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View Full Version : Thais and Plastic Surgery

August 17th, 2015, 10:36
Has anyone noticed that Thais disproptionately want plastic surgery done? Most Thai wives of farangs I know have already have had something done, but they definitely all want something. Whether it's ears, nose, cheekbones, whatever. Why so sensitive about how you look, especially once you get into your 30s / 40s, and already have a husband, kids, etc.?

Ladyboys naturally want millions of baht worth done. Kim never wanted anything done though, at least not that he ever mentioned. Nonetheless, I'm finding quite a few Thais do want plastic surgery, far more than you'd find in the West. Is the message of a hi-so life the media in Bangkok puts out so powerful, that people feel they need to mutilate their bodies?

I even have a guy now asking me for a nose job: р╕Вр╕нр╕Хр╕▒р╕Зр╕Чр╕┠‚р╕Ир╕бр╕╣р╕Бр╕Щр╣Ир╕Р½Ñ€â••Ð²

I think that means he wants a nose job at least. I'm assuming he's on his phone, and the last word is supposed to be either р╕лр╕Щр╣Ир╕нр╕в or р╕Щр╣Йр╕нр╕в, but will assume the former. He's either saying it respectfully, or just wants a smaller nose. heh, have to admit, never paid much attention to his nose, so no idea if it's a big one or not. :)

August 17th, 2015, 12:39
" ... I'm finding quite a few Thais do want plastic surgery, far more than you'd find in the West ... "
I think you are polling the wrong part of the West. Try asking the housewives of Orange County? ;;)

August 17th, 2015, 13:10
haha, touche.

August 17th, 2015, 16:06
Simple my fiend, its the amazing pulling power of US culture, even in places like Iran where they publicly call the US the great satan and publicly execute gays; the young all wanna dress like US teenagers and listen to western/mainly US pop.
Even wealthier places like Korea and Shanghai the wealthy and not so wealthy, if they can afford it have plastic surgery to westernise their features.
Effect is also seen in the US with blacks dying their hair a lighter colour and using producys to lighten their skin colour.
All adverts in asia feature " white" asians...no room for brown buffalos...

August 18th, 2015, 13:56
I'm less surprised about the new guy asking for a nose job than Kim never wanting one. The "Korean nose" seems to be something of a gold standard. Over the years I've seen many a face I've considered near-angelic sharpened by the installation of a plastic beak. Fortunately it's the only Korean appendage that seems to be coveted.

August 18th, 2015, 14:47
Nope, Kim never asked for anything. He liked to dress nice I guess, but seemed quite content with his body and facial features.

Only 18,000 for a new nose, eh? If that's actually true, that's quite cheap, isn't it? I'm not sure what the going rate in Canada for a new nose is, but I'm guessing more than $660 CAD. Maybe he just wants an iPhone or something.

August 18th, 2015, 16:04
There are noses and there are noses, but plastic surgery in general is a fraction of Canada or the US

For the masses here, 18,000 is fairly mid-range unless you are going with Bumrungrad in BKK or one of the well-reputed surgeons trained outside Thailand. Prices in CAD start at around 4000-6000 I think.... so he could have two noses for the cost of an iPhone.

Hmm. If this is the gik you're talking about, Matt, you of course are experienced enough to know that the next step will be buying the pig for the visit to the family.

August 18th, 2015, 17:01
Hmm. If this is the gik you're talking about, Matt, you of course are experienced enough to know that the next step will be buying the pig for the visit to the family.

Oh yeah, I'm experienced enough, and no, not a chance of things like that happening. I'm keeping it strictly business. Told him, if he wants a new nose, it's 9 short times @ 2000/time = 18,000 = new nose. Feel kind of dirty doing that, as if I'm corrupting people or something, because I don't believe he's ever really been a money boy, but ehh... He's just heard the stories, so figured he'd give it a whirl, and hit me up for a new nose. :)

If he wants a pig, that's fine. It's 2000 baht / short-time, which is more than generous. He can save up, and buy a pig. I'll also rent him a furnished apartment in the city if he wants. There's zero chance I'm allowing him to come to my house, and this short-time hotel thing is going to get tedious very quickly. My 3bdrm house with large yard is only 12,000/month, so I'm assuming I can get a decent studio apartment for say 6000/month at the most, then another 1500/month for bills, which is fine with me.

But no, I know what's about to come, so I'll stay firm. I have no desire whatsoever for a BF, but I am human, so sex on tap would be quite nice. :) That, and I don't want a new guy every week. Just one is fine with me. If he doesn't like the arrangement, he can leave, no problem with me. I'm the polar opposite of latin too, so it's not like I'm fucking them raw, while placing my foot on the back of their head. I only wish I could make 2000 baht for someone to have the pleasure of giving me a BJ followed by a nice massage.

August 18th, 2015, 17:12
You haven't noticed that Thais are absolutely and utterly obsessed with their appearance? Try tearing one away from a mirror!

August 19th, 2015, 11:33
In recent years I have come across three non-commercial guys who had nose jobs done by the time they were 23!

August 20th, 2015, 00:46
When it comes to noses, I only check if my date has one nose with two nostrils. I find lips, neck and hairline more important.

2000 Baht for short time is generous.

August 20th, 2015, 08:41
When it comes to noses, I only check if my date has one nose with two nostrils. I find lips, neck and hairline more important.

Exactly, same with me. I really can't say if has a big honker or not. It's not exactly a body part I concentrate on. :)

2000 Baht for short time is generous.

Ohhh, but you should see his ass. It's out of this world, and to die for. :)

That, and he is an absolute sweet heart. Plus he's not shy in the slightest. Kim was always like me, and had this natural shyness to him. This guy though could care less, and is happy to wander around the room completely naked without a care in the world.

August 21st, 2015, 10:48
I don't know, how immoral is it to straight up buy a BF like this? There's something nagging me about it, and I don't know why, because I basically bought Kim. Only difference is the transaction wasn't so black & white, whereas now I'm ensuring it's black & white.

He's from Udon Thani, coming down on the 26th. So now i have to go find him a place to live, rent a nice apartment somewhere in the city, get him setup with a kitchen, etc. Hope it's worth it, and he doesn't fuck off on me within 3 days.

August 22nd, 2015, 21:48
I stopped off in here with my own small tale, but I do have a couple of thoughts on your last musing, Matt.

In first talking about the new gik you seemed to describe a relationship with wages based directly on services rendered. You appear now to have created a salaried position, with implied obligations and expectations from you as the employer. That changes the job description. If I was advising you as a business consultant (offered without judgement), I'd suggest the transaction is really the opposite of what you think it is. With the nice apartment and kitchen element you've ensured it's no longer black & white. If he fucks off on you within 3 days or you catch him with anyone else you'll likely consider it a breach of an oral contract (pun intended). What might be nagging you isn't so much a moral question as a practical economic one.

My own small tale is that I thought of you last night in chatting with an amicable and very occasional gik of my own. Lovely guy, remarkable physical attributes, straight of course, and not known to top guys. He pointed to the sad shape of his telephone and described the replacement he has his eye on. I sympathized and suggested that we could cut the problem with two good fucks at his convenience if he liked. No consummation yet, but he was quite enthusiastic in his response. Which if it happens will be at a time and place of his choosing, making it (among other labels) contract labor at its best.

A few last words to veer back to the original topic: on a few occasions I've met charming non-Muslim Buddhist lads who have actually devoted funds towards having themselves circumcized. It's not plastic surgery, exactly, but it does seem to resonate with the willingness and ease here to go under the knife in order to look the way one wants or hopes to look.

August 23rd, 2015, 09:52
Nah, I'll keep it strictly business. I'm still bothered by it for some reason, but not sure why. Hell, in places like Pattaya you just go down to your local go-go bar, and pick your choice from a line up of guys in their whitey tighties. :)

That, and I don't want to screw around every day on GR, Grindr, and Hornet, looking for random strangers. I don't need a new guy every week, and would prefer just to have one. I don't want to leave myself open to being hurt though, hence why he's getting an apartment. This way, I minimize the risk of me getting hurt. Who knows, maybe in 6 months or so if and when we get to know each other better, I'll let him into my home, but for now, he doesn't need to know where I live.

I don't know, loneliness is a bitch, and think I'm going a bit crazy again. Nonetheless, he'll be well taken care of, and I'll ensure of that.

August 23rd, 2015, 14:13
".... Nah ..."
Did I miss something here?
'Dante' is an Administrator of Sawatdee, and Dante is also Cndmatt? No one does "nah" so much as he does, and with abandon.
All this time?

All fixed up...The secret is back in the bag...lol (Surfcrest)

August 23rd, 2015, 15:39
Whoops, I screwed that up, eh? Was logged in with the wrong account to check for new PMs. Sorry about that.

Don't worry, I'm not an admin, mod, or anything of that nature. The only reason for that dante account is to help with the technicalities, and ensure this forum stays onilne without issue. A while ago, Surfcrest even publicly mentioned I helped out a bit. Initially though, I didn't want my name used as I thought it would be in the best interest of everyone, hence the separate account.

August 23rd, 2015, 16:16
Damn.... don't like being a vehicle for outing anyone who doesn't plan to be out. At least you're not the poor wayward husband I met up with last month who was in such a hurry to leave after the deed was done he donned my underwear by mistake when he took off.

August 23rd, 2015, 17:17
Nah, no worries. Surfcrest outed me months ago anyway.

heh, he took off with your underwear? That gave me a bit of a chuckle. Thanks, needed that. :)

August 24th, 2015, 11:32
Whoops, I screwed that up, eh? Was logged in with the wrong account to check for new PMs. Sorry about that.
I never did see the 'outing', but no issue with me: When I originally started up Sawatdee way back in 2002 or 3 (can't remember which) I did exactly the same thing.
Right off the bat I used the handle 'Smiles' as my posting name, but decided to use a completely different handle for technical posts "about-the-board". (That handle is long gone ... so long I can't remember it). Basically I was trying to ~ with all the best intentions ~ separate regular posts with their inherently normal differing opinions, arguments and subjectivities, and technical posts about the inner workings of the Board. I also made it known to the members right off the bat as well. At the time I thought it was a reasonable idea.
The problem was I kept bloody-well mixing the two handles up all the time ... i.e. I'd forget to log out of the technics handle into the posting handle, and vice versa. It was just a nightmare and I ditched the technics handle very soon after, never to be re-born.