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April 7th, 2015, 02:42
It is becoming a challenge to keep track of the turnover of this go go, as Sunee is dead it comes as no surprise.

April 7th, 2015, 02:57
There's a rumour that NIrish guy and Anonone will be the latest to take on the challenge.

April 7th, 2015, 04:57
I am trying to imagine NIrish and myself owning the Dragon...

A bit too much like the lunatics running the asylum, I think. But if NIrish is game and willing to put up all the money, I would give it serious contemplation. :D

April 7th, 2015, 15:42
And would you both agree to open the doors to the public? That would be my main concern!

Nirish guy
April 7th, 2015, 17:33
Ha, whilst I'm sure the idea of working / playing with Anon would be a hoot and we would have a ball ( several in fact) I'm guessing like himself after much consideration I wouldn't take on a bar in Sunee / Pattaya / Thailand now if someone were to give it to me for free !

But I'm sure Anon and I would have a great time running it into the ground like most other bars whilst in the process of losing everything we ever owned as we poured that all into it to keep it our attempts to keep it open for others pleasure ( or most possibly in this case solely our own :-)

Oh a side note I'm currently in the centre of London for a few days Easter break holiday and the place is going down with cute Asisn guys ! Unfortunately I'm here with my Asian BF and even HE pointed out I would no doubt have a field day if he hasn't of been with me ( poor planning on my part it seems !) but GAY last night - "almost" like a mini DJ station :-)

April 7th, 2015, 18:46
The problem with Krazy Dragon is its no fun. One can let down their hair in Eros and in Sunny Boys. Very easy access
to the boys, user friendly garments and a good attitude.
One can just about touch the boys ankles at Krazy now, and the boys push very aggressively for you to buy them a drink.
They stay on the tall tables as far away from the customers and wear tight speedos under their shorts like
chastity belts of yore.

The old Krazy was easy, loosey goosey and about as much fun as is possible for an old horny farang. The boys didn't
stay on the tables but approached and sat with customers, massaging and allowing the goods to be easily checked out.
They squatted down on the tall tables, letting it all hang out. It was Fun.
Old Krazy Peter was inspired and knew what old men want and ran one hot bar. Mark followed with same theme except
didn't allow tobacco smoking and the joint was still jumping. Lots of manly guys and gay boys too. Good mix for all tastes.
The tourist police farang ruined the bar and turned it into a ghost town. He never had a clue. Only a few skinny fem
boys at most
Sometimes a great bar just dies and the magic cannot be brought back.
I'll bet the German boss at Sunny Boys would know how.. He knows what gay farangs want.

April 7th, 2015, 20:26
I never had a bad off from Krazy. In its prime it offered inexpensive drinks, hot boys for hire and the customer service level of Marks and Spencer. Brilliant.

April 8th, 2015, 03:20
The tourist police farang ruined the bar and turned it into a ghost town. He never had a clue.
Does that surprise anyone? Anyone? How screwed up does someone have to be to voluntarily join any branch of the Royal Thai Police, as a foreigner, to 'play police'. (No question mark there on purpose.)

April 8th, 2015, 14:35
" ... Sunee is dead ... ".
I've been reading a statement such as this on the various message boards for at least a dozen years now. It's still there dude.
Seems more like: "I can't find fun here anymore ... must be moribund.". No more Hong Nam doors to kick in anymore. What a drag.

Sounds to me more like the application of a generalized Wave Theory than anything else. Like an erection ... what goes up will generally come down. But, love to all, it comes up again, like the sun or the tides.
a447 ~ and Latinxxxpro (sp??) ~ rely on this theory for their ever-active libidos to function properly. (Also note: the 'Large Hadron Collider' thread in the Everything Else Forum: physics-marches-inexorably-backwards-t32508.html (http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/physics-marches-inexorably-backwards-t32508.html) )

April 22nd, 2015, 19:28
I went past Krazy Dragon on my way past last night and was enticed in for a 40 baht Heineken by the guy outside. I have not been in KD for at least seven years. It was great to see all the guys dancing up a storm, looking genuinely happy and interacting with the customers like it used to be when I first starting to visit Thailand.

April 25th, 2015, 04:54
Under the current management, for the first time I actually enjoyed KD and even offed one of their cute boys. He was slim, sweet and wearing tight stretchy underwear, which I always find more elegant than those baggy shorts.

However, one earlier post refers to the shorts with speedos underneath. Well, what are they thinking of allowing that to go on?
Gogo bars need to offer something erotic to the customer. Shorts can allow it all to hang out & tight stretchy underwear presents a lovely shape to the customer. Shorts with underwear underneath do none of that. The bar management need to take control of the staff dress code.

The other challenge is the large size of the bar. They need a lot of boys and a lot of customers, so the format must have wide appeal.

April 25th, 2015, 07:32
...and sort out those dreadfully uncomfortable seats. They alone are enough to make you leave after one drink!

April 25th, 2015, 20:10
200 baht for a boy drink is also a bit steep for many customers.

Nirish guy
April 25th, 2015, 20:36
200 baht for a boy drink is also a bit steep for many customers.

Ah come on, if you go into a bar with your mate in just about any Country in the world and buy them a beer it would cost you somewhere around the 200 baht mark (give or take) so, to go into a go-go bar and have a perhaps half naked guy sitting on your lap with his cock in your hand half the time doesn't sound THAT bad surely ?

I think we all forget and sometimes protest just a little too much about bar prices and forget that the bars we frequent DO need to make "some" profit to survive from year to year and through the low season, otherwise the closures that we see happening all the time now will just keep progressively getting worse.

April 25th, 2015, 21:15
I went to Krazy Dragon three nights in a row this week. I am not saying 200 baht is too much for me as I had one of the hot guys sitting with me on two of those nights. I did notice others were buying 40 baht Heinekins and not buying any boy drinks. Just an observation when other bars have lower boy drink prices.

April 25th, 2015, 22:09
Can you not buy a 40Bt Heineken for the boy - problem solved? Just joking. I agree with NIrish - I don't think it's too much if you're having a good time with a young gentleman. There are plenty of other bars with cheaper prices (which is where I tend to hang out) but 200Bt in a go-go bar seems ok to me.

April 25th, 2015, 22:52
I was there a few nights ago. I agree it is a fun bar. 10-14 boys at the time (they are running around in the large bar so difficult to count them all). The boys get 40 baht for every drink customer buys for them. At the end of the night a boy showed me he had got 7 reciepts from the bar for 40 baht each because customers had bought him 7 drinks that night. Off fee is 400.

May 2nd, 2015, 21:43
I see the for sale sign has been removed. A great night was had yeas back when Sunee was rocking, it was the contest for the best looking go go guy from all of the go go bars in Sunee. Roses were sold and the contestant to receive the most roses was declared the winner.


Years before the bar had table dancing it was a fabulous sleeze pit as were many other places in and around Sunee.



May 3rd, 2015, 20:06
I remember Krazy Dragon when i first visited Pattaya 9 years ago.
Had fun in there. I seem to remember the boys being happy with 20 baht tips and I like most customers took a wad. For that you got to hold their dicks. I can however only remember offing once - i did that mainly from Kaos or Eoro Boys.

May 4th, 2015, 11:10
KD has been closed the last 3 days, following a police raid. That part of Sunee Plaza
dark now. Maybe the 40b. Heinekens did them in. Maybe they'll reopen tonight.

May 4th, 2015, 15:09
The for let sign maybe down but Nicky has it listed.

May 5th, 2015, 22:21
Nice to see most of you enjoyed your times in the Krazy Dragon as much as we did running it. Miss most of you lol, but miss the boys more :-* .
:ymparty: Enjoy most of our holidays back in Morocco these days. Please feel free to join me on Facebook if you are not already added,
some nice old photos on there of the boys. markmatthews1965@hotmail.com

Keep Enjoying your time out there one way or another.

Regards Mark

May 13th, 2015, 18:50
The Russian owners are history. Thread on gaybuttonthai.com today with the details. Thread titled 'Sunee Plaza update'.

May 13th, 2015, 20:48
Not that complicated, the owners couldn't make the rent and are yesterday's news as is the bar.

May 13th, 2015, 21:04
Indeed there was a police raid on 30 April. I was doing my rounds of Sunee bars, and while taking in the atmosphere at Eros bar, all of a sudden three quarters of the boys pulled up their shorts and hurriedly put on their proper clothing and escaped into the streets. Which made me suspect that they were without working permits/underaged/addicts etc. I left the bar soon after. The friendly manager asked me to return the following night.
As I was tracing my way back to Soi VC, I saw two policemen in uniform infront of KD which appeared dimly lit and the front door ajar, without a soul in sight. I noticed too a camera crew in the open bar opposite, probably part of the raiding unit.
On the whole the area appeared subdued, but the main streets of Pattaya were congested due to the workers day and coronation day holidays.