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June 26th, 2006, 05:10
Ecuador's World Cup ended because of a single moment of brilliance by the England captain David Beckham, Ecuador coach Luis Fernando Suarez said.

June 26th, 2006, 10:05
... happy endings and Beckham pulling it off, reminds me of the story about Beckham at Real Madrid. Yet another new coach had started at Real and in his first game was unhappy with how Beckham was playing. During the first half the coach callled Beckham over to the touchline and said "Look Beckham, if you don't start playing better I'm going to pull you off at half time". Beckham replied groping himself "That's great boss, the last coach only used to give us oranges at half time" boom boom!

June 28th, 2006, 11:13
Isn't it strange, every time Beckie scores a goal it is called "brilliant" even if it is only one in the whole match. I thought that was the aim of the game, scoring goals? Sadly this just means a delay to the hefty disappointment the entire English nation must later suffer. Play as usual.

I once listened to a interview with Beckie, I think he is autistic because he cannot use simple English. He really struggles to speak, and then comes out with a truly strange sentence structure in a high pitched whisper. I thought I was bad until I heard him.

June 28th, 2006, 11:16
And then there's his missus

June 28th, 2006, 12:02
What can I say, we Brit''s love our soap opera's and what better one could there be:

Rising young handsome blonde footballer dates middlingly talented Uber rich and succesful popstar
Preggers with child they announce their engagement
He wears a dress and Alice(head)band in public
He get's red carded at the world cup and his effigy his hanged and burnt
The Spice Girls spilt up leaving 'Posh Spice' to make her own career
They marry in a castle in Ireland and have golden thrones to sit on
They produce a boy and give him a name after the place where they fucked him into being - Brooklyn
He has multiple affairs and gossip column's are full
She starts singing 'Who let the dog's out' when a past affair of David's enters the room
She is pregnant with another baby to save the marriage
Baby Romeo is born, what a name to live up to!
Her career dwindles as his gains momentum
Alleged kidnap plots on her and the kids are thwarted in time for release of her next single
He is made captain of England and takes them to the world cup with a last minute super free kick
He is announced as Britains Sportsman of the Year
He is awarded the OBE by the Queen
He has bust up with Manager of Man Utd and is left with a scar on his brow
Leaves Man Utd to go to the biggest club in the world, Real Madrid
More affairs
Telephone sex texting is revealed between David and an affair
Another baby to save the Marriage - baby Cruz
He becomes despised by certain sectors of the British press who call for him to be dropped as England Captain
He scores the winning goal in the World Cup Final 2006 and lifts the trophy
He comes out as a fag after he is filmed in HD-DVD shagging the arse off Christiano Ronaldo

Ok, the last two are made up, but what a soap opera!

June 30th, 2006, 11:03
The missus is just too nasty for words, and those over sized owl like sunglasses hooked onto a Jackson nose, that looks like it has been used by Beckie to practise his strikes on, the perma tan the fake smile,the famine look,the pinched mouth.........for more see the Daily mail.
Ok fair enough they sold their souls for cash, but with such little style that it is no wonder the press love having a go, they are such easy meat.

That Beckie has managed to hold onto his "youthful" good looks for so long is nothing short of a miracle, plus an entire image management team. Still it entertains the punters. I see Tony Blair has lost his team, and the plot.

Any-way while we are on the subject of the grotesque, Wimbledon seems to have it's fair share as well, in the form of the lovely Amelie Mauresmo. If that "woman" has ovaries, I will eat them cooked in garlic butter! It's not so much butch as a freak show.

There really ought to be a rule about the arrangement of ones male chromosomes in woman tennis. Thankfully we wont see her holding anything aloft this year, we will be squeamish enough after seeing a Hingis return.
Lovely Amelie has a little phobia about the English and Wimbledon, I wonder why? Is it because the F****H will even fuck a.....I leave that up to your imagination, suffice to say the English have a good eye and are a lot more circumspect, this might unnerve her.

Justin Henin-Hardenne is however a very worthy possible, and I wish her the best of luck. And yes I can't get enough of seeing Fedarra win. Like the Brazilians he has such a lot of natural style and grace, his good fortune that he never married Victoria Beckie. His needs are so humble, just the odd cow or sheep and plenty of land to frolic on.

Sadly now the "footie" has taken a back-stage. Oh why not, let the Brazilians win again, after all, the best men should win?

June 30th, 2006, 11:22
You watch women's tennis? How sad

June 30th, 2006, 11:43
I watch all the tennis dullard, well as much as TVB Pearl will allow.
I suppose you are the type that only watches if you can wank your flap of foreskin, thats asuming you can find it amongst the pubic lard. I don't find womans tennis boring at all, might be because I play on a hard court and use the baseline myself.

Besides men play much the same way these days even on grass, it's all about power placement and the serve. I wouldn't get too close to the net if I was you, you could loose your eyeball!

June 30th, 2006, 11:55
I suppose you are the type that only watches if you can wank your flap of foreskinI prefer my view of balls to be much closer to my eyes, preferably dangling just in front of them while I'm rimming some smooth-arsed boy. The only sport in which I indulge is horizontal jogging. I prefer to do rather than view, but watching some deformed creature (ie. one without a penis) is way down the bottom of my To Do list

June 30th, 2006, 15:39
"Any-way while we are on the subject of the grotesque, Wimbledon seems to have it's fair share as well, in the form of the lovely Amelie Mauresmo. If that "woman" has ovaries, I will eat them cooked in garlic butter! It's not so much butch as a freak show...."

Agree entirely, another one I cannot stand is that damn Mary Pearce, now for the life of me I can't remember why I dislike her so much, but I get the feeling that I once thought she cheated by feigning injury and trying to put off her opponent with time outs. I thinks she's a smug little cow too. And French of course.

Add to Justine H.H. Kim Cleysters who I wouldn't mind seeing win. What is it about these Belgians?

As for 'how sad' to be watching women's tennis, I find it a little boring in the first week with all the 6-0, 6-1 wins, but it generally hots up into a great 2nd week tournament.

July 1st, 2006, 14:35
Oh yes, just when I got over that Mary Pearce thing along came Mauresmo, the French are desperate to remain at the top, sending all their best men out to the ladies tournaments.
The other thing about Pearce is that she had emotional baggage, I dont know the full story, but her father also mistook her for the cow you spoke of, and apparently milked her for every penny, that and other unsavoury bovine fetishes of his, left her permanently disaffected.

Ok none of this was her fault, but she kept up those appearances way beyond the limit of most human endurance, only the French had more, and rightly as you say, cheated her way to at least winning one tournament even if it was their own.
So desperate were the French to have their permanently hard put upon Mary win something, that I think they fed her contaminated relative in the form of a mad cow. As a consequence her shoulders were so broad that they had to reconstruct Charles De Gaulle just getting her to Wimbledon. All of this just to see her tearful return, and return at least ten times over. The joys of womans tennis.

I think the Belgian phenomena is none other than a pure fluke to be honest, both Justine and Kim came up at exactly the same time. But personaly I always thought that Belgian tennis was underrated , having spent two years of my life there and having learnt to play there I can only say they have excellent coaches and facility for such a small country.