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View Full Version : How Much do Bar Boys earn

June 27th, 2006, 01:16
hey, ive started to help my b/f with monthly allance
not sure if hes still working or not. hes cute and great at sex. how much would he earn. used to work Hotmale in BKK.

June 27th, 2006, 10:30
It may be easier to ask how long is a piece of string!

Monthly a boy may earn anything from 4,000 baht (calculated at one off per week at a miserly 1,000 baht per off) to 45,000 baht per month (a little on the high side), calculating if a boy who is offed every night at a more respectable 1,500 baht per night. It may sound outrageous to suggest a boy may be offed every night, but according to some Thai guys (and a few Farang I have spoken with), there are several 'superstars' dotted around various bars who are indeed offed every night. Assuming your boy is NOT one of these you can probably edge towards the lower figure and maybe 10,000 baht per month would cover him for 'loom', food, additional extras and also leave some money to send home to mama & papa. Of course, this is no guarantee that he will stop working in a bar or find another job as your monthly allowance may just be seen as a pleasant bonus to his normal income. I believe that most of the gogo bars do also give the boys 2 - 3,000 baht per month income from the bar - am I wrong?

June 27th, 2006, 10:59
Now tell us how much wood could a woodchuck, chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

I am told it is as much wood as a woodchuck could, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

June 27th, 2006, 11:50
depends on how many farangs are supporting him with money while they are away and he is still working...

June 27th, 2006, 14:53
Work it out......A young person who has just graduated with a degree will be lucky to get a starting salary of 10,000 Baht a month working full time with a well established company..................

June 27th, 2006, 16:59
and don't forget to put a little 'wrist' into it!

Now tell us how much wood could a woodchuck, chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I am told it is as much wood as a woodchuck could, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Would that be the slang, 'wood?... As in, "I've got, "a woody?"
And about that, 'chuck'....

June 27th, 2006, 18:42
Work it out......A young person who has just graduated with a degree will be lucky to get a starting salary of 10,000 Baht a month working full time with a well established company..................

And a Hotel receptionist in Pattaya earms from 4000-8000 a month depending on the hotel.

June 27th, 2006, 19:51
and don't forget to put a little 'wrist' into it!

Now tell us how much wood could a woodchuck, chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I am told it is as much wood as a woodchuck could, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Would that be the slang, 'wood?... As in, "I've got, "a woody?"
And about that, 'chuck'....

I think the chuck comes dear Edith after they've being sampling your woody.

As to how much a bar boy earns a month, well as someone has already mentioned above it depends on how many farangs are sending him money.

June 27th, 2006, 20:04
Work it out......A young person who has just graduated with a degree will be lucky to get a starting salary of 10,000 Baht a month working full time with a well established company..................

And a Hotel receptionist in Pattaya earms from 4000-8000 a month depending on the hotel.

Lesson learned the hard way--By me--add, Their Finances, to the list of Taboo Topics of Discussion:
I knew a--out to earn tuition--college boy who turned down a 4,000-baht-a-month job at a hotel (Short) walking distance from his room; in favor of 4,200 for working as a 'show boy' at a (Straight) Chinese Tour bus\no tips night club in North Pattaya. He was paying for song tau or (Usually) moto'cy taxi, round trip every day, costing an average 900-or-more baht month = about 3,300\mo. net.
He looked at me like lightening had struck him between the eyes, after I mentioned it; then broke down in tears, crying, "Me Ting-Tong!" when I showed him the figures--And expected me to make up the difference: because it was all my fault! For doing the math!

I think the chuck comes dear Edith after they've being sampling your woody.
As to how much a bar boy earns a month, well as someone has already mentioned above it depends on how many farangs are sending him money.

And after sampling yours comes, upchuck, deary.

Yes, how much money he earns depends on how many are sending him--And, don't forget, on how many are bending him.

By the way, are you same-same boygorge\(BB)Billy's exiled old (Alter ego: Billy with no class.) Aunty\aka L & M's Granny, Mrs. Ydney?

June 27th, 2006, 20:28
[quote="Fatman41"]Monthly a boy may earn anything from 4,000 baht (calculated at one off per week at a miserly 1,000 baht per off) to 45,000 baht per month (a little on the high side),quote]

1,000 bht misely - I don't think so, isn't that the general amount they get.

June 27th, 2006, 20:35
Ah no dear I'm not.

I'll leave you with your curiosity and intimate knowledge about boygeorge, OK? Birds of a feather flock together............???

Actually I imagine you'd look quite the site in a white feather suit doing the chicken dance, with your varicose veined legs sticking out like a couple of old twigs.

Oh and next time darling you're in Thailand don't shave your snatch and boil up the pubes and then try and pass it off as birds nest soup to your num. That's nasty.

June 29th, 2006, 01:46
cheers guys.

June 29th, 2006, 02:10
I think bar boys don't earn anything, I called my "bf" tonight and asked him why he don't respond to my sms for the last 6 days. because he has no money was the answer and an sms still cost 12 bht.
but he do miss me mak mak :cheers:
Time to send him 50 bht again, for 4 sms :clown:

June 29th, 2006, 07:27
A friend of mine had an off for several nights from Krazy. Got to know him well. He was one of the few the boy went off with.

The boy was going home ( for school) and he went with him to get his money

The boy received a statement showing he had a base of 2500 for the month, less the cost of his uniform ,
less a fine for not turning up one night and 2 fines for being late. He knew that and accepted it.

He also conveyed that the 20baht per look and sometimes feel adds up quickly , and he did not want to go off
preferring to average over 100 baht quiet nights and on a good night sometimes 200/300 or more

He was making more money that his friends in other bars, some of whom had only 1 or 2 offs per month

Earlier this year I offed several times a dancer from My Way in Phuket. He also received a wage and slept upstairs over the bar with most of the other boys for no charge. I know other bars in Phuket also have are being more generous.

I remember 10 years ago in Pattaya when the bar owners were very hard on the boys and it seems that things are not as rough for them as it was.

June 29th, 2006, 17:14
Actually I imagine you'd look quite the site...with your varicose veined legs sticking out like a couple of old twigs.
Those are not varicosities they are burns. It's what I get for trying a cut-rate beauty shoppe on Silom Road. They had me wear Speedos & drove me around to eight cabarets, where I had to lie on the stage during the candle shows...for a wax job! Some great views but now my beautiful legs look like flocked wallpaper!

Oh and next time darling you're in Thailand don't shave your snatch and boil up the pubes and then try and pass it off as birds nest soup to your num. That's nasty.

Law!...How gossips get twisted!
Not bird's nest soup for num! A certain Pattaya (Farang) restaurant buys them for ta-wenty-baht-a-kilo, mine, num's, num's family, etc. (But, please, no domestic animals.*)... To stretch out the steak-and-kidney pie.
*There are other uses for doggies & kitties.
No one's caught on yet and doubt they ever will. If some get stuck between farang's teeth, they just blame it on the boy friend, latest off, fido, etc.!

June 29th, 2006, 21:10
Actually I imagine you'd look quite the sight...with your varicose veined legs sticking out like a couple of old twigs.

Those are not varicosities they are burns. It's what I get for trying a cut-rate beauty shoppe on Silom Road. They had me wear Speedos & drove me around to eight cabarets, where I had to lie on the stage during the candle shows...for a wax job! Some great views but now my beautiful legs look like flocked wallpaper!

Well might I recommend to you then my dear, my favourite beauty salon in all of Bangkok, by the World Trade Centre. It's the Glamorama, and it's real classy. You might even find Pearl there. Now they know how to touch a lady up!

Oh and if you go ask for Letisha. Although many think she's Nigerian, he's actually from Baltimore. Used to be an All American Pro Footballer. Went to Bangkok for the op and never left. He now uses his severed member as a hair curler. Fancy that!

June 30th, 2006, 15:54
Well might I recommend to you then my dear, my favourite beauty salon in all of Bangkok, by the World Trade Centre. It's the Glamorama...Oh and if you go ask for Letisha. Although many think she's Nigerian, he's actually from Baltimore. Used to be an All American Pro Footballer. Went to Bangkok for the op and never left. He now uses his severed member as a hair curler.

One of you has the part before the whore (sic), again. I'm refering to: "He now uses his severed member as a hair curler," Pearl said, "His member would curl your hair!"

June 30th, 2006, 22:19
A couple of days ago I met up with a boy that I have known for some years. He works at Dream Boys now and is very popular indeed. He is fortunate in having a prodigious sexual appetite. I know that he often gets offed twice a night and he tells me that once he did five times. We were going back to my hotel but there were not taxis on Rama IV so he said don't worry I'll get my car - his monthly payments are 11,000 bahts.

I seem to remember Madam Jim of Boyz Boyz Boyz sayingt that his top boys sometimes earned 80 to 100,000 a month in high season. His suggestion was that this was many offs rather then only generous patrons.

I know that one guy from Dream Boys has bought a garage business for over 1 million baht. Another guy, ex Boyz Boyz Boyz and now touting in Duangthawee Plaza between film extra jobs, has a farm with over 50 cows. Sadly his former patron - a 30,000 baht a month and no sex one - died.

Mr John ex Tawan Bar has three patrons, a huge condo , a pick-up truck, a big Toyota, a wife and a girl friend and eveyone is happy.

These great stories of easy wealth are what keeps the farm boys coming - in every sense.

The other side of the coin is that some bars let boys go who do not get 3 offs a month.

June 30th, 2006, 23:13
I know that one guy from Dream Boys has bought a garage business for over 1 million baht. Another guy, ex Boyz Boyz Boyz and now touting in Duangthawee Plaza between film extra jobs, has a farm with over 50 cows........

Wow really? Has he got anyone from in here we know?

And here I was thinking there was only one Edith! Moo moo.

June 30th, 2006, 23:47
Milking cows! What a wonderful application of skills learned while working as a boy prostitute!

July 1st, 2006, 00:06
Very interesting article about this subject , ok it's from 1989 but still :geek:

THAILAND: GAYNESS, BAR BOYS AND SEX TOURISM (http://www.petertatchell.net/international/thailand.htm)

quote from the article:

For many, being a bar boy is the difference between poverty and a good standard of living. Most earn around 4,000 Baht (┬г100) a month. This is nearly twice the average city wage and three times the typical rural income of 1,300 Baht. Top bar boys can earn over 10,000 Baht (┬г250) a month (nearly twice the salary of a university professor).

being 17 years further, maybe the earnings have doubled or tripled.

July 1st, 2006, 03:57
In my experience 95% of the boys working in the Pattaya bars have less than 1 off per week... When you put this together with say 2,500 from the bar you would be looking at a figure of around 6500 per month...

That leaves 1500 for room rent+electric
and 5K for the boys to live on.
Some bars provide 1 meal per day for their boys... others have a cook and have all-you-can-eat food in the common area upstairs

I'm reliably informed that things are really really bad off-wise these days in Pattaya, and a lot of boys are living more on the breadline than normal...

Of course Bkk is different... the boys there tend to be more cut-throat and therefore probably earn more

And the 5%... well they make more than the whole of the rest of the 95% others!

July 1st, 2006, 04:58
In my experience 95% of the boys working in the Pattaya bars have less than 1 off per week... When you put this together with say 2,500 from the bar you would be looking at a figure of around 6500 per month...

That leaves 1500 for room rent+electric
and 5K for the boys to live on.
Some bars provide 1 meal per day for their boys... others have a cook and have all-you-can-eat food in the common area upstairs

I'm reliably informed that things are really really bad off-wise these days in Pattaya, and a lot of boys are living more on the breadline than normal...

Of course Bkk is different... the boys there tend to be more cut-throat and therefore probably earn more

And the 5%... well they make more than the whole of the rest of the 95% others!
Interesting info.
One of my old Thai bb buds was not doing well at all, lucky to get 1 off a month, and based on his obvious poverty, I believed him. I once asked him how much he would need to quit that great job: 30K baht a month. To watch tv. Amazing.

July 1st, 2006, 05:31
Interesting info.
One of my old Thai bb buds was not doing well at all, lucky to get 1 off a month, and based on his obvious poverty, I believed him. I once asked him how much he would need to quit that great job: 30K baht a month. To watch tv. Amazing.

The proud off Thais ! His poverty he accept but his proud stays (30K bath a month, does farang real think he quit that great job for less ? ). I understand if all what left is " proud ", how expensive he will sail his proud ! Think about the values that we gives to our proud .

July 1st, 2006, 16:19
I'm reliably informed that things are really really bad off-wise these days in Pattaya...Why is that, I wonder? I'm assuming that comment means "worse than usual for slow season". There seem to be as many tourists wandering around as in past off seasons. No new alternative venues, like the recently-announced-but-not-yet open Babylon-type sauna, to draw business away from the bars. What are all the Pattaya/Jomtien gents doing for tricks, these days?

July 1st, 2006, 17:51
In my experience 95% of the boys working in the Pattaya bars have less than 1 off per week... When you put this together with say 2,500 from the bar you would be looking at a figure of around 6500 per month...

That leaves 1500 for room rent+electric
and 5K for the boys to live on.
Some bars provide 1 meal per day for their boys... others have a cook and have all-you-can-eat food in the common area upstairs

I'm reliably informed that things are really really bad off-wise these days in Pattaya, and a lot of boys are living more on the breadline than normal...

Of course Bkk is different... the boys there tend to be more cut-throat and therefore probably earn more

And the 5%... well they make more than the whole of the rest of the 95% others!

Im sceptical of that........ I know some guys in BKK that get offed every day.............some 3-4 short times. The guys in Bamboo bar in pattaya get off a lot........some for a week or more at a time.

July 2nd, 2006, 02:18
My current boy (who I have now had for over a week in spite of my better judgement) worked for several years at Jupiter in BKK and now works at My Way in Phuket. He goes off at least six nights each week even in low season--and I've seen this for myself. He tells me in low season he earns 25K-30K baht per month and that in high season he earns 50K and up. However, he will try very hard to get 2-3 offs per night in high season, and he works every night.

He says many bar boys will get one off and then go to the disco or get an off and then not work for two days. Like any industry, monthly wages depends on how hard one wants to work. This boy is also paying for a home, a car, and two motorbikes (and he put himself through University), so he has to work hard. Many boys pay for nothing (except money they send home) and spend their cash as fast as they earn it.

He tells me in BKK, at most high end bars, boys are required to get 15 offs per month or they cannot work the next month. They also earn 120bt from the bar if they do not go off. In Phuket, I know of no bar that pays the go-go boys a salary, but every bar will provide a free room (shared dorm style) and food. Even in low season here in Phuket, I see a number of boys at My Way that are offed at least four nights each week.

However, the thing to remember is that most go go boys go home for long periods at a time, so when wages are averaged for a year the wages are not so high. Even the best boys want to land the farang fish to send them a monthly allowance.


July 2nd, 2006, 08:16
Many boys pay for nothing (except money they send home) and spend their cash as fast as they earn it.What did you really mean to say? If they pay for nothing, how do they spend their cash?

July 2nd, 2006, 10:53
Many boys pay for nothing (except money they send home) and spend their cash as fast as they earn it.What did you really mean to say? If they pay for nothing, how do they spend their cash?

Gambeling, is on top , to spend their cash !

July 2nd, 2006, 11:01
Milking cows! What a wonderful application of skills learned while working as a boy prostitute!Since the government through its practice of complete neglect of the education system has taught these kids no useful skills whatsoever, what do you expect? You'll recall the story in the Bangkok Post in May, that I reported here, about how the schools will be running out of teachers over the next few years - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... php?t=8067 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8067)

July 3rd, 2006, 01:54
Many boys pay for nothing (except money they send home) and spend their cash as fast as they earn it.What did you really mean to say? If they pay for nothing, how do they spend their cash?

Meaning that many are not paying for anything of substance: house, car, university, etc. They send money to mama and papa and spend the rest as freely as they get it. For many of these boys without a high monthly overhead, there is not as much of an incentive to work hard as for the ones who have a lot of bills.

It seems that boys who want/need to earn a lot of money, the means are there for them to do so. So, how much a bar boy makes is often up to them.
