View Full Version : Asian bottom boys and white tops

May 22nd, 2015, 05:09
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'm a white Scandinavian guy living in Thailand, looking forward to discuss gay life in Thailand.

I have a blog about GWM/GAM sex primarily ... if you like, please have a look and let me know what you think :-)



May 22nd, 2015, 11:18
Thanks for sharing, it looks promising! There is a large overlap of our types.

I would add a date to each post.
Articles are in English, but some text (by blogspot) is in Danish.

"How tall is your ideal Asian bottom boy?" and "How big is your ideal Asian bottom boy?" - Height and weight cannot be treated separately, they always have to be considered together. Either by calculating the BMI (body mass index) or by doing the following calculation calculation (have yet to find a name for it): height in cm - mass in kg - 100

over 25 too slim
20-25 perfect
15-20 have to consider other factors
under 15 too fat

e.g. a boy who is 60 kg and 180 cm is perfect for me, whereas a boy 60 kg and 170 cm is too fat, and for 60 kg and 175 cm I would have to consider other factors.

Thank you very much for your work so far, keep it going!

May 22nd, 2015, 11:24
Good luck with the blog.

Not really my thing (as a bottom farang) and a 1001+ similar blogs/websites already exist.
Photo's are mostly well known on the web.
As other poster said, try to change the Danish blog text.

Extra advice, since it is on Blogger, make sure you save a backup daily. Blogger (as does WordPress) is known to delete any gay and/or porn related blogs. :-w

PS. Maybe you (or the moderator) could make the link click-able.

May 22nd, 2015, 13:08
Some interesting posts. But I have to suggest at least one extremely dubious one. I cannot believe for one moment that the alleged comments from the Asian bottom guy in "The thoughts and reflections of an Asian bottom boy" were written by an Asian in Asia. This guy states in his own blog he's from Singapore, and writes this -

I remember fondly the construction worker who took me home and fucked me like a sextoy; the police officer I sucked off in his car; the art teacher who would keep me at his house for hours fucking me repeatedly and chatting to me in between
I have been in Singapore more than 50 times, I know some Singapore gay guys and have read a number of Singapore chat room sites. Everything about his writing seems fake - the more so as he says he is in the closet! How many closet Singaporeans would suck a western policeman in his car? Besides, how is it that any visiting western tourist policeman bothers to hire a car in Singapore? And then the writing is just not in the style you'd find from any Singaporean, other than one educated exclusively in the west - in which case, in my view, he'd be unlikely to begin the closet!

Still, provided you suspend belief, some will find it interesting.

May 22nd, 2015, 19:06
This is the message I recieve when trying to access this blog as well as others, anyone know what it means?

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May 22nd, 2015, 20:16
Just click the orange button. It's just letting you know there's naughty pictures on the site, and asking if you're ok with it.

May 23rd, 2015, 00:08
Thanks cdmatt

May 23rd, 2015, 03:07
Bit boring, but i di identify with the general message which is that the Asian boys are submissive bottoms placed on earth to please white tops. Reason I love privateboymovie, love watching the white top fuck his Asian victims mercilessly with lots of focus on the anal.

May 24th, 2015, 02:17
Keep up the good work =P~

May 24th, 2015, 08:24
Nice work but I would love to see some Asian tops in action

May 24th, 2015, 10:27
This blog represents the wishful thinking of its creator - it appears to reflect the way of thinking prevalent among old, unattractive farang (not that I'm saying the writer is either). It's full of generalisations, such as the bottoms want to be dominated, they "enjoy" the kissing, "The Asian boy feels he belongs to his white lover," "he will feel protected and cared for," the bottoms "love and worship" white cock, "the Asian boy can be the boy he really wants to be; the beautiful, charming, cock-hungry Asian boy who seems to be almost addicted to white men and their big white cocks" yada, yada.

What planet is he living on?

If only it were all true!

May 24th, 2015, 12:19
I doubt we will see anymore posts from this dude. The OP was nothing but a plug for just another porno site/blog. Gee ... how original.

May 24th, 2015, 12:40
I agree entirely, this guy must have some mental health issues ..

May 24th, 2015, 15:28
Defiantly has issues! Those fat white thighs pumping those cute boys apparently who were getting no pleasure at all.
Latin were you the guy with the fat thighs?

May 24th, 2015, 16:11
...apparently who were getting no pleasure at all

I thought the whole idea behind the blog was the exact opposite.

May 24th, 2015, 17:39
fat thighs....I'm mortally offended....

May 24th, 2015, 18:50
...apparently who were getting no pleasure at all

I thought the whole idea behind the blog was the exact opposite.

Do you really believe that was the idea behind the blog, if so do you believe it accomplished what it wanted too? I believe it is one man's sick view of his own sexual desires.

I am a white top and found his blog obsessive and perverse.

May 24th, 2015, 19:30
Yes, that's how I read it.

The Asian boys are not only thankful for our existence, they can't get enough of us.

What did the author of the blog succeed in doing? Nothing much, except repeat the stereotypical comments we are all familiar with and expose himself as someone who is totally deluded.

He described how he wants to be perceived in his role of sex-tourist by the Asian guys, but his view is divorced from reality . As I said, wishful thinking.

I found his blog insulting to Asian gays.

I wonder how long he spent in Asia?

May 25th, 2015, 01:34
Thais might be naturally shy and conservative, but that doesn't mean they want to be dominated by some old, fat, ugly white farang.

What a dick this guy is. I can guarantee he doesn't practice what he preaches on his blog, because if he did, he'd most probably be in the hospital or worse.

May 25th, 2015, 02:01
I am so happy I never bothered to read anything on that blog. Just had a quick view.

One word comes to mind after I see the reports of people whom have read it, the blog owner lacks: RESPECT and that is just being VERY polite, because there are plenty of more words. Lets just hope his first post will be his last post

May 25th, 2015, 03:28
I am a white top and found his blog obsessive and perverse.
Reminiscent of certain pornographic trip reports?

May 25th, 2015, 04:29
Reminiscent of certain pornographic trip reports?
Yes, rather Latinproesque don't ya think?

May 25th, 2015, 06:13
Come on, some of them real like to be fucked if you are a fit, and not that old and fat. Just been there and done it. Also with no money Involved.
Well he writes in a porn style, and I suppose most of you got an hard on.
Also I am sure that many of his bloggs are pure fantasy, so let it be :-)

May 25th, 2015, 15:08
Reminiscent of certain pornographic trip reports? Yes, rather Latinproesque don't ya think?The insightfulness of your legal mind Paul O'Sussex QC never ceases to amaze me.

May 25th, 2015, 16:17
Kommie, your incessant, obsessive posts about my "pornographic trip reports" - you know,the reports you assiduously read and comment on - suggest you are "over-sensitive."

Stop complaining about them; you're beginning to look like a bit of a.......sook.


May 27th, 2015, 16:05
...difference between me and the poster is that while he fantasizes about what he would like to do...I actually get out there and live out my porn inspired not so decent desires with money boys....and Thailand is still the best if one is looking for submissive bottom boys to use for ones pleasure...love it...keeps me coming back...and back...like a drug.

May 30th, 2015, 15:25
Now, having read all of it, I can give a more detailed opinion (my first comment was after a superficial look).

A lot of what is written is wishful thinking (others would say: distorted view of the world),
often bordering on comical (sometimes cringeworthy)

worshipping white men and our big cocks, and 100% focused on getting fucked by us even though our white cocks are almost too big for his little tight boy hole.
or soft porn

while he slowly slides in his thick white cock into the very tight hairless boy butt
Overall, the blog might just be an infomercial for privateboymovie.