View Full Version : In defence of gay marriage

April 1st, 2015, 13:01
Ain't love grand (http://www.msn.com/en-au/news/world/paedophile-and-gay-bashing-murderers-become-the-uks-first-gay-couple-to-marry-in-prison/ar-AAaibIC?ocid=iehp)!

April 13th, 2015, 14:54
The stats are in and gay marriage in the UK has been shown to be a damp squib (http://www.scoop.it/t/gayculture/p/4040806162/2015/04/07/lessons-from-one-year-of-same-sex-marriage-in-england-and-wales), a tiny minority interest within a tiny minority - dare I say a wet dream. Imagine all that effort and vitriol and bullying that the gay marriage lobby has expended - admittedly the majority are so ugly they have to do something to fill in their time as they can't get laid - and for what? The take up of gay marriage in its first year has been "low". Now, when other social movements have built up momentum - no-fault divorce for example - the take up has been significantly higher in the first year than in subsequent years. So, if this is gay marriage's high water mark it's pretty obvious - as many of us have said all along - that this is a tenth-order, fringe issue even for gay people. To be blunt, no-one's fucking interested.

June 13th, 2015, 18:43
The people who have got married were obviously very interested in doing so. And, as no-one else is harmed by their so doing, it seems a bit curmudgeonly on your part to be so dismissive of their innocent pleasure.

June 13th, 2015, 23:11
Getting married is all very well, but move away from your comfort zone and traditional prejudices can mess things up.

Stephen Fry's honeymoon wrecked by homophobia

Stephen Fry and his new husband Elliott Spencer were forced to abandon their honeymoon destination over alleged homophobia.

It is claimed that the couple had to leave their holiday in Honduras early. The Central American country is predominantly Catholic.
Although gay relationships are not illegal there, same sex marriages as well as adoption by same sex couples have been constitutionally banned for a decade.

Fry, 57, married Mr Spencer, who is 30 years his junior, at a secret wedding ceremony in Norfolk in january. They delayed their honeymoon but announced plans for "a huge adventure" taking in a number of destinations.

But in Honduras, it appears the couple may have run into problems with local sensibilities.

Mr Spencer said: "тАШWe had a problem when we visited Honduras on holiday.

тАШIt was homophobia. I donтАЩt want to go into detail, but we had to leave."

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebri ... hobia.html (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/11672513/Stephen-Frys-honeymoon-wrecked-by-homophobia.html)

Nirish guy
June 14th, 2015, 06:41
You're missing the point Kommie, its not the fact as to whether or not gay LGBT people do chose to get married or not, it's the fact that they have the RIGHT to choose ! That's the important issue. I understand you don't aspire to marriage in general and thats your right but when others do that should also be their right if they live in an apparently equal society. I've just arrived back from the biggest march every in Northern Ireland today for equal marriage with upwards of 10000 people attending according to the press and THAT'S the important issue, that 10000 people all stood up and demanded equal rights for gay people, in this case for the right to marry, whether or not lgbt people chose to excerise that right is an entirely different issue, but that right being fought for and won is most definitely an important one none the less.

Today when I was stewarding at the march I passed a very old couple, I would say mid eighties at least if not older, standing together waiting as I thought to cross the road in a gap in the road, my part of the march walked past, complete with badges, stickers, flags and all sorts of pro gay marriage stuff on display and I can't tell you the feeling I had when that elderly lady looked me in the eye and gave me a quiet and subtle thumbs up and smiled and me in obvious support at "the cause" this was bearing in mind there were Christian protesters standing shouting their lungs out not 20 yards away from her) and it really warmed my heart for humanity realising that a lady of that age "got it", so whilst i understand your position being into marriage generally I do feel that it IS an important step in terms of LGBT peoples rights to be afforded the same rights as everyone else - even is they are shit and worthless in your view in the bigger scheme of things.

June 14th, 2015, 13:06
You're missing the point Kommie, its not the fact as to whether or not gay LGBT people do chose to get married or not, it's the fact that they have the RIGHT to choose ! My point is that there should be no "right to choose" because marriage should be abolished!