View Full Version : I think I found the epitomy of stupid.

September 21st, 2015, 00:26

That showed up on my Facebook wall just a while ago.

I... I don't know the words. Except how much does a Thai street dog go for these days? Hell, I could form a crew, and we could probably round up 100/hour.

I'm sorry, but... are people in Canada so rich, they're flying Thai street dogs over now?

September 21st, 2015, 02:33

That showed up on my Facebook wall just a while ago.

I... I don't know the words. Except how much does a Thai street dog go for these days? Hell, I could form a crew, and we could probably round up 100/hour.

I'm sorry, but... are people in Canada so rich, they're flying Thai street dogs over now?

No Sir, you have stumbled on the epitomy of CLEVER.

Virtually ALL charities are SCAMS esp in Asia. The people of Canada are no richer on average that citizens of other western counties but this particular charity has found a way to AIRLIFT 2 street dogs to gullible doners in Canada at NO expense to themselves I can tell you.

Most foreign charities in Asia, Africa and S. America are run by so called "altrustic" foreigners who in the meekest fashion draw down huge expenses in favour of themselves and extended family.

Take Cambodia for example; the P M (no saint himself for sure) has brought in a few reasonable requirements for charities/NGOs ie that they identify their country of origin, that they declare their exact mission and that they publish accounts. In response they have brought their Cambodian workers and volunteers onto the streets in vocal protest.
No way will the Cambodian Government remove these altruist scammers from their free Villas and plush apartments without a fight.
The dogs are being airlifted to Canada at a time when thousands of humans are being drowned in sinking rubber boats in their efforts to make a new life in Europe.
Tells you how f-cked up everything is now.

September 21st, 2015, 06:11
I'm think "doner kebabs" thaiguest

September 21st, 2015, 06:12
Would be cheaper but not as fresh if they arrived
frozen instead of live?

September 21st, 2015, 08:04
So after she sends the money (I'm sure it's $6000+), what do you think the chances of her getting the dogs delivered to Canada are?


I tried telling her, but she isn't listening. She's going to help the Thai street dogs damnit!

September 21st, 2015, 09:57
Epitomy? Not epitome?

Thaiguest has put it in proper perspective: The dogs are being airlifted to Canada at a time when thousands of humans are being drowned in sinking rubber boats in their efforts to make a new life in Europe. Tells you how f-cked up everything is now.

I simply cannot understand why anyone puts more importance on the lives of stray animals than on the lives of humans. OK, feed some strays that hang around your neighborhood, but if you have hundreds or thousands of dollars to spare, use that to help people who are in need. No shortage of them in Thailand and elsewhere.

September 21st, 2015, 10:51
Epitomy? Not epitome?

Thaiguest has put it in proper perspective: The dogs are being airlifted to Canada at a time when thousands of humans are being drowned in sinking rubber boats in their efforts to make a new life in Europe. Tells you how f-cked up everything is now.

I simply cannot understand why anyone puts more importance on the lives of stray animals than on the lives of humans. OK, feed some strays that hang around your neighborhood, but if you have hundreds or thousands of dollars to spare, use that to help people who are in need. No shortage of them in Thailand and elsewhere.

Yes "epitome" but also with an "ecu' which my tablet doesn't have but what matters an ecu or two in such crazy times?
It's probably not correct to imply that the dog charity has no concern for the human tragedy but the case of the canadian-bound dogs illustrates to what lengths charities will go to generate income and , above all, publicity.
The third world is inundated with charities doing good work in some cases yes but at enoromous cost to doners, to gullible young volunteers and often to the objects of the charity, in many cases.
They also take the many currupt governments off the hook .
There's a scandal unfolding in Napal now regarding orphan charities for instance. It appears that thousands of non-orphaned children are being kept away from their families to fill orphanage quotas by unscrupulous scammers on the ground and abroad.
In Cambodia a small group of activists are trying to replace the massive orphanage model of childcare with a family/village based system instead but they will have their work cut out for them. The many foreign charity bosses love their expense accounts and detached villas and their sons and daughters coming and going free of charge on "gap-years" or to earn college credits for the that coveted social studies "Masters" degree from the renowned Slamdunk University of Tumbleweedville.
Want the good life? Be at or near the top of a charity!

September 21st, 2015, 15:15
Want the good life? Be at or near the top of a charity!
Still the epitome of head-rattling generalization, eh Thaiguest. Is there any issue which inherently and by nature includes numerous levels of complexity that you will not boil down to a simplistic sound bite?
(At this point Thaiguest turns around, rubbing his hands together, and declares to anyone still listening that: "... I guess I wrapped that up well ... ".)

September 21st, 2015, 15:33
Epitomy? Not epitome?It is cdnmatt we're talking about isn't it?

September 21st, 2015, 19:26
Thaiguest has put it in proper perspective: The dogs are being airlifted to Canada at a time when thousands of humans are being drowned in sinking rubber boats in their efforts to make a new life in Europe. Tells you how f-cked up everything is now.

if you really want to see f-cked up just get a picture of a drowned puppy washed up on the banks of the Chao Phraya onto social media and watch the tear-jerk reaction


September 22nd, 2015, 00:13
I read or heard a similar story before (dogs or cats from animal shelter in SE Asia to America) and shook my head. Are there no dogs and cats in animal shelters in the US or Canada?

September 22nd, 2015, 01:06
Epitomy? Not epitome?

Thaiguest has put it in proper perspective: The dogs are being airlifted to Canada at a time when thousands of humans are being drowned in sinking rubber boats in their efforts to make a new life in Europe. Tells you how f-cked up everything is now.

I simply cannot understand why anyone puts more importance on the lives of stray animals than on the lives of humans. OK, feed some strays that hang around your neighborhood, but if you have hundreds or thousands of dollars to spare, use that to help people who are in need. No shortage of them in Thailand and elsewhere.

Yes "epitome" but also with an "ecu' which my tablet doesn't have but what matters an ecu or two in such crazy times?
It's probably not correct to imply that the dog charity has no concern for the human tragedy but the case of the canadian-bound dogs illustrates to what lengths charities will go to generate income and , above all, publicity.
The third world is inundated with charities doing good work in some cases yes but at enoromous cost to doners, to gullible young volunteers and often to the objects of the charity, in many cases.
They also take the many currupt governments off the hook .
There's a scandal unfolding in Napal now regarding orphan charities for instance. It appears that thousands of non-orphaned children are being kept away from their families to fill orphanage quotas by unscrupulous scammers on the ground and abroad.
In Cambodia a small group of activists are trying to replace the massive orphanage model of childcare with a family/village based system instead but they will have their work cut out for them. The many foreign charity bosses love their expense accounts and detached villas and their sons and daughters coming and going free of charge on "gap-years" or to earn college credits for the that coveted social studies "Masters" degree from the renowned Slamdunk University of Tumbleweedville.
Want the good life? Be at or near the top of a charity!.

At this stage I doubt if English is your first language. Read my post again and tell me where I have not qualified my statements.
If English IS your first language then you have a poor grasp of it.

September 22nd, 2015, 02:01
Europe is f*cked up for even entertaining the idea of allowing in these economic refugees. Give it a few generations and we will have an ISIS style conflict here.
Anyone who did feel any moral obligation to help could pay for some decent refugee camps in the neighbouring countries. Then when this all blows over they will actually want to go home.
That's better than them enjoying the tolerance offered in Europe & then them trying to spread intolerance once the second or third generation have European passports.

As for the dogs, well thankfully demand from Vietnam is keeping the numbers under control.

September 22nd, 2015, 14:20
In fairness there was never a big migration out of Syria and the immediate region until recently. These people have lived there happlily for thousands of years. But the dogs of war have been unleashed around them. That they will trek thousands of miles or take to unseaworthy boats to go into exile from their homelands tells you how terrified they are now.
The Bush Mark II administration started the dismantling of the region and now the ordinary people are the fall guys. Putin, evil as he is, predicted the meltdown of Syria that has now occurred.
Yes Russia is part of the problem but so is the EU and the USA.

September 22nd, 2015, 18:47
Europe is f*cked up for even entertaining the idea of allowing in these economic refugees. Give it a few generations and we will have an ISIS style conflict here.

Lots of people in Canada are worried about this too apparently. They talk as if the sky is falling, or something.

I'm Canadian, so for me it's easy. I just remind them of WWII. Back then, we didn't have a problem rounding up all the Japanese, and shoving them into internment camps. If things get out of hand, we do have the man power and resources to take care of it. I wouldn't worry so much. They have shit like rocks and meat cleavers. We have tanks and F-16s. I'm pretty sure we win.

That, and think of it this way. Not helping them by letting them in is going to create more resentment and in turn home grown fundamentalists than letting them in would.

September 23rd, 2015, 03:05
Lots of people in Canada are worried about this too apparently. They talk as if the sky is falling, or something.

I'm Canadian, so for me it's easy. I just remind them of WWII. Back then, we didn't have a problem rounding up all the Japanese, and shoving them into internment camps. If things get out of hand, we do have the man power and resources to take care of it. I wouldn't worry so much. They have shit like rocks and meat cleavers. We have tanks and F-16s. I'm pretty sure we win.

That, and think of it this way. Not helping them by letting them in is going to create more resentment and in turn home grown fundamentalists than letting them in would.
It is indeed a serious problem and the current Conservative, Harper government would rather drop bombs on Syria and create a more urgent need for the people of Syria to risk their lives and the lives of their children to escape uncertain death. The people, separate from what the government is doing / not doing are doing what they can on their own, until we have an election next month and this barbarian (Sorry Ronan) is turfed out on his ass and we can get back to peace keeping (Rwanda) instead of war making.

As for the Japanese question from WWII, I think any Canadian and any government since that decision regrets the direction Canada went with our Japanese citizens...just as surely as the government regrets all of the social experimentation they performed on the indigenous peoples right up until the 1970's. Indeed, these gross errors in judgement have made us Canadians who we are today...by the triumphs and mistakes we've made to get us this far in history.

You need only to open up your Facebook to see the endless cute dog and cat photos and clips. There's a strong force of people that dedicate a great deal of time to protecting animals. Puppy farms in Canada are becoming less and less attractive, people are spaying and neutering more and shelters are becoming more successful with their adoption programs and by the number of animals of all ages that are saved each year from destruction. There are quite a few Canadian ex-pats in many different countries working to save dogs in other countries and send them back to Canada to where they may have waiting owners to adopt them. I recently saw a program where a group is rescuing "black" dogs from Taiwan as a black dog is seen as bad luck over there and would be unwanted. Equally so, the Soi Dogs on Thailand have a following around the world.

So yes, Canadians are helping stray dogs in Thailand and they are also helping Syrian refugees....although they are probably two different groups of people.


September 23rd, 2015, 10:10
You need only to open up your Facebook to see the endless cute dog and cat photos and clips.Yet another reason to avoid Facebook

September 23rd, 2015, 18:57
I don't know, we'll see what happens with the election. I hate Harper myself, but I'll give his campaign credit for their marketing skills. Time will tell, but I wouldn't be surprised if he wins with a minority government.

One thing that really irks me about Harper is he's no longer willing to talk to the media. Apparently, he forgot what his job description is. You answer to us, we don't answer to you. That's the way the system works. If you don't like it, then have a leadership vote within the PC party and find someone who is up for the job.

You're right though, Canada strayed off the path. I remember when I was a kid, Canada was known as the peace keepers of the world. Whenever the UN needed boots on the ground, it was usually Canada there to help. Nowadays, Bangladesh of all places is providing the most UN peacekeepers. Plus apparently, Germany is now the shining light of freedom, hope and a new life. Apparently, Germany learned a few lessons from WWII, whereas Canada decided to take a different route. Talk about ironic, eh?

As for the dogs, I don't know... up to her. If she thinks she's actually helping the street dog population here though, then she's delusional. I'll be surprised if the dogs even get sent to Canada. If she was actually trying to help the street dogs, she should be putting that money into education and funding of medical procedure to neuter / spade the dogs. Even that wouldn't really help though, as Buddhism dictates you can't interfere with life in that manner. I remember when I got my guys neutered when they were 6 months old, and my neighbors looked at me as if I was crazy.

September 23rd, 2015, 21:23
Here are the organizations!



It looks like they are building the first "Soi Dog" hospital in Thailand.

Of course, you can always help assist Syrian refugees through the Lifeline Group in Toronto.

