View Full Version : Pattaya Report

April 16th, 2015, 14:00
After two nights of celibacy, I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be back here! Nine days of unbridled sex to look forward to!

I was taking a nap when I got a knock on the door around 5 pm. I opened the door and there he was. That gorgeous smile almost had me on my knees (a position I actually found myself in a little later.) He came in and gave me a hug and a kiss. I resisted the temptation to ravish him on the spot - a bit unseemly, I thought, even for me - so we sat down and chatted. And chatted. For a couple of hours.

I could see he wanted to ask me something, but seemed reluctant to broach the subject on his mind. He asked me if it was ok to talk about anything at all, considering we've spent so much time together and gotten to know each other very well. I assured him that yes, it was perfectly ok, especially given the fact that during my last trip he opened up and told me all about himself and his life as a gogo boy over the years. Very interesting, although there were a couple of things I didn't really want to hear.

He wants a car.

WTF?? Is he asking me to buy him a car? Have I misjudged him? Is he just another greedy moneyboy out to milk me for as much as he can? Surely not. I was devastated.

But there is a god afterall. I hadn't misjudged him at all. He didn't, in fact, want me to buy him a car. He didn't even want me to help him with a "donation." He was planning to pay for it himself.

He then asked me of I was considering finding someone else down the track. I assured him that he would be the only guy I would be seeing whenever I came to Pattaya. He then showed me his bank statement - he'd managed to save a substantial amount. We added my contribution to his finances during this holiday and reached a final figure. He was close to being able to afford the car of his dreams.

I asked him if he wanted me to make up the difference, but no, he had another idea. He knows that I come here 4 times a year to see him, so I still had 2 more trips to go this year. Could I give him an advance, and then not pay for sex for the rest of the year?

I said no.

And his reaction was exactly what I expected.

"No problem. I can wait. And I can save more money."

Then with a cheeky smile he said, "Well, at least I tried!" and we had a bit of a laugh. No tantrums, no despondent looks.

The reason I declined is because I'm thinking of giving Thailand a miss for the rest of the year and heading off to Europe or America for a change. No use for paying for sex if you are not going to get it. And he also knows that if he wants money, he has to work for it.

Having said that, if I were actually living here full-time, I'd buy him a car at the drop of a hat. That's how highly I think of him. He's one of the perhaps only 3 gogo boys I've met over all these years who I'd do that for.

And it's not because he is handsome and has a big cock and fucks me into submission every night. That's just a bonus. It's because he's just such a "nice" guy. And I only ever spend time with nice people.

He's reserved, unusually shy for a gogo boy, incredibly polite and has a great sense of humour. He's just fun to be around all the time. And most of the time we spend together does not involve having sex. If I were straight, I'd definitely want him to be my friend. If I were closer to his age, he'd be the perfect boyfriend.

Around 8:30 he took a shower, as he was covered in red powder. He then lay naked on the bed and asked if I wanted sex. I suggested we go out for a bit and then come back for some fun.

We headed off the Sunny Boys. OMG! It was dead! One customer and around 8 gogo boys. I'm used to standing room only, so it was quite a shock. Apparently, a lot of guys were out partying.

So we moved to Eros. Basically the same, although they did have a few more customers. One guy came over and sat next to me and asked me if I'd chuck-wow him. As we were about to leave, I declined but told him I'd come back tonight and I can chuck-wow him then if he wants.

Back in the room something unusual happened. Normally after fucking me, he rolls over and I chuck-wow him but tonight, for the first time ever, he came inside me. He sheepishly apologised, but explained he couldn't control himself. Not unusual for young guys, of course.

I was disappointed, as I'd been so looking forward to getting my hand on that monster.

"Mai pen rai," I said with a smile. There's always this afternoon.

April 16th, 2015, 14:37
A447's non-stop anal adventures throughout the world certainly give a whole new meaning to the travel phrase "working your passage"

April 16th, 2015, 17:26
Looking forward to the Pattaya reporting. Sounds like I will just miss you, if you are staying 9 days or so.

April 16th, 2015, 17:54
A447 i would like too meet your frind in june when i arrive, i could help him a little with his new car
have you got a contact info please

April 17th, 2015, 15:11
The day started off as usual - he came over in the afternoon, we had a romp in the hay and then sat around chatting for a couple of hours. Then it was time for dinner.

We decided to go to a steak restaurant at Central Festival. I donned my raincoat and suggested we buy him one at 7/11. He assured me we wouldn't get wet in the song teow but I took mine just in case. Needless to say, we arrived at CP soaked to the bone - well, I was ok. I said the restaurant probably wouldn't let him in but he was sure they would.

When we walked inside I could see he was feeling very cold; in fact he was shivering. He said he was ok, but he obviously wasn't, so I took him into a shop and bought him a new shirt. I asked him if he wanted a dry pair of jeans but he said only his upper felt cold; now he was alright.

During the meal, 4 totally pissed Russian guys came in with a Thai lady and 2 kids. The guys sat down next to us, ordered beers and two of them promptly put their heads on the table and went to sleep.

As we were getting up to leave, one of them somehow managed to get to his feet and helped my friend get out of his chair. A we turned to leave, the Russian slapped my friend's arse quite hard them grabbed his butt. He was horrified and said "No!" I managed to pull the hands away and push the guy back into his chair, and we quickly walked out.

People were looking and my friend felt really embarrassed, but he just smiled. When we got onto the escalator, it was immediately obvious that he was very upset.

"This restaurant, not gogo bar!"

A sour finish to a beautiful evening.

We went to Sunny Boys and discovered it was a lot different from the previous night -lots of guys, and customers coming and going during the evening.

Unfortunately, there are too many fem guys for my taste, but there are a couple of more masculine types and they are very attractive. One guy I saw with last visit smiled and waved at me so I called him over for a drink. He put my hand on his cock and hot rock hard literally in seconds - I'd estimate about 5! Wow! I don't remember that happening before. So during the evening he'd make it go soft then challenge me to get it hard as quickly as possible.

Last visit I had trouble communicating with him as his English was non-existent and my Thai is pitifully inadequate. But surprise, surprise! In the intervening months he's been off to English school - organised and paid for by the owner - and he's now able to hold a semi-decent conversation in English. Obviously a fast learner.

Although Sunny Boys is, to some extent, a hands-on on bar - the guys wear those little skirts - I find the light too bright and try to keep the cock hidden under the skirt. With some guys, of course, that's an impossible task...lol. But the boys are not shy and have no problem with their hard-on being fully exposed. On stage they willingly display their assets.

I went outside for a chat with the owner. He told me the bar would be closed on the 18, 19 and 20. He also said he was still planning to open Happy Boys, next month if possible.

Back to the room for round two, off to a bar for a beer and then we parted ways at 1:30.

April 18th, 2015, 18:37
a447, am I reading your post right? You took your boy friend to Sunny Boys and engaged in cock play with the staff there, while he was sitting beside you? I'd have thought that't not very respectful of him, but I could be wrong. I mean respecting of him.

April 18th, 2015, 23:24
Yep, that's right.

But it was my guy's suggestion. It was a friend of his and customers were in short supply, so I helped him out, so to speak. He ended up with a nice tip, including a Songkrahn bonus so he can party tomorrow. My friend, his friend and I all happy.

That's how it should be.

Tonight I went to Eros after dinner and told my friend to come back in an hour.; he doesn't like going into Eros. There was only one customer and 5 boys. Two were busy chuck-wowing and sa-moking a very happy farang. A nice guy came and sat with me and asked me to chuck-wow him and I was happy to oblige. I reached for a cushion for a bit of privacy but he declined. Lovely Isaan cock and nice cumshot, especially considering he'd already chuck-wowed at home twice today. I followed Francois' advice and gave him 300 baht. That's probably all he'll make tonight.

Eros will be closed tomorrow.

I'm loving Songkrahn- it's just crazy fun! The whole atmosphere is great. Tomorrow should be a blast.

April 19th, 2015, 02:59
I've told you before, a447, you can chuck-wow me for 200Bt! Don't let these young guys rip you off. You're certainly whetting my appetite for a visit to Eros, though the sight of another farang being sa-moked doesn't fit into my idea of a fun night out. Guess I'll just have to pay more attention to the boys.

Btw, that was a horrible experience you and your friend had at the restaurant. I thought all the Russians had gone, but apparently not.

And you say you're loving Songkran? Staying indoors during the day with your favourite boy? That's the way to do it.

April 19th, 2015, 05:12
A447 your description of Sunny Boys brought back happy and erotic memories of my visits there during my 3 week trip to Pats.
I remember a cute boy from Laos. He was a bit fem and had a pierced navel. I just cannot remember his name even though I offed him. He said he was 20, with a thick rock hard cock.
Most of the boys do wear the skirts but occasionaly you see them in thongs or jocks.

April 19th, 2015, 12:46
Joe, we stay in during the afternoon but venture out for dinner at Central Festival every night. On Friday night it was ok coming back - the water throwing activities had basically finished. Last night my friend told me there was no need to don our raincoats on the way back. He didn't bother, but I did. Needless to say he got absolutely soaked on the song teaow! It was full-on last night, especially around Royal Garden and then all the way to Walking Street.

He thinks he looks silly in his raincoat (he does...lol) and chose to make a fashion statement instead.

A couple of the guys at Sunny Boys were wearing jocks with their butts showing. The guy I was sitting with was wearing the skirt.

"I not gay. I don't like show my arse. And I very shy," he said as I sat there playing with his fully exposed erection!

I think the straight guys don't want to show their bare butts in the bar, especially as it's quite bright. (Eros is different, maybe because it's a bit darker.) but back in the room they seem to have no problem shoving it in your face. Having said that, I have met a number of straight guys over the years who have baulked when I put my finger too close to their butt-hole.

"Sorry, cannot. I not gay."

But then again, you get those straight guys who bottom for you and obviously enjoy the experience.

I give up! It's all a mystery to me.

So, tonight is the big night for Songkran. We'll have to decide where to go and what to do. From memory, this is my first Songkran in Pattaya and from all accounts, it's going to be totally crazy. I won't even bother with the raincoat. We'll probably just wander down to Walking Street, but I believe there's a special show tonight at Boyzboyzboyz.

I'm also in a bit of a quandary as to what I should do with my guy. I'm sure he'd like to go out later and party with his friends rather than hang around with me. But then again, I'm sure he does not want to forego the chance to earn some money. Perhaps we'll go to Walking Street for a bit, come back for sex and then he can go off early with his friends and I can go to the show at BBB.

April 19th, 2015, 15:24
If you love them, set them free.... Seems you both might benefit from your plan - he gets some cash to spend with his friends, you get to go out to BBB for the show. Winners all round.

April 19th, 2015, 22:54
Lovely Isaan cock and nice cumshot,...
When you chuck-wao a boy in a bar, where does the cum go?

April 20th, 2015, 02:21
Wherever he wants it to go. Sometimes into his hand but usually onto his stomach.

April 20th, 2015, 03:55
I followed Francois' advice and gave him 300 baht. That's probably all he'll make tonight.

Bravo a447! :-BD

Regrettably I am not now in Pattaya to share in the action.

April 20th, 2015, 16:47
Songkrahn in Pattaya - what a blast!

My friend came over in the afternoon as per usual. I told him I wanted to see the action so he called a few friends from the bar and we wandered down Beach Road to Central Festival. The drinking started early and we were pissed by the time we reached Central Festival. On the way we needed to go to the toilet, but there weren't any.

'No problem. Can do in pants.'

What? Just piss in our pants as we walk along?? I don't think so!

So we went for a swim. I looked around me and realised everyone else had the same idea! Yuk! I was swimming in a sea of piss!

On the way back we got separated from my friend - he was very pissed and had trouble walking. We looked for about half an hour but he'd disappeared so we went back to the hotel.

'Your friend come here 5 minutes ago. He get changed and come back.'

I went upstairs and waited for him - we still hadn't had sex. But I fell asleep. I messaged him on Line but no answer. Ok, he's pissed so he's probably asleep. So I went to Boyztown to see the 10:30 show at Boyzboyzboyz. It was still early so I wandered around. Only 2 Gogo bars were open, both without customers.

I was hoping to see a repeat of the chuck-wow show but it was not to be; just the same show I saw last time. Lots of huge cocks on display but that's all. One quite attractive young guy was hung like a donkey but looked very surly on stage. Before the show the guys appeared on stage in jeans and I have to say I've never seen such unattractive guys in a Gogo bar before. And the two or three mildly handsome guys never smiled. Guess they would rather be out celebrating.

Another thing that pissed me off was the constant demand for tips, not only from the B-boys, but also from the guys in the big cock show. And the shower show.

By now I was frantically sending messages on Line and finally I got an answer -'sorry, I fall asleep. Go your hotel now.'

They say you can judge a person by the company they keep. My guy has the most beautiful friends - so happy and polite. They offered to buy their own beers but, of course, I paid. And each of them thanked me individually. When my water gun broke they all rushed up and fixed it for me. It was the best Songkrahn experience ever!

Must pencil it in for next year.

The hotel I'm staying at has really gone down the toilet since my last visit. This time there have bee far too many problems. The air conditioner started leaking water everywhere and was unusable for 2 days. The wifi is unreliable, the window doesn't open, the fancy shower with all the little jacuzzi jets is broken and the tv screen is whited out. The room hasn't been cleaned as the cleaner has gone home!

Time to look for a new hotel.

April 20th, 2015, 21:29
Songkrahn in Pattaya - what a blast!
When my water gun broke they all rushed up and fixed it for me. It was the best Songkrahn experience ever!

I didn't think your water gun every broke? Just how did they fix it, with direct pressure, a splint, suction,...?

April 20th, 2015, 21:32
Songkrahn in Pattaya - what a blast!
When my water gun broke they all rushed up and fixed it for me. It was the best Songkrahn experience ever!

I didn't think your water gun every broke? Just how did they fix it, with direct pressure, a splint, suction,...?

A Viagra.

April 20th, 2015, 22:57
Gentlemen, please! You're confusing a water gun with a cum gun.

The latter is functioning just fine but is definitely showing signs of wear and tear. Strange, considering the number of times it's been serviced over the past month.

Tonight I made up for my lack of action in the bars last night. I went to Eros and it was great to see the customers coming back after Songkran.

No sooner had I sat down than I found myself staring at a gaggle of hard cocks. I chose the guy with the biggest cock to sit with me. He's from Issan - say no more. Apparently, he's got the biggest cock in the bar.

He asked me to chuck-wow him - he came quite quickly. Then the rush was on. 'Pick me! Pick me!'

So I did. Another Isaan guy. After he came he went to the toilet to clean up then came back to sit with me. He was still hard as a rock and asked for me to do it again.

Just then I felt a tug on my arm - it was the gorgeous guy I chuck-wowed 2 nights ago, asking to be serviced again. He put my hand on his cock, closed his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder and waited in anticipation. What's a guy to do?
He produced a spectacular cumshot, hitting his face. He then promptly fell asleep on my shoulder.

He also asked for round two but by now my arm was about to drop off so I promised I'd 'take care him' tomorrow.

I'm wondering why the guys are now asking for seconds, especially so soon after cumming. Are they desperate for money after Songkrahn or are they just horny?

Whatever the reason, it's a bonus for me that they are definitely enjoying it. And I always appreciate the cuddle they give me afterwards.

I met up with my guy at 10 and we went to the Ting Tong Red bar. It was packed. I got speaking to the German owner who came over to greet my friend. He told me he knew him from when he owned Happy Boys and what a great guy he was.

The bar is also a hotel so I asked to see a room. It's not as nice as the hotel I'm in at the moment, but what can you expect for 600 baht a night?

But I think I'll need to keep looking.

April 21st, 2015, 03:37
With the kind of explicit reporting and BAR NAMING that goes on here the party will soon be halted I guarantee.
Very soon "gaggles" of cocks will be as rare as " murders" of crows or "falls" of woodcock in Sunnee.

April 21st, 2015, 13:23
Many posters on this board, including myself,of course, have been reporting on the shenanigans at Eros for years. If the authorities were going to put a stop to the fun, surely they would have done so by now.

Bars make cosy little 'deals" with the authorities, who are well aware of what goes on and appear to set the boundaries. For example, I was told by management and staff at Eros that fucking in the open bar was a no-no; it had to take place in the room provided at the back of the bar. "Cannot. Police come and close bar."

And according to the owner of another bar that employs non-Thais, the police phone ahead to warn him of an up-coming raid to allow him time to send the guys home.

It's all a game and everyone knows the rules.

And I don't think the authorities are spending their time reading this forum - they haven't got time. They've git "tea money" to collect!

April 21st, 2015, 18:54
Hey a447. Many thanks for the reports!! I've actually never been to Pattaya before but thinking of going there on my trip to Thailand mid-May. Originally thought of spending time only in BKK, but Pattaya seems to be worth paying a visit. Your report, as well as a few other threads in here, did help with my planning on where to stay, which bars to go to etc. So thanks guys! :-)

April 21st, 2015, 21:29
So remind me again, how much do the boys tip for you to chuck-wow them?

Just over 6 weeks till my annual (not anal) trip, so enjoying your reports, a447. Keep them coming (or cumming)

April 22nd, 2015, 00:12
I hope that the party goes on for a444 and all of us but did I not read elsewhere on this forum that the General-come-God has set up a sex-snoop brigade who are apparently in shock with what the WWW has offered up from Thailand so far and this without Sunnee offerings.
The times they are a-changin' are they not?

April 22nd, 2015, 02:20
I went back to Eros tonight, expecting it to be overflowing with customers. They were doing ok but the bar was far from full.

As soon as I walked in, last night's chuck-wowees literally pounced on me. They could have at least given me time to sit down!

I started with the gorgeous guy from Isaan. Like last night he rested his head on my shoulder and off we went. After about 10 minutes of frantic action, he finally came. But no spectacular cumshot this time. Maybe some other customer got to him before I did...lol.

Number 2 was already sitting beside me, anxiously waiting his turn. And like last night, he came in under two minutes. Thank god it was quick, as by now my arm was about to fall off.

I told number three I needed to rest, as my arm was really sore. But he couldn't wait, so he did it himself. Meanwhile, number one was ready for round two, but I had to refuse.

The guys were very frisky tonight - more so than usual - and there was action in all corners of the bar.

I then moved on to Sunny Boys. Again, there were far fewer customers than expected. Where have all the farang gone??

One customer opened a bottle of whisky and before too long, mayhem broke out in the bar. Lots of ladyboys screeching and carrying on. A couple of customers got up and left. I went outside and one of the drunk gogo boys came out - wearing his skimpy underwear - and started shouting at one of the doormen. A bit of a fracas broke out until the boy was dragged back into the bar. Not something you want to see on a night out in a bar.

Back inside, the noise from all the drunken waiters was unbearable. They were running wild in the bar, groping the gogo boys, yelling and carrying on like idiots. Not a pretty sight. I was amazed the manager didn't pull them into line, but maybe he was participating in the drunken frivolities.

On returning to my room, I did a quick calculation of the bill. Normally, I never bother to check bills, anywhere I go - I just pay and leave - but I had this feeling that the bill was too high. And sure enough, I'd been overcharged. My friend explained that the guy who presented me with the bill wasn't one of the waiters; he was a gogo boy.

It wasn't a lot of money but it's the principal involved. So we went back to the bar. Luckily, the owner was there and I explained the situation. Needless to say, my money was refunded on the spot, no questions asked.

Oh, and one more problem with the hotel - there's no longer any hot water! Get me outta here!!!

April 22nd, 2015, 04:07
10 days in Pattaya one warmish shower.
Never ceases to amaze with all the heat
where do they find cold water for the showers?

April 23rd, 2015, 03:00
Back to Eros to catch up with Mr Gorgeous from Isaan. But he had a problem - he couldn't get it up.

"You chuck-wow today?"
"Yes, chuck-wow 5 time already."
'What?? 5 times? No!"
"Last night go room and chuck-wow. Wake up today and chuck-wow. Then 3 time more today."
'Don't you have a life?"
'What you say?"
"Never mind,"

I remember this guy from my last trip - he was telling me in the bar how much he likes jacking off. But this is ridiculous!

He finally managed to get hard and off we went, taking turns. But we were getting nowhere. Thirty minutes later we were still at it, so I told him not to bother - I'd still tip him the same amount.

"Can do! Sure! I want cum."

He then went and got his phone and started watching a porn movie. Now I got to the bar at 9:30 and had made arrangements to meet my guy outside Sunny Boys at 10:30. At 10:40 he finally came, accompanied by a loud groan.

I then sat watching two Chinese guys madly sa-moking a couple of guys. The show was interrupted by number 2 who came and sat with me for his nightly fun. Normally, it's all over within a couple of minutes, but tonight I got my money's worth.

Number three was waiting but so was my friend, so I told him I'd see him tomorrow night.

Sunny Boys was just about deserted. One farang had all the masculine guys sitting with him - damn! - and only the screeching lady boys were left, posing and prancing around. Yuk! So we left after one drink.

Off to Krazy Dragon. They had lots of boys but only 3 customers. Heineken was 40 baht and you also got a free bottle of orange juice. But the guys I saw dancing - and they were actually dancing - seemed a bit fem (although number 5 looked quite cute); and the music was way too loud. So we left after just the one drink. We had better things to do.

Eros is still number one for me - there's much more fun to be had there than at Sunny Boys. And most of the guys there are very masculine - right up my alley, so to speak.

April 23rd, 2015, 04:00
a447 is a bare assed liar...the eros bar manager/mamasan told me PERSONALLY that no sex/funny business is allowed out in the open. a447 its time u stopped fantasizing and actually left your hotel room...that is assuming u r actually in Thailand.

Brad the Impala
April 23rd, 2015, 04:47
a447 is a bare assed liar...the eros bar manager/mamasan told me PERSONALLY that no sex/funny business is allowed out in the open. a447 its time u stopped fantasizing and actually left your hotel room...that is assuming u r actually in Thailand.

Yet in a thread on the same bar latinxxs previously wrote:

If one is into public sleaze I would definitely recommend this venue....have spent the last 3 evenings there...from 10pm to 1am....and everything gets performed...in public/semi-public...as like semi shielded by a pillow....

Still at least latintopxxs has been superceded as the sleaziest poster on the board by kommentariat, who is exulting over the availability of refugee rent boys for only "20 Euros Max" in Athens, while their fellow refugees are drowning in the mediterranean.

April 23rd, 2015, 05:01
a447 is a bare assed liar...the eros bar manager/mamasan told me PERSONALLY that no sex/funny business is allowed out in the open. a447 its time u stopped fantasizing and actually left your hotel room...that is assuming u r actually in Thailand.We already have an admission in writing from a447 that he makes things up when it suits his purpose. However why anybody would make up stories about paying male prostitutes to masturbate them night after night after night, rather than - at least - the reverse beats me. After spending a 10-day holiday with him, nothing about a447 should surprise me - from his life in the closet to his "look at me, look at me" posts, to his pestering me night after night to let him play with my generously proportioned cock.

April 23rd, 2015, 06:10
I'm quite fucking exhausted ...

April 23rd, 2015, 06:57
[...., to his pestering me night after night to let him play with my generously proportioned cock.

Will meet you at Eros; how much to play with your GPC?

As for Eros, one must come and see for himself what is fact and what is fiction. Or maybe I saw and I came and I know the facts? ;)

April 23rd, 2015, 09:34
Guys, could you tell me which of the bars in Pattaya houses the more masculine, well-built bar boys? Trying to plan my time in Pattaya, so your feedback would really help. Many thanks in advance guys. :-)

April 23rd, 2015, 11:15
Agree with a-44, Sunny Boys mostly fem prancing boys and if the few masculine guys are occupied,
the bar get screechy. Since the majority of customers in Sunee prefer skinny fem boys, the owner knows his client
base and accommodates them. No jock straps last night but great air-con on a steamy night and low drink prices.
Eros also full of skinny fem boys but with a good balance of masculine boys. Someone for everyone, even a chubby
boy or two for those that like big buns.
The hottest most masculine guys in Sunee can be found in Good Boys and they want to show their assets and most
are well equipped. Many gorgeous guys last night at Good, if skinny fem is not your thing.

April 23rd, 2015, 13:24
Latin owes a447 an apology. His description of Eros is so spot on that I wonder if we were there at the same time.

April 23rd, 2015, 13:35
Will meet you at Eros; how much to play with your GPC?It will be a freebie provided I can finger joe552's arsehole at the same time.

Still at least latintopxxs has been superceded as the sleaziest poster on the board by kommentariat, who is exulting over the availability of refugee rent boys for only "20 Euros Max" in Athens, while their fellow refugees are drowning in the mediterranean.Clearly you don't recall an earlier post of mine (you can find it by Searching) where I told scottish-guy "I don't pretend to the moral purity of the Limousine Left. I know what I am - a predatory homosexual, exactly the sort of person mothers warn their sons about."

April 23rd, 2015, 14:20
After dinner my friend and I part ways for a couple of hours so I can head off to the bars; understandably, he is not interested in sitting in a Gogo bar., especially Eros. He used to work there and all his "friends" know he's making money from me and so constantly badger him for money. His real friends in Sunny Boys leave him alone, so he's happy to sit and chat with them while I have a bit of fun.

I walk past Goodboys every night, looking for the beautiful hung guy with the gold chain or the equally hung twins. Unfortunately, I haven't seen them so I don't bother going in.

But last night I spotted one of the twins outside Eros. I rushed up to him and asked him if he was now working at Eros, but it turns out he'd been offed by a farang who was having some fun in the bar. With his donkey-sized cock he'd make a fucking fortune in Eros! He told me he'd be waiting for me tonight at Goodboys.

Discord, A-Bomb in Boyztown has always had straight, hunky masculine guys although I haven't been there for a while. You'll find more of that type in the Boyztown bars, rather than in Sunee Plaza. But as Cat points out, Goodboys would be the place for you, keeping in mind that they are all 100% straight. I've only ever offed one guy from there and although he was ok, it was obvious he was a very reluctant gay for pay. Others on this board have reported having a good time so, as usual, it's a bit hit and miss. Mind you, at that time I was top only - I'm sure he would have fucked me had I been able to bottom.

Kommentariat shoots himself in the foot yet again and no doubt wishes he could edit his disgusting comment on refugee "rent boys."

What do you do, Kommie? Stand on the shore waving 20 euros at these poor souls?

April 23rd, 2015, 14:27
Dream on, kommie, dream on....

April 23rd, 2015, 14:43
Thank god for "ignore" button.

April 23rd, 2015, 17:15
oh please ...like do keep up...in a previous posting I mentioned that eros was a free for all....thaere was cock and cum all over the place...the place is like fucking songran every fucking day of the week...but NOOOO....a447 reckoned that nothing ever was allowed to happen there because he the mamasan told him so...but like 3 months later he's finally made it ot eros for the 1st time in his sad pathetic...living in a box under a bridge...life...and realised ..oh yes...paradise does exist!!!

April 23rd, 2015, 17:20
Still at least latintopxxs has been superceded as the sleaziest poster on the board by kommentariat, who is exulting over the availability of refugee rent boys for only "20 Euros Max" in Athens, while their fellow refugees are drowning in the mediterranean.

Clearly you don't recall an earlier post of mine (you can find it by Searching) where I told scottish-guy "I don't pretend to the moral purity of the Limousine Left. I know what I am - a predatory homosexual, exactly the sort of person mothers warn their sons about."

Kommentariat shoots himself in the foot yet again and no doubt wishes he could edit his disgusting comment on refugee "rent boys." What do you do, Kommie? Stand on the shore waving 20 euros at these poor souls?
Who shot himself in the foot? =))

April 23rd, 2015, 17:27
a447 is a bare assed liar...the eros bar manager/mamasan told me PERSONALLY that no sex/funny business is allowed out in the open. a447 its time u stopped fantasizing and actually left your hotel room...that is assuming u r actually in Thailand.

Is someone posting under your name, latin?

April 23rd, 2015, 17:41
Latin has a very poor memory, it seems. I've been posting about the sexual exploits in Eros for years. What I haven't posted on is fucking in the open bar.

Latin's poor memory is reflected by the fact that he can't even remember his own age or what the interior of Eros actually looks like.

Then again Latin, perhaps you'd like to back up your comment by directing me to the posts I made saying 'nothing was ever allowed' in Eros.

Bet you can't!

Waiting........ Lol

April 24th, 2015, 01:13
Tonight is my last night in Pattaya - time to go home as I'm absolutely stuffed! Apart from a couple of days in Penang where I didn't have sex and two nights in KL when I was celibate it's been full-on. My nether regions are telling me enough is enough.

Tonight I walked by Goodboys but the guy I was looking for was not there; maybe he was still with the farang from last night - there's a lot of cock to get through with him!

So I went to Eros and as usual had a great time. They had 30 boys working but very few customers. The gorgeous guy who takes ages to cum sat with me first. Ton, the little ladyboy, joined us and watched. He helped him to cum by sa-moking him from time to time. Tonight was relatively quick - less than 30 minutes. BTW, the boy's name is Bang. A really, really nice guy.

Then another Ton came and sat with us. He's also a nice, friendly guy who I've spent lots of time with on the past. The other Ton sa-moked him before he chuck-wowed for me.

The three of us then sat and drank and chatted. Although I'm not into fem types at all I love talking to Ton; he has a wicked sense of humour and is so much fun to be with. Being gay, he loved sa-moking Bang and Ton.

If you're into straight, masculine handsome guys I can thoroughly recommend Ton and Bang. I could spend hours just chatting to them.

Then off to Sunny Boys. Again, few customers and the guy from the other night had all but one of the masculine guys. I grabbed the other one for an hour or so of fun.

Next visit I think I'll just stick to Eros. It provides more than enough entertainment for a horny farang.

April 24th, 2015, 02:30
Enjoyed your reports, a447, and admire your stamina. My little trip will be less exciting to read about here, but fun for me anyway.