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January 2nd, 2016, 11:33
Ok, this is awkward as hell, but I hate doctors, and everyone here happens to be knowledgable about gay sex, so let's give it a shot.

Hypothetically, if someone gives you a facial and they have some type of STD themselves, can that infect your eye? If so, is it something that will naturally go away, or do I need to take this more seriously than I am?

For days now, I can barely open my one eye, and when I do force it open, you can see the blood. I look like a one-eyed goblin, but there's no discomfort at all, so I'm hoping it's just a popped blood vessel and will clear itself in a few days. Aside from that, all I can think of is either a STD of some kind, or gecko shit maybe, but that doesn't make sense either.

January 2nd, 2016, 12:42
You should go to see a doctor as soon as possible to get a professional diagnosis and treatment.
Are you worried about confidentiality? Then why post your problem on the world wide web?
You are worried about the doctor's competence? Why are you asking a bunch of bar flies instead of someone who has probably dealt with the problem before or someone who can refer you to a specialist.
If you have an infection it will easily transfer to the other eye. If you go blind then your life is ruined.
Go to see a doctor and get it treated ... and do it today.

January 2nd, 2016, 14:06
Can that infect your eye?

Yes. http://d.pr/1fvqM

January 2nd, 2016, 15:14
Can that infect your eye?

Yes. http://d.pr/1fvqM

Gross. And how does a 6 year old get pubic lice in his eyes? Uncle gave him a facial, or what?

Anyway, it it takes 10 - 14 days to mature, then yeah, that would make sense in my case. Went to the hospital today, was told the eye doctor is on vacation for New Years, and to come back Monday, so see what happens then.

I've become accustomed to having two eyes though, so hopefully it's nothing too serious. I don't think it is though, or at least doesn't feel like it.

Nirish guy
January 2nd, 2016, 17:46
If that was an STI of the eye look on the bright side.....at least you saw it coming :-)

January 2nd, 2016, 19:51
Yeah, hopefully it clears itself, but if not, eye doctor will be back at work in the KK Ram private hospital here Monday I guess.

I've honestly only had sex with two people in the past couple years. I've asked both of them, and they both said they've been tested and have no STDs, so who knows.

My teeth are already fucked, and now one eye is as well. At the moment, I look as beautiful as this little guy.


January 2nd, 2016, 20:17
I've asked the question re cum in the eyes cos tears are bodily fluids of course. You may have an eye infection from contaminated water for instance. Twice I've had bloodshot looking eyes after returning from a well known Bangkok hotel. The last time my partner got the same; I blame the shower water. My pharmacist gave me eye lotion which worked both times. I'm in a quandary now cos the boys are so cute in this venue and shared showering is part of the appeal so maybe eyes shut showering but that defeats the main purpose.

January 9th, 2016, 23:13
Can that infect your eye?

Yes. http://d.pr/1fvqM

Eye is still pretty fucked, albeit getting better. However, I think that's exactly what I have. Pubic lice in the eye. Pulled one of them out of my eye tonight, and he was about 2x3mm in size, which is huge to be buried in your eye. I looked at it closely under a light, seen it's little legs spinning out of control, then searched for "pubic lice" on Google Images, and I'm 95% certain that's what I have.

So lesson learnt, be careful of your short time rooms fellas. You never know what the mattresses and pillows contain, as I'm assuming that's where it came from.

Fuck, now I have to get my head shaved bald, plus actually have to see the doctor because from what I researched what I need isn't available over the counter. I hate doctors.

January 9th, 2016, 23:19
Matt, no offence meant, but I suggest that the more likely source of your infestation was via your sexual partner rather than the bedding.

It is possible to catch pubic lice from bedding/towels used by a "carrier" but direct personal contact is far more likely.

January 9th, 2016, 23:35
Yeah, you're right, it was more than likely one of two partners. There were a couple others I was with previously, but it was too long ago for it to be them. So it was either one of those two, or the hotel itself. After all, it is a curtain hotel with probably 200 rooms, and the entire reason it was built was for sex, so... it could have just as easily came off the mattress as well. Who knows, doesn't really matter.

I think after getting my head shaved bald as a pre-caution, maybe I should head to the temple and get some strings tied around my wrist to "wow" the locals in the area. Head shaved, plus strings on the wrist meaning I've been blessed, so kick ass... might as well do what I can to turn it into a positive. :)

January 10th, 2016, 00:32
Yeah, you're right, it was more than likely one of two partners.

I think after getting my head shaved bald as a pre-caution, maybe I should head to the temple and get some strings tied around my wrist to "wow" the locals in the area. Head shaved, plus strings on the wrist meaning I've been blessed, so kick ass... might as well do what I can to turn it into a positive. :)
Out of fairness to either guy though, lice isn't really an STD.

I'm guessing that if you picked it up from someone, then the symptoms might be recognizable around the local neighborhood and so add that to the fact that you're planning to shave your head, your celebrity status can only go up around town...lol.

Seriously though, before you call it "pubic lice" you did mention you live close to your two big dogs...a speices that also gets lice?

You may have already shaved your head so, from the bright side...we'll be able to tell you apart from Gollum now, as he still has a few strands remaining.


January 10th, 2016, 01:31
Yeah, I'm not a doctor, so no idea if it's pubic lice or not, but that's my best guess at the moment. Not really a huge deal, but quite difficult to work like this. Get constant headaches due to eyes having to strain at a computer screen.

Not worried about my head getting shaved, and going to do it anyway, just to ensure I don't have later issues. Whatever is in my eye is definitely live and crawling, so I'm getting my head shaved just to be safe. I was just joking about the strings around wrist thing -- I'm not actually going to do that.

Besides, I accidentally got my head shaved basically bald once while I was here, years ago when I was with Kim. Went in for a haircut, and meant to say "I want my hair really short", but "short" in Thai is "san" with this certain tone I quite obviously can't reproduce, because nobody understands me when I say it. So I just said I want my hair same as a soldier, and she definitely understood that. Only takes a couple seconds and one strip with the razor in the middle of your head before you realize, "ok, I guess I'm going bald for the next couple weeks". :)

Not exactly a big deal. It's hair -- it'll grow back in a couple weeks. Much better than dealing with lice of whateer kind for months.

January 10th, 2016, 01:49
If it's pubic lice, then shaving your head or any part of your body won't help. You need to score some pemethrin and use it over a 72 hour period, to kill not only the egg-laying adults but also the invisible-to-the-eye newly hatched ones. Quellada is an over-the-counter brand, which comes in lotions, creams and shampoos. You have to coat your entire body, head to toes, rinse-repeat over three days, as public lice can latch onto any hair follicle ie. under arms, and then migrate, to your eyelashes or eyebrows, etc.

January 10th, 2016, 04:22
You contradicted yourself. :)

You started by saying shaving will do no good, but then said lice can easily spread to any hair folice. I really don't care about getting my head shaved. Everyone around here that I care about knows me well enough to not give a shit, so I don't give a shit either.

Whatever it is, it's in me eye, small, live, and is crawling, because I seen the little legs today. Not really a big deal, and easily taken care of with the proper meds, so not worried about it.

Only thing that sucks the most is trying to read Thai based conversations like this with shitty eyesight on your tablet. The characters are quite small, and Thai language has various characters that look the same. For example.. р╕Фр╕Др╕Хр╕Е -- four different characters. Have fun figuring them out when you're half blind. :)

Nirish guy
January 10th, 2016, 07:27
Tobi is and was right in that shaving your head will do no good as it won't fix the problem as even with a shaved head the lice can still survive and attach themselves to ( any ) other hair on your body, shaving your head will not get rid of the lice.

Tobi's advice re you needing to cover your entire body in Quellada cream ( and also removing all your bed sheets /towels etc that you have used and wash them at a high temperature ) is and was also correct and that is the only way you can be sure you will rid yourself of the problem and I would strongly suggest you follow his / your doctors advice re this to avoid the risk of infecting other people and or finding yourself in an ever revolving cycle of self reinfection.

January 10th, 2016, 14:18
On two occasions I had pubic lice which had migrated from the boy's pubic hair to mine. Once I used anti-lice dog shampoo which actually worked quite well. The second time I saw an MD and got some helpful liquid medication. Then I laundered my underwear in boiling water. No further problems.

January 10th, 2016, 14:22
Nah, I never thought shaving my head would get ride of the lice, but just stop them from expanding. It's only a 3 inch jump from my eye to my head, and I'd prefer this problem be resolved within a week, not 3 months. Then most 12 year olds probably have more body hair than me, so there isn't really any other place for them to go.

Not worried about bed linens, at least not in my house. I do them about once a week, including blanket and pillows.

Anyway, bald now. I don't mind. Majority of the time I'm just hanging out at home with the dogs anyway, so doesn't bother me. Didn't bother with the hospital though. Realized it was Sunday, so it'll probably be packed with people, and one extra day isn't going to hurt any. Will go tomorrow. That, and I'm just really not looking forward to explaining to the doctor, "well, you see, I went to a curtain motel with this random gay stranger I met over the internet, and think I got pubic lice out of it". Ugghh..

January 10th, 2016, 14:37
If they're pubic lice, there wasn't any point in shaving your head, that's only for head lice, the kind children tend to catch.
http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/pubic ... /faqs.html (http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/pubic/gen_info/faqs.html)

January 10th, 2016, 16:24
It┬┤s not necessarily public lice.
I remember that ten years ago, after a tuk tuk ride at night, I had a similar problem. I did show my eye to a thai friend and he removed an animal, he called - if I remember right - Tig, Tik or Tick. This animal did hold on to my eye lid with its claws and he said it would start to lay eggs now, causing exact the problems you describe. He had to use a pair of tweezers and I do remember that it was hard getting it away and it also did take two more days for the eye to recover completely.
So you better see a doctor. No matter what it is, it won┬┤t disappear by doing nothing.

Nirish guy
January 10th, 2016, 16:32
Why do you feel the need to explain anything to the doctor. Just a case of "Doc, I think I need some cream please as I think I'm picked something up from a sex partner" - end of, no other detail required - and it's not like the doc won't have seen and heard it all 100 times before.

And as for your "aw the sheets are no problem as they're washed anyway " etc it's RE infection is the issue not the original one, every night you get back into bed with the eggs there you're exposing yourself all over again and likewise when you've washed the sheets and get in with your existing infestation still occurring in your eye etc you're leaving the process open to start all over again - what part of this do you not grasp !? For an educated guy your whole "ah hell it'll be fine" type view whilst doing ZERO to ACTUALLY fix the problem ( as as already has been pointed to you shaving your head was a total waste of time) I'm amazed you're being so casual re it, especially where your eyesight is involved - but hey "up to you" I suppose, good luck getting it sorted either way.

January 10th, 2016, 16:54
....... "Doc, I think I need some cream please as I think I'm picked something up from a sex partner" ......
Not even that. Wouldn┬┤t it be enough to just say that there is a problem without providing any detail, than let him find out about it and let him do the diagnose.

By the way. Thinking about it. Would pubic lice goe into the eye and would they survive there, or dont they need hair to hold on? I was just reading on the net and from
what I learn there, they might stick to your eye brows or even eye lid hair but not go into the eye.

January 10th, 2016, 17:12
I think it's best to be very honest and straight-forward with your doctor, so they can properly diagnose you. There could be hundreds, if not thousands of reasons for any given medical issue, so explaining where you've been, what you've done, what you've eaten, and so on probably provides a great deal of help, and helps ensure you don't get mid-diagnosed.

And yes, most have attached themselves to my eye-lashes. I can see the little fucks when I first wake up, before I brush them out of my eye.

January 10th, 2016, 17:19
Truly, how can any of you believe all these tall tales posted by cdnmatt about his life in KK? At least he can get a good laugh out of it to see how many fish took the bait; hook, line and sinker. :))

January 11th, 2016, 00:02
Francois I just take everybody at face value and respond accordingly - and even if Matt is making it all up then the suggestions and advice might be of use in the future to someone else who encounters the problem. I suspect the majority of ppl with multiple sex partners will encounter pubic lice at some point in their shagging "career"

But I'll throw in some other stuff not yet mentioned (I think):

1. Pubic lice/crabs do NOT live in head hair - so shaving your head is completely unnecessary and pointless. They will live only in coarse body hair and eyelashes

2. Pubic lice probably won't be eradicated if you wimp out and ask the pharmacist for head lice treatment - you should make it clear that you require pubic lice treatment

3. You simply MUST NOT use head or pubic lice treatments on your eyelashes!!!!! You will irritate your eyes to the point where damage may even occur. A special ointment type treatment is used on eyelashes

4. Even using specific pubic lice lotion - you must treat yourself TWICE. The intial treatment will kill the live creatures but the eggs will survive.

5. Bedding and clothing must be washed at minimum 50-60c otherwise, as NIrish says, you'll just re-infest yourself

6. Any other humans in your household must also be treated whether they have symptoms or not - but (Matt) animals cannot "catch" your pubic lice.

Nirish guy
January 11th, 2016, 02:09
Francois I just take everybody at face value and respond accordingly - and even if Matt is making it all up then........

Then it's only himself he's making look like a dick, especially where it's on a board that he has resided for years now and when other people are posting consecutive and correct advice in an attempt to help him with something, so if "CNDMatt" IS trolling for whatever screwed up reason then in my view it would of course only be himself that he would be making look daft on the board and not others.

January 11th, 2016, 04:16
This link sounds more likely to cover it:

http://www.healcure.org/eye/eyelashes/e ... eyelashes/ (http://www.healcure.org/eye/eyelashes/eyelash-mites-symptoms-treatment-demodex-facial-mites-eyelashes/)

If so, they would not be pubic lice at all. The net suggests most older people have these demodex mites on their face so thank you for the heads up, Matt.

January 11th, 2016, 04:24

... Pulled one of them out of my eye tonight, and he was about 2x3mm in size...

That's far too big for the mites you have linked to


January 11th, 2016, 05:11
Yes, you're right about the size. I missed that. If it's pubic lice then I read an eye ointment with a white or yellow soft paraffin base may be recommended.

January 11th, 2016, 07:28
Truly, how can any of you believe all these tall tales posted by cdnmatt about his life in KK? At least he can get a good laugh out of it to see how many fish took the bait; hook, line and sinker. :))

Yes francois, because my story is just totally unrealistic, and far fetched. I mean, late 20s, visit my parents in KL, end up in Pattaya a couple times, fall in love with a go-go boy who proceeds to drag me to Khon Kaen. We live together for a few years, and by the end with about 10 ladyboys moved themselves in as well, making my life a living nightmare. We break up, I shrug my shoulders and decide, "fuck it, might as well just stay", because a) I have the dogs, and b) regardless of where in the world I am, I'm stuck behind the computer all day.

Now I'm a lonely gay guy in his mid 30s who works at home as a software developer. Oh, and I managed to get pubic lice from same random stranger I found on Grindr, and took to a curtain motel.

Come on... if I was going to lie, don't you think I'd be able to come up with something a little better?

January 11th, 2016, 08:16
Nobody really wants to lie with lice. I believe you.

January 11th, 2016, 11:12
Come on... if I was going to lie, don't you think I'd be able to come up with something a little better?

I hope so! Can't wait for the next episode as they are quite entertaining. :ymhug:

January 12th, 2016, 14:27
Come on... if I was going to lie, don't you think I'd be able to come up with something a little better?

I hope so! Can't wait for the next episode as they are quite entertaining. :ymhug:

I can't remember, but you seem quite bitter with me, so I'm assuming it's you who I stood up years ago?

I know I've stood up Christian, but that's for my own personal reasons. Then there's Whitehouse who I blatantly told to fuck off, because well, he's just bat shit insane. Then there's one other person, but this was 4 or 5 years ago, and I can't remember who. We talked on the phone a couple times, then I stopped answering my phone. Was that you?

January 12th, 2016, 22:33
No, not me. I am not bitter at all just don't believe what you post since not credible or verifiable.

For example I believe ever word that ChristianPFC posts as well as many other posters on this forum. You are in the category of Beachlover although not as zany as him.

There are a few other posters on this forum whose exploits stretch the imagination such a latintop.

Guess that is what makes a forum entertaining?

January 12th, 2016, 23:27
I don't post often here, but this picked my curiosity. Beach was definitely a very different category - a ridiculous fictional character that conducted his multimillion dollar businesses out of the penthouse suites of 5 star hotels all over the world and, in his precious free moments, deigned to dispose worldly advice on the common riffraff of gay forums. Compare that to the....pubic lice in the eye story. Although one never knows, why would one ever want to come up with such a fiction!? I once read the stories of cdnmatt in one go, from the idealistic saviour of a gogo boy in need of love and care, to a lonely and somewhat disillusioned guy in his house with his two dogs away in Isaan. Not at all an unbelievable story and not so uncommon, I guess.

And as Francois' post are usually quite sensible, its surprising to see that he wants the story to be verifiable! How? By posting a picture of the local doctor's prescriptionfor the pubic lice medication?

As to join in with the medical advice we all love to give, I picked the nasty little buggers up once and treated them with the over the counter head lice medication, just diluted it less than recommended for hair. The active ingredient is the same, I think. They disappeared.

January 13th, 2016, 00:50
Yeah, don't worry, I don't lie. I'm not good at it, plus then you have to fuck around trying to remember what lie you told who, so it's just easier to be honest. :)

And like you said, if I was going to lie, I'm sure I could come up with something a little better. I could be a gorgeous 20-something, multi-millionaire staying at the most posh 5 star resorts Asia has to offer, while having a BF who's madly in love with me. Or I could be like another previous poster, and have this amazing polygamous relationship with 4 gorgeous BFs at the same time, all who were totally cool with the dynamics of everything. But no...

The word "disillusioned" is a little harsh though, isn't it? I think "jaded" would be a better word, and I can agree with that. Married in Canada, and got thrown under the bus when we moved to Europe. Ended up here, was with Kim for a few years, and that went to shit as well. So fuck it, now I have dogs. :)

January 13th, 2016, 07:38
. . . So fuck it, now I have dogs.
And pubic lice cdnmatt, donтАЩt forget about them. ;)

January 13th, 2016, 11:35
And as Francois' post are usually quite sensible, its surprising to see that he wants the story to be verifiable! How? By posting a picture of the local doctor's prescriptionfor the pubic lice medication?

Good idea, bidreamer, that idea did occur to me.

If someone credible on this forum has ever met cdnmatt in person and can verify his status I would become a believer.

January 13th, 2016, 12:38
. . . So fuck it, now I have dogs.
And pubic lice cdnmatt, donтАЩt forget about them. ;)

The little shits are still in there too. 3 times now I've been down to the hospital, and have yet to see a doctor. Come back at 5pm today I've been told. I think the eye doctor who works at the private hospital in town is quite lazy, because he never seems to be working.

Maybe I should just try a state-run hospital, instead of the fancy, expensive private one. Might get to actually see a doctor that way.

January 13th, 2016, 15:02
I think it's best to be very honest and straight-forward with your doctor, so they can properly diagnose you. There could be hundreds, if not thousands of reasons for any given medical issue, so explaining where you've been, what you've done, what you've eaten, and so on probably provides a great deal of help, and helps ensure you don't get mid-diagnosed.

And yes, most have attached themselves to my eye-lashes. I can see the little fucks when I first wake up, before I brush them out of my eye.
Why not cut your eyelashes off. One of those ladyboys who do piercings would be happy to accomodate.
Do eyelashes grow back?

Good ideas coming from every corner now. Genital warts, coming up.
Completely original topics are few and far between on a board that is 15 years old.

January 13th, 2016, 20:21
I've honestly only had sex with two people in the past couple years. I've asked both of them, and they both said they've been tested and have no STDs, so who knows.
Just check them for pubic lice. But what about your short-time hotel visits with boy(s) from online, always the same boy? (I'm too lazy to check your previous posts on this subject to find inconsistencies.)

I know I've stood up Christian, but that's for my own personal reasons.
Elaborate on the reasons, please.

Pubic lice in the eye. Pulled one of them out of my eye tonight, and he was about 2x3mm in size, which is huge to be buried in your eye. I looked at it closely under a light, seen it's little legs spinning out of control, then searched for "pubic lice" on Google Images, and I'm 95% certain that's what I have.
2x3 mm sounds unrealistic. I once had pubic lice (where they belong, on the pubes, from a sexual contact in Bangkok), they were so small I just make them out and see they were moving when I paid attention (I noticed them days before, but didn't look closely). Anyway, they live on your eyelashes and not in your eye. Pictures on the web are usually via microscope.

For what it's worth: a Thai friend warned me not to dry my eyes with towels in hotels, because if someone else who stayed there has syphilis I will rub it into my eyes. (I don't know if syphilis can be spread this way.)

January 13th, 2016, 21:22
...(I don't know if syphilis can be spread this way.)

It can't.

January 14th, 2016, 08:21
I've honestly only had sex with two people in the past couple years. I've asked both of them, and they both said they've been tested and have no STDs, so who knows.
Just check them for pubic lice. But what about your short-time hotel visits with boy(s) from online, always the same boy? (I'm too lazy to check your previous posts on this subject to find inconsistencies.)

Yeah, I guess I worded that a little incorrectly. There are a few others I've slept with, but only two semi-regular guys, epsecially in the time period it would have taken for this infection to take place. I already know exactly who now anyway, so doesn't matter. As I've said before, for pay guys seem to be few and far between here, or at least those who own a smart phone / tablet are. Everyone is looking for an actual BF, and I haven't bothered leaving my shell enough to go on actual dates.

I know I've stood up Christian, but that's for my own personal reasons.
Elaborate on the reasons, please.

No thanks. Just go under the assumption I may have a personal issue or two that I don't disclose publicly, and I believe you to be highly judgemental. Why meet / host someone, when more than likely, they're just going to put you under a microscope the entire time? That's awkward, not fun.

2x3 mm sounds unrealistic.

Don't know what to tell you, but that was the size. Granted, the vast majority are tiny, and when brushing my eye it feels like I'm just brushing sand out of it. Generally my eye is closed, but I can partially open it, and sometimes I'll see one of the critters dangling from my eyelash, holding on for life. That's where I grabbed the big one from.

Anyway, I'm sick and tired of going to the hospital, only to be told the eye doctor isn't in, so as stupid as this sounds, I decided to give dog shampoo a try. It contains permethrin, which kills fleas, ticks, lice, mites, etc. See what happens.

January 14th, 2016, 11:21
I would think that any pharmacy would have OTC meds for treatment of pubic lice?

It did occur to me that head lice would be much more common in Thailand where passengers on motorbike taxis use the same helmet over and over. Just thinking about it has inspired me to invest in my own helmet!

January 14th, 2016, 11:37
. . . I may have a personal issue or two that I don't disclose publicly, and I believe you to be highly judgemental.
A chronic case of flatulence is nothing to be embarrassed about these days cdnmatt, it is actually more common than you think. I honestly donтАЩt think ChristianPFC would be too concerned, after all, the Germans are not called krauts for nothing. ;)

Anyway, I'm sick and tired of going to the hospital, only to be told the eye doctor isn't in, so as stupid as this sounds, I decided to give dog shampoo a try. It contains permethrin, which kills fleas, ticks, lice, mites, etc. See what happens
As far as I can remember, IтАЩve only ever had pubic lice twice in my life and the little buggers had taken up residence in my pubes, not my eyelashes. On one occasion, I discovered the little critters while on holiday in Gran Canaria. I went to a local pharmacy with a friend and had the most embarrassing time trying to explain to the pharmacist the nature of my problem.

I hope your own home remedy works, but be ever so careful that you donтАЩt make a bad situation worse. You canтАЩt be too careful with your eyes. I speak as someone whose left eye muscle is scarred and has a cataract due to radiotherapy treatment. It now has very little movement.

January 14th, 2016, 12:24
Don't know what to tell you, but that was the size. Granted, the vast majority are tiny, and when brushing my eye it feels like I'm just brushing sand out of it. Generally my eye is closed, but I can partially open it, and sometimes I'll see one of the critters dangling from my eyelash, holding on for life. That's where I grabbed the big one from.

Anyway, I'm sick and tired of going to the hospital, only to be told the eye doctor isn't in, so as stupid as this sounds, I decided to give dog shampoo a try. It contains permethrin, which kills fleas, ticks, lice, mites, etc. See what happens.

Honestly, this little saga was started by you on January 2.
So it now 12 days of eye problems. Unbelievable!

Is KK such a puny backwater that it is impossible to find and speak with some moderately competent doctor, and get this sorted?

January 14th, 2016, 12:49
Anyway, I'm sick and tired of going to the hospital, only to be told the eye doctor isn't in, so as stupid as this sounds, I decided to give dog shampoo a try. It contains permethrin, which kills fleas, ticks, lice, mites, etc. See what happens.

Have you also considered a flea collar?

January 15th, 2016, 00:56
And a new idea for the nether end infestation-an insecticidal cockring.
Re dog shampoo - the antifungal type is very good against dandruff on the human scalp or so I saw on TV recently.
For the op's eye infestation I would urge caution.

January 15th, 2016, 06:54
Re dog shampoo - the antifungal type is very good against dandruff on the human scalp or so I saw on TV recently.
For the op's eye infestation I would urge caution.

As strange as it sounds, seems to be working, which does make sense. I guess I have to wait another 24 hours to confirm, but I'm pretty confident it's working. When I woke up this morning, and pulled the little critters out of my eye, they were little dead, curled up balls instead of live and kicking.

So there you have it -- if you accidentally end up in bed with a filthy whore and get pubic lice out of the deal, instead of playing cat and mouse the doctor, just grab some dog shampoo. Just make sure it's the flea & tick variety that contains permethrin, as that is the recommended treatment. As a caveat, I would recommend going to any local pharmacy and grabbing some generic eye drops, as your eye is going to become extremely dry. Little buggers won't be able to survive in your eye though.

January 15th, 2016, 09:15
My experiences with Thai pharmacies and doctors are entirely positive. If I have a health problem that does not get better within a few days, I go there and get good treatment at reasonable price, as far as I can judge as a layman.

A picture of your eye would add some credulence to your story.

I once had pubic lice on my pubes, and several others here report the same, that leaves one to wonder what kind of sexual acts you performed to get pubic lice on your eyelashes.

This episode leaves the question: which STDs or parasites can be transferred from towels and bedlinen in hotels? Public washing machines in Thailand are all cold water, do hotels wash their stuff with hot water?

January 15th, 2016, 10:02
My experiences with Thai pharmacies and doctors are entirely positive. If I have a health problem that does not get better within a few days, I go there and get good treatment at reasonable price, as far as I can judge as a layman.

Pharmacies, agreed. I've only been a couple times, but only positive experiences. As for hospital experience, who knows -- best I can assume is the eye specialist who works there maybe has a private clinic, teaches at the university, both, or something along those lines. Same as the vet I use. Owns a private clinic, but is also a professor at KKU, plus is constantly bombing around all over to seminars, etc... so tracking him down can sometimes be easier said than done.

A picture of your eye would add some credulence to your story.

No. Go find me on GR, Grindr, or Hornet. I'm the white "JohnQ" guy. I look like that, except my one eye is completely shut.

that leaves one to wonder what kind of sexual acts you performed to get pubic lice on your eyelashes.

A facial would probably do the trick.

This episode leaves the question: which STDs or parasites can be transferred from towels and bedlinen in hotels?

I'm no doctor, but from what I've researched, pretty much anything living can be transmitted via linens. This includes lice, crabs, mites, etc. However, transfer via linens is quite rare, because most of the parasites feed off either blood or dead skin cells, and can only survive a short time without a host. So you have to come in contact with the linens very shortly after they get infected for it to be transferred that way.

Nonetheless, I doubt it was the hotel, as it seems quite clean. For example, the towels come in an air-tight plastic packaging, etc. And I already know exactly who it was from anyway. He used to message me every day or two asking what I'm up to, and whether or not I'm busy. Once I asked him about STDs though, he denied, then magically stopped sending me messages. Go figure.

January 15th, 2016, 22:23
A picture of your eye would add some credulence to your story.
No. Go find me on GR, Grindr, or Hornet. I'm the white "JohnQ" guy. I look like that, except my one eye is completely shut.

(my underline) That's the eye I am referring to!

January 15th, 2016, 22:24
I did find cdnmatt on GayRomeo recently, by accident. I won't comment on his profile but I will comment on this thread: Pretty dumb not to go see a doctor right away, in my opinion. Eyes are sensitive little things.

January 16th, 2016, 03:03
......Public washing machines in Thailand are all cold water.....

Do you mean they have only one inlet hose and it only supplies cold water to the machine?

My own washing machine is like that - and I believe it's fairly common. But what it DOES do is fill with cold water which it then heats to the correct temperature.

I'd find it surprising if Thai washing machines really only wash on cold - as detergents aren't that effective below min 30c.

January 16th, 2016, 04:00
detergents aren't that effective below min 30c.

My washing machine only goes 40F - 90F (4.4C - 32C), so cutting it close if that's true. Also why I only use liquid detergent, as the powder stuff doesn't dissolve as it should, and just sticks to the clothes. It's what you said though -- cold water inlet, and washing machine heats it up itself.

Nirish guy
January 16th, 2016, 04:03
I'm damned sure they're not running on cold only as I've hardly EVER left clothes into a Thai laundry and got them back fitting me the same way that they did when I left them in after they've been boiled washed to within an inch of their lives it seems. I've even brought Thai boys to my laundry lady to translate "PLEASE TURN THE TEMPERATURE DOWN, YOU'RE RUINING MY CLOTHES" - to which I of course got the "so sorry" followed by a nice smile and nod and then even more shrunken clothes thereafter as she figured that I'd meant they weren't clean enough of course. I'm guessing just like the old twin tubs most Thai machines take in cold water but then just heat it to the temperature required ( i.e take the skin off your hand boiling it seems).

Actually my Thai boy / friend did actually tell me that there was no such thing as selecting a temperature on the lady's machine on as she just put it on and whatever happened happened basically and so I was wasting my time asking ( and based on my next returned want load he was of course totally correct about that).

January 16th, 2016, 09:00
My washing machine only goes 40F - 90F (4.4C - 32C), so cutting it close if that's true.
A setting for 40F - 90F? Doesn't make sense. A picture would add credulence.

Thai washing machines that I used or saw (all coin operated for public use) don't have a setting for temperature (like European have), and there is no fog on the glass during the washing process (i.e. no condensation of water vapor from hot water). Of course it could be that there is an electrical heater which I can't see, but I don't think so. A friend pointed out that his condo has a hot water washing machine which is rare in Thailand.

As far as I can tell, most public washing machines in Thailand wash at room temperature. Detergents would work better at higher temperature and germs/parasites might survive room temperature.

January 16th, 2016, 09:23
haha, are you actually serious? No, you're not getting a picture of my eye because I look like a retard right now, but sure, you can have a picture of my washing machine knob if you want. Here it is:


Knowing how anal you are, better check the Exif data on the image to ensure it's from the time and locaion I purport it to be from.

Then you're confused as to why I dont want to meet you. No shit...

EDIT: And I just realized, I probably made a huge mistake. Those temperatures are celsius, not faranheit, right?

January 16th, 2016, 19:33
Celsius, not Farenheit, now it makes sense.

I know I've stood up Christian, but that's for my own personal reasons.Elaborate on the reasons, please.
No thanks. Just go under the assumption I may have a personal issue or two that I don't disclose publicly, and I believe you to be highly judgemental. Why meet / host someone, when more than likely, they're just going to put you under a microscope the entire time? That's awkward, not fun.
I would let this rest if it was just between us on PM, but the invitation was public on the forum, and if I don't reply others might think (is there anybody out who cares apart from Francois?) that I accept you explanation.

But the chronology is wrong:
We have been reading each other's posts for years, enought time to form an opinion,
you invite me to stay with you in Khon Kaen, I can even bring the Thai friends I'm traveling with for dinner,
you cancel the invitation two days before I arrive in Khon Kaen,
(I have to praise you for that, giving me enough time to adjust my plans accordingly)
and now you tell me you don't want' to meet because I'm judgmental.
It doesn't match up.

It's like suggesting the United States should have used the atomic bomb on Berlin instead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

January 16th, 2016, 22:03

It's like suggesting the United States should have used the atomic bomb on Berlin instead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Well, that was the plan! The A bomb was developed specifically to drop on Germany. After surrender of Germany the only other option was Hiroshima and Nagasaki to make sure it worked. One bomb was plutonium based and the other uranium based. They worked all to well.

January 16th, 2016, 23:48
.... just like the old twin tubs....

:x Ah, the old twin tubs!

I recall ours was a Hoovermatic and I recall that the wash was so hot you had to transfer the clothes from the washer bit to the spinner bit by using wooden tongs.

And of course you filled from a hose attached to the sink tap and it drained into the sink via a hose hung over the lip of the sink.

Keep 'em going NIrish - old timey stuff like that is pure neuralgia.


January 20th, 2016, 21:21
Just a quick update for anyone who cares... if you ever get lice in your eyelashes due to your sexual exploits in Thailand, I can honestly recommend dog shampoo instead of pissing about with the doctors. Just make sure it's the flea & tick variety that contains permethrin.

Took a little longer than I expected by a couple days, but I'm assuming that's because I let the infestation get larger than it should have. Nonetheless, dog shampoo was all it took. My bad eye is about 90% open now, and I'm assuming will be 100% in a day or two.

Expect to give yourself a small black eye though, as you rub the little bastards out. They die due to the permethrin, but they have four legs and two claws, so when they die they just curl up into a ball and stay within your eye. You have to get them out somehow, and they're sticky little bastards, so a little force is required.

January 21st, 2016, 00:13
Excellent advice matt. Can you also recommend any dog de-worming meds that are effective in humans? And can you provide some advice on how to relieve "scooting"? Not for me, but my bf has been dragging his ass around on the floor and I would like to know how to relieve his symptoms?

January 21st, 2016, 00:58
Use more lube.

January 21st, 2016, 19:04
I also heard of a non chemical remedy and that is to recite the nursery rhyme.

Three blind lice,three times in quick succession whilst rapidly blinking. ;;)

January 24th, 2016, 11:53
Excellent advice matt. Can you also recommend any dog de-worming meds that are effective in humans? And can you provide some advice on how to relieve "scooting"? Not for me, but my bf has been dragging his ass around on the floor and I would like to know how to relieve his symptoms?

Actually I shouldn't joke about intestinal parasites. Here in Thailand it is quite easy to acquire such parasites due to hygiene, unsafe food handling methods and risky sex activities, namely rimming. :-o

January 24th, 2016, 20:50
Is the pupil of the affected eye dilated? There is a condition which is similar to herpes, called ocular herpes, which affects the eye, dilating the pupil and causing severe sensitivity to light which requires surgery to correct it. Not attending to it can cause scarring of the cornea and ultimately affect the eyesight. It's usually caught from water, mainly swimming pool water which is not treated hygienically or has signs of stagnation. Only a few people are prone to this condition, the main symptom being a severely dilated pupil and bloodshot/closure of the affected eye.

January 24th, 2016, 21:58
Yeah, don't rim someone who has eaten larb made of uncooked meat before, that could get nasty.

February 4th, 2016, 02:56
If it was pubic lice, you should repeat the treatment in about 7 days as new lice could be born in that time. They don't nature mature enough in 7 days to reproduce so two treatments a week apart should clear it