View Full Version : You've Been Trumped

September 16th, 2015, 23:11
You've Been Trumped documents how Donald J. Trump bulldozed his way into a small Scottish coastal community, bullying local residents - trying to force them from their homes - and trashing an internationally important coastal ecosystem to make way for a luxury golf course. The filmmakers are releasing the film for free ahead of the GOP debate tonight (Wed 16 Sept). Watch it now by going to http://www.trumpemergency.com

With the second Republican presidential debate scheduled for tonight on CNN, Films For Action are poised to release "you've been trumped" a documentary about Donald Trump building his golf course in Aberdeen, Scotland.

I'd be interested in hearing what the Scottish members really think of it all!




September 18th, 2015, 14:16
If the Republicans hope to win this election they need to nominate a moderate (for a Republican) like Marco Rubio (http://www.vox.com/2015/9/17/9347243/gop-debate-rubio-trump) - allegedly the candidate Clinton fears (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/05/25/marco-rubio-feared-by-hillary-clinton-and-democrat-party/) the most

For my part I still find Five Thirty Eight (http://fivethirtyeight.com/) the most interesting site on US politics (and much besides) - apart from the utterly irrelevant fact that its founder Nate Silver is a gay geek (http://gawker.com/5969477/sexually-gay-but-ethnically-straight-nate-silver-almost-gets-it-right-again). The site reported yesterday that Hilary Clinton is stuck in a poll-deflating feedback loop (http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/hillary-clinton-is-in-a-self-reinforcing-funk/).

September 19th, 2015, 04:20
It is a sad state of affairs when Marco Rubio can run as a moderate Republican. And I started out as a Republican--voted for Ford and the elder Bush (the first time).

The poll leaders, Trump and Carson, do not believe Obama was born in the US. Fiorina thinks that vaccinations cause autism---this led to a significant outbreak of measles not long ago due to uninoculated kids.

September 19th, 2015, 04:54
... the elder Bush ...It's a sad state of affairs when a respected father has a son whom the world despises ... if you catch my drift

September 19th, 2015, 13:13
Kommie: Not that respected, he only got one term .

As for Hilary, well I think she announced her candidacy far too soon. Although there are other candidates she often seems to be out there all by herself taking flak day after day. The documentary on Trump amply displays exactly what kind of a person he is.

September 19th, 2015, 14:17
Kommie: Not that respected, he only got one term.You're confusing respect and popularity

[attachment=0:9t4bazg3]19-09-2015 5-14-38 PM.jpg[/attachment:9t4bazg3]

September 20th, 2015, 05:01
The Hispanics' reaction (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/09/donald-trump-hispanics-213831) has been interesting. At least more of them will get to vote than the Scots whom Surfcrest mentioned

September 20th, 2015, 13:31
Kommy, I don't see any valid comparison between hispanic electors being able to vote in a Presidential election and Aberdeenshire electors not voting in what was essentially a local planning decision.

I haven't seen the documentary referred to - but it was funded by the BBC and one of its main aims therefore will be to show the SNP in general and Alex Salmond in particular in a bad light. Whether it succeeds or not in that endeavour I don't know.

It's my belief that the majority of people in Aberdeenshire were in favour of the Trump project at the time and regarded the handful of locals opposed to it as crackpot luddites. How do I come to that conclusion - from newspaper polls at the time, radio phone-ins, and talking to people in the North-East. People in the area (and nationally) were more concerned with the possibility of promised jobs coming to the area than some obscure plant which most people have never seen (the reason the area was designated a SSI). Trump was generally popular at that time because a) he was seen as bringing investment tothe country and b) we really didn't know how much of a cunt he was.

Where he lost support with the public was, having been permitted to build his golf course etc, he then threw his toys out the pram when the Scot Govt wouldnt bow to his demands to halt an existing wind farm project at sea. My understanding is that the wind farm is so far out from his golf course you can hardly see it anyway. At that point his standing went to being a slightly odd benefactor to a loud-mouthed American with too much money who thought he could push our incredibly popular Govt and First Minister around. MInd you, I can see how that approach would fit well with US Foreign Policy should he become President :))

September 20th, 2015, 17:36
I haven't seen the documentary referred to - but it was funded by the BBC and one of its main aims therefore will be to show the SNP in general and Alex Salmond in particular in a bad light.
Oh you mean they told the truth

September 20th, 2015, 18:24
If the BBC ever told the truth to Scotland it would be as a result of a mistake.


September 22nd, 2015, 15:48
The Hispanics' reaction (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/09/donald-trump-hispanics-213831) has been interesting. At least more of them will get to vote than the Scots whom Surfcrest mentioned
It's not about that. Even if it was, you'd be surprised at how many North Americans trace their roots back to Scotland and Ireland for reasons we've already discussed here.

This is a job interview and so everything of each candidate's character is up for review. If Trump has done something unethical in the building of this Golf Course then surely it will be up for discussion at some point, unles it is eclipsed by worse examples.

Tomorrow (Tuesday), Trump appears on the new Late Night Show with Steven Colbert. Colbert made Ted Cruz look pretty goofy tonight with a comparison to Reagan to what Cruz believes is wrong...or right. If you are going to talk politics with Colbert, you'd better know what you're talking about!



September 26th, 2015, 15:56
If the Republicans hope to win this election they need to nominate a moderate (for a Republican) like Marco Rubio (http://www.vox.com/2015/9/17/9347243/gop-debate-rubio-trump) - allegedly the candidate Clinton fears (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/05/25/marco-rubio-feared-by-hillary-clinton-and-democrat-party/) the mostYou heard it first here - Rubio is one of the three most likely candidates (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-fiorina-carson-will-drop-out-of-white-house-race-soon-enough-2015-09-23)

October 10th, 2015, 04:11
Rubio latest - http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/20 ... -race.html (http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2015/10/rubio-not-trump-is-defining-the-gop-race.html)

I'm not saying Rubio will be the candidate, merely that Trump won't be

October 12th, 2015, 09:21
You heard it first here
You jest of course. Are you kidding ... you honestly believe yourself to be the first with this particular 'scoop'?
Jeeeesus, this is worse that I thought.

October 13th, 2015, 14:52
You heard it first here
You jest of course. Are you kidding ... you honestly believe yourself to be the first with this particular 'scoop'?
Jeeeesus, this is worse that I thought.
Doesn't that rather depend on the emphasis - which word or words or phrases have the most emphasis? Was here the first place you heard it? Or was now the first time it was mentioned on SGT? Since there's a context you've omitted, a link to another, previous article that is making the point it's hardly a claim to a scoop. Unless of course you've joined the Hate Kommentariat At All Costs Club?

In which case please take a number and join the (very) long queue. I do value this feedback. Indeed I value it so much I'm paying to notice it out of my own pocket. Yes - Brad the Impala will be pleased to hear - I'm paying a refugee to conduct interviews with every complainant and take fulsome notes of every complaint against me. And it's a win-win for him too - not only does he get paid (a flat rate per member I should add, so that's a huge amount of money) he's given the opportunity to interact with a large number of English speakers - his own language skills being quite abysmally low - so his English, spoken and written, will improve over time. I think you'll agree that's a very selfless act on my part.