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March 19th, 2015, 16:02
I've a few boys I like to off in Eros bar.
But increasingly when I go there I find 3 or 4 customers holding court with groups of boys and these groups usually include my beauties.
It may be good for the bar but at least 3 boys have missed out on 'offs' from me as a result.
When these groups break up the boys usually get pretty small tips as the customer has already splashed out on 5 or 6 drinks.
Mai bpen rai.

March 19th, 2015, 17:13
I've a few boys I like to off in Eros bar.
But increasingly when I go there I find 3 or 4 customers holding court with groups of boys and these groups usually include my beauties.
It may be good for the bar but at least 3 boys have missed out on 'offs' from me as a result.
When these groups break up the boys usually get pretty small tips as the customer has already splashed out on 5 or 6 drinks.
Mai bpen rai.

Yes, happens all the time. :(

Those with deep pockets do better.
Is that not the way of the world?

If an option, persistence over a number of nights might lead to an opportunity.

Can't blame the boys for chasing the money!

March 19th, 2015, 18:47
Try going earlier before 9pm and you may have a better chance finding your beauties.

March 19th, 2015, 20:44
I find in Eros a few of the boys tend to invite themselves over by your side. If they want to sit there I let them do as they please but when their hand wanders I remove it immediately. I only tip boys who are invited over. I'm home now so Ton is free again. :))

March 20th, 2015, 00:23
That raises the question: how do you inquire with bar staff if the customer is going to take all boys or when he will be leaving or if the boys are free to go (but then not receiving a tip?).

I was in such a situation only once as far as I remember (it not in Eros bar). I couldn't see the boy's number, so I had to ask staff for his number or name so I could come back another day (never materialized). Staff offered to have the boy come over, but I declined. That would be impolite, but so is hogging boys without intention to off them (when other people like me only go for offing).

I rember another one, this time in Eros: A boy I had before was sitting in such a group, but came over to say hello, whereupon I asked if he will go with the customer. He will not go (drinking in the bar only) and will be free soon.

March 20th, 2015, 06:08
Regularly in go-go bars, I see falangs drinking with a group of boys (setup?), and the falang seems only to want to drink with a group before moving on.

The motivation of the falangs is not clear to me.

It can be annoying if a boy who you would possibly like to off is tied up in the drinking school.

Waiting it out is an option, but then the boy may be drunk to some level. Not an option I choose.

March 20th, 2015, 07:01
The way to do it is to ask if he wants to come over and join you.
Of course, most of us don't ever do that. We need to be more assertive.

March 20th, 2015, 09:51
I cant see the point of collecting a group of boys, buying them drinks and the leaving the gogo. I enter with the possibility of offing a boy I'm attracted to. I can fondle him and check out his dick to make sure it will perform later in bed.

March 20th, 2015, 11:26
These guys are "showing-off" their wealth or whatever. Often times they do give good tips to their flock. If I intended to off one of their flock I would have the waiter pass that message to the chosen one. However, it would be appropriate to make up the loss tip the boy would have received.

No need to worry about offending the show-off, they are insensitive to anything but themselves.

March 20th, 2015, 15:35
That is true. A year or so ago, a falang surrounded himself with six guys at Toyboys, whom he ignored after buying them a drink while he played with his mobile. It left four or five guys dancing (sic) since it was so late.

March 20th, 2015, 16:10
never thought of myself as a Eros groupie, however eros groper fits better.
Mind you, the boys do a fair bit of groping themselves as long as you can part
with a tip. Always amazes me that old farangs come from so far away and when
they are in the honey pot, they sit on their hands.
Sure, they go home with a pittance more but they miss out on what a few baht buys.

In the gaggle of boys around a farang/set-up, the boys closest to the farang are his
but the boys on the other edges are available usually. Two farangs with set-ups ruins
the bar and its a waste of time sitting around unless you are patient.

March 20th, 2015, 16:15
In such situations I always ask mamasans. They usually know what kind of client the hog is and can tell if any of the boys in the group will be potentially offed. Then I just indicate the boy I want and he is sent my way. Once I fancied a boy at a bar who was sitting with a farang - only two of them. Still I asked mamasan and it appeared the farang was a full time immigrant and comes to chat with boys. So once I indicated my interest in the boy - he came to my table and the farang gave me an understanding smile.

March 20th, 2015, 17:55
I think I'd adopt LoveThailand's option, but then Mamasans have been known to tell us what they think we want to hear, so you may end up waiting for a boy who isn't actually available.

March 20th, 2015, 21:19
Buying a bottle can be fun and also useful. It will usually allow you to have a chat with every boy in the bar in a less formal way than simply buying him specifically a drink. Most of them tend to come and go rather than stay permanently unless you make a special effort to keep them.
I've only done it three times. Once each in Eros, Happy Place and some Karaoke bar somewhere. Each time I and the people I was with had a wonderful time.

March 20th, 2015, 22:14
The way to do it is to ask if he wants to come over and join you.
Of course, most of us don't ever do that. We need to be more assertive.

I, for one, would be very reluctant to do that and the boys are usually reluctant to bite the hand that has just fed them a drink.
When this happened last time my target boy was in the middle of a group being regaled by one customer. "My" beauty looked at me and he knew that I wished to off him yet he didn't break ranks nor did I wish him to do so. I waited about 20 minutes and then went elsewhere.
I know he was not taken off and thus he lost a generous short-time tip for the sake of a few beers and perhaps a small tip.

I've been to many straight Karoke bars where handsome boys line up on stage and are chosen by customers as drinking buddies/offs etc. The difference here is that these boys are called away from the tables to the stage every 15/20 minutes thus other customers have a chance to choose a new boy.

Maybe Eros and other bars could learn something from this.

This issue is no big deal I know but I think Eros is particularly well visited by boy-collectors.
Maybe more a plague than a blessing?

March 21st, 2015, 04:09
These guys are "showing-off" their wealth or whatever. Often times they do give good tips to their flock. If I intended to off one of their flock I would have the waiter pass that message to the chosen one. However, it would be appropriate to make up the loss tip the boy would have received.

No need to worry about offending the show-off, they are insensitive to anything but themselves.

Obviously you have never bought a bottle in a bar... there is nothing show off about buying a bottle - its about being a good sport and actually cheaper in the long run

The cost is isually 1000-1500B depending on you (or your BFs) negotiation skills... I would normally buy a bottle in at least one bar per night when i am on hols... The cost is actually cheaper than buying single drinks... especially if you are going out with friends or BF

Go in to bar with BF and farang friend, Cost 510B
Call a boy down for a drink, 170B
Farang friend calls a boy down, 170B
BFs friend drops in for a chat and a look, 170B
Dreaded mamasan looks for a drink 170B

We are already at nearly 1200B and only 1 drink each
With the bottle, everybody can have 3-4 drinks for the same price.

If there is whiskey left and you are moving on- leave it to the boys to finish
If its closing time and you fancy a boy, invite him and some friends to join you in the disco - no off fee involved... the manager doesn't care as your little party has helped liven up his bar for a while

March 21st, 2015, 12:13
Obviously you have never bought a bottle in a bar... there is nothing show off about buying a bottle - its about being a good sport and actually cheaper in the long run

colmx, I see your point and I was obviously "tarring everyone with the same brush"! Buying a bottle and being a good sport especially toward the end of the evening, when most customers have departed, could be a fun time.

My own preferences are more to putting the money directly in their "pockets" rather than into drinks but each to his own.

March 21st, 2015, 20:17
I think I'd adopt LoveThailand's option, but then Mamasans have been known to tell us what they think we want to hear, so you may end up waiting for a boy who isn't actually available.
Joe - no waiting. We know mamasans and can tell when they are just telling you what you want to hear. You talk to them, they go to the boy in question, whisper in their pretty ear - smile back - walk over. If this is not happening within 5 minutes - tough shit. I move on.

March 21st, 2015, 20:28
As usual, colmx has the right idea.

I most often have a group of guys around me at the bars. It is not about "showing off wealth" or any other nonsense. I am on holiday, having a good time, and have made friends with many of the boys.
I stop in for some drinks and fun, and usually talk about where I will end up later that night so they know where to meet up if in the mood for a party.

I am not 'insensitive to anything but" myself. Many times in the bars, I have observed other customers giving one of my friends the look. I always let them know "if you want customer, is OK. You can go over to them". Almost 100% of the time, they decline and would rather hang out and have fun.

Falangs have this "money trumps everything" view that is not shared by the Thai boys. Unless their rent is due or they have another pressing money need, they are not necessarily always desperately looking for an off.

March 21st, 2015, 20:45
Nobody has done anything wrong. A customer buys a bottle and is sharing it with the boys. Later, you walk in only to find that all of the boys that interest you are occupied, either with the customer sharing the bottle, with another customer, or whatever. If no other boys will do, the solution seems simple enough to me. Just go back to the bar the next night and get there earlier. I don't see why that wouldn't solve the problem unless something is preventing you from being able to go back the next night.

You might also scour Gay Romeo. Many bar boys, including Eros boys, are on Gay Romeo. If you find the boy of interest, I doubt you need me to explain what to do next . . .

March 21st, 2015, 20:51
Hi, anonone! Where have you been?

Falangs have this "money trumps everything" view that is not shared by the Thai boys. Unless their rent is due or they have another pressing money need, they are not necessarily always desperately looking for an off.

I couldn't agree more. And many are not so desperate as to accept some piddling amount for their services. And contrary to what some believe, they're not all trying to screw us for every last baht, so to speak.

March 22nd, 2015, 01:16
Falangs have this "money trumps everything" view that is not shared by the Thai boys. Unless their rent is due or they have another pressing money need, they are not necessarily always desperately looking for an off.

That is perfectly true. And verified many times !

I have only known one guy, who was working as much as he could and putting all his money in the bank.

March 22nd, 2015, 08:06
Hi, anonone! Where have you been?

Falangs have this "money trumps everything" view that is not shared by the Thai boys. Unless their rent is due or they have another pressing money need, they are not necessarily always desperately looking for an off.

I couldn't agree more. And many are not so desperate as to accept some piddling amount for their services. And contrary to what some believe, they're not all trying to screw us for every last baht, so to speak.

Hey a447.

Just took a little break. Got annoyed at controlling personality and their expert opinion on everything. Oh, and work got pretty busy too. LOL

I will be back in Thailand soon, so thought I would drop by and see what was going on....

March 22nd, 2015, 09:33
I will be back in Thailand soon, so thought I would drop by and see what was going on....
Back for Songkran?
I guess you heard NIrish won't be here this year so came to support the songkran economy!
See you in country Road Jomtien some evening! :ymhug: :ymhug:

March 22nd, 2015, 13:15
If I drinke only with a boy, a other farang con take off him. This is business as usual. Some boys not want "take off", because they are not gay. These boys work only for tips and commissions.

March 22nd, 2015, 18:29
I will be back in Thailand soon, so thought I would drop by and see what was going on....
Back for Songkran?
I guess you heard NIrish won't be here this year so came to support the songkran economy!
See you in country Road Jomtien some evening! :ymhug: :ymhug:

I wish, but unfortunately no Songkran for me this year. I guess "soon" was a bit of an overstatement.
Have a great time at my favorite spot!

I will have to limit my economic support to post-Songkran activity. The boys may be in need of some baht for recovery....

Nirish guy
March 22nd, 2015, 18:50
Oh my GOD, neither Anon or myself going - jesus Colmx you'd better go take out a second mortgage as you're going to have a lot of mouths to feed and water it seems - and when i say feed I MEAN with food, nothing else, just leave all that other stuff for when Anon and I manage to get back ! :-)

PS - great to see you back again Anon ! :-)

March 23rd, 2015, 17:40
Oh my GOD, neither Anon or myself going - jesus Colmx you'd better go take out a second mortgage as you're going to have a lot of mouths to feed and water it seems - and when i say feed I MEAN with food, nothing else, just leave all that other stuff for when Anon and I manage to get back ! :-)

PS - great to see you back again Anon ! :-)

Hey NIrish.
Surprised you are not making it for Songkran. Is this really true, or have you just not managed to talk yourself into it yet?
I am sure once you start thinking about all those free spirited Thai boys...and their wet, clingy shorts...and their beaming smile...you may just find yourself looking for airfare. LOL

March 24th, 2015, 21:16
Falangs have this "money trumps everything" view that is not shared by the Thai boys. Unless their rent is due or they have another pressing money need, they are not necessarily always desperately looking for an off.
That is perfectly true. And verified many times !

I have only known one guy, who was working as much as he could and putting all his money in the bank.
I believed for years that money is number one. A few weeks ago a Farang friend told me that fun is number one, everything else distant second. Now the same information here as well. Have to adjust my activities accordingly.

If no other boys will do, the solution seems simple enough to me. Just go back to the bar the next night and get there earlier. I don't see why that wouldn't solve the problem unless something is preventing you from being able to go back the next night.
That would not work for me. I visits bars only one time per holiday. Going to a bar is a serious commitment in money and time. So far, I haven't seen a boy who is worth going back the following day.

Some boys not want "take off", because they are not gay. These boys work only for tips and commissions.
I have met only one boy who wouldn't go with me (or would not go with customers in general, as was explained by staff), and that was the Vietnamese stunner at Scorpion in Soi Twilight.

Was in Power Boys yesterday. Two cute boys (nr 3 and 30) but I was too slow, both were sitting with customers and later dressed before I could decide if and which to take. Later staff asked me which boy I want, I said I want 30 but he is with customer already. Staff told me the customer comes every day and usually just wants to drink and talk. Staff went over to inquire, but that the customer will take the boy off.

That (asking staff) is the only viable solution for me (other might try online or come back another day).

March 25th, 2015, 01:36
I believed for years that money is number one. A few weeks ago a Farang friend told me that fun is number one, everything else distant second. Now the same information here as well. Have to adjust my activities accordingly.

Just to reiterate what others have written, for the average Thai boy fun/sanook is always the number 1 priority

They want to laugh, joke, drink, sing, dance & eat first
After that they want money...
And if the Sanook above is good, the sex is accordingly better

Or at least that has been my experience, treat the boys like they are special, and then money becomes secondary

Of course others may refer to that as "buying friends" etc But thats generally because they have no friends in the first place!

March 25th, 2015, 03:14
I also encountered a Vietnamese stunner in another Soi Twilight bar on the last trip. I think he was just there to lure customers in and had no intention of being offed.

As for the bars, any tourist must budget for visiting more than one bar before an off. Aiming to visit just one bar is fine, but there must be a plan B and a plan C.

March 25th, 2015, 07:26
I also encountered a Vietnamese stunner in another Soi Twilight bar on the last trip. I think he was just there to lure customers in and had no intention of being offed.

As for the bars, any tourist must budget for visiting more than one bar before an off. Aiming to visit just one bar is fine, but there must be a plan B and a plan C.

There are many Vietnamese hanging around this soi esp near the last bar on the right as you walk towards the Balls bar end. Most are available but tend to be expensive and 2 at least are so expensive that they're basically unoffable. I think I know the boy you're referring to.
The VN boys are cute but small.

March 25th, 2015, 15:08
There are many Vietnamese hanging around this soi esp near the last bar on the right as you walk towards the Balls bar end. Most are available but tend to be expensive and 2 at least are so expensive that they're basically unoffable. I think I know the boy you're referring to. The VN boys are cute but small.
Can you elaborate on "so expensive"? I read elsewhere that off fee is 500, short time 1500, and they won't bother to go to your room, you have to take a nearby short time room, another 500, makes 2500. http://llz.blogspot.com/2015/02/surpris ... n-gay.html (http://llz.blogspot.com/2015/02/surprises-and-disappointments-in-gay.html)

Small as in body size (can confirm from watching them) or what they have in their trousers?

March 25th, 2015, 16:46
There are many Vietnamese hanging around this soi esp near the last bar on the right as you walk towards the Balls bar end. Most are available but tend to be expensive and 2 at least are so expensive that they're basically unoffable. I think I know the boy you're referring to. The VN boys are cute but small.
Can you elaborate on "so expensive"? I read elsewhere that off fee is 500, short time 1500, and they won't bother to go to your room, you have to take a nearby short time room, another 500, makes 2500. http://llz.blogspot.com/2015/02/surpris ... n-gay.html (http://llz.blogspot.com/2015/02/surprises-and-disappointments-in-gay.html)

Small as in body size (can confirm from watching them) or what they have in their trousers?

You've done the maths correctly -a short time costs 2500 B without the full menu of services let me add. If you want to see a cute Vietnamese face transmogrofied momentarily into a horrified screwed-up face just mention the term "boom boom". But an offer of exta baht will restore that georgous smile.

They're unwilling to go to hotels because of their visa status I would guess. Many of them will go to the BBB Inn around the corner on Rama 4 cos there's no hassle there-in fact most of them were BBB Inn in-house masseurs until the army called and ordered them out.

Re small? Sadly small both in body AND trousers. I found one exception though. He's the tall skinny one that doesn't look Vietnamese but is.

March 25th, 2015, 19:08
I, like many others on this board, have written in the past about the Vietnamese "stunner" at Scorpion. I was told early on that he was unavailable - no problem, as I like them older, but he was so gorgeous that I couldn't take my eyes off him.

His brother was also working there and I can confirm that he has a small appendage. How? No, I didn't have sex with him, but he would often stand behind me and literally encourage me to have a feel of the goods. There wasn't much to feel, even when he got a hard-on.

I'll be in Bangkok at the start of April and my first port of call will be Scorpion - just in case the 'stunner" has returned.

March 26th, 2015, 04:10
They're unwilling to go to hotels because of their visa status I would guess.
I don't think that's the reason.
Visitors from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Burma all visit hotels without problems. If they have done the visa runs and have the stamps in the passport, they have as much right to be in Thailand as any tourist.
Perhaps the ones on Soi Twilight are mostly content to earn money as hosts and don't want to be providing the additional services.

March 26th, 2015, 09:24
They're unwilling to go to hotels because of their visa status I would guess.
I don't think that's the reason.
Visitors from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Burma all visit hotels without problems. If they have done the visa runs and have the stamps in the passport, they have as much right to be in Thailand as any tourist.
Perhaps the ones on Soi Twilight are mostly content to earn money as hosts and don't want to be providing the additional services.

Yes they have as much right to be in Thailand as any other tourist IF they have done the visa runs.

It's easy for the Laoations, Cambodians and Burmese to do a quick border run- not so easy for the vn boys who struggle to survive in Bangkok in slack times.

March 26th, 2015, 11:29
Perhaps the ones on Soi Twilight are mostly content to earn money as hosts and don't want to be providing the additional services.
Their choice, which I accept. But I would like to know in advance, not only when I want to off a boy (because that's the reason why I go to bars - I can look at and talk with gorgeous boys who are not available everywhere in Thailand for free).

A similar problem exists in the straight scene: coyote girls who will not or only at outrages off fee (bar fines) and tips go with customers. Stickmanweekly wrote about this several times, and straight punters are not happy about this.

March 27th, 2015, 03:46
I presume Vietnamese boys can do a border run to Poipet & get the passport stamped, just like any other foreigner.

As for the concept that every boy should be available, well the real world isn't like that. We're lucky there are bars where most of the boys are available in Thailand, as in most of the world, such options don't exist.

March 28th, 2015, 02:10
You'd think boys who work in a bar and who are available to take out, would at least have the consideration to wear a badge saying "PROSTITUTE ", so that Christian is not inconvenienced.

Incidentally, not all Vietnamese boys have a chipolata in their pants - take it from me ;)

March 28th, 2015, 02:29
I presume Vietnamese boys can do a border run to Poipet & get the passport stamped, just like any other foreigner.

As for the concept that every boy should be available, well the real world isn't like that. We're lucky there are bars where most of the boys are available in Thailand, as in most of the world, such options don't exist.

Re border run-I must admit I didn't think of that-obviously you're right.

I have had many conversations with some of the VN boys in soi Twilight.

They live in poverty by in large and cannot af ford to go home very often and they are certainly more isolated than the citizens from the immediate neighbours of Thailand.

March 28th, 2015, 05:07
Incidentally, not all Vietnamese boys have a chipolata in their pants - take it from me ;)I too have encountered the odd saveloy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saveloy) but the salami (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salami) is much rarer

March 30th, 2015, 00:30
They live in poverty by in large and cannot afford to go home very often...
They probably cannot afford to go home regularly for social visit, but have to go for visa runs.
I would tentatively guess overstay is not an option, as Thailand might not let them in again (or not issue a new visa).

A friend who speaks Vietnamese once got some numbers and did the maths, there is not much money left at the end.

June 6th, 2015, 21:21
If you don't want to support the business at Sunee , just buy a beer in the nearest 7 eleven and drink it outside, use your gay romeo app and you have boys lined up for you. You save 1000 just by not entering the bar. Life is great and cheap.

June 7th, 2015, 03:51
A friend who speaks Vietnamese once got some numbers and did the maths, there is not much money left at the end.

I suspect that is the case for some of them. Those who look good, work at it and are actually prepared to service customers should be capable of saving some money.
The last Vietnamese guy who made it to my hotel room would have been about 7 years ago in Singapore. There are Vietnamese who just work as the bait to pull punters like me into bars & do no more. They will not be earning much money.
As for their expenses, well they will be exactly the same as those for boys from Laos or Cambodia. A cheap shared room, food & the odd visa run to Cambodia.

June 7th, 2015, 03:58
...live in poverty???...and who's fault is that?? Maybe if they dropped their prices and stopped being so precious about meeting the customers needs...in other words started acting like the whores they are...their income would increase and they would be living in the lap of luxury.

June 7th, 2015, 22:10
...live in poverty???...and who's fault is that?? Maybe if they dropped their prices and stopped being so precious about meeting the customers needs...in other words started acting like the whores they are...their income would increase and they would be living in the lap of luxury.

I tend to agree with you. I think a hot twink can easily earn 40.000 baht a month (minimum!). They just have to get the right attitude and work for it.
If they save 20.000 each month (is easy, certainly when sharing a room, then 30.000 is possible to save) then he saves 240.000 baht in a year.
Say he does the job from 18 till 23, so 5 years, then he can easily save a million baht. A fortune in Thailand.

if I was a poor hot Vietnamese twink I would know what I would do between 18-23. And at age 23 I would be the king of my village. Have a good start for the rest of my life.

June 7th, 2015, 22:19
No pity from me. Those who work in the bars and look good make quick and easy money, and those who do not look good should go elsewhere.

Financial problems arise from lack of planning. A boy I had recently asked for 100 Baht more for taxi (in addition to 1000 for ST), instead of money, I gave him advice: which bus to take to to his destination (taxi would cost about 80 Baht). He chose the taxi nonetheless. I lost count of how often money boys told me bus is too hot, slow, lo-so, whatever, or the ultimate excuse: "I don't know how to use bus". Well, when I first came to Bangkok I didn't know how to use the bus and I didn't speak the language, but I was willing to learn!

No matter how much money you give the boy, most will squander it. I have heard only few stories of money boys who save money and invest it in business or education.

June 7th, 2015, 23:16
There's a difference, when you work hard to earn your money you tend to be careful how you spend it. If you want to make it last you try to spend it wisely. If you get your money pretty easy and lots of it for a little bit of work, you are not as concerned on how you spend it. With a lot of the money boys it is easy come easy go.

June 8th, 2015, 00:23
There's a difference, when you work hard to earn your money you tend to be careful how you spend it. If you want to make it last you try to spend it wisely. If you get your money pretty easy and lots of it for a little bit of work, you are not as concerned on how you spend it. With a lot of the money boys it is easy come easy go.

They are not stupid. They know this easy earning will last only a few years for them. Don't they really think at all about their future?
A hot young Thai gay boy can in a few years amass a fortune if he is smart. Well, you don't need to be smart really, just use some common sense. They aren't dumb. They must know this.

June 8th, 2015, 03:07
No pity from me. Those who work in the bars and look good make quick and easy money, and those who do not look good should go elsewhere.

Financial problems arise from lack of planning. A boy I had recently asked for 100 Baht more for taxi (in addition to 1000 for ST), instead of money, I gave him advice: which bus to take to to his destination (taxi would cost about 80 Baht). He chose the taxi nonetheless. I lost count of how often money boys told me bus is too hot, slow, lo-so, whatever, or the ultimate excuse: "I don't know how to use bus". Well, when I first came to Bangkok I didn't know how to use the bus and I didn't speak the language, but I was willing to learn!

No matter how much money you give the boy, most will squander it. I have heard only few stories of money boys who save money and invest it in business or education.

I couldn't agree more. I can get around Bangkok using the skytrain and the buses, so someone who can speak the local language should easily be able to master this. Unless the guy is racing to his next off, it makes no sense at all to spend what could be 10% of his daily income on a taxi. He should spend an extra 20 minutes on the bus.

June 8th, 2015, 04:58
They are not stupid. They know this easy earning will last only a few years for them. Don't they really think at all about their future?
A hot young Thai gay boy can in a few years amass a fortune if he is smart. Well, you don't need to be smart really, just use some common sense. They aren't dumb. They must know this.

For the record I never said anyone was stupid, I just said easy come easy go.

June 8th, 2015, 07:27
I couldn't agree more. I can get around Bangkok using the skytrain and the buses, so someone who can speak the local language should easily be able to master this. Unless the guy is racing to his next off, it makes no sense at all to spend what could be 10% of his daily income on a taxi. He should spend an extra 20 minutes on the bus.I've yet to meet a Thai who believes that catching a taxi isn't his god-given right.

June 9th, 2015, 02:57
in reality most are simply young and dumb...probably dont have good role models where money management is concerned, being young they think they are bullet proof. Thats why u find 40 year old money boys trying to dress like they're 20....sad and pathetic.