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View Full Version : Help Build a Muay Thai Gym in Isaan

March 7th, 2015, 23:42
Help build a muay thai gym in a remote village in Isaan.

https://2dbdd5116ffa30a49aa8-c03f075f8191fb4e60e74b907071aee8.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.c om/3346730_1423837016.3632.jpg

"The kids never ask me when they will get a ring, a roof, or even a floor. They train hard every day.
I watch them improve. And every day they ask me if I'll be there tomorrow.

After just a few weeks of training we had three kids matched up at the local temple fair for their first
fights. It wasn't just their first fights, it was their first time being in a ring.

The kids' village is plagued by poverty, lack of development, poor education, gang and drug problems.
This gym is for them."

Help them raise the remaining bit of money for their campaign now at gofundme.com...
Click here to read more: http://www.gofundme.com/worwatthana

March 8th, 2015, 06:37
You want me to send cash to a guy in Rossland, British Columbia who put up a photo and small description of a Muay Thai camp in a remote village?

I'm happy to donate, and just passed out about 40,000 baht worth of shit. However, I'm not paying through that site. If they need the cash, tell them to contact me. PM me for my details.

March 8th, 2015, 08:43
I just don't know about advocating kids fighting- getting concussions and brain damage at such an early age.

March 9th, 2015, 10:05
I'm sorry, but fuck these guys. I said I'd donate $500 USD, and I got told this would be purchased with it:

-A hot water maker (we are starting construction on the gym and part of the deal is hot coffee and cold water for the workers. After construction it will be used at the gym for the fighters.)
-Coffee for the workers
-Two Shelves for equipment
-Two water buckets (small one to take to fights and a big one for training)
-Two stainless steel cups for water
-Reusable Fight Hand-wraps (have to order from Bangkok, currently out of stock.)

You have to be kidding me. I can buy all that for about 3000 baht, so it's a bit of a turn off when they say that's what my 15,000 baht will buy.