View Full Version : Corner Bar Still Open?

June 11th, 2015, 09:29
The Corner bar has been closed for several days don't know what is happening there however considering they rarely have any customers it might be more cost effective to stay closed.

June 11th, 2015, 23:54
I have never really 'gotten' the Corner Bar story.

Trying hard here to remember ... but I believe I have taken chair at Corner Bar perhaps four or five times over the years, but not once in the last two or three years. (Background: I don't live in Pattaya/Jomtien and visit, perhaps 2 or 3 times a year on average ~ never more than that ~ to visit friends who live in Jomtien).
Walking up and down and around Sunnee Plaza it seems to me that Corner Bar ~ or whatever it's name is now ~ has pretty well the best location in the joint sitting how it does on the corner of the little connecting soi between the two main drags. Lounging around at the end of the bar on the connecting soi one can view the comings and goings of just about everybody and the view there provides a look at and inside of at least 5 or 6 other, small host bars.
My last visit to Corner, 2 or 3 years ago, the place was, not crowded, but reasonably well-attended, and that was in early evening around 9pm. The place seemed mildly busy and the owner (pointed out to me) seemed happy-faced and congenial to customers. Carousing around the plaza for awhile I came back in circle to Corner Bar about an hour later and it was noticeably busier.

So what's the problem with this place? When did it start to recede into the limelight? When did it's excellent location seem to be unable to populate the place? Is it a management-gone-bad story? Has The Balmy Army ~ Gaybutton & Friends (?) ~ settled into new digs ... and if so, why? Would that be enough to start the slide into oblivion? Was it the lack of boys (which was noticeable, but I do not think The Corner ever thought of itself as a host bar)? What would bring it back?

June 12th, 2015, 00:44
The Corner bar has been closed for several days don't know what is happening there however considering they rarely have any customers it might be more cost effective to stay closed.

If i remember correctly, The Corner Bar has been renamed Double Shot? ;)

June 12th, 2015, 02:22
I have never really 'gotten' the Corner Bar story.
So what's the problem with this place? When did it start to recede into the limelight? When did it's excellent location seem to be unable to populate the place? Is it a management-gone-bad story? Has The Balmy Army ~ Gaybutton & Friends (?) ~ settled into new digs ... and if so, why? Would that be enough to start the slide into oblivion? Was it the lack of boys (which was noticeable, but I do not think The Corner ever thought of itself as a host bar)? What would bring it back?

Previously the Corner Bar was owned by an American, Michael aka Crabby who was very convivial and was a big draw for customers. After he returned to USA it went into ownership of a least one or two Europeans either German or Belgian? The most recent owner renamed it Double Shot (two drinks for the price of one) and redecorated the place. The so called Barmy Army (not Balmy) regrouped and relocated their headquarters to All of Me Bar run by another American. Gaybutton perhaps was a solider in the Army but not their Commander-in-Chief; their leader was Mr.Who?, who's identity remains a closely guarded secret.
Why Double Shot remains virtually empty may have many reasons. For me there was never a "double shot" just a single drink priced more than anywhere else. No reason to go there. Now just a vanity bar for the current, absentee owner. As for receding from the limelight, just the opposite happened. It was somewhat dark and cozy but now illuminated in some sort of hideous blue lighting. :AR!

What would bring it back? Crabby.

June 12th, 2015, 02:48
Yes Francois it is now Double shot, and remains closed.

Nirish guy
June 12th, 2015, 02:51
It should be noted that the Belgian owner in the nicest possible way couldn't give a flying fuck what any of us think or whats needed to be done to make his bar more popular, he bought his bar for HIM and his friends as a late night drinking hole for them to play loud Belgian music and wave white handkerchiefs about to when pissed - and fair play to him for that, if there's ever a reason to buy a bar that's it ! IF other customers come in and enjoy then alls the better and they are certainly welcome, but on his terms and if you don't like HIS bar then fuck off somewhere else as he certainly doesn't need our money as he is by all accounts fucking LOADED ! :-)

When it first opened it actually was great fun and I'd some brilliant nights in there and worked my way through most of the so called "straight" and non offable bar boys, but the staff all changed, it got a bit TOO straight hard edged bar boys (IMHO), one of the bar staff was stabbed one night in it, the owner fell out and sacked his ( very good) manager, who then went and opened up round the corner against him, then the staff walked out enmasse on him over wages and then the owner got sick and had to return to Europe for a while meaning the bar opened and closed several days back and forward without notice and so the place just drifted into a gradual decline - and all that said, its still there and ( I thought) was still opened occasionally and we shouldn't forget the first rule - the owner in the nicest possible way couldn't care less what we think or whether we drink there or not.

June 12th, 2015, 03:10
Nirish has pretty well summed it up.
It's a confusing place though because it's a private- club -type venue operating as a public bar.
And yes, most of us have gotten the message and have in fact fucked off somewhere else.
This blend of garish lighting, private playground and listless, idle , staff makes for a strange ambience and does little for the neighborhood but as already stated it looks likes the owner couldn't care less and likes to be the smiling, public, private man.
It takes all types....

June 12th, 2015, 05:11
it might be more cost effective to stay closed.
I don't think 'cost effective' is part of the owners business plan.

It should be noted that the Belgian owner in the nicest possible way couldn't give a flying fuck what any of us think
listless, idle , staff makes for a strange ambience and does little for the neighborhood
yes I agree about the owner and his clear indifference to the bar being a viable successful business or not , but I disagree that it does little for the neighbourhood. When it is closed it certainly does little as it darkens that whole corner on two (large) sides, when it is open it brightens the area and gives it a vibrant feel, as well as making the area look much better. While most of the staff are listless and lazy at times, there are a couple of hard working waiters who are great company. One in particular is a lovely guy, delighted when he gets a drink and is very attentive. He has even given me a lift on his motocy back to my room or to Wat Chai in the early hours on occasion.

For me there was never a "double shot" just a single drink priced more than anywhere else
Not so fast there monsieur! If drinking bottled beer, you may be correct in that it works out dearer than most of the bars in Sunee, but the 'double shot' is most definitely a Double spirit for sure. I drink either Gin/Tonic or Vodka/Coke there and I cannot drink the measure served in a single glass as it is just too strong to enjoy, also you get the full freshly opened can of mixer, the guys there know me and I always get an extra empty glass which I split the measure into. So for the (I think) Bt140 for spirits I get two full strong drinks, if so that works out at Bt70 each, cheaper than most Sunee bars.

Also the times it is open, if you fancy a very late drink it is usually open well into the early hours.

The waiter I know best there told me the owner (jokingly?) calls the servers kee-nieow/cheap if he sees them serving anything less than a double+ measure.

Hope it opens sooner rather than later, it would be a miss for the area if it closed permanently.

June 12th, 2015, 05:49
Monsieur Fran├зois only drinks the finest vintage Mont Clair and was served only one glass at about 140 Baht at Double Shot. Maybe they considered their glass a double ? Other bistros serve the same amount for about 80-90 Baht.

June 12th, 2015, 08:01
When Doubleshot opened, it had at least 9 or 10 host boys in same coloured shirts.
They were paid the highest wages of any boy bar in Thailand. That all changed in time.
With Krazy Dragon, Crazy Pub and Doubleshot all closed, that part of Sunee Plaza
looks forlorn.

June 12th, 2015, 10:00
Monsieur Fran├зois only drinks the finest vintage Mont Clair and was served only one glass at about 140 Baht at Double Shot. Maybe they considered their glass a double ? Other bistros serve the same amount for about 80-90 Baht.

I.M.H.O "Double Shot" for them means an extra shot of liquor in your mixed drink. I always had to ask for an extra glass because my Bacardi coke was to strong.

The owner was my hero though. I think he is one of the few that opened a bar with a goal in mind that he reached. I didn't like the drinks and the fact that the boys i liked were not offable and so stopped going.

June 12th, 2015, 10:28
The owner was my hero though. I think he is one of the few that opened a bar with a goal in mind that he reached. I didn't like the drinks and the fact that the boys i liked were not offable and so stopped going.

Judging by the number of clients in his bar I don't see how the owner achieved any goal other than taking a good operation and turning it into a disaster. But as others said, he couldn't care less. The only times the bar is jumping is when the owner puts on a special night and the customers crawl out of the woodwork to flock there for the free food. Maybe all his friends???

But maybe a double shot of Remy Martin might change my opinion? :YMPRAY:

June 12th, 2015, 11:02
Monsieur Fran├зois only drinks the finest vintage Mont Clair and was served only one glass at about 140 Baht at Double Shot. Maybe they considered their glass a double ? Other bistros serve the same amount for about 80-90 Baht.

Ah, there's your problem francois. You're a wine buff! ;)

To enjoy all the charms and benefits of this bar, you need to switch to mixed drinks. :|

June 12th, 2015, 11:08
I have never seen his bank account. But, he wanted his own personal playground and that is what he created. Losing money in the process wasn't an issue.

I never drank Remy Martin, but if you drink it straight up, I can imagine :-)

June 12th, 2015, 20:36
I never drank Remy Martin, but if you drink it straight up, I can imagine :-)

I don't always drink liquor but when I do I prefer Remy Martin, straight up; stay thirsty, my friends. :AR!

June 13th, 2015, 15:03
Just to be a bit more accurate :
if you just order Remy Martin, you can receive anything from ordinary VS to excellent XO.
From cognac de cuisine to pure velvet.
Different product and very different prices.

June 14th, 2015, 02:41
Just to be a bit more accurate :
if you just order Remy Martin, you can receive anything from ordinary VS to excellent XO.
From cognac de cuisine to pure velvet.
Different product and very different prices.

I don't drink cognac often but when I do I prefer Remy Martin Louis XIII and I always tip 100%. Stay thirsty, my friends.

June 18th, 2015, 17:38
Yes Francois it is now Double shot, and remains closed.
It was still closed when I arrived Pattaya Monday, a waiter friend who works there and spotted me near Tuk Com came to chat and the understanding he has about Double Shot is that the owner has been in Europe and that's why it has remained closed, but is due to re-open this Saturday.

Nirish guy
June 18th, 2015, 17:52
I wonder how that works staff wise in trying to actually run a working bar ( for the manager I mean - assuming there is one) must be a bit of a nightmare, "ok I'm off to Europe, close bar" "ok, I'm back open the bar" the poor guy must have a real problem finding and keep staff on that basis and I know the owner isn''t short of money etc and just runs it for his own phonetic but wouldn't you think it would be just easier all round to let it just stay open in his absence no matter what as what's the worst it can do - lose money ? - which is surely the one thing he doesn't seem to care about, but if he comes back to request it open again and he's no staff to run it then surely he's screwed. All very weird.

June 19th, 2015, 14:53
Hey NI I think the owner pays the staff when he closes so they are happy to keep working there. Its a paid holiday for them :)) I will be glad when it re opens as that corner of Sunee is dark and dismal at this time.

June 19th, 2015, 18:57
and the fact that the boys i liked were not offable and so stopped going.

Bollocks I, like Nirish, have offed a few from there.

I also heard its due to open next week and the sooner the better. As far as I know ALL are welcome to drink there. Unless, of course, you are persona non grata...?

Strange isnt it that we can run to 2 pages (and counting) about a bar closing for a week or so, but, when one of ours gets gunned down and murdered in the street we only see 6 posts....

June 19th, 2015, 21:06
The best thing for the plaza would be if the owner gets bored with his playground and a serious player takes over the bar.

June 22nd, 2015, 02:34
and the fact that the boys i liked were not offable and so stopped going.

Bollocks I, like Nirish, have offed a few from there.

I also heard its due to open next week and the sooner the better. As far as I know ALL are welcome to drink there. Unless, of course, you are persona non grata...?

Strange isnt it that we can run to 2 pages (and counting) about a bar closing for a week or so, but, when one of ours gets gunned down and murdered in the street we only see 6 posts....

Thank you for the last comment.
I am shocked that not a single poster has added to my expression of horror following the brutal killing of one of our own.
But of course the queens here have more pressing issues to drool over like bars closing as you said and sexy underwear.
What a pack of f-ckwits.

Nirish guy
June 22nd, 2015, 04:49
It really is a bit much calling people fuckwits when you're on a thread about a bar being open or closed and people ARE then actually talking about that same bar being opened or closed or not.

If you want to open a thread about that poor mans murder then you should perhaps go ahead and do that, but to be blunt and speaking personally I didn't know the gentleman concerned from Adam and so to me it's just another bad news story of something bad happening to what sounded like a good person and unfortunately Pattaya, like all large cities these days, is a place where sometimes bad things happen and I doubt too many of us were THAT shocked even anymore on hearing that such a thing could or and might even happen in Pattaya these days in such circumstances and other than stating the obvious and saying that yes it it's a terrible thing, which of course it was and perhaps RIP to the man, what more is there to be said and more importantly even if there was more to be said why would it be said on a thread about a bar closure.

June 22nd, 2015, 04:55
I am shocked that not a single poster has added to my expression of horror following the brutal killing of one of our own.

There is a more indepth discussion of this killing on Gaybuttonthai forum.

http://gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php? ... 70&start=0 (http://gaybuttonthai.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7270&start=0)