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October 16th, 2015, 23:52

So, you pick one of the boys from the bar who agrees to bottom and you take them back to the hotel. How often is that they will *want* ( as in "volunteer") to top, as well? Does this happen often, and does the customer cum first?

Yeah, I'm a newbie.

October 17th, 2015, 03:35
Seriously , does the customer cum first? You sound more like a troll to me.

But if not , you have to communicate with the boys , they do talk you know, And everyone knows what top and bottom means. If they feel like it they'll do it. Very simple really.

October 17th, 2015, 04:05
Seriously , does the customer cum first? You sound more like a troll to me.

But if not , you have to communicate with the boys , they do talk you know, And everyone knows what top and bottom means. If they feel like it they'll do it. Very simple really.

Not asking how to arrange it, but rather what is the normal practice?

And the "cum" thing was a pun. :-ss

October 17th, 2015, 04:58
Are you a virgin, or WTF?

р╣НYou ask them if they would like to top you. They will say yes or no.

If you want someone to top you, go for the straight acting guys, as they're more likely to do it than the femme guys.

EDIT: Ask them if they're a "king" or "queen" in bed. If the former, they like to top. If the latter, they like to bottom.

October 17th, 2015, 06:19
Who's top? Who's bottom? Who cums first?

Whatever happened to the concept of "surprise"

October 17th, 2015, 08:40
Hi Newbie.
The Thai government has just set up a website to answer these type of questions. There is a downloadable form that you can get the boys to sign before you off them. It's in both Thai and English.

October 17th, 2015, 09:29
And the "cum" thing was a pun. :-ss
And a mighty unoriginal one it is. Do you have any idea how many times that hoary old (miss)-spelled word has been dragged out of the closet kicking and screaming on this Board?
Start at 10,000 and easily move upwards from there.
But there is good advice here anyway (besides my curmudgeonisms). As in: " ... you have to communicate with the boys , they do talk you know ... "

October 17th, 2015, 17:18
A boy who agrees to bottom in the bar might renege on the deal in your hotel room.

Usually I don't care if the boy cums or not, unless I like his dick he doesn't even have to get hard.

If a boy offers to top you, it might be out of calculation: when he fucks you, you can't fuck him; rather than attraction.

I don't discuss any details about sex with the boy in the bar, see what happens in the room. Most cases, nothing happens, he just lies there or does what I tell him to do.

October 17th, 2015, 20:00
The customer pays so he should expect to decide the order of proceedings & that is what usually happens. This is one of the pleasures of hiring your company.

If the customer wants do be sure that certain services will be performed, he should check that in the bar. Directly with the boy, not the mamasans, who are frequently dishonest.

After some polite chat, where you probably will establish how much English he speaks, ask some questions.
According to your preferences, ask him:

1 Do you bottom/suck/kiss/top ? If he previously spoke good English and is hesitating with the answer, he's reluctant, so consider moving to another one.

2 If he agrees to bottom (or whatever), some discussion along the lines of "no fuck, no tip" should weed out the ones who intend to promise services they don't actually intend to provide in the bedroom. I don't personally use that line, but I know it works for some people.

3 A similar strategy can work with short/long time. Obviously if he renages on an agreed long time deal & wants to make it short time deal, after providing some service, you have to pay him something. However, explain your terms up front so that he knows what the good long time tip is and the heavily reduced short time tip would be. Then you're more likely to hire one that keeps to the agreed deal.

On the other hand, if you don't mind what services you receive, none of this is necessary.

In Thailand, there is no need to discuss the order of proceedings until you get to the hotel.

In Europe, of course you get some conversations along the lines of:

Client: Can I fuck you ?
Service provider: No, I fuck you.
Client: No thanks.
Service provider: OK, but I fuck you first then you fuck me.

Walk away. Or if you must do a deal, agree it all up front.

October 18th, 2015, 12:54
Newbie there is no golden rule for this, do what you want to do with the boy but don't force him to do what he doesn't willing to do .

October 19th, 2015, 05:03
thats why u always agree upfront whats expected, even when a boy says he does all I at a minimum insist on agreeing on sucking...rimming and fucking AND the time frame. If I book him for 3 hours..then he's mine for 3 hours and I expect him to service me for 3 hours, some have the impression that after I've cum that the " date' is over...I have to remind them that I rented them for 3 hours and that the first fuck was just an appetizer as i usually cum rather fast the first time but them last forever on the 2nd. Love the look on their face when they realise that 3 hours actually means 3 hours. After the 1st fuck I will go into a long rim session..absolutely love a tongue on my hole..and its one way of getting me primed for round 2. And btw...I always insist that the boy also cum...thats what i paid for..so if he hasnt actually cum during our session the last 15 min is usually reserved for him..love watching him pump away trying to cum...most times I'm not even looking..will watch tv..its just a control thing..

October 19th, 2015, 17:17
" ... its just a control thing ..."
You know, I really enjoy your sex posts generally and please, never stop doing that. I envy your 3 hour sessions .... an impressive temporal number which has long passed into memory, "at-my-age".

But I think you ruin things often with your petty little jabs which seem to make purposely sure that every reader has insensitivity shoved down their throats: the target of which are the Thai guys which many here admire for numerous reasons not necessarily having to do with fucking, sucking, and rimming.
Hey, I get it already. Why not just post the erotic stuff - you do a quite swell job at that - and gloss over, unsaid, the fact that your are an uber-control freak. It's well known that you are, so why keep spewing the obvious? Unless you enjoy doing so, as education or a wind-up.

I'm sure you will find this message sentimental, even prissy. But continually - to a fault - rejoicing in the supreme power of control is mundane and rather totalitarian.

October 20th, 2015, 02:31
...mmmmmmm......!?!?!!?.......yeah...nah...guess my issue is my social group is comprised of similar minded people...so this is all normal for me..in fact in my social group I'm on the mild scale. My Japanese/Korean buddies are far more into the control/domineering kink thing....and we all see rent boys as something to be used, some even see their " partners" in the same light. You mentioned Thais, this is not directed at Thais or Asians in particular, in previous postings you will note that I take great pleasure in rent boys the world over...and so do my buddies. Guess I could widen my circle of friends but time is an issue and I fear that boredom will creep in.

October 20th, 2015, 02:50
Two different mind sets I guess. You have people such as yourself, who view money boys as a possession / object for fun, and others who view them as a fellow human being. Saddest part is when you meet a MB, generally within 60 seconds you can tell whether or not they view themselves as a mere object to be purchased, and several of them do, which sucks.

I can understand if you're just young, gay, want to have some fun and make some money while doing it. Then cool deal, and all the best. However, sometimes you meet them with such low self-esteem and self-confidence that's it's quite sad.

That's why they probably get so confused with me. I treat them with just as much respect as I would the CEO of a large corporation in Singapore, and it leaves them a little perplexed as to how they're supposed to act. :-) They're my fellow human. I'm not going to treat them like garbage, are you kidding me?

You have absolutely zero knowledge of Buddhism, do you? Don't even know the basics that even most Westerners know.

October 20th, 2015, 04:18
Latintopxxx realy need pshycological help and the sooner the better.

October 20th, 2015, 05:11
after smiles comment I feel a little unsure as to how I should reply....quite unusual for me actually as I'm pretty thick skinned. BOY69 maybe I do need phyco help..but then that would open up a pandoras box...like is being gay normal? is it normal to have 79 year olds with 19 year olds...until very recently being gay was classified as a mental disorder!!
cdnmat...I'm of the opinion that anyone who sells their body has included their self respect in that transaction...I gather its not a popular opinion and not necessarily the only/correct one...but its mine and one popular with my circle of friends.
If a MB has low self esteem then I really enjoy taking full advantage of that in ways too numerous to mention...and if he has confidence I enjoy breaking him in...both work for me.
Again I risk running foul of smiles sense of dignity...
I do see MB as humans...and people...obviously... I'm no nazi camp commandant!! and again the MB is free to gather his stuff and leave whenever he wants...but I do see a MB as a service provider who has been hired to provide a service....much like a maid or a gardener. None of the acts I perform resuklt in physical damage...maybe some discomfort...and let me explain...one of my fav positions (for the MB) is him touching his toes and me fucking him standing up..in that position because he needs both hands to support himself he cant even play with himself..and the position in itself is not particularly comfortable...most cant last more than 10 min especially if I'm pounding him hard. However some do surprise me and can take it very very well.

October 20th, 2015, 10:09
I do see MB as humans...and people...obviously...

Why is it obvious? Almost every post you have ever made shows that you don't. But then self-awareness is not your strong suit, is it? You come over as a blustering, not very bright, sarcastic, utterly self-centred and highly disturbed individual gleefully heaping bad karma upon himself.

October 20th, 2015, 10:59
peteruk...no need to get soooo personal..what r u trying to do...arouse me?? As for karma...what utter nonsense...what next...u believe there is a higher power??? Religious clap trap designed to keep the lower classes in their place.

October 20th, 2015, 12:42
I'm no nazi camp commandant!!

Don't be so modest - you'd make an excellent concentration camp commandant.

October 20th, 2015, 14:16
I have a lost of respect for what the money-guys do, or as a Thai friend said.. After seeing Pattaya for the first time. "I see them doing what they do to survive."
I gained even more respect for them when I was messaging with a guy on Romeo and he told me to come to some room some place in Pattaya for a 3 way. I had no idea who was with him and had no desire to venture to parts I had no idea of.... If I were moneyboy I would have little choice depending on my need for money.

October 20th, 2015, 15:56
' ... what r u trying to do...arouse me?? ... '
:)) / Think of it as just one more 3 hr marathon. Don't worry, Peter can't match that ... I'm fairly sure. [No insult intended]

October 20th, 2015, 16:05
Although latintop seems to relish in inflicting sexual humiliation and degradation that is not an uncommon sexual deviance. What is perplexing is his constant need to post the details of his fetish on this forum. Perhaps that provides further sexual gratification or perhaps it is just a fantasy world that he lives in? We all recall Beachlover who lived in some sort of cyberspace fantasy although, in his case, a rather benign and delusional world rather than a more demented and malignant one. :-?

October 20th, 2015, 16:18
I think I know why he posts them here and other places, but I don't mind his posts one bit, so I am not going to kick sand in his Vaseline. =P~

October 20th, 2015, 16:30
...one of my fav positions (for the MB) is him touching his toes and me fucking him standing up..in that position because he needs both hands to support himself he cant even play with himself..and the position in itself is not particularly comfortable...most cant last more than 10 min especially if I'm pounding him hard. However some do surprise me and can take it very very well.
Standing up, I can comfortably touch my knees, and reach my lower thighs, but everything below my ankles is out of reach.

October 20th, 2015, 16:42
Standing up, I can comfortably touch my knees, and reach my lower thighs, but everything below my ankles is out of reach.

Stretching is part of my gym routine. I'm now able to bend at the waist and rest the palms of my hands flat on the floor, but I have to stretch for a few minutes before I can do it. I've never been fucked in that position..... Edit... I just remembered... I was at a gay camp this summer and vanished into the thick of the trees and brush with a Colombian guy and I did assume that position for a time LOL

October 21st, 2015, 02:55
...damn...u all make it sound like fun...now i gotta think up a new stress position...
And as for posting my adventures here...isnt this what its all about..or is this a vanilla only site...are bucknaway and a447 type postings the raunchiest we can get. At least I'm open & honest about my " kinks"...I have met vanilla couples in far crueler set ups..where the main/only income generator totally controls the usually younger partner to the degree that he's almost too scared to look sideways at another guy...where verbal passive aggressive sarcastic comments are the norm.

October 21st, 2015, 12:13
....I have met vanilla couples in far crueler set ups..where the main/only income generator totally controls the usually younger partner to the degree that he's almost too scared to look sideways at another guy...where verbal passive aggressive sarcastic comments are the norm.

I have seen quite the opposite whereby the older farang is under the control of his younger Thai paypal! One might use the term "cock-whipped" or "cock-pecked" to describe the situation. The farang is often afraid to go to a club for fear their toyfriend will discover their indiscretion.

October 21st, 2015, 16:40
well thats a change....maybe its that karma thingy....

October 21st, 2015, 17:46
well thats a change....maybe its that karma thingy....
Now you're starting to sound like Sarah Palin. Which tells me a lot.

October 21st, 2015, 23:22
If a MB has low self esteem then I really enjoy taking full advantage of that in ways too numerous to mention...and if he has confidence I enjoy breaking him in...both work for me.

So basically, you're sadistic? Not much room for error on that one, I don't think.

Seriously, you actually gain pleasure by humilating your fellow human? WTF is wrong with you?

October 22nd, 2015, 01:49
...and I had loving parents....a good education...and wasnt even abused as a child...go figure!! Anyway think sadistic is a little strong...lets not do the american thing where everything is described as " extreme" . And need I remind u that guys renting guys young enough to be their grand children even if they are of legal age...would not go down well in most parts of the world...so to use a biblical phrase...something about glass houses and stones...or throwing the 1st stone..u get the pic.

October 22nd, 2015, 10:38
It may be that those who report so gloatingly on their proclivities seek approbation or even censure. On the other hand, it may just be a game that is played on this forum by a kindly old gentleman sitting on a deckchair in Jomtien, fantasizing as cute young guys sashay past.....

October 22nd, 2015, 10:55
It has long been suspected that the kindly old gentleman in his Jomtien (or Amsterdam) deck chair should not be taken seriously. Possibly we are seeing an alternate persona of the debunked Beachlover.

October 22nd, 2015, 11:46
Reminds me of badboybilly

October 22nd, 2015, 15:50
Or possibly some old guy living out his Machofucker movie fantasies.

October 22nd, 2015, 17:57
Reminds me of badboybilly

But badboybilly did exist! I had seen him on several occasions in Sunee Plaza area. One time he had two boys dragging them down the soi in a neck hold. A real sweetheart.

October 22nd, 2015, 19:07
Anyway think sadistic is a little strong...

=)) You're so lacking in self-awareness there's actually an unintended hilarious side to you.

All the theories! I've never doubted for a moment that the above poster is genuine, just as I never doubted the same about Beachlover. Both very prolific over long periods and both far too prosaic and dull-witted to be capable of the sustained imaginative flights attributed to them.

October 22nd, 2015, 20:39
Anyway think sadistic is a little strong...

You get off on humiliating them more than the actual orgasm. You like to ride them by their ears like a pony while fucking them, you like to put them in stress positions by forcing them to touch their toes while fucking them, you like to put your feet on their face, etc.

Assuming that's true, I think it's quite remarkable you haven't been on the receiving end of a few machetes and lead pipes by now, or ended up flying off a balcony, which seems to be quite a popular way of "suicide" around here.

October 22nd, 2015, 22:02
Reminds me of badboybilly
But badboybilly did exist! I had seen him on several occasions in Sunee Plaza area. One time he had two boys dragging them down the soi in a neck hold. A real sweetheart.
Not 'did' but 'is'. Heard through the tangled grapevine which are my sources [and believe me they are nothing if not formidable]; BadBoyBilly has now retired and preparing - if not there already - to live in Pattaya.

October 23rd, 2015, 03:07
I think some of u need to take a serious reality check, if I was really pushing it too far then why do I often get messages a day later...sometimes daily messages until I leave Thailand from the same MB wanting round 2???
And yes as I've pointed out in previous posts I do get my inspiration from porn and stuff like machofucker, privateboymovie and CMNM definitely do it for me...not that I dont enjoy BelAmi too.....one cannot live from bread alone...and variety is the spice of life.
Unless I'm unlucky enough to engage a newbie most MB known that they are there to service just about anyone with cash...its not a relationship...they r well aware of the power imbalance.
Even in some of the fuck shows at the gogo bars it is clear that the bottom is something to be ridden hard to the point of abuse...they even make the boys performing the show walk amongst the audience so they can be pawed....so this is not new to Thais...they are not all smilng karma loving twits.....
Some of the boys do get annoyed/even a little angry but I just sneer/laugh at them and let them know that they are whores and that this is their job and that this is what they are paid for....that I pay them so I can have a good time....they're not stupid..they understand.

October 23rd, 2015, 22:52
I heard the badboybilly rumor as well. He is supposedly interested in buying a Sunee Plaza
bar. And this is from a usually reliable source.

October 24th, 2015, 03:36
For the life of me, I cannot see why so many people are feeding him......

October 24th, 2015, 07:57
For the life of me, I cannot see why so many people are feeding him......
Because it's interesting in a typically BBB-way. Unbelievably rude, completely profane, morbidly obese, totally bonkers, possibly insane, and in a very non-gay way, always wearing the same smelly t-shirt . . . BBB is the person you would never want to be, yet their story[s] and their antics are so head-shaking, so ridiculous, so laughable they can only entertain on the shallow-but-surreal Donald Trump level. And that dude may become the president of the United States soon. :-s
This message board hits all those buttons on occasion, and does it well.

October 24th, 2015, 09:12
For the life of me, I cannot see why so many people are feeding him......
Because it's interesting in a typically BBB-way. Unbelievably rude, completely profane, morbidly obese, totally bonkers, possibly insane, and in a very non-gay way, always wearing the same smelly t-shirt . . . BBB is the person you would never want to be, yet their story[s] and their antics are so head-shaking, so ridiculous, so laughable they can only entertain on the shallow-but-surreal Donald Trump level. And that dude may become the president of the United States soon. :-s
This message board hits all those buttons on occasion, and does it well.
Trump won't be elected President, Smiles

October 24th, 2015, 15:08
For the life of me, I cannot see why so many people are feeding him......

Latintop or badboybilly?

October 24th, 2015, 19:36
"lacking in self-awareness," "dull-witted," "totally bonkers, possibly insane," "so ridiculous, so laughable,".....

The following Latin post from 2012 certainly suggests all of the above are true.

I negotiate a rate, that oral + anal (even say we do everything..all..)is a MUST and a time frame..usually up to 3 hours...enjoy the negotiation part...beating the boys price down..feeling the goods..his arse..abs..arms..like I'm buying a goat...little humiliations..getting him in the right frame of mind..then the fun (at least for me) starts..
I enjoy zeroing on something the boy is not totally comfortable with...some hate licking arse...so I'll make sure we do lots of that...or if he gags easy will insist on deep throat and snigger everytime he struggles...spit in his face..
Humiliation starts as soon as we get to my room..he strips first..then must undress me..and fold my clothes ..put them away..tell him to kneel..kiss my feet..thank me for choosing him..at this stage will place a foot on the back of his head..
whilst fucking will pull out..complain he's sloppy...not worth the money...get him to do squats to tighten up..laugh at him while he does them..carry on fucking..multiple positions..spit on his face..
stop..get him to fetch me a beer...half pour into a glass..hold the can while I drink from the glass..multiple little humliations..fuck him hard..snigger..laugh at his discomfort..talk dirty..while I;'m fucking him call him a cheap bitch...that I bought him cheap..
Always remind him to thank me for doing whatever it is I'm doing to him..
make sure he's always busy..don't pay for him to loll around on a bed sleeping...I'm either up the rear..down his throat...his tongue on my arse...using him as a piece if furniture...ot get him to dance gogo boy style for my amusement...bitch has to work for the money..
After our date is over..and I;'ve allowed him to shower..dont always..sometimes get him to leave covered in sweat..cum..whatever..but just before I pay him..and he's at the door thinking it's over I'll point to the watch..point out he still owes me a few minutes..and plant my arse on his face...must kneel down..kiss my feet...thank me..
NOW do you understand the POWER fetish.....the ability to treat someone like a sex toy...
Even extends to my home situation..I rent out a room...he pays with his arse whenever I want...how many times I want...will even message him when he';s out and order him home...if I come home after a night out at 2 or 3am..and feel like sex I take it...come home after jogging all seating he licks my arse clean....in exhange he has a nice room, in a nice part of own...
NOW do you understand..

October 26th, 2015, 00:54
egel wrote:
For the life of me, I cannot see why so many people are feeding him......

Latintop or badboybilly?

BBB I admire ....the other I dont.

October 27th, 2015, 09:54
Thank you a447 for searching out that post by Latintopxxx.

' ... NOW do you understand the POWER fetish ... '
Rather confirms my 'totalitarian' theory I think.

October 27th, 2015, 16:16
I think that post sums up nicely what I've been saying for so long - that the guy lives in a fantasy world and uses this board to live them out.

You can easily ascertain from that post that he must have been sitting there at his computer, frothing at the mouth as he typed. It has all the hallmarks of someone in a frenzy as they spewed out their fantasy onto the keyboard.

And as so many have pointed out over the years, if he really did behave like that in real life - and remember, he's also posted that he treated East European street boys in the same way - he'd be lying in a gutter with a knife on his back by now.

We know the guys all talk incessantly about us among themselves. If he treated a guy like that from, say, a bar in Pattaya, word would very quickly get around and they would give him a very wide berth indeed. He wouldn't get any sex at all. If he did, he wouldn't be alive to tell us about it.

October 27th, 2015, 21:53
I think that post sums up nicely what I've been saying for so long - that the guy lives in a fantasy world and uses this board to live them out.

You can easily ascertain from that post that he must have been sitting there at his computer, frothing at the mouth as he typed. It has all the hallmarks of someone in a frenzy as they spewed out their fantasy onto the keyboard.

And as so many have pointed out over the years, if he really did behave like that in real life - and remember, he's also posted that he treated East European street boys in the same way - he'd be lying in a gutter with a knife on his back by now.

We know the guys all talk incessantly about us among themselves. If he treated a guy like that from, say, a bar in Pattaya, word would very quickly get around and they would give him a very wide berth indeed. He wouldn't get any sex at all. If he did, he wouldn't be alive to tell us about it.

October 27th, 2015, 22:24

October 28th, 2015, 15:56
I'm not going to lose any sleep over whether or not a lowlife like latintopxxx is genuine. I've already said I believe he is. We all know that sex-obsessed sadists exist - why is it so improbable that one should have found his way onto a message board for sex tourists? Obviously the post of his quoted above is an extreme statement of his views and was probably intended to make board members run around like headless chickens. But I have no difficulty imagining him going as far as he thinks he can depending on the individual sex worker - treating them roughly at the very least. I'm assuming he has quite an intimidating physical presence, otherwise it would indeed be hard to imagine him avoiding retribution. I think some of you who readily assume him to be a total fantasist fail to realise how difficult it would be for anyone (let alone someone not very bright like latintopxxx) to sustain that image over many years and thousands of posts. I have always found the tone of his posts to be consistently low vibration, not suggestive of imaginative flights, and the detail sufficient to convince that he knows the places personally that he describes. He may exaggerate at times but I think we get the essential latintopxxx. Does he seek approval or condemnation by going on at such length about his exploits? I neither know nor care. All I know is that he is one very sick individual.

October 28th, 2015, 16:31
I'm not going to lose any sleep over whether or not a lowlife like latintopxxx is genuine. I've already said I believe he is. We all know that sex-obsessed sadists exist - why is it so improbable that one should have found his way onto a message board for sex tourists?
Because a447 says so :ymdevil:

October 28th, 2015, 17:14
Yes, Virgina, latintop does exist, he is the farang bogeyman whom all Thai parents warn their teenage sons when they leave the farm for the big city.

October 29th, 2015, 00:22
We all know that sex-obsessed sadists exist - why is it so improbable that one should have found his way onto a message board for sex tourists?

Because many of the things he posts are basically physically impossible. If you don't value your life much, feel free to give it a test spin. :) Grab a guy from a go-go bar in Sunee Plaza, and once back at your room force him to kiss your feet, put the soles of your feet on his face, hold him by the ears while you ride him like a pony, then give him a facial and make him leave without letting him shower, all while verbally abusing him.

Do that every night for one week anywhere in Sunee. I'll be surprised if you last 72 hours before becoming maggot food.

Regardless, fantasy or reality, I think we can all come together and agree he's one sick fuck.

October 29th, 2015, 07:58
Clearly you lead a very sheltered life cdnmatt

October 29th, 2015, 09:13
.........where do I start!! I must admit I've been a little taken aback at the vitriol thrown at me....but then this is an anonymous board. I have no way of proving that what I claim I get up to is true and am under the impression that only soft porn adventures a la a447 is acceptable and believable by some of u.
However let me put it to the unbelievers....how is it in a town where MB are willing to undergo the humiliation of being anally fucked and manhandled on a stage in front of an audience...and made to walk amongst the audience begging for tips while being groped and prodded...that it is so hard to believe that its difficult to find a MB that is willing to undergo further humiliation in private...where the only witness to his loosing face is me!!
The vast majority of MB I find online or on the street/beach/malls...not from gogo bars...and thats mostly due to cost.
Some do get upset/angry ...others are a lot more passive and just do it because they're in too deep and dont want to risk loosing the cash....or know that this is their job and anyway they get mauled/fucked/sucked by ugly trolls on a daily basis so this is just normal.
Everything is possible in Thailand....not always with every single "date", but with the majority. And it will probably come as a surprise at the number that msg me back wanting 2nds and 3rds...
I find it real easy in thailand to act out my porn inspired kinks...most MB have limited savings and live day to day...being a MB they have already compromised their dignity and self respect and being country boys or worse not even Thai know that they are 2nd class ...maybe even lower if they are foreign.
All I have to do is go online and I'm flooded with MB offering their services......this place is paradise and my only regret is that due to work commitments at most I can only spend less than 2 months a year in thailand.
Maybe if some of u guys let go of the fear and constraints imposed by your upbringing u might just enjoy yourselves a little more...u only live once and as long as I can I will continue having a good time.
The only countries that come close to Thailand in having an abundance of amenable MB would be Brazil and South Africa(unemployed white guys); but Thailand is by far the easiest although not always the cheapest.

October 29th, 2015, 09:26
PeterUK...the post dragged up as an example is not an extreme view, its what I'm able to do at least a third of the time. The MB knows that he has been paid to perform. As for an intimidating presence, I'm 1,8m with a swimmers body...hardly intimidating. Now the rough part....guess I could be accused of that if fucking hard counts...but then thats what he's paid for...I do state that I like to fuck hard...that I want BJ...rim job...deep throat. I specifically state that I like to fuck hard. Yeah...it does give me pleasure when the Mb stops the date because he cant handle the fucking...gives me pleasure because i send him away with a sloppy arse and only part payment. No I dont feel sorry for him because he lied; and BTW I'm faux angry at him and tell him he has to practise...that its not right he wastes my time...silly buggers sometimes cant stop apologizing.
If I dont do my job I dont get paid...why should it be different for a mb??

October 29th, 2015, 10:18
Latin, it's time for you to get the message. This isn't a sadomascoist, sling and tit torture
forum. Your posts are offensive and ugly. Sure, it's all about you. All forums get
Narcissistic personality disordered posters who rationalize everything , twisting and
turning to justify their bullshit.
I'm sure you can find like minded assholes who would applaud your behavior .
For me, it doesn't matter if it's fantasy or reality.
Long past time to move on and be with your fellow sadists, maybe start a dungeon or
torture chamber group or realize why it's so important for you to tell us all this shit.
I can see the grin on your face, enjoying this and all the other attention but you've
outstayed your welcome. Sure, continue to rationalize but think why am I on this forum.

October 29th, 2015, 10:44
ah yes...the righteous moral brigade...judge and jury all wrapped into one....maybe u should move to iran.
Good bye.

October 29th, 2015, 11:16
Maybe if some of u guys let go of the fear and constraints imposed by your upbringing u might just enjoy yourselves a little more...u only live once and as long as I can I will continue having a good time.

I love it, latintopxxx as a world-renowned sex therapist pointing the way to freedom and happiness for all of us! Fortunately, most people, even on sex tourist message boards, have enough experience of life and empathy for others to realise that forcing others to do things which they find physically painful and deeply humiliating just to satisfy one's own gratification is not the way to anything but ever greater isolation in a sense of separate self and an ever more complicated and hellish future.

October 29th, 2015, 16:20
Hey latin
Please don't leave us. Not sure I believe all you write but that goes for a lot of posters who like to provide full details of their sex exploits. I just love your posts but even more I love the moral outrage they attract. It must make you feel important that some of them will trawl through your old posts to provide ammunition with which to attack you.

October 29th, 2015, 17:21
Keep it up, Latin.

Keep it up.

October 30th, 2015, 07:46
ah yes...the righteous moral brigade...judge and jury all wrapped into one....maybe u should move to iran.
Good bye.
Was that a flounce?

October 30th, 2015, 11:08
Rather silly flounce at that. Sometimes the truth spoils the bad boy's jollies and
causes him to realize, if only for a moment, what a bad boy he is.
Go to Iran has replaced, you're a Nazi, the more commonplace retort.

October 30th, 2015, 12:17
Rather silly flounce at that. Sometimes the truth spoils the bad boy's jollies and
causes him to realize, if only for a moment, what a bad boy he is.
Go to Iran has replaced, you're a Nazi, the more commonplace retort.
I hold YOU personally responsible. If you don't want to read what someone posts, put them on your Fors list. Censorship such as you practise is pathetic. You are a total PITA

October 30th, 2015, 12:35
ah yes...the righteous moral brigade...judge and jury all wrapped into one....maybe u should move to iran.
Good bye.
Was that a flounce?

First I heard of flounce and had to look up definition.

When a member of an online community announces they are leaving, usually after a protracted disagreement with other members of the community.

Sure seems like a flounce!

October 30th, 2015, 14:25
Now, I have to live in terror. This forums other badboybilly is getting testy.
Thin skinned braggodosios.

October 30th, 2015, 16:02
Can it truly be true?

October 30th, 2015, 16:18
I rather think that should read "The Frilly Pink Flounce Award".

October 30th, 2015, 16:32
Now, I have to live in terror. This forums other badboybilly is getting testy.
Thin skinned braggodosios.
I think you'll find that's more correctly expressed as: "Now I have to live in terror. This forum's other "badboybilly" is getting testy. Thin-skinned braggadocios."

October 30th, 2015, 20:43
For what it's worth, here are my thoughts:

There were several posts by Latin with details that can only come from having been to a venue, thus I believe he indeed regularly travels to Thailand. (But compare the episode with Blondie (nickname for a boy with blond hair, not the Fuhrer's dog in this context) in Eros, where others contradicted Latin.)

...being a MB they have already compromised their dignity and self respect and being country boys or worse not even Thai know that they are 2nd class...
None of the money boys I met have compromised their dignity or self respect. On the contrary, on the bars catering for tourist you will easily find spoiled brats and arrogant assholes.

...I do state that I like to fuck hard...that I want BJ...rim job...deep throat. I specifically state that I like to fuck hard. Yeah...it does give me pleasure when the Mb stops the date because he cant handle the fucking...gives me pleasure because i send him away with a sloppy arse and only part payment. No I dont feel sorry for him because he lied; and BTW I'm faux angry at him and tell him he has to practise...that its not right he wastes my time...silly buggers sometimes cant stop apologizing.
Given the poor command of English of most Thai boys, I wonder if they understand what you are saying.

October 31st, 2015, 03:47
christian...christian....christian....I'm sooo disappointed with your input...really!!! I would have expected a little more from a german!! Or maybe its the VW effect!?!?
Ofcourse I've been to thailand multiple times...how else would I know that theres construction at/next to the austrian consulate? That the restaurant on the corner at the end of the soi where babylon is situated is now a beauty centre of some sort. Thay one can access the babylon hotel illegally by going through the metal staircase from the sauna change rooms. That the smoking pagoda at the malaysia is no longer in the middle of the parking lot. Need I go on?? Please...do we need a repeat of a447's inane blubberings...
So u reckon none of the MB compromise their dignity....really?! Maybe we have a different definition...as far as I'm concerned anyone who places themselves on the meat market open to having sex with just about anything that comes along has to put it mildly kinda sold their dignity too. Do u really think that the Mb at eros feel dignified when I can just walk in grope / probe half a dozen...select one...remove his clothes (not that theres much to remove) drape him over my lap and proceed fondle/finger/maul him...publicly..in full view of everyone...do u think he feels dignified??? Talk about getting used..in public!! If they are ready to be subjected to that in public...imagine what I can do with the silly fuckers in private?! Will not go into detail as the moral brigade will no doubt spit their dentures out in indignation.
Even the rough stuff at good boys strip for me...none of this silly nonsesnse of jerking off in 5 min withn theor clothes off for 300bht..and a drink...I want that MB naked on my lap for at least half an hour ....
As for them not understanding english...thats their problem...not mine...sooo tired of 3rd world making excuses...its always someone elses fault....very quick to take my money...can understamd how to count in english...but dont know the 3 main gay sexual acts?? I dont do pity....
If they r smart enough to find their way onto gay romeo..and grindr...and message me in english...then they r smart enough to know what guys like sexually.
If they're young and dumb thats their problem...after a few dates with the likes of me they will soon wise up....fuck..now I'm a trainer!!

And whats this flounce nonsense...

October 31st, 2015, 03:55
...and catwampus...I say iran because its the sort of place/society where only one view point is permitted...anything else gets u vilified....do u get the similarity?? U wanna make love to the MB and treat them like your life long partner....I DONT...I've already got one...I just want a long hard fuck session where all that matters is me and my pleasure...where I dont have to be polite or consideate...or nice..where its OK to enjoy someone elses discomfort..snigger as I make him strain a little...not talking about whips and chains...so relax.

October 31st, 2015, 04:03
peteruk......really empathy...hellish future...how lutheran of u. If the Mb doesnt want to enjoy the experience he can just leave...how many times must I repeat that...I dont chain them to my bed...not like they've been kidnapped. Hello!!!
At NO time is physical force used...I'm horny/dominant...not stooopid.
U wanna make love...and have companionship...I dont. U only like black liquorice...I like the multi coloured ones...we are all different.

October 31st, 2015, 10:53
Good bye.

"And whats this flounce nonsense..."

latintop, posters thought the Good Bye meant Goodbye for ever. :((

October 31st, 2015, 11:31
So u reckon none of the MB compromise their dignity....really?! Maybe we have a different definition...as far as I'm concerned anyone who places themselves on the meat market open to having sex with just about anything that comes along has to put it mildly kinda sold their dignity too. Do u really think that the Mb at eros feel dignified when I can just walk in grope / probe half a dozen...select one...remove his clothes (not that theres much to remove) drape him over my lap and proceed fondle/finger/maul him...publicly..in full view of everyone...do u think he feels dignified???
You have to get used to working in Eros, and there are probably many who could never get used to that kind of work, but they can go elsewhere. You have to cross this line once, similar to coming out, but then it's just a job, I guess.

Think of it as nude night at a sauna, with the only difference that boys at Eros can't chose (except maybe rejecting problem customers or poor tippers) by whom they get groped, but get paid in exchange!

October 31st, 2015, 12:39
yeah...I agree that its not for everyone...only those that choose to earn real easy mega money that way....

October 31st, 2015, 13:50
Latintopxxx, it's always been obvious to anyone reading your posts - and actually the most disturbing part of them - that you have a withering contempt for sex workers as a group. Not just some of them, ALL of them. From there it's a relatively simple step to treat people in all sorts of ingenious ways decidedly injurious to their health and well-being and not have any moral qualms about it (it's a well-attested phenomenon). Well, they're barely human, right?

As for your familiar weaselly get-out clause that they have the right to terminate proceedings at any stage, two points: 1) Do you make it clear to them beforehand as you go through your sweet-talk list of requirements that you intend to treat them roughly and humiliate them? Of course you don't or only the most desperate would agree to go with you. 2) Once involved with you in your room only those of strong character would be able to call a halt; most would be 'locked in' psychologically (another well-attested phenomenon) and incapable of doing anything about it. Acquiescence through fear is not the same thing as consent.

Anyway, don't trouble your simple mind with such nuances. You know they're true already, yet choose to ignore them because they're just so damned inconvenient, aren't they? Why should anything stand in the way of you having your little bit of fun?

November 1st, 2015, 02:08
ah yes...now I recognize it...leftist tree hugging bleatings...u were probably in Munich a week ago with the welcome to germany signs as the hordes poured over....

November 1st, 2015, 06:27
ah yes...now I recognize it...leftist tree hugging bleatings...u were probably in Munich a week ago with the welcome to germany signs as the hordes poured over....
I'm waiting for you to make the obvious connection here, Latin - Hitler was a tree-hugger and the modern Greens movement originated after the Second World War in Germany

November 1st, 2015, 08:18
Hey kommy, although history is a hobby of mine I certainly wasnt trying to make a link to hitler or the greens....Hitler was nuts as far as I'm concerned and the greens drive me nuts...so i suppose thats a connection.
I'm just soooo tired of lefties making multiple excuses for the so called weak/dispossed/3rd world...what ever....as far as they r concerned if u r white and male and especially if u live in the west then u r the devil incarnate...without the west we wouldnt have gravity...or electricity...or the ball point.
My point...getting back to the subject..is i wanna buy sex...my kinda sex...an experience that makes me happy...not the fucking service provider....if i wanna have to worry/care about what he wants I will just stay home and hook up with local guys...some of which are very happy to accomodate me...but not enough. so when in thailand i enjoy ordering fresh meat and act out my porn/fantasy inspired scenarios.
Sure part of the attraction is that some of them would rather be somewhere else and not be made to jump up and down on my dick until they get leg cramps while I lay on my back and watch TV...but thats their problem and maybe they should go work at the local 7-11.
Annoys the crap outa me when the moral brigade tells me how much i should pay and that i should treat them like equals...really...equals...!!! I'm fucking paying..so the dumb ass bitch MB had better perform if he wants to get paid and get a tip.....just like a waiter in the US.

November 1st, 2015, 11:11
I knew we'd get around to nazis and hitler. Now Iran. Kommen should be aware of
spellchecks and the difficulty editing one's postings here. I type badboy and it defaults
to badboybilly. I thought we only had one grammar policeman here but some silly men
need to show off that they finished high school.

November 1st, 2015, 11:13
...without the west we wouldnt have gravity...
The West invented gravity? I never knew that.

... some silly men need to show off that they finished high school.Can't show off what in your case clearly didn't happen, eh catawampuscat!

November 1st, 2015, 11:44
yeah...before columbus invented gravity they thought the world was flat but then they figured out that the world circled the sun and we discovered india...thank goodness too...imagine those poor indians running around like headless chickens wondering who the fuck they were...

November 1st, 2015, 12:30
Quality nice and young boys will not go with latintopxxx only the lowest and poorest MB will agree to fulfill his filthy deviations.
He gets what he deserves #-o

November 1st, 2015, 14:28
...only if u say so....if it akes u feel a little better then ok....

November 1st, 2015, 14:41
yeah...before columbus invented gravity they thought the world was flat but then they figured out that the world circled the sun and we discovered india...thank goodness too...imagine those poor indians running around like headless chickens wondering who the fuck they were...
Ah yes, Columbus. I take it you're talking about the "Red" Indians?

November 1st, 2015, 15:12
heh, Columbus invented gravity?

Damn, he's better than I thought. I quite like being able to walk around without floating away into space. Good thing Columbus invented that for us.

Oh, and it was Newton who wrote the Theory of Gravity, and it was Aristotle / Plato / Galileo / Magellan / others who figured out the earth wasn't flat, nor was the center of the universe.

Columbus accidentally found America. He was looking for China, but bumped into America in the middle of his journey.

November 3rd, 2015, 01:37

Love the contrast...the ogre using the service provider
Love the way he just uses them...at no stage does he enquire.." are u ok?"...clearly only he matters...

November 11th, 2015, 18:31
Hmm, NOT been on here for several years. Due to me in BKK currently, stumbled on this gem of a thread, with a truly magnificent troll attempt by a poster called Latin top, including the obvious feet on head reference. And people fall for it anyway !

November 11th, 2015, 22:47
Latintopxxx.... you have a withering contempt for sex workers as a group. Not just some of them, ALL of them. From there it's a relatively simple step to treat people in all sorts of ingenious ways decidedly injurious to their health and well-being and not have any moral qualms about it (it's a well-attested phenomenon). Well, they're barely human, right...

You've summed Latintopxxx up perfectly - I've often wondered if a family ancestor can be placed in Whitechapel in the late 1880's.

November 12th, 2015, 10:35
God talk about feeding the cunts......

November 12th, 2015, 10:39
sjaak.... magnificent, why thanks. And if u genuinely believe i'm a troll it can only be due to the fact that I dont sugar coat my adventures; now i realise its far too raw for some who prefer vanilla accounts.

December 12th, 2015, 13:59
......and does the customer cum first? Yeah, I'm a newbie.

Omg. I've only just read the very first post, on the very first page, and I'm dying laughing. =)) Is that a serious question?

Yeah. You ARE a newbie.

Can you help me out too....? I have a question:

I'm hungry. Do I eat?

( Sorry. I normally never make fun of newbies... and I hate it when people do, in fact. But come on... This is either a joke or.... ummmm.... It's common sense. )

So far, I am not aware of any Cum Sequence Law .....in Thailand.... or in any other country. Not even in a set of bar rules posted at the end of the bar.

Rule Number 3. The Customer must always cum first. (This way, the boy doesn't need to cum.)