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January 14th, 2016, 14:00
KL doesn't have a specific gay area like Boyztown or Sunee Plaza, which makes choosing a hotel much easier. Last time I stayed at the Capitol Hotel. Having learnt my lesson I decided to go somewhere a little more up-market. Because I enjoy a little retail therapy I chose a hotel next to the beautiful Pavilion Shopping Complex. And I also wanted a pool. Perfect!

Not!!! I stepped out of the taxi in my flip-flops and shorts and got a disapproving look from the doorman. On checking in, the cute guy behind the counter called the manager over. Uh oh...what have I done?

He explained to me, very politely of course, that I would be unable to go to any of the restaurants or bars unless I wore long pants and proper shoes. I told him there was no way I'd wear such attire to any of the restaurants; besides, I only wanted to eat breakfast.

"Sorry, sir. You still need long pants and shoes."

WTF?? For breakfast??

Apparently so. I explained that I couldn't put my shoe on my left foot as it is still swollen.

"Then I suggest you take your breakfast in your room."

This is fucking crazy. I want to go to the buffet! I've already paid for it!

I ate in my room.

So off I went to buy a pair of pants, just so I can eat breakfast. What a joke.

I was hoping to post a report today about last night's ball-breaking, butt-pounding, cock-stiffening adventure with a cute Kuala Lumpian. Unfortunately, I didn't find one. I went for a late night limp along Bukit Bintang Street and was accosted, once only, by a guy sitting on a motorcycle. But he was too fem, too gay for me.

A bit further on I passed a farang discussing with a guy whether to go back to his hotel or to the guy's room. The boy didn't interest me, but the young farang sure did!

And that was it.

BTW, the arabification of Bukit Bintang Street is now complete. All the restaurants down one side are Arab joints and all the touts on the street are Arabs. It's a bit like Sunee Plaza a year or so ago.

I went down to the pool hoping to spot some eye candy - a cute Arab guy in speedos, perhaps. No luck there, so I decided to go for a swim. I didn't last long in the pool. I got out very quickly when I saw a guy blow his nose in the water! What a fucking animal!

I didn't go back in. I think I may wait until tomorrow to give the pool filters a chance to do their job.

So yesterday was a no-sex day; the first such day in weeks. It was hard to take. I'll go for a wander again tonight and see if my luck changes. If it does, my next problem will be where to take him as I can't bring him back here.

Of course, there's always Otot-Otot sauna, but last time I was there I met a Muslim guy who told me weekdays are a waste of time - better wait till Friday/Saturday night. Even Sunday is ok. apparently.

But I don't know if I can hold out another day!

January 15th, 2016, 21:44
Against my better judgement, as well as advice from hotel staff and even the taxi driver, I insisted on taking a taxi to the sauna instead of the train. What a stupid decision!

The traffic was truely horrendous. To get to the sauna you have to go down two main thoroughfares and both were bumper to bumper all the way. I left the hotel at 6 - right in the middle of rush hour - plus it was raining. It took around 10 minutes just to leave the hotel driveway and get onto Bukit Bintang Street. No-one would let us in. We turned into the first thoroughfare and just stopped. We sat there as I watched the meter tick over.

I told him I'd get out and catch the train A out follows alongside the 2 thoroughfares - but he assured me that we would soon be in clear traffic. Yeah, right! He was happy because he was earning money by just sitting in his taxi and not driving. It also gave him plenty of time to go on Facebook. And his fucking phone never stopped ringing the whole trip.

The trip should take around 10 minutes and cost less than 10 ringgit. Instead it took over an hour and cost 48 ringgit 50. I have him a 100 ringgit note and he handed me 1 ringgit 50 change. I'm glad I checked- normally I don't bother.

Last time I visited this sauna I was "attacked" mercilessly by the locals - had my cock mauled by a number of guys at the same time, my balls squeezed and guys trying to bareback me. This time was different.

First of all, it wasn't as crowded as I expected, especially for a Friday night. Maybe the rain deterred some. I went straight into the dark room - it's almost pitch black in there - and actually had to wait a while until I got my first bite. Everyone's stumbling over each other in the dark and as soon as you come in contact with a guy, you go for the grope.

Although it was not as active as before, I still had heaps of fun. Lots of guys gave me a hand job and I happily returned the favour. Two guys were hung like donkeys but the rest were just medium size. Also, 2 guys gave me a blow job. I felt a bit mean because I didn't return the favour.

This time I didn't see a lot of anal action. But I did see 3 guys on top of each other double fucking. I managed to reach behind and grab one of the guy's nuts as he was fucking. Trust me to get in there and make the best of every opportunity!

Then around 8pm the cleaners came into the darkroom.

'Everybody out! Cleaning time!"

"Do you mind?! I'm in the middle of a hand job! I'm about to cum!"

But we were herded out. And then the crowd thinned out around 9pm so I decided to leave - without cumming. Damn those cleaners!

I caught a taxi back - 9 ringgit 10 - and walked along Bukit Bintang Street to get something to eat. I was accosted by a ladyboy with a deep voice and a tout offering me the services of a woman. And that was it. No money boys in sight. Did the rain scare them off?

I dropped by Blueboy but didn't see any customers so returned to the hotel.

I'll give the sauna another go tomorrow night. And this time, I'll make sure I cum before I leave!

January 16th, 2016, 19:32
I headed back to the sauna at 6 pm, taking the train this time. It just demonstrated how stupid I was catching a taxi there yesterday. It's only 4 stops to the nearest station - about 10 minutes - and a short 5 minute walk to the sauna. So from hotel to my first Malaysian cock of the evening took less than half an hour!

Speaking of cock, the first one turned out to be the same donkey dick I got my hands on last night. It's a huge, fat, uncut sausage which soon grew into a monster. After a bit of fooling around he pushed me up against the wall to fuck me. No, thanks! I know my limits!

So he went off to find a fuckbuddy and I moved on to my next cock.

I expected a huge crowd like the last time I was in KL, but it wasn't wall to wall cock like before. Still, there were heaps of guys and many chances to get to know them better.

I lay down on the mattress - it's on a raised platform - and was soon joined by a youngish Malaysian guy.

"You like my cock? It's got a big head."

It certainly did! We wanked off together for a while and then he told me he wanted to fuck me.

"Sure, no problem. Do you have a condom?"

"No, they don't have condoms here. But it's ok. I can still fuck you."

Naturally, I refused.

Tonight everyone was fucking bareback. There were some lights on in the corridor outside the darkroom so you could see a lot more of the action. Two young guys were fucking 10 centimetres away from my face. I could hear the guy's balls slapping up against his partner's arse, so I decided to help him out by grabbing them and giving him a traditional Malay ball massage. They were also barebacking and the guy came in his arse! It's just crazy, stupid and totally irresponsible.

After the fucking show I stood against the wall and was soon joined by a very young, slim guy. I was very surprised when he put his hand under my towel for a grope. Not believing my luck, I quickly manoeuvred him onto the mattress where we had passionate wanking session. And what a nice cock! Surely he must be a money boy, I thought. Great! I'll get his phone number and we can hook up tomorrow.

Suddenly, he stopped and got up. What's the matter? Isn't my wanking technique up to scratch?

It wasn't that at all. He was about to cum so decided to stop and have a rest. Unfortunately, I didn't see him again.

By now I'd been in the sauna about one and a half hours and was getting worn out. But just as I was about to go downstairs for a rest, hoping to catch up with the young guy, I felt a mouth on my cock. And a very skillful mouth at that! So I let him have his way with me. This is what I was here for - an exquisite blow job.

I didn't know whether to cum or not but in the end I couldn't resist. He started giving me a hand job and when I told him I was about to cum, he put it back in his mouth. I don't know if he spat or swallowed. I put my towel around me but when I looked up, he had already gone.

Again, this is crazy, dangerous behaviour. I just done understand the attitude towards safe sex. Obviously, the message hasn't gotten through. Not supplying condoms on the premises also leads to this reckless behaviour.

Blueboy Bar should be busy tonight so I'll drop in after dinner. Hopefully, I'll have something to report.

January 16th, 2016, 22:47
Nice report, thanx
Have you been to any massage place? Or Jack'D / Hornet / other online hook up app?
I went to a hotel in Chinatown to see the guy from online in December. It was a Thai guy and he used not his own pictures; the body was great, but the service so-so. He used "dark light and please go to the shower" strategy :) of course, after the shower you don't think about leaving because of not_his_photos.
Next time went to Citybay massage place, Cheras branch - saw a cute guy at the web-site. The results the same - the "shower and dark light" strategy and different guy :) Although, the service was much better, but more expensive too.

January 17th, 2016, 11:20
I went out for dinner, walking both sides of the main street there and back. The ladyboy was outside my hotel again. Lots of girls were standing around and touts were everywhere. But no guys.

Suddenly, a nice young guy approached me near Maccas.

"You want a massage?"


"I have Chinese and Indian ladies....."

So, another quiet night on the street. But I did enjoy the eye candy. I don't find the local Malays very attractive at all, but the Arab guys are a different story altogether! There are stunning guys everywhere.

So I decided to give Blueboys a go. Having had sex earlier, I wasn't particularly looking for a hook-up , unless I found someone special, but my plan was to get some phone numbers for some fun later today. With so many money boys in Blueboys, that wouldn't be a problem.


I got there at 11:30 and the place was crowded. But all the local guys were sitting together and everyone seemed to know each other. I looked around for some prospects but I only saw one ; a really cute guy at the bar, but he appeared to be with a foreigner.

I found a table in the middle of the bar and sat down. A group of ladyboys sat at the adjoining table. Spare me!

Blueboys has the ugliest ladyboys I've think I've ever seen! And they appear to be quite old. One was an Imelda Marcos lookalike in a gaudy polyester gown a few sizes too small. Another reminded me of Joan Rivers. One ageing ladyboy with short, frizzy hair, black eyes, a moustache and one boob seemingly bigger than the other greeted me with a "Hello, darling!" revealing two missing teeth. The final straw came when a very obese wannabe ladyboy - he was in civvies as he obviously couldn't find a dress big enough - came and stood next to me and started applying make-up.

So I got up and pushed my way through the crowd to get to the front to watch the show. On the way I was accosted by a guy who wanted me to stand with him at the bar, but he was too gay for me.

I'd had enough. Time to leave. On my way out I stopped to have a final look. Suddenly, a tall guy walked past and tapped my crotch. He went and sat down on the bench seat at the back of the bar. I rushed over to join him.

No sooner had I sat down than he planted a sloppy kiss on my mouth. Yuk!! I pushed him away and got a look at him for the first time. I didn't find him attractive at all. As I went to stand up he pulled me back into the bench and put my hand on his crotch. He had a hard-on! A nice one, too.

I could feel through his pants that he was uncut, so I asked him where he was from. Pakistan. His name is Ailfi, or something like that. Of course, he wanted to come back to my hotel. But I'm not interested in having sex with someone I find unattractive, no matter how nice their equipment is. So I told him not tonight. He grabbed my hand again and put it on his now soft cock to encourage me to change my mind. (The hard-on earlier was just a taster.)

He asked for my phone number and I foolishly gave it to him. So today the phone has been ringing non -stop and he's sent a barrage of text messages.

Of course, I'm presuming he's a money boy. I want value for money and he wasn't it.

1moRussian, I've been on Gayromeo the past few days but I haven't found anyone suitable. Many of the guys seem only interested in a relationship ; others specify an age limit that I passed years ago. Of the 3 guys who contacted me, one was in Singapore (!), one demanded a photo and the other was in a place called Mid Valley. It would have taken him too long to get here with all the traffic and besides, he wasn't my first choice. Plus, I was about to head off to the sauna.

After all the unsafe sex I witnessed in the sauna last night, I think I'll give it a miss tonight. I just felt uncomfortable being in that environment.

January 17th, 2016, 12:04
I've just read a news report that a man was arrested yesterday at a local train station. Apparently, he was planning an attack.

Further down in the article, it mentions that an attack on the Bukit Bintang area where I'm staying was thwarted by the police in September.

I hate to admit it but I'm now feeling quite scared - paranoid, actually.

Malaysia is expecting an attack and are supposedly on high alert, but you'd never know. I haven't seen any police presence at all in this area, nor any security at the shopping malls.

Given their predilection for attacking tourist hotels, I'm very worried. As far as I can see, this is the only large hotel which directly faces the road. Access is simple - you just walk up the driveway from the road and enter through one of the many doors at the front. How easy would that be? (Unless they were wearing flip-flops and were denied entry!) Where are the security guards?

To give you an idea how paranoid I've become, I went down to the pool while they cleaned my room. As soon as I got there I started looking for escape routes or places I could hide.

The nearby shopping malls are sitting ducks, as are the restaurants on Jalan Alor which are always packed with tourists and locals. Last night around 10 pm you could hardly move.

Yep, definitely time to go home.

January 17th, 2016, 19:50
I thought I was paranoid, but after reading the news today I have good reason to be scared.

Yesterday police arrested a guy on the monorail who was heading off to detonate a bomb in an unnamed entertainment area.

Today there were police warnings regarding Bukit Bintang, specifically the Pavilion Shopping Centre next door to my hotel.

I decided that, despite the warnings, I would go there to get something to eat. It was 3pm. I saw 2 policemen and 1 security guard outside.

On the way out an hour later I saw 2 policemen outside the mall - one had a submachine gun. But he wasn't facing the road; he was facing a shop window playing on his iPad!

There was no visible security in the shopping centre. But there were 2 military officers talking to the manager in the hotel lobby when I returned.

January 17th, 2016, 23:45
So you prefer places like Bangkok with visible but totally useless security? It's all just theater anyway. I've always enjoyed KL but I'm more an apps guy. Apps work really well there from my experience.

January 18th, 2016, 08:03
I'm in Asia so am well aware that perception is often more important than reality.

Just because someone puts on a uniform with "Security" written on it doesn't mean a thing - these so -called 'guards" aren't even armed so have no way of protecting anybody.

I don't think it matters where we are in most parts of Asia, be it Bangkok or KL. Same, same.

January 18th, 2016, 08:20
You did mention news reports saying that terrorist attacks were foiled by the Malaysian police. So while there's not a lot a lot of visible police presence which would mostly be for theatrical effect anyway, they do seem to do something meaningful (like gathering intelligence and acting on it). Your reference to Asia is odd in that respect, for reassuring the public with theatrical police work is even more popular in Western countries.

January 18th, 2016, 09:58
I guess my main concern here is that despite Bukit Bintang and the Pavilion Shopping mall being specifically named as potential targets, there is no visible security to reassure people that the authorities are doing anything to protect them.

Are the armed police/security guards actually here but maybe just hiding somewhere? It's no good hiding inside; terrorists have to be prevented from entering the shopping mall in the first place. Their targets - large groups of people - are found inside, not outside. With no security at the entrance a suicide bomber could just walk straight in.

And where are the metal detectors? Why isn't anyone checking bags?

I was slightly reassured when I read about the arrest on the monorail. But then, how did he get into the station and onto the train? He could have detonated the device on the train.

January 18th, 2016, 11:51
It may be an illusion but after many visits to KL I feel that Malaysians seem to have a very relaxed or even slack attitude. Maybe it's the hot weather that slows down the reaction time. In today's KL Star newspaper there is an article stating that there is nothing to worry about in regards to a possible terrorist attack and to go about your normal life.

January 18th, 2016, 17:35
I see it slightly differently - theres PLENTY to worry about, but why bother?

The way things are in the world right now, you're as (or even more) likely to be blown up in London/Paris/Berlin, as you are in KL/BKK/HCMC

And nothing's going to change for the better in most of our lifetimes.

Eat, drink, shag, and be merry I say!


January 18th, 2016, 17:56
Yes, I tend to agree, which is why I'm still out and about and still wandering around the Pavilion Mall. But I feel uncomfortable as it is, according to the police, a prime target.

But at the end of the day, I didn't come here to live in fear.

Today there are a lot more security guards outside many of the shops but again, they were unarmed. And I saw 1 female member of the SWAT team at the entrance but her gun was bigger than she was!

I only have to survive tonight because I'm going home tomorrow....Lol

But I probably won't come back again. The sauna is too risky. Gayromeo is useless and there aren't any guys hanging around on the streets.

I've shopped till I've dropped every day but the prices here are higher than in Australia. Even the shop assistant at a well-known store told me to save my money and shop at home!

I must say, Manchester is looking very inviting. If only it weren't so far away!

January 19th, 2016, 03:23
I must say, Manchester is looking very inviting. If only it weren't so far away!
Too wet & cold.
Spend your money going to places with a nice climate.
Then if you must do Manchester, try it in July when the average temperature is about 18┬░C (that passes for summer).

January 20th, 2016, 01:50
Besides gay apps I found this board: https://malaysia.craigslist.org/search/m4m
(Although, it's about 10 same guys)

January 24th, 2016, 07:39
So you did not try the Maluri m2m massageshops in KUL? or did they also vanish (some listings still mention them). Much more secretive and closed-off, anonymous as in BKK here or PnPn though. The one I visited had the boys separated into VNese/Chinese (mainland-was warned against),Thai and Indon.

January 24th, 2016, 08:53
I did some research on the net for massage places but I don't recall seeing Maluri.

I did go looking for one place - something -or-other Spa- in Bukit Bintang but couldn't find it, even though it appeared to be just around the corner from my hotel. Later I read that it had closed down!