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View Full Version : Car Bomb in Central Festival shopping car park - Koh Samui

Nirish guy
April 11th, 2015, 17:28
Worrying to see the report below of a car bomb being placed and exploding in the Central festival shopping centre car park in Koh Samui right after a fashion show being held there, thankfully no fatalities but several injuries.

I see the powers that be were initially strongly suggesting that it was the work of Muslim Separatists from the South as that's where the pick up truck was stolen from etc but they now seem to be backing away from that theory a little until more information ( spin) becomes available as of course in todays Thailand who knows !?

Certainly the Southern element could well be behind it or anti Government forces out to try and destabilise the Government or even pro Government forces out to give themselves and the Government a reason to hold on to / strengthen their already sweeping powers even more in the run up to what will happen in the foreseeable future re hand overs etc. Who knows.

But worrying all the same to see main tourist sites again being targeted (remembering BBK Paragon small explosions only two months ago) and especially during Songkran, with what was a not inconsiderable size of explosive device by the looks of what was left of the pick up truck.
