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January 14th, 2006, 11:30
catching up on where my class of '23 ended up and searching the Year Books I came across an attractive group from the class of 1993.

check out the lass in the last row 5th pic down :

http://www.electraisd.net/alumni/displa ... spx?y=1993 (http://www.electraisd.net/alumni/display_class.aspx?y=1993)

a special for Edith..I know she loves them and this is the best blonde joke you will ever hear :

http://normblog.typepad.com/normblog/20 ... laugh.html (http://normblog.typepad.com/normblog/2006/01/did_i_laugh.html)

January 14th, 2006, 14:48
catching up on where my class of '23 ended up and searching the Year Books I came across an attractive group from the class of 1993.

check out the lass in the last row 5th pic down

Could almost, if not for the tender age, be my room mate, Ginger Vitis. Ginger is dating a man named Colin: Colin Oscopy. They make quite an (imaginary.) picture together. Ginger is bow-legged, Colin is knock-kneed; when they walk down the street they spell, OX!

All-in-all I prefer to gaze into the eyes of the dreamy Tyrone...a-hubba-hubba! :love1: And If I ever need a drag name, could do worse than the lass in the last pic! Move over, Ruta lanska!

a special for Edith..I know she loves them and this is the best blonde joke you will ever hear :

A blank page. Yes, that's a good one--But my fave is still, 'What do you call a freezer full of blonds?' :triplets:

January 14th, 2006, 15:48
Oh... I thought you were the Scarlet O'Hara type.

http://upload2.postimage.org/10121/Voltarora_Lenka.jpg (http://upload2.postimage.org/10121/photo_hosting.html)

January 14th, 2006, 16:36
Oh... I thought you were the Scarlet O'Hara type.

I'm having a three-way with a couple I met on the custard pie site! :3some: and hoops would be far too messy--And cunbersome--But as Katy Scarlet said (Last words in the book?), "I'll think about it tomorrow...after all; tomorrow is another day."

But funny you should mention it: Went to the library* yesterday and there was a (new) display: GWTW memorabilia: many collectors plates (Including one of Scarlet in the red dress.), dolls (But not the Scarlet Barbie.) and a GWTW board game, among other curious stuff.

*You might like Barbara Vine's, The Blood Doctor.