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August 16th, 2015, 08:05
Logging on here used to be a stimulating experience.
Not now.
We're surviving on crumbs; topics flogged to death with a rare respite as in Latinpox at the Malaysia or the occasional sardonic post from MFAS and a few offerings from other notables.
Is it that we (gay farang thailophiles) are the last of a breed?

August 16th, 2015, 08:50
Low season. Possibly/arguably the lowest season on record.
Now Hua Hin could not by any stretch of the imagination be called a gay Mecca so it's probably not the best petrie dish, but Thai restaurateurs that am acquainted with have said to me this is the worst season in their memories. " ... Farang? No have ... "
A farang friend of mine and his partner visited HH a couple of days ago and both nights (Thurs and Friday) we ended up visiting the two gay bars in town: Red Indian (a hopeless case no matter what the strength of the season) had 'just us'. Guy Bar almost the same, though it at least had host boys hanging around intently pounding away on their smart phones (AKA: The Bane of Human Existence). My friends were leaving the next morning so declined a last visit to Gay Bar. But we were there anyway so I watched them walk away and then decided to hop into Guy Bar for a quiet beer: good luck!! Here it was 10:30pm on a Friday night and the boys were stacking up the patio chairs and locking the place up. What?: " ... no cuthtomer ... " they told me.

Perhaps this tourist lethargy can be carried over onto this board's perceived malaise? Perhaps folks who have given up on Thailand (perhaps temporarily) don't feel the need to post or read on gay Thailand message boards. Perhaps many are sick and tired of constantly reading posts centered on Pattaya/Sunnee/Twilight/Boyztown/Jomtien/chuk wowing /fuck shows etc etc.
There is a noticeable dearth of topics about The Rest of Thailand on Sawatdee these days. There is an equally noticeable loss of Posters From The Past who have just let their memberships lapse and walked away: certainly Sawatdee's breadth of individual posters has become a shallower pool than it did some years ago. There is little humour on the board any more, and almost no edge: when the odd troll is the the funniest nut bar in the jar (hello Marti) we're in trouble.

Demographics play a big role as well. I was about 50 when I first started posting on gay Thailand message boards. Now I'm 68 and post much less than I did years ago (some would say that's a blessing), and I would bet the same is true for many. The Social Media mafia has taken up the slack, filled in the vacuum of Members-Leaving. Facebook, Twitter, Grindr, Line, and many more I know nothing of eat away at the growth dynamic on one type of media (in this case the internet message board) and replace it with another, totally different kind of experience. (What does Twitter allow? 50 words? 30? Talk about yer exhilarating 'Experience'. The daughter of a friend of mine once wrote on her Facebook account that " ... this morning I got up ... ". That's when I deleted my foolish Facebook life.)

Gaybutton and Gay Thailand boards are hardly more vibrant: Gaybutton (Himself!) still manages to insert Himself! into just about every post (as he has forever) ... the death of any post purporting to be 'humorous'. Nothing will change there, but hey, that board also seems to have the self same lethargy as this one. GayThailand same same: a small cadre of members post every topic and reply ... the 'Likes' button at the bottom of each post always filling up with the same Likers. Everybody likes everybody on that board ... but never ending group hugs (and circle jerks) are hardly a recipe for growth.

August 16th, 2015, 09:13
There are now many alternatives for those who wish to travel to other countries to exploit the poverty of the locals for their own sexual gratification

August 16th, 2015, 09:37
Buck up Smiles, Kjun is back and will enliven your dull existence and get your juices flowing.

After reading your post I became even more depressed but I did have to laugh about the other forums. But I like circle jerks, chuk-wowing , samoking, and groping.

As for the Posters From the Past, they are probably all dead and gone. :x

August 16th, 2015, 13:26
If there was a contest for boring topics this post on that other board would win.

"No plastic shopping bags on the Ides of every month".

So as bad as it seems just imagine yourself reading that post!

August 16th, 2015, 14:21
Buck up Smiles, Kjun is back and will enliven your dull existence and get your juices flowing.
After reading your post I became even more depressed but I did have to laugh about the other forums. But I like circle jerks, chuk-wowing , samoking, and groping.
As for the Posters From the Past, they are probably all dead and gone. :x
Don't get me wrong Francois, this whole dynamic ~ i.e. of gay Thailand message boards losing their way ~ doesn't affect me personally at all. No "bucking up" needed and certainly no depression.
You're probably at least half correct regarding the mortality rate of long term members . . . many of them undoubtedly succumbed to some of the more outrageous posts seen on this board over the years. Take Neal for instance ...
Yes, Marti (AKA 'Kjun) is still here and does make me laugh ~ in the same way that a Boa Constrictor smothering a horse and then eating it as shown on Animal Planet does ~ but he's as dumb as a 12-pack of dildos, and thus incapable of enlivety. (Christian's brain will explode when he reads that word).
And yes ... samoking, chuk wowing, and circle jerks are quite acceptable. Groping (in public) though, grosses me out.

August 16th, 2015, 17:28
Smiles in his post has said this is the lowest of the low , one reason , I can think of , is the age of farang who used to travel a lot to LOS, is getting older, and that long distance travel is getting a bore , prices in general seem to be getting higher and guys do not think its value for money any more . ( its the thai habit of increasing prices when the number of punters falls , instead of what westerns would do ie lower prices. ) Drinks in the caf├й royale , and bbb now costing 180 and 250 bht , I know bbb has a show but most people I have seen watch the first show , have one drink and then leave , 250 bht is becoming to much to pay ., Getting back to numbers in thai , as I said , the older guys are stopping coming , and of course the younger age group, don't need to pay for sex, so why come to pattaya anyway.

August 16th, 2015, 18:06
Getting back to numbers in thai , as I said , the older guys are stopping coming , and of course the younger age group, don't to pay for sex, so why come to pattaya anyway.
Your absolutely correct, I live here, came when I was 52 now I am 64 and the age group living here and still coming are guys somewhere between 65 and 75, sex is easy to come by online and for others a large percent no longer care about sex just look who's is sitting in the beer bars and the few still walking down the street.

August 16th, 2015, 18:27
I think it is pretty much normal. When I was banned , I was still reading this Board and found it quite interesting until a few weeks ago. Then it ground to a halt but then so did GayThailand, It does just appear to be the Low Season of Low Seasons.

Certainly members on all Boards are getting older but of course so are Gay Men all over the world and there has always been a new crop of those looking for younger men to have Sex with even if they have to pay.

Complaints about prices happen everywhere in the world. Just the way it is . Certainly anyone who thinks prices in Beer Bars at Sunee or Jomtien or even BT are outrageous , don't go out in the Western World. You could never find drinks so cheap in most of Europe, NZ, Australia etc even Brazil and definitely no chance of finding willing young men for ridiculously low amounts of money.

Hotels etc continue to be a bargain compared to almost any tourist destination . If you plan carefully airfares have at most held steady and in many cases are available for less then 5-10 years ago.

The thing that has changed is the need to go to Bars to find companions. There are so many apps on your phone or computer that willing partners can be found in minutes 24 hours a day. That leads people to believe there are less Gay Tourists but in reality they just spend much less time in Bars and on sites like this looking for information.

But I still would be willing to bet when October comes around the Boards will again get more interesting.

August 16th, 2015, 19:44
...anyone who thinks prices in Beer Bars at Sunee or Jomtien or even BT are outrageous , don't go out in the Western World. You could never find drinks so cheap in most of Europe.....

I'm not sure if that's right .

You specifically mentioned drinks prices in beer bars rather than any other "extras" which may be available - such as the eye-candy, so i feel justified in pointing out that in the Spanish resorts you can easily get a bottled beer for 1 Euro (35B), in Czech Republic even less than that (say 30B) if you get outside the immediate City Centre, in Berlin 1.5-2 Euro (50-70B) and in the UK you can get a pint of beer for ┬г1.59 (80B) in any non airport/London Wetherspoon's pub (over 900 of them).

So there's 4 European countries right off the top of my head which are either cheaper or roughly on a level with Sunee/Jomtien/BT.

Would I rather sit in the beer bars you mention though - YES - but thats another matter :))

August 16th, 2015, 19:50
I mistakenly assumed you would realize I was talking about Gay Bars with available Boys

Last time I checked there were not any cute boys in any of the places you mention willing to go home with you for less then 30 Euros. Also if you want cheap drinks and especially beers you can get them all over Pattaya on Beach Rd and Pattaya 2 Rd Bars for 50-80 baht or less.

You want to go to Gay Bars with available Boys you will pay more. But of course you know this or you would not be coming to Pattaya all the time. HeHe

August 16th, 2015, 21:01
Well. I would have assumed that - had you not explicity stated you were referring to drinks prices and specifically drinks prices in beer bars, but no matter.

I'm not trying to prove you (or anybody else) wrong - I'm merely pointing out that IMHO Thailand is no bargain when it comes to drinks prices (unless buying a bottle of spirits which you generally cannot do in Europe).

As we agree though, other things more than make up for that.

August 16th, 2015, 21:19
I understand. But my point is in the last 2 years I have travelled to Australia , New Zealand, Great Britain , Spain, Scotland , Ireland, N Ireland, Portugal , Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland , Germany, Austria, Netherlands as well as Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia .

I'll give you one guess what countries even came close to overall expenses for Lodging, Food, Drinks, Transportation.

Of course it was Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Poland was close. Thailand is still a very cheap destination , too bad the airplane ride is so long.

And that is without even mentioning the availability of cute male companions for dirt cheap prices.

August 17th, 2015, 08:50
Now Hua Hin could not by any stretch of the imagination be called a gay Mecca

Try these descriptive words for Hua Hin:
A wasteland
A hole in the earth
A dump
Trash pit
And, last, the place where the Gollum of Thailand (a/k/a smiles) hides his decrepit self.

August 17th, 2015, 12:58
Interesting the reasons given for the lack of interest in travelling to Asia and Thailand in particular.

A friend of mine was planning to visit London revisit Prague and had a contact in Vienna he wanted to see. When looking for rooms plus cost of living both food and drink
he was forced to take another look. Unlike the increase in the US dollar that MOAS and gaybutton and others talk of, from an exchange rate of $107 to the US $ to now 73 cents, takes a lot of time to adjust to

it was not the cost of the airfares. they have remained for Australians about the same. it is the rapid drop in the purchasing value of the Australian dollar.This has meant looking for shorter trips or looking closer to home.

The rates quoted for the bigger Bangkok hotels which charge in US dollars,he has been looking at, still much more expensive now but at least the cost of living is down.

He has asked for a selection of Pattaya hotels that I can suggest. I have others that have asked for opinions of Thailand and other Asian counties I have visited.

I feel that for the US gays looking for cheap holidays, the increase in the dollar/ baht valuation could well start a rethinking of Thailand as a destination For Australians the reverse they have to start looking for better value for their holiday money. Both things hopefully could provide stimulus to Thailand.

August 17th, 2015, 14:48
... from an exchange rate of $107 to the US $ to now 73 cents, takes a lot of time to adjust to ...It certainly would =))

August 17th, 2015, 15:32
I genuinely don't agree that Thailand is a cheap destination these days - people tend to forget the ┬г500-600 spent on the flight to get there, and concentrate on the fact they can buy breakfast for 150B.

Having said that, I do know one elderly guy who can have 2 weeks holiday in Pattaya and come back with change from ┬г400 spending money - but his idea of painting the town red is buying an extra bottle of water. I don't share that thinking, but each to his own.

I guess anywhere can be cheap if one is very easily pleased - like that guy.

August 17th, 2015, 18:02
I don't want to have a war of words . I don't necessarily mean Thailand is a cheap destination, just that in comparison to much of the rest of the world it is a bargain. Especially if you are looking for sexual companions. ..

The airfare argument is a weak one. As a USA traveller it frequently costs me as much for airfare to Europe as it does to Thailand which is double the distance. If you want to compare taking Ryanair or Easyjet to Spain from Glasgow or to Thailand then certainly there is a difference. But once you arrive at the destination Thailand is still cheaper if you compare apples with apples. And believe me when I arrive in Europe as a Tourist it is far more expensive for me then Thailand. Not even close!

Also it is not fair to compare what it costs you to live in your home country with any foreign destination. We all become familiar with local restaurants or bars in our home country where prices are reasonable. But the visitor usually does not have that option and so his expenses for Food and Hotels , Transportation etc will in most cases be much higher then in Thailand or some other Asian countries.

August 17th, 2015, 18:22
:)) For someone who doesnt want to have a war of words Firecat, you sure go out of your way to keep the pot boiling :))

Let's agree that you'll continue to think that Thailand is cheap and I'll continue to bemoan the ┬г3-4K it costs me to spend 2 weeks there (in the way I want to spend them - ┬г500/600 air fare, ┬г700 in hotel costs, and the rest on booze, boys, food, and fun).



August 17th, 2015, 18:56
I'm just trying to help the summer doldrum in my own little way. HeHe Thanks for the Help!

August 17th, 2015, 20:35
I'll continue to bemoan the ┬г3-4K it costs me to spend 2 weeks there. ;)
He is scottish and they are reputed to be the most cheap people in the world.

August 17th, 2015, 20:54
In response to your comment:

Generous Scots...give more to charity than the average Englishman and a third more than Londoners.

The Ipsos Mori poll released today found Scottish households with incomes of less than ┬г150,000 gave away an average of ┬г356 last year.

Yet Londoners donated almost ┬г100 less - ┬г268 - despite earning 25 per cent more than the Scots.

Overall Scotland is the most generous nation in the UK on average, followed by Wales on ┬г328 and England on ┬г285. Northern Ireland was not included in the survey

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z3j51PWtBH (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2293154/Scots-English-shame-donate-head-charity-THIRD-richer-Londoners.html#ixzz3j51PWtBH)

So put that in yer pipe and smoke it.

The only thing I'd add is that had N Ireland been included in the survey and had our very own NIrish's expenditure on Thai "charities" been included, we'd probably have been pushed into second. :))

August 17th, 2015, 23:17
Over 700 views and 21 replies so soon shows that the lack of interest is of great interest to many. Perhaps there's life in the old dog yet.

Sorry for my "latinpox"; dementia-part of the malaise perhaps.

August 18th, 2015, 02:38
Over 700 views and 21 replies so soon shows that the lack of interest is of great interest to many. Perhaps there's life in the old dog yet.
Trouble is most of the replies are regarding costs in relation to going to, and within Thailand with further exchanges not in any way relevant to the specific topic to which there have been only about a quarter of the 22 replies. Maybe that's an indication in itself or at least a hint as to why, as 'thaiguest' suggests, SGT appears to be "surviving on crumbs".

For someone who doesnt want to have a war of words Firecat, you sure go out of your way to keep the pot boiling
He's not the only one though...

Normally I don't think there's any problem with threads being dragged off topic if it is a natural flow from, and with still some relevance to, the topic. But this definite change in direction regarding the cost of visiting Thailand and other side issues between SG and firecat/others in no way relates to anything about the original OPs question regarding whatsap with SGT.

That said, the off topic tangent regarding costs in Thailand is a good one and well worth continuing on it's own as a discussion split from the original topic which doesn't seem to have been able to pick up any momentum because of it.

If the topics were split I think there would be a better chance of a lot more responses specific to the original post. It's a very relevant and interesting question posed by "thaiguest" and deserves to be discussed without being side-tracked. The topic also deserves a more detailed response than I have time to give to it this evening, so I'll post later.

August 18th, 2015, 07:22
I am with Firecat. The main reason I went to Thailand this past April is that it was cheaper to get there than Europe from the US East Coast. That still seems to be the case.

One area I have never visited is Seattle and Vancouver. About $550 to Seattle, $750 to Vancouver, and $900 to Bangkok. Hotels: $170+ in Seattle, $200+ in Vancouver, $28 in Pattaya (Ganymede).

An 8-10 day cruise to the Bahamas: about $1400 (you know I am going to drink.)

The Dominican Republic really would be cheaper, but I am a bit leery about going there alone (for our purposes :D ) the first time.

August 18th, 2015, 11:40
From a moderator's perspective and because I review the inactive members list on a regular basis,I find that out of our 830 members or so, that most log in at some point of the year. The members that are here on a regular basis can probably see that the chorus of members posting changes from week to week, month to month and season to season. I suspect some of our inactive members, especially those that were frequent posters and who suddenly stopped...posting or logging in have passed away. There's probably 5 or 6 in the membership that fit that profile. We have a core group, some who are here quite regularly who never or rarely post. The list of members active in the past 24 hours stays varied and changes throughout the year.

July and August are traditionally the lower part of the season and so in the two years since I've been administering this is the time when we see the least activity. I think this is also reflected on the other Boards, some more so than others.

...and Vancouver's been a popular destination for many this summer especially Americans, with the beautiful weather and the value of the Canadian dollar that's now trading under .78


August 18th, 2015, 14:26
Perhaps a more civil tone on the part of some posters would encourage more participation?

August 18th, 2015, 15:11
Scottish-Guy , could you please tell me what hotel you stay in that costs ┬г700 for two weeks

August 18th, 2015, 15:44
Certainly, a deluxe room at the Mercure in Pattaya costs about ┬г50 a night/┬г350 for 7 days by the time you factor in breakfast for 2 (not included) and other bits and pieces such as the occasional spa treatment. It's possible to save on that rate by paying in advance and waiving your right to cancel or amend your booking - but I prefer not to do that. I have no reason to exaggerate.

Diec will be able to confirm where I stay (and maybe the room number as well - but probably the wrong one though, like the rest of his duff info), whilst MiniMee will tell you I've never been in Thailand.

August 18th, 2015, 16:34
Nice Hotel. Now just imagine staying at a Mecure Hotel in most of the Western world or NZ, Au. etc . You would spend many times your current budget for lodging. Pattaya continues to be an unbelievable bargain for all levels of Hotels . The only exception might be a few like the Hilton or Marriott where they offer more value in Bangkok then Pattaya. (Go figure)

August 18th, 2015, 16:58
:)) For someone who doesnt want to have a war of words Firecat, you sure go out of your way to keep the pot boiling :)) Ain't that the truth

August 18th, 2015, 17:10
Nice Hotel. Now just imagine staying at a Mecure Hotel in most of the Western world or NZ, Au. etc . You would spend many times your current budget for lodging. Scotty quoted 50 British pounds. That's about 105 Australian dollars. As I'm going to Melbourne (Australia, not Florida) soon I decided to check firecat's "facts"

Here's the result:

As the American's say "Do the math". In firecat's case even that is too great an intellectual challenge. Hint: $119 is NOT "many times" $105

August 18th, 2015, 17:34
I use Accor group hotels quite frequently - but in Europe their Ibis brand suits me better than Mercure - mainly because there's more of them, so I can usually find one near the area of the City I want to be in.

Having said that, the Mercure prices in Europe aren't THAT far away from ┬г50 (65 Euro) per night. For example there's a Mercure right in the middle of the gay area of Berlin which is around that price (if you book well in advance on a restricted rate). I except London from any comments on hotel prices as they are a law unto themselves.

Also, since in Europe I'm staying for 3-7 days rather than 14, and since any liasons in Europe tend to be short-time ones, a room which is more functional than fancy is perfectly fine.

August 18th, 2015, 17:49
Nice Hotel. Now just imagine staying at a Mecure Hotel in most of the Western world or NZ, Au. etc . You would spend many times your current budget for lodging. Scotty quoted 50 British pounds. That's about 105 Australian dollars. As I'm going to Melbourne (Australia, not Florida) soon I decided to check firecat's "facts"

Here's the result:

As the American's say "Do the math". In firecat's case even that is too great an intellectual challenge. Hint: $119 is NOT "many times" $105

You are the one who is intellectually challenged .

Scotty clearly states he books a DELUXE Room with breakfast for two and does not pay in advance. Check your figures again and you will find even Melbourne is double the price and most of Western Europe , Sydney , NZ etc will be much more money.

August 18th, 2015, 18:09
And let's not forget to compare 4 Star Hotels with 4 Star Hotels instead of picking a 3 Star Hotel in Melbourne.

Let us know what you get for a real comparison??? I won't hold my breath!

Oh and by the way the 2 Mecure Hotels in Pattaya for random dates in October are 25-33 Pounds per night. Pay in advance , no breakfast, no cancellation etc. Try finding a Mecure almost anywhere else in the world outside Asia for a comparable rate for a 4 Star Hotel.

August 18th, 2015, 21:09
MERCURY IN MELB. What you comparing with.
Not a great hotel and I would only stay there if everywhere was full.

Somehow to prove your point you have picked a poor example

August 19th, 2015, 02:12
Sunnee in like a dead place. I used to visit before but not anymore. Last time I just spotted some old farts sitting and drinking up their pension. I think Jomtien is the only highlight now , if you want to communicte with the boys and have some fun for a "cheap" price.

August 19th, 2015, 03:23
Last time I just spotted some old farts sitting and drinking up their pension. .
How cruel and unkind of you to write that loke. What's wrong with farting, sitting and drinking?

тАЬCome, gentlemen, I hope we shall drink down all unkindness.тАЭ William Shakespeare

August 19th, 2015, 03:26
And let's not forget to compare 4 Star Hotels with 4 Star Hotels instead of picking a 3 Star Hotel in Melbourne.
I've applied the usual Pattaya Discount - reduce by at least 25% but preferably 50% any rating in Pattaya to find its equivalent in the real world. Hence 4 stars really means 3 or even 2 stars

August 19th, 2015, 05:14
I just read this topic (don't look here everyday, sorry) and back to the OP's question.

This Smiles guy makes a few good points, probably out of experience from what I read.

My opinion is simple, Times Change, new thing come, old things slowly fade away. (Just like most oldies here, as me (*) )

People/members who have some internet skills to posts and search/read, have a much broader selection.
Unless a question/subject is NICHE specific, why would a member ask a question here, when there is the much larger ThaiVisa Forum (yes, filled with "professional" know-it-alls). Then there is basic Google/Yahoo/Bing search, which ever someone prefers.

Therefore forums like this have become limited, since they represent only a small number of Thailand farangs, which is getting smaller IMHO.

The niche here is mostly Gay Pattaya/Bangkok question (boys, bars, viagra, prices, accommodation and some holiday reports).
Many of the older/longterm members have seen and know it all and reading the same old questions/subjects again gets boring.
Be honest, how many really interesting topics are posted/started?
Most topics after 3-5 replies get off-topic anyway, which is normal for any forum.

There seems to be a 10-20 (maybe more, I did not do a count) hardcore posters here, whom keep it alive and kicking, good on them.
A larger group like my self, will just post now and then.
A more larger group will post even less, maybe 1-2 posts monthly.
Then a very larger group of lurkers, who just read or come here by accident after a search and maybe come for a week and disappear, after a few posts.

The point is, there will come a day when forums like this will be obsolete. Hopefully after I am dead and gone, because I would miss it.

The "LOVE" some members have here (and other forums) for each other is pure humor. One of the things that makes this forum and topics A JOY to read.
Then (again as every forum has) there are always members who just love to stir the pot. Won't mention any names, you know who you are. :))

Last but not least: IT IS SUPER LOW SEASON NOW
It will get better (as the gay phrase goes)

August 19th, 2015, 15:40
And let's not forget to compare 4 Star Hotels with 4 Star Hotels instead of picking a 3 Star Hotel in Melbourne.
I've applied the usual Pattaya Discount - reduce by at least 25% but preferably 50% any rating in Pattaya to find its equivalent in the real world. Hence 4 stars really means 3 or even 2 stars

Totally ridiculous. These are not independent ratings but ratings by the Mecure Chain. Trip advisor agrees . The dump you try to compare it to in Melbourne is not even close. And since Scotty seems to think he is getting good value for his upgraded room, breakfast etc and he has sampled other Hotels in the chain, I guess it is probably good value.

I also notice you have nothing to say about your ridiculous rate comparisons by picking inferior rooms without breakfast and no refunds.I'm still holding my breath! HaHa

August 19th, 2015, 19:08
The deluxe rooms at the Mercure in Pattaya are not especially luxurious or spacious - but they are easily comfortable enough for 2 people, have a balcony, good air-con, are spotlessly clean, everything works (no broken lights etc - which is something that severly pisses me off in a hotel), and they're free of cockroaches (I can not sleep in a room where i've spotted even a single cockroach). There's also no problem with joiners at night (I always have BF with me anyway, but others in our party bring boys back without any hassle) - provided they have ID. There is a sign at the elevators telling you they have zero-tolerance regarding underage, but that's fair enough.

The pool is nice to sit around and the hotel bar is friendly and reasonably priced for a couple of drinks before going out in the evening - and a shuttle bus whisks you (free) to and from the entrance to BT as many times a day as you like.

In short, it's all that I want and I've been content to pay ┬г50 a night including breakfasts etc although I do note that the rates at the Mercure seem to be dropping - but maybe that's happening generally.

Having said all that I'm considering re-visting the Welcome Plaza next time as I hear it's been refurbished and it used to be my hotel of choice before it got so dilapidated that it became unclean. The breakfast offering is very poor tho - more like a canteen than a restaurant - so I generally went Room Only there. I also found that by booking directly with the hotel (at very little increase over the booking websites) I always avoided any issue with joiners, whereas I witnessed others who had used discount websites being hit with a joiner fee. Well, that's the explanation I was given by one of the bell boys anyway.

August 20th, 2015, 01:12
There is a noticeable dearth of topics about The Rest of Thailand on Sawatdee these days.
These are covered in my and llz's blog, gay venues and general sightseeing.

Nobody mentioned that some posters might have gotten a life. I can only speak for myself: when I was employed, I had plenty of time to read all forums and post every day. But now, without job, I haste from one trip to the next, with barely enough time to catch up on forums and write a few posts for my blog.

August 20th, 2015, 03:20
These are not independent ratings but ratings by the Mecure Chain
The Pattaya Discount refers to the discount to be applied because it's located in a cesspit

August 20th, 2015, 15:59
Steady on, Kommie - it's a bit harsh calling Pattaya a cesspit.

Have you ever visited Blackpool, UK?

August 21st, 2015, 09:39
Have you ever visited Blackpool, UK?
I do have some standards Scotty

August 23rd, 2015, 11:48
Nice Hotel. Now just imagine staying at a Mecure Hotel in most of the Western world or NZ, Au. etc . You would spend many times your current budget for lodging. Firecat seems challenged to come up with evidence of Mercure hotels in Australia where Scotty (or anybody else) would spend "many times" (firecat's word) 50 Euros. What would "many times" actually mean for those who don't struggle with the English language? At least 5 or 6 times seems a reasonable approximation of "many times".

Here's another Mercure property in Melbourne (http://www.mercure.com/gb/booking/rates.shtml?packId=33900246023) (yes, still Australia) that charges 115 Euro (131 US) for bed and breakfast. That's ... um, er, let me get out my calculator ... 2.3 times the Pattaya rate. Is 2.3 "many times"? Not for those of us who speak English as our first language. Over to firecat.