View Full Version : Are the only acceptable posts those with sex the main point

March 4th, 2015, 06:33
Old lonely wombat really getting the shit kicked out of him.
Attacking posters for being obsessed with boy sex tantamount to committing
hari kari on gay forums.
Lonely, it's all about sex, the rest just filler.
Men are dogs until the testosterone runs out. Then they get moralistic.

I noticed that the furore by a few of the regular posters has subsided, I notice that more interest is being shown in other areas of interest to Thai and Pattaya visitors, as well as to locals living here,

We are well aware that catawampus posts are singleminded towards sex bars, all I asked for was a return to more general coverage of all things Thai from a gay mans viewpoint.

March 4th, 2015, 07:01
Lonely ... if you had any reasonable sense of nuance (much less any ingrained cosmic hah hah) you might just have managed to realize that Cat's post was pretty much intended-hyperbole, and probably meant to get your goat. And get it he did.

" ... all I asked for was a return to more general coverage of all things Thai from a gay mans viewpoint ... ".
Right. Having said that, why don't you start up your own little message board once again (didn't your last attempt fail miserably?), wherein you can control the blatant sexuality, waywardness, lurching off-topic, and wobbling all over the place of each and every thread so that they match up to your definition of puritanical posting perfection.

Good luck.

PS: "furore"? Seems Catwampuscat is not the only one who opens up with some pithy hyperbole. Though his was much funnier.

March 4th, 2015, 09:20
There's no such thing as "a gay man's perspective". The only thing gay men have in common is their love of cock

March 4th, 2015, 10:13
It's no doubt much too late in life witch hunt, oops, lonely to develop a sense of humour.
I'm in Pattaya for the Thai boys. All the rest are just what comes with them. None of my farang friends would
be in Pattaya without the boy bar scene, it's the core as are the girlie bars for the straights.
We will all reach an age when our cocks forget they do more than urinate and until then party on!
but, I will add that many gay farangs, especially long time ex-pats never go to boy Gogo bars or see sexy boy shows.
Their Thai boyfriends keep them on a short lease. Some of these boys are now over 40 y.o. and weren't goodlooking
to start with. Some of these farangs were married to women and are most comfortable being henpecked and controlled.
And some are so tight for money, the TV is the center of their lives.

March 4th, 2015, 12:06
I'm in Pattaya for the Thai boys. All the rest are just what comes with them. None of my farang friends would be in Pattaya without the boy bar scene, it's the core as are the girlie bars for the straights.OMG, a realist.

March 7th, 2015, 07:04
It is certainly interesting to look at main page again and see that almost all the new posts have been of tourist interest and little of catawampus
smoking in bars ,cocks out and stroke by stroke descriptions of what he sees.

smiles retort about people opening new boards, forgets he sold his own forum to the now new owner after 3 sales. He never lets us forget that he was the original owner and has the right to preach to all posters. The concept of this being a gay tourist forum where photos were posted and stories by many members were welcomed
Smiles once before he got old and even more grumpy, used to post some great pics.

March 7th, 2015, 08:09
Smiles once before he got old and even more grumpy, used to post some great pics.Yes it's been ... um ... ah ... ooh 2 months and a few days since Smiles got old and even more grumpy; his last post with pictures (http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/post295558.html#p295558) was on 31 December 2014. I'm told that for those with Alzheimers life is just a blur of time.

March 7th, 2015, 08:30
Maybe Wombat can get together with James Barnes and show us the Real Thailand. James has a position open for a like minded individual on his Out In Thailand Magazine staff and the Wombat is, well, lonely! Definitely a match made in heaven or some other equally distant moral high ground. I am fortunate enough to have a handsome Thai Boyfriend 1/2 my age, but still enjoy reading about what is going on in my old stomping grounds. I find other posters' adventures at GoGo Bars, Massage Joints or Cruising entertaining. I may be interested in learning more about what Lonely and James enjoy doing other than bitching about others. So I suggest they drop the attitude and post something we may enjoy. I don't care much for their negative posts initially, but find the ensuing cat fights amusing.

March 7th, 2015, 08:49
1/2 my ageNot really trying, are you. My friends all aim for 1/3 at least.

March 7th, 2015, 11:01
If I posted what was happening last night at Eros, lonely would shake his head and say I told you so. Bobbing heads
abounded and the farang closest to me said "no", when the waiter asked him to buy the boy on his knees, a drink. Hard work smokin
an old farang and a drink would have been nice but nice farangs would have used a cushion for privacy.
Oh, I forgot, sex not allowed in the bar and Latin and others are liars because the manager told that to a poster.
Of course, you have to tip and release your grip on some baht or just watch.

March 7th, 2015, 11:39
If I posted what was happening last night at Eros, lonely would shake his head and say I told you so. Bobbing heads
abounded and the farang closest to me said "no", when the waiter asked him to buy the boy on his knees, a drink. Hard work smokin
an old farang and a drink would have been nice but nice farangs would have used a cushion for privacy.
Oh, I forgot, sex not allowed in the bar and Latin and others are liars because the manager told that to a poster.
Of course, you have to tip and release your grip on some baht or just watch.

Of course I have been to Eros and seen your big fat friend [in his wig] line boys up in a queue for a climax at 20 baht a time, yes I have been to the bars you visit a lot and complain about smoking. Yes I have been to the sex bars and to the drag and revue shows.
You make it sound like you personally are out at the bars every night from open to close ,drinking in the shows and watching others have sex.
Yes I do wonder about the guys that have public sex in bars without a condom
Even more so I wonder how many farang are AIDS free. Unlike yo I do not fill the forum with comments about that.
You claim to speak for the majority who live in or visit Pattaya that cannot live without visiting the bars all night, every night. And then want to write about it.
It seems to be to you there are those who are sex obsessed and those who are not. I have been coming here since 1990 have been to all bars, still visit them all when I come, but still like to enjoy the other things other than sex in Pattaya and Thailand.

March 7th, 2015, 12:14
I have been coming here since 1990 have been to all bars, still visit them all when I come, but still like to enjoy the other things other than sex in Pattaya and Thailand.Would you have kept coming were it not for the sex? What has Thailand got to offer that makes it a must-go destination year after year after year for you?

March 7th, 2015, 12:59
I have been coming here since 1990 have been to all bars, still visit them all when I come, but still like to enjoy the other things other than sex in Pattaya and Thailand.Would you have kept coming were it not for the sex? What has Thailand got to offer that makes it a must-go destination year after year after year for you?

I use Pattaya and Thailand as a primary location and use it to travel forward to the UK, US and to Canada .I first arrived as part of a convention in 1989 and had a week to spare.
My group came to Pattaya. I had a convention late June in the US to attend and located a Circle Pacific round trip fare. Visited Pattaya again.
That trip or the next I was given an intro to buy my first condo and now visit as an owner or when the condo's are let ,then I stay at hotels/guest houses.
Of course I enjoy sex but also the way of life. I travel to Thailand when it is winter back home

March 7th, 2015, 14:30
Yes indeed Thailand is so central. You can hop on a plane and within 24 hours you can be somewhere really interesting

March 7th, 2015, 15:06
Cat wrote:

Oh, I forgot, sex not allowed in the bar and Latin and others are liars because the manager told that to a poster

Well, the manager never told me that sex wasn't allowed in the bar - only fucking. That's what the room was for. That room is closed so perhaps there is no other option.

And Lonely, I'm happy to admit I only visit Pattaya and Bangkok for sex - as much as I can fit in while I'm there. If I want to go sightseeing I'll go somewhere else.

The last thing I need is for someone to tell me I should go sightseeing, or anything else for that matter. I'm perfectly capable of organising my own activities, thank you very much.

March 7th, 2015, 15:34
a447 correct, only see oral including rimming. Sometimes one sees nothing at all.
Chuck wow shows commonplace. It doesn't matter what you look like if you have baht.
I know Brits who won't say they go to Pattaya, due to its reputation in the UK. Of course,
the work mates are thinking girlie bars.
Why is lonely so angry? Must be a bitch, witchy.

March 7th, 2015, 15:44
I've never been to Eros (a situation I plan to correct on my next holiday) but I must admit the idea of seeing another farang engaging in (even limited) sex acts with the boys in the bar puts me off. I, of course, will only be going in the interests of independent research.

March 7th, 2015, 18:34
Go for it Joe! I have been doing a lot of independent research at Eros to verify the claims that are posted. My conclusion is when in Rome do as the Romans! :ymblushing:

Nirish guy
March 7th, 2015, 18:38
How I know Eros has a reputation as an anything goes sort of place but why anyone would one want to start building aquaducts and roads right there in the middle of Eros escapes me!! How strange !! :-)

Nirish guy
March 7th, 2015, 18:43
Anyway as it seems that for the first time in I don't know how many years I won't be in Eros or even Pattaya over Songkran I now fully intend to use this opportunity to occupy the high moral ground from here on in and to point out how disgusting I think it is that such things go on in a family resort like Pattaya !

Its activities like this this that give gay men a bad name ! Perverts the lot of ya!

Men procuring sexual services from young Thai males for their own sexual gratification - it makes me sick and you should all be ashamed of yourselves for corrupting such innocent, easily lead, poor Thai citizens, who without your custom would not be forced to sell themselves in this way to provide for their poor starving families back at home. Shame on you all !

So, now that I've said my piece - see you all in July again hopefully - you lucky bastards !! :-)

* hmmm while I'm on a roll I should maybe think of applying for a job at Out magazine as my totally hypocritical change of heart seems to fit quite well with their latest change of editorial style :-)

March 7th, 2015, 20:28
Catawampuscat wrote:

I'm in Pattaya for the Thai boys. All the rest are just what comes with them. None of my farang friends would
be in Pattaya without the boy bar scene, it's the core as are the girlie bars for the straights.
We will all reach an age when our cocks forget they do more than urinate and until then party on!
but, I will add that many gay farangs, especially long time ex-pats never go to boy Gogo bars or see sexy boy shows.
Their Thai boyfriends keep them on a short lease. Some of these boys are now over 40 y.o. and weren't goodlooking
to start with. Some of these farangs were married to women and are most comfortable being henpecked and controlled.
And some are so tight for money, the TV is the center of their lives.

I agree that most of the gay farang who come to (or live in) LOS are there for the boys...but struggle a bit with some of the broad assumptions you're making:

You seem to be implying that a person who doesn't sit in front of a gogo stage or sex show everynight is somehow missing out on the party (in your words) which is a bit narrow-minded to put it mildly. Some people (like myself) find much more pleaure by participating in the act of sex versus being a spectator. I'm saying this with the understanding that " Voyeurs" obtain sexual gratification by looking at sexual objects or acts and often prefer these voyeuristic pleasures over actually engaging sex with a partner. I'm not sure if you would place yourself in this category but you have certainly exposed the fact that you enjoy spending every night being submersed in textbook voyeuristic pleasures.

You also go on to suggest that guys who stay home a lot with their Thai partners are somehow missing the boat as well which I also choked on. I can't speak for anyone else, but I spent a hell of a lot more time in my loom the past few holidays than I did as a spectator in the bars. The guy I was fortunate enought to stumble across kept me busy...and believe me we didn't spend much time in front of the TV. If I had the choice of watching an old man get a blow job in a bar or getting it on with my partner in the privacy of my loom...I'll take my loom any time.

Voyeurism is a clinically diagnosed condition and it's understandable to me why people with this condition tend to see the world around them through narrow lenses.

I visited Euro's once during my last holiday and had a blast. I had the boy who was stroking it for a drink laying naked across my lap playing with his ass with one hand and sipping my beer with the other. Then, from across the darkly lit room I see a farang glaring in our direction. I looked again, and there he was staring at us again with his bloodshot eyes bulging out so far I thought they were going to drop in his drink. Standing in front of him were a dozen half-naked boys dancing...and all he could focus on was me and the boy I was fondling. Here I was, sitting in a sleezy sex bar with my hand inside the crevass of a naked boys ass and all I could think about was how repusive that farang was.

March 7th, 2015, 21:41
Not so long ago homosexuality was also considered a psychiatric disorder.
If enjoying a show at a bar is a sign of clinically diagnosed condition - then it is quite common - judging by thriving porn business and popularity of strip bars (both straight and gay).

March 7th, 2015, 22:07
...my hand inside the crevasse of a naked boy's ass...
Didn't know crevasse (but knew crevice).

I should have done the same (putting my hand in the boy's ass' crevasse/crevice); the last boy I offed from Eros had a bump (like a speed bump in the road) in his crevasse/crevice, which was a turn-off.

March 7th, 2015, 22:24
I visited Euro's once during my last holiday and had a blast. I had the boy who was stroking it for a drink laying naked across my lap playing with his ass with one hand and sipping my beer with the other. Then, from across the darkly lit room I see a farang glaring in our direction. I looked again, and there he was staring at us again with his bloodshot eyes bulging out so far I thought they were going to drop in his drink. Standing in front of him were a dozen half-naked boys dancing...and all he could focus on was me and the boy I was fondling. Here I was, sitting in a sleezy sex bar with my hand inside the crevass of a naked boys ass and all I could think about was how repusive that farang was.

So that was you? When will you be back at Eros; I can't wait to see you in action again. :ymsick:

March 7th, 2015, 22:37
" ... I should have done the same (putting my hand in the boy's ass' crevasse/crevice); the last boy I offed from Eros had a bump (like a speed bump in the road) ... "
Yes, well I knew that sooner or later Christian was going to be the lead board member who's post would become the trigger for a brand new version of the Sawatdee Yuk Yuk Awards.
So much material here ... Christian; Komminteraiat (SP?); LonelyWombat (as always!); etc etc etc. Should be good guffawing territory.

March 8th, 2015, 01:22
Needless to say, I find the whole Pattaya/BKK commercial gay scene a total turn on, walking into a gogo bar and seeing all the " boys" on stage parading their bodies for my pleasure, the fact that I can have just about any for the cost of a cheap meal is a total turn on. Watching the erotic shows, the stupid whores debasing thenselves in public again a major turn on. anyway enuf said :)

March 8th, 2015, 05:30
The last thing I need is for someone to tell me I should go sightseeing, or anything else for that matter. I'm perfectly capable of organising my own activities, thank you very much.
I agree with that and I think it is very well said. Even if the only reason some farang are coming to Pattaya is for the sex, there's a bad part?

Of course I have been to Eros and seen your big fat friend [in his wig] line boys up in a queue for a climax at 20 baht a time
Several of us know who you're referring to. Why did you write that? He not only posted nothing on this topic, but as far as I know he doesn't post on this board at all. What purpose were you trying to serve by attacking him? LMTU used to constantly post similar remarks about him. It was uncalled for then and it's uncalled for now. What he does in the bars is no different, and far more benign, than what I see many other farang doing in bars. Congratulations. You just lost any respect I had for you.

I always get my little laugh when someone posts a mean spirited, uncalled for remark about someone else's appearance. If they think they're anything special or even remotely attractive themselves, they ought to have a look in the nearest mirror and guess again.

March 8th, 2015, 05:42
You just lost any respect I had for you.He must be devastated.

March 8th, 2015, 05:46
You just lost any respect I had for you.He must be devastated.
Heyyyy, kommentariat - I get it. That's a good one. A perfect example of your intelligence - or lack thereof. Of course when it comes to you, I never had any respect in the first place. And my remark about you is called for.

I doubt he is devastated, but he damned sure ought to be ashamed of himself for having written that.

March 8th, 2015, 06:46
A perfect example of your intelligence - or lack thereof.
Why did you write that? What purpose are you trying to serve by attacking 'kommentariat' ? You have the nerve to complain about members attacking individuals and here you are attacking a member. Disgraceful. You damned sure ought to be ashamed of yourself, given you do not allow conduct like that on your own bog, sorry blog.

when it comes to you I never had any respect in the first place
Even more attacks, this is getting out of hand. You are clearly nothing but a troublemaker.

March 8th, 2015, 07:15
You are clearly nothing but a troublemaker.
Am I supposed to give a damn about what you think? From what I see, both you and Kommentariat are two peas out of the same pod. I responded to a completely inappropriate insult to a man who did nothing to warrant it. That was followed by Kommentariat's attempt at a put down, to which I responded. Now there's your attack post. And I'm the troublemaker? Ok.

March 8th, 2015, 08:14
And I'm the troublemaker. Ok?

March 8th, 2015, 08:59
GB wrote:

I responded to a completely inappropriate insult to a man who did nothing to warrant it.

GB...The person who Lonlywombat's apalling remarks were aimed at is a person I have considered a highly respected friend for the past 15 years and I was tempted to respond to his rude remarks in a similar fashion but decided not to after considering the source.

As you well know, these Boards are a diverse mix of all kinds of personalities and personas ranging from college professors to warped sexual perverts and everything in between...so taking some of their remarks with a good dash of salt (and a shot of tequila) is sometimes required.

What really blows me away is when every farang I meet in Pattaya seems like such a nice person - but then they get back on these forums and turn into assholes.

March 8th, 2015, 09:20
I responded to a completely inappropriate insult to a man But why did you need to respond? Lonelywombat did not make any reference to you whatsoever. It had nothing to do with you, you waded in looking for trouble, as you admit.

I see you do not respond to my mention that with regards to your attack on 'kommentariat' you would not 'allow' such an outrage on your own little blog, yet you think it appropriate to do so here. I'd better not infer you to be a hypocrite or there will be even more dramatic claims of 'attacks'.

Now there's your attack post. And I'm the troublemaker? Ok.
Where is my attack post? I merely stated a fact....you are a troublemaker, and I am vindicated by your own admission, as 'kommentariat' also noted.

March 8th, 2015, 09:28
But why did you need to respond?
I'd explain why if I thought I owe you an explanation about anything. I don't. You want to see the real troublemaker? Look in a mirror.

March 8th, 2015, 10:28
Of course I have been to Eros and seen your big fat friend [in his wig] line boys up in a queue for a climax at 20 baht a time
Several of us know who you're referring to. Why did you write that? He not only posted nothing on this topic, but as far as I know he doesn't post on this board at all. What purpose were you trying to serve by attacking him? LMTU used to constantly post similar remarks about him. It was uncalled for then and it's uncalled for now. What he does in the bars is no different, and far more benign, than what I see many other farang doing in bars. Congratulations. You just lost any respect I had for you.

I always get my little laugh when someone posts a mean spirited, uncalled for remark about someone else's appearance. If they think they're anything special or even remotely attractive themselves, they ought to have a look in the nearest mirror and guess again.[/quote]

Lonely was angry at catawampuscat and lashed out. He's friendly with the farang he
Insulted and probably regrets his rash posting. Perhaps a pm from lonely to surfcrest might convince him to delete the comment.

March 8th, 2015, 12:00

Of course I have been to Eros and seen your big fat friend [in his wig] line boys up in a queue for a climax at 20 baht a time, .....

Lonely, how dare you call me big, fat and bald ! The boys get 20 Baht just for a glanshake; a climax is 100 Baht. Nothing cheap about me. You are nothing by a Dingo. :))

March 8th, 2015, 12:28
Glanshake, it must be a French word.
Not possible to be a wombat and a dingo.

March 8th, 2015, 13:14
Not possible to be a wombat and a dingo.Oh baby!

March 8th, 2015, 15:46
Glanshake, it must be a French word.

The fireman's helmet; the head of the penis; the red, sensitive part near the tip: the part that if you lick it hard enough will make your man cum.

The Wampus nibbled and licked Lonely's glans until the Wombat howled like a Dingo

March 8th, 2015, 16:41
Francois, you just put me off my breakfast. Ugh!

March 8th, 2015, 17:07
Glanshake, it must be a French word

The Wampus nibbled and licked Lonely's glans until the Wombat howled like a Dingo

Sounds hot until you get a mental picture. Then we can all join Joe in the
Vomitorium. Maybe Francois really Australian.