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View Full Version : Patong Beach video ...

May 18th, 2015, 23:13
Once in a blue moon I check out some of the websites which have maps of the various gay entertainment zones in Thailand. (Why do I do this? No clue, as we rarely go to these places ... no loss really. But I am back in Canada right now for couple of months, so I suppose such investigations just make me think of Thailand. I very much miss my Thailand home and really miss Mr Suphot and his smiling face ... Canada has not much to interest me anymore.)

So whatever the reason, here's a YouTube video found on Nicky's website. A GoGo bar in Patong Beach called 'Yes Bar'.
More often than not these videos taking inside the bars are technically pretty awful, and the sound is atrocious (as it is on this one, though somewhat better than most). This one is no screaming hell either, but it has a certain erotic joi de vivre missing in many a video. Kind of a throwback really ... all those suds and bubbles and erections and the slo-mo slithering all over the place (like the old Jupiter Bar in Bangkok years ago) and some quite sensuous fake humping thrown in.
Hey, it's just a gogo bar, a dime a dozen . . . but having watched this particular video I'd be tempted to venture inside next time we end up in Phuket. I have some pretty erotic memories of Patong Beach (15 years ago!), so why not?

(PS ... if you click on the little 'YouTube' button, bottom right corner, it's easier on the eyes.)
