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July 3rd, 2015, 02:19
This may seem an odd question. But, I live in Florida and everyone not doing business wears shorts on a daily basis and I mean everyone. I leave in a few days do I bring trousers only or can I mix cargo shorts in, at least during the day.

July 3rd, 2015, 02:26
Most everyone wears shorts or worse in Pattaya both day and night. For me it is cargo shorts and a polo shirt.

July 3rd, 2015, 03:33
I wear shorts during the day but prefer light cotton trousers at night as some protection against mosquitoes. But I do see people wearing shorts at night. Not sure about BKK, but in Pattaya, it's very relaxed about what you wear.

July 3rd, 2015, 08:08
Thanks so much, I never wear shorts in Bangkok - but, this is my first trip to Pattaya in twenty years - appreciate the advice

July 3rd, 2015, 20:42
Thanks so much, I never wear shorts in Bangkok -
Why? Just curious.

July 3rd, 2015, 20:50
You can buy long pants that have a zipper option around the knee area, which turns them into shorts. Re-zipper and you have long pants again.
Now, white socks with sandals is another matter..

July 4th, 2015, 03:31
And dont forget, my dear - wearing white shoes after Labor Day is a complete no-no.

July 4th, 2015, 06:13
If you subscribe to the theory of "dress for success" then the more skin you show the less seriously people take you. Merkel in a bikini holding a press conference gives you the general idea. It's an idea that infuriates those who refuse to accept that how you present yourself sends messages about how you want people to perceive you. Girls who dress like sluts and think they shouldn't attract inappropriate comments or, worse, behaviour are a prime example

Me, I have no time for silly old fools who wear cargo pants or caps back to front - in Bangkok or anywhere else

July 4th, 2015, 08:18
Well, as I said cargo shorts and Bermuda shorts are standard attire in my part of the world. "silly old fools" or not I pay for what I get, tip well and don't expect anyone to think I'm sexy - Oh and by the way, one can't wear a Panama backwards - God but some people are just asses........

July 4th, 2015, 08:53
Well, as I said cargo shorts and Bermuda shorts are standard attire in my part of the world.Florida! What else can you expect? I'm told even the hookers in Miami have pacemakers.

July 4th, 2015, 12:01
I used to only wear long pants in Bangkok. But I gave that up in the interest of comfort. Plenty of people wearing shorts there these days, locals and tourists.

July 4th, 2015, 15:34
Many of us reading this message forum are into our fifties, sixties and older. If we are tempted to imitate the way younger tourists dress we shouldn't be surprised if in some people's eyes we might look a little silly. Do any of you reading this have tattoos? The sort that cover most of the arm(s) and/or leg(s). A male tourist in his twenties with a fit body etc etc can look quite photogenic, and may explain the skimpy clothing usually worn in hot climates. That's a far cry from the now old-fashioned discreet tattoo worn on the upper arm or whatever; now (I presume), the whole point of this latest craze is to show off as much as possible. Leaving tattoos aside one item of clothing I keep well away from is those shorts, or are they trousers? The ones that stretch down midway between the knee and ankle. Many moons ago these baggy creations were worn by spotty teenagers desperate to be seen wearing something their elders wouldn't be seen dead in, so how come we now see much older guys wearing them? Ok, that's my no-no equivalent of the back-to-front cap that an earlier poster mentioned, but if you feel comfortable with whatever you're wearing, why not? . . . in most cases it's none of anyone else's business. But I would draw the line at this: if others you are with, say for a meal at a nice restaurant, or attending a concert or visiting a site in Thailand such as a wat or museum, are clearly not comfortable in your presence, that's time to maybe 'think again'.

July 4th, 2015, 16:36
.....Girls who dress like sluts and think they shouldn't attract inappropriate comments or, worse, behaviour are a prime example....

Have you considered standing as a UKIP candidate?

July 4th, 2015, 21:06
Many of us reading this message forum are into our fifties, sixties and older. If we are tempted to imitate the way younger tourists dress we shouldn't be surprised if in some people's eyes we might look a little silly. '.

Quite true Rogie. On other hand some men have a sense of style and fashion and look chic whether wearing cargo shorts or long trousers, etc. While others look mal fagot├й (frumpy/dowdy) no matter what their attire.

July 4th, 2015, 21:44
. . .some men have a sense of style and fashion and look chic whether wearing cargo shorts or long trousers, etc. While others look mal fagot├й (frumpy/dowdy) no matter what their attire.

Yes, I agree. I was thinking along those lines when comparing young men with us (mostly) older fellows, although of course it's not fair to physically compare a 20 or 30-something guy to one decades his senior who in all probability will all too clearly show the after-effects of the 'ravages of time'.

But comparing like with like, two men of a similar age and background, then you are certainly right Francois in that one may look chic and the other less so or not at all.

It's a well-known fact people often prefer to associate socially with those similar to themselves, so I think it would be unusual to see, for example, two men in their sixties dining at a nice restaurant, one looking rather chic, but his companion for one reason or another, mal fagote.

July 5th, 2015, 03:16
...yeah...plse dress age appropriate...pet peeve is old not in shape guys in tight T-shirts....don't they have mirrors???

July 5th, 2015, 05:17
Plenty of people wearing shorts there these days, locals and tourists."Plenty of people wearing shorts there these days, mostly tourists but even some of the locals" would be more accurate. Even some of the locals wear those dreadful coloured singlets as if they're an outer garment.

Have you considered standing as a UKIP candidate?Belonging to a group led by someone whose first name is Nigel would be even more shaming than wearing shorts in public.

July 5th, 2015, 09:14
...yeah...plse dress age appropriate...pet peeve is old not in shape guys in tight T-shirts....don't they have mirrors???

Yes, but cataracts compromise the usefulness of mirrors

July 8th, 2015, 13:11
I dress in shorts, T-shirt and flip-flops most of the time.

Only for cinema or travel in aircon bus/van/train do I wear long leg trousers (against the cold), or when I go to immigration.

July 8th, 2015, 15:55
... I wear long leg trousers ... when I go to immigration.When you want people to take you seriously. Precisely the point of "dress for success"

July 8th, 2015, 18:27
Thanks so much, I never wear shorts in Bangkok -
Why? Just curious.

There's a strict dress code in Bangkok.

If you wish to treated like a leper go into any business space in BKK dressed in shorts.

You may be critical of this attitude but after being ignored, stone-walled and getting nowhere you will eventually go in search of the long lost slacks and long-sleeved shirt.

July 10th, 2015, 09:57
Well, as I said cargo shorts and Bermuda shorts are standard attire in my part of the world. "silly old fools" or not I pay for what I get, tip well and don't expect anyone to think I'm sexy - Oh and by the way, one can't wear a Panama backwards - God but some people are just asses........

This is my idea of Dress for Success in Pattaya and Florida.

July 11th, 2015, 01:25
It's not difficult to find some full length trousers or loose cargo trousers that are comfortable in hot climates.

When in Rome......