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View Full Version : Why I'll never call Thai guys "Boy"

July 11th, 2015, 07:12
I've often wondered if calling Thai guys "boys" would ever put a target on your back by those who lurk online and monitor forums. I then saw this http://www.queerty.com/mans-life-ruined ... e-20150508 (http://www.queerty.com/mans-life-ruined-by-child-porn-charges-turns-out-police-just-didnt-know-what-twinks-are-20150508)

With thai guys looking so youthful I don't think it we old be wise for Americans to post about boys. Sure you may be doing nothing illegal but that will be of little comfort when your name and picture is all over the news.

July 11th, 2015, 08:02
Perhaps we should all go-Amuricun and just use it like, er, the B-word.

July 11th, 2015, 08:58
I think it was Brad that warned about the problem of calling young men boys. The word boy certainly sounds too young,even though we're all talking about 18 plus years of age here.

A Thai man I made friends with on one of my trips sent me a couple of photos of himself. I didn't think much of it until I showed my best friend the photos. He burst out laughing thinking the man was 14 years old. I tried to explain to him that Asian men look much younger than their real age, but I had a hard time convincing my friend that.He was fully clothed by the way.

I like the site Captain Outrageous, which is mostly fems he takes photos of. But they are fairly young looking. Thank goodness for the disclaimer stating they're all over 18.

The vast amounts of money being spent here in America on Homeland Security and surveillance is amazing. Probably reading this right now! One would be taking tremendous risk if they thought they could down load any thing illegal. I wonder about Facebook also. I come across under age porn by mistake just clicking thru profiles. I would think their staff would delete this stuff.its not video but a photo here or there.

July 11th, 2015, 09:35
You are right. I came across a story of a guy convicted with the his message board posts about Thai boys he met and how some were green.

Computers hold a lifetime of a singe persons information and search has gotten so good that its become scary as to what can be done.

July 11th, 2015, 14:03
I have a Thai friend who goes by the nickname of 'Boy'. He's 32 years old but looks much younger.
I have a couple of photos of him in my computer and the pictures are called boy_01.jpg and boy_02.jpg. I guess I will have to be more careful.

One anecdote: We were shopping in Central some months ago when I spoke to him and said "Boy, please can you carry these bags while I get the carpark card stamped' I was overheard by a Dutch woman who berated me for calling the local lad 'Boy'. It's colonial and elitist she said. I explained to her that Boy was the boy's name but she did not want to climb down from her moral high horse. So I called Boy over and asked him to tell the woman what his name was. 'Boy' he said. 'What!' she said. 'I don't believe you'.
After a bit more questioning and answering between Boy and the woman it was finished by Boy calling her stupid and walking away.

July 11th, 2015, 14:48
It's a common nickname around Pattaya but, as far I can discern, it is a "stage" name, used only for business. The last time (about four months ago) that a guy told me that this was his name, I asked him what his Thai friends called him. And it wasn't "boy".

There is , of course, another reason to avoid the term when discussing young men- its use by American and Boer racists to humiliate African and Afro-American men.

July 11th, 2015, 14:56
Remind me not to visit Boystown or visit Boys Boys Boys, Dream Boys, X-Boys, Sunny Boys, etc.; wouldn't want people to get the wrong impression.

July 11th, 2015, 15:00
Boy's name is certainly not a 'stage name' - he tells me that it was given to him by his teacher when he was 6 years old and he has used it ever since. Even his parents call him 'Boy'.

There is , of course, another reason to avoid the term when discussing young men- its use by American and Boer racists to humiliate African and Afro-American men.
But we are not in America or South Africa. We are in a country where the nickname 'Boy' is as common as Bob or Jim is in the West.

July 11th, 2015, 16:06
It's called the "Peter Pan Syndrome" and is clearly reflected on sites like Grindr with guys on their 30s and 40s with handles like "sexyboi". While people in general (including the newspapers) keep referring to 16 year olds as "young boys" there's really not much hope is there. For me a young boy is 6 years old, not 16 years old.

July 11th, 2015, 19:07
I really wouldn't worry about the use of the word boy with regards to photos etc. After all there are plenty of mainstream gay porn sites that use it, for example enigmaticboys and boycrush to name but two.

July 11th, 2015, 21:11
In a gay bar in USA I was advised not to use the word boy when speaking of my adventures in Thailand. I did explain the meaning but doubt that I was believed. My tf (thai, not boy, friend) did adopt the name of Boy as a nom de guerre but, among, his friends, uses a contraction of his real name.
Next time I see him I will ask his preference.

July 12th, 2015, 07:26
A short, squat Russian tourist approached me at Tesco Pattaya and asked what I proposed to do with that "little boy", referring to the ex-bf I was with. I first met him when he was 20 years old, and that was ten years ago. I told the Russian lady that he was 30 years old. She said, "That's impossible. I'm 30 years old". I looked at her and was about to offer her my sympathies, but didn't think she would understand. Finally I told her it was none of her business what I did with anyone. Her parting words: "Go to hell".

July 12th, 2015, 11:41
Under those circumstances Bob ie. approached by a complete stranger and asked an impertinent question I invariably reply "I'm terribly sorry I don't speak English".

July 12th, 2015, 23:24
Remind me not to visit Boystown or visit Boys Boys Boys, Dream Boys, X-Boys, Sunny Boys, etc.; wouldn't want people to get the wrong impression.

That, of course, was the reason that, about 10-15 years ago I'd guess, the "Boystown" sign spanning the northern end of Pattayaland Soi 3 was taken down and replaced by a new version proclaiming "Boyztown". While the gay powers-that-be (or, more accurately these days, "powers that were") liked to think that "boyz" was widely recognised as a gay term for legal-aged young men, I suspect that you won't get much joy in claiming that to the ignorant Northern Irish policemen referred to in the OP's link - or to the ignorant Russian woman in the Pattaya store.

July 13th, 2015, 01:17
My 82 year old neighbour has a 70 year old GIRLfriend and she calls him her new BOYfriend.
These moral police know full well what's going on but it's still easy to bash the gays so they do it.

July 13th, 2015, 03:15
Last time I was in Pattaya, December/January 2014 I stayed at the P72 hotel in walking street which has a restaurant/bar out the front. I was sitting out there people watching and waiting for my grindr date to show up, when he did and I greeted hoi and we started moving towards the lobby an american asian woman in her 40's sitting with her family (2 cute sons and white husband) loudly asked me what I was doing with this boy (the grindr date was 24) , in an equally loud voice I replied that I was going to fuck him up the arse at least twice if not more and that for a fee she was welcome to watch.....and that was the end of it!!

July 13th, 2015, 03:30
I wonder what the Thai think of foreigners being confronted in such situations and replying with either a quiet response or an outragous statement?

I'm sure it's the outragous statements that spread and morph into something worse for the listeners to imagine creating more social do-gooders that may say nothing out loud but will have the police knocking on your door.

Maybe it's us visitors that is ruining Thailand for the thai's.

July 13th, 2015, 05:38
Last time I was in Pattaya, December/January 2014 I stayed at the P72 hotel in walking street which has a restaurant/bar out the front. I was sitting out there people watching and waiting for my grindr date to show up, when he did and I greeted hoi and we started moving towards the lobby an american asian woman in her 40's sitting with her family (2 cute sons and white husband) loudly asked me what I was doing with this boy (the grindr date was 24) , in an equally loud voice I replied that I was going to fuck him up the arse at least twice if not more and that for a fee she was welcome to watch.....and that was the end of it!!
The board needs a "like this" button.

July 13th, 2015, 05:51
That makes me wonde..... If we thought an adult was going assault ayouth, would we say anything?

July 13th, 2015, 06:11
Maybe it's us visitors that is ruining Thailand for the thai's.
Quite right Bucky us foreigners exploiting cheap Thai sex workers is a form of exploitation just as slavery was in the the 18th and 19th centuries in America. That's right, innit?

July 13th, 2015, 07:50
bucky...clearly u have never been to walking street...the Thai that work there are far far far more outrageous than I could ever be..after all Pattaya is not Thailand!!!
Its not illegal to have gay sex in Thailand, she had no right to even question me, and as an Asian she should be able to gauge his age. and as for calling my dates "boy"..yes I do refer to them and call them to their face " money boy"..I couldnt be bothered even asking their names..I just wanna use them for an hour or two..then move onto the next one..and by now u must know that my kink is domination/humiliation..I make sure they know who's on top figuratively and otherwise....

July 13th, 2015, 08:16
Last time I was in Pattaya, December/January 2014 I stayed at the P72 hotel in walking street which has a restaurant/bar out the front. I was sitting out there people watching and waiting for my grindr date to show up, when he did and I greeted hoi and we started moving towards the lobby an american asian woman in her 40's sitting with her family (2 cute sons and white husband) loudly asked me what I was doing with this boy (the grindr date was 24) , in an equally loud voice I replied that I was going to fuck him up the arse at least twice if not more and that for a fee she was welcome to watch.....and that was the end of it!!

LOL +1

I always get that crap at Philippine immigration when I leave the country with my bf. The last time he put his passport in-front of her, she looked at it, then him and then addressed me "how old is the boy?" I wonder what your response would have been hehehe

July 13th, 2015, 08:27
As someone who visits the Philippines regularly, I would have told the Immigration Office to just read his Passport!!!
But I have also felt bothered calling my friends there "Boy". Instead I have adopted "Guy".
HAHAHA Guyfriend, not Boyfriend...
Go figure!!!

July 13th, 2015, 08:32
Maybe it's us visitors that is ruining Thailand for the thai's.
Quite right Bucky us foreigners exploiting cheap Thai sex workers is a form of exploitation just as slavery was in the the 18th and 19th centuries in America. That's right, innit?

If you say so but there are $20 crack whores here also. And I hear blowjob can be had for $5.

July 13th, 2015, 08:35
bucky...clearly u have never been to walking street...the Thai that work there are far far far more outrageous than I could ever be..after all Pattaya is not Thailand!!!
Its not illegal to have gay sex in Thailand, she had no right to even question me, and as an Asian she should be able to gauge his age. and as for calling my dates "boy"..yes I do refer to them and call them to their face " money boy"..I couldnt be bothered even asking their names..I just wanna use them for an hour or two..then move onto the next one..and by now u must know that my kink is domination/humiliation..I make sure they know who's on top figuratively and otherwise....

When I've been to Pattaya with guys born in Thailand who have never been to pattaya before tell me that they feel as if Pattaya is not a part of Thailand.

July 13th, 2015, 10:47
When I've been to Pattaya with guys born in Thailand who have never been to pattaya before tell me that they feel as if Pattaya is not a part of Thailand.
The only people who believe Pattaya is part of Thailand are sex tourists and the sort of sexpat who lives there.

July 13th, 2015, 10:48
If you say so but there are $20 crack whores here also. And I hear blowjob can be had for $5.
On this I bow to your undoubted expertise

July 13th, 2015, 15:27
kommy thats mean :)

July 13th, 2015, 17:36
Cool. That ends that :-)

July 13th, 2015, 21:43
I have never been in such a situation, but Latintop's answer is great!

A friend once told me a story about a Farang and a Thai in court, where the judge asked the Farang what they (Farang+Thai) did in his (Farang's) room, the Farang replied "we were fucking".

July 14th, 2015, 01:42
One must also remember that, in some countries, referring to a man of color is considered a racial slur and thus is taboo.

July 14th, 2015, 02:41
That I'm not to worried about, I'm in the USA and gear the keystone cops taking words posted as literal and performing a raid and arrest because they mistook the word boy for boy.

July 14th, 2015, 15:14
Last time I was in Pattaya, December/January 2014 I stayed at the P72 hotel in walking street which has a restaurant/bar out the front. I was sitting out there people watching and waiting for my grindr date to show up, when he did and I greeted hoi and we started moving towards the lobby an american asian woman in her 40's sitting with her family (2 cute sons and white husband) loudly asked me what I was doing with this boy (the grindr date was 24) , in an equally loud voice I replied that I was going to fuck him up the arse at least twice if not more and that for a fee she was welcome to watch.....and that was the end of it!!

This is why I only stay in Gay hotels or gay "friendly" hotels.

But even gay "friendly" can be anything but. You will find that with fag-hags and the "openminded" everything is fine until you do something that's DEEPLY gay like going deep....

On my last and final visit to the gay/gay friendly resort hotel in Jomtien Complex I and the boy were scrutinised by a heavily pregnant Russian lounging poolside with her menacing looking male-mate who snarled on in a language that Russian writers turned into real literature- what amazing people those writers were!

July 15th, 2015, 04:00
In case u havent noticed Im fairly self confident and expect service, but at the same time am not a flamboyant in your face queen. In public I tend to be restrained, I dont hold hands with the "boys" or kiss or even let them fool around with me on the sun lounger on the beach. So in that enviornment if someone picks a fight with me I never back down, in fact I turn quite south european verbal volatile.
In a non gay bar/restaurant I keep physical contact to the minimum, the exception is certain bars like eros where I've done everything and more right on the couch in front of the whole world, but then thats different.
And in the privacy of my hotel room there are no boundaries...thats when my kink alter ego is set free....

July 16th, 2015, 01:58
Last time I was in Pattaya, December/January 2014 I stayed at the P72 hotel in walking street which has a restaurant/bar out the front. I was sitting out there people watching and waiting for my grindr date to show up, when he did and I greeted hoi and we started moving towards the lobby an american asian woman in her 40's sitting with her family (2 cute sons and white husband) loudly asked me what I was doing with this boy (the grindr date was 24) , in an equally loud voice I replied that I was going to fuck him up the arse at least twice if not more and that for a fee she was welcome to watch.....and that was the end of it!!

Good for you! Your open book attitude before the kids will make her think twice next time.
What if the nosey bitch had taken you up on your invitation to watch for a fee?
Pass it on to the boy as a bonus?

July 16th, 2015, 02:33
...even thats a bit too much for me...talk about a dick killer...middle aged woman perched on he bed watching me pound money boy butt....