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December 28th, 2015, 02:07
I arrived at Chiang Mai airport and right from the start things started off badly and quickly got worse. Where do I start?

My driver wasn't waiting for me. It turns out he went to the international arrivals even though I'd told the hotel I was coming from Bangkok and gave all the flight details.

We got to the hotel and the first of today's 2 highlights was waiting for me ; the guy at reception is absolutely stunning!! Jesus! Just gorgeous!

I got to my room only to find the safe wasn't working. He came up to check it but couldn't fix it. Eventually I was able to use it by swiping my debit card.

Next, the WiFi wouldn't work on my iPad. The keyboard refused to pop up to allow me to enter my username, yet it allowed me to type in my password. WTF? It works ok on my iPhone so it's obviously a problem with the iPad.

Never mind ; I'll just go to 7/11 and pick up a sim card. But they didn't have one. Mr Gorgeous suggested I go to Tesco and get one from AIS. He told me I could walk there but a tuk-tuk passed by so I grabbed it. I asked him how much to go to Tesco and then into town. 100 baht. Done deal. He would wait outside for me.

AIS had a sim card but I didn't have my passport so I couldn't buy it. Please come back tomorrow. Fuck!

I went outside and my driver was nowhere to be seen. He'd just disappeared. No doubt he got A better offer. I waited for half an hour but he never came back. I approached a tuk-tuk in the car park but he demanded 200 baht. (How do you tell someone to fuck off in Thai?)

Never mind ; I'll start walking. One is bound to come by. But none did and I ended up having to walk the whole way back. Problem is I didn't pay attention on the way over so wasn't sure which way to go. I got completely lost and ended up wandering around for over an hour. A girl working in 7/11 is partly to blame - she sent me in the wrong direction.

Eventually I made it back to the hotel, totally exhausted. I was going to put my iPad back in the safe and then try and get a tuk-tuk into town for dinner. But there was a problem - the safe would not open with my debit card! I panicked.

I called reception but Mr Gorgeous had gone home. The girl told me it wouldn't be a problem because a technician could be called tomorrow. Tomorrow??

She eventually came to my room to take a look. Call Mr Gorgeous, I suggested. No, she couldn't do that as he'd already gone home. Well, call the manager. Sorry, he lives too far away.

She left and came back with a knife to open the access door for the key - the very same key she told me only the manager had! It didn't work so off she goes and comes back with a pair of scissors Again, no good. She suggested again that I wait till tomorrow but I insisted she had to open it tonight.

She disappeared and later returned with a technician who managed to get the screws out so the key could be inserted. But the key didn't fit! Turns out the girl had brought the wrong keys - they were for the safe in the room next door.

By now it was 10pm. Eventually she found a key that fitted and managed to open the safe. She tested it but it was kaputt.

Suddenly Mr Gorgeous turned up - you know, the guy she said she couldn't call. He just picked up the safe and walked out the door with it then came back with a new one.

So off to Adams Apple. I was surprised to see so many guys from my last visit - big cocked Korn, hugely hung Harn and Krazy K. He still can't dance, still can't stand still and still can't wipe that stupid grin off his face.

The outline of the boys ' cocks is clearly visible and there are some real monsters lurking in those briefs, including K's. Korn immediately recognised me and smiled. His appendage is truly enormous. I remember offing him last time but forgot if he was any good so I walked over the road to my hotel and checked out what I'd previously written about him on the forum. Yep, he was my best performer that trip so tonight he'd be the one.

He appeared in the show then kind of disappeared. Shit! He's been offer! Damn!

He suddenly reappeared and I managed to make eye contact with him. He came over to say hello and I grabbed him. He was mine!

Back in the room he undressed and put it in my hand. It was soft and felt wonderful. He fucked me last trip so I was really looking forward to tonight's performance.

He got onto the bed, rubbed it for a few seconds and up it came. Jesus! It's huge! How on earth did he ever fuck me with that??

On with the condom. He got the head in but it was quite painful. He somehow managed to get it all in but as soon as he started pumping away it really began to hurt.

'Can not?'

'No, can not. Sorry.'

'Ok. We chuck -wow.'

So we did. And for the first time in a long while I witnessed a truly magnificent cumshot.

'Sorry. I chuck-wow this morning. Tomorrow have bigger cum.'

You mean, that wasn't his normal cumshot??

So that was my other highlight of what was a very dismal first day in CM - a truly awesome cumshot.

As in the past, he showered and was quickly out the door.

Not sure if I'll take him again tomorrow as there are a couple of other guys who are also very attractive and well hung to boot. And I also got to talk to some lovely guys in the smoking room - it's the best place to get to know them. Their demeanour off stage is totally different ; they are very friendly and always willing to chat.

I just hope things go better tomorrow.

December 28th, 2015, 10:59
The song, Things Can Only Get Better by D:Ream came to mind after reading about your several mishaps a447. At least you give us the warts and all reports and donтАЩt give us the false impression that all is sunshine and roses.

Enjoy the rest of your trip a447. Keep your reports coming.

December 28th, 2015, 13:57
I was interested by the problems the poster had with his internet. In the days of "dial-up", I found the local internet shops almost useless while the ones in Bangkok and Pattaya were reasonably effective,
In recent years (and we travel to CM every eighteen months or so), none of the hotels I've used have been able to provide a service that comes anywhere near to that in Pattaya or Bangkok, or even Krabi.
It seems that this is an issue affecting Chiang Mai as a whole...or am I mistaken?

December 28th, 2015, 14:48
I'm now back in my room after my plans went down the toilet yet again.

I was intending to go back to Tesco to get a sim card and then head into town for a massage at Two Brothers, so I walked up to the main street and waited for a tuk-tuk. And waited. And waited. Nothing.

I walked through the local market looking for one but, of course, no luck so I went back to the hotel and asked Mr Gorgeous to call me one. He phoned two drivers but they were unavailable.

So he then walked me back to the market to a mobile phone shop and half an hour later I was connected to AIS. Yay!! Problem is, she lost the little tool that opens the sim card slot on the iPad. Oh dear. Maybe a paper clip will do the trick.

The problem being stuck so far out of town is getting any transport. Tuk-tuks just don't come up this way and unless you have your own transport you're basically stuck here.

I noticed a new massage joint has just opened not far from here - It was mentioned in a gay magazine so I think I'll head off there now and take a look.its called Common Massage. I hope it's a mis-nomer!

December 28th, 2015, 15:33
I love the idea of leaving the bar and going back to the hotel to check you own review of a gogo boy before offing him. :))

December 28th, 2015, 17:32
Interesting to read some reporting on Chiang Mai.
Sounds like transport is a real issue there. Is this more due to where your hotel is located?

Sounds like you would do better to concentrate some effort on Mr. Wonderful. Surely he can be seduced by your many charms...?

December 28th, 2015, 18:31

I found a map on the net showing directions to Common Massage. Wow! It's only, like 10 minutes away at most. Ok, walk down the street and take the second soi on the left, then right then left. So easy!

Forty five minutes later I decided it was time to ask for directions. I was again in the middle of nowhere lost amongst the non -decript sois. You know you are hopelessly lost of you can't find a 7/11. I asked a guy in a bike repair shop but he doesn't know where soi Hussadhisawee was. I approached a couple of others but they also had no idea. This was weird. It's quite a large street with many shops how could you live / work in the area and not know?

I retraced my steps and ended up back at my hotel.

Ok, plan B. I'll find Tannin Alley. It leads off the nearby market and straight into soi Hussadhisawee. I walked down the street but couldn't see it. Perhaps they've closed? Never mind, I'll drop into Gemini Massage instead. It's on the same street. But it's closed! Shit!

I turned around and walked back, having given up, and then I saw it - a small sign just off the footpath. Common Massage.

The guy at reception told me the charge for 1 hour was 1,100 baht, including the tip for the masseur. He asked what kind of guy I was looking for. The way I was feeling - hot, sweaty and exhausted - anyone would do. Christ, just a pulse would suffice!

"A guy with a big cock,"

"Good. You've come to the right place."

I went into the room next door and 5 guys are lined up. No -one really stood out so I chose a tall, slim dark guy. I figured dark skin = from Isaan = big cock.

We went upstairs and I got undressed. He stripped down to his briefs, which he quickly removed at my request. I caught a quick glimpse of his cock before he turned the light off.
The room was now lit by a small dim light. What's the user of this? I can't see anything. But he wanted the light off. (Can't say I blame him...lol)

So without a shower the massage began. Now this guy has perfected the technique of avoiding the straying hands of horny farang - he's got it down to a fine art. Normally you get to feel his balls early on in the massage when he sits on your legs. Not this time. He played my legs and sat in between. And he made sure he was sitting at the end of the bed so I couldn't reach his goods. Every time I got close, he move away.

Of we'll, he'll probably start the fun when he turned me over. But he never did. He then stood up, handed me a total and pointed towards the shower.

Ok. So now I get it. I shower first and then the sex part begins. But as I stepped out of the shower I noticed the light in the room was back on. Forever the optimist, I thought I'd enter the room to see him naked on the bed ready for action. But he merely pointed to my clothes, indicating that was it. And it was.

I smiled and thanked him but I was furious. What a complete fucking waste of time. I've had many 'gay" massages over the years but never have I left without so much as touching the guys leg, let alone his cock! Never. Even if the guys don't want to have sex, they always offer at least a chuck-wow. And you always, always get your hands on cock. I mean, isn't that what' it's all about? It's a GAY massage place, for Christ's sake. Guys who refuse to do absolutely ANYTHING have no place here. He should be working at 7/11.

I went outside to put my shoes on. The door slid open. Oh no, it's the guy who's come to ask for a tip. Well, he can go fuck himself.

So much for Common Massage. I'm NEVER coming back! NEVER!!

I finally looked up and saw a a beautiful, handsome hunky guy smiling at me. Gorgeous! Where the fuck was he when I arrived?

"Hello. My name Tor. See you tomorrow?"

'Sure. No problem!"

December 28th, 2015, 18:47
Apologies for the spelling mistakes in the report above. The edit function has gone missing.

Nirish guy
December 28th, 2015, 19:40
"The edit function has gone missing."

Ahhh I noticed that too and assuming it was something to do with my computer just, likewise the quote function button too etc I see - but they are still there actually and if you hover your mouse where you think they should be you'll see their functions still work when clicked, it does just seem that they have visually but not technically disappeared perhaps - Mr Surfcrest - any ideas re this ( ok who pressed a button they shouldn't have !! ?? lol )

Oh and great reporting A447, your style has changed a little of late and your reports are getting better and better ( and were always good to start with anyway) so do please continue. Although I should add that as I'm sitting here in N.Ireland having a shitty "family" Christmas my level of sympathy for you "only" getting to fuck with one guy with a big cock on your first night is of course somewhat limited :-)

December 28th, 2015, 20:46
I have to agree. I love A447 trip reports. Never a dull moment!

December 29th, 2015, 01:23

I got to Adams Apple at 10pm and the place was packed, mainly with Thais. Korn was on stage, spotted me and smiled and waved. I smiled back, despite blaming him for my inability to sit down - I was still recovering from last night 's attempt to accommodate his massive member.

I don't know what happened. I checked my previous Chiang Mai report before I offed him and apparently I was able to take it last time. Maybe if was the change from Pan's cock - nice size but nowhere near Korn's donkey dick. I was determined to try again before I leave.

I changed tactics tonight and it worked. Last night I sat on a sofa down the front. You get a great close -up view of the boys. But on stage they don't really make eye contact with the customers and unless you get one to sit with you there no interaction.

Sitting at the bar is the place to be. The boys walk past all the time and that's when they smile at you and pat you on the leg. If you show any interest they'll so for a chat.

That's how I met Jame and Pai. Jame also had a donkey dick and performs in the show. He wears a pair of angel wings and basically just wanders around showing off his hard-on. Pai isn't on the show but his brother is. It goes without saying he's also hung.

My God, these Shan guys are just gorgeous. They are right up my alley - well, that's where I'd like them all to be! Preferably one at a time.

They are exactly the type of guy I like - masculine, toned and handsome. I could off any one of them, apart from K, of course. The smell of testosterone is overwhelming.

So there I was, sitting at the bar between Pai and Jame, both doing their best to massage me to pulp. Then Korn came and joined us. He sat down and discretely put my hand on his cock and I felt him immediately get hard.

So, who will I choose tonight? Pai was ruled out because a customer called him over. It was now almost midnight and I needed to make a decision. (The bar has to close at 12 because it's near a university. Go figure!) I quietly asked Jame of he could fuck me. He said he could, but didn't seem very enthusiastic.

So I offed Korn again. Pai looked up and smiled and waved as I left and Jame seemed fine with the decision.

"Tomorrow ok?"

Sure. Why not?

I just love Korn, and not only because of his cock. He's just a lovely guy - really sweet and very affectionate. He stood naked in front of me and we hugged. I grabbed his cock and he got an instant hard-on. We stood there kissing and hugging some more while I massaged his member.

His phone rang. It was Noom, his mates from the bar.

"Are you going drinking with him?"

"Yeah, he want to go drinking. No problem. Slowly, slowly."

And that's how we did it - no rush. After more hugging and kissing I started to sa-moke him. My God! It was rock-hard. Where do I start?

I started on his knob and he threw his head back and moaned. Hmm....looks like I've hit the sweet spot. So that's where I stayed. I looked up - he had his eyes closed and was in ecstacy.

But now he wanted to fuck before he came to close to cumming. There is a condom dispenser on the bar with a number of different sizes. I grabbed a couple of the biggest ones -size 55 -but even that didn't completely cover the shaft.

I asked him to go slowly. It was painful. Really painful. But I decided I'd put up with it, knowing that once we get going it'll be ok. And it was. Once he got it all the way in, the pain subsided quickly and he started to fuck me slowly, gradually upping the pace. Heaven!

After going through a number of positions he got to the point where he was about to cum so he pulled out. He held up the condom. My God, did I really take all that cock??

He told me that he hadn't chuck-wowed today and promised me a big cumshot. And he delivered. He grunted and arched his back. Here it comes! The first spurt landed on my cheek, just below my eye (when will I ever learn?). Then he just kept on squirting, covering his chest and stomach. And mine as well!

We got into the 69 position so I could admire his butt as he chuck-wowed me. A lot of straight guys don't like ass play but I was determined to part his buttcheeks, so I took the gamble. He didn't flinch.

And there it was - the Rose of the North. I swear it winked at me. Just beautiful!

Tomorrow promises to be a fantastic day. I've got a handsome hunk waiting for me at Common Massage and the boys waiting for me at Adams.

Chiang Mai, I fucking LOVE you!

December 29th, 2015, 04:13
Apologies for the spelling mistakes in the report above. The edit function has gone missing.
Never mind the mistakes and edit function; keep posting!

December 29th, 2015, 04:23
Sorry to spoil the party so soon but I have often thought that cum in the eyes might pose a risk of virus transmission given that the tear ducts produce a fluid. Anyone qualified to comment?

December 29th, 2015, 05:16
a447 wrote: "We got into the 69 position so I could admire his butt as he chuck-wowed me. A lot of straight guys don't like ass play but I was determined to part his buttcheeks, so I took the gamble. He didn't flinch.

And there it was - the Rose of the North. I swear it winked at me. Just beautiful!"

a447 - that is one of the BEST lines I have EVER read on SGT!!!

I never laughed so hard.....

I've learned a valuable lesson from your trip report - I was looking in the wrong places for the Rose of the North when I last visited Chiang Mai. I must return to discover this precious rose....


December 29th, 2015, 07:28
I love your trip reports, now please go to Phuket... I am going to visit there when I return to give the Island one last try.... [-(

Nirish guy
December 29th, 2015, 08:23
Sorry to spoil the party so soon but I have often thought that cum in the eyes might pose a risk of virus transmission given that the tear ducts produce a fluid. Anyone qualified to comment?

Don't know about virus transmission ( I'm guessing you're right about that though) but I do know it stings like hell and leaves you with a bad case of red cum eye for hours or even days afterwards - so I'm told ! :)

December 29th, 2015, 08:47

In my previous post, I referred to the song, Things Can Only Get Better. And they did. What a difference a day makes a447! Hmmm . . . sounds like a cue for another song:

What a difference a day made
24 little hours bought the sun and the flowers
mmhhmm, where there used to be rain
My yesterday was blue dear
Today I'm part of you dear
My lonely nights are through dear
Since you said you were mine

Lord, what a difference a day makes . . .


December 29th, 2015, 20:47
I arrived at Common Massage right on the appointed time. Tor was at the door to welcome me.

As soon as we got to the room he handed me a towel and asked me to shower. That's more like it!

I got onto the bed and he turned off the light (damn!) and removed his towel. Most of the time he just massaged me below the knees and it wasn't until well into proceedings until he finally put his hands on my butt, albeit for only a couple of seconds. The entire time he made sure that his cock was well out of reach. Here we go again! Perhaps I should just get up and go - the "massage" was useless and there appeared to be no prospect of anything sexual occurring.

He then asked me to turn over - always a good sign - and worked on my ankles yet again. He slowly moved up my legs and finally touched my cock. About fucking time!
He started chuck-wowing me then suddenly stopped.

"You give extra tip?"

"Sure. No problem."

The tip is already included in the fee, but I was willing to top it up. He asked for an extra 500. I offered 400, but he insisted on 500. Of course, he caught me at my weakest moment; his hand was firmly gripping my cock. So I agreed.

He knelt next to me so I could have access to him. Oh dear, what small cock. It was soft and about 3 inches.

"Wow! You big cock!"

For once I had to agree with him. Next to his cock I looked huge. He finally got it up where it measured around 5 inches. But it was big enough to get a decent grip and I chuck -wowed him to a very unimpressive cumshot. In fact, I didn't actually see him squirt at all - I had to verify that he had cum by rubbing my finger over the head of his cock.

He then grabbed my cock and started rubbing, all the time moaning and grunting as if he were the one getting serviced. No doubt, I was supposed to feel really horny and, hopefully, cum quickly. I hate it when they do that! I'm the one supposed to be writhing in ecstacy, not him.

Unfortunately for him I took a long time to finish, mainly because his technique was so bad and his constant moaning was really off-putting. Instead of concentrating on the head, he did what a lot of Thai guys do, that is work on the shaft.

So yet another disappointing massage. They really need to train their staff properly and for Christ's sake, turn up the lights!

Common Massage lives up to its name. I won't bother again.

I wandered back through the massive food market behind Adams. Then I saw it! A tuk-tuk! At last I'll be able to make it into town. As I approached him he suddenly took off without seeing me. But he wasn't getting away. When I want something I never give up until I get it - and I wanted him.

I chased him down the street, frantically waving my hands in the air. He then turned down a soi with me in hot pursuit. Then another soi. Luckily, he got stuck at the lights so I caught up with him and just jumped in, exhausted.

After dinner I walked down the "gay soi" by the Kalare markets. Ram bar was empty but there were a few crusty old farang in Secrets Bar. But no freelancers in sight.

I then headed over to Orion Bar to catch up with Mai, but he wasn't there. I asked what time the bar closed, as I thought I'd try to get back there after Adams. Like everything else here, it closes at midnight. So that's the end of that. What a shame.

You can't have it all.

December 30th, 2015, 10:49
" ... He then grabbed my cock and started rubbing, all the time moaning and grunting as if he were the one getting serviced. No doubt, I was supposed to feel really horny and, hopefully, cum quickly. I hate it when they do that! I'm the one supposed to be writhing in ecstacy, not him ... "
:)) They learn the moans and howls from watching gay porn videos, minus the necessary knowledge of the subtlety's and nuances of true horn-dog desire.

I watched a porn video a few weeks ago where the bottom was being well and truly banged. I kid you not, for the entire last 15 minutes of his ordeal all he did was loudly scream out on each mighty downstroke " ... oh shit ... oh shit ... oh shit ... oh shit ... oh shit!! ... oh shit ... oh shit ...oh shit ... oh shit ... oh shit ... oh shit ... oh shit!! ... oh shit ... ". Not one single other expletive - and there many - was employed.
So a447 if ever you stumble over a Thai guy who does this, you'll know that at least the good boy has been keeping up with his studies.

December 30th, 2015, 11:53
Adams was packed again tonight; it's definitely the place to be in CM, not that there's a lot of choice.

I sat at the bar and was soon joined by Pai, Korn and Jame, the guy who does the show wearing angel wings. Korn grabbed my hand and put it on his cock then covered my hand with his to make it less conspicuous. He was hard in seconds.

I've spoken a number of times with Jame and when I saw him in the show I knew I had to off him. But I just love Korn! What to do??

There were a number of new boys on stage tonight, all with their ample wares clearly visible in their briefs. Adams is the only bar I've been to in Thailand where you're just about guaranteed at least 7 inches. You can safely equate Shan boys with their Issan counterparts. Are they the same stock, perhaps?

During the show Pai evaluated each cock and told me where each boy stood in the size department. Korn, must surely be number one.

He isn't! He's "only" number 2, pipped at the post by a guy called Game.

I want downstairs during the ladyboy lip-sync and was soon joined by a number of guys, including K. My God, he has a long cock - it just hangs there and almost sticks out the side of briefs.

I returned upstairs for the show and who should be performing but Game. What an appropriate name - you'd have to be incredibly game to attempt to accommodate that! Fucking huge. I often wonder when I see monsters like that - not that I've seen many in real life, only in porn - how a girl would react on seeing that? Korn tells me the girls love it but I think many would also run a mile. Somehow it doesn't auger well for a happy sex life. Even a chuck-wow must be exhausting.

Needless to say he was soon dressed and I saw him walk out the door with a brave punter.

I found myself sitting with Korn and Jame. Korn stood beside me and put my hand on his delicious butt. Meanwhile, I had Jame standing in front of me pressing his crotch into my leg. Oh dear....decision time again.

Jame wanted an off. I asked him if he could fuck me as somehow I didn't think he could. He said yes, then checked with Korn, who speaks better English, to make sure he'd understood my question.

"Sure! He can fuck you. You take him tonight."

So I did.

Jame is Korn's best friend and I like the way they help each other out. He was willing to sacrifice an off for his friend.

We got onto the bed and I started playing with him to get him hard. Unlike Korn, it took a while but eventually he got there after some feverish sa-moking.

"You sa-moking good!"

"I know. I can give a Hoover a good run for its money!"

"What you say?"

"Never mind."

Oh, and did I mention his balls? He has a huge pair - quite a handful. I massaged them as I sa-moked him and he was moaning with pleasure. Unlike a lot of straight Thai guys, Shan boys are not afraid of appearing unmasculine if they moan with pleasure.

Once he got it up if was time for him to perform. He put the condom on but then asked if I had any porn movies on my iPad. He went soft while searching the web but soon got hard again when he found what he wanted - farang porn. After a bit of quick wanking, he was ready.

Once we got going he didn't need any porn. Unlike Korn's weapon of ass destruction, it slid in without any pain at all. And what a performer! This guy knows his stuff, changing positions every few minutes and alternating between hard rough fucking and softer, almost romantic fucking. And he just went on and on.

Time to chuck-wow him.

December 30th, 2015, 14:40

Time to chuck-wow him. This time I made sure I aimed his cock at his chest when he was seconds from cumming. Then he exploded. The first spurt flew off to the side, hitting the bed-side table. Then he just kept pumping it out, spraying the bed head and drenching the pillow and the sheets. What a magnificent mess!

So far, two boys and two absolute winners in all departments. I think I'll just alternate between these 2 guys until the end of my stay.

Off to Two Brothers now.

December 30th, 2015, 18:53
My love-hate relationship with Chiang Mai continues.

I headed off to Two Brothers Massage, arriving around 5 pm. I sat at the bar and ordered a drink, intending to choose a guy. Where were they all? The front of the bar where they usually gather around the pool table was deserted. Besides the fem mama-san, there were only three guys, all sitting around a table at the back of the bar. They didn't even look up once.

I've noticed this happening on previous visits; the boys are more info each other and seem to just enjoy spending time together. Today they were cutting up large sheets of lottery coupons to make "clothes" for one of the boys. They dressed him up in a tiara, top, dress and sash - actually, quite well done - and he pranced around the bar holding a Miss Lottery Thailand banner. This was then followed by lots of photos of him in different girly poses.

I thought I'd just wait till they'd finished because one of the three didn't seem fem at all. He walked past me at the bar a couple of times but didn't make any eye contact. So I asked mama-san what time the guys arrive for work, but she said she didn't know! WTF is going on here?

I asked to see a copy of a Thai gay magazine so I could look for somewhere else. The Chiang Mai map showed that House of Male was nearby - next to the Orion Bar, in fact. So off I went searching for it. I wandered a good half hour through the market and out the back. Did I find it? Of course not. The fucking map was wrong. It's nowhere near the centre of town.

So I decided to give up and come back to the hotel. I'd forgotten how far out of town I am up here. There are plenty of tuk-tuks available in town but nobody wants to drive up here because they know they won't get a fare on the way back. Consequently, they ask anything between 150 and 500 (!!) baht. I can't be bothered haggling so if it's 200 or less I just pay. (Sorry, Christian, but I just want to make life easy and stress -free!)

But for 500 baht I'd expect suspension and brakes, minimum!

I just can't believe I'm in Thailand and it's 8 pm and I still haven't had any sex! Unbelievable!

I'll have to make up for it tonight at Adams.

December 31st, 2015, 00:32
I spent tonight in the bar surrounded by gorgeous, hung Shan hunks. Does it get any better than this? Don't think so!

Apart from the regulars, tonight others came up and sat with me, including the hunky horse-hung Harn. I had one hand on Pai's bubblebutt and the other on the thigh of whoever was a sitting next to me. Heaven!

Pai told me that sometimes they have "special parties" where they have fucking and chuck-wow shows. But surely they don't fuck each other - I guess they bring someone in for the show. But imagine watching two hot masculine Shan boys fucking! God, I'd pay anything to witness that.

After giving it a lot of thought, I decided to off Jame again and as expected, he didn't disappoint in the fucking department. He got an instant hard -on as soon as the porn movie on my iPad started and in he went. These guys are young and horny so they can get it up in seconds. But tonight his cumshot wasn't so spectacular.

Tomorrow night Adams is staying open until about 3 am. Of course, they are having a big New Year bash. I asked Pai if they'd be having the special show but unfortunately not.

December 31st, 2015, 20:17
I've just gotten back to the hotel from Classic Massage and feel very sad and depressed about what I saw today.

It's just down the road from Thapae Gate - normally about 10 minutes by tuk-tuk. But today they'd closed off the road and the traffic was truly horrendous so it took 35 minutes of travelling up and down all the back sois to get there.

I walked into the main entrance and sat at the little bar outside, hoping to have a drink first, but they weren't selling any. Three boys were sitting there, one was an absolute stunner, wearing a small gold chain. I wanted him, but they told me to go inside, so I guessed they'd all just had customers.

The manager sat with me and showed me a portfolio of photos. I could have chosen any of them - lots of really nice-looking guys - but my eyes were fixed on one in particular.

"He good boy. Have big cock."

He called out for the boy and who should turn up but the stunner from outside! He didn't really look much like his photo - in person he's even more good -looking.

We went upstairs and I passed a number of farang on my way to the shower. The place was almost full. I now guess those 3 guys at the bar were, in fact, the only ones available.

He stripped down to his underwear and I asked him to take them off, which he did. I caught sight of his cock. Wow, that's one thick piece of meat!

The massage proceeded in complete silence. As usual, I was waiting for the wandering hand, the "slip" of the hand between the buttcheeks, but it never happened.

He moved up and I managed to reach back and touch his butt, but he quickly moved away. Fuck! Not another wasted massage!!

Finally, he asked me to turn over, but instead of pouncing on top of me, as is the norm, he just started on legs - again! Over the last three days my calf muscles have been massaged to death. What about the most important leg?

He moved up to the top of my thighs and brushed slightly against my balls. I had a good view of his cock now. Jesus! How thick is that thing? I wanted him to fuck me but I was now having second thoughts.

He has a body to die for- beautifully toned muscles and a flat washboard stomach. At last he smiled at me and I thought I was about to cum. My God, he's handsome. He should be on the cover of a magazine. This guy has it all. What a lucky guy. He's perfect!

He then grabbed my cock and started massaging it. He moved up the bed and knelt next to me. I grabbed his fat cock.

Yikes!!! Yuk!!!

Silicone! And a large plate! And a mook!

He got an instant hard-on but it was just a horrible, undefined fat blob. I couldn't even discern a head at all. And no foreskin.

The same question arose. Why oh why would a guy do that to himself? It was especially tragic in this guy's case because he was so gorgeous.

Needless to say I lost my erection. He worked on it and managed to get it up so I decided to fuck him. He had his legs resting on my shoulders as I pounded away, but then I did something stupid - I looked down and saw his "cock" and immediately went soft again.

Had it been some other guy, maybe not so handsome and with a not so perfect body, I could have finished the deed, but not this time.

I pulled out and he lay down next to me. He wanted a chuck-wow. I did it, but it was a very unpleasant experience. Thankfully, he came quickly.

I got up to leave but he insisted on finishing me - he was probably worried about his tip.

His name is Non, from Isaan. I think it's a name you should remember if you're planning on visiting Classic House. I'll be back there again tomorrow but this time I'll be checking with the manager before I choose my masseur.

December 31st, 2015, 21:40
Thank you very much for your reports, they are getting better and better! Don't understand this wrong, but it is a bit of a consolation for me when not everything goes by plan for you.

My statement "traffic in Chiang Mai is as bad as in Bangkok, but without the conveniences of MRT, BTS, taxis and buses" is confirmed by your current report.

I clearly remember one of the boys in Adam's apple had something stuffed in his underwear, it looked like stuffed and someone else confirmed. A very poor start, in my opinion, if management allows boys to stuff their underwear, and I wonder what they are going to do when a customer has the boy sitting next to him, puts his hand in, and pulls out a towel?

I love the idea of leaving the bar and going back to the hotel to check you own review of a gogo boy before offing him. :))
I do read my last Pattaya trip reports before going to Pattaya bars. And I do read a447's trip reports before going to bars in Bangkok or Chiang Mai.

I often wonder when I see monsters like that - not that I've seen many in real life, only in porn - how a girl would react on seeing that? Korn tells me the girls love it but I think many would also run a mile. Somehow it doesn't auger well for a happy sex life. Even a chuck-wow must be exhausting.

But see here (sent to me by a Thai friend, translation: we are getting divorced because we don't match/fit)


That massage place that collects 1000 Baht fee and tip upfront and then does not deliver and switches off the light is deception! Thank you for warning us.

January 1st, 2016, 02:04
I know you can't have everything and sometimes things go wrong, but I'm beginning to run out of patience.

I got to Adams at 10 and there were about 12 customers. I was soon joined by the regulars, plus a guy I'd spoken to the previous night - I find him quite attractive. He has a rather small package but that sometimes doesn't mean anything.

My plan was to off Korn early in the night then return to the club, have a few drinks and then off Jame. But I noticed Korn sitting with a customer so figuring he was going to be offed, I had a change of plans. I'd off the new guy and then come back for Jame.

He stripped down to his briefs and lay down on the bed. I pulled his briefs down. Oh, dear....what a small cock. How on earth is he going to fuck me with that??

I was right to worry - he wouldn't be fucking me tonight. He couldn't get it up. Normally, I'd help him out with a blowjob but he wouldn't wash his cock.

He furiously wanked to the oohs and aahs of a porn movie, but to no avail.

Thirty five minutes later he was still at it. I told him not to bother and got changed, ready to go back to the bar. By now I was panicking, thinking all the guys would be taken. But he just continued desperately wanking away so as to claim his tip.

It was now 11:50. Enough is enough! I told him to get changed and we returned to the bar. Naturally, he didn't get any tip. I was really pissed off as I had wasted the 400 baht off fee.

I walked in just as the big cock show was starting. Basically, it consisted of Korn, Jame, Harn and another guy walking amongst the customers giving them a feel of their hard-ons. The biggest cock in the bar - Game - was absent from the line-up as he had already been offed. But I saw his massive log of hard wood, with its large, shiny mushroom head, earlier in the evening when I was sitting right in front of the stage. He waved it in my face. Shit, I doubt if I could even get my hand around it.

But back to Jame. He came over after the show so I immediately grabbed him and of we went.

He soon got it up as I gave him a blowjob while he watched porn. But by the time he'd put on a condom, he was soft again.

"Sorry. I drink whisky tonight."

Oh, for Christ's sake! Don't tell me it's going to be a case of three duds in one day!

It wasn't. He told me to lie on my back and I heard him desperately wanking. He got it hard enough to get it in, and once in be got really hard and was able to perform amiably.

So I had a very Happy New Year....in the end!

And I hope you had a Happy New Year, too.

January 1st, 2016, 19:25
Back to Classic Massage.

As I walked in, the guy from yesterday was sitting at the bar. He have me a smile - God, he's gorgeous - but he had already done his dash with me.

The manager came out with the photos. Today I had a choice of 4, all of whom were very attractive. So I chose a guy and was assured that he didn't have a silicone cock or any mooks.

I went inside and saw 2 Asians and 1 farang waiting for their guys to take them upstairs. My guy appeared. Yep, he'll do just nicely. His name is Put.

He gave me a towel and off I went to the shower. Problem is, there was a bit of a line - 3 cute young Asian guys, plus a farang already in the shower. It was like Tokyo rush-hour. But when you see the guys on offer you'll understand why this place is so popular.

He stripped off but kept his briefs on. I asked him to remove them.

"Later. Do massage first."


He started on my feet but within seconds he was on my butt, knocking on the back door. He slid his hand up and down the buttcrack and then started giving me a butthole massage.

Go on! Go on! Slip in a finger!

But he didn't.

Instead he went back to the legs. Then back to the buttcrack. Back and forth. He asked me to raise my butt so he could get to the goods, and proceeded to give me a ball massage, later moving to my cock.

He then lay on top of me to give me a body to body massage. At some stage he had removed his briefs and I could feel his hard cock pressing up against my hole. Christ, I hope he's not intending to bareback me!

He "fucked" me in this position for quite a while before turning me over. Wow, what a beautiful big, thick cock! He slipped on a condom and was about to put it in.

Wait! Not yet! One thing that troubles me about these guys is that they don't seem to understand that cream and condoms don't mix. I cleaned away the cream and in he went.

A bottom needs a thick cock - the thicker the better. This guy was the perfect thickness. After banging away for a while he moved into a sideways position. I was still on my back but had one leg on the bedside table and one in the air. He rested his head on my leg as he fucked and chuck-wowed me at the same time. Awesome!

I told him I wanted to chuck-wow him so he lay down beside me but then told me he couldn't cum.

"Already have 2 customer today. Sorry."

So was I. But it didn't really matter because he gave me a great sexy massage and was a wonderful top. Two out of three ain't bad.

I'll be back again tomorrow.

January 2nd, 2016, 02:13
How come that you ignore completely one of the main sources of boys encounters in Chiang Mai : the karaoke clubs.
I would have thought you'd pay a visit at least to Barocco or Club M ?
Too late in the evening ?

January 2nd, 2016, 10:01
I don't finish with the guys from Adams until about 1am. At that time it is impossible to find transport both out of and back into this area. I often wander down to 7/11 after the guy leaves and Chang Puak Road is completely deserted. Not surprising, since all night-life closes at 12!

Last night I had my eyes fixed on Kla, another hung stud. I've never seen his cock but the bulge says it all. Also, I saw him grab size 55 from the condom dispenser on the counter the other night.

He sat with me for about an hour, cuddling me and giving me the obligatory neck massage. Yep, I'll be taking him tonight.

I went downstairs to the smoking room and was soon joined by Korn, who, as usual, was very affectionate. But something wasnt right; he was slurring his words and acting a bit strange. Turns out he was pissed to the eyeballs. He got up to leave but could hardly stand up. Needless to say, he couldn't do his Spiderman act. He staggered upstairs and disappeared. I never saw him again.

A number of the boys last night had been drinking, as one of the boys had a birthday party before the club opened.

I went upstairs to find Kla fully dressed. Ok, I guess he wants to go the the hotel now.

Wrong! While I'd been down in the smoking room, another customer had grabbed him and offed him!

But....but....he was supposed to me mine tonight!

I was devastated. And angry. But not at Kla- it was all my own stupid fault.

I had it in my head that I was going to off him and he kind of knew it as well, especially as I had asked him if he could fuck me. (His English is non -existent so I had to use the Thai word "yet" to get my message across. I think it's even worse than "fuck" in English so I was a bit embarrassed.) I should have made my intentions clear, but I didn't. Besides, Kla had seen me chatting to other guys on other nights, only to off someone else. So he did the right thing; it's what I would have done in the circumstances.

A young Chinese customer came and sat at the bar next to me and started talking to me. He lives in Bangkok and this was his first trip to CM. He had trouble working out the scene at Adams, not surprising as it's so different to Bangkok.

"I think you are a very handsome man," he said.

Mmmm...must be the lighting.

Or was he a money boy looking for a customer, perhaps. Why else would be be talking to me? I'd have taken him in a heartbeat. But alas, I think he was just another customer. He finished his drink and told me he was going to Circle Pub and asked me if I wanted to go with him. I gave it some thought, seeing that Korn was now out off the picture and Jame was sitting with a customer. But I decided to stay at Adams and hope for the best.

Back downstairs for another smoke, hoping to meet some of the guys. In walked Boy. He's an interesting character. He looks tribal - like he's just wandered in out of the jungle. He's got a simple basin-cut hairstyle and a massive hole in one ear in which sits a large plastic ring. He sat next to me and I glanced down at his package, but I couldn't see much, as his briefs are very baggy.

Upstairs again for the show. Boy disappeared but 5 minutes later he appeared on stage, completely naked and with a massive hard-on. Jesus! Where do they find these guys??

BTW, the nicest looking guy isn't one of the gogo boys. His name is Tom (Ton? Non? Something like that. Hard to tell because the music is so loud.) and he works behind the bar. He looks about 18 and is super super cute! He gets a lot of attention from the customers but apparently he's not available.

Jame came out and did his "act" but instead of returning to the farang he was sitting with all night, he came over to me. This time I got in early and offed him immediately.

While he was in the shower I went to get my iPad out of the safe, but it wouldn't open! WTF?? Not again! I told Jame to close the bathroom door and stay hidden there as I'd be going downstairs to get the girl to come up and take a look.

'Sorry, can do nothing. Technician come tomorrow open safe."

I asked her to call the manager but she again told me he lived far away and wouldn't be able to come.

But I needed money and the iPad. I quickly gathered up the money in my pocket - I had just over 1000 baht. I explained the money situation to Jame and everything was ok. And he had his phone so porn was not a problem.

He performed perfectly, and his cumshot was particularly impressive, hitting the headboard again!

The safe technician arrived at 9:30 this morning, accompanied by Mr Gorgeous (his name is Boyd. "Don't forget the "d" on the end" - probably so as not to confuse him with a gogo boy). After they got the safe opened I asked Boyd to keep the master key on the premises just in case it doesn't open again. He told me that it had to be returned immediately to the manager but he could quickly get hold of it again if needed.

"But doesn't the manager live far away? That's what the girl told me."

"No. He live right next door," he replied, pointing to the buildings 2 metres away across the soi. So the girl at reception had lied to me.

I asked them to check the hot water. I was sick of cold showers every day. I couldn't take my eyes of Boyd's beautiful butt as he leant over the bath to turn on the shower. We had hot water now! But for how long?

I've now had enough of this hotel. Way too many problems.

First, this was the second time the safe wouldn't open.

Then there's the problem with the water pressure - or lack of it. And since I've been here I've only had a couple of hot showers. They must turn the hot water off after a certain time.

Then there's the cleaning service. I like to stay up late at night and sleep during the day, but the cleaning ladies decide when they want to clean your room and kick you out. This is despite the fact that they are here until quite late in the evening.

The TV channels are shit; just Thai programs, Aljazeera and a comedy channel called Fox News.

And the whole place is swarming with mosquitoes!

This place only has two things in its favour - its location across from Adams, and Mr Gorgeous.

Everything else sucks!

January 2nd, 2016, 13:47
What is the hotel name

January 2nd, 2016, 14:04
Hi a447, I used your 10/2014 CM report to plan my 5 days in CM this September. I also stayed at the Lotus, and enjoyed Korn from Adam's the first 2 nights, but then found New My Way and loved it. Now that you've found Common Massage, you've found Hussadhisawee Soi 3. Just turn into the short soi 3, and look for it on your left. I walked from the hotel. Dark and deserted, but not sketchy. The front patio compares to Adam's smoking room for smoking and mingling. The shows are from 10:30 to 12, the boys are very interactive when you make eye contact, and the hosts were fun also. After 12, the bar becomes Karaoke, sometimes with a lag in between. The boys I decided to take back to the Lotus (Di and Jaime, my approx. spelling) gave me rides on their scooters. The boys seemed all to be Shan, a notch bigger and taller than Adam's, and so good looking. From your reports I learned that we have the same preferences, which is why I highly recommend New My Way.

For daytime transport, walk out from the Lotus to the main road and cross it. Look for locals crossing at the gaps in the barriers. As was advised, the red tuk-tuks have a 20 baht fee if you're going their way and it's a general 'by Thapae Gate' agreement. Otherwise, they will suggest a price for your specific destination, usually 100 baht.

Also, for a later, karaoke experience within walking distance, check out Free Guy Club, map at gayinchiangmai.com. They advertise shows, but I found it was just karaoke and starts late, after midnight. I didn't take a boy from there, but they were fun and forthcoming and Shan! It is a shorter walk than to New My Way, but down Chang Puak Rd.,just before the Mecure Hotel when walking from the Lotus.

I also went to 2 Brothers, and taking your advise from 2014, engaged the manager/bartender with my massage request, rather than wait for them to engage me. I followed your report and asked for Chard, who was there. When we came downstairs to that seating towards the back, two Asian customers were perusing a small line-up of taller, masculine guys and I had the feeling they had been called in.

I also used your advise for my last two trips to Bangkok and Pattaya, and could go on and on, but the point of this post (my first) was to get you to New My Way for sure, and maybe Free Guy also.

January 2nd, 2016, 15:57
Most hotels have signs "Do not disturb" and "Please make up my room", get one of these and put on the door handle outside and hope they respect your wish.

January 2nd, 2016, 19:02
Hi annualguy, Welcome to the forum!

I went to Free Guys on a previous trip but I only saw a few guys there, all wearing jeans. And I stumbled across New My Way the other day when when I went to Common Massage. I'm leaving tomorrow but will definitely be back and will give those places a go.

Seeing everything comes to a halt right on the dot of midnight, I wonder if the karaoke places are allowed to stay open. Perhaps they are if the don't sell alcohol. But then, what's karaoke without alcohol...lots of it!

I had a choice of 4 masseurs today ; well two actually, as the other two had silicone. I chose a guy with an amazing physique. His photo said his name was Pun, but he told me it's actually Sun.

I asked him to remove his briefs but he politely refused. Not a good sign. And then he covered me with a towel and started massaging my ankles!!

Wait! This is not right. If it's going to be like my first massage at Common Massage, I'm outta here!

So I actually asked him if sex was involved or was it just a massage. Yes, sex could be arranged.

Knowing my intent, he quickly removed the towel, forgot about my ankles and went straight for the butt. Into the buttcrack goes the hand. And then he inserted a finger and gave me a prostate massage. He took my hand and placed it on his cock - he had very quietly removed his briefs. He was semi-hard but a few deft strokes had him rock hard. And what a nice size!

He turned me over for a cock massage and I got to see him naked for the first time. And his body really is amazing - perfectly toned, not an ounce of fat, beautiful biceps and, of course, the obligatory six-pack.

But before I could get to really appreciate his body he had my legs resting on his shoulders and in went again with a finger. And then without bothering to ask if I was a bottom, he put a condom on. Thankfully, he is aware that the cream had to be removed before he fucked me.

After a few minutes of furious pounding, he collapsed on top of me and told me he had cum.

Mmmm........somehow I don't think he had. He tore the condom off and too quickly disposed of it in the bin. But he was a good top so it didn't really matter. The place was crowded again today so I guess the boys try not to cum.

Overall, a very pleasant experience.

January 2nd, 2016, 19:58
Mmmm........somehow I don't think he had. He tore the condom off and too quickly disposed of it in the bin.

Don't you just hate when that happens! :))

January 2nd, 2016, 21:43
How come that you ignore completely one of the main sources of boys encounters in Chiang Mai : the karaoke clubs.
I would have thought you'd pay a visit at least to Barocco or Club M ?
Uummm, Sadly CM Karaoke scene isn't what it used to be :( . Barocco was excellent fun 3-4 year ago, but now speaking personally, I really don't like the current management style; each to their own. Club M entirely AYOR; way too many bad stories X_X . Free Guy seems to be the more attractive option these days .

January 2nd, 2016, 22:06
Having not been for a massage in man years, I don't have any personal experiences to share, but the consensus among my ex-pat friends suggest Club 69 and Blues club in Chiang Mai Land are a couple of places where you might get more "bang" for your buck.

If they are offering tip inclusive prices or suggest what the minimum tip should be I would suggest trying elsewhere.

January 3rd, 2016, 08:44
Hi annualguy, Welcome to the forum!
And of course -- glancing quickly -- I read the new member's handle as 'analguy' and thought; this guy's got balls [and I hope, a thick skin].
But alas, on re-reading, disappointment.

January 3rd, 2016, 12:56
I'm standing outside the domestic exit waiting for my driver to turn up to take me to Pattaya. No sign of him. Has he forgotten?? Time to reflect on my visit to CM.

Last night there were a few new guys working. I spoke to Max in the smoking room. He's a very handsome guy - quite small - and appears to be quite young. He later appeared in the show sporting a very nice hard-on indeed. He moved amongst the crowd to give us a feel.

The bar's biggest cock, Game, did his show, much to the delight of a group of young Chinese - two girls and two hot young guys. He is also quite small and, like all the others in the show, his cock is way out of proportion to his body. They grabbed him as soon as he came off stage and they all left together soon after. They had a good feel of his appendage during the show so at least they knew what to expect. I imagine he fucked the girls. If the guys took it up the butt they'd be standing on the flight all the way back to China!

I was intending to off horse-hung Kla. He sat with me most of the night but I couldn't work out whether or not he wanted to go with me. He kept looking around as though he was waiting for someone. His regular customer, perhaps? He doesn't speak any English at all so I asked him in broken Thai if he wanted to go to the hotel. He answered me in a long sentence in Thai, none of which I could understand or even hear.

He was still sitting with me at the end of the night. I motioned to him to go and get changed but he just sat there smiling and rubbing my leg.

So I offed Korn.

What a really nice guy he is! The fact that he is so affectionate is surprising, given his sexuality. He doesn't need porn to get it up; he just seems super horny all the time. I spent a lot of time working on his endowment, as I wouldn't be seeing it again soon. It's just humongous! I think it's probably the biggest cock I've ever seen. He told me he'd chuck-wowed earlier and not to expect a big cumshot. And he was right. But even so, he did manage to spray all over the sheets!

We got to the main course.

'You want all?"

"Ok. I'll try. But slowly, slowly."

He got it all the way in and he remained motionless while I took my time to get used to it.

After I'd given up we got into the 69 position - he knows what I like - but he kept his butt off to one side so I couldn't see his hole. I did manage a quick peak between the cheeks when he moved to change positions. He needn't have worried as I know not to go there. Not with any of the guys.

This trip has had its fair share of ups and downs, frustrations and disappointments. It's been a bit of a shock because normally my trips to off with only a minor hitch here and there. But I always focus on the positive - no time for any kind of regrets; life is far too short for that. I've learnt a few things and will use the experience to modify my next visit here.

I can't make an overall assessment just based on the 4 places I visited here - Adams Apple, 2 Brothers, Common Massage and Classichouse Massage. I only found very masculine types, apart from the guy I topped at Classichouse who was obviously gay. The Shan guys pride themselves on their masculinity and won't allow you too close to their gorgeous butts. And, of course, don't even think about asking them to sa-moke you. (I couldn't find any guy anywhere willing to sa-moke). But last night, Korn told me there was one guy at Adams who was gay and willing to bottom. Shhh....!

Next time I will try to visit more gay establishments. The difficulty in getting transport limited where I could go, especially at night. Maybe hiring a driver for the entire length of my stay is the way to go ; he'd be at my beck and call and I could venture out of the Chang Puak area more often whenever I wanted to.

I'll probably look for a new place to stay but it has to be close to Adams, as there is no way I'll get on the back of a motorcycle with the guy, especially as they drink whisky with the customers during the night. Maybe I can find something in the same soi.

So with all the fun I had at Adams and Classichouse Massage, I consider the trip very successful

January 3rd, 2016, 14:17
i stayed at viang bua mansion when i first visited CM, maybe 50 meters from Adam.
they never had issues with the boys i brought to my room.

Old git
January 16th, 2017, 14:14
This old thread is a great read..

Not been to CM for a few years now and am thinking of making a short trip - is Adam's Apple still going strong?

January 17th, 2017, 07:02
Yes, they have improved the visuals with a decent projector and the show usually has a little more variety than in the past. it is really the last, surviving go-go bar for farangs in town. boys are still mostly thai-yai/shan with a wide range personalities. some can be very disappointing to off, others a pleasant surprise.
the gay bar scene in the night market area has grown since your last visit. always some available boys around and ram bar does a show.

April 20th, 2018, 09:01
Just came to Chiang Mai for 1 year and was very happy to read this report. I think Adams Apple is/was the place to be.

I know this report dates back a few years so I ask is Adams Apple the place to meet nice top boys ?.

And if yes......as I have never been there........does it work the same way as the bars/clubs in Pattaya work ?
Are prices the same...short time how much ?. I really have no idea and before I will go there I hope to get a bit of info so I not stick out as a complete Newbie.

Until now I have been only in Pattaya.

May 1st, 2018, 01:54
Yes Adam's Apple is still going strong. Most boys don't want to do a long time off. 1500 THB for short time is plenty. Show starts at 10:30. Drinks are kinda pricey. If you see a boy you like, ask the mamasan to have him come sit with you. The boys are lounging around the bar while the show is going on. All of the boys are Shan tribe boys (Tai Yai). They're all straight. Many have girlfriends and a few have a baby at home. So don't expect them to want to stay the night and cuddle til breakfast. Not gonna happen. Usually ;)

May 1st, 2018, 06:51
Yep, that sums up the place as I remember it.

Drinks used to be around 250 baht. Have they gone up?

The average cock size used to be 8 inches. Has that average gone up? Lol

May 1st, 2018, 15:00
On my only visit to Adam's Apple (and Chiang Mai for that matter) I recall that after we'd been there about half an hour they decided to put out drinks menu cards on the tables.

I remember discussing with my mate that their price for a bottle of whisky was higher than Pattaya, but not too bad - and deciding to go for it.

Only when it arrived did we realise it was a half bottle!

May 1st, 2018, 15:21
Prices are definitely high in a Adams Apple but you get what you pay for. The Shan hunks are irresistible.

May 1st, 2018, 19:46
I know this report dates back a few years so I ask is Adams Apple the place to meet nice top boys ?.

I wouldn't say it is the place because there's also Circle Pub and New My Way if you're looking for commercial encounters. I can't say whether they're all straight because I don't know but my guess is most of them are gay-for-pay. If you like them taller, you might want to check out Circle and New My Way. The guys at Adams are on the shorter side. I also don't know if they're all Shan (Tai-yai). Some might be hill-tribe.

May 1st, 2018, 21:16
They're being Shan or hill-tribe or not doesn't matter, as long as they have the prerequisite tools, skills, and techniques for the job at hand plus plenty of goodwill.

May 2nd, 2018, 10:51
Thanks, boyke59, for resurrecting this report.

I've enjoyed reading it again, as it has brought back some wonderful memories.

No doubt there have been changes to the line-up of guys in Adam's Apple since I wrote the report. It would be interesting to see if the guys I mentioned - Korn, Pai, Jame, etc - are still working there.

And I had to laugh when I read about the cleaning staff at my hotel and how they would drag me out of bed early in the morning so they could clean my room.

I'm sure I've read something similar recently! Lol

May 10th, 2018, 16:36
Korn is still there. Harn is back with a new name "New" because there's another Harn. Game is back sometimes. K is back after the monkey house. Jame is working at a karaoke bar I think. Some other old faces pop in from time to time.

May 10th, 2018, 17:23
Thanks for the update.

K never learns.

Asia Traveler
May 10th, 2018, 22:35
What is the “Monkey House?”

May 10th, 2018, 22:54
The jail

May 11th, 2018, 02:05
They're being Shan or hill-tribe or not doesn't matter, as long as they have the prerequisite tools, skills, and techniques for the job at hand plus plenty of goodwill.
Does this include a cute slim body to arouse the client, a nice mouth to wrap around the client's cock, a nice little butt to take it & the enthusiasm for them to participate in the passive role ?

May 11th, 2018, 04:07
In general the Shan guys rarely take the passive role.

May 11th, 2018, 07:00
Last time I was in Adams Apple, one of my regular offs whispered to me that there were 2 guys who were gay and would bottom.


The rest were definitely top only.

May 12th, 2018, 05:21
Does this include a cute slim body to arouse the client, a nice mouth to wrap around the client's cock, a nice little butt to take it & the enthusiasm for them to participate in the passive role ?

One out of four isn't that bad-- there Are several cute slim bodies.

May 12th, 2018, 14:42
What happened to the gay twinks who used to dance at Adam's Apple twenty or so years ago? If memory serves me correct, they used to comprise up to 30 or 40% of the dancers. And in those days, there were often fifty guys working there. Add to that the cute students from C.U. who used to be in the audience- and sometimes there wasn't a spare seat to be found- and Adam's Apple was quite a scene.
O tempora, o mores.

May 12th, 2018, 16:48
Any recent budget-friendly hotel recommendations for CM ?
I prefer to stay at large regular hotels, not gay-owned, as I am rather not a "guesthouse type".
I like the Huay Kaew area, away from the red Chinese invasion, as it is easy to get to the Chang Phueak Bars, and Nimmanhaemin and CMU is not far (which helps when using GPS based apps).
As Grab has changed the transport situation to the better, it is not even necessary nowadays to stay at the Sawngthaew thoroughfares .
Had stayed at Royal Pannerai or Royal Lanna in the past, now considering one of the B2 Properties (as the desinterested staff couldn't care less who goes in and out there) - B2 Green for example, or Sakulchai place. There is another large budget hotel on the 4th floor of Kad Suan Kaew, called BAAN DIN KI. I am sure this is quite anonymous too and the location great. Any input ?

May 12th, 2018, 19:01
Short of breakage or protracted yowling, I can't picture many hotels in CM having issues with discreet visitors. BAAN DIN KI qualifies for location, price, and a "clean enough" label from my Thai advisor.

May 12th, 2018, 20:09
Go to agoda or booking.com check out "The Small Hotel" located near the Nite Bazar......

Asia Traveler
May 12th, 2018, 20:54
Has anyone stayed at the Lotus Hotel across from Adams Apple recently? Also does anyone have a good Tuk tuk driver to recommend? I use to use Joe but he appears to have abandoned his tuktuk driving business last year or maybe was taking a break.

May 12th, 2018, 22:21
I stay at the Lotus whenever I'm in town, as I go to CM to have fun with the guys at Adams Apple.

I've written about the hotel in my reports.

Last time I mentioned a really handsome guy working at reception. I wonder if he's still there?

Getting in and out of town from up there was a real pain, but if you have Uber or Grab you shouldn't have a problem.

May 12th, 2018, 23:33
I stay at the Lotus whenever I'm in town, as I go to CM to have fun with the guys at Adams Apple.

I've written about the hotel in my reports.

Last time I mentioned a really handsome guy working at reception. I wonder if he's still there?

Getting in and out of town from up there was a real pain, but if you have Uber or Grab you shouldn't have a problem.

Sadly, UBER is history. Liked it a lot more than GRAB. But GRAB still better than the old Taxi Mafia, of course

May 14th, 2018, 04:01
Any recent budget-friendly hotel recommendations for CM ?
I prefer to stay at large regular hotels, not gay-owned, as I am rather not a "guesthouse type".
I like the Huay Kaew area, away from the red Chinese invasion, as it is easy to get to the Chang Phueak Bars, and Nimmanhaemin and CMU is not far (which helps when using GPS based apps).
As Grab has changed the transport situation to the better, it is not even necessary nowadays to stay at the Sawngthaew thoroughfares .
Had stayed at Royal Pannerai or Royal Lanna in the past, now considering one of the B2 Properties (as the desinterested staff couldn't care less who goes in and out there) - B2 Green for example, or Sakulchai place. There is another large budget hotel on the 4th floor of Kad Suan Kaew, called BAAN DIN KI. I am sure this is quite anonymous too and the location great. Any input ?
You might try "The Pub" http://www.thepubchiangmai.com/ great location on Huay Kaew opposite Maya, easy to get to anywhere. Neither Guest House or Hotel, they have individual bungalows in the grounds so no problem with whom you bring home. Bar also has good breakfast and Pub food. Very gay friendly too, popular gay ex-pat hangout. Easy walking to the new one Nimman think park and the rest of Nimman.

If you must have a hotel, try U Nimman, the re-vamped old Amari Rincome, there is also the Eastin, but due to a "political situation" :boredom: last I heard they were only doing monthly rates.