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October 8th, 2015, 00:35
Surf rest I do wonder if this is something to do with the boards compatibility of design for use on phones as I know this was something Neal was looking into and never quite got fixed as I know even now when everything's working fine artwork wise I still end up with the bamboo image covering half my screen usually ???
No, this may have more to do with the Theme updates that I need to do from time to time and the big master update that we are overdue for. I'm struggling a bit to keep the software working at it's best with what little I know and with what little time I have available to tinker with this lately. It may be time for me to pass this on to someone else.


Nirish guy
October 8th, 2015, 01:48
See and there we all thought that the board just ran itself ! We sometimes forget you're plugging away there in the background. Thanks for that by the way.

PS I trust you mean pass on that tech thing to someone else to look at and nothing more drastic such as passing on the board itself !?

October 8th, 2015, 02:38
Surf rest I do wonder if this is something to do with the boards compatibility of design for use on phones as I know this was something Neal was looking into and never quite got fixed as I know even now when everything's working fine artwork wise I still end up with the bamboo image covering half my screen usually ???Come come, Nirish, you don't understand Surfcrest's attitude - so yours needs adjustment! If it's not a problem for Surfcrest he doesn't care if it's a problem for anyone else

Nirish guy
October 8th, 2015, 03:58
I don't see where Surf says that at all - or anything even remotely like it !

Nirish guy
October 8th, 2015, 04:08
And let me get this right.......you're posting that shitty comment about a guy who is providing a service to us all - totally FREE of charge - and no doubt to the best of his ability. Where as promised moderation is thankfully now almost non-existent compared to years gone by and where were are all allowed just to get on with it ( even you!) and yet you still seem to think it's ok to rip the shite out of him just because of some minor technical issue which might or might not even be a board issue and one that he's already admitted he's struggling with.


Wow, sometimes your attempts at being edgy or provocative just look like you're really taking the piss for no good reason other than for your own dramatic effect and I would suggest that if there was someone in need of that "attitude adjustment" you mention then looking a little closer to home might be a good start perhaps.

October 8th, 2015, 06:53
Since you're pursing your lips (again) and prancing around like an outraged maiden aunt (again) I'll find the relevant post for you probably in the morning

Nirish guy
October 8th, 2015, 07:34
You're assuming I care.

October 8th, 2015, 08:58
You're assuming I care.
So you're prancing around and pursing your lips over something you DON'T Care about? How will we know when you DO care about an issue? A full-blown hissy fit?

October 8th, 2015, 13:11
I don't see where Surf says that at all - or anything even remotely like it !

It's probably more so that the moderator does not need to use this functionality to moderate or to simply read the Board as a regular member.
That was in a thread about enabling existing functionality within the phpBB software (http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/topic33649.html) that runs this Board. As the OP was Marti and I followed up pointing out that what Marti wanted is indeed possible there are any number of conclusions that can be drawn on that basis alone; nevertheless I stand by my comment that there are occasions on which Surfcrest behaves in a partisan and even self-centred way in running this Board. That is, of course, entirely his prerogative (Neal behaved in exactly the same way, you will recall) but it doesn't change the original premise of what I said

October 8th, 2015, 15:19
It's probably more so that the moderator does not need to use this functionality to moderate or to simply read the Board as a regular member.
That was in a thread about enabling existing functionality within the phpBB software (http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/topic33649.html) that runs this Board. As the OP was Marti and I followed up pointing out that what Marti wanted is indeed possible there are any number of conclusions that can be drawn on that basis alone; nevertheless I stand by my comment that there are occasions on which Surfcrest behaves in a partisan and even self-centred way in running this Board. That is, of course, entirely his prerogative (Neal behaved in exactly the same way, you will recall) but it doesn't change the original premise of what I said
Marti's inquiry was about subscribing to a topic which you know is not specific to the phpBB software. That was a general inquiry on how these sites, blogs or what have you function. One could easily Google the question and come up with a much better explanation than someone of my limited abilities. I'm guessing the good folks over at CruisingForSex.com might have that functionality too...although I wouldn't know, as I've never had the time to visit. I'm sure even BrisbaneGuy would know more about this stuff than I...huh Kommie?

You can stand by whatever comment you wish and still be here tomorrow. That's the difference between Neal and I. I can't recall if I had that discussion with you before or Sooty?

As for the glitch, you are absolutely correct and I believe I may be able to resolve this. I am currently bouncing back and forth between here and Italy, moderating what I need to from my iPad at times. I'll try to dig into the issue and get it resolved as soon as I can.

As for my other comment...yes it is true. It's coming up on 3 years since I bought the site from Neal. I thought I would have a ton of time as I get closer to my early retirement in a few years, but the opposite has turned out to be true. Someone with more time would be able to get these things fixed faster and would probably take this site in a direction that either made money or paid the bills. That's been difficult for me. The bottom line is that it has to be someone reliable, someone who is going to keep the site up no matter what.


October 8th, 2015, 15:29
Someone with more time would be able to get these things fixed faster and would probably take this site in a direction that either made money or paid the bills. That's been difficult for me. The bottom line is that it has to be someone reliable, someone who is going to keep the site up no matter what.


Sounds like a job for kommentariat! :ymdevil:

October 8th, 2015, 15:46
You can stand by whatever comment you wish and still be here tomorrow. That's the difference between Neal and I.That is not my perception, as kjun12 and Khor tose who found out before you much later decided to change your mind and un-banish them, can attest. IMHO there is no difference between you and Neal.

October 8th, 2015, 15:57
Marti's inquiry was ... a general inquiry on how these sites, blogs or what have you function.
I suggest you re-read Marti's original post
Can someone explain to me how to subscribe to a topic so that I will be notified when there is a new post in that topic.As the subsequent posts in that thread made clear he was not making a general query, he was asking about subscribing to SGT topics. Indeed, your answer - the very next post - was about the Forum's RSS feeds. However, as you're somewhat of a specialist in making self-serving posts I don't expect you to acknowledge that

Brad the Impala
October 9th, 2015, 01:22
The forum is ticking along nicely, and there is no reasonable cause to dump on the owner/moderator. Rather the reverse, and I appreciate him keeping this forum running, and with a minimum of moderation.

October 9th, 2015, 11:39
Bravo Brad! :YMAPPLAUSE:

October 10th, 2015, 04:47
Sadly one of the limitations of phpBB is that it's not possible to add Moderators to a Foes list

October 10th, 2015, 06:16
The forum is ticking along nicely ...That is your perception, Brad, not one shared by some others. While your opinion is always worth hearing, don't assume (mistakenly) that an opinion is the same thing as a fact. At least in my post I used the acronym IMHO

By the way have you managed to find the supporting evidence for your prior assertion that I was "gloating over the plight of Syrian and other refugees in Greece that reduced rent boy prices while you were there"?

October 10th, 2015, 11:33
Come come, Nirish, you don't understand Surfcrest's attitude - so yours needs adjustment! If it's not a problem for Surfcrest he doesn't care if it's a problem for anyone else
That really is the most stupid, mean spirited, unfair, and untrue comment towards Surfcrest I've read on this Board. Sounds like you are emulating the character of Mr Donald Trump, the uber-insulter Prez wannabe: " ... I'll denigrate anyone, anywhere, for any reason, just because I can, and can get away with it ... "
Why would I, or anyone, bother reading your nonsense anymore?

October 10th, 2015, 12:57
Come come, Nirish, you don't understand Surfcrest's attitude - so yours needs adjustment! If it's not a problem for Surfcrest he doesn't care if it's a problem for anyone else
That really is the most stupid, mean spirited, unfair, and untrue comment towards Surfcrest I've read on this Board. Sounds like you are emulating the character of ... Why would I, or anyone, bother reading your nonsense anymore?
It should hardly come as a surprise to you, Smiles, as we've exchanged PMs on the topic previously - or are you simulating outrage for public consumption? Does this mean you're putting me on your Foes list then?

Brad the Impala
October 10th, 2015, 13:40
Will no one rid us of this malevolent pixie!

October 11th, 2015, 04:19
Will no one rid us of this malevolent pixie!
Speaking of malevolence:

By the way have you managed to find the supporting evidence for your prior assertion that I was "gloating over the plight of Syrian and other refugees in Greece that reduced rent boy prices while you were there"?

Brad the Impala
October 11th, 2015, 05:44
Take a few boatloads of refugees from Asia Minor and beyond and North Africa, mix in a sprinkle of unemployed Greek youth and surprise surprise there are many, many (inexpensive) male hookers to choose from. It's really sounding more and more like Thailand, isn't it? Actually, I think it's worse. Oh, 20 Euros max.

Reads like gloating to me, and you are not suggesting that rent boys in Greece have traditionally only charged 20 Euros?! But as you note, after the influx of refugees that is the current maximum price. Sounds like a price that has reduced don't you think?

October 11th, 2015, 06:16
Take a few boatloads of refugees from Asia Minor and beyond and North Africa, mix in a sprinkle of unemployed Greek youth and surprise surprise there are many, many (inexpensive) male hookers to choose from. It's really sounding more and more like Thailand, isn't it? Actually, I think it's worse. Oh, 20 Euros max.
Reads like gloating to me, and you are not suggesting that rent boys in Greece have traditionally only charged 20 Euros?! But as you note, after the influx of refugees that is the current maximum price. Sounds like a price that has reduced don't you think?
I agree that to someone like you it may "reads like". The problem is what "someone like you" actually is. I've already made my mind up on that score (http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/post305783.html?hilit=contempt#p305783)