View Full Version : It's a funny old world, is China

March 14th, 2015, 07:24
Prince Charles famously once declared the Chinese leadership "appalling old waxworks (http://www.theguardian.com/media/2005/nov/19/pressandpublishing.china)" so it's been interesting this week at a conference on the fringe of the 2015 National People's Congress to observe Madame Tussaud's in action. The primary thing you notice is the lack of intellectual freedom - I'm making this post via a VPN connection back to the UK. I have been engaging in some vigorous Anglo-Chinese congress myself this week - a park near the universities here in Peking. I should note that Peking University when dealing with us round-eyes always refers to itself as "Peking" not "Beijing"; no doubt they're taking their lead from Chris Patten

However, the "other" Chinese funny business is what amuses me:
* The New York Times reported (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/12/world/asia/chinas-tensions-with-dalai-lama-spill-into-the-afterlife.html) the deep anger of The Waxworks towards the (14th) Dalai Lama. Here's a group of (supposedly) rational atheists who are beside themselves with rage because the Dalai Lama has mused that "perhaps" he will be the last incarnation, thus robbing the Chinese dictatorship of their opportunity to control the selection and activity of the 15th Dalai Lama. Do read the story, I fell about laughing
* The Australians have set up a "My Cow in Australia (http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2015-02/17/content_19613325.htm)" club for the Chinese. Customers can visit their steer in Australia, get to know the farmer and understand the area where the cattle are raised. On their return, once the animal is ready, it is killed in Australia, quartered and then shipped to China, where it is further butchered and stored in a secure freezer. Clients get periodic deliveries, sparing them from having to find space for a whole cow in the freezer
* The Chinese are well aware of our distaste for offal, and make sure their banquet tables are groaning with plates of the stuff so that we lose face by refusing to eat what's offered

Amusing stuff

Mind you not quite as mind-boggling as the notion of short trips on the large A380 aircraft which has a447 frothing at the mouth. Well, darling boy, China Southern operate the aircraft domestically between Canton and Peking - less than a couple of hours for my trip

I'm always grateful to the worldwide network of Kommie's Boys. On this trip I was shown hospitality from a former undergraduate I tutored and who was very grateful for my "hands-on mentoring", now living in Hong Kong and making obscene amounts of money in private banking. No boy was spared in making my stay there (all too short) a pleasant one

March 14th, 2015, 10:26
The Chinese are well aware of our distaste for offal, and make sure their banquet tables are groaning with plates of the stuff so that we lose face by refusing to eat what's offered


Kommie,once again you've been caught out commenting on something you know little about and, consequently, getting it all wrong and making a total fool of yourself.

Can't work out where it went pear shaped??

Hint number 1: "we" are not Chinese
Hint number 2: "we" are not expected to be able to eat offal

Amusing stuff

Fucking hilarious!!

"One of these days my poor old heart is going to give up from the strain of the amusement that [Kommie's] posts place on it."

Stick to commenting on what you know. At least that guarantees your posts will be very short.


March 15th, 2015, 05:16
Sadly a447 is one of those men who, if they count their balls twice, come up with different answers.