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January 4th, 2016, 01:39
My driver turned up 40 minutes late to take me to Pattaya. I knew I should have stuck with Mr Toom. I managed a smile and a greeting but I was totally pissed off. I actually had to phone the company to remind them I was supposed to be picked up. Not good enough.

To make matters worse, I intended to catch up on some sleep - I'm not used to getting up at 9 am - but I had to stay awake the whole trip to make sure he didn't use his mobile phone. At one stage he appeared to be skyping, for Christ's sake! He was holding the phone away from his face, over the passenger seat, and talking into it . Needless to say he didn't get any tip.

As I approached the hotel, lo and behold, Yut rushed out of Copa to greet me. Thank God! He's the guy, ex-Happy Place, who worked in Boyzboyaboyz - the guy I offed most nights last trip. I thought he was the guy who went to work in Dubai and was stuck in a forced labour camp, unable to get out.

He now works as a massage boy. What the fuck would be know about massage? He's been a go go boy all his working life.

I decided first to go to Narcissus Massage to avail myself of the special services of Ten, my favourite massage boy of all time. But he wasn't there. I was told he's gone home for good. Shit! He's one of the reasons I came to Pattaya.

I went back to Cope and immediately took Yut back to the hotel. I never discovered his new massage talent - we got straight down to business.

Tonight I first went to Walking Street for something to eat. What I saw really shocked me - literally thousands of Chinese tourists, all marching behind their guides. It was a veritable tsunami. We all stood on the curb watching the procession in awe.

I then went over to Boyzboyzboyz. It's great to see the soi so packed - all the beer bars are doing a roaring trade. I was there to see my favourite guy from last time, but again, he wasn't there! He's the second reason I came here. Oh, well....

I found a seat right at the front, next to a cute Chinese guy who was sitting with his friend. He started chatting to me and to be honest, I spent most of the night ogling him, rather than the boys on stage. The bar was full for the show and most of the customers were Asian.

The show was the same as before but they have a few new guys. Most of them I don't really find all that attractive but my eye fell on number 27, not because he's especially handsome but because he seemed to be having so much fun up there on the stage. I ran into him in the toilet and he came up and hugged me and had a quick grope. He looks a bit young for me but he told me he's 23.

After the cock show I left, intending to go over to Sunee, but I got waylaid and ended up in Funnyboys. They only had 8 guys on stage. I found two very attractive. Mama-san came over and asked me what I liked. I told her, surprise surprise, that I wanted a guy with a big cock.

"Sorry. All boys with big cock already go with customer."

By now it was midnight so I guess that makes sense. I'll go earlier tomorrow and see what they have on offer. Beer 180 baht.

I went back to BBB, wondering if I should off number 23. Or maybe number 58 who appeared in the show sporting a massive piece of meat.

In the end, I decided I'd had too much to drink so came back alone.

Drinks are now 280 baht.

January 4th, 2016, 03:36
I was disappointed with my car service this trip too. Very unprofessional drivers. I'll be switching to a new one next go 'round.

January 4th, 2016, 04:21
Take the Sky Train to Ekamai. Take the bus to Pattaya North Bus Station and then figure out the last leg.
Your 1500 B taxi will get you to North Pattaya at about the same time but at 10XCost.
After multiple visits to Thailand it's time for all of to deviate from the tourist m.o.

January 4th, 2016, 04:47
I hear what you say Thaiguest, but when you're lugging a suitcase the taxi seems a very attractive option.

January 4th, 2016, 05:02
I hear what you say Thaiguest, but when you're lugging a suitcase the taxi seems a very attractive option.
I have used Taxis too; sometimes more expensive than the figure I quoted but as often as not they don't deliver the service that's expected. Yes sometimes a taxi is necessary but for long-stay people the time must come to step outside the treadmill regime.

January 4th, 2016, 08:30
I used to use PT taxi service. They were reliable but everything else about them was horrible with the drivers playing music (Thai music too, which I hate) and veering off the motorway for a 40 minute detour to fill up with ever so slightly cheaper methane. One driver got so annoyed when I complained about this unwanted detour he spent the rest of the journey calling his friends to tell them how terrible I was. His argument was that it was OK for me to want to stop at 7-11 for five minutes but not for him to get gas. The notion that I was the customer and he wasn't didn't occur to him. Latin would have had a heart attack.

January 4th, 2016, 12:14
Thaiguest, I hear what you're saying and, of course, you're right ; it is 10x cheaper . I have taken the Pattaya bus once before and yesterday I was tempted to give up waiting for my driver and go downstairs and take the Belltravel bus.

But like Scotty, there's no way I'm going to cart a suitcase off to a bus station in Ekkamai after I've gotten off a flight. Besides, I never travel by bus back home. I prefer a taxi where I can sit in the back all by myself and not be surrounded by screaming kids and noisy passengers. I don't care of its cheaper by bus; I'm more than happy to pay for peace and quiet.

Also, on the net I've watched lots of videos of guys having a wank on a bus. I'd much rather do that in the relative privacy of the back seat of a taxi! Lol.

It's a shame companies here don't train their drivers properly and teach them that skyping or using Facebook while tail -gaiting at 120 kph is just not on. If the driver wants to make a quick call or answer his phone, then I don't mind if he pulls of the road to do so.

January 4th, 2016, 14:54
Christ! More problems. I beginning to think this trip is jinxed.

There was a loud explosion around midday on the Copa building and all the lights in the soi went out. A bird strike, apparently.

I'm sitting on the verandah of the Ambience under a fan to keep cool.

And more safe problems. This morning I tried to close it but it wouldn't let me put in my pin number. To their credit, the hotel immediately called someone to come and fix it but it's been over an hour now.

I'm eyeing off a handsome guy across the soi in Copa massage but he can't see me as he's too busy on his phone!

January 4th, 2016, 18:52
Take the bus from the airport to Jomtien. Cost is 122 Baht. The counter is on the 1st floor near Exit 8 and by the Food Court. The hire a baht bus to your hotel or grab one going that way.

January 5th, 2016, 02:31
Yes drm. This bus stops at Naklua, Pattaya nua, clang and tai and finally Jomtien. When I suggest Ekamai to Pattaya nua I'm addressing passengers from Bkk centre not the airport.
Some of us are wont to sneak into Bkk city for r&r before settling down to a life of respectability in Pattaya.

January 5th, 2016, 15:42
I eventually gave up on the masseur at Copa - he never looked up from his phone and anyway, my view of him, and most of the bar, was soon obscured by a morbidly obese farang. And so began another day of utter frustration.

I had this desperate urge to top, so decided to go to the massage places near Tukom. There was only one guy sitting outside the place opposite Mosaik, and he was on his phone and never looked up. I walked past Relax Massage opposite Tukom. They had a few guys outside but I didn't find anyone remotely attractive. I kept walking straight ahead and crossed the street into the next soi. There is a massage place on the left, which I've been to before.

There were 7 guys outside. One immediately approached me. I told him I was looking for a bottom.

"My boyfriend bottom. Sure!" he said, pointing to an attractive guy. He looked up at me without the hint of a smile then went back to his phone. No use having sex with someone who is not at all interested. Well, let's face it - none of the guys is really interested, but most put on a brave face and act as though they are.

And there ended by quest to find a bottom.

Never mind. I'll head over to Sunee tonight and do a round of the bars. Sweet!

I was dying to go to Good boys to start my evening chuck-wowing a couple of my favourite guys - one of the twins and the hunky handsome guy with the gold chain. I got there at 8:30 but they were nowhere to be seen. Ok, I'll sit at Sky bar opposite, have a drink and wait for them to turn up. But they never did. And all the other guys sitting outside were on their phones so it was impossible to make any eye contact, let alone get a good look at them.

As I was leaving to head over to Sunnyboys, I noticed a very nice-lookimg guy standing outside All of Me massage next door. I thought I recognised him, but wasn't sure - now that Krazy Dragon has closed, the soi is quite dark.

Unfortunately, Sunnyboys was closed, so on to Eros.

Oh, dear.......there were lots of new guys but none appealed to me. One came and stood on the dias in front of me, furiously wanking in an effort to get it up. I went outside for a smoke and when I came back I found him sitting on my sofa, still trying to get hard. Meanwhile, I saw a couple of Eros veterans I was very interested in, but they were all gathered around a farang who had opened a bottle of whisky.

The guy next to me eventually got hard and put my hand on it but it went soft in seconds.

Never mind. I'll go back to Goodboys then return to Eros in the hope that the farang has left and the guys are not too pissed.

As I approached Goodboys a number of guys rushed out from All of Me. WTF?? There was Boss from Eros! And the two Tons, also from Eros. And I recognised a few more as well! One of the Tons - the chubby little fem guy - had been at Eros for as long as I could remember. (He's not my type but I just love this guy!) They'd all migrated across to All of Me.

I sat with the other Ton. He was the guy I'd seen earlier in the evening. He asked me if I wanted a massage. You bet!

He was up-front with me and told me he wasn't sure if he could cum, as he already had 2 customers, but he could top me.

We went upstairs. The room was very small but immaculate. And each room has its own shower.

We started off with a perfunctory massage and then he sa-moked me. What an awesome talent! I asked him later how a straight guy could give a better blowjob than a gay guy. He told me his previous German "boyfriend" had taught him, along with teaching him the ins and outs of fucking.

Unfortunately, he couldn't get it hard enough to top me but I was more than happy for him to just sa-moke me all night. He'd send me to heaven with the tip of his tongue and then look up at me and smile. He's gorgeous!

He lay down beside me for the obligatory chuck-wow. He wasn't sure if he could cum but said he'd try. A few deft strokes and he was hard. He did eventually cum but, needless to say, it was very unimpressive - bubbles, basically. But he had a huge orgasm and that's what I like to see.

We sat outside chatting for a while. He told me he had cum 5 times the day before - including a morning chuck-wow - and said he was totally spent. Working at Eros was a lot easier in that regard.

Off to Boyzboyzboyz. They had reserved a seat for me right down the front! I'd had my eye on number 69 for a couple of nights and he seemed very interested. He followed me outside and we sat together for a chat. Turns out he's from Cambodia. Bonus! So I offed him.

I wanted to get straight down to business but he just talked and talked and talked for well over an hour, mainly about his previous Danish "boyfriend" who "take good care me and my family." He took him shopping, sent him $1000 every month, bought him a motorcycle, yada, yada. Now the boyfriend had had a car accident and wouldn't be returning to Thailand, so he was looking for a new one. Was it supposed to be me?

He turned the main light off and massaged me in the semi-darkness. I felt his cock as it slipped between my legs. I turned around and got a quick glimpse of it. Fuck! It's huge! That girth was going to be a problem.

He did the right thing and took it slowly. Even so, it was quite a struggle accommodating that monster. After about 10 minutes I'd well and truly had enough.

"Five minutes, I cum. Five minutes more."

But enough was enough. He lay down for his chuck-wow and then I saw it.


I blame myself. Why, oh why hadn't I checked with him before I offed him? Afterall, he's not the first guy I've taken from BBB who had a silicone cock. I should have known.

I was really disappointed so the chuck-wow was only half -hearted. As he was about to cum he turned towards me and dumped a huge load on my stomach and all over the sheets. Well, there's one positive.

I looked for others. Firstly, he was a great top. Secondly, although it was a silicone cock, at least it appeared to have been professionally done and wasn't just a deformed blob- it actually looked like a cock. Thirdly, I found him very attractive and affectionate. So all was not lost.

But I won't be offing him again.

If things continue in this vein I might just cut the Pattaya part of my trip and head back to Bangkok.

Nirish guy
January 5th, 2016, 16:12
Wow, things MUST be getting bad in Pattaya when you can't find a guy to bottom for you there and the guy that you find to top you is a silicon fake ! Oh how times have changed it seems ;-(

January 5th, 2016, 16:28
Things certainly have changed in the 6 or so months since I've been here. I can't get over the number of silicone cocks, especially at Classichouse Massage in Chiang Mai. At least the Shan guys at Adams Apple have enough sense to stay "original."

Perhaps I didn't check lady night because I'd had quite a bit too drink - well, for me at least. I'd had 5 beers by the time I found myself engrossed in conversation with SengeHuo, the Cambodian guy.

I told number 28 I'd off him tonight. He's got quite a big package, especially for a guy his size, so I will definitely be checking with him!

Nirish, I need you here, now!. Six months away from Pattaya and I've lost my touch. I think I need to take a few lessons from you...lol

January 5th, 2016, 19:12
Dear a447, you are nothing if not gloriously relentless ... fucking-wise that is.

And this delightful quote is right up there in the running for the Sawatdee Yuk Yuk Awards for 2016: " ... He did eventually cum but, needless to say, it was very unimpressive - bubbles, basically ... ". And you were looking for ... mayonnaise perhaps?
I also enjoyed this one as well, but there is only so much room in the Yuk Yuk files: " ... This girth was going to be a problem ... ". I've said the same thing some years ago, but it was in reference to crossing the Columbia River during the spring run-off.

Thanks and Happy fucking . . . er, New Year.

~ 'Exhausted-in-Hua Hin' ~

Nirish guy
January 5th, 2016, 21:55
Nirish, I need you here, now!.........I think I need to take a few lessons from you

Alas after reading of some of your exploits of late I assure you that lessons from myself or ANYONE on this board are the very LAST thing you might need as the trail of lube and cum you have left in your wake, all around S E Asia and beyond are enough to make a man half your age blush with either embarrasment or pride - I'm never quite sure which, but I'm guessing you and I would probably opt for the second option there. :-)

Six months away from Pattaya and I've lost my touch. ...lol

For what we've been reading TOUCHING isn't anything you're falling behind on at ANY level these days - in fact it's trying to get you to STOP touching ( the guys cocks) that might I fear might be the more herculean task !! :-)

January 6th, 2016, 02:08
I sat eating dinner, eyeing off a guy across the soi at Copa. After dinner I walked over to say hello.

"Do you have any silicone or mooks?"

"No. Original."

"Where are you from?"


Back in the room he quickly removed his pants. Yep, definitely from Isaan!

After a sterling performance as a sa-moker, he put on a condom. It was one of the size 55 that Korn had given me. And in he went. I told him not to cum as I wanted to finish in the usual way.

But just as I was getting into the rhythm, he suddenly stopped, ripped off the condom and came all over my chest and stomach.

What? Is that it? You've finished already? It's been less than 2 minutes!

Oh dear. It was all over in less than half an hour.

It was now 8:30. - time to head off to Goodboys, hoping at least one of my three regulars would be there. They weren't, so I sat with Ton at All of Me. I told him I'd just had sex so wouldn't be having a massage from him tonight. I told him if a prospective customer came in he was free to go and sit with him. No problem; he was happy to sit and drink with me.

We looked across the soi at the boys sitting outside Goodboys. He told me the size of most of the guys. Apparently, a farang once paid him 500 baht to check out their cocks and report back to him.

So I got all the important information.

"That boy number one. Have very big cock. That boy number two. He number three....."

I expressed interest in number one cockstar. He's from Isaan. Ton asked me if I wanted to chuck-wow him. I did, but only if his cock was "original." Ton assured me none of the guys there has silicone - the boss insists on "original" only.

He walked over to the guy and told him I wanted to sit with him behind the screen. I also heard him say that I wanted only him, and didn't want all the other guys lining up for their turn.

We went behind the screen and he pulled down his pants. He found some porn on his phone and I watched in awe as his cock grew bigger and bigger. And bigger! It was fucking huge! I thought Korn would put a pornstar to shame but this guy is even bigger.

Life can be so unfair!

I somehow managed to get my hand around it and off I went. My arm was getting a real workout. Doesn't this guy ever cum??

He does...eventually. And what a load! I was in a bit of a panic because we didn't have any tissues on hand and while he was basking in the afterglow, cum was running down his sides onto the sofa.

Note to oneself : next time check carefully before sitting down.

Three other guys suddenly appeared, wanting their turn. But I left, very satisfied indeed.

I arrived at X-boys just in time for the 11:30 show. It was absolutely pathetic! Probably the worst show I've ever seen. They don't have a Big Cock Show ; they're aiming to be different and instead, put on A Small Cock Show. The first guy boasted a massive 5 and a half inches. He has a large mook to make up for his inadequate size. The other guys couldn't do much better. Shit, even I could do better!

Straight guys should keep well away from dance acts - best leave those to the gays. The boys did a dance routine but someone forgot to tell them to synchronise their moves. They were all over the place and some guys didn't even know the steps.

I went outside during the B-boys. I'm all B-boyed out. Had enough. After a fire-eating act - now, that was good! - they finished with a fuck show. Same old, same old. Why do the tops always have to fuck a ladyboy? Can't they, just for once, fuck a real masculine guy??

Over to BBB. Last night's off rushed up to me but I told him I want interested in offing him tonight. Number 28 then came over and asked me to off him. I told him I was still suffering from last night's encounter because the guy was way too big.

"No problem! I very small!"

With that, he just inadvertently ruled himself out!

January 7th, 2016, 02:25
Desperate to find a bottom - a masculine bottom - I went back to Tukom. There were no guys outside Blue House Massage so I continued walking. A guy rushed out and chased me down the road and invited me in. But I want to see the guys sitting outside, not inside. I would feel uncomfortable going inside, perusing the guys and then walking out if I didn't find anyone suitable.

So I continued on to Relax massage and there he was - a handsome, fit -looking guy with a beautiful smile. His name is Nut.

I took a shower and then got down on the bed. He didn't take his clothes off and I didn't bother asking him. But then he put a towel over me while he did the massage! Give me strength!

Apart from the odd slip of the hand between the legs, it was hardly what you'd call an erotic massage. This was definitely not what I was after. Looks like I've wasted my money - again!

I turned over and asked him to take his shorts and briefs off. When he started working on the vital area he moved up beside me so I could have access to the goods. But what goods? Oh dear.....5 inches, and that's being generous.

And no, he couldn't bottom.

He then lay down beside me for the chuck-wow but it took him ages to cum, mainly because his cock was so small I couldn't get any grip on it. It fitted into the palm of my hand but there was no head peeking out of the top of my fist. I couldn't get any up and down movement going at all.

I need a big cock so I can get a firm grip and make long strokes up and down the shaft. In the end, I just gave up and let him do it. He moaned and groaned as he wanked away and finally came. But what did he have to show for all the effort we'd both put into it? One small drop of cum! That was it!

Of we'll, at least he was a lovely guy and a great summoner, so all was not lost.

I went to Goodboys around 9:30 looking for the guy I chuck-wowed the previous night but he wasn't there, so I headed over to Eros, passing Sunnyboys which is still closed and showing no sign of re-opening. Eros had a lot of customers but a couple of them were monopolising most of the guys, so the rest of us just sat there alone.

I saw a guy I've known for a long time standing and wanking on the dias. (Where else but Thailand could you write a sentence like that?) When he got it up I called him over. He's from Isaan so I don't need to tell you about his appendage. As we are chatting who should turn up but Ton from All of Me massage. It turns out they are brothers! I can now see the resemblance. Both are really lovely guys and I love just being in their company.

Ton left to go back to All of Me and I started chuck-wowing his brother to get him hard. I stopped but he wanted me to keep going. So I did. And he ended up cumming all over his chest. Impressive!

I then joined Ton for a drink. He was telling me that he once had a job taking care of a farang, including managing his finances and paying his bills. But the farang got himself into a lot of trouble by fucking an under-age boy and cumming inside him. The boy went straight to the police. They asked him for 350000 baht, but when the farang hesitated, they told him 350000 today or 1 million tomorrow. Ton organised for the money to be paid.

I asked Ton about his sex life, as you do. He has a couple of woman who work in a bar in Walking Street who really like him - if you see him you'll understand why - and they pay half the off fee of 1000 baht and let him fuck them for free. No wonder he's always got a smile on his face!

Ton told me the guy from Goodboys was expecting me - they're good friends - so off I went. He saw me coming and rushed down the soi and dragged me into the bar and behind the screen, where he immediately pulled his pants down. I got straight to work.

After we'd finished we sat chatting. He suggested I should grab a girl from Walking Street, off him and watch him fuck her.

"No need pay me. Just pay lady. I not fuck lady 3 months! Have no money for fucking."

"But don't guys off you from here?"

"Yes, but cannot fuck farang. I too big so only chuck-wow. No good money,"

I told him I'd think about it.

Off to Toyboys. By now it was 12:30 but they still had around 15 guys. And OMG! At least half of them were offable. Gorgeous! A hunky guy came and spoke to me while I was outside. I asked him the now obligatory question - Do you have silicone? He didn't, and to prove it he pulled down the front of his pants, opened his briefs and showed me. Nice!

I'm meeting up with Ton's brother tomorrow night - Ton tells me he can fuck for hours - otherwise I'd head straight back there.

Finally, over to BBB for the final show. I've seen it so many times, both this trip and on previous visits, and it's now quite boring. I only go there to see one guy and when he's on stage I can't take my eyes off him - Mr I'm Every Gay Man's Wet Dream. He's the full package and far and away the most handsome guy in BBB - or in the whole of
Pattaya for that matter. Oh, that smile! That body! That humongous cock!

Unfortunately, he doesn't work in the bar; he just comes for the show. A couple of nights ago I saw him with a girl in the soi. She got onto his motorcycle and off they went.

I asked the head waiter, Mr Insincerity, if he was available.

'Maybe. Not sure. But I think he very expensive,"

"How expensive?"

'Maybe 20000 baht short time."

I did a quick calculation. That's around the same amount as the pornstar in Prague was after. And this guy is just as attractive. Even more, considering I'm into Asian guys.

Let me sleep on it.

January 7th, 2016, 03:50
I'm sure many of us will await your decision with bated breath.

It seems you have not only unlimited stamina but unlimited funds :p so I guess $600 for a fuck isn't out of your reach.

I paid the same once, in Spain - but for my $600 I got a 3sum with two Romanian 18yos who stayed all night :ymdevil:


Nirish guy
January 7th, 2016, 05:47

Nirish guy
January 7th, 2016, 05:49
"so I guess $600 for a fuck isn't out of your reach"

???? Hmm, all that was needed there was a small question mark to turn that from a general statement to a specific proposition perhaps !!?? :)

January 7th, 2016, 07:02
Another great instalment a447 but what's a "summoner"-a slut from the Canterbury Tales?

January 7th, 2016, 07:08
For that amount of money, I hope he last more than 3 minutes in your land of smiles ;)

January 7th, 2016, 13:04
It seems you have not only unlimited stamina but unlimited funds

Well, I've certainly got the former; not too sure about the latter!

When I was here last time I was totally infatuated with number 77 at BBB. He's one of the reasons I was so looking forward to coming back to Pattaya. But he's no longer working.

I sat there every night wondering whether or not I should off him. In the end, I didn't because I just felt he was way, way out of my league. And that's how I feel about this guy, too. He's just too good for the likes of me, if you know what I mean. He deserves someone more like himself.

Besides, could be perform with a horny old farang? And could he put on a decent act of pretending to be enjoying the experience? At least number 77 smiled at me occasionally and demonstrated that he was interested and made suggestive movements on stage towards me. He even spoke to me a couple of times to tell me he could fuck me.

In the bar he only has eyes for the ladies. I sit right down the front, ogling him with my mouth opemy, drooling uncontrollably and with my knees shaking but he has never made eye contact with me. And when he gets down from the stage to move among the audience, he walks straight past me and heads straight for the girls.

Regarding the price, I wouldn't be surprised if Mr Insincerity was including his commission!

And when you consider what you'd pay for such a guy in, say, New York or Paris, in the big scheme of things it's not an outrageous amount.

So, I've slept on it and decided not to off him. But it may be a different story when I see him again tonight!

what's a "summoner"

Sorry, I meant "sa-moker." I'm typing on an iPad and auto correct is driving me crazy! It takes me ages to edit and make all the corrections. That one snuck through.

Nirish guy
January 7th, 2016, 15:30
Tick tock tick tock - ok, personally I'm setting my watch as we all know it's only a matter of time until you cave in to your carnal desires and think "aw fuck it, you only live once" and off him!

And what's with all the negative thinking about yourself all of a sudden !? By the sounds of it the guys have as much if not more fun and Cum bucket loads ; literally sometimes) when with you as they do with anyone else / many of their other clients!

I think you're quite right about that guy adding on his commission, so fuck him ( for once not literally) and go and speak to the main man directly and agree a price ( do a Latin and offer him 5000, I bet he quietly takes it!) and then you'll enjoy your fuck even more ! :-)

So tick tock tick tock, the clocks ticking and none of us are getting any younger so it's about time you were at it as they say !! :-) anyway you'll probably find like all good looking guys that they're SO good looking that NO ONE approaches them and so the poor guy probably hasn't Cum in days and will be delighted to let you help him out in that regard.

We now await the next exciting installing of this will I or won't I / will he or won't he saga !! Tick tock tick tock ......

January 7th, 2016, 17:14
you only live once

That's my motto. My parents drilled that into me from an early age - make every new day better than the last. The best advice I've ever been given!

As for having negative feelings about myself, I actually don't. But I'm just being realistic. I just know that someone like him would hate getting into bed with the likes of me, or any crusty old farang for that matter, especially when he could have anyone he wants.

I'm even wondering if he is interested in being offed, as there are lots of young girls who scream with delight when he appears, but I've never seen him go off with any of them. As I said, he has a girl already. So who knows, maybe he's someone who is actually faithful to his partner.

The other night there were two gorgeous young Indian girls sitting on the sofa next to me. It was early in the evening so Mr I'm Every Gay Man's Wet Dream had not yet appeared on stage. They called one of the guys down and asked him in a loud voice so everyone could hear :"How much are you?" (!!)

"1500 baht," he replied. Thinking they were still back in India, they decided they'd bargain with him. It was really embarrassing - like being in a real meat market. They first offered him 1000, then 1150 and refused to go any higher.

"Please! please!" they begged.

To his credit, he stuck to his guns and refused to lower his price.

They left alone, before the 1:00 show which features Mr I'm Every Gay Man's Wet Dream. If only they knew what they'd missed out on. They would have pawned their (genuine) Louis Vuitton handbags to get him between the sheets.

I'll consider my options with him when I see him on stage again tonight.

Nirish guy
January 7th, 2016, 17:25
See this is where you need / would be great if you could post a pic of said hunk as a) then we'd all probably either agree or disagree ( more likely) that he was gorgeous and b) all then tell you "What, HIM, hell I offed him last month and he went for 800 baht and was a shit shag" ! :-)

For god sake hurry up and shag him man, it's not like you to prevaricate ! Actually no, it is ! As when you think they're drop dead gorgeous you always do this, ok, so just think of him as "just ok, or even "make do" and that's that you'll be in, off him, fuck with him and then move on and wonder what all the fuss was about - anyway, you do know that after getting up the courage to off him and getting him naked you're only then going to find out that he has a silicone cock or books fitted anyway ! lol

January 7th, 2016, 18:49
Yes, silicone is a huge worry, especially in BBB.

But I may not even make it there tonight. I've just hobbled back to the hotel after having a nasty fall stepping off the curb. Thankfully, a lovely young guy rushed to my aid and helped me to get back on my feet.

At first it seemed ok so I went to Walking Street to get something to eat but when I stood up to leave, the pain was excruciating. I'm now lying on the bed with ice on it. There's a large protrusion on the side of the foot - I'm just hoping I haven't broken anything.

But tonight I've organised for Ton's brother to meet me in All of Me. He's taken time off from his bar so there's no way I can not turn up. I'll get there some way or another!

I've been searching for their phone number so I can cancel our appointment but they don't have one on their website. I guess I'll just have to tough it out. Don't know if I feel like having sex so maybe I'll just give him a decent tip for his trouble and arrange another time.

Hopefully, things will be better tomorrow.

January 7th, 2016, 18:54
Go to the pharmacy and ask them for something to help reduce the pain and swelling in your foot, then get back out there! The show must go on! :)

January 7th, 2016, 19:17
I've brought some Voltaren and other medications with me so once the swelling goes down I'll definitely be out there - no worries about that! I can bear any amount of pain if it means I'm going to get laid...lol.

But if it's broken, I'll probably have to fly home. I can always fly back here again later.

Nirish guy
January 7th, 2016, 21:48
Don't know if I feel like having sex so maybe I'll just give him a decent tip for his trouble and arrange another time.

Shit, I'd call an ambulance RIGHT NOW if I were you as if YOU don't feel like having sex then I fear that means that you may actually be dying !! ;-) ( lets hope not though eh ! ) Get well ( laid) soon !

January 7th, 2016, 22:01
I've brought some Voltaren and other medications with me so once the swelling goes down I'll definitely be out there - no worries about that! I can bear any amount of pain if it means I'm going to get laid...lol.

But if it's broken, I'll probably have to fly home. I can always fly back here again later.

I was reading your post from most recent to oldest and came across the above. All I could think is that you broke your penis in one of your encounters of the worst kind. Glad to read it was only your foot. ;)

January 7th, 2016, 22:12
"Break his penis"?

Since his peccadilloes changed a few months ago it's more likely that a447 might break his sphincter


January 8th, 2016, 00:25
Gentlemen, please! Is a little sympathy too much to ask for? lol

The day started well. I walked over to Copa and offed Yut again. As usual, he did a sterling job and we both ended up with smiles on our faces, albeit for different reasons!

There was no way to contact All of Me bar to say I couldn't keep my appointment with Ton's brother so I hobbled on over. It took a hell of a long time to get there, not only because it was so painful to walk, but also because the footpath was overrun by hoardes of Chinese tourists waiting for their tour buses. Why the fuck do they have to mill around in the middle of the footpath? Can't they just stand on the road??

I finally made it but my off for tonight had given up and had gone off to drink with his mates. Ton phoned him and he quickly appeared but was a little drunk. Mmmm......I wonder if he can perform tonight.

We had a good chat about the ups and downs of being a barboy. Ton told me that one customer offed both of them together then got upset when they couldn't have sex. They're brothers, for Christ's sake! What was he thinking?

I also heard the usual stories of customers sitting with the boys in Eros all night and fondling them, then leaving without a tip. They think buying the boys one drink is sufficient for 3 or 4 hours of fun.

Then there was the story of the farang who gave Ton 50 baht for a massage with with all the extras!

Ton went to the pharmacy and came back with some ointment and a bandage. Neither did any good.

I limped back to the hotel, half carried by my boy du jour.

We got on the bed and I didn't need to tell him what to do - Ton had already filled him in on what I like.

This guy is from Isaan and has a magnificent appendage. I asked him what size condom he wanted and he opted for 55.

Ton had told me his brother was awesome in bed and he certainly wasn't lying. Lots of hugs and kisses as he pounded away. I had to throw in the towel. Wonderful!

The chuck-wow took a very long time but he was loving it! He was moaning and groaning, curling up his toes and twisting his body left and right all the time I was working on him. He produced a very nice cumshot indeed, despite telling me he'd had a wank earlier in the afternoon.

I want him again tomorrow. And the best thing about tonight's encounter was that while we were doing the deed, I didn't feel any pain at all in my foot!

Looks like sex acts as a painkiller! Who'd have thunk it??

Nirish guy
January 8th, 2016, 01:24
Gentlemen, please! Is a little sympathy too much to ask for? lol

Considering that you're there in Thailand shagging yourself stupid as per bloody usual while I'm freezing my nuts off here in the UK, if its sympathy you're looking for may I suggest that you go look for it in a dictionary just, you'll find it there right between SHIT and SYPHILIS ! :-)

January 9th, 2016, 01:46
I sat on the verandah looking at the guys in Copa massage.

Oh, there's a cutie! I haven't seen him before. He'll do nicely. And he was just a slow, painful hobble across the soi.

But by the time I'd reached the stairs into the bar he had already taken out his mobile phone and all I saw of him from then on was the top of his head.

Yut came and sat with me, but as he'd just finished with a customer I wasn't interested. He assured me it was just a massage - no sex involved - and that he could perform. So I took him at his word and back we went to my room.

And he did perform! What his cock lacks in girth it more than makes up for in length - close to 8 inches. And he's very proud of it and loves to show it off.

After a very enjoyable dinner with some members of another board I was driven back to Boyztown and decided to check out Toyboys again. I had my eye on 4 guys in particular and was trying to decide which one I'd like to get to know more intimately.

But when a certain song came on they suddenly turned into screaming fem boys, prancing around the stage, striking "the pose" - hand on hip, head turned to the side and the pouting of the lips.

That did it for me so I left immediately and walked over to Dreamboys. But the guys were way too gay for me. Not a masculine boy in sight.

Where are all the "men"??

How things have changed! All the fem boys seem to have moved over from Sunee into Boyztown.

So off to BBB for the sexy boy show featuring Mr Every Gay Man's Wet Dream. Being a Friday night you'd think the place would be packed, but there were more boys than customers.

The guys seem to be getting a little desperate. The Cambodian guy with the silicone cock came and sat with me, uninvited. He asked for a tip and a drink. He got a polite "fuck off" for his troubles.

Then a very unattractive gogo papa in the Big Cock Show came and sat beside me and kept putting my hand on his cock. But if a guy is not physically attractive I've got no interest in him at all, no matter how big his cock is. Then he stood up, covered my head with his gown and pushed my face into his crotch.

"Sa-moke! Sa-moke!"


I walked past Copa massage but didn't see anyone remotely attractive enough to help me forget the pain I was still feeling in my foot, so I came back alone.

In all my trips to Thailand and other S.E.Asian countries over the years I've always had sex twice a day - sometimes three times a day. But on this trip to Pattaya there have been a couple of days like today when I've only had sex once. Being in constant pain today has adversely affected my libido but still, what a waste of an evening.

I'll have to make up for it in KL.

January 9th, 2016, 20:10
I took up my usual position on the verandah opposite Copa massage. There was the cute guy I'm after but again, he was just absorbed in his phone. I hoped he would look up so I could make eye contact, but he never did. Ok, forget him.

Then I spotted another new guy so moved my attention to him. I hobbled over to the bar, grabbed a seat as close to him as possible and ordered a drink. But he promptly got up and went to talk with some other masseurs.

Yut came and sat with me, but I wanted to try someone different. And it's not as though he needs the business; Christ, no sooner does he come back after entertaining a customer than he's offed again! He must have at least 6 customers a day and is raking in the money. Such stamina!

I try to pick times when Yut is busy, otherwise he just expects me to off him. His seat opposite my hotel means he can monitor my coming and going.

"Last night I see you take boy to hotel. Why you not take me?"

I decided to off the new guy, but went back to my room to check if it had been cleaned. Back I went to Copa, only to find he'd been offed. Foiled again.

An older guy - late twenties? Early thirties? - came over. His name is Aek.

"Yut now have customer. I go with you? Have big cock."

He pushed his crotch into my hand so I could personally verify it.

He started off with a massage; something Yut and I don't bother with. Problem is, he was a farm worker and his hands were like sandpaper. Ouch! Enough! So he moved on to body to body and I felt him getting hard. Mmmm....impressive.

After a feverish bout of sa-moking we got down to business and he did a fantastic job. After I'd thrown in the towel we lay chatting on the bed.

"You want I fuck you again?"

I'd had enough so we finished in the usual way.

I'm sitting here watching the Boyzboyzboyz boys parading up and down the soi. And there's Yut, sitting with yet another customer!

January 10th, 2016, 01:25
I decided is make the trek over to Sunee. It took me 40 minutes!

As I approached Goodboys, Chet rushed out and dragged me behind the screen for a chuck-wow.

He pulled down his pants and presented me with his fat sausage. It was soft but as soon as he found a porn movie on his phone - he has heaps! - he was ready for action in seconds. Incredible!

It's an exhausting task because he takes ages to cum, but when he eventually does it is very impressive.

He's still desperate to fuck a girl.

"I no fuck lady 3 months! You no pay me, ok. Just pay for lady. Can watch me fuck."

Mmmm...it would be quite a sight seeing a girl take that cock. That's presuming she could. I think he'd have to show it to her first - erect, of course - and let her decide. It's not only the length, it's the thickness ; I can hardly get my hand around it. But I'll think about it.

Next I went to Eros. A guy from Isaan came and sat with me, lifted his "skirt" and showed me his beautiful appendage. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't manage to get it up.

So I chose another guy - very cute - but he also couldn't get hard. I told him to work on it while I went outside for a smoke but when I came back he was still desperately trying to get a hard-on.

I decided to return to Boyztown and maybe off a guy from Copa. And who should be sitting outside in the soi but the cute guy I've been lusting after! And there was a table next to him! So over I went and sat down. I had my off for the night!

He looked up briefly from his phone and we had a short conversation. He told me he didn't have any customers today, only drinks. And he did appear to be a bit pissed. He then went back to his phone and started playing a game, totally ignoring me. I tried to engage him in conversation but it was a waste of time. Fuck him, I'll go to BBB and look for number 58 -Mr Big Cock. But as I got up to leave he walked past arm in arm with a farang. I was too late! Again!

I've been eyeing off number 3 lately. He's got a nice smile and an impressive package. I called him over and asked if he had a silicone cock.

'Why you want to know?"

To me, that probably means "yes."

On my way back to the hotel I saw Mr Phone-boy still sitting in the soi, engrossed in his game.

No wonder he has no customers!

January 10th, 2016, 07:55
Lovely reporting, a447. Surprised I haven't run into you at good boys, or walking past all of me 2.

What does Chet look like? Is he the one with the large Afro hair? He is really big and takes awhile to cum, but it has never been impressive amount..at least the couple times I played with him. Maybe you have better technique. Lol

January 10th, 2016, 13:11
No, Chet isn't the guy with the afro. He has his name tattooed on the inside of his left arm. He's not the most handsome guy but I chose him because Ton said he had the biggest cock in the bar. Just ask for him. He's a really nice guy and very eager to please!

January 10th, 2016, 18:23
That's funny. Tee, who runs Duc bar, introduced me to the good boys mamasan. She assured me that Afro guy was #1 in size and the slender guy with blonde hair was #2. After playing with both, I think she had the order reversed, but not by much. Very impressive sizes. Afro guy has pretty minuscule ejac, so I normally played with blonde, who was much more prolific. Very very friendly and eager to please.

Now I wish I would have met Chet, just to see if mamasan had her facts straight. Not that she would ever lie, right? Too bad I have already left Pattaya. If you wander back by good boys, let me know how either guy matches up.

January 10th, 2016, 19:27
She assured me that Afro guy was #1 in size and the slender guy with blonde hair was #2. After playing with both, I think she had the order reversed, but not by much. Very impressive sizes. Afro guy has pretty minuscule ejac, so I normally played with blonde, who was much more prolific. Very very friendly and eager to please.

Now I wish I would have met Chet, just to see if mamasan had her facts straight. Not that she would ever lie, right? Too bad I have already left Pattaya. If you wander back by good boys, let me know how either guy matches up.

I think you have met Chet. The description of him as slender with blond hair and very friendly and eager to please, fits Chet perfectly. I think you and a447 are talking about the same boy?

January 10th, 2016, 19:36
Yes, I think that's him.

January 10th, 2016, 22:00
Ah, yes then. A real sweetly with a big cock. Very friendly.

Good to know mama wasn't lying. Lol

January 10th, 2016, 23:37
Very informative to see this detailed analysis of which boy has the biggest appendage and which boy has the most voluminous ejaculation.

And to think str8 ppl call us shallow


January 11th, 2016, 00:57
I sat down at Copa and Yut immediately came over, wanting an off. But I had my eyes on another guy - Aek from yesterday. Thankfully, a taxi pulled up and out stepped a new customer for the hotel. Yut carted his luggage upstairs and while he was away I siezed my chance and offed Aek.

He's gay so knows all the positions. I just let him have his way with me. Today he decided we'd move away from the bed so he had me up against the wall and then bending over a chair. It makes an interesting activity even more interesting! Unlike yesterday, he was sober and so could put a lot more effort into it.

I went to A-bomb around 9:30 but they only had 7 guys on stage, 4 of whom were very offable. But they only had 1 customer and I felt a bit conspicuous with all the guys staring at me so I left and went to BBB. Beer 220 baht.

Normally, it's standing room only but tonight they were well down on customers.

Then I saw him! Jungle boy! Yep, it was the axe-murderer I saw last year - number 77! OMG!! He's back!

I was desperate to make eye contact. When I finally did he flashed me that gorgeous smile and said something in Thai. I couldn't hear a word he was saying but I'm guessing he was telling me I was drooling all over my shirt.

He then disappeared from the stage but re-appeared in the big cock show. He came over to give me a feel. He laughed as I tugged on his foreskin. I nearly came in my pants.

He appeared briefly on stage - long enough for me to stick a tip in his briefs but not long enough for me to decide whether or not to take him.

Then he was gone. Another missed opportunity.

As I was heading back to the hotel I looked across to Copa and saw one of the attractive guys I've been after. No, not Phone Boy. He was sitting in the soi but you know what he was doing. I went and sat with him and we had a drink. His name is Runt (I kid you not). He told me he could fuck me and that he was "medium size" and all "original."

"Where are you from?"


He lied. He's definitely not medium size - he has a proper Issan cock! And he knew how to use it to great affect. The only problem is he won't sa-moke, but you can't have everything.

I told him I wanted to chuck-wow him and he asked if he could cum on me.

Sure, no problem.

Both I and the sheets got a proper drenching. He later told me he hasn't cum in 3 days.

I've arranged another session with him tomorrow. Now, if only Yut can disappear long enough for me to off him.

Brad the Impala
January 11th, 2016, 01:07
Your enthusiasm for the ups and downs of your experiences is sprayed over your reports like the come on your sheets! Do they have to be changed every day?! All most enjoyable reading as ever.

January 11th, 2016, 02:00
There's been lots of ups and downs, that's for sure!

And a few problems, too! Lol

Funny you should mention the sheets. There's been a bit of problem with the cleaning ladies lately and they haven't cleaned my room. (Probably too afraid of what they may find should they venture inside!)

Twice I've had to sleep on the same sheets and twice they haven't emptied the bins which after 2 days are overflowing with tissues and....well, you can guess. I have to put a towel down on the bed to sleep. Of course, what I should be doing is having sex on top of a towel, but in the heat of the moment I always forget. And the guys think nothing of spraying the sheets and sometimes the pillows. Don't they know I have to sleep on them??

One thing that annoys me is how the guys just throw used condoms and cum-soaked tissues onto the floor, instead of putting them in the bin.

Reception told me cleaning finishes at 5:30 but she got it wrong; it finishes at 4:30 and then they go home.

January 11th, 2016, 12:29
Twice I've had to sleep on the same sheets and twice they haven't emptied the bins which after 2 days are overflowing with tissues and....well, you can guess. I have to put a towel down on the bed to sleep. Of course, what I should be doing is having sex on top of a towel, but in the heat of the moment I always forget.

I prefer the cleaning staff not to see cum or other stains on my bed sheets and prefer to dry off after a shower with a clean towel as well. You may have to request more clean towels or I carry some extra towels and a light travel rug in my luggage which is easy to wash and dry in some hotel rooms or send to laundry. It sounds like you don't have time for those solutions in the heat of the moment.

I am in KL now, lots of hot and horny guys here at present. I am having a rest day today after a busy past week. I am sure you will have plenty to report after your arrival. I do like skinny twinks but have been getting plenty of messages from others and no need to pay here.There are quite a few Phillipino and Indonesian money boys on all the apps if you prefer to rent some fun.

January 12th, 2016, 01:55
I sat down in Copa to survey the scene. All the regular guys were there, plus a couple of new ones. Aek came and sat with me but he was pissed and couldn't string two words together.

I turned around and saw a new guy who smiled at me. Mmmm.....looks promising.

Aek told me he was from Isaan.

'His name Bor. Oh, he have big cock! Like to fuck!"

Back in the room things went downhill as soon as he removed his pants. He didn't appear to have a substantial endowment at all. But no need to be disappointed - from small things, big things grow, especially in Thailand. But it didn't look promising.

He gave me a perfunctory massage then I rolled over for the fun to begin. But he couldn't get it up. We both worked on it but to no avail.

"Ok. You can sa-moke me."

"How much you tip me?"

"Same as the other guys."

"Can give more?"


After a bit of thought he went down on me, but without any enthusiasm at all.

I went to the bathroom to get a condom and some lube and when I came back, lo and behold, he was hard. That was quick!

It went soft as he was putting the condom on. He wanked furiously until it finally got hard, put on another condom and managed to get it in. But within two minutes he was soft again.

He lay down for the chuck-wow but no matter how hard we tried he couldn't get it up. He asked me to sa-moke him but he had so much pre-cum I told him I couldn't. He got semi-hard after about 10 minutes. When pre-cum started oozing from his cock he tried to tell me he had cum. He could see I didn't believe him.

I got up for a piss and when I came back he was sitting on the end of the bed wanking his now hard cock like a madman. He came on the floor.

If you're into twinks you can forget about Copa. All the guys are in their late twenties, early thirties. Beer 100 baht, off fee 400 baht.

Later in the evening I trudged over to Sunee, planning to chuck-wow Chet. He wasn't there. Ok, I'll choose the guy with the afro. He wasn't there either, so I sat in All of Me massage opposite and had a drink with Boss while waiting for the boys to appear.

Suddenly, the guy with the gold chain - his name is Nu - who I've chuck-wowed so many times on past trips spotted me and came running over.

So off we went behind the screen. And who should be back there but Chet and afro-boy, both being serviced by a farang.

I always thought Nu had quite a large appendage but it pales into insignificance when compared to Chet. He rewarded my effort with a magnificent cumshot, hitting his forehead and cheek.

Back to All of Me. Boss came over and was pressuring me to take him upstairs for a massage. God, he's cute! He told me he was hung and loved to fuck. I remember him in his Eros days but couldn't remember his endowerment.

"Sure, I big!" he said, pulling up a chair, spreading his legs and putting my hand on his cock.

So upstairs we went. And yes, he has a very nice appendage indeed - the perfect size for a top. It was rock-hard from the beginning. And he knows exactly how to use it.

He lay down and asked me to sit on it - his favourite position. Sure, no problem. We continued until he said he was about to cum, so I got down between his legs, grabbed his cock and chuck -wowed him until he dumped a bucket-load of cum on his stomach. Three day's worth, he said. At least!

I then headed back to BBB and arrived in time for the 12:00 cabaret show. There's one incredibly cute male dancer - he's the one who always dances on the right hand side of the stage. The last 2 nights I've been giving him a tip as he comes off stage and now he looks over to where I'm sitting and flashes me that gorgeous smile and gives me a little wave. Tonight we bumped in to each other as I was coming in from outside and he was leaving. He grabbed my arm, smiled at me and said something in Thai. I was hoping he'd say "Go with you tonight?" instead, but he didn't. Oh, well.....

I was waiting for Jungle boy- the axe murderer - but he wasn't on stage. But then there he was in the Big Cock Show! I gave him a tip last night so tonight he gave me a beautiful smile. As he came off stage I pressed a tip into his hand and he pressed his tip into mine. He stood there smiling as I had a good grope of the goods. I was about to faint.

And then he disappeared. And that was that.

Until tomorrow night.

January 12th, 2016, 09:05
Glad to note that your foot is no longer bothering you. Keep up the good report.:-)

January 12th, 2016, 15:30
Actually, it's still very painful and I can't put a shoe on it. But at least I'm mobile again.

I'm willing to hobble to hell and back if it means getting laid!

January 12th, 2016, 18:51
....I'm willing to hobble to hell and back if it means getting laid!

We had rather formed that opinion already


January 13th, 2016, 00:05
Today I offed Yut - for old time's sake. It was my last day so I finished where I started.

I was determined to make my last night in Pattaya a night to remember so I stuffed my pocket with baht and off I went to Goodboys. Chet immediately grabbed me - he had his pants around his knees before we even got to sit down! Meanwhile, Nu came rushing over.

"Me next. Ok?"

"Sure, no problem."

I hope he didn't mind waiting because Chet took one hell of a long time to cum. On the one hand, I'm getting value for money but on the other, wanking such a huge cock is very tiring. At times I was thinking :"Cum, you bastard! Cum!"

Needless to say, it was well worth the wait. Yet another huge load on his chest and stomach. Mind you, he's only 20 so there's a lot more from where that came from.

Nu also performed to his usual standard and splattered his face and neck.

Just then 2 farang entered the bar and sat on the sofa opposite. Two boys soon arrived, whipped out their enormous equipment and started what looked like a wanking contest as the farang (and I) looked on.

They took ages to cum but amazingly they both stood up at the same time and came on the table. How did they coordinate that??

I noticed one of the guys was afro boy so I followed him when he went into the toilet to clean up. He was still hard so now I can confirm that Chet is definitely number one.

Then off to Eros to pick up Bank for the evening. I couldn't see him so I got a new guy -Max- to sit with me. Poor old Max; no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't get it up. I told him not to bother but the whole time he was with me he was desperately trying. He never succeeded.

Bank then appeared but was pissed. He also had trouble getting hard so that was the end of that. No off tonight.

His brother, Ton, arrived and sat with us and was encouraging Bank in his efforts to get a hard-on. Whatever he said worked.

He wanted a chuck wow. Of course, I obliged but he took around 20 minutes to cum. It was really weird seeing Ton watching his brother wanking. Despite chuck-wowing twice in his room today he produced a truly magnificent cumshot. Ton helped with the clean up, wiping the cum from his brother's face! Only in Thailand!

Off to BBB but I didn't make it inside. Who should be standing outside having a smoke but Jungle boy!! I give him a tip every night. He came up to me, put his arm around me. OMG! After all this time I've finally gotten to speak with him - and put my arm around his waist!

He told me his name is Suk. Mmmm.......now that's a good start! He actually speaks a little English now, whereas last year he couldn't say anything. But nothing happened. He had to appear in the 1 o'clock show and I have to get up early tomorrow to fly to Kuala Lumpur. So I gave him a tip and now it's off to bed for me.

But at least next time I'll have no problems at all offing him.

January 13th, 2016, 01:21
AK47, are you loosing your touch, not one mention of your asshole, not even your usual riveting description of getting "pounded" I'm really disappointed!

January 13th, 2016, 02:02
I suspect it's his asshole that's "loosing", not his touch!

Mark my words: a447 = Blonde Sirene #2.



Nirish guy
January 13th, 2016, 03:33
I definitely think the board should all club together and mint a long service / active service campaign medal for A447 !

if it were anyone else I would be calling bullshit by now perhaps but with A447 there's never any such doubt and after seeing him in action in Eros amongst other dives / places places I can confirm that he absolutely is one horny, dirty bugger - and I know he'll take that as the compliment that was intended :-) I'm sure the Thai population of Pattaya are in collective mourning at your leaving and boys the length and breadth of pattaya are all thinking "oh SHIT, what I am I going to do NOW for the rent" ! lol

January 13th, 2016, 07:46
Later in the evening I trudged over to Sunee, planning to chuck-wow Chet. He wasn't there. Ok, I'll choose the guy with the afro. He wasn't there either, so I sat in All of Me massage opposite and had a drink with Boss while waiting for the boys to appear.

Suddenly, the guy with the gold chain - his name is Nu - who I've chuck-wowed so many times on past trips spotted me and came running over.

So off we went behind the screen. And who should be back there but Chet and afro-boy, both being serviced by a farang.

It wasn't me, I swear. I was heading home by then...just in case you have forgotten what I look like. LOL

For some BIG reason, both Chet and afro-boy are very popular.
Oh, and if someone drops by Good Boys sometime soon, it would be great to know the name of afro-boy. Seems a bit rude to keep referring to him that way, but I never got around to asking names.

And I will also vouch for a447's authenticity. I rank him up there with Nirish as a horny bugger.

January 13th, 2016, 08:28
Tennis has Federer and Nadal, football has Messi and Ronaldo and Pattaya whoremongering has NIrish and A447. In fact I'm sure if he tried NIrish could get his end away between the plane and the baggage carousel. =))

January 13th, 2016, 11:08
Nirish, you may see Eros as a "dive" but I prefer to describe it, and similar places I visit, as a Gentlemen's club for the sophisticated traveller.

MFAS, if there's a hole in my reports I'll leave it for others to fill.

This trip has enabled me to get reacquainted with old "friends" like Korn from Adams Apple, Ton and Boss (ex-Eros and now at All of Me), Yut (ex-BBB and now at Copa), Nu from Goodboys and Bank from Eros. They all have something in common - they are really nice guys. Oh, and the sex was amazing, too!

And I finally got to chat with Jungle boy. If only I had had that opportunity early on in my trip, rather than on the last night. But now I know he's very approachable and he seemed very friendly.

Then there's Chet from Goodboys. I don't find him physically attractive at all - except for one part of his anatomy - and the only reason I chose him to sit with me behind the screen is because I was told he was hung like a donkey. Words can't explain his cock; you actually have to see it in the flesh and get your hand on it - or hands. You could grip it with both hands and there would still be cock to spare!

But he is more than just a cock on legs. I found myself very much attracted to him as a person ; he really is a lovely guy. And considering he's as straight as I am gay, he's surprisingly affectionate.

On our first encounter he put his hand on my cock.

"Oh, you hard!"


But I quickly removed it as I didn't want to be part of the action. Besides, if he saw my cock compared to his own there would be no way he could service me as he'd be doubled up with laughter. I decided that like Clark Kent and Superman the two will never be seen together.

I asked him why Isaan guys are so well-endowed and he put it down to their diet. Mmmm...I eat heaps of larb and som tam. Maybe I've left my run a little too late!

One of the big surprises this time was the number of guys without tattoos. A couple were even from Isaan!

Another surprise is how Eros had gone downhill - at least for me. There are lots of new young guys who just can't get it up. Others seem disinterested and would rather sit on the sofa by themselves than seek out a customer. Luckily, I knew some of the guys, so I had company but last night there were a few customers sitting alone, despite a number of guys who were free.

And finally, there's Mr I'm Every Gay Man's Wet Dream. Perfect in every possible way, but forever unattainable.

This trip has had its fair share of disappointments. What can I say? Shit happens. But despite my accident I was still able to have a great time.

Now on to KL.

January 13th, 2016, 11:51
Oh, and anonone, I know it wasn't you! I remember your face and that of Sim very well. Both very handsome guys!

I had to laugh at your comment about Nirish, arsenal. Thing is, it's perfectly believable!

Nirish guy
January 13th, 2016, 17:32
Actually I don't think I can honestly claim THAT medal, there was the time from check IN to the departure gate but that as they say is a whole different story :-)

But i have to say I feel in the spirit of openness and honesty that pervades the board always ( HA !) that I'm beginning to feel that my halcyon days of being as big a tart as A447 etc are now stretching behind me rather than in front. Indeed I purposefully didn't bother going away anywhere at Christmas this year and decided to stay home in the UK and do the family thing ( big mistake but that too is another whole story).

But I can honestly say hand on heart that I didn't miss Thailand ( or Bali more like) the way I thought I might. I did miss the sun certainly and just now "getting away for a while" but the whole usual shagging like a demented rabbit on crack thing, not so much if I'm being totally honest. I think the main reason being that much to my own surprise as I never planned it I find myself currently sharing my life here over the last two years with a lovely cute wee 25 year old Flipino nurse guy ( who's before anyone asks is a full UK legal resident etc was living here quite happily and independently for years with his family long before he met me. Without it ever being planned somehow things have developed where he now stays here 4 or 5 nights depending on his shifts at work and has more clothes here than in his other house and has even have to accept basically "moved in" almost it seems (and surprisingly that seems to be ok with me!?).

I should add that I've been MORE than clear with him as to who and what I am ( i.e. a bit of a whore) and the likes of SGT and various other boards remain open on my computer at all times for him to read should he so wish ( he doesn't bother, I've checked), likewise the same with Grindr on my phone and various other Apps which I never hide and he doesn't even bother checking now as he sees me on them all the time anyway, plus I do remind him that I fully reserve the right to go out and shag all round me and /or head off to Thailand as and when I fancy etc ( which I have done 4 times already whilst knowing him) and that he hasn't "got me" etc etc and he just shrugs his shoulders like " yeah yeah, OMG are you STILL doing all that nonsense, right ok, WHATEVER, now, right what do you want for dinner before I go and put your laundry on".

So after years of flying to Thailand and thinking "my god could i not bring a guy back or find one here and save all this money it appears somehow much to my own surprise I have!" and now I'm having to deal with that and NOT bother or feel the urge to go sowing the same wild oats as I once did as put bluntly sex wise being that he's 25 and small and cute and Asian I'm not having to bother even look for anyone else as I'm more than kept happy in that department ( mainly but still reserve the right to dip my wick elsewhere should the mood take me and he knows that). So, whilst in the past I absolutely would have had to submit to my past reputation as accurate alas of late I'm feeling almost a little fraudulent in accepting that mantle as I'm only a mere shadow of my former self and much to my own surprise I'm finding that to be "ok" ( I think?). However it's a busy time of year in work, I've a lot going on and perhaps come the summer I'll be back to my old ways with energy to burn and a renewed vigour for whoring my way across SE Asia like I used to so enjoy, in one way I hope so and in another I'm wondering "REALLY, could I be bothered" so perhaps as with all things in life the answer will lie somewhere in the middle - we'll see. ( OMG why do I just feel like I've written my own obituary ! :-)

Edit = I should add that in three weeks time I've booked myself in for a long weekend hitting Canal Street in Manchester ( a well known gay dirt bird whoring spot in the UK) with a fellow dirtbag whoring mate (not my BF ) for a bit of debauchery so all is not lost "just" YET it seems ! :-)

January 13th, 2016, 18:59
Well, NIrish - I was going to say that perhaps we would be fighting over the scally rent in certain bars in Canal Street and Bloom Street - as I'm there the afternoon/evening of 1st Feb.

But then again you seem to have gone all respectable and middle class - 25yo male nurses indeed!! I bet he doesn't even wear trackies and a cap! :))

Here's the kind of thing I'll be looking for - and if I find it I may well not even make my business meeting the next day:


Nirish guy
January 13th, 2016, 19:24
ha no he wouldn't be seen DEAD in either a track or a cap - but looking at that pic you've just reminded me why I'm probably not ready to settle down with a pipe and slippers "quite yet" perhaps :-)

Unfortunately I'm in Anal Street from the 5th to the 8th so we'll miss each other it seems, so can I ask that any you corrupt that you leave washed and cleaned again and suitably ready for reuse by others, many thanks :-)

January 13th, 2016, 23:33
Why do I feel a sudden urge to visit Manchester? LOL
Been a long time since I had some falang ass. :D

And congrats to Nirish for what seems to be a great life development.

Nirish guy
January 14th, 2016, 03:57
"what seems to be a great life development."

Hmm ? Ask me in a while about that, I'm still not entirely convinced that being a big tart isn't great fun :-) There's pro's and con's for each side I'm thinking:-) - but hey it'll do for now, it's not like I'm making any promises I can't live up to as he knows clearly who and what I am, but we'll see.......right, where did I put those bloody slippers....

January 14th, 2016, 07:46
What's that ringing sound in my ears? Tinnitus? No, wait! It's wedding bells!!

Good for you, Nirish! I was wondering if you were still with that guy, and now it appears he's moving in.

(Warning: gross generalisation ahead)

Gays are promiscuous by nature and you and I are good examples of that. I find it hard to imagine that you won't be back in Pattaya whoring your arse off. I still remember the time we sat in Queens Bar and you had that group of guys with you - you know, the ones you took back to your hotel for an orgy...lol. You don't want to do that again??

Your guy seems amenable to an open relationship so why curtail your activities and confine yourself to just one butt?

And think of all those horny handsome Pattaya guys whose wallets...oops, I mean hearts will be empty without you!

I've got a strong feeling you'll be back.

January 14th, 2016, 07:50
And that guy in the photo....is he an example of what's available in Anal Street?? He's gorgeous! How much, dare I ask?

Now, let me take out a map. Mmmm..where exactly is Manchester?

Got it! Ok, let's look for flights.

January 14th, 2016, 15:23
Yes a447, you can find lads like that in the Manchester gay area - but you have to know which bars they hang around (often they won't be IN the bar but will be hanging around outside or poking their heads in the door every few mins). There are probably only 3 bars where you might encounter scally lads like him - and it won't be in the fancy ones. Next, you'll have to be somewhat pro-active as they probably won't approach you. Even as a non-smoker I've been known to be standing outside having a smoke just to get into conversation. Basically you have to be in the right place at the right time. I used to know a gorgeous one called Chris whom I met up with several times - and I recall one rather surreal occasion where I was sitting buying some drinks for him and his chavvy girlfriend who was very keen to make sure that her BF would be arriving at my hotel room at the right time later that night!!

Then of course people will tell you that you can walk along the canal - but in all honestly I've never seen anyone remotely interesting, mostly 40s/50s guys sometimes even going at it hammer and tongs in full view - but certainly not my scene. Having said that, I've only ever walked along the canal path in broad daylight - and would be reluctant to do so at night. I do believe that part of the canal path has been shut off for some time - but I'll check on that next month.

Price wise - these lads are most often not gay and do not have the mindset (or the customer profile) for charging ┬г150 for a wank like the rip off merchants in London. A quick fumble of the sort you enjoy behind screens in Pattaya would set you back maybe ┬г25 and if you take them back to your hotel I'd be surprised if you would need to pay more than ┬г60. Staying in a top-end hotel might cause you difficulty - I do know someone who was thrown out after it was noticed that he seemed to be bringing back many "guests" - so a Travelodge or similar is best.

One time I was in Manc, I woke up in bed with an 18yo midget - but that's another story and was a freebie !!


Nirish guy
January 14th, 2016, 15:54
@A447 - fear not as I totally agree with you that I too do not see anything dramatically changing in my predications towards cute Thai / Asian guys and my desire to nail as many as I feel like as and when I feel like and that has already been explained to boy wonder, who while he might not like it knows better than to try and force change in that department as for now anyway ( and while I've breath in my body) that is a battle he would surely loose ! :-)

So right now he is playing a blinding tactical move of "go on then, knock yourself out if you must, I'll still be here when you're done - probably - you silly old fool" - very cunning on his part I have to say, but I, have been known to be EQUSLLYaa cunning of a day myself so fear not, all is not lost ! Lol

January 15th, 2016, 08:28
If "boy wonder" is anything like his sister fellow citizens your goose is as good as cooked. Might be prudent to arrange a temporary hideaway across the Straits of Moyle with your Scottish SG friend if all hell breaks loose with the Asian wain.

January 20th, 2016, 02:52
I then headed back to BBB and arrived in time for the 12:00 cabaret show. There's one incredibly cute male dancer - he's the one who always dances on the right hand side of the stage. The last 2 nights I've been giving him a tip as he comes off stage and now he looks over to where I'm sitting and flashes me that gorgeous smile and gives me a little wave. Tonight we bumped in to each other as I was coming in from outside and he was leaving. He grabbed my arm, smiled at me and said something in Thai. I was hoping he'd say "Go with you tonight?" instead, but he didn't. Oh, well.....

Hmmm it seems I was sitting right next to you that night! (front row left as you look at the stage)
Distinctly remember that interaction between the farang next to me and one of the dancers!
Small world!

January 20th, 2016, 07:17
If the guy was drooling and his knees were knocking together, then yes, it was me!

Now, I'd like a second opinion. I presume you've seen the 1:00 am sexy boy show and have seen Mr I'm Every Gay Man's Wet Dream. What do you think of him? Do you also think he's a stunner?