes in the door love goes out the window"/"the devil makes work for idle hands".
Poverty in Germany was Hitler's best friend.
What a cute actor!

January 23rd, 2016, 18:13
A warped version of "beauty is truth and truth beauty".
Poverty is the greatest social evil; "when poverty comes in the door love goes out the window"/"the devil makes work for idle hands".
Poverty in Germany was Hitler's best friend.
What a cute actor!

http://youtu.be/WthmtGeHpgc This link gives some clue of what it was like in Germany and what led to the rise of the Nazis.


January 25th, 2016, 00:07
Thanks. I will take a look.
Hitler's "reduction" of unemployment (1933 7 million, 1939 0.3 million) was mostly a fraud brought about by conscription, banning jews from work, excluding women from the register, imprisonning jews and all those who spoke against the regime and so on. Much of the employment created served the needs of the military. From what I have read Germany did not have an economy in the real sense. Hitler's triumph was in fooling the idle into doing the devil's work. But I could never see the German people falling for this again. Perhaps the next nearest version will be that of another cock o' the walk- Putin.

February 2nd, 2016, 15:11
Excellent article on the fair here:
http://www.tour-bangkok-legacies.com/Ba ... ary16.html (http://www.tour-bangkok-legacies.com/Bangkok_Travelbug-February16.html)
(excellent articles on other subjects as well)