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December 14th, 2015, 08:28
Yesterday, I finally had to put our New York colleague on Ignore, not because his posts were objectionable but simply because I got tired of scrolling down to avoid his numerous entries. One board member charitably described him as "the equivalent of the much needed trade winds" that enlivened SGT. "Tsunami" would be my choice of words. Well over 50 posts this weekend and more this morning. Perhaps he's aiming for "posting freak" designation.

December 14th, 2015, 08:36
Wouldn't hold it against him. Sometimes people get into modes of emotional disparity.

Or who are you talking about? Myself or Bruce?

December 14th, 2015, 09:14

December 14th, 2015, 09:16
"Or who are you talking about? Myself or Bruce?"

If the shoe fits, wear it. ;)

December 14th, 2015, 12:03
Obviously, it's all about Cinderella!

December 14th, 2015, 12:19
Don't worry too much. If you've been around a long time, you'll realize ( or remember ) that I tend to go through short periods ( binges ) of "chat fever".... rarely.... cushioned in between very long extended periods of no posting at all..... and no reading the forum at all, in fact.... sometimes lasting a year or more.

"Chatting", as I call it.... ( including all forms of electronic chit chat ).... really can be an addiction.... or more accurately, a compulsive behavior.

The instant email notifications that come from the forum, don't really help. They call you back again.... to read one more thing... engaging you even more. And when people reply to you.... it beckons a reply... one more reply.... Naturally.

It is my hope that the PMs I receive privately * thanking* me for my posts... are more representative of most readers.

But in any case, if at least a few people enjoy, or benefit in some way from, my posts.... then it's worth it.

Of course, I do realize that attacking people ----- whether for being too new, or for being old, or being young, or for being smart, or for being stupid, or for liking something you don't like, or for being too rich, or too poor, or too cheap, or too generous, or...... the list is endless..... literally.

THAT is rule number one around here. TMA. Thou Must Attack... otherwise where will I get any self esteem from...?


( And some people wonder why it's only the same 8 people who post every message here? It's because everyone else is terrified of incurring the wrath of the attacking old queens . )

December 14th, 2015, 13:21
Well over 50 posts this weekend and more this morning.

Are we exaggerating just a tad....?

The truth is..... according to this forum software.... 8 posts in the last 1 day.... and 30 in the past 7 days.

Probably not far off from other active posters here.

For example,

cdnmatt: 8 in the last 1 day, and 39 in the last 7 days

francois: 2 in the last 1 day, and 23 in the last 7 days

bobsaigon2: 2 in the last 1 day, and 7 in the last 7 days

dinagam: 2 in the last 1 day, and 8 in the last 7 days

Oh so many messages we've all.... "had to endure scrolling past...."

If we're doing some sort of attacking by score keeping now....

Don't worry, if I put you on Ignore..... I won't be so obnoxious as to announce it to the whole world.

December 14th, 2015, 15:26
According to this forum's software, I see bruce-nyc posting 12 times today, 30+ times yesterday, and 40+ times Saturday.

No matter. I have made my point so the exact numbers are not important.

December 14th, 2015, 16:31
I don't know where you're getting those numbers... But I was getting mine from the bottom of this page: bruce-nyc-u43327-posts.html?st=1 (http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/bruce-nyc-u43327-posts.html?st=1)

Of course, the number goes up every time I reply here, etc....

Anyway, this whole topic is a non-topic. Talk about boring nothing posts that waste people's time.... This one takes the cake.

Nirish guy
December 14th, 2015, 16:55
I wasn't aware there was a limit to how many posts a member could make ? But if one does find the number of posts from another member offensive then surely that IS exactly what the ignore button is for, so it can be quietly pressed, allowing you the peace you seek and the Op the pleasure of posting away there to their hearts content.

December 14th, 2015, 17:22
The truth is..... according to this forum software.... 8 posts in the last 1 day.... and 30 in the past 7 days.

Something clearly wrong with the software. Quadruple the number for the last 7 days and you are closer to the "truth". But then, who cares what the number is?

December 14th, 2015, 19:34
'Son of beachlover ', sounds like the sequel of a horror movie.
Bruce not in the same league as beachy, although when he's in a frenzy, he posts
on almost every thread.
Some lonely farangs were still looking for Bruce's organized semiweekly meetings in
Pattaya, for a long time. Quite funny to see befuddled old gay farangs asking waiters
for Bruce's group in Boyztown.

December 14th, 2015, 21:34
The instant email notifications that come from the forum...
Email notifications? That's indeed compulsive! I don't receive email notifications, and I don't know where to subscribe, and I wouldn't subscribe anyway. Checking in once per day, or even staying away from the forums for days when traveling, is enough for me. I might have to check twice per day, now that Bruce increased the pace.

Back to topic: I value originality more than conforming to social standards, and Bruce is surely original (and genuine - we have met several times), some of his posts make me scratch my head, others epiphanize me.

December 14th, 2015, 23:21
Back to topic: I value originality more than conforming to social standards, and Bruce is surely original (and genuine - we have met several times), some of his posts make me scratch my head, others epiphanize me.

Well, if you mean "shit your pants" I would agree.

December 14th, 2015, 23:56
Back to topic: I value originality more than conforming to social standards, and Bruce is surely original (and genuine - we have met several times), some of his posts make me scratch my head, others epiphanize me.
'Originality' has it's downfalls. Hitler was 'original' in his new-style 20th century fascism. That went well.
'Several times' meeting does not speak to genuine ... but it certainly speaks to your gullibility. Genuine 'genuine' takes months, often years of knowing other human beings to their core.
You should see/read the slathering and ass licking Brucie applied to the worst board owner to ever lay a dark shadow of embarrassment and shame over Sawatdee ... i.e. the now-dead Neal. Both Neal and Bruce literally salivated over each others 'genuineness' . . . at the very same time that Neal was busy destroying this board.

Just one example, this quote from Bruce. There are many others.

... Had that amazing dinner with DaBoss and GayButton at Cafe des Ami. Cafe des Ami can be summed up in two words: "world class". It's as good or better than almost any restaurant in Manhattan. ALL are over the top: food, presentation, service, intimate atmosphere.... The only thing that wasn't quite up to par, in fact, was something that the restaurant has no control over anyway... and thus it was not their fault..... the company. ( Remember, I went with DaBoss and GayButton. ) But if you do choose to go there for dinner, you can go with anyone you want to... you don't have to go with those two clowns. ( for those literal readers out there, I'm just kidding.... that was a joke ).

In all seriousness, I feel very honored that DB wanted to share one of his most favorite experiences / places with me, Cafe des Ami, as soon as I arrived. The fact that he picked up the bill just shows the type of guy he is. But to me, it meant far more that he wanted to spend some time with me and share one of his very favorite joys of living here... in my company.

For those who have not yet met DaBoss / Neal ( or "pom pom pooey" as he is known by everyone here ), I want to say that he is one of the most charming, kind, generous, sweetest, intelligent, people you'll ever meet. As one of my new Thai boys, whom I'll tell you about in a bit, described him.... "He is big heart. Good man." post259717.html?hilit=neal%20gaybutton#p259717 (http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/post259717.html?hilit=neal%20gaybutton#p259717)

December 15th, 2015, 03:22
Well, looks like you did the job bobsaigon2, because he's barely posted since you made this thread.

Thanks for making the board a little more dead than it already is.

He was posting loads in the past while. Was it really that big of an interruption in your life?

December 15th, 2015, 11:40
The way I see it is, do we want a forum solely populated by the ancient ones* who, every few months wake up from their vampire like slumbers, cough, splutter, fart (but not necessarily in that order - lol!) and write a one line post then return to the sleep of the un-dead for another five or six months. Alternatively, do we want a lively and active forum, which is worth logging-on to everyday? One in which there are always new posts and trip reports to read, some of which will undoubtedly get us hot under the collar, or mad as hell. But, itтАЩs those sort of posts that prompt many of us to post a reply and thereby promote a lively and healthy discussion. One in which other members and readers will be interested in reading, or contributing to. The essence of a good forum in other words, no?

Some of the best contributors to this forum are the members with strong opinions and who are not afraid to express them. I was always under the impression that this is what this forum was best renowned for and its raison d'├кtre.

A forum where free and open comment is to be welcomed, where there was no restriction placed on how often we choose to post. I donтАЩt consider myself a regular poster here, I tend to post most often when I am out in Thailand during the winter months, when I usually post about my trips to the bars, massage parlours and other experiences. But I see that some members think there is a danger in this and am now unclear on what is and isnтАЩt permissible. Perhaps Surfcrest, or the new moderators, could give us their official view.

I think it would be wrong of us to discourage members from posting within the rules of the forum, no matter how much we disagree with their content. If the subject matter is of no interest, then simply move on. If however, you consider the memberтАЩs posts so irritating or so obnoxious, there is, as NIrish-guy said above, always the тАШignoreтАЩ feature.

Lastly, I stand by the comment I made about bruce-nyc. ThatтАЩs not to say I agree or disagree with the content of his posts, that's not the point, it's the principle I'm more interested in. I believe the contributions made by bruce_nyc makes for a livelier and more interesting forum. And, that is why I said I wish we had more members of his calibre. Of course, others may disagree, but that is the joy of this forum, alternative points of view are welcomed and encouraged.

*See the Vampire Chronicles series of novels by Anne Rice

December 15th, 2015, 12:45
Written like a tried and true boarder Jellybean. I know you are, let's say, 'around my age', but your 'Philosophy of Posting' is right on the money and displays a gentle subversive nature.

At thick skin on message boards - especially this one - is a necessity if you want to enjoy the give and take. Brucie has a pretty thick one, and will be back I'm quite sure, as he can't help himself.
What his next crusade will be, who knows. If it's a massive advertising campaign to introduce the Thai-style butt hole sprayers we all have come to love [and miss 'back home'] into North America I'll be right on his side, for investment purposes. AND ... you can pay for it with Bitcoin.

December 15th, 2015, 13:50
Well, looks like you did the job bobsaigon2, because he's barely posted since you made this thread.

Thanks for making the board a little more dead than it already is.

He was posting loads in the past while. Was it really that big of an interruption in your life?

I don't see how anything said and done by bobsaigon2 had anything to do with no recent posts by Bruce-NYC.
Not doubt his skin is as thick as a rhinos.

December 15th, 2015, 15:02
Re: Son of a Beachlover
Postby Smiles ┬╗ Tue 15 Dec, 2015 7:45 am

Brucie has a pretty thick one, and will be back I'm quite sure.

Lucky Brucie. Smiles, you obviously know him fairly intimately to know he "has a pretty big one". Hope he rode you like a pony.

December 15th, 2015, 20:14
Bruce's head was so far up Neal's ass, he lucky to still be alive and still have his tongue.
Of course, Neal ended up hating Bruce and posting endless diatribes about Bruce and gaybutton.
I had forgotten all this madness created by the worst nightmare ever to infest the gaythailand forums, and
despite it all, some farangs loved Neal and remained steadfast friends and supporters.

December 15th, 2015, 20:47
LOL :D I love you guys.... even if/when you're jerks. haha

Don't worry. I'm still here.

It's just been an exceptionally busy past few days. I finally received all the paperwork I need for my bf''s US visa. And today I got my Myanmar visa, so looks like we're headed to Yangon tomorrow to get my bf''s needed paperwork. Looks like the USA visa is gonna happen within about a month. He's sooooooooo excited.

And I spent the afternoon with Christian today. Does that count as board activity? :ymhug:

I'll plan a get together for you *all* at my condo once things get more settled. :ymparty:

On the sidebar about Neal.... I'm glad you brought that up. Several of us were talking about all that the other day when we went on a little day trip together. I stand by every word I said back then. Neal was a good guy.... as far as I could tell.... back at that time. He used to drive out of his way to pick me up at my hotel, to take me to the beach with him.... 3 days a week! ( every day he wasn't sick from dialysis )

Neal and I never never never had any kind of a cross or even critical word with each other. I never did anything to anger him. He never did anything to anger me.

When he snapped tho, he snapped. I totally attribute it to something affecting his brain. I think that when he snapped, he must have lost all ability to remember anything good about anyone.... and he took out only apparently pent up anger and hatred towards absolutely everyone and everything.... no matter who they were. His brain really snapped. I can easily imagine him attacking the flight crew on that last flight. He was not himself ---- quite literally.

I was, of course, hurt and angered by his actions at the end.... But I definitely realize that THAT person was not the real Neal.

December 16th, 2015, 06:53
Bruce - Nice words and good to see someone sticking up for a man who clearly was suffering in his latter days and became bitter and twisted as a result. Refreshing to see such words compared to the usual bitchiness posted by so many on this board.

December 21st, 2015, 19:51
Bruce - Nice words and good to see someone sticking up for a man who clearly was suffering in his latter days and became bitter and twisted as a result. Refreshing to see such words compared to the usual bitchiness posted by so many on this board.
Ulcerated legs and gouty feet had serious implications for Henry VIII's England. I only knew Neal to see and I crossed swords with him here on his invitation to women to enter his "gay" bar. (I immediately leave gay bars that allow women to compete with me for straight boys because I always loose). He sent me a private message on the topic and to my surprise he was reasonable and polite but wrong of course.

December 21st, 2015, 20:17
You leave bars that allow women to enter....? When the women are there to pick up straight men....?

Why don't you leave bars when other *men* enter? What's the difference?

It seems to me like other *men* would be more direct competition with you.... than women would be.

Do you leave bars only when Indian people enter..... but not when Russian people enter...?

Why not just leave a bar whenever *anyone* enters it...?

Your logic boggles my mind. :|

Also.... Are there any male go go bars in Thailand that *don't* allow women to enter....?

And what about gay women entering..... Would that be acceptable to you....?

December 22nd, 2015, 00:02
Does all logic boggle your mind? I simply REFUSE to pay over the top prices in "gay" bars where straight women are allowed to compete with me for straight boys. What's illogical about that?
I see no problem with lesbians as they will not be in competition with me for straight boys but as not all lesbians are obviously so how could they be identified?
Does your mind boggle at the thought of pick-up bars in Tokyo that cater only for straight female customers and exclude men? I'm told that there are such bars in Bangkok also but I can't verify it. There are many bars in Tokyo that exclude whites.
You might find the concept distasteful or elitist but it's NOT illogical.

December 22nd, 2015, 05:11
Yes. There are male gogo bars in Bangkok that cater to straight females. I don't know if they bar males from entering or not.

My question is: Why don't you leave when another male customer enters.... presumably there to "compete" with you for a boy.....?

That's the part that makes no logical sense.

In any case, it sounds like you want more of a private club.... than a public bar.... Something more like a sauna.... where management can pick and choose who they grant membership too ( in theory ).

December 22nd, 2015, 06:19
That's the part that makes no logical sense.

You can't grasp the concept that straight guys prefer pussy over dick, or?

December 22nd, 2015, 11:00
Email notifications? That's indeed compulsive!

No. Not at all. Every forum I ever join... The very first thing I do, after Signing up, is to go to the User Control Panel and put a check in the box next to: Board Preferences, Edit posting defaults, then: Notify me upon replies by default: YES

If I am never notified of someone's reply to me.... then what's the point. I'll never see it.

Also... Don't worry.... It only sends one single email.... no matter how many new replies there are.... ( until you've gone and read them all )

December 22nd, 2015, 11:04
I value originality more than conforming to social standards, and Bruce is surely original (and genuine - we have met several times), some of his posts make me scratch my head, others epiphanize me.

This is one of the greatest compliments I've ever received. Thank you.

The only thing worse than being "typical"....... is being "normal".

I'll take "original" any day.... :ymblushing:

December 24th, 2015, 06:45
That's the part that makes no logical sense.

You can't grasp the concept that straight guys prefer pussy over dick, or?

I was about to take this guy down the road of straight thai guy choosing between middle-aged ugly male customer and middle-aged ugly female pussy-bearing customer and I was going to do it in baby steps but your reply is fine-thank you.
In my first reply I stated how I choose to spend and NOT spend MY money and it boils down to my decision that these bar owners won't have it both ways with ME.

December 24th, 2015, 09:03
Why anyone would *want* a guy who obviously prefers to be with someone *else*.... ( whether that someone else is a woman customer.... or a big spender throwing money around customer... or a hot young blond guy customer... or a fat bald guy with a walker customer.... )...... I'll never understand.

If the boy wants to be with someone else..... I *don't* want to be with him. Simple.

Unless I'm totally goo goo ga ga for him. In that case, I'll simply get his number ( whether it's his phone number or his bikini number ) and wait my turn.... like any civilized customer would.

On more than one occasion, I've been told, "He has a customer booked at 9:30pm." And I say, "Please tell him I'll come back here at 10:30pm and I'll be waiting to off him then." ( This also has the added benefit of *super* impressing the boy..... since apparently *nobody* does that... except me. It's something he'll likely never forget.... and he'll even tell the story to close friends far into the future.... if you stay together that long. After all, what could be more flattering? )

December 26th, 2015, 03:37
But none of these boys would choose to go with any of us if they had a real job like the kids in Singapore for example. The whole Thai go-go scene is unique and will disappear if prosperity spreads to the "outlandish" regions but the Amart will have to be dealt with first and this won't happen in the near future me thinks. Mai Bpen Rai; it's not up to us. I will find my boys mostly on line, in the beer bars, on the beach and through thai friends and occasionally in the go-go bars if I will be in competition with my fellow gay men only. Otherwise bye bye go-go bars.

December 26th, 2015, 07:55
But none of these boys would choose to go with any of us if they had a real job like the kids in Singapore for example.
Clearly you've never stayed let alone lived in Singapore. Even cruising shopping malls like Raffles City you will find "kids" who are happy to have sex with senior citizens from the West for free. I outlined this in a previous trip report last January - it's in the Global Forum.

December 26th, 2015, 22:07
But none of these boys would choose to go with any of us if they had a real job like the kids in Singapore for example.
Clearly you've never stayed let alone lived in Singapore. Even cruising shopping malls like Raffles City you will find "kids" who are happy to have sex with senior citizens from the West for free. I outlined this in a previous trip report last January - it's in the Global Forum.
I'm talking about boys working in go-go bars as opposed to working elsewhere. Tell me about the Singapore Go-Go Bars.

December 26th, 2015, 23:00
There aren't any. If you can find any male sex workers there at all, they'll be *much* more expensive than in Thailand. More like New York prices. Also.... There's a good chance they'll be Thai... working there on a tourist visa.

December 27th, 2015, 08:36
Tell me about the Singapore Go-Go Bars.How are you off for shoes and socks? Can I buy you some milk while I'm out?

December 27th, 2015, 10:56
Yes. There are male gogo bars in Bangkok that cater to straight females. I don't know if they bar males from entering or not.
In 2013, I followed a procession of cute boys on Surawong to the back entrance of their work place (don't know name or main entrance) and was told by boys and nearby security that the place is woman only. I don't know what kind of place it is.

December 27th, 2015, 11:57
Yes. There are male gogo bars in Bangkok that cater to straight females. I don't know if they bar males from entering or not.
In 2013, I followed a procession of cute boys on Surawong to the back entrance of their work place (don't know name or main entrance) and was told by boys and nearby security that the place is woman only. I don't know what kind of place it is.

I think we need a mission to find out... ;)

I can use my straight female friend as bait / a prop if need be. :D

December 27th, 2015, 13:11
You could go disguised as an Arab lady in robes & veils, or as Catholic nuns in their usual habits. Perhaps they like costume parties too.

December 27th, 2015, 14:47
LOL Christian, have you ever done drag.... ?

December 29th, 2015, 03:49
There aren't any. If you can find any male sex workers there at all, they'll be *much* more expensive than in Thailand. More like New York prices. Also.... There's a good chance they'll be Thai... working there on a tourist visa.
I know that already. That's why I named Singapore. Did you ever hear of sarcasm in Bitcomland?

December 29th, 2015, 03:56
Tell me about the Singapore Go-Go Bars.How are you off for shoes and socks? Can I buy you some milk while I'm out?
I picked Singapore deliberately as it's the polar opposite to BKK as regards Go Go bars. My question was rhetorical. Honestly I didn't think you were a fool until now.