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September 23rd, 2015, 00:20
I find myself agreeing with Latintops assessment of
The average money boy ..been here for a couple of weeks now,
and I find it is totaly about the cash , so I think it is best
To just fuck them from one end to Christmas , and them kick them out the door ..

September 23rd, 2015, 00:27
... it is totaly about the cash ...

What did you think it was about?

Your charm?

Nirish guy
September 23rd, 2015, 00:34
"I find myself agreeing with Latintops assessment of the average MONEY boy"

I think you'll find the clue as to their interest in you was always right there in the name. Any other ideas you might have had about their motives for going with you are I assure purely in your head and should be abandoned at all costs by you immediately to avoid any further unnecessary financial outlay on your part.

September 23rd, 2015, 00:44
... it is totaly about the cash ...

What did you think it was about?

Your charm?

Good looks and charisma of course. :)

September 23rd, 2015, 01:27
I know ..I know ..I just thought that there might have been a glimmer of hope. .Lol ..
At least , they are very cheap ..lol

September 23rd, 2015, 02:08
A glimmer of hope? Hope for what exactly?

Of course a money boy works for money.
I also wouldn't even dream of getting out of bed to go to the office, if I wasn't going to get paid for every single hour spent there.

I'm just delighted most of the Thai money boys are polite to their customers and provide a pretty good service. Way better than in many other parts of the world.

September 23rd, 2015, 03:58
I think u guys r being a little unfair towards halfhansum...

September 23rd, 2015, 04:06
...like when I use my money boys like disposable sex toys lots of u complain that a money boy is also a person and should be treated with respect and kindness and consideration.
Well wheres the respect and kindness and consideration on the part of the money boy towards halfhansum?? If he has paid (probably overpaid) good money and expects a show of love then he should get it...thats what the MB is paid for....right??

Or is it acceptable that the MB just grab the max cash for the minimum effiort he can get away with?? Fuck...NOT with me!! When I'm dione with the MB he knows he's had to work for the cash and leaves the room well used.

September 23rd, 2015, 05:58
Latintopxxx You are so charming petal aren't you ... :ymdevil:

Money boy is not disposable sex toy he is also a person and should be treated with respect and kindness and consideration !

September 23rd, 2015, 06:08
My favorite farang quote: "Not this boy. He's different."

My favorite Richard Burk quote: "If you want love in Thailand, rent it."

September 23rd, 2015, 10:17
True Story.
A falang offed a naive just arrived from Issan boy from a bar in Sunnee. 20 minutes later they both came back, the boy was perturbed and the falang was irritated. I heard him tell the bar owner "he wouldn't even take his trousers off." The owner gave the guy his money back. Then he turned to me and said "what were either of them expecting"?

However. If all businesses offered a similar standard of service as the money boys in Thailand then life for most of us would be a whole lot easier.

September 23rd, 2015, 14:21
It is highly convenient to consider the guys that entertain us "pieces of meat"; you can pay them as little as you can get away with. And there is no reason to respect their feelings when it comes to sex....for example, if a guy is in pain during anal sex, don't stop, just enjoy his cries of pain. (This scenario was graphically described to me by a victim a year or so back).
Of course, for many of us, part of the fun is making human contact with someone from a different culture and of a different age.Particularly when he's cute. If this is too onerous an operation, perhaps a blow-up doll may be a better option.

September 23rd, 2015, 14:54
. . . indeed.

Holy shit!!! For the first time in, let's say, 16 years ~ give or take ~ I agree 100% with Oliver (as per above).
I may have to wait for another 16, if history is anything to go on.

September 23rd, 2015, 15:28
....oliver...cries of pain...why?? did he lie about being a bottom....like who's fault is it...its not a charity...its a business....a service orientated business........right??? and if it hurt why didnt he just get up and walk away...or r we like all professional victims?! I dont get fooled that easily....sob stories dont work with me...

September 23rd, 2015, 15:47
..oh and before I forget oliver...let e guess...u r a leftie tree hugging sandal wearing public employee...living off my taxes....and u naturally would welcome the syrian terror...sorry..refugees by the boatload...

September 23rd, 2015, 19:35
If this is too onerous an operation, perhaps a blow-up doll may be a better option.

it is always predicted that robots would take over the more menial, boring, repetitive tasks (and no I haven't been interviewing latintopxxx's recent offs) but just as technology is getting ready to move on from plastic sex toys to AI and robotics some killjoys want to get in the way:

Campaign against sex robots (https://campaignagainstsexrobots.wordpress.com/about/)

but seeing as they suffer from the typical straight "reverse Queen Vic" blindness they are only concerned about the sexual objectification of women and children so maybe there is hope for a gay sexbot after all

but there are fortunately alternative (albeit still straight) viewpoints - The Conversation (http://theconversation.com/in-defence-of-sex-machines-why-trying-to-ban-sex-robots-is-wrong-47641) for example suggests the growth in teledildonics will aid in the acceptance of sex robots, harking back to a 2008 book by David Levy Love and Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships (theguardian review (http://www.theguardian.com/books/2008/may/10/society)).


September 23rd, 2015, 20:43
Latin, there's a difference. You've posted stories about how you hold them by their ears while riding them like a donkey, you put your feet on their face, etc. I don't know how much of that is true, especially the feet on the face thing. Where I live at least, just stepping over someone while they're laying down is enough for them to throw a punch, let alone actually putting your feet on their face. I've gotten in shit more than once for doing that without realizing what I was doing.

Nonetheless, there's a difference here. You're a grown man, you should know this by now.

September 24th, 2015, 00:01
Latin, there's a difference. You've posted stories about how you hold them by their ears while riding them like a donkey . . .
Oh, I think it is a pony, not a donkey that latintopxxx rides his go-go boys like cdnmatt. Not that I approve of either description, just thought we should always strive for accuracy on the forum.

I found at least two references to pony made by latintopxxx:

тАЬ. . . can ride a bubble butted gogo boy like a pony all night for the price of a meal.тАЭ

"I get up to lotsa shit not only in Thailand but also Europe that would make my "riding the stupid whore like a pony" seem like an act of goodwill."

A couple of times I asked some тАШSoi TwilightтАЩ boys, whom I saw on a regular basis and friends, who formerly worked in Bangkok go-go bars, if they had ever heard of any of their compatriots being ridden like a pony or a donkey or any other animal and with the customer shouting out, тАЬHigh-ho Silver away!тАЭ and тАЬRideтАЩem cowboy!тАЭ They just laughed and said no, they had never heard of such behaviour. And remember, we are talking about a business in which nothing is treated as private and where all such salacious stories and peculiar activities are passed around like wildfire on the bush telegraph.

Perhaps such things only happen in Pattaya, that den of iniquity, which was more than once described by Beachlover as [offending word removed for the sake of the sensibilities of our Pattaya members]

Or maybe, latintopxxx is the most well-behaved of all the punters on this forum and treats his companions for the night with impeccable courtesy and generosity. Just a thought. Anyone buying this alternative story line? ;)

September 24th, 2015, 02:02
Now that "ride him like a pony" has been brought up again, I wish to share this picture which I took in a Bangkok mall:
Not just in this case, but any time I see a domestic animal that would be suitable for sodomy, I have to think of latintop.

September 24th, 2015, 02:21
...what happens behind closed doors...where there is no face to be lost is not what they will admit to publicly...and besides most of my shopping is done off the street, gaydar and in the last 3 years grindr...I occasionally will off a gogo boy if he's a stunner...but hate the inflated fees.
And please dont tell me I'm the only one on this board that has a slightly kinkier/wilder side when it comes to sex. It cant be all that bad when I get repeat dates....in fact the repeat dates can be fun as I can dial up the kink/humiliation factor.

September 24th, 2015, 02:27
...honestly sometimes I think I'm being trolled...like I'm the only one that just want to rent a body for a couple of hours and fuck hard...not make love.

September 24th, 2015, 12:02
It's fine to "fuck hard", but from the stories you've posted, make sure they know what they're getting into before they end up in a room with you with the door closed. That's only right. Loads of people are into kinky stuff like S&M, which is cool and all, but only if both people know what's happening. From what you've posted, they're totally unsuspecting, and you basically force them into it. That's wrong, and you know that.

We all have our little obscurities though. For example, I remember Kim loved to have his fingers sucked. I'm still a little uncertain myself, but what the hell, it turned him on and I got a great BJ out of the deal.

Nonetheless, if you're going to be S&M type stuff, hooker or not, you need to be up front with them and let them know before they end up behind closed doors with you. That's only right.

September 24th, 2015, 12:59
...honestly sometimes I think I'm being trolled..
Honestly I know when I am being trolled.

September 25th, 2015, 00:47
" ... I remember Kim loved to have his fingers sucked. I'm still a little uncertain myself, but what the hell, it turned him on and I got a great BJ ... "
Wow! Having one's fingers sucked is the New Blow Job. Cool.
I'd say a pretty low bar in terms of what most folks would think to be a 'Great Blow Job' ... but do carry on.

September 25th, 2015, 00:54
" ... any time I see a domestic animal that would be suitable for sodomy, I have to think of latintop."
Oddly enough Christian, but far before thinking of LatinTop (RE: that photo), I think of you.

September 25th, 2015, 17:08
Every single time I off a boy, I fuck him like I'm braking a wild pony. Since when is fucking considered "kinky"?

The boys won't admit to that publicly if asked.... of course. They save face. But in reality, I'm sure it happens with 50% of their customers. If they're really more bottom than top, it probably happens with 95% of their customers. Yet if asked, "Have you ever been ridden like a wild pony?" They'd say, "Noooo."

September 26th, 2015, 00:26
" ... I remember Kim loved to have his fingers sucked. I'm still a little uncertain myself, but what the hell, it turned him on and I got a great BJ ... "
Wow! Having one's fingers sucked is the New Blow Job. Cool.
I'd say a pretty low bar in terms of what most folks would think to be a 'Great Blow Job' ... but do carry on.

I think you misread my post.

We all have our proloctivies. If someone is into S&M, fine with me, but please make sure they know what they're getting into first, before they end up behind closed doors.

I'm not into it myself, but no issue if someone is, as long as it's two consenting adults. Yes, hookers are there to give you pleasure -- that's why they're being paid. However, common decency dictates that doesn't mean holding them by their ears while riding them like a pony.

September 26th, 2015, 01:35
Try it with a bottom guy and see if they like being banged like a broken screen door during a hurricane.....

I don't care what Latin does behind closed doors.

We can't say shame on him when we know these guys parents would say shame on us for what we are doing with their sons behind closed doors.

I don't have a stone to throw or a soapbox to throw it from.

I'll just stay in my glass house and surf the internet.

Nirish guy
September 26th, 2015, 01:56
Not just in this case, but any time I see a domestic animal that would be suitable for sodomy.......

Call me old fashioned but I wasn't aware that ANY animal would or SHOULD be considered for sodomy ! But hey as that post came from Christian NOTHING would surprise.

September 26th, 2015, 05:57
bucknaway...appreciate the live and let live philosophy but I don't take offense at being criticized...as long as its honest...our differences are what makes the world interesting...I do see that some people see MB as equals...I just don't...and as I've mentioned before its not as if I've strapped him down to the bed...he can at any time gather his stuff and leave. I know that my attitude offends some people...the fact that I onlyn interact with them to issue commands and really don't care if they are enjoying the date....but again sex between an old farang with one foot in the grave and a fresh eyed bubble butted 18 year old MB is very offensive to the VAST majority of the world...so back to square one.
Anyway my attitude is not new...romans used their slaves which they bought and saw as personal property...I do the same...I buy the MB for a set time frame....no love...no caring emotions...purely physical.

September 26th, 2015, 08:10
I use the waitress only to bring me more coffee, water, food, etc.... only for the time being. No love, caring, or emotions. Some might say I treat her like my servant. Wait. She *is* my servant. That's why they're called "servers".

But it's a voluntary business arrangement. She's not a slave.

I think we're getting confused by semantics.

Also, she *is* my equal.... maybe not financially, or in looks, or in youth, or in fashion sense, or in Facebook friends.... But she is my equal in the sense of, "All men (humans) are created equal...."

As long as the person has signed up for this voluntarily for the money *and* he is not shackled in bondage, and he is always free stop, say No, and walk out the door... then he's not a slave. He's not owned. He's not being "abused" against his will.

No more than hairstylists are abused against their will by being exposed to strong hair coloring chemicals..... or x-ray technicians are.... You get the idea. It was *his* career choice. And he even chooses it again night after night. If it gets to be too much, he knows where the exit door is. He can go be a waiter or a hair stylist. This is true of *all* labor / jobs. Sex work is just voluntary work.... for pay... like any other work.

But he is "equal" as a human life.

The word "abuse" can easily be *abused*... to try to convince others of something. But the truth is.... The word "abuse" is as subjective as the word, "beautiful". Some people think that staying at a 3-star hotel instead of a 5-star hotel... would be "abuse". ( thinking of my bf here.... ha ha :-) )

I also happen to know that some people ( many people ) *love* being fucked like they're being ridden like a wild pony... for *free*. So it's not a fair assumption to assume that the MB doesn't *enjoy* it. Many do... to one extent or another. In fact, I always try to find those that would enjoy it. ( namely gay, bottom, money boys )

September 26th, 2015, 09:39
My favorite money boy quote: "Not this farang customer. He's different. He's not looking for sex."

( Of course, this quote is not real.... because no money boy is stupid enough to even think such a thought. )

We should not be surprised farang customers are hiring sex worker "money boys"..... because they want *sex*.

Equally.... We should not be surprised that sex worker "money boys" are leaving their home and family and traveling great distances going to Pattaya and Bangkok to seek out work as a sex worker money boy..... because they want *money*.

To even *imply* that there is something *bad* or *wrong* with money boys wanting *money* .......ever...... is so ridiculous that it borders on insanity.

"They only want one thing." Statements like this make us look like idiots.

OF COURSE they only want one thing.

And YOU only want one thing too. Geeeezus.

September 26th, 2015, 15:16
Not just in this case, but any time I see a domestic animal that would be suitable for sodomy.......

Call me old fashioned but I wasn't aware that ANY animal would or SHOULD be considered for sodomy ! But hey as that post came from Christian NOTHING would surprise.
Ahhh . . . so I see you are definitely not a Cardiff City Football Club supporter then NIrish. ;)

Nirish guy
September 26th, 2015, 17:56
Ha No, in fact I try to avoid all men who have or play with odd shaped balls :-)