View Full Version : Dustin Lance Black addresses Irish law students

February 28th, 2015, 16:46
The actor and Oscar winning screenwriter, Dustin Lance Black, recently addressed the Law Society of University College, Dublin, on the issue of gay marriage, which will be the subject of a referendum in May.

http://www.thejournal.ie/dustin-lance-b ... 5-Feb2015/ (http://www.thejournal.ie/dustin-lance-black-ucd-1962775-Feb2015/)

Nirish guy
February 28th, 2015, 23:42
Very interesting article and speech and quite thought provoking too about "gay marriage in Ireland SHOULDN'T be put to a vote" ( as it's not something that should be allowed to be voted on as if it's something being granted or allowed, but should and is just a basic human right he meant).

I'd never really thought about this before and whilst I'm always happy to see a vote anywhere such as in the US or the UK going in favour of marriage equality he has a point too that it's not something that we should be being PUT to people to decide on as to whether or not to grant or "allow us" our equal rights - but if not that then how does one effect the changes that are necessary then I wonder ?

It's and interesting dilemma and one I'm not sure I know the answer to, but I guess as long as the votes keep going the right way then society IS still getting where it needs to go one way or the other and the how doesn't really matter perhaps and so it's only when that trend ? stops or actually starts reversing and people start voting against granting us our equal rights again ( as is already happening in many places as we speak even of course) that ( and with my coming from Belfast) we should then get out and start burning the buses and making some noise about that but meantime maybe just sit back and let history take it's course and let the change happen in a positive way just which and whatever way it does !?