View Full Version : Putting the record straight

March 2nd, 2015, 13:26
I've had some PMs from members wondering why on earth I would go on a trip with Kommentariat.

For the record, I didnt.

It's all in his perverted mind.

March 2nd, 2015, 15:09
I enjoyed reading kommie's recent trip reports, but find it hard to believe that anyone thought you were actually there, a447. Maybe some here are more gullible than I thought. L-)

March 2nd, 2015, 16:04
Not necessarily gullible. They probably weren't aware of Kommie's behaviour and my replies to him. Not everybody follows every post in every thread.

When I first started reading his trip report I thought it was quite funny, but it wasn't long before the comments became nasty. A shame, because it was an interesting concept and we could have had lots of fun with his fantasy post. I was more than willing to play along.

March 2nd, 2015, 17:05
It saddens me that a447 feels it necessary to deny - after a whole month of the trip reports being in the SGW forum - the most enjoyable trip that he and I took together. I've had many, many PMs telling me that the writers now see a447 as someone almost interesting as a result of my trip reports. However, a447 may feel that there are some less flattering anecdotes about him still remaining to be told and is trying to pre-empt their impact by denying our trip together ever took place. I've told those who've PMed me that I shall not hold back should something jog my memory.

March 2nd, 2015, 19:13
One thing for sure, one of you two guys needs help.

Brad the Impala
March 3rd, 2015, 01:03
It doesnтАЩt take much to entertain me these days.

Ain't that the truth, but I didn't realise how much time you have on your hands as well. Or that the sense of spite extends as far as it does.

March 3rd, 2015, 05:12
It doesnтАЩt take much to entertain me these days.Ain't that the truth, but I didn't realise how much time you have on your hands as well. Or that the sense of spite extends as far as it does.As a poster admitted to me in a PM on this very topic yesterday' he was projecting his own concerns when attributing characteristics to my behaviour so perhaps you should review your own inadequacies. There's that biblical quote about beams, motes and eyes that is invariably useful in these situations

Brad the Impala
March 3rd, 2015, 13:26
You are sounding like LMTU with your imaginative "many many PMs" earlier, and your PM yesterday that just happened to make the very point you wanted to make to me.

Pretty weird to write a series of fictional travelogues with the intent to traduce one of our posters, and then quote the bible in defence!!

March 3rd, 2015, 15:58
Jesus Christ!

March 3rd, 2015, 17:14
You are sounding like LMTU with your imaginative "many many PMs" earlier, and your PM yesterday that just happened to make the very point you wanted to make to me. Pretty weird to write a series of fictional travelogues with the intent to traduce one of our posters, and then quote the bible in defence!!Fabulous!
Jesus Christ!Did someone mention my name?

March 4th, 2015, 10:27
You are sounding like LMTU with your imaginative "many many PMs" earlier, and your PM yesterday that just happened to make the very point you wanted to make to me.

Pretty weird to write a series of fictional travelogues with the intent to traduce one of our posters, and then quote the bible in defence!!

I have been pming kommentariat and can verify at least one poster he's in touch with.
While he spills the (imaginary) beans with A442, he's been discreet revealing his pm contacts.

March 4th, 2015, 12:03
... and your PM yesterday that just happened to make the very point you wanted to make to me.
I have been pming kommentariat ...No need to apologise Brad, I suspect you wouldn't mean it.

Brad the Impala
March 4th, 2015, 13:14
I've had many, many PMs

As a poster admitted to me in a PM on this very topic yesterday' he was projecting his own concerns

March 4th, 2015, 14:07
What the fuck is this thread all about? I don't get a single word.
Would someone please compress the salient points ~ if any ~ into two or three sentences.
Thanks in advance ...

March 4th, 2015, 14:24
You would need to have had an imaginary friend to fully encompass this tale of farang travelling companions, who never were.
Actually, nothing would this thread, but we're here anyway. A447 must be scratching his head and wondering 'why me?'

Brad the Impala
March 4th, 2015, 14:38
What the fuck is this thread all about? I don't get a single word.

You would need to visit the backwater known as the global forum, to find a series of travelogues created by kommie, whose main purpose, since he normally never stirs himself to write more than a sentence or two, seems to be to mock a447 as an imaginary travel companion, with links to a447's posts scattered throughout. Hence the disclaimer above from a447.

Kommie's hardon for a447 is beyond obsessive. It wasn't like this in the days of the colonel.

March 4th, 2015, 15:38
Cat wrote:
A447 must be scratching his head and wondering 'why me?'

Thanks for upgrading me back to A447....lol

I find it perplexing that Surfcrest has remained silent, because as a member pointed out to me in a PM, it's precisely this type of behaviour which discourages members from posting.

Members should stick to commenting on the contents of a post, not the poster.

April 6th, 2015, 14:37
OMG! He's still banging on about his fantasy trip with me. That "trip" took place over 3 months ago! I thought he'd moved on.

Was it something I said? Lol

April 6th, 2015, 14:52
"... I thought he'd moved on.Was it something I said? ... "
Rest assured, Kommie's middle name is not exactly " ... I've-moved-on ... ".
Not moved on, that is to say, unless he's finally announced that having Thai guy sit on his face is not the be-all and end-all of sexual nirvana anymore.

April 6th, 2015, 17:18
Not moved on, that is to say ...

I'm not sure, my dear Smiles, why a447 keeps insisting it is a "fantasy trip". He conveniently forgets that he made reference to it himself (http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/post296732.html) in this little exchange:

Even though India recently re-outlawed homosexual behaviour I still got plenty of eye contact when I stopped over in Delhi on my way to Bangkok a couple of weeks ago, as I think I told you over coffee one morning. My other Australian correspondent tells me the cottages and backrooms of Sydney and Melbourne are full of Indians cruising. Mind you, the BO ..
Yes Kommie, you did talk about the eye contact you got in Delhi. But you didn't call it that - you referred to "stares , glares and looks of derision." Remember?
You really have to abandon this Selective Reporting Syndrome of yours. You've omitted their mention of you. What I actually said was "Stares , glares and looks of derision as they called out "Where's the fox terrier? Shame on you for not bringing him too".

If we weren't having this discussion over coffee, which a447 confirms to be the case in his response, the alternative is ... ? What? That a447 is making things up? Gentlemen have been called out and fought duels over such assertions. No, the sad fact is that when a447 saw the whole sorry story of his misadventures laid out (subsequent to this reported conversation) he decided the best course was to deny it ever happened. Sad, but as my old mother says "His intentions are good".

April 6th, 2015, 18:22
the alternative is ... ? What? That a447 is making things up?


Normally, I wouldn't bother with such stupidity, but a number of members actually took your posts at face value and pm'd me asking why I would go on a holiday with an arsehole. When I posted to that effect, you should have done the right and proper thing and admitted it was just a spoof. No harm done.

And Surfcrest, hang your head in shame for allowing the deception to continue! Your inaction speaks volumes for what you think about the integrity of the board and the posters who were deceived.

April 7th, 2015, 03:17
I think we can safely assume that Pavlov included fox terriers