View Full Version : The plight of kommentariat

November 13th, 2015, 14:32
Can you actually hold a logical conversation cdnmatt? The price of garages outside Thailand is utterly irrelevant

November 13th, 2015, 14:51
Can you actually hold a logical conversation cdnmatt?

If you can stop being a depressed, queeny bitch, I promise I can hold a logical conversation. :)

Nirish guy
November 13th, 2015, 15:37
So Matt asked a question about good idea to bring guys back to his nice house or not? Kommie answers with "are you crazy why would live in a house and not a condo anyway?" Matt then explains why and adds that at the great price he gets the rent for why WOULDN'T he live in a house, especially with his dogs to think of etc and goes on to give an example of what great value he believes it is it comparison to his home Country rental costs where upon Kommie then throws insults and gets on like a totally objectionable arsehole for no apparent reason when all Matt was doing was taking the time to answer his first question.

Yep, sounds about the norm for Kommie these days. Kommie you should really change your signature to "Why say something without coming across being a total dick to others most of the time these days"

November 14th, 2015, 01:40
Can you actually hold a logical conversation cdnmatt?
If you can stop being a depressed, queeny bitch, I promise I can hold a logical conversation. :)
No evidence that so far - and I mean since you first joined the Board.

Rant, rate, rave, rave, spew bile
Rave on, NIrish. A logical comparison for cdnmatt to make would be to the cost of a condo in Thailand. The comparison he did make, which is totally illogical, is to a "parking stall" in some other country ie. not even living quarters. Even more irrelevant is that cdnmatt's house is in a substantial provincial (third world) city (as Brad points out) whereas this hypothetical parking stall is most likely in a substantial city and definitely in a first world country.

You have heard of the phrase "comparing apples with oranges" haven't you (even in Northern Ireland)?

November 14th, 2015, 02:33
It's actually a very logical comparison, and I use it all the time to justify to both, myself and my family why I'm still here. Regardless of where in the world I am, I'm stuck behind the computer working at home.

So for $2000/month in Thailand, I get a nice 3bdrm fully furnished house, huge gated yard, couple cool dogs, loads of great imported food (Norwegian salmon, Australian rib-eye, etc.), great weather all year around, the peacefulness and calmness a Buddhist society brings, sex on tap with gorgeous 22 year olds, etc.

Or I could move to say Vancouver, and spend say $5000/month for a mediocore life in a 1bdrm apartment, no dogs, budget everything, put up with Canadian winters, egotistical idiots running around, etc. Plus it's either in Canada I'm the "gay guy", or here I'm "the farang". Fuck it, I'll go with farang. :)

Guess what I chose? So yes, it's actually a very logical comparison.

November 14th, 2015, 03:30
Guess what I chose? So yes, it's actually a very logical comparison.In your dreams, cdnmatt, in your dreams. How you must struggle with IF ... THEN ... ELSE

November 14th, 2015, 04:06
Guess what I chose? So yes, it's actually a very logical comparison.In your dreams, cdnmatt, in your dreams. How you must struggle with IF ... THEN ... ELSE

So where do you live? Are you in Thailand, and just have crazy hours like me? Or are you somewhere like the UK, and wish you could be in Thailand?

Nice jab at software programming btw... although really fucken stupid.

November 14th, 2015, 04:23
Guess what I chose? So yes, it's actually a very logical comparison.In your dreams, cdnmatt, in your dreams. How you must struggle with IF ... THEN ... ELSE
So where do you live? Are you in Thailand, and just have crazy hours like me? Or are you somewhere like the UK, and wish you could be in Thailand?
Surely the tools you've come up with for Surfcrest can give you the answers to those questions - or so you think - he certainly does

IF you're going to ask about how people behave in Thailand
THEN confine your remarks to Thailand
ELSE appear to be a total wally

November 14th, 2015, 05:26
What happened?

For a while there, you were actually being a great guy. Being helpful, providing good advice to people, etc.

Now all of a sudden you've reverted into being an asshole again. Drugs are a powerful thing, or what's up?

November 14th, 2015, 07:57
What happened?

For a while there, you were actually being a great guy. Being helpful, providing good advice to people, etc.

Now all of a sudden you've reverted into being an asshole again. Drugs are a powerful thing, or what's up?
Try googling the word curmudgeon

November 19th, 2015, 07:03
Surely the tools you've come up with for Surfcrest can give you the answers to those questions - or so you think - he certainly does

Well actually Kommie, cdnmatt has played a very helpful role for us with the technical stuff...this side of the site he hasn't worked on for us. I think you and the membership recalls the map of the world I published a while back, when you were telling everyone that you were in Greece, when in fact you were not.

I'm not sure why telling the truth is so difficult for you. You told us you were a black kaftan wearing man when you were Sooty and then you let us believe you were the idiot known as BrisbaneGuy by carefully composing your messages like an idiot. That's deliberate deception! Next you're going to tell us that photo The Colonel posted of you was a fake?

My patience has run out for you.


November 19th, 2015, 11:06
My patience has run out for you.
Oh dear, does that mean I'm in the naughty corner?

November 19th, 2015, 12:51
You're one click away.


November 19th, 2015, 15:50
You're one click away.
I find this fascinating but wonder how long you'll let this post stand given your censorship proclivities

According to the Forum rules no member may identify another member on the Forum - that is, we're all supposed to be anonymous. "Identify" has meant, in the past, not linking a Forum member with his profile on another site eg. Gay Romeo, even if he uses the same moniker, as that will compromise his anonymity. (As you may recall I linked one member in precisely that way and was slapped down). Given the current debate about governments maintaining metadata information I'm wondering if that applies equally to IP addresses. I expect you'll find some self-serving reason why it doesn't

The Forum is basically a bunch of completely anonymous people - men, women, old, young, fat, thin, gay, not so gay etc etc (although ordinary members can't prove any of those characteristics) - all posting thoughts, opinions, tips and insults

So ... What are you trying to achieve by these threats?

That all these anonymous people must have certainty that one of them, equally anonymous, is who he purports to be and based on the IP address of the connection to the Forum (which may be via a VPN whether public or private, and known only to you, a privileged user) where he purports to be?

Or that this anonymous person must be punished because he doesn't take you, the great Surfcrest (or indeed anyone else), seriously?

There is no need, by the way, to respond to me because I've known for a very long time that you lack the intellectual capacity to sustain a logical argument, so I also won't be responding to whatever you feel like saying. However there may be some members who are curious about what you are trying to achieve here, and they will draw their own conclusions

November 19th, 2015, 16:09
kommy...u talk too much....or should I say " type too much"...u must be a woman...only quiet when u r eating or sleeping.

November 19th, 2015, 16:14
kommy...u talk too much....or should I say " type too much"...u must be a woman...only quiet when u r eating or sleeping.And my point is ... you'll never know, we're all anonymous here

November 20th, 2015, 15:41
My censorship proclivities? hahaha...absolutely not, I take great pride in singling you out. Your posts are the only posts that I delete and more often than not it's just whim....because I know you enjoy these meaningless exchanges. If only we could PM...I could just tell you the way it is.

According to the Board Rules;

A posting membership on Sawatdee is free and open to all. You will need to choose a Board Identity (AKA as a 'handle') and a Password. You must provide a valid Email address during the registration process. An individual may register one handle only. The registering of multiple handles by the same individual is considered a violation of this Guideline. Once discovered, the additional handle(s) and identity(s) will be deleted. On a second violation the Member will be suspended and the third will lose all posting privileges.

No one is identifying you on another Board, Gay Romeo...or whatever your false assumptions seem to suggest. If you look just below at the Protest updates you'll see that it was started by BrisbaneGuy on Monday July 23, 2014. You joined Saturday July 26, 2013. You are BrisbaneGuy and were posting as BrisbaneGuy while you were also posting as kommentariat....AND disguising BrisbaneGuy's writing style purposefully to deceive the membership here. When I first called you on it, you stopped logging in as BrisbaneGuy.

This is not a threat. This is a warning, that according to the Board Rules...as I've clearly indicated to you already...you're one click away from being deleted and finding out how effective these tools you know nothing about will prevent you from re-registering or even viewing this site as a guest. You have no idea that the tools I will use against you will have nothing to do with either your identity or anonymity but rather where you've ever viewed, logged in or posted from ever and including your time as BrisbaneGuy and quite probably others.

This isn't punishment...it's justice you ungrateful cunt.

Simple as that!


November 20th, 2015, 18:53
I fear Kommie is having some kind of mental breakdown - he is lashing out at various people on about 3 fronts simultaneously and none of the content is worth a second thought never mind an argument.

With all due respect Kommie (i.e. none) - you might consider giving it a rest for a while and coming back refreshed.

As for your current sidekick - Latinpoxxx - he's not smart enough to have a mental breakdown, so I assume he's just being an arsehole.

November 20th, 2015, 21:02
For what it's worth . . . I'd vote - at the very least - for this thread to be moved into the 'Everything Else' forum.

November 21st, 2015, 00:24
scotty...u really r like alice in wonderland..or shall i call it scotland...totally delusional.

November 21st, 2015, 01:02
But it can't just be me who's delusional - within the last hour a completely independent poster on a completely different thread also described you as an arsehole.

It seems a concensus is emerging.

November 21st, 2015, 02:20
But the doggy on Kommentariat pic is so cute! Doesn't that count for something? Kommentariat has a heart in the right place, I can just tell.. he just has difficulty showing it, Komm has intimacy and closeness issues :(

Im starting a movemnet on FB 'Je Suis Kommentariat!' It's bound to go viral!

November 21st, 2015, 07:00
For what it's worth . . . I'd vote - at the very least - for this thread to be moved into the 'Everything Else' forum.

Then no one would even notice the very public spanking the yappy little mutt is getting.
I am certain the whole board is enjoying this immensely.Why deprive everyone of such a great pleasure?

In his defense did I actually see a recent posting of his that was actually civil toned and slightly informational? (sorry for the off topic- back to the spanking)

November 21st, 2015, 07:44
I always thought that BrisbaneGuy was one of the most loathsome creatures on this earth. Now that the connection between him and Kommie has been established, I am not surprised.

November 21st, 2015, 07:46
What kind of loser has to pull crap like this?
Pretend games under different handles.
I mean really.

As if I don't hate damn dogs enough already.

November 21st, 2015, 09:18
Then no one would even notice the very public spanking the yappy little mutt is getting.
I am certain the whole board is enjoying this immensely.Why deprive everyone of such a great pleasure?
Hear hear!

November 21st, 2015, 18:21
The plight of all the other members is solved by ignoring the crap written by one or two individuals.

Yes I have bent my rules & spent about 2 minutes on this thread including reading the title & responding. I doubt there is much else worth reading, so I'm not going to bother. There is more to life than this.

November 22nd, 2015, 20:45
This isn't punishment...it's justice you ungrateful cunt.

I must say, I've enjoyed that outburst of strong language from you. Doesn't seem to be on display very often. ;)

As for kommentariat, he makes such a fine Court Jester, I'd really hate to see him gone.

November 22nd, 2015, 22:47
As for kommentariat, he makes such a fine Court Jester, I'd really hate to see him gone.


Nirish guy
November 23rd, 2015, 01:30
No doubt we can expect to see Brisbane guy plus 1'ing that any day now too eh Kommie. You Twat.

January 25th, 2016, 02:28

I believe I may have inadvertently deleted Kommentariat. I must be loosing my mind a tad these days as I don't recall deactivating him or deleting him. Sorry about that!

I'm certain that there are a few who are not too sad about the mishap and as kommie has pointed out many times before, there's no way of keeping him away...isn't that correct Lego?


January 26th, 2016, 01:24
I'm certain that there are a few who are not too sad about the mishap and as kommie has pointed out many times before, there's no way of keeping him away...isn't that correct Lego?
From a technical point of view, that's correct, neither you nor your tools could keep him away. If he has any interest in returning, however, I'd have to say your guess would be as good as mine. He might by now agree with fountainhall's assessment of the relevance of your site, or more to the point: lack thereof, who knows!

Khor tose
January 26th, 2016, 03:09
I'm certain that there are a few who are not too sad about the mishap and as kommie has pointed out many times before, there's no way of keeping him away...isn't that correct Lego?
From a technical point of view, that's correct, neither you nor your tools could keep him away. If he has any interest in returning, however, I'd have to say your guess would be as good as mine. He might by now agree with fountainhall's assessment of the relevance of your site, or more to the point: lack thereof, who knows!

However, one must wonder what took kommentariat and fountainhall so damn long to come to this--rather obvious--conclusion.

January 26th, 2016, 13:55
From a technical point of view, that's correct, neither you nor your tools could keep him away.
Well, I'm back home now and about to have a look at MFAS's concerns and determine who has logged on anonymously and sent out this PM. Anyone who has received a PM or who has been part of the discussion know that it's kommie and so when I find the other user name performing this function at that specific time, I think I have the support to delete and ban that member and where he's posting from for violating our hydra policy for the third time in my administration. I just hope that when I block that South Brisbane proxy server, that it doesn't block your South Brisbane proxy, but we'll just have to live with that ;)


January 26th, 2016, 18:59
Surfcrest, as you quoted me and wrote "your South Brisbane proxy": Your famous tool should be able to tell you that I've never used a proxy server or VPN when connecting to SGT. I've never written anything I wouldn't say to your face - or anyone else's for that matter - and I've always posted from either my residential internet connection or mobile internet, both in Thailand. It's fine with me that you dislike some, many or even all of my posts, and I have no desire to please you, but I really have no reason to hide my location either.

I guess you meant kommentariat, but I thought it cannot hurt to clarify that.