View Full Version : Sunee shrinking Jomtien growing?

August 4th, 2015, 14:00
I know it's a sensitive subject because many of you don't like to hear anything about the demise of Sunee plaza. But let me get it out of the way; it really is! I've been there 4 or 5 times the last months, and I have hardly seen any customers. Many dark spots left and right because of closed bars. For me, it's a said walk through Sunee now a days.

That walk gets an extra sad impulse because of the Arabs that have now taken hold of both streets parallel to Sunee. Even though, I must say, they have never given me a feeling of disapproval, walking with a boy in tow. Not that this is happening regularly lately.

On the other side, I went to Jomtien Complex a couple of times recently and I was impressed with the customers in the bars there. I saw a lot of regulars, people that I have seen for years in Sunee having a drink. I have no relationship with them to speak of other than the fact that I remember them from being Sunee regulars. In other words, I didn't feel comfortable in asking them about the switch.

I never was a frequent visitor of Jomtien Complex. I been to the venue one time for example, not my thing. But could it be that Jomtien Complex is growing? As I understand it, there are no gogo's allowed in that area, that might be the only reason it has not taken over completely.

You might have noticed that I haven't spoken about the boys in general. I can only speak for myself when it comes to taste, so I'm just talking about venues and customers.

August 4th, 2015, 16:07
Any comparison of Jomtien and Sunee must remember the former is exclusively drinking bars (and many good restaurants) and the latter has both drinking and go-go bars.

August 4th, 2015, 16:25
For me, it's a said walk through Sunee now a days.
I noticed many of these mixed up homophone typos (said->sad) recently on SGT; did you use speech recognition or type?
(Which further raises the question: with speech recognition, can you still call it a typo?)

I recently stayed one night in Jomtien and while it was busy with boys and customers, I did not spot a single boy I would take for free. I will stay again in Sunee next time and go to gogo bars (that's why I come to Pattaya).

August 4th, 2015, 17:41

Christian, might I suggest https://tefltv.com/

I'm not sure if people (hear) are interested in Linguistic purism. If they were, your writing style would definitely be topic of discussion. Let me point it out below:

For me, it's a said walk through Sunee now a days.
I noticed many of these mixed up homophone typos (said->sad) recently on SGT; did you use speech recognition or type?
(Which further raises the question: with speech recognition, can you still call it a typo?)

I recently stayed one night in Jomtien and while it was busy with boys and customers, I did not spot a single boy I would take for free. I will stay again in Sunee next time and go to gogo bars (that's why I come to Pattaya).

Not to mention the fact that you totally ignored the topic. Could I have made it any clearer that the boys were not in play? It was about customers and venues. Yes, writing can be hard sometimes, but reading and understanding isn't easy either, is it?

August 4th, 2015, 17:59
BIG LOL ... Christian, might I suggest https://tefltv.com/ ... I'm not sure if people (hear) are interested in Linguistic purism. If they were, your writing style would definitely be topic of discussion. Let me point it out below ...
Good for you Vnman. Christian pulled the same tight ass grammatical/spelling bullshit on me more than once ... almost every time making more than enough English faux pas's (SP ??/LOL) in his own message to make his whining laughable.
My one and only PM to him was basically geared around the concept of him attempting to ditch at least half of the 12 dildos he's got permanently implanted up his ass.
No more Mr Christian for me thanks. There's very few left on that island.

August 4th, 2015, 20:19
Fletcher? Pitcairn?

August 6th, 2015, 00:42
Can we get this back on topic?

Jomtien has no gogo bars, so I've not yet bothered to go out there after dark. Always Boystown or Sunee.

As a tourist, I don't really like being adjacent to the Arabs, however other than their dangerous motorcycle riding I've not personally noticed any problems with it. I hear they can be very noisy into the early hours of the morning (just like the younger set from our own countries), so I try very hard to avoid the hotels they are colonising.
So as it is, Sunee & Boystown works OK for me. If Jomtien starts opening some gogo bars, maybe I would go there at night.

August 6th, 2015, 06:41
I am from a part of America that has been inundated with Arabs over the last 5 years. I am planning a trip to pattaya in 2016 and the last thing I want to do is stay in a hotel full of the same images of what I see day and night here in my part of America. I just hope you do not mean that the gay hotels in Sunee are populated with them... please ease my mind :-\

August 6th, 2015, 09:02
I saw 3 Arab men, all under 50 y.o. last night in Sunny Boys, Sunee Plaza. They appeared to enjoy the boys and aside from
lots of animated talk with waiter about the check-bin, no problems.
Sunny Boys has new owner, a woman. Lots of boys, bulges and a subdued chuck wow show, a few seats from me.
Later on, I noted a uniformed police
officer sitting outside, after hearing about police while in nearby Eros.
Otherwise, Sunee verry quiet with Rainbow, JoJo and other bar beers closed. Lots of dark areas.
Allofme busy and Allofmetoo has two very personable cute boys eager to make your night. They were formerly at Eros.
A bright spot on an otherwise
quiet part of Sunee Plaza.

August 6th, 2015, 12:49
Went to Jomtian complex last night at 11pm. Very few falang and loads of boys trying to drag me into the bars . Had one drink with a falang friend and we left to go to Sunee. When we arrived at 12.15am it was quite lively. The bars that were open all seemed to have falang and lots of boys. I hope this means things are looking up for Sunee. I will see what its like tonight. :)

August 6th, 2015, 15:08
... loads of boys trying to drag me into the bars...

Poor you!

But seriously, I'm not a big fan of boys trying to pull me into a bar. Mostly because the once that do are not my taste :-)

If you don't want to deal with Arabs, don't go to Sunee. I don't see away around them there. But, they are really not the same as you would meet in a western country.Pattaya is Sodom and Gomorrah for them too. Probably eating a little pork is the least of their vices. However, you want to avoid...hmzzz, i forgot the name of the hotel next to/above Eros. I have seen many of them there. Lady boys are also up and about around dawn in that area.

What I would like to know; has the number of bars gone up in Jomtien Complex the last 2 years? Again, as I remember, there are no Gogo bars allowed in Jomtien. Too bad, because that would be a great place for a secluded and imo improved gay area. Plenty of apartments for rent, ample parking day and night, a better beach than in Pattaya and...well... all that judgmental stuff.

August 6th, 2015, 18:18
Probably eating a little pork is the least of their vices.

reminds me of the old joke about the Catholic priest and the Rabbi discussing whether each had committed a grave sin against his religion and the Rabbi lamented "Having sex is so much better than eating pork!"


August 6th, 2015, 18:50
My friend who this week came back, used his Grindr, met arab boys, most would not enter Jomtien at all. Boyztown never. He had young Arab sex a few times.

Interesting Arabs come from an all male groups where the ladies stay home, they mixed with dancing boys, smoking but without grog, somehow was different.

He mentioned he would meet his Arab boy[s] outside Jomtien, drinking at a 7/11 and moving home, on to sex.

For those who reject Arabs and gay sex it is difficult. But it is happening. He stated that the word in their countries is getting around. Like grindr with Arabs

I could not believe it . Now I wonder.

August 6th, 2015, 23:38
Several times, when walking get around in Sunee, some Indian guys have turned around toget a second look at me. I don't know if they do it becauseof my race, nationality, former of dress, the way I walk or if they are sizing me up with sexual thoughts.

I've never found out.

I should mention that there are some nights when I am mistaken as an Indian.

August 7th, 2015, 01:33
I just hope you do not mean that the gay hotels in Sunee are populated with them... please ease my mind :-\

I haven't seen that, however they are in a lot of the nicer looking hotels immediately surrounding Sunee.
For me, the Sunee gay hotels either look very basic or cannot reply to an e-mail in a timely fashion. So I look at the surrounding areas and see some smarter hotels that are colonised by the arabs.
As this includes younger customers, you're getting into the territory where trip advisor reviews start complaining of loud noise until 4~5:00 am. This is not for me.
The mature gay (or straight) tourists from certain other regions rarely causes such problems.

August 7th, 2015, 01:54
met arab boys, most would not enter Jomtien at all. Boyztown never

Hadn't thought of that before but, yes, you are right. I wonder why?

August 7th, 2015, 07:37
He had young Arab sex a few times.Mind-boggling

Interesting Arabs come from an all male groups where the ladies stay home, they mixed with dancing boys ...
Did you see the documentary a few years ago about the dancing boys of Afghanistan? Needless to say it was all in a tone of tut-tutting

August 7th, 2015, 07:41
Several times, when walking get around in Sunee, some Indian guys have turned around toget a second look at me. I don't know if they do it becauseof my race, nationality, former of dress, the way I walk or if they are sizing me up ...
It's The Look, bucky, The Look. Isn't that why you do it?? LMFAO

August 7th, 2015, 07:55
Several times, when walking get around in Sunee, some Indian guys have turned around toget a second look at me. I don't know if they do it becauseof my race, nationality, former of dress, the way I walk or if they are sizing me up ...
It's The Look, bucky, The Look. Isn't that why you do it?? LMFAO

Maybe. You may never know....