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June 26th, 2006, 13:00
It seems if I off the same guy more than once his performance really seems to dissipate each time.Im not a cheap charlie either.In fact one guy I offed told me only to pay him 1000 baht after the first night i tipped him 2000 for an overnighter.this same guy was great the first night doing more than I would expect but by the fourth time I offed him he seemed totally disinterested.I really liked this guy but I will not off him when I go back if hes still there.He got real pissed when I couldnt understand his English,it was passable but you reall y had to listen. Same thing with a guy from Euroboys,first night exhilerating and then not as good(maybe my perception with that guy).I know youll say its cause Im ugly or dirty but not true for either of those,Im definitly more of a bear type so it could be body hair really turns them off since they arent used to it in other Thais.Anyone else experience this waneing of enthusiasm after the first off or is it just me?

June 26th, 2006, 13:10
It seems if I off the same guy more than once his performance really seems to dissipate each time.Im not a cheap charlie either.In fact one guy I offed told me only to pay him 1000 baht after the first night i tipped him 2000 for an overnighter.this same guy was great the first night doing more than I would expect but by the fourth time I offed him he seemed totally disinterested.I really liked this guy but I will not off him when I go back if hes still there.He got real pissed when I couldnt understand his English,it was passable but you reall y had to listen. ?

Make an effort to learn a little Thai.

You will be surprised at the difference it makes if you are able to comminicate even a little in his own tongue rather than he seeing that you are frustrated at not being able to understand him.

Maye he, like to majorrty of farangs prefers a variety of different sex partners or his lack of interest is probably the polite way of telling you he does not want to spend time with you.

June 26th, 2006, 13:22
Sex for the first time with a new guy can be exhilerating, a new face, a new body to explore, but too many new guys, whose names you forget and whose bodies begin to blend into one another can be a turn off after a while. Who knows why, or if, this guy began to lose interest or whether you projected your own lack of interest or desire for someone else onto him?

I agree with 'Naughty but Nice'. If you feel you like a guy, whose English may not be so good, ask him to teach you some Thai. If he is anywhere near a decent guy, he will have fun doing it and can provide some great comedic moments. My current num friend delights in my attempts to use my little Thai vocab' when out and about with his friends. If his friends smile or even crack up at my combination Thai and English speak all the better, he loves it and brags to his friends he is teaching me to speak Thai. It also improves his English believe it or not.

June 26th, 2006, 13:39
Yes your both right about learning some Thai,its just so damn hard to teach this old dog!This guy did see me leave with some very young looking go-go boys from Euroboys and he didnt appear too thrilled about that.He did mention to me that I should shave my chest hair as he didnt like it one iota,so Im thinking hes into hairless bods.In a reversal of sorts he did aproach me first as he works in an open air bar in Sunee.Well,since I can only visit LOS I will remain with my butterfly ways,and theres always a different boy to off on any given night. :bounce:

June 26th, 2006, 17:13
Some really do 'do everything' but the thing a farang prefers may not be the thing they prefer--Heaven forbid they would tell you--so.... I've met a few who told me, 'After two nights with farang, have to go (with) Thai.' Some who pray to hook up long-time--And .05%, for whom I was 'Last Chance Saloon;' used my tip to get out of Dodge\Pattaya.
I think you've just had a run of 'same-same.' There are all kind out there. I'd say, Keep looking, but sounds like you would rather butterfly anyway so, when they come down with a case of ennui be glad it's nothing requiring antibiotics; say bye-bye with a sad puppy-dog look, close the door gently, do a little happy-days-are-here-again chicken-dance around the room (Don't slip on the tile.) and, 'Tally ho!' Ho--On with the hunt! The chase is as much fun as the shooting.

I agree, speaking Thai does help.

June 26th, 2006, 17:35

What you're experiencing is the norm.

I've always felt that the best sexual experience with a boy is during that first encounter. The second is usually darn good as well, but by the third, a sense of complacency usually sets in and the boy starts expecting more and delivering less.

The working boys follow a very distinct business model as follows:


Step One: Bait the Hook
Get the farang to off you no matter what you have to do to accomplish this. Smile at him using those facial expressions you see on the soap operas, do whatever you can to make your cock stiff when you're on stage, if he (the farang) is focusing on your cock just start massaging it slowly to keep his attention. If he buys you a drink, sit with your leg touching his and place your hand on his thigh. No matter what the farang says to you, just respond with "Up to You." If he wants to grab your cock - just let him. Better yet, as embarrassing as this is having someone fondling your cock in public, smile and start groaning softly as if you really like it. Remember, it doesn't matter how old he is or what he looks like, the primary objective at this stage is to position your farang for Step Two.

Step Two: Set the Hook
The first time you have sex with the farang, suck him like there's no tomorrow. Remember to spend a lot of time in the shower so the farang will be less apt to want to sit around and talk, because even if you do understand a little English, he'll make no sense to you anyway. Don't wear your underwear when you get in bed with him. Just come out of the bathroom draped in a towel. This way your underpants will stay fresh for your next farang. Do whatever you can to please the farang at this point, and remember, he's old and won't last that long anyway, so just fu*k his brains out for 10 or 15 minutes and you'll be finished for the night. If the farang wants you on the bottom, than by-all-means try to satisfy his request. If you just can't get yourself to do this (especially you straight boys) just tell the farang he is too big for you. That way his disappointment will be offset by his inflated ego and he will just settle for a good blow job. And remember, farangs like cum. Yes, it doesn't matter where you shoot it, just make sure they see you cum...better yet, try to shoot it right in his face...that will get you a 500 baht bonus every single time. When you're finished with your task, remember to tell him how good he was and start flashing those soap opera smiles again, and regardless how much he tips you, remember to smile and give him a polite wai. Remember, it doesn't matter how much he tips you the first time - the primary objective at this stage is to position your farang for Step Three.

Step Three: Keep em on the Line
Make sure you get a commitment from the farang for another off session. If he seems reluctant to commit just keep asking him the same questions over-and-over until he starts to bend. You can attempt to get the farang to off you for a long-stay (several days or more) but be careful not to scare him away. If the farang says he's not sure what he's doing the next night, just tell him you'll be waiting for him. At this stage you can start easing off on the sex a little as the farang will already have emotional ties to you. Remember that farangs have this thing about being loved and nurtured, so now you have to learn a new English phrase, "I Love Only You." This will help to secure your relationship with the farang even after he's departed Thailand for his home on Neptune. Because of the farangs emotional compulsion towards you, he'll typically start buying you things like cell phones and gold necklaces as an expression of how much he really needs you. Accept these gifts graciously, although you don't have to tell him thank you when he presents them to you. Just give him a shy smile and say nothing. This technique is effective for making the farang feel unwanted, and believe it or not, he'll typically buy you another gift before he leaves town because of his depression. At this point it is acceptable to tell him thank you. Make sure to get his e:mail address and some kind of commitment for money. It will only cost you 20 baht per week at the Internet shop, but usually ends up with the farang sending you money - at least once. Most farangs lie about this, although, if you have 3 or 4 farangs on your line simultaneously, it will reap the dividends.

Step Four: [b]Post Game Strategy
After the farang leaves town send him an e:mail message right away. This is where the third key phrase comes into play: "Miss You Too Much." Tell the farang anything you can to get him to send you money. Some tried and true phrases are; My mother needs operation, the water buffalo died, my brother had motocy accident, but the all time award winning phrase is... I have no money for loom. The reason this phrase works so well is that it gives your farang the impression that you are not going off with other farangs because of your love and devotion for him. If he refuses to send you money - just keep telling him you love him anyway. Eventually most farangs break down and send something.

Step Five: Bait Another Hook
Follow steps One through Four above for as many farangs as you can possible get on your line. If you're successful, you can have anywhere between 3 and 7 farangs on the line at the same time which is the ultimate objective. Hell, some of our super stars need trout lines. Just remember to keep repeating the three key phrases you received during your initial training, e.g., Up to You, Love Only You and Miss you Too Much. When one of the farangs starts getting emotionally upset because you don't tell him you love him or thank him verbally for the Nokia toys, then it's time to use the fourth and last key English phrase...You Think Too Much.

June 26th, 2006, 18:50
The working boys follow a very distinct business model as follows:................................


Step Three: Keep em on the Line
.....................Remember that farangs have this thing about being loved and nurtured, so now you have to learn a new English phrase, "I Love Only You." This will help to secure your relationship with the farang............

Oh really???? I don't think so. This Farang's middle name is Frosty Boy:- Often licked and never beaten. Believe me when I tell you that I make the White Witch from The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe, look as warm and fuzzy as Mammy herself!

..........Tell the farang anything you can to get him to send you money. Some tried and true phrases are; My mother needs operation, the water buffalo died, my brother had motocy accident, but the all time award winning phrase is... I have no money for loom.

I have typically found the following to be highly effective.

My mother needs operation, where's your family, your uncles and aunts? It's their responsibility. I have no money

the water buffalo died, where's your family, your uncles and aunts? It's their responsibility. I have no money

my brother had motocy accident, where's your family, your uncles and aunts? It's their responsibility. I have no money

but the all time award winning phrase is... I have no money for loom. you need to suck more farang cock. Where's your other farang boyfriends? Why can't they send you some money? I have no money.

June 26th, 2006, 19:00
[/i], but the all time award winning phrase is... I have no money for loom.

Advanced Lessons:
Tell farang loom costs twice as much as actual.
Don't tell him about the two room mates who each pay half the actual--And half the food, etc.

June 26th, 2006, 19:06
Great post dodger. I'm still chuckling! :cheers:

June 26th, 2006, 20:13
Hey AUNTY,you silly old poof,you still pumping the sheep over their in New Zealand.

Yeah you are jealous boy george, we all can recognise that.

June 27th, 2006, 18:47
Hes probably not even gay.

June 27th, 2006, 19:24
Hey AUNTY,you silly old poof,you still pumping the sheep over their in New Zealand.
No! The sheep pump her, you silly old Ozzie poof!

Hes probably not even gay.

Only because they took away `er frocks & rhymestone glasses and gave `er a bloody chicken suit...in which she looks like a feathered, knocked-up, pigmy elephant...Or was that pig with elephantastis?... I forgot.

June 27th, 2006, 19:41
If y'all just had one neck, I'd hack it through. Now turn around and kiss my sweet sequined arse.

June 27th, 2006, 20:03
In fact one guy I offed told me only to pay him 1000 baht after the first night i tipped him 2000 for an overnighter.this same guy was great the first night doing more than I would expect but by the fourth time I offed him he seemed totally disinterested.

Like everyone else, this guy has a life outside the bed. Did you ask him if he was OK? Did you ask him whether he had anything that worried him? Did you ask him "You look unhappy. Is there anything wrong?"

Considering he gave you a "50% discount", he probably liked you quite a lot. If you really like him, try to find out. If you like him not that much, off another guy.

June 27th, 2006, 22:47
Sex with anyone can get repetitive and boring, especially if it is repetitive and boring. Are you doing the same routine each and every time? Are you attentive to what seems to get him off? Look at where he touches himself when he's excited (one guy I know likes to be stroked just above his pubes, another one is turned on by massaging his armpits, and the nipples are always a good place to give some attention, unless they're not).

Chuckwow's advice about the guy's life is also good.

On the other hand, there is a tendency for Thai service to have "diminishing returns" in all kinds of industries, not just sex. It's the effect of the shop that starts to take you for granted and lets its standards slip. You can avoid this effect by not being so loyal t

June 28th, 2006, 00:42
Dodger, I am humbled by your knowledge!

July 1st, 2006, 17:55
Yes Dodger what an amazing post!

I'm coming to Pattaya in a few weeks and was checking out some of the Pattayian boys at gayromeo.com.
I sent a very tentative "Hi - how are you" to one cutie and got this back:

"wow i think i am so luckey becosue you message me and want to meet me yes i like you pics too and you look soooo good for me you know - I must meet you okay? you have thai number i can send sms to you or you need my number ????? how many days can we spend together ?? its many I hope yes beccose you are always looking so good and hansome to me"

Not really sure how to respond to such instant and overwhelming flattery!

July 1st, 2006, 19:28
Yes Dodger what an amazing post!

I'm coming to Pattaya in a few weeks and was checking out some of the Pattayian boys at gayromeo.com.
I sent a very tentative "Hi - how are you" to one cutie and got this back:

"wow i think i am so luckey becosue you message me and want to meet me yes i like you pics too and you look soooo good for me you know - I must meet you okay? you have thai number i can send sms to you or you need my number ????? how many days can we spend together ?? its many I hope yes beccose you are always looking so good and hansome to me"

Not really sure how to respond to such instant and overwhelming flattery!

With your wallet of course! And the fatter, the better!

July 1st, 2006, 19:41
Yes Dodger what an amazing post!

I'm coming to Pattaya in a few weeks and was checking out some of the Pattayian boys at gayromeo.com.
I sent a very tentative "Hi - how are you" to one cutie and got this back:

"wow i think i am so luckey becosue you message me and want to meet me yes i like you pics too and you look soooo good for me you know - I must meet you okay? you have thai number i can send sms to you or you need my number ????? how many days can we spend together ?? its many I hope yes beccose you are always looking so good and hansome to me"

Not really sure how to respond to such instant and overwhelming flattery!

I take it you havent been many times lol...........if you have a dollar for every time u will hear that u will be a very rich man!

July 1st, 2006, 21:55
I will be my first time! I guess it shows...

July 1st, 2006, 23:35

Just a suggestion:

This being your first trip to Adventure Land, I suggest that you avoid committing your time (and $) to this guy you linked up with on the net. I think most would agree that the first trip to LOS is the best, regardless of all the memories we have, that first time encounter is simply irreplaceable.

Give yourself the freedom to explore different venues and different boys, without being tied down to one guy. Remember the techniques the boys are taught in "Mamansans Training Course," and avoid getting hooked for as long as you can. Having said that, IMO the average farang visiting for the first time will get hooked within the first 72 hours after landing...just try to last that long...LOL

BTW...a reasonable tip for a short time is around 1,000 baht and an overnight stay around 1,500 baht.

And by no means get pulled into the cell phone or gold necklace routine. These kinds of gifts are reserved for us veteran farangs who are completely brainwashed at this point.

Stay free...smile as you go...and allow each day to unfold a new adventure.

mai pen rai

July 2nd, 2006, 00:02
Thanks Dodger - artful advice indeed...

July 2nd, 2006, 00:38
the average farang visiting for the first time will get hooked within the first 72 hours after landing...just try to last that long...LOL

Thats exactly how long it took me my first trip, took me four years to shake it.

July 2nd, 2006, 03:55
I have much the same problem with the current boy I have. He has so many great qualities, but the sex was never that great and now it is almost boring. He is quite candid, so I asked him about this.

He told me, he was okay trying anything I want and doing anything I want, but for him he really liked the mostly vanilla stuff. He has never been a fan of sucking cock, is quite ticklish when people try to kiss him or lick him on certain parts of his body, and is not overly adventurous nor has any desire to be. He likes kissing, fucking (both top and bottom) and really enjoys mutual masturbation while someone holds him. He says many boys start to relax with long time customers and don't feel a need to prove themselves as a sex toy. They hope the customer wants to be around them for more than sex and feel they can be more of themselves with longer time customers.

However, he also thinks many boys don't want to have sex with many of their customers that much (most customers are not a Thai boy's style--go figure), so with long term customers will try to limit the sex when possible. This boy says when he has a BF he doesn't have or want sex every day, so it is difficult to understand farang who do. Although, he thinks a good boy will provide his customer with sex when wanted (within reason) as the boy should be taking care of the customer.

I will say that this boy likes us to take another boy every so often and the sex then is mind blowing (the boy still doesn't do anything different than with me), it is just hot being in the middle of him doing it with another beautiful boy.

BTW Dodger, he read your post over my shoulder (he reads English fairly well) and got a laugh out of it, but then said "some farang know too much." After reading it, he got an odd look on his face and went and laid on the bed. The post upset him a bit. He wanted you to know that for Thai boys they must say "up to you" because they have no choice as they cannot control the customer. You also pointed out one of his favorite lines "miss you so much" which he uses with me all the time after any period of not seeing me for 10 minutes. He is mostly joking when he says it, but it is a phrase he knows well. He says "it is very common for Thais to use the phrase 'I miss you' when they meet friends or family they have not seen for some time. Why not use with farang?"

He also says every Thai boy wants someone to take care of him, but that for many, it must be the right person, and not just any customer. He also has told me before that several farang send him money, but not too much, and only when he is short or has an emergency, as he does not want to use up their generousity and wants to keep them as customers for a long time. He readily admits that some Thai boys are bad and use their customers and don't take care of them or mean anything they say to them. However, he countered that many farang are also bad farang and do the same. All, in all, it was an interesting conversation. I'm certain he doesn't like me being on this website!


July 2nd, 2006, 15:55
Don't commit all your time to someone you haven't even met, or even someone you have.
That's like going to a banquet--And filling up on bread!
(Curious) Did you send him your (own) pic?
I sent an old photo of Jean Harlow. Received about the same reply as you but he told me he likes blonds.
Maybe it was the bob.

July 2nd, 2006, 16:47
Pete said...
He also says every Thai boy wants someone to take care of him, but that for many, it must be the right person, and not just any customer.

a bit over the top really...how can your boy read every Thai boy's mind ?.

July 2nd, 2006, 18:56
The post upset him a bit. He wanted you to know that for Thai boys they must say "up to you" because they have no choice as they cannot control the customer.

pete...I think your BF and I are implying the same thing.

Let's play this scenario out:

A young boy follows the yellow brick road from his farm in search of gold, only to find himself standing on a gogo stage surrounded by gray haired aliens who are staring at his crotch. One of the aliens motions him off the stage to buy him a drink. The alien reminds him of "Gramps" on the movie "Lassie Come Home," with the exception that the alien is consuming alcohol, and Gramps never touched the stuff. The alien, who appears to be around sixty years old, smiles at him exposing two little shiny metal bars in his mouth that are holding his front teeth in, as he places his hand on the boys crotch. The boy sits nervously, just praying that the alien comes from a "jai dee" planet, and thanks him for the drink he just purchased. The alien then leans over, pushes his spectacles back up to his eyes, and whispers into the boys ear..."I like kissing - do you like kissing too"? The boy, who's numb with fear at this point, avoids looking directly in the aliens face, but responds with a polite..."Up to You."

Now granted, some aliens are a bit younger and may even be quite good looking, although the working boys are subjected to them all. How many times have you witnessed one of those monster aliens doing their thing. You know, those extremely obese guys who hobble around with canes making facial expressions that only Alfred Hitchcock could appreciate. Those are the ones who commonly delight the boys with this question..."do you take it in the ass"? You can only imagine how excited the boy is with this opportunity. I mean face it, the boy now gets to experience what it's like being fucked by a monster from an alien planet. If he's really lucky, the monster may even let him suck on his dick...WOW...it doesn't get any better than that.

Yes, Mamasan teaches them well, because if it was "Up to Them" they wouldn't be having sex with any of us. They'd much rather just be receiving the $$$

July 2nd, 2006, 20:29
Dodger, you make a mockery of our love for these lovely Thai "boys".
(Sorry Smiles...)
You know we are not aliens, just older men who appreciate a slim hard body!!!
And are willing to contribute to a boy's living expenses in exchange for the opportunity to hold it against us!!!

What bitter pill did you take today???


July 2nd, 2006, 21:59

The bitter pill I guess is the reality of the subject matter.

In response to the main topic-line of this thread, I'm only trying to express a perspective from the working boys angle...at least this is my perspective of their perspective.

Understanding how the boys truly feel regarding their interactions with us farangs can only serve to promote better communications between us. Just think about some of the questions we seem to struggle with so often, e.g., why don't they tell us they love us, why don't they say "thank you" more often, why do they stop wanting to have sex with us as often, why do attempts at LTR's have such a high failure rate, etc. etc., etc.

I've always believed that building a relationship with a Thai who is of another age bracket is possible, but not on my own terms. By my own terms, I mean having a relationship with all the Love (meaning my western vision of love) and all the romance that goes along with it. I have to be willing to accept the fact that this is not impossible, at least on my own terms it's not possible. As far as I'm concerned, understanding the nature of the guy(s) I love, or want to love, isn't an option, it's absolutely mandatory

I had a fairly decent relationship going with my Boy Special until I forgot the TERMS. The TERMS are, don't think too much, enjoy the moment, appreciate doing nice things for him and enjoy having someone to love. When I allowed delusion to take the place of these fundamental realities is when I got into trouble. There's a difference between loving someone and being in love and there resides the separation between most farangs and their Thai lovers. We can either accept these TERMS, and in which case, have the possibility of meeting someone we love and cultivating a positive and long-lasting relationship, or, just fall off the cliff into a deep pit of delusion.

Smiles is one of the rare farangs that I know who has maintained a successful LTR, but Smiles modus operandi is not the average, By not the average, I mean he does not date gogo boys. He has a relationship with a guy he met outside of the working circuit, who, if I'm correct on my math, should be about 35 years old now. Smiles is also a person who works out (running) regularly and stays in good shape physically. If you see a picture of Smiles and Suphot together, at least in my opinion, you don't notice a huge age gap. They just appear as two happy gay guys, with Suphot being the better looking of course because Smiles is a Canadian...just joking David.

This relationship is far from the average IMO, as most farangs, including yours truly, prefers having these adventurous mini-relationships with gogo boys...the very gogo boys who have graduated from "Mamasans Training Course." We're in trouble before we've even started...LOL.

I always caution myself to carve my opinions in sand versus concrete and allow the winds of time to change my mind, as is so often the case.

One thing hasn't changed, and that's the high level of respect I have for all the working boys. Being with them has altered the path of my life and I'm just grateful for the opportunity to re-live my adventures with them twice every year. I'm perfectly willing to continue my relationships on their TERMS, because, frankly, that's the only choice I have.

mai pen rai

July 2nd, 2006, 22:52
" ... They just appear as two happy gay guys, with Suphot being the better looking of course because Smiles is a Canadian ..."
Insighful thoughts in the above post Dodger ( with the exception of the insulting quote ).

I like your concept of attempted relationships being comprised of some bottom-line and definitive "terms" (for both partners, that is) . . . the lack of which may well spell doom for the success of the relationship. The implication that the achievement of such "terms" is rare (if not impossible) if the 'field' within which one delves is made up strictly of 18-24 year old Thai guys "in-the-business". I suspect that the success rate of "relationships" is abysmal long-term. (Though I do know personally a number of friends ~ not a lot ~ who seemed to have achieved this ... given the 'field')

But if that is the field one chooses to wander in (and more power to them), then let them have no illusions (as you seem to have none ... nowadays at least, and after some hard slogging uphill) as to the difficulties ... and the odds.

By the way, Suphot is 38 (not 35) this year (August) and as sexy and loyal as he has been from the start. He also thinks he's better-looking than me :blackeye:

Enjoyed your analysis ...

Cheers ...

July 2nd, 2006, 22:59

I've always believed that building a relationship with a Thai who is of another age bracket is possible, but not on my own terms. By my own terms, I mean having a relationship with all the Love (meaning my western vision of love) and all the romance that goes along with it. I have to be willing to accept the fact that this is not impossible, at least on my own terms it's not possible. As far as I'm concerned, understanding the nature of the guy(s) I love, or want to love, isn't an option, it's absolutely mandatory

What a truly incisive comment!!
Having had a B/S for five years, the one thing I have learned is to be mindful of the boy's wishes and his life-style outside of his go-go environment. I also fully understand that he is not my property and has a life of his own with people of his own age. To that end, I regularly let him have a free day and give him additional money to do as he wishes even though I have "offed" him for the period of my stay or at least several days at a time. I find that this works wonders and he becomes a lot more responsive to my needs and desires when we meet up again.

Of course, being a regular visitor, rather than an expat, this is a lot easier and naturally the very fact that he only sees me for three or four weeks at a time followed by five or six month absences refreshes the relationship at just about the time it might become jaded.

The boy needs to feel that he is being looked after and not just looking after you. How many falangs care to ask what HE wants to do of a day or evening?, how many ask the boy where HE wants to eat? how many boys are taken out only to be sat as a wallflower whilst the falang chats to his other falang friends?

A falang/Thai relationship needs to be based on a give and take basis (no pun or sexual connotation intended), especially where there is a large age gap.

One CAN have a successful relationship with a Thai boy whatever the age gap but it needs a lot of work and the ability to think of the boy as well a oneself.

July 2nd, 2006, 23:25
What a great thread- all very good advice for infrequent or new visitor.

For those stay here awhile, it only makes sense to start dating the "normal" Thais- there are plenty of them, after all. And the age/size factor doesn't always put all of them off. Plenty of bear fans and daddy fans here, and not just for the money (probably a result of hoards of runaway Thai dads). But it takes that old-fashioned courting, which is a kind of work, pleasant as it is- you have to search for someone, be available to them, woo them, and be faithful to them. So it requires a "personality" and a willingness to do more than point at a number and pay.

Of course, you pay plenty for a real boyfriend here, too- especially once the family gets involved. But that's part of having a real life.

July 2nd, 2006, 23:48
Lady Davina,

What's this thing with your using the word "falang"? The proper spelling, in Thai, is "farang". The R for Raw Ruea, not the L for Law Ling. Now get on with your lovely cynicisms.

July 3rd, 2006, 00:00
Lady Davina,

What's this thing with your using the word "falang"? The proper spelling, in Thai, is "farang". The R for Raw Ruea, not the L for Law Ling. Now get on with your lovely cynicisms.
Yeah, but most Thai people seem to pronounce R as L. Is this a lower class Thai thing?

July 3rd, 2006, 00:46
Lady Davina,

What's this thing with your using the word "falang"? The proper spelling, in Thai, is "farang". The R for Raw Ruea, not the L for Law Ling. Now get on with your lovely cynicisms.

Get a life !!!!!!!!!!!!

July 3rd, 2006, 01:16
Dodger, don't use the BF term for me just yet. The current boy is not my BF!

I would agree you and him are close to the same terms. I think for him, he does not want to be thought of as not genuine. He thinks his service is as genuine as any one would find in any service profession. A waiter may not really want to serve and clean up after a number of diners every day, but it is his job, and in the US at least, great service means better tips. Yet we never worry if a friendly and good server is genuine, or if they really like us and want to be our friends. We accept their service for great service and don't "think too much" about it.

Likewise with go-go boys. They provide a service, and the good ones (and the beautiful ones) make a damn good living in LOS doing it. My current boy thinks the service he provides is very genuine, and he is right. He doesn't set out to scam every customer he meets--quite the opposite. Like any professional he tries hard to build repeat business (we had a nice chat about names the go-go boys use and how a boy will try to pick a name that it easy to remember for a farang, so the farang can better remember him--my boy actually called it "branding"). For him, this sometimes involves building relationships over time, and exchanging emails, IMs, and phone calls can be part of this. Reserving time for a customer on his return trip to LOS is also part of this. Yet, the boy is still working during all of this-- he expects there to be some benefit for him for his investment of time.

I think what you are getting at and what is very true is that farang often fail to understand that they are a CUSTOMER, even in many LT relationships (that was certainly true in my last relationship). The boy they are seeing is a professional service worker. Many of us want to disparage them for doing their job and trying to do it well. My boy will readily admit that are many go-go boys who give bad service (over promising, under delivering, asking for more from a customer). However, it is the fault of a customer who stays with a boy giving bad service. If one got bad service from a restaurant, but kept going back to the same restaurant, then one should not complain.

Most farang hate equating what they have with a bar boy (even a short time off) as a service relationship. The boys know this, and the good ones will do everything they can to create the illusion for the customer that what they have is special. We are the ting-tong ones for being bitter about the ones who do it well and for often going back to the ones who do it poorly.

I think in many ways your fun post was right on the money (and even my boy would agree) except that so many of the good boys and the true professionals really don't set out to be malicious or to take advantage of a customer.


July 3rd, 2006, 04:52
Lady Davina, What's this thing with your using the word "falang"? The proper spelling, in Thai, is "farang". The R for Raw Ruea, not the L for Law Ling. Now get on with your lovely cynicisms.
Get a life !!!!!!!!!!!!... Lady Davina is illiterate in several languages

July 3rd, 2006, 05:40

Your friend sounds like a very nice person, and I think he's raised an excellent point, and that's the emphasis he places on the SERVICE factor.

Reminding us that what we are receiving is a SERVICE is good medicine, because that's exactly what it is. One of my personal challemges has been trying to seperate the SERVICE factor from my relationships with a motivation to bond ON MY TERMS, which has had disappointing results.

I agree with Lady Davina about allowing enough freedom to flow in a relationship to keep it healthy, especially with the age differences we're dealing with, although this acknowledgement of a persons needs is a two-way street. Remembering that the topic of this thread related to a trend that many farangs experience, where the level of sexual gratification one receives with a working Thai boy declines after the first off. And that still remains a fact.

I actually think I understand why this happens...even outside of the influence of Mamansan during a boys boot camp training. I stumbled across the fact that Thais in general have this abilltiy to focus-on-task, This characteristic can be seen in all of them, at all ages, regardless of what the task is. They simply have the ability to FOCUS and get the job done. I don't want to make any ties between this behavior pattern and Buddhism because the Colonel will get all upset, but I will say that it's a common trait within the Thai culture, and I'll leave it at that. When a working boy is at work, there's one task and one task only. Of course, following the Five Steps he learned during his initial training (LOL), his task is to satisfy his customer, and, again, only my opinion, I believe they do this almost flawlessly.

When a farang offs a boy repeatedly, or offs him for a long period of time, I believe the whole dynamics of the situation change. And the reason for this change is that, in the eyes of the Thai, the nature of the TASK changes. When you offed him from the bar the task was to provide you with sexual gratification, plain and simple. The more time you spend with him away from his work the more his definition of the TASk changes. And here's why I think that happens. The longer they are with us - the more they can see our real needs. They come to realize that sex is not the only thing that the majority of us are after. We are looking for a true bonding friendship, trusted companionship, love, romance, and all those other basic human needs, and the SEX, suddenly, and without any real intentional purpose, takes a back seat. The boy realizes he can't possibly fulfill the farangs emotional expectations and starts looking for a place to breath. The nature of the TASK shifted from sexual gratification to emotional gratification, and the boy had nothing to do with this. He was prepared to deliver a SERVICE, and he did. When the farang shifts gears and startes expected SERVICES which are outside of the scope of services they're capable of providing, then it becomes the boys fault. Nothing could be less true.

I stated in an early response to this thread that the best sex you'll receive is during your first off session, and I'll stick to those words. The problem with this, is that most farangs, including myself, don't view the working boys as pieces of meat, that we can just purchase off the shelf and toss to the wind when we're finished. We are as nice inside as they are. Cultural differences or not, we're all made of good stuff as far as I'm concerned. Well, let me back up a miniute. There are those, few in numbers as they may be, who are simply low-life individuals who treat the boys as badly as they treat themselves. Bad Billy Boy, you immediately come to mind, and at the risk of damaging our wonderful friendship, I'm afraid you fall right smack dab in the center of that category. But those situations are few in number. Most farangs treat the boys with respect, thus the reason I think they truly like us...exclusing you-know-who.

Lady Davina, again your comments come to mind. I think the way you described your relationship depicts the TERMS I related to earlier. So here goes...


Step 1) During your first trip to the Land-of-Smiles, visit as many gogo bars as you can during your first night and find that boy-of-your-dreams. It doesn't matter if he speaks a word of English because that's totally unessessary at this early stage. If you really like him, he will be there when you return in six months speaking fluent English. Also, stay away from the good dancers. They don't have dance schools up in Isaan and if he's doing the "moonwalk" he may be a bit over-seasoned. Wear clean clothes and present yourself in a calm and mature manner. Do not grab the boys cock when he sits next to you for the first time. I know, I know, it's hard to fight that urge, but just try to avoid this and make pretend you're a normal person for just a few minutes. Remember, this isn't the same as being back on your home turf in the west where you can sit in puiblic and rub your friends cock anytime you want, this is Thailand and it's a little more reserved here. Don't ask him silly questions about the scope of his services. If you want a bottom, you'll find out soon enough when you get him back to your room. If he's not, go and find another dream-boy. And whatever you do, don't sit there all night trying to figure out if he's the right chemistry for you, because he's not. If you like the way he looks, just off him and have a great time. Also, don't waste your time asking the mamasan for advce. Half the Mamasans will take you for a ride and you haven't been there long enough to know the good half. Just pay for his drink. smile, and hit-the-road.

Step 2) During your first off with a boy, he will suck you like there's no tomorrow. Don't be shocked at this, and don't think you've just hit the jackpot, because they're all trained to do that. If he tells you that you're just too big to bottom him, believe him, it will be much better to just leave it that way. When you first get to your room he will disappear for a long stay in the shower. This is to be expected because he wants to make sure he's clean and fresh for you. Don't plan to sit around and gab before sex, because he'll probably be so turned on by you that he'll want to jump right in the sack. If he isn't wearing any underwear under the towel...that's a sign that he REALLY wants you bad. After sex, tip him fairly (1,000-1,500 short time - 1,500-2,000 over night). When he asks if you want to see him again, just repeat the phrase..."I don't know-I don't know, I don't know" until he accepts this. Regarless of how good he was in bed, avoid making any promises until you've had enough time to clear your head.

Step 3) Never off the same boy two nights in a row. Regardless how bad you want to have him again...make him wait. Just find another dream boy and repeat step one above.

Step 4) Repeat Step 3

Step 5) Repeat Step 4

See how easy this is.

Good Luck!

July 4th, 2006, 04:57
**Also, stay away from the good dancers. They don't have dance schools up in Isaan and if he's doing the "moonwalk" he may be a bit over-seasoned**

Very funny - but quite true. I went to a few thai parties in the villages and none of them could dance at all! seems thrusting your arm up in the air is the hip move!

July 4th, 2006, 11:50
**Also, stay away from the good dancers. They don't have dance schools up in Isaan and if he's doing the "moonwalk" he may be a bit over-seasoned**

Very funny - but quite true. I went to a few thai parties in the villages and none of them could dance at all! seems thrusting your arm up in the air is the hip move!

If you add a bottle of SangSom into the raised thrusting hand and singing so out of tune that it even makes other Thai's raise their eyebrows, you just decribed my num friend.

Oh and great post Dodger, much of what you say rings very true indeed.

July 4th, 2006, 14:24
The boys I've been with in my - all too short - visits so far have been happy to just get on with their "work" without any fuss. Strangely of all the things they're asked to do the thing they least seem to understand is that I want to get up while it is still morning. I don't know how long they'd lie in bed given the opportunity - does anyone?

July 4th, 2006, 14:37
Until about an hour before they're due back at work.

July 4th, 2006, 18:35
**Also, stay away from the good dancers. They don't have dance schools up in Isaan and if he's doing the "moonwalk" he may be a bit over-seasoned**

Very funny - but quite true. I went to a few Thai parties in the villages and none of them could dance at all! seems thrusting your arm up in the air is the hip move!

Reminds me of a friend who told me he was looking for a boy who was dumb and innocent.
Next time I saw him he had taken Num to Buddha.
"So I guess he's dumb and innocent," I asked.
He replied, "Oh, he's so dumb, the first night we spent together, he put the pillow under his arse!"

July 4th, 2006, 18:42
I don't know how long they'd lie in bed given the opportunity - does anyone?

All day; unless you give him a 'jump-start,' otherwise; until he's hungry--But that precludes you empty the mini bar.

July 4th, 2006, 19:03
a cynic might argue that the reason the sex diminishes with time is that somebody is lousy in bed, and it probably ain't the boy!

July 5th, 2006, 01:08
Choosing to engage in sex with the same person multiple times reminds be of the new car analogy: there's nothing like that first drive. The second's great, too, but the third, fourth and subsequent excursions soon become routine.

It's a matter of familiarity with the equipment.

July 5th, 2006, 04:46
Good analogy,I just bought a new hyndai tiburon,a semi sportscar and Im not happy with it.I loved it when i was test driving it. :colors:

July 5th, 2006, 07:10
I always assume the sex diminishes because once he's hooked you, he starts working on another guy at the same time.

July 5th, 2006, 19:51
A strategy frequently employed by seasoned MBs is to slowing begin backing off (after the hook has been suitably baited). Although they'll rarely come right out and say it, what they're looking for is more (baht, cells, gold, gifts, etc.). When you find yourself at that point, you have to make a decision. How you respond will inform the manipulator and, once informed, he knows he's in control for the duration.

January 27th, 2008, 10:00

When one of the farangs starts getting emotionally upset because you don't tell him you love him or thank him verbally for the Nokia toys, then it's time to use the fourth and last key English phrase...You Think Too Much.

lol !!!

January 27th, 2008, 10:02


...Do not grab the boys cock when he sits next to you for the first time. I know, I know, it's hard to fight that urge, but just try to avoid this and make pretend you're a normal person for just a few minutes....

ROFL... you couldn't possibly have had a straight face when writing this Dodger...

January 27th, 2008, 10:35
Excellent thread this and your postings Dodger are first rate so well done.

However disagree strongly but respectively when you state words to the effect:

'If you want a bottom you will find out soon enough ' and you seem to suggest no need to find that out before going back to one's room.
In otherwords you are saying not to agree any preferences prior to offing from the bar.

In my experience:

It is far better to get agreement with the boy before offing him as to what roles are required assuming such is required namely, top, bottom or both as in my view that will help illiminate potential problems later.
If the boy seems to be hedging his bets, then do not take the boy off.

I think if someone does a survey as to what causes the biggest problem with the "off" system it will be found to be customers not clearly agreeing what is required as indicated above.

January 27th, 2008, 11:29
Well how can you expect a guy to want a repeat performance with an ape? Major turn off for most people.

January 27th, 2008, 12:01
Dodger..........Great post, as usual.

What is so sad to see is the guys who only visit here actually believe most of the B/S the boys talk about. What is even sadder is a small percentage of guys living here actually believe them too.

I guess as long as everyone is happy with the games, it doesn't really matter.

Play nice and play safe.......that is what matters

January 27th, 2008, 13:21
Thanks for bumping this thread. Talk about 'rolling on the floor laughing', bloody brilliant dodger and really quite informative.

January 27th, 2008, 13:29
A good topic to visit, since thread was started two years or so ago.
Sometimes the first time with someone is good and one thinks it could get better with another "off".
Often the second "off" is deadly and becomes the last "off".

Sometimes, one gets lucky and the action gets better each time or at least maintains it high level of satisfaction.
This can be dangerous as one starts to think boyfriend or steady.

Smart boys know that if the keep the customer happy, that it increases the chances for repeat business and maybe even
a benefactor who will keep them in the style they want to become accustomed to..
Smart farangs keep control of this situation and avoid the "I love you" words like the plague and make it clear that they are
free spirits and like to have sex with many guys.
Foolish farangs play the 'I love you" game and lose control, and maybe become high rise jumpers when their fragile hearts are
broken and they realize they lost the game and their life savings..

I am not a cynic and try to be realistic and am always glad to see relationships that work for farangs and usually there is
a mutual respect between the two men and a sense of the reality of inter-generation sexual relationships. Fools fall in love and
fools are easily separated from their money.. Trying lending money to that friendly farang you just met , who unfortunately lost, forget
or had his wallet stolen. Don't worry, his money is coming in very soon and you will get repaid, just not in your lifetime..
As I am slipping way off topic, it is time to get off this freaking computer and get some fresh air and look for love in all the wrong places!!

January 27th, 2008, 14:36
lol... still laughing at this one... "dancing in underwear on a gogo stage surrounded by grey haired alients who stare at your crotch..."

and ROFL... "when he sits next to you for the first time... make pretend you're a normal person for just a few minutes"... Dodger is NOT making us out as a bunch of freaks eh?

January 27th, 2008, 14:53
I actually offed a boy in my first visit and he was great... not fantastic but still very good.

Many months later, during a subsequent visit to Thailand, I offed him again.

For some reason, he was really incredible this 2nd time, unbelievable... I mean, the best sex I've ever had, anywhere. It was so passionate and he was so good... I was almost dazed afterwards. Sadly, it was my last night.

Also interesting, is that he was (and still is) the least pushy and most shy boy in the bar, but I think he's the cutest.

On my second trip back, I visited his bar a couple of times. He knew I was there (but I didn't see him at first because it was so dark and he was always dancing at the back of the stage) but didn't dare come over. When I finally asked him over for a drink he asked why I hadn't talked to him on previous nights. I asked why he hadn't come over to say hello, and he said he was scared I would say no, because he saw me say no to all the other bar boys who came over to talk.

And he's never said any of the things that I read, bar-boys typically say.. he does talk, but is quite reserved and genuine.... hmmmm, I've got to say I was quite smitten by him...

January 27th, 2008, 14:59
A good topic to visit, since thread was started two years or so ago.
Sometimes the first time with someone is good and one thinks it could get better with another "off".
Often the second "off" is deadly and becomes the last "off".

Sometimes, one gets lucky and the action gets better each time or at least maintains it high level of satisfaction.
This can be dangerous as one starts to think boyfriend or steady.

Smart boys know that if the keep the customer happy, that it increases the chances for repeat business.....

When have you ever seen a Thai ,in any business, give a shit about repeat business ? Rip them off, or give no more than you get paid for, is the motto of most Thais. Live for today is the philosophy in this country and most third world places on the planet.

January 27th, 2008, 15:15
I've seen plenty of Thais give exceptional service (more than necessary) plenty of times. In some cases it was even when they knew there's no chance of repeat business or recieving a tip... most of them are very good-hearted.

btw, Boogyman is a TROLL.... who has previously had multiple (now deleted) identities on this board.

January 27th, 2008, 15:40
how about this "I want go with you for free"

On my second last trip to LOS I desided I wanted some different experiences and was also a butterfly, I think i made 7 penetration, and only 1 asked in a very polite way if i could support him with some money. Thank you guys of CM.

January 28th, 2008, 14:54
Let's play this scenario out:

A young boy follows the yellow brick road from his farm in search of gold...

...who commonly delight the boys with this question..."do you take it in the ass"? You can only imagine how excited the boy is with this opportunity. I mean face it, the boy now gets to experience what it's like being fucked by a monster from an alien planet....WOW...it doesn't get any better than that.

ROFL .... NOT sarcastic at all lol

January 28th, 2008, 15:27
I've seen plenty of Thais give exceptional service (more than necessary) plenty of times. In some cases it was even when they knew there's no chance of repeat business or recieving a tip... most of them are very good-hearted.

btw, Boogyman is a TROLL.... who has previously had multiple (now deleted) identities on this board.

Not true jerk. Anyway, how could you know if it was true? You said some give good service without a chance of repeat business... how could they know there was no chance? Never mind, don't answer, you bore me.

January 28th, 2008, 17:23
Actually, I have found that it is MY interest that wanes after 2-3 days.
Butterflies are GOOD, so I keep telling myself!

January 28th, 2008, 18:53
Never mind, don't answer, you bore me.

Nowhere near as much as you bore the rest of us here Boogy, I assure you. With regard to what Beachlover said about your being a troll and having had previous identities here, you sure do everything in your power by your posts to back up his claim, as being one that there is every likelihood may be true.

Would that not be fair comment Boogey old boy, I think it is. http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u152/GeorgeThai/cool_shades.gif


January 29th, 2008, 00:28
He says "it is very common for Thais to use the phrase 'I miss you' when they meet friends or family they have not seen for some time. Why not use with farang?"

He also says every Thai boy wants someone to take care of him, but that for many, it must be the right person, and not just any customer. He also has told me before that several farang send him money, but not too much, and only when he is short or has an emergency, as he does not want to use up their generousity and wants to keep them as customers for a long time. He readily admits that some Thai boys are bad and use their customers and don't take care of them or mean anything they say to them. However, he countered that many farang are also bad farang and do the same.


I have found what he told you to be 100% true.

Many take a literal translation of some Thai phrases to be correct, missing the real meaning entirely. One of my building contractors says "khit tung" when he sees me, but I am sure he does not actually miss me, and I am equally sure that those who ask me "khin Khau le yang" are not actually interested in what I ate for breakfast - these are greetings / conversation fillers, nothing more. Similarly, when an Englishman asks "how do you do" he is no more interested in my medical state than an American who asks "how's it hanging" is in my anatomical details.

Although there is probably not too much in it, I have seen more farangs openly lying to, maligning or cheating the boys than the other way around.

While the Mamasan's Training Class may have been amusing and even informative in parts it is, regrettably, no more than an urban myth - very few mamasan's give any advice or training at all to their staff (particularly where safe sex is concerned) and most newcomers are reliant on their peers for advice, information and "on the job" training.

February 10th, 2008, 07:04
I had been to Thailand several times and didn't "off" a boy (or have sex with any Thai guy(s)) until my last trip. I had been told that due to my nationality (Black, French, Portuguese, and American Indian), that despite my "looks" Thais would not want to be with me as "dark" complexions where not considered desirable. To make a long story short, several years and several trips later, I happened into Dream Boys and saw the most beautiful tall Thai boy. I was very "smitten" with him, so what did I do? Nothing just sat there with my farang friend and told him (my friend) how hot I thought this guy was. So three days pass of me looking at him (the tall Thai guy) and him looking and me smiling sheepishly. Finally I got up the nerve to talk with him ... and had an amazing night and following morning. I have to say that sex with him the second time was as hot as the first. So for all of the non-Caucasians out there, I say throw caution to the wind, your beautiful in your own right and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. :-) And yes you can have a great time in Thailand too. To this day I have found no other country where I have felt more comfortable and accepted for just being me.

February 10th, 2008, 13:42
Well how can you expect a guy to want a repeat performance with an ape? Major turn off for most people.

Speaking from experience?

February 10th, 2008, 22:45
I had been told that due to my nationality (Black, French, Portuguese, and American Indian), that despite my "looks" Thais would not want to be with me as "dark" complexions where not considered desirable.They're hookers! A 1000B note is the same colour no matter who's handing it over

February 11th, 2008, 00:17
Very true, but I think of them as people with feelings and choice, so I would not want to be with anyone who didn't at least want to be with me a little.

February 11th, 2008, 01:29
So for all of the non-Caucasians out there, I say throw caution to the wind, your beautiful in your own right and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. :-)

I would imagine, through casual observation in some of these bars, that if the general size and circumference of a person's skin doesn't put these boys off, then the colour would be far less of an issue, if at all.

February 11th, 2008, 09:52
I think they all have a tough job, of the white or black guys I have met in Thailand I have seen none that would make my dick stand at attention with the exception of a couple of Aussie guys. God give them a break I know its a job, but getting it up while looking at you must be tough. I am sure they have a wonderful imagination to continue to fuck you while the blubber of a whale continues to slap him on the ass.

February 11th, 2008, 10:06
LOL, well I do understand that the "boys" have a job to do. Just to make it clear, I am not fat by any stretch of the imagination, as a matter of fact I have at 42" chest and and 26" waist (six pack) and I am younger (or younger looking) than most guys that are vacationing or living in Thailand. I believe that some of my belief of my lack of desirability, comes partly from what others have told me (not the Thai boys) and some from having lived in Japan for several years, and yes I know that they are two different countries with two different cultures, but old habits and attitudes do die hard and I am working on it. :cheers:

February 11th, 2008, 11:40
It all boils down to chemistry and how well you treat the boy (and treating the boy well includes more than just a nice tip). The first time is strictly for money and then if the chemistry is there between the two of you the repeats will be hotter as he will know your wants and you will know his limits.

February 11th, 2008, 12:32
... I am younger (or younger looking) than most guys that are vacationing or living in ThailandReally?

February 11th, 2008, 12:48
I had been to Thailand several times and didn't "off" a boy (or have sex with any Thai guy(s)) until my last trip. I had been told that due to my nationality (Black, French, Portuguese, and American Indian), that despite my "looks" Thais would not want to be with me as "dark" complexions where not considered desirable. .......

Perhaps you can hook up with Bucky, follow behind him and pick up his cast-off's.

February 11th, 2008, 14:20
LOL who knows, that may not be a bad idea ... but don't know who Bucky is or what his cast-off's look like LOL.

February 11th, 2008, 19:11
LOL who knows, that may not be a bad idea ... but don't know who Bucky is or what his cast-off's look like LOL.

www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/member259.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/member259.html)

and, re the cast off's, not bad, not bad at all.

February 12th, 2008, 11:03
I am 180 almost 6 feet tall and have most of my hair and teeth, however I have seen some guys who if it were me and I were really hungry no matter how hungry I was I am not sure my dick would get hard enough to fuck some of the guys I have seen. I would not sleep with me either for that matter if I were them. yet, I never fail to find some young cute guy who is Happy enough to go home with me sleep with me tell me how much he loves me for just a good night out on the town once or twice week and they seem to have no problem getting it up. I am amazed at how they do that . Of course I can remember when I was that age.... anything resembling or akin to sexual matters it would stand to attention like any good flag pole for almost any reason. Even a Pussy at that age was not safe. I would not dare fuck a woman now and the older I get the more choosy I am about the guys I sleep with although older guys seem more attractive and younger the older I get. The new 23 is just as exciting as the old 15 when I was 17. So, I guess it gets more relative the older you get. However, with full respect for the guys, I really don't think I could do their job no matter how hungry I was, physically, I just don't think I could get it hard enough to get it in a tight hole. Not that any hole as old as ours would be tight. But, my hat is off to the boys who mange to have the best imagination than any group of guys I have ever met. AMAZING THAILAND. What can I say. it really is the land of smiles and I love it there, I be close enough by Christmas to fly in as often as I like.


February 12th, 2008, 15:31
" ... Of course I can remember when I was that age.... Even a Pussy at that age was not safe ... "
Two questions Wes: As an ordained something-or-other-in-some-christian-denomination, I notice your use of the word "fuck" in your post above. I've never ever read this from you before (and that's quite a few years now). Have you been defrocked? And if so, was it the Pussy or the Kryg?

And that brings up the other question (and probable cause for possible defrocking), are you still with that very handsome Krgystanian (sp?) boy the photo of whom you as your avatar, and whom you referred to as your boyfriend. And if not, what's the story?

If these queries seem too personal, you can tell me ~ in your newly acquired and proud lingo ~ to fuck off.

Cheers ... with endearment (and I mean that)

February 13th, 2008, 07:16
As an ordained something-or-other-in-some-christian-denomination ...Christ! When did that happen?

February 13th, 2008, 23:06
Someone will accuse me of being conceited (again!), but the only difference between sex with my partner now, after living together for five years, and sex with him six years ago (when it was the most enjoyable I had ever had), is that it is difficult to keep up with the demand, which is considerably more frequent than it was then. I can only surmise that it is way of ensuring that I am not tempted to try out "pastures new", as I am realistic enough to know that I do not look like I did 20 years ago (a point he also reminds me of when looking at photos!) and I cannot see my own attraction at all.

February 14th, 2008, 07:20
" ... Of course I can remember when I was that age.... Even a Pussy at that age was not safe ... "
Two questions Wes: As an ordained something-or-other-in-some-christian-denomination, I notice your use of the word "fuck" in your post above. I've never ever read this from you before (and that's quite a few years now). Have you been defrocked? And if so, was it the Pussy or the Kryg?

And that brings up the other question (and probable cause for possible defrocking), are you still with that very handsome Krgystanian (sp?) boy the photo of whom you as your avatar, and whom you referred to as your boyfriend. And if not, what's the story?

If these queries seem too personal, you can tell me ~ in your newly acquired and proud lingo ~ to fuck off.

Cheers ... with endearment (and I mean that)

I am still with my cute krg bf and happy I might add, it is rare for me to use that word but it is so accurate I don't pretend to be holier than thou. I just like guys. I still have my frock as you say although some may hate that an openly gay guy has a frock at all. if my language offends you you should see me after I have had a few beers. Truthfully there are a lot of Gay Christian guys in the world, they are no more immune than any other group and I might add that it seems there are more than the normal percentage that claim to be going to heaven for lack of a better term.that are gay. Just be careful of the born again evangelicals they will vote in another Bush and kick the Canadians ass next for crossing the border. God think 8 years of Hillary God I had rather have Bush. But then as I said I do not care that much for pussy. Sorry I don't get on much as often as I did. I am back in the states still trying to get over the last time over with back to back food poisoning. Smiles, its the kids I care about if you really just want to get personal. 5,000 homeless kids break my heart so, I do what I can. However the 40 below weather is running me to a better climate in my old age.


February 15th, 2008, 06:39
Someone will accuse me of being conceited (again!), but the only difference between sex with my partner now, after living together for five years, and sex with him six years ago (when it was the most enjoyable I had ever had), is that it is difficult to keep up with the demand, which is considerably more frequent than it was then. I can only surmise that it is way of ensuring that I am not tempted to try out "pastures new", as I am realistic enough to know that I do not look like I did 20 years ago (a point he also reminds me of when looking at photos!) and I cannot see my own attraction at all.

Gone fishing,

You mean you don't look like your avator, you have broken my dreams, I look like mine!! Wheeeeeee!

February 15th, 2008, 09:12
Very funny Rainwalker.. :laughing3:

February 15th, 2008, 10:32
There is prejudice against dark skinned people in Thailand.
It is often directed at the Arabs, who are not always gentlemen with the boys and have even been known to
surprise them with extra Arab men entering the room for some penetrating fun and games.

I have witnessed boy bars asking Arabs with dark skin to prepay.. :cat:

February 16th, 2008, 08:31
LOL who knows, that may not be a bad idea ... but don't know who Bucky is or what his cast-off's look like LOL.Much more importantly, are you (like Bucky) a Log Cabin Republican and ardent fan of Fox News?