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November 26th, 2015, 02:41
Hi guys, I'm currently in Bangkok on my first Thailand trip.

One thing I was quite looking forward to (purely from a research perspective of course, lol) was checking out some hardcore fu*k shows. All the places I've been to / boys I've asked have said they're not happening at the moment due to the Police / Govt'. I've mainly only tried around Soi Twilight & Nature Boys; & although there is nudity, hard cocks, occasionally a bit of sucking, nothing hard-core.

Does anyone have any suggestions where the type of shows everyone seems to associate with Bkk are still happening , or am I out of luck (only here a few more days). I am off to Pattaya next; is it the same story there, or are there still some hardcore shows going on there?

If anyone can provide any up-to-date info' it' be very much appreciated, thanks!!

November 26th, 2015, 04:09

Old git
November 26th, 2015, 07:09
the type of shows everyone seems to associate with Bkk

That's where you're going wrong..

'everyone' in this instance, is everyone who has never been to Thailand but professes to know everything about it..

Thailand is a wonderful country. Discover it, enjoy it, and respect it's rich culture - but don't abuse it..

November 26th, 2015, 13:52
No fuck shows in Bkk or Pty bars as far as I know.

But some saunas have orgy days, just today (every Thursday starting at 9 pm) should be "staff naked party" at Deja Vu in Ladprao Soi 122. http://cruisingsauna.com/ (These parties end in staff and customers fucking around in the open, everyone can watch and grope and join within reason. I have been a few times last year.)

Side note: I just see there is coyote boy show at cruising sauna this saturday. This saturday, there is 10th anniversary of hotmale gogo bar and man of the prince 2015 as well.

November 26th, 2015, 17:26
old git...stop being so silly. Thailand is known worldwide universally without a smidgen of a doubt as the place to go to if u r a sex tourist. Sure there are temples and pagodas and palaces, and elephants and cuisine ........but thats just filler...the real content involves sex.

Old git
November 26th, 2015, 17:37
Thailand is known worldwide universally without a smidgen of a doubt as the place to go to if u r a sex tourist

I wasn't trying to deny that.

My point, made perhaps with too much subtlety, is that contrary to popular legend, Thailand is not awash with hardcore sex shows. The girls and boys in the bars are not interested in having sex with each other while the punters look on - they want the punters to pay a bar fine and take them back to a room..

Nirish guy
November 26th, 2015, 18:06
"The girls and boys in the bars are not interested in having sex with each other while the punters look on"

To be fair this applies to just about any sex show I've ever attended anywhere in the world, if you think the performers are actually interested in fucking for their own pleasure then I really doubt that's the case, from my experience and in chatting to them afterwards they're usually more interested in things like "did their child get to school ok this morning" or "were they asked to bring food back for the children for breakfast in the morning" or "did that money go into my account ok this month so I can pay the rent" and that's all usually WHILST they're fucking / being fucked !

A lady stage performer once told me this as she stood in the gents toilet with me in the infamous ping pong show in Bangkok, she was naked on my arrival with a few straight friends who wanted to see the infamous show, I informed her immediately I was gay and an old hand at such events and so had no interest etc and that I was here solely for my friends. So on knowing that she relaxed and she and I had a great time standing chatting and drinking for half an hour or so, about REAL life and how ( not unsurprisingly ) our lives weren't actually that different i.e bills to pay, annoying boyfriends / partners, even more annoying / interfering in laws all with to many opinions etc etc. I then nipped to the loo and she was called to stage for her act, next thing I knew there she was standing beside me at my urinal in the toilet with a lit candle stuck up her "who ha" saying "ahhh where did you go, I wanted to show you my trick" (laughing as I'd been joking her about "sure anyone could do that" etc). She and I instantly got the joke and burst out laughing together but the faces on the straight guys standing pissing on either side of me were just pure astonishment ( and kudos for me) as I obviously assuming I was some big shot straight guy player that this lady had come all the way into the toilet just to show me her trick personally. Needless to say she was well tipped by me for the crack ( no pun intended) and the genuine conversation and we parted the best of friends ( who I've never seen since of course :-) - and re the above she had also stood and told me all the stuff about how knackered she was as the kids had been playing her up and her husbands shifts weren't helping and a load of other every day life stuff, which considering she was ballock naked was a little surreal at first for sure.

November 26th, 2015, 20:29
This is a very good screenplay for a movie by an independent filmmaker.:-)

Old git
November 26th, 2015, 21:06
This is a very good screenplay for a movie by an independent filmmaker

But the Thais would never let you make a film in Thailand that reinforced the stereotype.

Much as The Killing Fields had to be filmed at Hua Hin rather than Cambodia, a filmmaker looking to make a film about Thailand's oldest profession would probably need to use somewhere like Siem Reap for his location shots..

November 26th, 2015, 21:11
When I was in Eros in pattaya, I had one sexy guy early in my lap relaxing to the point of falling asleep when a feminine guy came along, got between his legs and played with his cock for a good while when he suggested that he would suck his cock for a tip. I laughed and joked that I bet he would be willing to pay the guy to have a chance to suck his cock which brought out a guilty giggle from him.

If you want a fuck show and can't find one in a bar, make one happen by tipping or offing a few guys.

November 27th, 2015, 11:22
My point, made perhaps with too much subtlety, is that contrary to popular legend, Thailand is not awash with hardcore sex shows. The girls and boys in the bars are not interested in having sex with each other while the punters look on..

The legend that Thailand is the place to go if you are a sex tourist is, as they say, not what it was. Isn't that one reason it's a legend? Like 1920s Berlin? The shows in the bars in the 1980s and 90s - even in the late 70s - created that legend, as anyone who enjoyed watching the fun time (most of) the boys were having can attest. The shows would almost always end up with one or more pairs of guys fucking and at the very least seeming to enjoy it more than just a little. My impression was that a great many more were gay than is the case nowadays. At weekends bars were packed with both locals and farang, and everyone ended up having a really enjoyable evening at a relatively modest price.

Since the first Social Order Campaign introduced by Thaksin's first government in the early 2000s, things have never been the same in the bars. There's been plenty of speculation on other threads as to why this should be the case and no need to go into this again. Apart, perhaps, from highlighting the fall off in attendances due in part to the rise of social networking, far more straight boys working now, and the tea money to the BIB having risen pretty dramatically. The mamasan at Scorpion Bar told me about 2 years ago that the 'fee' for a gogo bar in Soi Twilght was then Bt. 160,000 and for an outdoor beer bar Bt. 40,000 - monthly. How true that was, I have no way of knowing.

On the few days I have been in Soi Twilight in recent months there has been only a fraction of the punters I'd usually see coming in. The non-Thai Asian market is far more in evidence especially on holidays in places like Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea. These tend to come more in pairs and groups and are there much more to look rather than take guys off. The economics of the business has changed considerably - sadly for the worse.

Incidentally, back in the 'old' days, I never recall any of the boys requiring artificial aids to keep hard, unlike today when all the straight guys need to have their appendages tied off to avoid an embarrassing deflation. Does any other poster remember?

November 27th, 2015, 12:42
I only discovered Thailand in 2001 and do realise that I was probably 10 years late but must confess that even taking the rose tinted glasses effect into consideration I'm sure that even then there were a lot more fuck shows and the shows were far more over the top than whats on offer now.

November 27th, 2015, 13:05
I fondly remember the trapeze acts at X-boys:-).
Oh, how I miss the circus.

November 27th, 2015, 20:01
I fondly remember the trapeze acts at X-boys:-).
Oh, how I miss the circus.

Hah! Talking of circus, my favourite was the show in the mid 1980s at Bariery on the ther side of Suriwong from Soi Twilight. Those boys were amazingly athletic with several trapeze variations being an integral part of every show.

November 27th, 2015, 21:26
Thanks very much to everyone who's replied, much appreciated. Oh well, guess I'll just have to stick to fucking the guys myself, sigh ;;) . Although I do like the idea of offing two guys and watching, so might need to give that a spin!

November 28th, 2015, 04:22
I watched a fuck show in BKK , I think Dreamboys a couple of years ago . The boy then went off the stage and collected the tip from me with his mouth while he was being fucked , that was interesting

November 28th, 2015, 09:35
If you are going to Pattaya try the X Boys show in Pattayaland (next to Boyztown). They were doing fuck shows last year and, like most Thai operators will do anything for money, even with the Army supervising.

November 28th, 2015, 10:52
you're really not missing much. The sex in those shows isn't particularly sensual or erotic, more mechanical.

November 28th, 2015, 13:23
The first time I saw one of these shows , years ago..very interesting....the next time, couple years later....it was OK....
After the 3rd visit,,,yukky....Now Chinese tourists,,,many women some in tow with their husbands,,,,,in the audience.
They laugh,,and carry on,,,,I find it totally uninteresting anymore...I realize the bar owners need to make money, but it is
A GAY venue...I don't enjoy being around straight women watching this activity....so I don't go anymore...and right, it is
somewhat of a bore.....with their fake rubber band around cock to make it larger, or injections.....Just me..

November 28th, 2015, 17:34
...and right, it is somewhat of a bore.....with their fake rubber band around cock to make it larger, or injections.....Just me.
Not just you, me too! I find these rubber bands or whatever erection aid they use totally unerotic.

November 29th, 2015, 08:02
I find these rubber bands or whatever erection aid they use totally unerotic.

Complete turn off!

November 29th, 2015, 10:45
Exactly. I was going to say the same thing. It's quite boring to see a fuck show. I have no idea *why* people waste time and money to go to one. Any free porn web site would be 1000 times better to see. And if you *really* want to see one live, just ask the waiter / "captain" to arrange one in your own hotel room. Tell him you want one top and one bottom to fuck each other in *your* bed. He'll arrange it faster than they could make you a cocktail. And he'll even let you choose the top and bottom from a custom lineup just for you. Don't be shy. This is their job and what they do every day. Just tell him *exactly* what you want..... to see.... to do.... etc.... and where. This is a fantasy porn movie and you are the director!

Meanwhile, yes. Thailand is *presently* the sex tourist capital of the world.

( Don't let the rantings of old men reminiscing about a golden era of days gone by... discourage you. )

Thailand is *presently* the sex tourist capital of the world. It's the best place on the planet to go for easy hot SEX of your fantasies.

I live in Bangkok, and I just got back from a great little 2 day trip to Pattaya. I f***ed 4 boys in 2 days. Three the first day, and 1 the second day. Two were so so. Two were fantastic! The stuff masturbation fantasies are made of.

November 29th, 2015, 14:07
Thailand is *presently* the sex tourist capital of the world. It's the best place on the planet to go for easy hot SEX of your fantasies.

I live in Bangkok, and I just got back from a great little 2 day trip to Pattaya. I f***ed 4 boys in 2 days. Three the first day, and 1 the second day. Two were so so. Two were fantastic! The stuff masturbation fantasies are made of.

I also live in Bangkok but don't agree about Thailand being the sex capital of the world now. Pattaya may be and Bangkok certainly has its moments. But venture outside these two cities and I expect there are many other parts of the world that put Thailand in general in the shade.

Pattaya, as others have posted, is clearly out on its own, but it is basically pay for play. I'm not sure what if anything your boys cost, but to take one example Taipei now is awash with younger guys just desperate to meet farang. If it's just company you want, the various sites like Hornet, Grindr etc will see a horde of cute guys desperate to meet up. I will not say how many I met on my four visits there this year. Suffice to say I was extremely satisfied - the more so as most wanted repeat engagements! Not one asked for any money and were even offended when I offered to pay for the subway ticket to my hotel.

Taipei does not have an Eros or similar bars and It's not as easy to meet single guys at places like the Red House complex. But with 76,000 attending this year's Gay Pride Parade plus each city having its own Parades at other times (Bangkok"s died well over a decade ago) and a host of handsome guys always on display in the male hot springs, for example, many are now calling Taipei the gay capital of Asia. I won't go that far but I do think Thailand's days are numbered for farang.

November 29th, 2015, 14:30
That's interesting, Fountainhall, but how does a place like Taiwan compare with Pattaya when it comes to the ease and comfort of meeting and being with these guys?
One of the important qualities of the Pattaya scene is that shy, reserved falangs can invite Thais to their rooms without embarrassment or trepidation...and no one will bat
an eye-lid.
And even in Thai towns like Chiang Rai and Krabi with no visible gay scene, there are no quizzical looks from hotel reception or staff when my boyfriend and I check-in, nor from waiters in the restaurants or passers-by in the streets.

November 29th, 2015, 16:11
fountainhall...and other non-believers...sure when it comes to non-commercial sex Thailand is not the best, most of the strunners, OK ..half decent guys expect compensation, at least in the big centers, and especially if one is a tourist. Maybe its different if ne actually lives in thailand...i wouldnt know..I just fly in..use 'em and fly out.
But when it comes to turning your fantasies into practise...nothing beats BKK/Pattaya...and i specifically say BKK and Pattaya because thats just about all I now. Just about anything i want to do..in Thailand I can.....

Treat the MB like a sex toy...and use him like I just dont care...
Use a MB like furniture....
use a MB like a slave..
Line 3 up and fuck 'em in a group...and not change condom...and cum in their mouths...or over gapings arse...
Hire a MB and girl...and fuck both...and fuck the Mb while he fucks the girl..
Hire a Mb so I and my partner get to use him...hard...
Walk into a gogo bar...and find a dozen whores on a stage..and u can just select one..like a can of coke in a 7-11...
Expect to fuck the massage " boy"...when I book a massage...
Switch on grindr and get at least 15 good hits/day...
Find Countless host bars...where MB are available...
get sex 25 hours/day...8days/week...
I could almost write a short novel on the crap I get up to...even with straight friends....
...and all for under 1000bht...

Now tell me where this sort of service is available anywhere else in the world??

I've done most of eastern europe, Brazil, 8 US states, most of europe, South Africa, NZ, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China ...and nothing comes close to BKK/Pattaya.

November 29th, 2015, 20:16
And if you *really* want to see one live, just ask the waiter / "captain" to arrange one in your own hotel room. Tell him you want one top and one bottom to fuck each other in *your* bed. He'll arrange it faster than they could make you a cocktail. And he'll even let you choose the top and bottom from a custom lineup just for you. Don't be shy. This is their job and what they do every day. Just tell him *exactly* what you want..... to see.... to do.... etc.... and where. This is a fantasy porn movie and you are the director!
But the price will be outrageous! Not everyone here will want to spend that much money.

November 30th, 2015, 01:01
over and above the ridiculous cost is the privacy issue. I love the fact that in the bars the fuck show is out there in the open, anyone can walk in and see. And they then walk amongst the audience begging for tips and get groped and pawed..love it.
As for straights and women in the audience, I love it, sometimes I act up...like enjoy calling one of the big cock boys off the stage so I can have a grope..and all for a BHt50 tip.

November 30th, 2015, 08:34
. . . how does a place like Taiwan compare with Pattaya when it comes to the ease and comfort of meeting and being with these guys?
One of the important qualities of the Pattaya scene is that shy, reserved falangs can invite Thais to their rooms without embarrassment or trepidation...and no one will bat
an eye-lid.
And even in Thai towns like Chiang Rai and Krabi with no visible gay scene, there are no quizzical looks from hotel reception or staff when my boyfriend and I check-in, nor from waiters in the restaurants or passers-by in the streets.

The gay scene in Taipei is certainly way less in your face than it is in Pattaya. In general, if you want to pop into to a gay bar and quite quickly end up with company for the night, that's not nearly as easy in Taipei as in Pattaya or Bangkok. Taiwanese tend to go out in groups and breaking into a group is not easy. That takes time.

On the other hand, hook-ups on social network sites take not much longer than they do in Thailand, plus many of the guys you chat with will not only have a better understanding of basic English, you don't have to contend with the sometimes odd Thai logic!

I stay generally in 3 or sometimes 4 star hotels. Having someone come to a hotel or stay has never once caused me any difficulty in many years of visiting Taipei. On one memorable day, there were not even complaints from housekeeping when I had to ask for various sets of fresh towels. Same if we go out for dinner or just walk around - no stares or questioning looks.

The other difference - which would be a drawback for some - is that most Taiwanese I have met would not like to feel they are being used. A hook up is two guys getting what each wants, and as cash is not involved (although money boys do exist), they do understandably expect respect.

November 30th, 2015, 10:04
thanks for that fountainhall, what you describe pretty much sums up a lot of the world, log onto gay romeo or grindr and invariably you will be contacted by guys willing to play. And yes, do agree that outside a few hardcore bars/clubs it is more challenging to find someone ready to be used for under BHT1000; and thats why BKK/Pattaya rules!!

November 30th, 2015, 17:13
"Line 3 up and fuck 'em in a group...and not change condom.." writes one poster.

Presumably followed by Russian Roulette. Today's Guardian is worth a read, particularly for those who need educating in safe sex. Note , in particular, the reference to HiV infection in Bangkok and the impact of Grindr et al.

http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015 ... ore-deaths (http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/nov/30/asias-aids-epidemic-needs-urgent-action-to-prevent-even-more-deaths)

Nirish guy
November 30th, 2015, 17:26
"Line 3 up and fuck 'em in a group...and not change condom...and cum in their mouths...or over gapings arse..."

So, as long as you stay safe then it's all good but if you pass an STI or HIV to them while they're fucking you for their food / rent money then thats just their tough luck then basically is what you're saying. That's disgraceful, you should be ashamed at outing yourself like that as that's nothing to do with getting some minor sexual kick but more about you proving yourself as some mean spirited selfish cunt.

December 1st, 2015, 00:38
If there is infected blood on the condom ( and yes, it sometimes happens, particularly if the passive partner is inexperienced) then it could be passed onto the next partner. To take this chance is reprehensible. Changing a condom is so easy.

December 3rd, 2015, 03:37
I agree , terrible to hear about people who actually use the same condom on several boys. These boys could get infected and pass it on to others. I hope latino is in minority here

December 3rd, 2015, 08:26
"Line 3 up and fuck 'em in a grreply should.and not change condom...and cum in their mouths...or over gapings arse..."

So, as long as you stay safe then it's all good but if you pass an STI or HIV to them while they're fucking you for their food / rent money then thats just their tough luck then basically is what you're saying. That's disgraceful, you should be ashamed at outing yourself like that as that's nothing to do with getting some minor sexual kick but more about you proving yourself as some mean spirited selfish cunt.

Of course by any standards the poster to whom you reply SHOULD be ashamed but he clearly is not. It follows therefore that he's a Troll or "a mean spirited selfish cunt". In either case to argue with him is futile.

December 3rd, 2015, 10:11
I lived in Taipei, Taiwan for a few years. It was ok. But I certainly wouldn't consider it a sex destination. There are lots of gays... just as in any big city. But they're not hungry. They're not money boys. They're quite prosperous usually. While they might be attracted to white (farang) guys in general..... they're not going to have sex with fat old men.... for free or otherwise. You mentioning, "If you're only looking for conversion...." We'll, yeah! They're desperate to practice English. But sex isn't going to be any easier to get than any other big city. You're not gonna get much unless they think you're hot and handsome.

Bangkok hosts the Songkran circuit party every year with how many? 5000 or 10000 gays from all over Asia and all over the world. My bf has hot young gay friends in almost every Asian country.... from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Myanmar, you name it... They are mostly all young gay yuppie professionals. They all fly to Bangkok to party nearly *every* weekend ! Bangkok is very clearly the gay capital of Asia. There's no doubt about it.

But I wasn't even talking about that.... I was talking about safe easy hot amazing sex for very little money and almost zero effort with super hot young willing happy guys.

Nothing in the world compares to Thailand. ( And yes, when I talk about amazing sex for little money in Thailand, I am referring to Pattaya first, and Bangkok second. Tho it does also exist in other parts of Thailand, like Chiang Mai, Phuket, etc. It's not as convenient and not as great an assortment to choose from. )

I can't agree with Latin's post more... ( If you'll go back and read it again ignoring the condom re-use remark... )

( And, Latin, please change the rubber. It is life threatening, and that's not cool. Make the boy change it for you as quickly as possible.... with his teeth if you want. Make it a game. But don't reuse it. I know you do care about protection ultimately or you wouldn't be using condoms at all. If you have 3 boys lined up, the last one to get fucked should always be replacing the condom with a new one for the next boy to get it. And don't worry about the cost. Condoms are basically free. My bf got a box of like 1000 condoms free from a friend who works at a sex massage shop. )

When I was just in Pattaya, I gave 1000 for the first two boys..... 500 each. I talked them into a 2for1 deal. That was at Eros' backroom. Then another 500 for the third boy..... also at Eros. Then the next day, I spent 1000 to have that third boy come to my hotel room. And that evening I spent 1500 for a guy at A Bomb.

That's a total of 4000 baht.... or $111..... for FIVE amazing fuck sessions with very happy, very gracious, very hot young 19 to 25 year olds. Tell me where else on Earth that can be found.... for so cheap..... not to mention so easy. And no, you can't include the cost of the cheap beer and even cheaper hotel room. That cost would be even more anywhere else on Earth too.

How much would 5 fuck sessions with money boys who are hot and 19 to 25 cost in New York? If you could even find hot ones 19 to 25 in New York, they would probably have very bad cocky arrogant attitudes.... and say, "I don't do that." ..... a lot. And they would charge you between $250 and $350 each. No joke. I know this for sure.

So taking the average of $300 ├Ч 5 fuck sessions..... That would cost $1500..... Not $111.

I've travelled quite extensively too, and I always seek out the money boys, the gay male gogo/brothels, the sex massage shops, even the online escorts, etc. I can tell you from personal experience, *nowhere* compares to Pattaya/Bangkok..... ( which I refer to as Thailand ).

I was a little bit surprised that none of the neighboring countries near Thailand have a sex-for-money scene to speak of. This is very definitely not an accident. It is a direct result of Thai Culture..... a culture which actually respects, if not honors, great sex workers. I've read that this culture of nurturing a thriving sex industry goes back to the earliest days of what the explorers called, the Kingdom of Siam.

One example of such.... I can go to the best clinical non-sex therapeutic massage spas in Thailand.... or to any 5 star hotel spa.... . and during the course of the massage, if I find the guy handsome, I can reach out and grab his cock and his ass through his pants. Does he thwart my aggressions? Never! Never never never. The vast majority of the time he'll allow me to pull his pants down and pull his cock and ass out and do whatever I want to do from there.... Even if he's 1000% straight and even married !! Most places in the world, this would result in anywhere from being swatted down.... to being kicked out of the spa.... to being punched..... to being arrested. But never in Thailand. The worst that can happen is... he'll hope for a bigger tip. And the normal expexted tips are tiny anyway (others tip 20; I tip 100 baht). So if sex happened, I give him two times tiny.... depending on exactly how far the sex went.... (maybe 200). Of course, if I take him home and ride him like a wild pony, I'll give him 1000. In all cases, he'll be very happy to see me again.

In general, I love Thailand..... including Thai Culture, and most of all Thai People. And maybe more *importantly*, they love me too.

There's no other place like it on Earth.

December 3rd, 2015, 12:10
. . . One example of such.... I can go to the best clinical non-sex therapeutic massage spas in Thailand.... or to any 5 star hotel spa.... . and during the course of the massage, if I find the guy handsome, I can reach out and grab his cock and his ass through his pants. Does he thwart my aggressions? Never! Never never never. The vast majority of the time he'll allow me to pull his pants down and pull his cock and ass out and do whatever I want to do from there.... Even if he's 1000% straight and even married . . .
Your comments surprised me a little bit bruce-nyc. Looking back over my time in Thailand, I had my first non-sexual massage in Hua Hin about 10 or 11 years ago. I went with three friends and, to my utter disappointment, it was done by females. We were all laid out on adjoining mattresses while the masseuses did their work . . . which turned out to be quite painful in some cases! I was hoping that my friend, who organised it, was taking me for my very first sexual, happy ending, massage, but it was not to be.

I also had a foot massage in Hua Hin and taken by the same group of friends. I didnтАЩt expect anything sexual to happen, just as well, because the foot massage was also conducted by a female.

The next occasion I had a non-sexual massage was upstairs at the Pinnacle Hotel in Bangkok. I was required to wear some throw away skimpy panties. I thought the masseur was attractive and the massage itself was terrific, but it took a great deal of effort not to get aroused. Unfortunately, nothing of a sexual nature took place, although I really wished it had. But I would no more have touched the masseurтАЩs cock or ass than a cute Thai guy on the Bangkok sky-train. I would imagine he might have got very angry and accused me of behaving improperly and asked me to leave. I would have died of embarrassment! Lol! But you say that in your experience the majority of non-sexual massages you can obtain more than a massage. Well, despite my greater experience in sexual massage joints these days, I still donтАЩt think IтАЩd have the nerve to initiate anything sexual unless the masseur made it perfectly obvious that he would welcome sexual advances on my part. Hmmm . . . think IтАЩll stick to massage joints of ill-repute where IтАЩll be on safer ground. :-s

The above is the extent of my non-sexual massage experiences. And, to show how naive I was, when I had the massage at the Pinnacle Hotel I didnтАЩt realise that you had to tip the masseur in addition to paying at reception. I think the amount might have been in the region of 200-300 baht, not sure now so long after the event. When the masseur stood at the door to say тАШgoodbyeтАЩ I simply said, тАШgoodbyeтАЩ and left without further payment. It wasnтАЩt until sometime later when I retold the story to a friend that he explained I should have tipped the masseur. Oh, the shame of it! #-o

December 3rd, 2015, 12:29
Your comments surprised me a little bit bruce-nyc. Looking back over my time in Thailand, I had my first non-sexual massage in Hua Hin about 10 or 11 years ago. I went with three friends and, to my utter disappointment, it was done by females. We were all laid out on adjoining mattresses while the masseuses did their work . . . which turned out to be quite painful in some cases!

Yeah, I've tried a few non-sexual massages myself here, and have to say, I think I'll stick with the "sexy time" massages. The conventional Thai massages hurt like hell! heh, they sure know how to dig their fingers into you, don't they?

I much prefer the soothing massages that come with a hand job. :) Versus someone digging into me like I'm a piece of play-doh.

December 3rd, 2015, 14:26
I lived in Taipei, Taiwan for a few years. It was ok. But I certainly wouldn't consider it a sex destination. There are lots of gays... just as in any big city. But they're not hungry. They're not money boys. They're quite prosperous usually. While they might be attracted to white (farang) guys in general..... they're not going to have sex with fat old men.... for free or otherwise. You mentioning, "If you're only looking for conversion...." We'll, yeah! They're desperate to practice English. But sex isn't going to be any easier to get than any other big city. You're not gonna get much unless they think you're hot and handsome. . .

Bangkok hosts the Songkran circuit party every year with how many? 5000 or 10000 gays from all over Asia and all over the world.

I agree that in terms of play for pay, Taipei is way down the list compared to Pattaya. Not sure when you lived in Taipei but what you say about the guys only being interested in hot and handsome guys is now just untrue. Just sticking to the networking sites, out of shape guys in their 60s have very little trouble attracting interest from younger Taiwan students in the 18 to 25 bracket, as I know well. And that's what puts a place like Taipei way ahead of most other major cities when pay is not only not necessary, it's considered offensive.

And as for the Songkran parties, sorry to tell you that they are put in the shade by the three days of massive parties accompanying the Taipei Gay Pride Parade, no doubt with many of the same hunks - and lots more!

December 4th, 2015, 22:38
It is a direct result of Thai Culture..... a culture which actually respects, if not honors, great sex workers.

this is the best evidence I have seen yet for multiple parallel universes because in the universe I exist in nobody would make a statement like that - except perhaps a sex tourist with no knowledge of Thai "culture" as it exists outside of a few small sois in Pattaya or Bangkok


December 4th, 2015, 23:23
this is the best evidence I have seen yet for multiple parallel universes because in the universe I exist in nobody would make a statement like that - except perhaps a sex tourist with no knowledge of Thai "culture" as it exists outside of a few small sois in Pattaya or Bangkok

I rarely visit the "small sois".... except when I want to go off a boy there. The vast majority of time I am living a normal life in the big city of Bangkok. I do, however, have many Thai friends who come from very well-to-do, or "hiso", families. I've gotten to know them well. This is where my firsthand knowledge about Thai culture comes from.... about historical attitudes, hiso family attitudes, and modern young people's attitudes who come from hiso families. There is no culture on Earth that respects the sex worker more.... or the gay/bi/transgender person more.... than Thai culture. And if you think otherwise, I can assure you that every *other* country on Earth views both groups *far* worse than Thai people do.

A few points about the "non-sexual" massage....

(1) You must always always always ask if they have males masseurs. If they don't have a male masseur, I go elsewhere.

(2) I rarely get a Thai massage. I go for the "aromatherapy/oil massage". It is the sensual relaxing one that doesn't hurt. I get an aromatherapy massage nearly every day.... but I only get a Thai massage maybe twice a month. The aromatherapy massage is 90 minutes for 750 baht ( with coupon book ). I tip about 100 more. By the way, the Thai massage is even cheaper. It is 400 baht for 120 minutes ( with coupon book ). Note that you really should call and book an appointment in advance... even if it's only 15 or 30 minutes ahead. Otherwise, there is a chance you'll get there and they are fully booked ( for male masseurs ). Calling the earlier in the day the better too. When I call after 4pm, I face a 50% chance they will say, "So sorry, Mr Bruce. We are fully booked for male masseurs today."

(3) I usually go to Health Land. It's the best in Thailand. http://www.healthlandspa.com Several times I have tried 5-star hotel spas, and other luxury spas.... (5000 baht ++ ) but Health Land is always better.... and for a fraction of the cost. I've turned a few friends on to Health Land too, and they agree with me totally.

(4) If/when they give me the skippy little disposable mesh bikini, I toss it aside and ignore it. If they try to ask me to put it on, I say, "No. I don't like." ....then I hop onto the table fully nude.

(5) It's taken me a few years of going nearly every day to figure it all out.... They have at least 65 or more male masseurs at the one location I go to. The male masseurs all *know* by now.... that the only *MALES* who *REQUEST* a male masseur.... are *GAY*... ( Straight guys never want a male masseur. ) So all the male masseurs will immediately know you are gay.... by the simple fact that you requested a male masseur. This is a good thing. Thus, they will be fully prepared --- at least not surprised in the least --- that you will touch them in their private areas. They will be *happy* that you did.... because they will assume that they just doubled the tip they're going to earn. As I said, it's taken a few *years* of trial and error.... to learn.... that it's all ok. At first, I used to be extremely shy and inhibited. But after so many times, I finally figured out that.... THEY NEVER SAY NO. So just go for it.

God, I love Thailand. O:-)

Matt, basically the "non-sexual" massages are the sensual relaxing massage plus at least a hand job... if you want one. The "sex massages", for me at least, are a pretty lame massage, which is also a short massage... followed by full on me fucking him face down on the massage table. So, in reality, in Thailand.... It's "full sex" or "lite sex".... Those are the two choices. Either way, it's always sex..... if you want sex. At Health Land, most times they want to give me a hand job... but I usually just do it myself while playing around with them. Sometimes I don't initiate any sex at all.... if I'm not in the mood. A few times I have found the guy hot enough and I've bent him over the massage table and fucked the hell out of him... but only maybe 2 or 3 times... in as many years.

Note also that these places are typically only open from 9am to 9pm.... but it's important to telephone them before 2pm or 4pm to book an appointment if it's for the same day. Don't expect to show up at 9:30pm to get a massage. The doors will probably be locked.

Also, you will not be able to choose the "boy" you want from a line-up. You will get whichever male masseur they assign you to ( unless you requested one by name when you booked the appointment ). It's entirely possible that he will be 24 and cute as hell. It's also entirely possible that he will be older than you and hasn't been cute for many years. It's trial and error... or just chance / luck. But don't fret about that. The quality of the massage will be *amazing* regardless of which guy you get. And if you really want some action... which doesn't pan out there.... Afterward, just pop over to Adonis Massage a few blocks away and get full on sex. Or save it for Dream Boy and Jupiter that evening at 9pm. :ymblushing:

December 5th, 2015, 01:21
It is a direct result of Thai Culture..... a culture which actually respects, if not honors, great sex workers.

this is the best evidence I have seen yet for multiple parallel universes because in the universe I exist in nobody would make a statement like that - except perhaps a sex tourist with no knowledge of Thai "culture" as it exists outside of a few small sois in Pattaya or Bangkok


Yes we live in separate universes , most Thai families would not be proud of anyone in the family working in the sex industry . Most boys hide it from their parents.

December 5th, 2015, 01:48
They will be *happy* that you did.... because they will assume that they just doubled the tip they're going to earn. As I said, it's taken a few *years* of trial and error.... to learn.... that it's all ok. At first, I used to be extremely shy and inhibited. But after so many times, I finally figured out that.... THEY NEVER SAY NO. So just go for it.

Sorry but thats all a bit creepy for me. You are probably replacing latin as the boards most obnoxious sex tourist...

I hope others don't listen to your bullshit and assume every Thai is for sale for 100B... I'm very surprised you havn't had your head kicked in (That is: if you actually live in Bkk, and aren't making this shit up)

December 5th, 2015, 04:16
It is a direct result of Thai Culture..... a culture which actually respects, if not honors, great sex workers.
this is the best evidence I have seen yet for multiple parallel universes because in the universe I exist in nobody would make a statement like that - except perhaps a sex tourist with no knowledge of Thai "culture" as it exists outside of a few small sois in Pattaya or Bangkok
I have been a long-time fan of Bruce's parallel universe, ever since he revealed that he wanted to marry his Asian boyfriend so he could import him to America to live with his American boyfriend as a "throuple" because y'know, legalising gay marriage would enable that sort of thing.

Perhaps Bruce should have asked these hi-so friends of his about the third wife of someone we can't mention by name who - according to all my hi-so friends - was completely unsuitable being (not to put too fine a point on it) a former prostitute. And then of course there's that infamous video that we also can't mention where she is actually (un)dressed as a Soi Cowboy girl which caused so much scandal. But then, in Bruce's parallel universe the Thais are all completely relaxed about that sort of thing, respecting if not honoring great sex workers, so why would they be disapproving of and scandalised by the poor woman?

December 5th, 2015, 19:44
Sorry but thats all a bit creepy for me. You are probably replacing latin as the boards most obnoxious sex tourist...

I hope others don't listen to your bullshit and assume every Thai is for sale for 100B... I'm very surprised you haven't had your head kicked in (That is: if you actually live in Bkk, and aren't making this shit up)

In a non-sex massage spa..... If we play around sexually at all.... I give him at least 200 baht.... If it's more intense or he puts in a great effort, then I give him 500 baht. If we end up having full-on sex... ( which is very rare)... I give him 1000.... and get his phone number.

This is absolutely something I do nearly every day.... going to a "non-sex" massage. But I don't do anything at all sexual about 50% of the time. Depends on my mood, and on his "hotness" factor. When "nothing at all sexual" happens... that's when 100 baht is a generous enough tip. ( I've asked the manager. She told me that most customers tip between 20 - 40 baht. I used to always tip 500 baht. She told me that was too much. )

I'd be very happy to meet you for lunch and go there with you... so you can see for yourself. The secret is simple. Ask for a male masseur. Then when the time is right, don't be shy. Reach out and touch him. ;) If you don't..... you're loss, not mine. There's only a small chance that he will make the first move. He's much more worried about offending you.... And, as I said, you don't need to worry about offending him. This is Thailand. He is Thai. He is a male masseur who only massages men. They are used to this. They are totally cool with this. Even if they don't want to do anything ( which is exceedingly rare ), they will definitely not be offended.

( Ladies are not allowed to request a male masseur at this spa, by the way. So male masseurs *only* see male customers who have *requested* a male masseur. In other words.... ALL of their customers are gay men ! )

I have been a long-time fan of Bruce's parallel universe, ever since he revealed that he wanted to marry his Asian boyfriend so he could import him to America to live with his American boyfriend as a "throuple" because y'know, legalising gay marriage would enable that sort of thing.

Perhaps Bruce should have asked these hi-so friends of his about the third wife of someone we can't mention by name who - according to all my hi-so friends - was completely unsuitable being (not to put too fine a point on it) a former prostitute. And then of course there's that infamous video that we also can't mention where she is actually (un)dressed as a Soi Cowboy girl which caused so much scandal. But then, in Bruce's parallel universe the Thais are all completely relaxed about that sort of thing, respecting if not honoring great sex workers, so why would they be disapproving of and scandalised by the poor woman?

Thanks for that. B-)

It's been a couple of years since then... The latest update, by the way, is... my bf in the US and I broke up about 3.5 years ago. I had 2 Thai bf's for about 1.5 years. Then one of them started to get very jealous.... but he was only jealous of the other one.... ( random money boys were fine ). However, a few months later I caught the other one doing some sort of drug.... in a public restroom. Maybe it was ice or something. The same day, money was missing from my wallet. Only he had access to the room. I confronted him about both things. He was so embarrassed and ashamed that he left.

So now I have only one bf.... for about the past 1.5 years. ( I know. How traditional... ) We are planning to get married in New York within about 1-2 months... depending on how long it takes to get his USA Fiance Visa issued. It's already been approved.... just waiting for some more paperwork to arrive. He will get his USA green card as soon as we're married. Then, after about 3 years I think it is... he'll get a USA Passport, as a US citizen.

By the way, the incident you're referring to above... would have been a totally non-issue... except for the special "prominence" that those people had. It was only a big deal because of the *international* attention. It's not the judgement of Thai people they were worried about. It was the judgement of the Western hypocrites they were worried about. Hi-so Thai people patronize prostitutes all the time. It's absolutely a part of their culture. It's just something they don't talk about openly. I know it's ironic. But that's Thai culture. Another example of Thai irony is.... Go go girl prostitutes will fuck totally naked on a stage with 100 people watching... but as soon as they walk outside and down the street... No kissing in public is allowed.

PS - I've personally met at least 4 regulars from here on this forum. Two of which I still hang out with regularly... from time to time. They can vouch that I'm telling the truth.... for what it's worth. Not that I really care too much if you believe me or not. It's my responsibility to tell the truth. But it's *not* my responsibility to try to convince you of anything. I won't name any names, but if they want to say they know me, that's fine with me.

Nirish guy
December 5th, 2015, 20:02
"It's been a couple of years since then... The latest update, by the way, is......"

While you seem to be in the mood to share personal info Bruce just out of pure nosiness and so that we know your side - so what about that whole Bit Coin thing where Neal made some very serious allegations against you personally and posted alleged Court paper work and stuff suggesting you were up to and involved in all sorts of fraudulent activities, both re the bit coin market and other financial stuff.

As you never did publicly comment or rebuke any of those allegations and so I've always wondered was there anything to all that or was that just Neal being Neal and spreading dirt ( and forging various official looking court documents and newspaper web links etc) or had he found someone of the same name and tried to smear you that way which he was also known to try to do when it suited him of course?

December 5th, 2015, 20:44
I did rebuke all that crap immediately.... at that time. But you must've missed it. I'm sure Neil deleted it immediately, so it makes sense that you didn't see it.

To me it seems obvious... Those were all lies. If I were a child sex trafficker, or I was wanted for financial fraud, or any of those other nonsense lies.... I wouldn't be living my life as happily as ever. I'm not running or hiding from anyone... any more than anyone else here is. As I said, my bf and I will be married in New York in about a month or so. All is well.

I have no idea whatsoever why Neil decided to spread all those lies. I know the source of the lies tho. Way back when, I was the only promoter of this new internet money technology. There were people who came out of the woodwork who wanted to attack it... and since I was the only visible promoter of it.... ( Everyone else was into staying anonymous. ) They decided to attack me. As you know, anyone can attack anyone on the internet. Anyone can make up absolutely *any* story about YOU.... and post it on the internet. However, posting something on the internet does not make it true. Sadly, whatever is said on the internet does, however, stay out there forever. It's a big problem with the internet. Now it even has a name.... and has become a cause. They call it "cyber-bullying". As usual, I was ahead of my time. ;)

Thanks for your concern... but no. I've never been arrested for any crime in my entire life.... The worst was a few speeding tickets between the time I was 16 to 19 years old. :p

Thank God that overeating.... and adult gay sex... aren't crimes in any countries I go to. I don't smoke. I rarely drink, lightly. I don't drug. Wow. I actually sound pretty boring...

December 5th, 2015, 21:48
Bruce, would you care to tell us how your boyfriend is getting into the US....Tourist visa or Fiancee Visa?

December 5th, 2015, 21:56
As I mentioned above...... in one of those looooonnnnnnnggg posts.... My bf is going to the USA on a Fiance Visa. Then we'll get married as soon as we arrive in New York.

So now I have only one bf.... for about the past 1.5 years. ( I know. How traditional... ) We are planning to get married in New York within about 1-2 months... depending on how long it takes to get his USA Fiance Visa issued. It's already been approved.... just waiting for some more paperwork to arrive. He will get his USA green card as soon as we're married. Then, after about 3 years I think it is... he'll get a USA Passport, as a US citizen.

December 5th, 2015, 22:42
Glad he got the visa, bruce.

Now, if only there was a Fiasco Visa, more SGT members could secure one for their "boyfriend" too!


December 5th, 2015, 22:53
They should offer a Mistress Visa.... lol

December 5th, 2015, 22:59
Hi Bruce,

I truly enjoy reading your posts over the last couple of years. Because you are living the life that I aspire to.
Also I am a fellow new yorker like you - but now I live and work in Rome, Italy. However, my desire is to find a job in BKK so that I can live a fun life like yours.

I had a question for you. After you marry your BF in New York, won't you be restricted to stay in the USA for a set number of years in order for him to gain citizenship? If so, won't that put a damper on your life in BKK?


December 5th, 2015, 23:09
That's an excellent question. Everyone will tell you that you must stay within the US more than 51% of the time for the next few years... or whatever.

But... Two different attorneys have told me.... There is a form you can fill out... applying for an "exception" to that requirement. For example, if your husband needs to be abroad for work or something. Then you can pretty much come and go as much as you want.

Our goal is to be about 50/50 between New York and Thailand.... anyway. So we might not even need that exception.

Nirish guy
December 6th, 2015, 00:53
Ah thanks for the clear up then Bruce and good to see somethings never changed where Neal is concerned it seems. Oh but I see well you've admitted to having speeding tickets, well, I'm disgusted, if that's the calibre of people they're allowing into this board......well, personally I'm SHOCKED and sickened ! lol

December 6th, 2015, 01:40
Shhhhhhhhh. Surfcrest doesn't know about my racy speeding background.

December 6th, 2015, 07:01
The requirements for US residency as it applies to naturalization, or retaining permanent resident status, can be found at www.uscis.gov (http://www.uscis.gov).

December 6th, 2015, 07:35
Yes. And M, one of the law offices that first told me about this "Exception form" they can file for you so that will allow him/you to travel outside the US more than 50% of the time per year.... is the biggest law firm in Thailand. It's called Siam Legal. Meet with them when the time comes.

They told me that they have had a 100% approval rate on filing that form for clients.

I also have one of the best immigration attorneys in the US too, as my main attorney for this.

December 6th, 2015, 09:06
Yes. I know about the "Exception form". Good luck. You will probably need "one of the best immigration attorneys in the US".

December 6th, 2015, 09:24
I dunno about that. They tell me it's simple and straightforward enough that I could probably have done it myself. I have several gay friends who've done it on their own with no attorney. But I just wanted the convenience and peace of mind of having someone else do it for me. Plus, we had a very comprehensive prenup done. Something like 153 pages long or something. We *both* had to sign every page..... for 5 copies of it. It took the better part of a day.... just signing it.

December 6th, 2015, 09:57
PS - I've personally met at least 4 regulars from here on this forum. Two of which I still hang out with regularly... from time to time. They can vouch that I'm telling the truth.... for what it's worth.
I count myself lucky to have met Bruce several times, and some of his boyfriends as well. Some of his claims and numbers sound strange to me, or are not at all my style, but I assume it's all true. I can't judge about every detail he writes here, but what I have seen and heard in Bruce's company is enough to allow me to defend him against all aspersions.

Hi Bruce, I truly enjoy reading your posts over the last couple of years. Because you are living the life that I aspire to. Also I am a fellow new yorker like you - but now I live and work in Rome, Italy. However, my desire is to find a job in BKK so that I can live a fun life like yours.
Did you consider that Bruce is more or less retired and has ample financial resources (judging by his lifestyle)? I did live and work in Bangkok for a year, the job was paid by Thai standards (which was not the problem, I have savings), but this Mon-Fri 9-5 locked me in, there was not much I could do after work, and on the weekends I couldn't get away as far and as often as I wanted.

December 6th, 2015, 12:57
The vast majority of time I am living a normal life in the big city of Bangkok. I do, however, have many Thai friends who come from very well-to-do, or "hiso", families. I've gotten to know them well. This is where my firsthand knowledge about Thai culture comes from.... about historical attitudes, hiso family attitudes, and modern young people's attitudes who come from hiso families. There is no culture on Earth that respects the sex worker more.... or the gay/bi/transgender person more.... than Thai culture.

Definitely a parallel universe with more than a nod to Disneyland!

The stories make for nice reading, though, despite all the b/s! I've lived in Bangkok for 16 years and visited on a fairly regular basis for 20 years before then. Due to my work I have mixed - and continue to mix - with a variety of hi-so,-med-so, lo-so and so-so individuals and some of their families. To suggest that sex workers are respected is basically nonsense! Oh sure, there is a lot going on under the surface, as there is in most other countries. Second wives abound and one hi-so colleague who is a public figure and married with two kids is well known to have a large apartment close to his office where 'talented' young guys are accommodated.

But to suggest it's a natural follow on from this that Thais respect sex workers and the sex industry for which the country is known worldwide is so far off the mark it is virtually fairyland. Hi-sos in Thailand loathe the image their country presents to the world. They have little if any respect for those who make their living by selling sex. As for its treatment of gays, the vast majority of the country is deeply conservative, far more so than a country like Taiwan where public polls have shown a much greater understanding of and sympathy with gays than Thailand does Taiwan has a gay marriage bill before parliament, as has equally conservative Vietnam. I cannot see that happening in Thailand for decades!

December 6th, 2015, 15:51
Our experiences and perceptions will have to disagree.

I'm not saying that gays or sex workers are worshipped here.

I'm saying that..... Relative to other countries, Thai Culture is the most accepting culture on earth.... And that acceptance extends to all class levels of Thai Society.... from the very poor to the very rich.

I've lived in Thailand for about 4 years now, and been visiting as a tourist before that since 2006.

I lived in Taipei, Taiwan for about 2 years. Taiwan is not anywhere near as open and acceptong of gays and sex workers. In fact, good friends of ours are a young gay couple living here in Bangkok. One is Thai. The other one is Taiwanese. Everyone talks about the massive numbers of Taiwanese who go to party in Bangkok every weekend they can...... It's because here in Thailand they can be themselves.

December 6th, 2015, 21:36
I'm saying that..... Relative to other countries, Thai Culture is the most accepting culture on earth.... And that acceptance extends to all class levels of Thai Society.... from the very poor to the very rich
Clearly we have to disagree, but I suggest the statistics both here and in Taiwan go directly against your views. As recently as January there was a report in the Nation headed тАЬThe bitter truth behind ThailandтАЩs gay friendly image.тАЭ

Whilst it focuses more on Thai law which has no protection for the LGBT community, it states in no uncertain terms what other formal Reports by a multitude of local and overseas bodies have found - that acceptance of homosexuality is much less in Thailand than the vast majority of foreigners believe. This recent research by the non-profit Khon Thai Foundation shows that 56% of the population in the 15 to 24 age grouping are not just against homosexuality, they believe homosexuality is morally wrong.

Anyone who lives here knows that many gays are not open at their workplaces for fear of discrimination and future promotion prospects. Specifically regarding education and the treatment of gays, there is a long Paper titled тАЬBeing LGBT in Asia: Thailand Country ReportтАЭ prepared by the United Nations Development Programme and USAID. Here is part of what it reports about the system of education

тАЬThere are many issues faced by LGBT individuals in academic institutions. This not only involves admissions, but also school regulations and curriculums, and the treatment of LGBT individuals by their teachers and peers. School regulations also do not protect LGBT individuals from harassment and bullying that is based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. A recent study conducted by the United Nations Development Programme, in partnership with Plan International and Mahidol University, тАЬfound that a third of 2000 surveyed LGBT students had been physically harassed, a fourth sexually. Only a minority had previously told anyone about the bullying, even though it had caused many of them to be depressed and 7% to attempt suicideтАЭ (Mahidol University, Plan, UNESCO, 2014). The same study found that bullying could range anywhere from verbal abuse, such as teasing, to physical abuse, such as rape . . .

Furthermore, because many LGBT individuals are unable to withstand the bullying and harassment at school, and are forced to drop out, they are left without an adequate education or a degree. Left in this position, some individuals turn to sex work or other forms of high-risk behaviour and risky employment in order to make ends meet.тАЭ

The Paper then sums up the general situation -

At the same time that some LGBT individuals may be tolerated by society, many others often face discrimination. Thai family, education, media, legal, government, economic, and religious establishments do not readily accept sexual diversity in its citizens.

Now compare that with Taiwan which is - generally - a much freer society for the gay community. Friends of mine in Taipei are a gay couple who live perfectly openly. One is a teacher. His fellow teachers know he is gay and are perfectly accepting. His partner is finishing his university studies. The university, like others in Taiwan, has a large LGBT community with a formal LGBT association recognised by the university authorities. They live together and are fully accepted by their neighbours.

Many lawmakers have expressed openly their support for same sex marriage, including Tsai Ing-wen who is expected to become the countryтАЩs next President. According to the New York Times in an article in October last year тАУ

When it comes to gay rights in Asia, Taiwan is a world apart. Openly gay and lesbian soldiers can serve in the military, and the Ministry of Education requires textbooks to promote tolerance for gays and lesbians. In recent years, legislators here have passed protections for gays, including a law against workplace discrimination.

I could go on and will happily argue my views based on more than 35 years living in Asia, most of those years in South East Asia. But IтАЩll agree just to differ. Pattaya certainly is rather like a separate country.

December 7th, 2015, 00:36
u can all type away like crazed woodpeckers on crack...but if I had to choose between Thailand and Taiwan I certainly know which country would win. Whilst I disagree with Bruce that sex workers are accepted as equals in Thailand I fully understand/accept the veracity of his adventures in Thailand. Lots of service workers, especially those doing menial work (masseurs, waiters, bell boys) are open to being pawed/propositioned. One simply has to initiate. Im not saying I have 100% hit rate but the % that oblige make it all worth while.

December 7th, 2015, 03:57
PS - I've personally met at least 4 regulars from here on this forum. Two of which I still hang out with regularly... from time to time.

I've met Bruce and 2 of his boyfriends before his breakup with one of them. I've found Bruce to be genuine. He posts what he experiences and I don't doubt his adventures. That being said, he is much more devoted to his boyfriend than comes through in his posting. When it comes to sex with others... He has his fun and will continue to do so, for as long as his boyfriend allows it. :D

December 7th, 2015, 13:24
But to suggest it's a natural follow on from this that Thais respect sex workers and the sex industry for which the country is known worldwide is so far off the mark it is virtually fairyland. Hi-sos in Thailand loathe the image their country presents to the world. They have little if any respect for those who make their living by selling sex. As for its treatment of gays, the vast majority of the country is deeply conservative...

We all tend to generalise from our own limited experience, but what you say certainly squares with my own experience. Perhaps Bruce has met some very liberal hi-so Thais. You only have to observe how embarrassed and uncomfortable most barboys become in the presence of higher-class Thais to realise how low their status is. I'm reminded of another thread some time ago (which you started) about two gay farangs publicly kissing at a Skytrain station. Many argued then that this would not have been considered offensive to most of the Thais who witnessed it. That's another example of too much time spent in the commercial sex scene!

December 7th, 2015, 14:06
I agree with PeterUK, we all have different Thailand experiences. From my experience, it's more about how you conduct yourself, then whether or not you're gay. Dress and act respectfully, show some manners, and for the most part people will be fine with your sexuality.

And yeah, it's a far more conservative society then Pattaya would lead people to believe. For example, in places like Pattaya it's fine to walk down the street holding hands together, but you simply don't do that type of thing in the rest of Thailand. Doesn't matter if you're gay or straight -- public affection is off limits.

As for the UN report, I think we can all attest to the fact that being a gay teenager sucks anywhere in this world. No reason why Thailand would be an exception. However, I've lived in quite a few countries now, and have to say, I think Thailand is most accepting society I've ever lived in. Act like a respectable individual, and almost nobody is going to care. Those who do care, aren't going to express it to your face.

You don't see any groups running around with "Buddha hates fags" signs, right?

As for prostitues, like I've said before, I think that's one of those things that everyone does, but nobody talks about it. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many curtain motels all over the place. I highly doubt the "hi-so's" in society care about prostitution in and of itself. I'm sure they have their own hookers within their contact lists. They care about the manner it's done, not about prostitution.

December 7th, 2015, 14:08
I have never met a Thai guy on the game who as told his parents what he does for a living. Most tell them they work in a restaurant or convenience store. So from my experience, it would seem that being a money boy is definitely not an acceptable profession in Thailand (or anywhere else in Asia for that matter.)

December 7th, 2015, 14:38
I remember reading "Thailand Fever" by Chris Pirazzi a few years ago. It is aimed specifically at falangs in LTRs with Thai women, including bar-girls. Discussing it with my boyfriend (much of it is translated into Thai) he told me that he knew a number of plush residences near his home (kamphaeng Phaet province) where ex-bar-girls live with their falang partners. Their successful careers in Bangkok and Pattaya have given them status or at least a wary respect as long as the girls' families are properly supported. Pirazzi, however, is of the opinion that such a woman is "spoilt" in the eyes of her community and would be unlikely to be able to return home to marry a fellow-Thai.

December 8th, 2015, 00:34
oliver u have just pointed out the most salient point " as long as the girl's family are properly supported" , sure she has been spoilt and very few Thai men will want her but everything can be bought including respect especially in a dirt poor village in a dirt poor province.
Explains why I can do just about anything to a gogo as long as I pay...and yes that includes riding him like a pony...will have to explain what I mean by that one day :D
I also note that quite often once a boy comes back from an off he will share his good fortune with his fellow whores, buy food/drinks, this is just another way of warding off the evil eye, another way of buying the peace and acceptance as he knows they will be jealous.
Thai socoety despite is Buddhist underpinnings is not all lovey dovey brotherly love like some will believe, there is a strong under current of trying to drag down the successful, of scorn, humiliation, one sees this in some of the play acting in the fuck shows, like at BBB in soi twilight where the " high society women gets her clothes ripped off and fucked roughly while everyone points and laughs.

December 8th, 2015, 01:02
I have never met a Thai guy on the game who as told his parents what he does for a living. Most tell them they work in a restaurant or convenience store. So from my experience, it would seem that being a money boy is definitely not an acceptable profession in Thailand (or anywhere else in Asia for that matter.)
Probably true in many cases.
I have kept in contact with two ex-Jimmy James guys and one ex-Crazy Dragon guy and all three tell me that their parents were told they were "Doormen" in these locations. I know a boy in Boyztown who makes big money in High Season (multiple "offs" per night). His problem has been hiding the money from his mother who believes he works in Jomtien as a waiter.
Maybe this "High" season will relieve him of that particular problem!

December 8th, 2015, 14:28
That's my experience too. I've often discussed this with P. whose cover story in Kamphaeng Phaet was that he had worked as a waiter. However, I've long suspected that his parents worked it out for themselves and surely, when I went to meet them for the first time, they must have had some inkling? After all, they too benefit from the financial support I provide. There is a tendency towards "don't ask, don't tell" in his family- whether or not this is typical I cannot say. P says that his parents know he's gay but that the issue has never been discussed....it's just assumed. The same is true of his best mate who comes from a more middle-class family and has been working in a bank- certainly not in a bar. His parents "know" he's gay... at least, he thinks they do.

December 8th, 2015, 14:43
All 67 million Thais in this country know what happens in Pattaya. Their parents and extended family know exactly what type of work they're into, but it's just one of those things you don't openly discuss. So they just say "waiter", but most parents aren't that stupid, and know exactly what their little darling is up to. The parents may not know the intricate details like shaking your ass on stage in white briefs, but they know the general gist of it.

December 8th, 2015, 16:17
...again money talks....

December 8th, 2015, 19:16
I've met Bruce and 2 of his boyfriends before his breakup with one of them. I've found Bruce to be genuine. He posts what he experiences and I don't doubt his adventures. That being said, he is much more devoted to his boyfriend than comes through in his posting. When it comes to sex with others... He has his fun and will continue to do so, for as long as his boyfriend allows it. :D

It's true. I am devoted to him. I'm crazy in love with him. And he's crazy in love with me too. ( I won't get into all the reasons I know for sure, by now. But you'll have to take my word for it. I know. ) I'm too experienced and wise to guarantee it will last forever.... but, at least for now, we are two lovers in love.

( Let's just hope he continues to always "allow" me to play around. ;;) )

December 8th, 2015, 20:10
...but if I had to choose between Thailand and Taiwan I certainly know which country would win.

Absolutely. This is as obvious as black and white. That's why Bangkok is *full* of young *Taiwanese* gay guys every weekend. The whole world knows that Thailand is the place to party.... And the place for gays to party too.

Also, I trust my own *real* life experiences about 10 million times more than reading some stupid "research study" ( written by whom? funded by whom!? )..... much less an article in the New York Times!? The NYT? Really!? Do you consult the print version or the online version of the New York Times..... to check and see if it's raining outside or not..... in Bangkok.....? Should I call my friends at home in New York City to find out if my bf wants to eat in or out tonight....? I don't trust "research reports" and "documentaries"..... with their hidden agendas. For example, If I want to know if sex trafficking is *really* happening in Pattaya.... I go sit and talk with many different working girls there on Walking Street.... and I *ask* them. ( I know. What a concept! ) ( By the way, that's how I know all about the truth about that topic. But that's another topic... )

Matt speaks the truth here...

I agree with PeterUK, we all have different Thailand experiences. From my experience, it's more about how you conduct yourself, then whether or not you're gay. Dress and act respectfully, show some manners, and for the most part people will be fine with your sexuality.

And yeah, it's a far more conservative society then Pattaya would lead people to believe. For example, in places like Pattaya it's fine to walk down the street holding hands together, but you simply don't do that type of thing in the rest of Thailand. Doesn't matter if you're gay or straight -- public affection is off limits.

As for the UN report, I think we can all attest to the fact that being a gay teenager sucks anywhere in this world. No reason why Thailand would be an exception. However, I've lived in quite a few countries now, and have to say, I think Thailand is most accepting society I've ever lived in. Act like a respectable individual, and almost nobody is going to care. Those who do care, aren't going to express it to your face.

You don't see any groups running around with "Buddha hates fags" signs, right?

As for prostitues, like I've said before, I think that's one of those things that everyone does, but nobody talks about it. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many curtain motels all over the place. I highly doubt the "hi-so's" in society care about prostitution in and of itself. I'm sure they have their own hookers within their contact lists. They care about the manner it's done, not about prostitution.

They they have their own hookers ..... They care about the manner it's done, *not* about prostitution.

When people say that Thai Society is more conservative than people think.... They're always talking about PDA. They're talking about holding hands in public. Literally. Hands. Holding. Public. That is *not* about being "conservative". That's about being *traditional*. There's a HUGE difference. If a man and woman walk down the street *not* holding hands... absolutely *no one* assumes that they *don't* hold hands inside their hotel room. Absolutely nobody in Thai society is opposed to couples holding hands or showing affection with each other..... It's just that its not ***traditional*** to do it in ***public***.

(1) In Thai Culture.... from the beginning of Thai Culture..... Love and physical affection has always been totally accepted. But Thai *Tradition* dictates that it should be done in private behind closed doors. Also, it shouldn't be talked about openly in polite social settings.

(2) In Thai Culture.... from the beginning of Thai Culture..... PROSTITUTION has always been totally accepted. But Thai *Tradition* dictates that it should be done in private behind closed doors. Also, it shouldn't be talked about openly in polite social settings.

They think of these things..... the same way we think about "taking a dump". We're not opposed to anyone doing it. In fact, we hope everyone *is* doing it.... for their own health... But we *are* opposed to seeing it done publicly. We also dislike people talking about it openly in polite social settings. .....only because it shows no class or proper etiquette.

Same same.

Using many people's incorrect kangaroo reasoning..... An outside observer could say, "Those Westerners are much more conservative than you think. They don't accept people who poop on a toilet. Don't believe me? Just try pooping on a toilet on any major public street."

Also.... Since it is Thai tradition for the men to patronize prostitutes extremely often ( and the Thai women do too! ).... But it's also very much Thai tradition to NOT TALK ABOUT IT.

The fact that young boys/men or girls/ladies go to Pattaya or Bangkok to work as a sex worker..... and they don't want their families know..... is because.... This is something F you're supposed to do PRIVATELY..... and NOT TALK ABOUT.

But, like using the toilet...... or masterbating...... Nearly Everyone in Thailand does prostitution.... ( either as a customer or worker or both )..... but they don't talk about it.

December 8th, 2015, 23:15
All 67 million Thais in this country know what happens in Pattaya. Their parents and extended family know exactly what type of work they're into, but it's just one of those things you don't openly discuss. So they just say "waiter", but most parents aren't that stupid, and know exactly what their little darling is up to. The parents may not know the intricate details like shaking your ass on stage in white briefs, but they know the general gist of it.

Yes. Exactly.

1000% of Thai parents who know their kid went to work in Pattaya..... know for sure *exactly* that he is getting fucked by many farang for money. In the West, we might refer to the way these parents handle it as, "Don't Ask Don't Tell." ......or we might accuse them of being, "in denial". But the fact is, they just follow the Thai Culture's tradition if NOT talking about it.

And that's all *before* they show up at home with all new clothes and gadgets and a farang "friend" in tow. Believe me, nobody is fooling anybody. Every Thai family knows exactly what's going on.

In fact, if their kid went off to work in Pattaya to work..... He'd better be working as a sex worker. Other workers only made a small fraction as much.

December 9th, 2015, 00:56
which is why its common to find friends from the same village/country town working in the sex trade in Pattaya/BKK. I've even come across brothers, naturally I cant be sure but thats what they claimed.

December 9th, 2015, 03:47
Doesn't matter if you're gay or straight -- public affection is off limits.

Not sure what parts of thailand you have ever visited, but for me public affecton is very common...
Thai boys (and girls (straight&gay)) walk around hand-in-hand or holding each other shoulder-to-shoulder all the time!
They watch TV and hug, sit on each other laps on public transport, sleep with their legs intertwined or hugging and nobody bats an eyelid...
Of course some of this is down to living in close quarters but if anything for me PDAs are far more common in Thailand than anywhere else in the world!

December 9th, 2015, 12:06
Doesn't matter if you're gay or straight -- public affection is off limits.

Not sure what parts of thailand you have ever visited, but for me public affecton is very common...
Thai boys (and girls (straight&gay)) walk around hand-in-hand or holding each other shoulder-to-shoulder all the time!
Although PDAs are in the eye of the beholder (almost), I've yet to see a Thai couple behave like many Western couples with their tongues down each other's throats in the street. That, for me, is what PDA means.

December 9th, 2015, 14:53
Latin wrote:

I've even come across brothers

There is a set of twins working in Good boys - quite handsome and both very well hung. (A threesome, anyone?) There were also two brothers working at Eros - one hung like a donkey, the other with a 4 incher. Their sister works in a bar on Walking Street.

I've met a number of brothers working in bars in Soi Twilight over the years. And, of course, Vietnamese brothers used to work at Scorpion Bar.

One evening I was sitting with the older brother in Eros. He told me his younger brother hadn't had many customers and had to pay his rent, so asked me if I could invite him over to sit with us. Sure, no problem. He sat down and immediately lifted up his "skirt" so I could get my hands on the goods, but I hesitated fondling him in front of his brother. I asked the older brother if it would be ok and he encouraged me to go for the grope, which I did. But I felt very uncomfortable. After a token feel I took my hand away and pit it on his knee, whereupon the older brother grabbed my hand and put it back on his brother 's cock.

They had a quick chat after which the older brother told me his brother wanted me to chuck-wow him.

"What, here?? In front of you??"

"Sure! It ok! He want!"

I suggested we go to the private room but they indicated I do it right there. So I did. And all the time his brother was looking on.

Their total lack of inhibition surprised me. I couldn't imagine, for example, two brothers in the West jacking off in front of each other at home. Is that what brothers do??

December 10th, 2015, 01:18
a447....love the fact that u r backing me up....bit strange to find u on the same page as me...but at the same time u have just admitted that sexual activities do happen out in public at eros...something u shot me down in flames when I claimed I had done/experienced the same.
Please explain??
Groveling apology might be accepted.

December 10th, 2015, 02:57
Doesn't matter if you're gay or straight -- public affection is off limits.

Not sure what parts of thailand you have ever visited, but for me public affecton is very common...
Thai boys (and girls (straight&gay)) walk around hand-in-hand or holding each other shoulder-to-shoulder all the time!
They watch TV and hug, sit on each other laps on public transport, sleep with their legs intertwined or hugging and nobody bats an eyelid...
Of course some of this is down to living in close quarters but if anything for me PDAs are far more common in Thailand than anywhere else in the world!

That's not what is meant by PDA. When people talk about PDAs.... they mean *romantic* public displays of *lust* between romantic *couples* who are sex partners.

What you're describing is simply affection among good friends. That's very normal.... and quite unrelated to PDAs.

December 10th, 2015, 10:54
And all the time his brother was looking on. Their total lack of inhibition surprised me.
Come on, this is Eros! I was quite inhibited about nudity too, but after some trips to gay saunas, I don't care if someone sees me nude or watches me having sex.

Full story here: http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2015/0 ... udity.html (http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2015/04/thoughts-on-nudity.html)

December 10th, 2015, 11:06
I don't know, I only know about Khon Kaen, but you don't even shake hands here, let alone wander down the street holding hands and hugging. The only time you see someone sitting on someone else's lap is when it's a little kid.

I guess once in a while I'll see a couple lesbians holding hands or something, but I think that's moreless a "fuck you" to society. Oh, and I guess sometimes I'll see school aged friends with their arms around each other's shoulders, but that's not a PDA -- that's just friends being friends.

You can definitely be affectionate here, but that's reserved for your house / bedroom, not the streets. At least that's the way it works in Khon Kaen.

December 10th, 2015, 12:39
The thing about Thailand is that it never ceases to amaze you. By and large it is a conservative society and PDAs of a passionate nature are frowned upon. Yet I recall watching a Thai comedy in the cinema one time (I must have been with a particularly fanciable boy to have been lured into such a ghastly experience) and in one scene a naked baby was held in front of a male character's face (I think it was that round-faced guy who seems to appear in just about every Thai comedy) who promptly simulated giving the baby a blowjob to general amusement on and off screen. Well, can you imagine how that would have been received in Tunbridge Wells...

December 10th, 2015, 14:10
Latin, I have no idea why you think I have posted here that nothing ever happens in public in Eros. Would you care to quote a post of mine where I actually said that?

For example, back in 2011 I posted this:

guys surrounded us and were joking and carrying on with us. My friend grabbed a boy and took him off to a dark corner of the bar, presumably to get to know him a bit better. Meanwhile, number 22 pulled out his cock (a nice size, too) and tried to get me to "sa-moke" him. As sleazy as I am, there are some things I won't do - having sex in public is one of them. A grope is ok though....hehe. I was by now quite horney as number 2 - a cute bottom - sat down and grabbed my cock and was playing with it inside my shorts. Mmmm...this could lead to something big, I thought. Just then, number 11 came up and started joking around.

Over the years I've made many posts describing the shenanigans that go on in Eros.

You were "shot down in flames" for different reasons. Go back and re-read the thread.

December 10th, 2015, 19:48
Christian, you've missed the point I was making.

I have no trouble with sleaze. It's just that I found it embarrassing fondling a guy in front of his own brother.

December 10th, 2015, 21:44
Those two brothers have probably taken turns getting fucked together by the same customer many times. The only one embarrassed at all.... would be you. They are in that business. Together.

Nirish guy
December 10th, 2015, 22:35
We are all aware of course that "he / she's my Brother / Sister" doesn't ACTUALLY necessarily mean that in the blood line family sense but more just refers to them being genuine close friends and not just some other bar boy worker.

December 10th, 2015, 22:49
We are all aware of course that "he / she's my Brother / Sister" doesn't ACTUALLY necessarily mean that in the blood line family sense but more just refers to them being genuine close friends and not just some other bar boy worker.

I draw the line at the boys calling me Gramps tho


December 11th, 2015, 15:29
Sometimes one of them will call me, "Look Sow...." When I finally figured out what it meant. ..... I was not flattered.

December 11th, 2015, 15:44
They call you their daughter?

December 11th, 2015, 18:51
Whatever he always called me.... I was told it meant "older sister".

I guess the one that bothers me the most is when they call me, "Mama". There's nothing feminine about me..... not that being feminine is bad... But some of my bf''s friends can just be a bit campy with everybody.

December 11th, 2015, 19:08
Yeah, if he was saying "luuk saou", he was just joking around and calling you his daughter.

Older sister would be "pee saou".

Younger sister would be "ngong saou".

Then just switch the "saou" into a "chaii" in any of those phrases to turn it from female to male.

December 11th, 2015, 21:01
They will refer to you as " Panraya " if you are the one wearing the trousers in the house.

December 12th, 2015, 01:40
And if they refer to you as khee nok it's time to fly away and leave it.

December 12th, 2015, 09:57
What's panraya mean?

What's khee nok ?

December 12th, 2015, 11:28
Panraya р╕ар╕гр╕гр╕вр╕▓ pronounced р╕Юр╕▒р╕Щ-р╕гр╕░-р╕вр╕▓ pan-r├б-yaa is Sanskrit for wife.

quote from http://bangkokbois.sawatdeenetwork.com/ ... rs-part-x/ (http://bangkokbois.sawatdeenetwork.com/2013/02/28/first-timers-guide-to-bangkok-gay-gogo-bars-part-x/)

ChristianPFC said: June 19, 2013 at 7:00 am

kee nok and kee ngok, both are correct but have different meaning!

р╕Эр╕гр╕▒р╣Ир╕Зр╕Вр╕ р╣Йр╕Щр╕Б (farang kee nok) = bird shit foreigner (general insult for
impolite, unclean foreigners)

р╕Эр╕гр╕▒р╣Ир╕Зр╕Вр╕ р╣Йр╕Зр╕Б (farang Kee ngok) = stingy foreigner

Thanks to a Thai friend for confirming my initial suspicion. Then I found this article:

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/464 ... ?p=4389007 (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/464622-farangorigin-and-meaning-of-the-word/?p=4389007)

Christian, you've missed the point I was making.
I have no trouble with sleaze. It's just that I found it embarrassing fondling a guy in front of his own brother.
He probably found it embarrassing, too, the first time he got fondled in front of his brother. After that, it just becomes business.

I wouldn't have thought that there is something that can embarrass you in a bar!

These Thai boys might know that some Farang have a brother fetish and call anyone from the same village brother to satisfy this fetish.

December 12th, 2015, 11:41
These Thai boys might know that some Farang have a brother fetish and call anyone from the same village brother to satisfy this fetish.

Absolutely. I would believe that. It would be such an easy scam to pull.... and I can see the info about the very common "brother fetish" being passed down from generation to generation.

Don't think this business isn't generational either.

Once, long ago, you all might remember that I was invited by my very first thai boyfriend to visit his home.... about 45 minutes outside of Nakhon Si Thammarat... and to meet his mother and father. During the 4 days I was there... pretty much nobody spoke any English. Absolutely everything had to be translated by my bf. Until... on the 3rd day.... a cousin showed up. He was a man in his early 40s. I was very pleasantly surprised to hear that he could speak English. His English was not bad at all! When I asked him more about where he was able to learn English so well.... He informed me that he had worked as "the manager of Boyz Boyz Boyz in Pattaya for several years".

So there you have it. This money boy / money girl business is extremely well known by even the most remote farm workers outside of the farthest little villages in Thailand... and beyond. The entire industry/profession is common knowledge. In fact, the most uneducated Thai poor people probably know a thousand times more about that business than the average well-educated foreigners do.

And, yes, it is a business profession the secrets of which *are* definitely passed down from generation to generation.....

.....even though it's not discussed over the dinner table or in polite social settings.

Like the secrets of childbirth... they are passed down from one generation to another.... but not discussed over the dinner table.

December 12th, 2015, 15:19
The two brothers who worked at Eros are definitely genuine - I've seen heaps of family photos. And I'm pretty sure the 2 Vietnamese guys at Scorpion in Soi Twilight are also brothers, although Christian would probably know better than me.

As for the other "brothers", I'm just going on what they tell me. Perhaps they aren't really brothers but see it as some kind of farang fetish. It's certainly not one of mine.

December 12th, 2015, 17:07
"Twins" is a super popular fetish... :p

December 12th, 2015, 19:37
I guess the twin fetish thing would be the farang having sex with both guys at the same time.

Not for me. But to each his own.

I asked the brothers who used to work at Eros if they'd ever go together with a farang for a threesome. The answer was an emphatic "no."

I asked what they'd do if they were offered 10000 baht each. Again, a definite "no."

Two "no's."

Who knows?

December 12th, 2015, 20:07
I don't believe that for a second.

You should have opened your wallet and counted out 20 thousand baht notes.... and see how quickly they changed their minds...

December 12th, 2015, 21:52
I think they would go back to a hotel together with a customer but I doubt they would have sex with each other. I know one can bottom but there's no way he'd let his brother fuck him, that's for sure.

I mean, in my experience even friends who work together in a bar won't have sex with each other in a threesome. On the occasions that I've seriously thought about a threesome, every time the guy has told me he couldn't have sex with the other guy.

"No, can not. He my friend."

Whenever I suggested he choose someone, the guy always chose someone I didn't fancy.

December 12th, 2015, 22:12
I know. They always talk that talk....

But you'd be surprised at how much they'd *really* be willing to do....

I'd rather get paid for doing nothing at all too..... but if / when it really comes down to it, I'll do what the job entails if I need / want the money enough.... and it's enough money.

That's just human nature. They play this innocent act.... But believe me, if they've lived in Thailand for more than about 14 years..... they're not innocent.

My 2nd bf used to tell me stories you wouldn't believe.... about the typical sexscapades of young Thai boys in the villages all over Thailand.... It's absolutely a way of life in Thailand.

( regardless of whether the boy is straight or gay or bi or ladyboy or whatever, by the way )

December 13th, 2015, 08:53
I hope they didn't abuse some poor farm animals. Or did they?

December 13th, 2015, 09:40
I hope they didn't abuse some poor farm animals. Or did they?

No no. That's more likely in our own home countries in the West.... due to our sick sick sexual repression.

I was referring to the fact that.... in Thailand, even in the smallest villages.... young teen boys --- just as many straight.... as gay boys --- sell a blowjob or whatever kinda sex is desired.... to other village residents.... for a piece of candy... or a cigarette... or the equivalent value in baht. It's common knowledge. So much so that it's a standing joke. Many local ladyboys buy sex with young preteen or early teen boys (usually straight boys) for the cost of 1 cigarette. ( How much does 1 cigarette cost? ) This is extremely common.... and normal.... in Thailand.

Thus, now you can see a few things....

(1) Why the Thai people joke that, "To find a Thai virgin boy, you'd have to get him directly from the womb."


(2) Why Thai *straight* boys are so used to getting fucked by cocks, and sucking cocks, and everything else.... Thai straight boys start selling gay sex at a very very young age. And it ain't to tourists. It's to fellow villagers.

Of course it's not only straight boys. It's also gay boys. And ladyboys. And girls.

And the customers are not only gay. They're older gay boys, and also ladyboy, girls, and anyone.... poor or wealthy.... young or old.

But they are ALL Thai. 100%.

This is the secret truth about the real Thai Culture.

December 13th, 2015, 15:01
This is the secret truth about the real Thai Culture.

Or another wild generalisation by a know-it-all sex tourist.

December 13th, 2015, 15:25
This is the secret truth about the real Thai Culture.

Or another wild generalisation by a know-it-all sex tourist.

Well said!

December 13th, 2015, 15:26
Holy shit Bruce, are you ever off the mark. Have you ever even visited a village in Issan before?

Yes, sex happens in a village, and sometimes for compensation (more than 1 cigarette). No, villages are not huge brothels where everyone runs around fucking each other, and their teenager kids. It's quite the opposite actually.

December 13th, 2015, 15:50
You can blame me all you want.... but, as I said....

I am not the source of this information. My many Thai gay male and ladyboy friends are... They all tell me the same stories... and in detail.... independently.

I can't imagine they would all independently be making it all up.

In fact, the first time I heard these stories... a light bulb went on in my head... "Ahhhh. Ok. Now a lot of things make sense to me now..."

They are certainly not going to go around *talking* about these things... Do *you* walk around your office back in your home country and talk all about how much it costs you to shag any boy you choose in Sunee Plaza....etc. Of course not!

Remember, it's *also* Thai culture *not* to talk about these things. They would be especially embarrassed ( or shamed by their friends ) to be telling a Farang about this stuff.

You can visit the villages all you want... And even stay there.... and you won't see this happening. It's not for your eyes to see.

Yes, sex happens in a village, and sometimes for compensation. No, villages are not huge brothels where everyone runs around fucking each other, and their teenager kids.

I never said that they were "huge brothels where everyone runs around fucking each other". Those are your words. But, yes, it *does* happen... all the time. From what they all tell me, you can ( wait... no.... not YOU... I mean THEY can) go to a certain place in the village.... pretty much any evening.... and spot the boys for hire... and/or girls for hire. It's as common as beer there.

Being a Farang..... naturally, they will not be doing this in your presence.

This happens not only in Isaan, but in Hat Yai, and in every other part of Thailand. In fact, horny ladyboys from the big city (i.e. Bangkok) will make little trips to Isaan or Hat Yai or Nakhon Si Thammarat or Udon Thani or any other area.... and out to the small villages... *specifically* to go meet all the handsome young boys there... and invite them back to their hotel room for a "birthday party"... with plenty of whisky, etc... then she ends up in the bedroom with the one, or the two, or the three, she likes the most.... while the party continues in the other room.

If you know a Thai ladyboy who's over about 30 years old, and she really likes you and trusts you... You can ask her if this story is true. One of two things will happen. Either she will (1) admit that, yes, it is true. Or (2) she will get all shy and embarrassed and not walk to talk about it. One thing's for sure... as long as you don't put words in her mouth.... she will *not* deny that it's true.

December 13th, 2015, 16:02
Also, you can twist words and grossly exaggerate things to make anything sound ludicrous... whether it's actually true or not...

For example,

Is this statement True or False?

" The go go bars in Walking Street, and in Boyztown, and in Sunee Plaza, are huge brothels where everyone runs around fucking each other. "

You might reply, No.... Of course not.



But..... actually.... Yeah, they kinda are.


December 13th, 2015, 22:18
I am not the source of this information. My many Thai gay male and ladyboy friends are... They all tell me the same stories... and in detail.... independently.
Did they volunteer this information or did you ask?

None of my various Thai friends and acquaintances ever mentioned anything like this, but then I never asked!

December 13th, 2015, 22:40
Bruce is just being an idiot again.

You don't visit some random village you've never been to, then begin inviting strangers to a hotel room for whiskey, then proceed to fuck a couple of them. I'm sorry, but no... not quite how it works. heh.

Not to mention, when it comes to your average village, you need to travel anywhere from 10 - 50km to find a hotel.

December 14th, 2015, 02:18
Bruce is just being an idiot again.
Strangely enough i have disagreed with a lot of what Bruce has flooded the board with over the last few days (reminds me of Beach Flooder in hs pomp) but i have to back him up on the village sex thing

I have spent considerable amount of time in my BFs village and all the village boys were available for the 2-3 bottles of beer or a bottle of Lao Khao
Of course this was the Thai price... We brought a mini bus full of Pattaya boys to the village for a house warming party and only one of the gay boys failed to pull... there was some back scratching required, but never more than the price above and rarely more than a BJ

I have had 2 farang friends visited BFs village and both had village boys... one went for a late night walk with a cute boy and came back 500B lighter after some fun in the bushes
Another fell in love and paid a guys father 3000B to "buy" him and take him to pattaya... of course they were both drunk at the time and when they both sobered up (in Pattaya) i had to pay for the boys repatriation to Buriram!

On another occasion we held a Ladyboy contest in the village and the boys were all hanging around hoping for a quick BJ from the prettier ones
The uglier ones again had a few bottles stashed to ensure that they didn't leave alone.

And on yet another occasion we travelled 20KM to Nong Din Daeng and there again the village boys were hanging around with the LB and Toot boys (and drinking their beer) - Boy gets drunk, LB/Toot getss cock... everybody a winner!

Only correction i would say from what bruce wrote above is that the older Ladyboys are not FROM BKk, they LIVE in BKK (but come from issan originally) - thats why they know where to go to find the boys. Similarly the local Ladyboys usually have salon shops (or farang sponsor) and usually have more disposable income.

when it comes to your average village, you need to travel anywhere from 10 - 50km to find a hotel.
Every village has a nearby "resort" where rooms are rented by the hour
Couples use them for some private time away from the communal home, husbands use them for the affair with their Giks and Mia Nois (or their secret BF!) and of course us farang use the when we are being brought to the village!

December 14th, 2015, 09:23
You don't visit some random village you've never been to, then begin inviting strangers to a hotel room for whiskey, then proceed to fuck a couple of them. I'm sorry, but no... not quite how it works. heh.
That's not what Bruce said. Not you or me or any other Farang, but Thais who know how it works.

But, yes, it *does* happen... all the time. From what they all tell me, you can ( wait... no.... not YOU... I mean THEY can) go to a certain place in the village.... pretty much any evening.... and spot the boys for hire... and/or girls for hire. It's as common as beer there.

I have spent considerable amount of time in my BFs village and all the village boys were available for the 2-3 bottles of beer or a bottle of Lao Khao
Just days ago, a Farang acquaintances asked me why I don't got to the villages where boys are available after two beers. I dismissed this as a fantasy, but seems there is some truth in it!

The ladyboys seem to be the key. Whenever I came across ladyboys on my travel, I smiled back and waved goodbye, only acknowledging that we are of the same kind. Maybe should join them on their prowl to make a triangle trade: ladyboy gets Farang cock, Christian gets Thai cock or ass, Thai boy gets beer or money.

My problem is that I normally stay only two nights in a provincial capital, not enough time make contacts. And all these nocturnal activities are with traveling on mocy, as a pedestrian I'm out or I find someone who takes my by mocy.

December 14th, 2015, 10:08
Thanks for saying all that, Colmx. Sometimes if you're the *only* one in the room that knows something, and you try to educate people, you get tarred and feathered as the resident idiot. ( especially around here; it's a tradition ) #:-s

Another wild generalisation by a know-it-all sex tourist.

Bruce is just being an idiot again.

I never claim to be smarter than anyone else. But sometimes I know things that few others know.

December 14th, 2015, 10:37
The older Ladyboys are not FROM BKK, they LIVE in BKK (but come from issan originally) - thats why they know where to go to find the boys.

Yes. That's actually what I meant. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

But not only Isaan. The same scenario is true for Hat Yai, for .....for every single part of Thailand. And they're not only living in Bangkok. They may be living in Pattaya too.

One thing I am very surprised about.... is that you were allowed to witness it all yourself. ... ( being that you are a farang, I assume ). I understand that that's unusual.

Anyway, as I said....

This is the secret truth about the *real* Thai Culture.

And if you are *aware* of the fact that every handsome (straight or gay) village boy has been paid for sex nearly since he was old enough to understand what money was.... and you think about it for a few minutes.... then a lot of things start to make more sense about Thailand and Thai Culture.

For one example, It's not very easy for straight guys to bash gays.... when they themselves have been sucking cock and getting fucked for as long as they can remember. This might also have something to do with Thailand's amazingly thorough acceptance of gays.... and very fluid and open male sexuality.... ranging from straight male to katoye. And with Thailand's amazingly thorough acceptance of sex work as a career choice.

And I won't even get into how the wealthy Thai people (men and women) procure the best young people for their own sexual pleasures.

But always remember, it is very much against Thai tradition to discuss these topics openly. You won't win any respect if you start asking about such things at a society $500 a plate dinner. ( even if everyone there knows everything about it) Your best source of information will be the 30+ year old ladyboy in the group of ladyboys..... while drinking and laughing and camping it up.

( And I am referring to the Thai definition of ladyboys --- not the farang meaning; not katoyes. Funny story.... I have a friend who is an American transsexual from Florida. She lives in Bangkok and plans to stay here permanently. She studies Thai language with a tutor and is very enthusiastic about everything Thai. She thinks she is a ladyboy. I tell her that, no, you are a katoye. She knows absolutely zero about ladyboys and ladyboy culture in Thailand. Every time she hears the word ladyboy, her brain thinks we're talking about transsexuals. Ladyboys in Thailand have much more in common with gay men and gay male culture.... than transsexuals..... especially foreign transsexuals who didn't grow up in a rural Thai village. )

December 14th, 2015, 21:44
I have had 2 farang friends visited BFs village and both had village boys... one went for a late night walk with a cute boy and came back 500B lighter after some fun in the bushes
That sounds great, but what about technical difficulties (and when I'm preying on cute boys, there are always technical difficulties): cute boy is shy, ugly boy is chatty, elder who is drunk and knows 3 words of English imposes himself as translator, cute boy sits far away, and so on.
And even if you overcome these, where to go for civilized sex? I know there are people who suck cocks in public toilet, but I prefer a bed, a room with aircon and a hot shower.

December 15th, 2015, 11:31
And I won't even get into how the wealthy Thai people (men and women) procure the best young people for their own sexual pleasures.

Do the wealthy Thais use discrete methods and services unknown to foriegners? I travel through most Asian countries and I get the impression there is a lot going on with procuring gay and other sex by local wealthy people other than the apps, gay bars, spas and saunas etc that most foriegners use.

December 15th, 2015, 16:07
Do the wealthy Thais use discrete methods and services unknown to foriegners? I travel through most Asian countries and I get the impression there is a lot going on with procuring gay and other sex by local wealthy people other than the apps, gay bars, spas and saunas etc that most foriegners use.

Yes. Absolutely! The more wealthy they are, the more discreet their system of procurement.

For just the "middle to upper middle class" of Thai people, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of Thai-only brothels. They are scattered all across the country... and they're in private discreet houses mostly in quiet residential areas. Nobody would know they exist. They don't advertise anywhere. They are listed (and "reviewed") in Thai language.... on very private Thai-only web sites.... where even the forum software requires you type the answer to the registration question in *Thai* characters. They clearly do not want, or are very happy without, any foreign customers. If you go to one, and you can find it..... They don't speak any English. You're not going to get anywhere unless you go there together with a Thai friend or your Thai boyfriend. These Thai only brothels --- some have only young men, some have only young ladies --- are very busy. On any evening of the week, at peek time, they might typically have anywhere from 20 to 40 or more people ( customers ) waiting in the reception waiting area. They're much better patronized than the few tourist gogo bars are.

Once in a great while you might witness Thai ladies.... or a Thai man.... out on the town... who will go into a tourist gogo bar. But that is the unusual exception.

As for the wealthy, they employ what I would call "talent scouts".... to go out and scour the country for the exact type, and traits, they desire... Then they are brought back for their own private screening, or interview.... etc....

December 17th, 2015, 01:07
In countries with developed legal systems there is a lot (dont ask me to quantify) of corruption and exploitation so imagine what the ruling/wealthy classes get away with in countries with weak easily influenced legal/police structures.
Anything and everything is for sale.
I think some time ago I posted how what a good time I had in Thailand when I had a group of Japanese friends, have since lost contact with them as my main contacts moved on (company transferred them baclk home and another to Canada much to their dismay); but the Japanese seem to be able to be able to go ino places in Thailand where most foreigners are excluded from and I personally witnessed and participated in some fantastic parties which make the fuck shows in soi twilight look like amateur foreplay.
So my point is that in some counties more is possible.

December 17th, 2015, 10:57
bruce & latin have revealed some interesting aspects of sex places unknown & unavailable to most punters.
Just like in space exploration, only a few privileged ones are taken in.

December 17th, 2015, 15:50
I gave up on spending any time in BKK a long time ago (used to spend the first and last few days of any trip in BKK but have bypassed it for maybe the last 8 years) - but when I was in the habit of spending time there I occasionally allowed myself to be accosted by some of the "touts".

Most of the touts were fairly useless, just taking you somewhere you already knew but I remember there was one middle-aged tout with a suit and briefcase (!) who hung around Surawong Road area and who always managed to find me. I didn't mind popping for a few drinks and a generous tip so we were on good terms. Eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I had to ask what was in the briefcase, and the (truthful) answer was "nothing" - he just carried it for the look!

Anyway, the point is that this guy was very useful in introducing me to "new" places and knew venues open at any hour of the early morning - in places a tourist would never find.

I remember being taken about 11 floors up in a high-rise building in BKK at 2 or 3am and when the elevator doors opened we were in what seemed to be a nightclub party in full flow! We had 2 or 3 drinks there and a selection of available boys was ferried over to the table for me to choose from.

Wish I could be more specific as to the location - all I remember was a very short taxi ride from Silom - but in those days, by 2 or 3am in BKK I was fairly well loaded booze-wise.

The point is - and as others have pointed out- tourists and even those who are ex-pats often barely scratch the surface of what's really going on

December 17th, 2015, 23:48
dinagam...happy now??!

December 17th, 2015, 23:49
so weird being on the same page as scotty...think I need stronger drinks to handle this

December 18th, 2015, 15:37
I remember being taken about 11 floors up in a high-rise building in BKK at 2 or 3am and when the elevator doors opened we were in what seemed to be a nightclub party in full flow! We had 2 or 3 drinks there and a selection of available boys was ferried over to the table for me to choose from.
Do you remember prices? The discussion is pretty useless for me if prices are similar to Soi Twilight.

This thread has brought up some interesting information: boys in the villages available for little money, little known places in Bangkok. I have heard such stories before, but referring to the distant past (Bangkok) or without details (villages).

But now I have to start investigating these issues again, after dismissing reports on everything-goes places in Klong Toey based on extensive research on the grounds. http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2015/0 ... -main.html (http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2015/01/klong-toey-slum-1-introduction-and-main.html)

I used to dismiss touts, but will inquire next time one approaches me to see if he knows a place other than Soi Twilight, Screwboys, Soi 6 and Inter Mustache Sukhumvit Soi 10 (have been a few times, there is nothing to gain: http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2014/1 ... -2014.html (http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2014/12/inter-mustache-december-2014.html))

In 2013, I spotted a line of cute boys (twinky, 18-20 y.o. I guess) walking along Surawong, I followed them and saw them disappearing in a back entrance in Soi Anglo Plaza (around the corner from Nature Boys), and in the following months when passing spotted one or two sitting outside and smoking. Inquire with nearby security staff and the boys itself: it's a ladies only venue (couldn't find out where main entrance is and what the name is). Didn't have time to investigate further.

Side note: I have never met scottish-guy and some members claim he hasn't been in Thailand this century. Nonetheless I believe everything he writes. I have never met cdnmatt and members claim he hasn't been in Thailand this century. I believe nothing he writes.

December 18th, 2015, 21:17

And who said the Germans have no sense of humour?!

December 18th, 2015, 23:47
Christian - the incident about which I posted was at least 8 years ago or more - so I've no clear idea what the prices were but I have no recollection of them being outrageous.

The situation was that I'd been out all night drinking and I'd already come back to my hotel with my travel companion/pal with the intention of calling it a night - but whilst he dutifully went to his room to sleep I got to my room, got a second wind and decided to go back out again! When I did so, I bumped into my "tout" friend (with his briefcase) and he took me to this late-night place.

The thing that surprised me most was that this bar/club or whatever it was was several floors up in a high rise building, something I would never even have imagined!

There is only ONE person who posts shit about my trips to Thailand and it's MiniMee. He doesn't even offer any evidence whatsoever for his shit-stirring - it's just trolling.

I will be most happy to meet up with you when I'm in Pattaya later in the year - a few days ago I told you when that'll be in a PM - (but if you think I'll be drinking water, you can think again - unless there's whisky in the water at a minimum ratio of 2:1 ) :))

December 19th, 2015, 02:55
I remember being taken about 11 floors up in a high-rise building in BKK at 2 or 3am and when the elevator doors opened we were in what seemed to be a nightclub party in full flow! We had 2 or 3 drinks there and a selection of available boys was ferried over to the table for me to choose from.

Wish I could be more specific as to the location - all I remember was a very short taxi ride from Silom - but in those days, by 2 or 3am in BKK I was fairly well loaded booze-wise.

Sounds like you might have been in the gay nightclub on the top floor of the Beach Residence in Rachadapisek?
(Although that building only has 8 floors AFAIK)

December 19th, 2015, 03:06
That sounds great, but what about technical difficulties (and when I'm preying on cute boys, there are always technical difficulties): cute boy is shy, ugly boy is chatty, elder who is drunk and knows 3 words of English imposes himself as translator, cute boy sits far away, and so on.
And even if you overcome these, where to go for civilized sex? I know there are people who suck cocks in public toilet, but I prefer a bed, a room with aircon and a hot shower.

I usually find that the elder drunk that speaks English is also one of the village closet gays, forced into marrying to keep the family lineage and farm going... And always the one that wants to hug me!
As far separating the boys from a gang, just ask which of them has a motorbike - as you would like to go to the shop and buy some more beer... if cutie volunteers, then go with him. If ugly volunteers, then you get some alone time with cutie. If they both go... then you get raped by the elder LOL.

Remember the general rule is that the youngest always does the errands... Unless he is also the richest and doing the buying! Then its the 2nd youngest

One thing to note on my experiences was that one of BFs (short hair) katooey friends was there at the time, and he had previously done a stint working in Funny boys, so he did prime the boys by telling them that farang would pay 500B for some fun

As for civilized sex, well the bushes, a rice store or one of those home made sun shelters (same as Mocy Taxi stands in Pattaya) are as good as it gets... you could always ask cutie to drive you back to your resort

December 20th, 2015, 15:48
I only went to 6 private Japanese organized parties, 1 was held in a karaoke place the rest were held in either private palatial apartments (talking 4 bedrooms, 2 lounge places) or presidential type hotel suites.
Lots of local lads were available, none that I recognized from soi twilight....so no idea where they were procured from...all without exception with prime meat.....better than most available on soi twilight. Some of the parties had a theme....ranging from vanilla to a bit odd. Others were straight forward orgies with lotsa local lads one could summons to be of service.....there was always an element of us and...them the lowly service provider there to be used. I never paid so have no idea of the cost. These experiences definitely played a huge role in expanding my self confidence when it comes to demanding/expecting what I want from a rent boy....and more importantly what most rent boys are able to accept.

January 21st, 2016, 17:59
I believe there is some truth in whats going on in Thai villages .
I have seen some videos that was shown to me by a former bar worker , it was filmed in his village and showed young teens being paid with whiskey and cigarettes for sexual services. He described it as a place where you go inside the village to get sex. Clearly some of the boys in the the video looked underage to me , maybe they start the "sex education" early. But I would imagine the family would not talk about it even if they knew , afraid of losing face etc.