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December 13th, 2015, 12:14
What about A-Bomb, Funny Boy, Toy Boy....

Does anyone like to off boys from these clubs....?

December 13th, 2015, 13:36
Yes. Next question.

December 13th, 2015, 13:42
Why do I never read reviews or reports about off-ing guys from A-Bomb....? Or even Funny Boy....?

Or am I missing something?

December 13th, 2015, 13:45
Do what I did, visit those bars and post a review and see the results

December 13th, 2015, 14:26
Yea, it's been a while since I reviewed them. That is true.

Last time I was in Pattaya was... maybe 3 weeks ago? I went into A Bomb at 9:30pm *sharp*.... as Aod always instructs me to do. The first night, there were maybe 8 guys on the stage. All had good bodies. A few had great bodies. But when I asked, I was informed that none were gay. Damn.

The second night, I had decided in my mind that I would accept a hot bodied handsome guy.... no matter if he's gay or not... as long as he would bottom. So I was all excited about going again.... I went back to A Bomb at exactly 9:30pm sharp again... and had a total *wrench* thrown into my plans. @-)

Up on the stage was my very first Thai bf. I hadn't seen him in years. I had no idea where he had disappeared to. ( But since our breakup was about his money issues & his jealousy issues, I had never tried very hard to find him. ) But it was really nice to see him. And, mind you, A-Bomb is exactly where I had met him the very first time I ever laid eyes on him.... So it was a blast-from-the-past experience for us both. So I offed him and we spent a more romantic date-like evening together..... for old times.... and he stayed until morning.

So I really need to make it back to A Bomb again soon..... especially now that it's high season....

I didn't even make it in to Funny Boy or Toy Boy that last trip to Pattaya.... because I got "lucky" at Eros first.... on the first night (which I didn't really like, but I was trying so hard to give Eros a fair chance.... once again ).... And I told you what happened at A Bomb the second night.

That's the order I always visit them in ---- the same order I like them: (1) A Bomb (2) Funny Boy (3) Toy Boy

Maybe I should head over and check them out again..... tomorrow or within the next few days.... Anyone wanna go with me...?


December 13th, 2015, 17:24
Credit to you bruce_nyc for, almost single-handedly, keeping the forum alive with your creation of topics, your prolific posting and your positive, тАШcan doтАЩ attitude. We could do with more members with your vim and vigour. Lately, we seem to have been wallowing around in the proverbial doldrums. In my view youтАЩve acted as the equivalent of the much needed trade winds. Lol!

Toy Boys Bar
Boyz Town, Pattaya

Right, back on topic. I visited Toy Boys Bar the other night. Unfortunately, the guy I fancied the most spent a considerable amount of time cuddling a female customer. When he wasnтАЩt canoodling and drooling over her, he was strutting about the bar in an excessively macho manner. He gave me the impression that he was the self-appointed alpha male of the bar, shouting at and bossing the less masculine boys around. He gave off a very bad attitude in my opinion. He wasnтАЩt the least bit inviting. I was with a fellow member, who is a regular at the bar, and asked if тАШmacho guyтАЩ would be worth offing. He didnтАЩt think so, speculating that heтАЩd be a guaranteed dud in bed and a complete waste of money. Hmmm . . . I wonder. Maybe back in the privacy of the bedroom he might well provide a half-decent service. Unfortunately, I wasnтАЩt prepared to risk it. Although, to be honest, he was pretty damned handsome with an adorable bubble-butt. But I think he already knew that. Lol!

Throughout my time in the bar, a deliciously cute, but effeminate looking young guy continually looked over at me. In my book youтАЩre almost halfway there when that happens, sort of, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, sort of thing. So, after deciding I wouldnтАЩt risk offing Mr Machismo, I called Mr Willing & Able across.

Without even asking, he ordered himself a drink. Oh-oh number 1!

I began by asking his name, he replied in a very high-pitched, glass-shattering screech. Oh-oh number 2.

Then I got a blast of his foul smelling bad breath. Oh-oh number 3. I was fast losing interest, but persisted with my questions. After all, he looked handsome; his body was not too thin and not too fat, definitely in the Goldilocks zone. :)

Then I attempted to hold his hand to establish some rapport and physical contact between us, after all, if things went well, in a very short period, and without further ado, weтАЩd be doing a lot more intimate things together. Now, bearing in mind where we were and I didnтАЩt, well at least I think I didnтАЩt do anything inappropriate, I was surprised when he immediately withdrew his hand in a way that said to me that I had somehow overstepped some undefined mark. Okay, here we go, no prizes for guessing what's coming next . . . oh-oh number 4.

He sat there stony faced facing forward not making any attempt to interact with me. Believe me IтАЩm no newbie to this game and I couldnтАЩt fathom what had gone wrong. But that settled it, I definitely wouldnтАЩt be taking him back to my hotel. If he was like this in the bar, what the hell would he be like back in the room.

I lent behind him and whispered to my friend that I wouldnтАЩt be offing the boy. The boy didnтАЩt speak much English so I explained, in hushed tones, that I was leaving and why. I then told the boy that I was feeling tired and was going back to my hotel. I then gave him 100 baht and thanked him for his time.

The next day my friend said he couldnтАЩt believe how quickly things fell apart, especially considering the boyтАЩs persistent attempts to get me to pick him. Hmmm . . . neither could I!

Lastly, for the sake of balance, I would add that this was not in any way typical of my previous experiences at Toy Boys Bar where, over the years, IтАЩve offтАЩd a fair number of boys and been more than satisfied with their performance. I put it down to a case of, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.

December 13th, 2015, 19:30
Jellybean captured one of the more common 'moments' in a boy Gogo bar.
Many of us think of the boy bars as 'gay bars'. They are boy bars and many boys are happy to be offed by women.
Women often off boys to take them to discos and kareokes as companions. Groups of Asian men do the same.
Sex can happen but what most women want is companionship, someone to drink with, sing and have some laughs. And
Some farangs do the same and don't bring the boy back to their room.
The boys often get paid less than a horny old farang would pay but they have some fun and don't have to endure
slobbering old men or sadistic cruel weirdos.
Screeching fem boys are actually desired by some old farangs and can be popular. It takes all kinds, after all..

December 13th, 2015, 19:49
.....slobbering old men or sadistic cruel weirdos....

It's a bit much to condemn 99% of SGT members in just 7 words!

Clearly the new moderators are not doing their job properly!!

I've never been impressed by the offerings in A-Bomb - just not my type at all - although the bar itself seems clean and well maintained.

Isn't it/Wasn't it owned by a Japanese? Many years ago I was told this, and henceforth the name of the bar has always raised an eyebrow. Of course it might not be true - it might just be a phallusy


December 13th, 2015, 21:50
I haven't been to Pattaya for a while, previous visits are reported on my blog, but these bars were not among those I visited in Nov and Aug this year. Where I went on both last visits was Eros, Power Boys, Nice Boys, and Kawaii (and damn close to offing a boy in Kawaii on both visits).

I vaguely remember low number of boys in Funny Boys and I don't like the underwear in Toy Boys and vaguely remember bad attitude there from visits earlier this year.

I went into A Bomb at 9:30pm *sharp*.... as Aod always instructs me to do. The first night, there were maybe 8 guys on the stage. All had good bodies. A few had great bodies. But when I asked, I was informed that none were gay. Damn.

Why 9:30? Do they open that late? I vaguely remember 8:00 or 8:30 as opening time for most gogo bars.

December 13th, 2015, 21:54
Isn't it/Wasn't it owned by a Japanese? Many years ago I was told this, and henceforth the name of the bar has always raised an eyebrow. Of course it might not be true - it might just be a phallusy
At least there is some semblence of subtlety in the name. After all, he could have called it 'A-Bomb Hiroshima' ... to help you out with your eyebrow issues.

December 13th, 2015, 23:38
.....slobbering old men or sadistic cruel weirdos....

It's a bit much to condemn 99% of SGT members in just 7 words!

Clearly the new moderators are not doing their job properly!!

I've never been impressed by the offerings in A-Bomb - just not my type at all - although the bar itself seems clean and well maintained.

Isn't it/Wasn't it owned by a Japanese? Many years ago I was told this, and henceforth the name of the bar has always raised an eyebrow. Of course it might not be true - it might just be a phallusy


Come on Scottish Guy. What would you expect from a member who has a different name on every Board. His assertion as usual are ridiculous. Since on any night in BT you would be hard pressed for women to make up 10% of the customers. Be a lot of starving boys if there was any truth to his ridiculous assertions.

December 14th, 2015, 01:02
I've never been impressed by the offerings in A-Bomb - just not my type at all - although the bar itself seems clean and well maintained.

Really? When was the last time you were there?

December 14th, 2015, 08:49
The boys in A-Bomb are all straight but I have never found them to be only interested in women offing them and the last time I was there (November) I am confident in saying any of them would have been happy for me to off them. My offs from there have all been very pleasant experiences.

December 14th, 2015, 16:46
Credit to you bruce_nyc for, almost single-handedly, keeping the forum alive with your creation of topics, your prolific posting and your positive, тАШcan doтАЩ attitude. We could do with more members with your vim and vigour. Lately, we seem to have been wallowing around in the proverbial doldrums. In my view youтАЩve acted as the equivalent of the much needed trade winds. Lol!

Wow! :-o Thanks for saying that.

December 14th, 2015, 17:00
The boys in A-Bomb are all straight but I have never found them to be only interested in women offing them and the last time I was there (November) I am confident in saying any of them would have been happy for me to off them. My offs from there have all been very pleasant experiences.

Yes, they are great. But they're definitely not *all* straight. I know several gay guys that work there. It was just that one particular night that they were all straight.

December 14th, 2015, 17:01
Why 9:30? Do they open that late? I vaguely remember 8:00 or 8:30 as opening time for most gogo bars.

They open at 9pm. But *all* the boys are required to arrive at/by 9:30pm. That's the IDEAL time to be there.

December 16th, 2015, 11:43
Has anyone been to Funny Boy lately....

I wonder what Boyztown is like this week.... and next week... Getting to be the highest of high season now..... Eh?

December 16th, 2015, 17:40
Don't get overexcited about high season.
I was the only Customer at Xboys last night. And they began the show on the dot of 10pm.
Maybe 5 or 6 customers came during the show.
During the last week, the only bars I saw full or nearly are Toyboy, and Eros, but before the raid, and the closure of the "corner".
And some nights in Jomtien are quite busy.
For the rest...., you will find a seat very, very easily.

December 18th, 2015, 15:54
Why 9:30? Do they open that late? I vaguely remember 8:00 or 8:30 as opening time for most gogo bars.

They open at 9pm. But *all* the boys are required to arrive at/by 9:30pm. That's the IDEAL time to be there.
Considering other bars open at 8 or 8:30, and I like to be there early to get a view of the boys changing from street clothes (in some bars they do in the main bar area instead of locker room) to satisfy my locker room fetish, I could already be in bed with a boy from one of these bars at 9:30. But important information, when I go again I will go 9:30.

December 18th, 2015, 19:15
I was always a big fan of Toy Boys. Offed many a boy from there. I would often have a quick look in to see if there was a boy to be had for the night, as my hotel was close by. My last but one visit I was disappointed as there did not seem to be any management of the boys going on and a few of them were wearing high heels and girlie clothes and shrieking in a loud high pitched voice and I found that very off putting. So I left and have not been back since.

December 18th, 2015, 21:01
High heels!? omg

Funny Boy has very strict rules about the boys' dress code, behaviour, etc.... I've heard..... down to details about their shoes, their fingernails, etc, etc. .
..which is good.

December 19th, 2015, 03:09
High heels!? omg

Funny Boy has very strict rules about the boys' dress code, behaviour, etc.... I've heard..... down to details about their shoes, their fingernails, etc, etc. .
..which is good.
FB is not really like that any more since Mama Rose left.
Rose used to even trim any pubic hairs that were poking out of the boys underwear with a hairdressers scissors!
It was very unpleasant (for me!) to watch it happening... but it did make for nice neat packages on the boys!

December 19th, 2015, 12:59
Try Toyboys again. The girls have gone and the other night I counted nearly 40 boys in the bar. The place was heaving and has been all week.
Funny boys is nothing like it used to be, in fact it was closed at 1130 the other night.

December 19th, 2015, 21:49
Did visit ToyBoys tonight and about 20 boyz on stage. A good many customers but one a bit odd, playing with his lap top rather than looking at the boyz but I think he was finally seduced by reality than imagination! Very nice selection on stage.

December 20th, 2015, 11:33
From my observations, it is not unusual for a minority of customers in Toy Boys to be playing with their phones/devices.
Some, I suspect, are even on sites such as Grindr.

Why you would come to a gogo bar, and then ignore the boys and focus on your phone, is not something I understand.
Why not go to a beer bar for half the price of the drink?

And rather disrespectful to the boys who are trying to make a living. /:)

But, as they say, it takes all types.

December 20th, 2015, 21:56
Did visit ToyBoys tonight and about 20 boyz on stage. A good many customers but one a bit odd, playing with his lap top rather than looking at the boyz but I think he was finally seduced by reality than imagination! Very nice selection on stage.

That must have been Christian. He was logging all the relevant statistics.... ;)

December 20th, 2015, 21:58
From my observations, it is not unusual for a minority of customers in Toy Boys to be playing with their phones/devices.
Some, I suspect, are even on sites such as Grindr.

Why you would come to a gogo bar, and then ignore the boys and focus on your phone, is not something I understand.
Why not go to a beer bar for half the price of the drink?

And rather disrespectful to the boys who are trying to make a living. /:)

But, as they say, it takes all types.

I can see that happening...... If none of the boys are my type..... And I've already paid for a overpriced beer.... Why not sit there and do as I please and enjoy my beer at least. It's not like they are happy to let you check out the boys *without* forcing you to buy a drink....

December 20th, 2015, 22:17
disrespectful to the boys...LOL...as if thats even possible!!

December 20th, 2015, 22:42
disrespectful to the boys...LOL...as if thats even possible!!

Some people seem to get *wats* ( temples )..... and go go boy bars mixed up.... They seem to think that the boys on the stage are little buddhas that we are expected to go see, admire, adore, and place offerings at their feet... free food, free drinks, free flowers, and free cash.... as we worship them.... and show them all the respect humanly possible.... in hopes of them giving us the tiniest nod of approval.... as we beg and beseech them to please please please grant us a little happiness....

I look at them more like a mechanic I am paying to work on my car. They do a good job. And they get paid to do a good job. End of story.

Oh, and by the way.... That's exactly how they are looking at *you*. You are known as "a customer" in their world, and in their vocabulary.... quite literally.

December 20th, 2015, 23:00
I can see that happening...... If none of the boys are my type..... And I've already paid for a overpriced beer.... Why not sit there and do as I please and enjoy my beer at least. It's not like they are happy to let you check out the boys *without* forcing you to buy a drink....

I thought you were one who never even bothered to look at your bill? Now you worry about an overpriced beer!
Better you sit at a 7/11 and enjoy a s cheap beer, play with your phone and chat with Matt about bitcoins. :-\

December 20th, 2015, 23:53
Correct. I don't really look at the bill. But I'm not stupid. I know I'm paying about 5 or 6 times the price of the same beer at the 7-11. I'm paying that much because I want to go to a boy brothel and see hot boys available for takeaway. If none of the boys are hot.... to my taste.... then I certainly still have every *right* to finish the drink I *paid* for..... and to check my phone apps as well! ( often many of the boys are doing the same! )

The only one anyone should worry about "disrespecting".... is the *paying* *customers*.

When you go to a restaurant, do you worry that if you only order a cheeseburger instead of a filet mignon..... that you'll be disrespecting the hardworking waitress?

December 21st, 2015, 10:37
When you go to a restaurant, do you worry that if you only order a cheeseburger instead of a filet mignon..... that you'll be disrespecting the hardworking waitress?

I think the waitress would be much happier if you ordered the filet mignon and gave her a bigger tip. =P~

December 21st, 2015, 11:19
I think the waitress would be much happier if you ordered the filet mignon and gave her a bigger tip. =P~

I think *I* would be much happier if the price I am asked to pay for a filet mignon in a great restaurant was only $3.

I think *I'd* also be much happier if drinks in go go boy brothels in Thailand were only 20 baht.

But then again, what kind of a twisted fantasy world are we living in?

The Customer is the *paying* person. Successful businesses all over this planet do realize this fact.

December 21st, 2015, 13:22

But then again, what kind of a twisted fantasy world are we living in?

Do tell!

December 22nd, 2015, 02:02
oh francois stop being such a silly whiny frenchman...now u r arguing for the sake of it. Ofcourse its impossible to disrespect a gogo boy...he gave that up when he placed himself on the meat market...anyone who hops onto a stage in tight underwear and shakes his booty so he can sell it is open to anything.
Besides ignoring them, or feigning little interest drives the price down. If u sit there gagging for them they can act like little princesses and charge more.
Personally I always show little interest, always complain or find fault and never show that I'm happy with the services provided.
Its common practise for me to summons 2 or 3 boys to my side so I can paw their legs and arse...complain its too flabby..that I want a firm bubble butt...before I actually select the one I want.
Back in my room the " dissatisfaction" continues...fav is when I'm fucking him I will complain that he's too loose " like an old woman" ....love watching them strain as they try to clench while I'm pile driving into them.
Even when we r all done and he's ready to go I will complain and say that he must practise, that the sex was ok but not good...so funny, they almost end up apologising to me.
Ah...the joys of being the paying customer....

December 22nd, 2015, 06:55
Well, that's another way of putting it... :D

But, on the main point.... yes, we agree.

Business is Business.

(( "....loose like an old woman.... " omg ))

December 22nd, 2015, 12:52
I will complain and say that he must practise, that the sex was ok but not good...so funny, they almost end up apologising to me.
Ah...the joys of being the paying customer....

Or the joys of being a complete fantasist? 8-|

December 22nd, 2015, 13:07
oh francois stop being such a silly whiny frenchman...***

Personally I always show little interest, always complain or find fault and never show that I'm happy with the services provided.

latintopxx you are such a charmer; maybe we will meet up someday?

"I've been called queer, I've been called a nigger, but NEVER has anyone DARED to call me French!"

Jacob, La Cage Aux Folles

December 22nd, 2015, 15:00
Back in my room the " dissatisfaction" continues...fav is when I'm fucking him I will complain that he's too loose " like an old woman"

I tried that once. He just replied that regular sized dicks founds him plenty tight enough.

December 22nd, 2015, 19:02

The perfect come-back!

December 22nd, 2015, 20:44
After finishing his lunch of pureed vegetables and Matron had cleared his tray away serial fantasist Latin sat down to write his next enthralling post.

"oh francois stop...."

December 23rd, 2015, 13:08
Went to Toy Boys last night. It was the first time I'd been there for years. Reasonably busy at 9.30 with a clean cut, presentable and non fem, selection of guys. I invited a guy to join me and when he came over I realised he was the first Go Go Boy I'd ever encountered who was taller than me, I'm nearly six foot.

Can't say I thought the bar or the boy were anything particularly special.

My drink was 200 Baht and the boy's 270 Baht. The waiter was very abusive to one farang who didn't give him a big enough tip. The waiter said a minimum of 50 Baht and threw a 20 Baht note back.

December 23rd, 2015, 13:30
The waiter was very abusive to one farang who didn't give him a big enough tip. The waiter said a minimum of 50 Baht and threw a 20 Baht note back.

Wow! By chance was this farang sitting with a boy and not buying the boy a drink? Or had the farang bought a number of drinks? Good reason not to return. And how did you tip after that incident?

December 23rd, 2015, 15:53
I wasn't taking any notice of the guy before the kerfuffle started but I don't think he sat with a boy.

I tipped the waiter 60 Baht which was "conveniently" presented to me as the top three notes of my change and the boy somewhat more.

December 23rd, 2015, 16:36
Went to Toy Boys last night. It was the first time I'd been there for years. Reasonably busy at 9.30 with a clean cut, presentable and non fem, selection of guys. I invited a guy to join me and when he came over I realised he was the first Go Go Boy I'd ever encountered who was taller than me, I'm nearly six foot.

Can't say I thought the bar or the boy were anything particularly special.

My drink was 200 Baht and the boy's 270 Baht. The waiter was very abusive to one farang who didn't give him a big enough tip. The waiter said a minimum of 50 Baht and threw a 20 Baht note back.

Thanks for the report. I haven't been in Toy Boys for quite some time, and the crazy shit from the waiter just makes me happy to stay away in the future as well.

December 23rd, 2015, 16:49
I have been going to Toyboys for years and am a regular customer. I know the staff very well including Pat the boss/owner and others.
There is no such thing as a 50 baht minimum tip. I often tip less depending on how big the bill is.
Maybe you didn't know the full story.

December 23rd, 2015, 17:26
Certainly wasn't trying to suggest there was any officially policy. Just reporting a specific incident.

December 23rd, 2015, 22:09
Went to Toy Boys last night. It was the first time I'd been there for years. Reasonably busy at 9.30 with a clean cut, presentable and non fem, selection of guys. I invited a guy to join me and when he came over I realised he was the first Go Go Boy I'd ever encountered who was taller than me, I'm nearly six foot.

Can't say I thought the bar or the boy were anything particularly special.

My drink was 200 Baht and the boy's 270 Baht. The waiter was very abusive to one farang who didn't give him a big enough tip. The waiter said a minimum of 50 Baht and threw a 20 Baht note back.

Thanks for the report. I haven't been in Toy Boys for quite some time, and the crazy shit from the waiter just makes me happy to stay away in the future as well.

Come on Anonone!! You should know better. 1 isolated report by 1 poster is certainly no reason to avoid a Bar. If you no longer go to BT fine,but using that as an excuse makes no sense.

Based on that people should automatically stay completely away from Sunee because of all the negative reports of Raids which of course are many times more then this isolated incident which nobody even pretends to know the reason!

December 23rd, 2015, 23:45
Fair enough, firecat. I would hope that the owner / manager would take care of that nonsense quickly, so maybe I am too quick to write it off...but it just sort of goes along with my impression that BT (especially soi 3) is a bit too uppity and non-welcoming for me. I have no patience for that type of attitude. If I want an experience like that, I will just stay home in the USA. 555

In fact, I will go one further. I will be back in Pattaya early January and will make a special point to visit Toy Boys, just to see for myself how things play out. It has been a long, long time since I was in a Pattayaland 3 gogo bar, so it is time for another look.

December 24th, 2015, 00:52
Try to arrive between 9 -9:45. After that 1/2 the boys have been offed and before that they are still arriving. Actually they continue to arrive until 10pm . The manager their is highly competent and has continued to have the most boys on offer by far except for BoyZ which is a Show Bar. He has been there for a number of years.

You will never feel the familiarity that you have in Sunee in BT because you have spent thousands of hours in Sunee. Your BF and all his friends are in Sunee so naturally you will not feel as welcoming as a place where you have spent 1000,s of dollars buy ing drinks. Just not a fair comparison.

December 24th, 2015, 06:17
I agree with you, firecat.

Also.... I still go with the Tipping Rule that the boys taught me... It's 20 baht for drinks ( regardless of how many drinks ). 40 baht for food ( regardless of how much food ). 100 baht for a very attentive and helpful mamasan who stays handy the entire time and assists alot. 100 baht to a boy who sits with you if you don't off him.

I've never had anyone seem less than happy with that tipping scale.... everywhere I go. And I've been to Toy Boy *many* times.

There's probably much more to that story than you witnessed, Chuai-Duai. It could even have been a jealous quarrel of some sort.

I also agree that you're not always going to get as much of the personal recognition of a small town when visiting Bangkok Soi Twilight.... as much as when visiting Pattaya Boyztown. And.... You're not going to get as much of the personal recognition of a small town when visiting Boyztown.... as much as when visiting Sunee ( or any small area you visit every day ).

But a few people will recognize you *anywhere*..... if you go there every day. For example, if you were to go to Toy Boy every day.... eventually, everyone would recognize you and say hello. But, I get that they are never going to just "hang out" with you all night for free. They are there to make money, after all. But I'm OK with that. In fact, I respect them for that. ( Isn't it better to have a little ambition? Isn't it better to at least have a job.... no matter what type of job that may be? ....in general? )

December 24th, 2015, 09:14
I totally understand that I will not get the "star" treatment I now get in Sunee, that my 1000s of dollars in drinks has earned me. (And truth hurts..that is no exaggeration). In fact, I am starting to feel like an episode of Cheers when everyone calls my name when I enter various Sunee bars...only it is not "Norm !"

But when I first was visiting Pattaya, I split my time pretty evenly between BT and Sunee (Never had much of a thing for Jomtien). I have stayed at Ambiance, was a regular at Copa for the shows, and bought bottles at the gogo bars. I had my share of "offs' and made the rounds, so I think my impressions were formed well before I made Sunee my home base. But it isn't just about "personal service" and recognition. Just an overall vibe that the clock is running, at the appointed hour everyone turns back into pumpkins, and the guys return to their "real" lives.

Bruce summed it up pretty well. BT just seems much more commercial then Sunee, and that just isn't what I prefer. Nothing against those that prefer BT, just I prefer Sunee more. If I was looking to pop into a bar to find an "off" for short time, then I am sure BT meets that need and does it well. As I mentioned in my last trip report (November), I hit a couple of the soi 1 and soi 2 bars. Dream Boys in particular had some fine looking lads on display, and Vasa is also a good stop for me. Both would be fine for a quick pick up.

But for my typical night out in Pattaya, I am much more interested in a night of partying instead of an hour of sex. And I have become friends with many, many Sunee lads who don't view me as a customer. I am the guy they join up with after they finish with their customer for some drinking and laid back fun. Sex is still occasionally part of the story, but not in a commercial way...more of a stumble back to my room and end up in bed together kind of way. 555 It really is a different vibe now and one which I enjoy quite a bit. With friendship, I have gained their confidence and have learned much about their lives that a casual customer would never come close to knowing.

Anyway, I have wandered way off topic so will not drone on further. I appreciate the timing advice and will do my best to make a Toy Boys visit between 9 and 9:30. I promise to have an open mind and just see what kind of fun I can get into. But if a waiter throws tip money back at me for not meeting their supposed minimum, I will make a bigger scene then Christian would for being overcharged 5 baht for his water. :D

December 24th, 2015, 16:57
And thus is the crux of the matter. Had you met your BF in BT ? Naturally all his friends would be in BT and all your time would have subsequently been spent in BT.

Then your spending would have been in BT and you would become a nobody in Sunee. After 15 years of visiting I recognize both areas have their pluses and minuses.

There was a time when the differences were not so great in prices and except for the under age problems Sunee easily rivaled some of the best Bars in BT IMHO.

That sadly is no longer the case and there are nights when 1 Bar in BT has far more GoGo Boys then all of Sunee combined . If I lived in Pattaya certainly spending more time in the Beer Bars of Sunee would be much more attractive because of the pricing structure. If you are out 300 nights a year the difference in drink prices can really ad up.

But there is a reason why a large % of Gay visitors have never been to Sunee and the reverse is definitely not true.

For me when referring to BT , I am including all 3 Sois although I understand technically BT is only on 1 Soi.

December 31st, 2015, 21:15
... when I'm fucking him I will complain that he's too loose " like an old woman" ....love watching them strain as they try to clench while I'm pile driving into them.

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p ... +of+Wizard (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sleeve+of+Wizard)

From the Movie "Borat": "When I buy my wife, at first she cook good, her vagine worked well, she strong on plow, but three years later when she was fifteen, she receive hair on her chest, her voice become deep, and her vagine hang like SLEEVE OF WIZARD."

January 1st, 2016, 02:36
thanks Christian and a very happy sex filled New Year to you too :ymparty:
BTW, even when the service provider is providing absolutely 1st class service I will still complain, just like to make sure they are working at 100% all the time :)