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September 7th, 2015, 06:22
All or most of the stories about gogo boys are negative, in that they fritter away all their hard (pardon the pun) cash. Are there any success stories, say a gogo boy that paid his way through higher education and eventually landed a job that doesnt involve selling himself. Or one that managed to set up a business and break away from prostitution??

September 7th, 2015, 07:15
Well, there's one guy around the corner here who fixes motorbikes for a living nowadays. Does that count? Bit of a drunk, but he's got a daughter, seems like a good dad, and seems happy enough.

He's adamant though he never worked at a bar before. He only worked at a hotel in Pattaya, never a bar. :)

Think I'll call bullshit on that one. You don't move from KK to Pattaya to get a job as a doorman in a hotel.

September 7th, 2015, 07:41
A boy who I linked up with via GayRomeo had worked for a short period in a Pattaya beer bar and spent the money he earned on a fashion design school in Central Pattaya. He now owns his own fashion design shop in Buriram...employs 3 full-time dress makers, and seems very happy with his accomplishments.

A very good friend of mine who also worked at a host bar when he was younger...linked up with two great farangs who sponsored him in a joint venture which they operated together for years. After the farangs decided to call it quits, they sold the place and my friend went on to opening his own Cafe with the money he had saved for approximately 12 years. His place has remained a successful well-run business to date.

My very first Thai boyfriend saved every satang he could for 7 years to pay for advanced dance classes with the dream of becoming an entertainer at the infamous Tiffany's. When we met, he worked as a gogo boy at the old StarBoys Gogo, and 8 years later I was watching him on TV after he was hired by Tiffany's. He, to this day, is a great entertainer and lives a very well-balanced and happy life.

I am aware of many situations where working boys left the scene after saving their money to return to school, contribute towards a family-run business, or build a suitable house for their families with the money they saved. Some of them return to the scene again - and some don't.

Most of the working boys I know (not all) send the majority of the money they make to their mothers back on the farm, thus the reason they are always broke. Of course, the decline in customers doesn't help matters any.

September 7th, 2015, 10:25
ok, as someone who only spends limited time in Thailand...and then only in the farangr sex tourist ghettos I have no idea what happens to gogo boys who r past their prime...good to read that some...and I would guess a minority seem to have enough sense to think about their future.
I did encounter a sad case of a gogo boy who used to work at xboys in soi twilight, some of you may recall seeing a short guy with a pony tail, fantastic flawless slim brown body who used to do a very erotic naked with a hard on hula hoop show as well as bottom like a champ in fuck shows. He performed for about 4 years and then just dissapeared; I offed him off unofficially at least 6 times and there was nothing he wouldnt do, never smiled much but always very polite, obedient and eager to serve.
Saw him about a year ago..looked as old and haggered as the hills...begging on the corner of rama4 and silom, apparently he invested in a bar in his home town, got sick, got kicked out of his business...lost everything...

September 7th, 2015, 15:07
Those who make it through the period of life as a moneyboy will have themselves to thank for. The ones who fail are merely collaterals.

September 7th, 2015, 15:24
A great topic, Latin.

Maybe some of our replies will change some people's negative views of gogo "boys."

I had a regular "friend" in Pattaya over many trips. His name is Jack and he used to work at Eros. He's one of the nicest guys I've ever met, anywhere. He had a great personality, plus he ticked all the usual boxes- swimmer's body, always up for a good time in bed and blessed with a huge isaan cock. And he was the perfect bottom, despite being very masculine. But one day he just decided he'd had enough of the sex trade and is now working in a shoe shop in Mikes Mall in Pattaya. He earns a fraction of what he did as a gogo boy, but when I last saw him, he said he was very happy.

Quite a few other guys I've offed on various holidays actually saved their money and went back home to open small businesses. I'm not happy that they are no longer available for fun, but good luck to them.

Mai, another guy I offed multiple times from Adams Apple in Chiang Mai now owns, or part - owns, the Orion Bar in the night market. He was another guy like Jack who also ticked all the boxes. He obviously managed to save his money so that he'd have a future after the bar.

Some stories which seem to be heading towards success end up going down the toilet. I once met a guy from Cupidol in Pattaya who I actually almost fell in love with. What a guy! So quiet and reserved. So polite. We had lots of chats over many encounters spread over numerous holidays about his future. He was determined to save his money so he could open a juice bar near a university in Bangkok. But on a subsequent visit I found he'd left Cupidol. Oh well, I thought, he's finally left the scene and is now working in his new business. Disappointed, I headed off to Wild West Boys and there he was! But he had completely changed. He'd turned into a wild, crazy guy, yelling out in the bar and carrying on like a madman. I think he discovered drugs. What a complete waste!

But I've never thought that every single bar boy just fritters away his earnings and lives from customer to customer. That may be the rule - I don't know - but there are many exceptions in my experience.

September 7th, 2015, 16:51
I think there are probably many stories that we do not hear about. Some boys are lucky to find a Good BF who takes care of them for an extended period of time. Others latch on to a very wealthy BF and they are smart and save for their time together and then return home and build a house for their family.

FAMILY is so important in Thailand . Yes some boys have to have the newest phone but I find them to be the exception. Most of them send money home and return home when they can afford it. Then they come back and make more money. Their choices are so limited when compared to many of their customers.

I still remember a couple of years ago a Beer Bar Boy who spoke excellent English and was very good looking. Every night he would go off sometimes multiple times. I asked the owners about him. He had a good University degree and spoke perfect English but was in a dead end job because he had no family connections. Without family connections , no matter the education Thailand is not a good place to rise up in the Economic Strata.

He told the owners when he asked for the job that he figured out his only chance was to find a rich BF and that was why he wanted the job. This went on for about 6 months until he found his dream BF who was extremely wealthy and he left on his yacht. Last I knew they were very Happy and he was lucky enough to have found a good guy.

I know of similar stories that amazingly have worked out quite well for the boys. Yes they are the exception and it does seem to me to be happening less often then it did 5-10 years ago. But maybe that is because I spend much less time in the Bars.

September 7th, 2015, 17:06
So true too firecat. Social mobility isn't exactly one of Thailand's finer points, is it?

Nirish guy
September 7th, 2015, 17:32
..........until he found his dream BF who was extremely wealthy and he left on his yacht.

I SO need to go and start working in a go-go bar !!

Although I'm guessing I'd still end up poor as unlike the boys who SAY "I'll go with you for free" I'm such a tart I just probably WOULD !! :)

September 7th, 2015, 19:32
Sometimes I think it's hard for affluent farangs to imagine what it's like to really be poor. By affluent, I mean anyone who can afford to visit Thailand on a holiday, because that person spent more money on the plane ticket alone, than the average rural Thai family has to spend for food in a year.

It's very common to hear farang complaining about Thai boys being so wasteful, throwing their money around, or not planning for the future, and none of this could be farther from the truth. This is simply a misconception resulting from ignorance. Other than just being young people with the desire to party and have fun with their friends sometimes, they waste very little, are the last ones on earth to throw money around, and only plan for one thing, and that's to help their families.

I spent half of my life living in a jungle village on the border of Thailand and Cambodia spanning 8 years, and can attest to the fact, that these people have absolutely nothing. The money they receive from their children, if they are fortunate enough to have children, goes for food. Only one out of a thousand are fortunate enough to have a son or daughter coupled with a farang to help elevate them from a life of poverty. Then, and only then, do the Thai boys (or girls) have a future to think about. With that exception, their future is confined to the day...sometimes the moment.

Most of the Thai boys that you see working the scene are people of real substance and great character, and yes, many of them do fail, but they all have the same dreams and aspirations.

September 8th, 2015, 00:41
Dodger, I like you and everything, but please don't be do stupid.

They're not wasteful? Are you kidding me? It took me funding about 8 small business ventures before I finally just gave up on Kim.

Many of them are poor because not only do they not know how to sustain a proper income, they don't have any desire to do it either. If the desire was there, it would take nothing for a poor Issan boy to make say 25,000/month, which is decent for up here. I know this for a fact.

September 8th, 2015, 02:30
getting mixed messages, to be expected I guess as not everyone has the same drive. I don't consider shacking up with a wealthy farang as making it as thats just another form of prostitution, totally at the mercy of the farang. But still good to read that there are some success stories.

September 8th, 2015, 02:48
I recall a massage man in Body Club in bkk (now closed unfortunately) who said he had saved up to buy a cow which lived with his parents and was saving up for another one. I think it was true as he looked so proud to tell me. Another I knew has moved to Europe and lives with his farang. Good luck to all of them. At least we spread some much needed cash around.

September 8th, 2015, 04:26
They're not wasteful? Are you kidding me? It took me funding about 8 small business ventures before I finally just gave up on Kim.

Matt, I don't intend to sound like a know-it-all, but did it ever ocurr to you that running a business was outside of Kim's skill set?

As you and I know, many people try their hand at running their own small businesses and fail, including well-schooled westerners who have a much better educational background and broader experience range than a Thai boy from rural Thailand.

Are you sure that Kim actually wanted to run a business, or was this something you felt that was best for him?

Also, was it Kims money that was waisted - or your money?

If it was his money, then you are correct, he was being extremely waistful.

If it was your money, then you have something to think about.

September 8th, 2015, 05:48
so true, internet is full of tales of people in the west (US & UK mainly) who win millions on lotto and are shit poor a few years later because they simply cannot manage their lives...so its not only Thais.
Reckon the guy who is buying cows comes from a farming back ground and this is what he knows best...its what works for him...excellent.
Funny, even though i do treat money boys like disposable items and during our dates i really don't care a fuck how they feel or their comfort, it really is all about me, my pleasure and what I get out of it...I am glad that eventually some do manage to move onto something less degrading.
Highlight is there always seems to be a steady stream of new arse on the the market as the old stuff moves on one way or another.

September 8th, 2015, 16:20
Matt, I don't intend to sound like a know-it-all, but did it ever ocurr to you that running a business was outside of Kim's skill set?

No, he was a pro at it. But yeah, I somewhat pushed him into all the ventures. I wanted him to earn some money, and be stable on his own two feet. That's not a bad thing, especially considering before that he was wandering around on stage in a Pattaya go-go bar in his whitey tighties, hoping someone would fuck him so he could afford his share of rent with the 5 other guys he was living with.

BBQ was by far the best venture. Good 16 hour days though, so not easy, but by far the most profitable. You have to be up at 6am to go to the markets and grab your meats / veggies in bulk, then spend the morning cutting & bagging everything up, making the chilli sauce, etc. Then two markets each day to sell -- only in early afternoon, one during dinner.

Again, good 16 hour days, but that's life. And it was a good 25,000/month. What's your average say bank clerk here make? 14,000/month?

He could have made it if he wanted to. He was just too lazy to do so. Ended up selling the motorbike + sidecart I bought for him so he could buy some whiskey one morning for him and his friends after an all night drinking fest.

September 8th, 2015, 17:24
I like this thread and although I have no direct experience in funding a Thai Boy in a business, I have some thoughts and some experience with non Thai boys?

1. Might depend on how long boy had been in the Sex Trade and whether he had ever had a real job where he had to work 10-12 hours a day .

2. What he saw in his own family. Did his parents work hard every day even if they were poor?

3. Did he have older siblings who worked in real jobs ?

4. Did he want and expected to help his parents.?

5. And of course does he think the money will keep coming from his BF regardless?

September 8th, 2015, 17:58
Matt, it sounds like you did your best, and offered him more chances than most would have.

Personally, I don't do the "Buy Thai Boy Business Thing". When I made the statement earlier regarding: Thai boys not wasting money, it was intended to mean "their money", as they are world-renouned for their ability to waste farang money.

September 8th, 2015, 23:21
. . . He told the owners when he asked for the job that he figured out his only chance was to find a rich BF and that was why he wanted the job. This went on for about 6 months until he found his dream BF who was extremely wealthy and he left on his yacht . . .
Wow! What a lucky lad! He seems to have hit the jackpot, if he was indeed searching and waiting to hook up with a rich fa-r├аng. I am reminded of the final scenes in the film, Some Like It Hot when Daphne, the Jack Lemmon character, went off with Osgood, the millionaire with a large yacht. When told by Daphne he was a man in drag, Osgood didnтАЩt seem to care and said, "Well, nobody's perfect."

ok, as someone who only spends limited time in Thailand...and then only in the farangr sex tourist ghettos I have no idea what happens to gogo boys who r past their prime...good to read that some...and I would guess a minority seem to have enough sense to think about their future . . .
Ah, an interesting topic latintopxxx, which IтАЩm sure IтАЩve probably posted about previously. The best example I can think of is a Thai friend of mine, who worked at Dream Boys in Bangkok for a number of years. As far as I can remember, he had several fa-r├аng boyfriends/admirers on the go at the same time. He was quite a smooth talker and managed to persuade them all to part with sizeable amounts of money. I very much doubt they were aware of each other. I began to admire him; he was quite an astute businessman with a long term plan for his future. Over the course of his period as a money-boy he managed to accumulate quite a considerable sum in donations from his partners. With the money he bought a generous amount of land in and around my then boyfriendтАЩs village up in ├м-s─Бan (the north-east). He actually ended up with more land than my then boyfriendтАЩs father and co-owned some land with him. He also bought a large house in the village and put up his sister and her family to work on the farm. I also recall he purchased a rather smart tractor, which was considerably better than the old, rickety tractor belonging to my then boyfriendтАЩs family.

He also managed to buy a Thai restaurant in Bangkok after he had left Dream Boys, which required quite a bit of capital investment. From what I can see he seems to be making a good fist of it.

For a few years he had a very cute boyfriend from Laos, who also worked at Dream Boys. He too managed to squirrel away a significant amount of money. Occasionally, they would be separated for weeks on end as each one was holidaying with a fa-r├аng or Asian customer. Of course neither boy mentioned the fact he already had a boyfriend to their customers. This didnтАЩt concern either one of them as their priority was to save as much money as possible and plan for the day when both would leave the sex trade. Things didnтАЩt end up quite as planned however when the cute boy from Laos took rather a fancy to one of his fa-r├аng customers. They split up and the boy from Laos and the fa-r├аng moved to Laos where, I believe, they set up home in a new house which they built in the village of the Lao boy. Unperturbed, it wasnтАЩt long before my friend found a young, cute, Thai boyfriend, who took up employment in the restaurant, where both are currently working happily together.

In contrast however, I have also known quite a few go-go bar boys who, after a few weeks, or months decided to give up the ghost, leave the go-go bar scene and moved back to their home towns or villages. Some even stayed in Bangkok and found more mainstream jobs.

To give one specific example, a friend of another Thai guy I was seeing on a casual basis, having met him in Hotmale Bar in Bangkok, decided he too wanted to meet a fa-r├аng boyfriend. He found a position in Classic Bar in тАШSoi TwilightтАЩ. After one week he complained that he wasnтАЩt being offтАЩd and was getting bored spending hour after hour on stage every night and making very little money. He wasnтАЩt my type, but not unattractive. I recall being invited to meet with him one night in Classic Bar. He wasnтАЩt the pushy type and I suggested he needed to try and engage with the customers more than he was doing. Unfortunately, he was rather shy and was reluctant to be more proactive. I tried, but failed, to convince him that some of the customers were just as shy and some would prefer if he took the initiative and indicated that he liked the customer. It didnтАЩt work out and after 2-3 weeks he left. I imagine this sort of thing happens quite often. Some will clearly be more suited to this type of work and will be better at it than others.

Sometime later I heard that my friend had moved to a massage joint in Nana, but wasnтАЩt much more successful there. One night he called me and asked if he could practice his massage technique on me. Well, after a few perfunctory, тАЬOh, IтАЩm not really sureтАЭ comments, I submitted and agreed to see him. There was certainly nothing wrong with his massage skills and, in order to check the validity of my first assessment, I agreed to see him another two or three occasions! Lol! But, work wise, IтАЩm afraid to say, he failed to make enough money in massage and ended up returning home.

I suspect that my last tale bears more resemblance to the majority of sex worker cases than my first story, although I have no empirical evidence to back up, what is no more than a gut feeling on my part.

September 10th, 2015, 16:58
I have kept contact with half a dozen boys who worked in B T and Sunnee in the past. All of them have done pretty well holding down normal jobs, have wives and kids and while in the "entertainment" game kept Mamma, Paw and the extended clann alive.
They're now drivers, mechanics etc and speak better english than the lecturers in the universities they never got into.
There are spectacular cases of success and failure but in general I think selling ass in a buddhist environment is to be lauded.

September 10th, 2015, 23:27
. . . but in general I think selling ass in a buddhist environment is to be lauded.
Ah . . . but to misquote a misquote of Mandy Rice-Davies, at the 1963 Old Bailey trial of Stephen Ward, тАЬWell [giggle] you would say that, wouldnтАЩt you.тАЭ


But surely, there can be few of us here who donтАЩt heartily agree with the sentiments expressed by thaiguest above. If they were indeed averse to, тАЬselling assтАЭ then I guess I for one would be spending the winter months in Thailand lounging on a beach, improving on my sun tan and getting routinely pickled of an evening. Or perhaps, looking for a new holiday destination!

Speaking of which, is there a comparable alternative to the delights offered in the Far East? Is there, for example, although somehow I doubt it given the current situation in Russia, any possibility of a vibrant rent-boy sector being permitted in that country? I suppose, if anyone will know, surely latintopxxx will have first-hand knowledge. The reason I ask is that I was exchanging messages with a young Russian guy the other night. And I was surprised when he informed me that he earned a miserably low $280 a month, the equivalent of 9,747 baht, which surely must be very close to the national minimum wage in Thailand. He said his salary was barely enough to pay for his food and rent, something that sounds very familiar.

September 11th, 2015, 00:39
Most of the Thai boys that you see working the scene are people of real substance and great character, and yes, many of them do fail, but they all have the same dreams and aspirations.

I met a few boys of real substance and great character, but most of the Thai boys I met in the gay prostitution scene are rather dumb and lazy (and I do mean dumb and not uneducated, which can be helped by schooling).

A brilliant example is a boy whom I first met in a Pattaya gogo bar and who now lives in Bangkok (probably set up by his Farang boyfriend?). He studied German language for some months (probably set up and paid for by his Farang boyfriend?), but when I talked to him in German, he told me he forget everything (surprisingly, his English spoken and written is quite good). A unique chance wasted! He spends his time sleeping, playing internet, watching TV (at least last time we met he had no job, and half a year before he had no job).

ChristianPFC "Where would you like to go?" (That is meant as an invitation, I will pay for anything reasonable!)
Boy "I don't know."
ChristianPFC "What would you like to do?"
Boy "Sleep/Watch TV."

Is a telltale conversation to detect this kind of boy.

But you have to be careful: "I don't know." can mean "I have no interests other than sleeping, eating, social networks, TV" (no dreams and aspirations other than reaching the next level of Angry Birds) or "Let's go to my or your room and have sex!"

September 11th, 2015, 03:13
. . . but in general I think selling ass in a buddhist environment is to be lauded.
Ah . . . but to misquote a misquote of Mandy Rice-Davies, at the 1963 Old Bailey trial of Stephen Ward, тАЬWell [giggle] you would say that, wouldnтАЩt you.тАЭ


But surely, there can be few of us here who donтАЩt heartily agree with the sentiments expressed by thaiguest above. If they were indeed averse to, тАЬselling assтАЭ then I guess I for one would be spending the winter months in Thailand lounging on a beach, improving on my sun tan and getting routinely pickled of an evening. Or perhaps, looking for a new holiday destination!

Speaking of which, is there a comparable alternative to the delights offered in the Far East? Is there, for example, although somehow I doubt it given the current situation in Russia, any possibility of a vibrant rent-boy sector being permitted in that country? I suppose, if anyone will know, surely latintopxxx will have first-hand knowledge. The reason I ask is that I was exchanging messages with a young Russian guy the other night. And I was surprised when he informed me that he earned a miserably low $280 a month, the equivalent of 9,747 baht, which surely must be very close to the national minimum wage in Thailand. He said his salary was barely enough to pay for his food and rent, something that sounds very familiar.

Yes I would "say that" for sure and probably so would you.(giggle) .
You know what this forum deals with -do you not? (giggle). Ugh !

September 11th, 2015, 03:19
Most of the Thai boys that you see working the scene are people of real substance and great character, and yes, many of them do fail, but they all have the same dreams and aspirations.

I met a few boys of real substance and great character, but most of the Thai boys I met in the gay prostitution scene are rather dumb and lazy (and I do mean dumb and not uneducated, which can be helped by schooling).

A brilliant example is a boy whom I first met in a Pattaya gogo bar and who now lives in Bangkok (probably set up by his Farang boyfriend?). He studied German language for some months (probably set up and paid for by his Farang boyfriend?), but when I talked to him in German, he told me he forget everything (surprisingly, his English spoken and written is quite good). A unique chance wasted! He spends his time sleeping, playing internet, watching TV (at least last time we met he had no job, and half a year before he had no job).

ChristianPFC "Where would you like to go?" (That is meant as an invitation, I will pay for anything reasonable!)
Boy "I don't know."
ChristianPFC "What would you like to do?"
Boy "Sleep/Watch TV."

Is a telltale conversation to detect this kind of boy.

But you have to be careful: "I don't know." can mean "I have no interests other than sleeping, eating, social networks, TV" (no dreams and aspirations other than reaching the next level of Angry Birds) or "Let's go to my or your room and have sex!"

Fail to understand why you jump through hoops to stay in Thailand. You have to keep leaving the country and then come back to chase Dumb, Lazy Boys.

I don't get it. Why don't you go somewhere where the quality of the money boys meets your standards?

September 11th, 2015, 04:48
1 Some will handle their money well and get on, some will not. I know one at University and another who showed admirable discipline in putting money into the bank.

2 As for describing Thai boys as lazy, well exactly how much work do those making the comments do for a living? I'll exempt anyone who earned a well deserved retirement.

September 11th, 2015, 19:27
RE: success stories..gogo "boys" - Split Topic

The side discussion about Europe and Russia was split from success stories..gogo "boys" and moved to the Sawatdee Gay World forum.



September 11th, 2015, 20:59
I don't get it. Why don't you go somewhere where the quality of the money boys meets your standards?

He didn't say they didn't. Physically they probably do meet his standards. Is your average sex tourist more interested in meeting boys of 'real character' or ones whose looks turn him on? Going by your own contributions elsewhere I think I know which camp you belong to - and it's the same for most of us if we're honest. If they have an attractive personality, that's a bonus.

September 11th, 2015, 23:31
We come here for sex. They choose to sell it. Thats it.

Money boys in New York are just as lazy as money boys in Pattaya or anywhere else in the world. If you can stomach the work..... It truly is fast easy money. Thus lazy guys choose this work. And the easy money probably makes them even more lazy over time.

Why go to university and work your ass off..... when you're friend's brother did that..... and he makes less than half the income you do... And you only work a couple of hours a day maximum.

Note that I'm not judging. I'd take fast easy money too!

( I'll comment on Russia etc on the other thread. )

September 12th, 2015, 06:52
I've heard lots of proposals from boys about how they can make money if only someone will fund them - not just in Thailand. Lots of people have fantasies about being self-employed. Half of all new businesses fail within five years - and that's a worldwide statistic, although best evidenced by this article (http://www.businessknowhow.com/startup/business-failure.htm) in Business KnowHow. I wouldn't expect the Thais to be any different

September 12th, 2015, 08:34
People the world over somehow think that owning your own business is like a major "Jeanie in a bottle" that let's you sleep in, barely ever do any work, and the money just magically shows up in your bank.

Of course, the failure rate of moneyboy business startups funded by falang boyfriends must be like 99.5%.

I've always just said, Hell no! I'm not opening a restaurant for you until you've worked in one for at least 3 years.... in every position. "They call it work.... because you're supposed to work..." And the owner works 100 times harder than any staff do.

September 12th, 2015, 11:45
"Jeanie in a bottle"
=)) :))

September 12th, 2015, 15:33
Maybe Bruce had this in mind?

September 12th, 2015, 18:15
About an alcoholic named Jeanie....? =P~

I blame Google voice to text.

In fact, I blame Google voice to text for *all* that I say.