View Full Version : Gay Parents

February 24th, 2015, 09:26
Personally, I liked the old Pattaya Gay Board style of moderating. Absolutley no rules enforced whatsoever. It reminds me of how I raised my two children: "Welome to the world kids...I'm your dad...now just go out and have a ball"...LOL

Like I'm sure a lot of people, I find myself wondering about the similarities in this world...trying to piece it all back together.

I've noticed this here on SGT over the years, I've noticed it sitting down at Dong Tan beach talking to guys and I've noticed it downstairs at Numbers (A bar here in Vancouver that I used to frequent from time to time some years ago). The downstairs area at Numbers used to be for Asians and their admirers (it might still be).

Anyhow, a common theme that I notice in from guys who prefer Asians is a higher instance of guys coming from straight relationships and with many guys who have fathered children. It's not something I notice with my other gay friends, those either not Asian or not with an Asian partner. I wonder if anyone else has noticed this? (Not trying to put you on the spot Dodger or anyone else that had had children).


February 24th, 2015, 10:35
I've met and known hundreds of gay farangs in Thailand.
Just using the USA farangs, high percentage have/had been married to a woman or
several women and have children. Another high percentage have military backgroup
with the U.S. Navy the most common. The farang subset is all 60+years old and come
from a time of gay men living deeply in closets, marrying to escape suspicion, and low self esteem
and self worth in general. Some never came out to their families but many did.
My guess is that married or divorced gay men would seek out Asians as they would be
invisible in gay bars if over 35 y.o. and Asians in general would be more open to older men.
The men who became 'gay' after 50 years of age were not socialized with other gay men
and often cannot fit in well, have strong right wing beliefs, and many personality traits of
straight men their age. I imagine many never come out and live and die in sham marriages
and live a lie their whole life. Hard to imagine a much worst life.

February 24th, 2015, 14:00
Not all men who move from straight to gay are 60+ or even 50+! I have one friend who lives in the north of Thailand who was married with two children. He eventually realised he was gay in his mid-30s, went through personal agonies to the point where he all but jumped out of a window. He then plucked up the courage to tell his wife. She said she was not totally surprised They divorced, he moved to Bangkok and within a couple of weeks had met his long term Asian bf in Telephone Bar! The children remain very close to their father and sometimes visit him in Thailand.

A common thread surely is that the older westerners partner off with younger - in many cases, much younger - bfs. I suppose that's kind of similar to what's called the Jennifer syndrome with older straight guys divorcing and taking up with women half their age or younger.

On a slight tangent, I also have gay friends in Hong Kong and New York who have children. Both involve a westerner and an Asian. In one case, the westerner has the better paying job; in the other, it is the Asian. All are now in their 40s and they make the most fantastic parents. But none was married before or had any straight relationships.

February 24th, 2015, 15:34
I agree and believe the vast majority of straight to gay men change teams in their 20's and 30's. I just don't meet them in Pattaya. Guess I need to expand my social circles.

February 24th, 2015, 16:26
fountainhall wrote:

A common thread surely is that the older westerners partner off with younger - in many cases, much younger - bfs.

Interesting that you should say that because I've often wondered if my desire to have relationships with much younger guys stems from the desires I had suppressed back when I was their age when I was still harboring my feelings inside that dark closet.

February 24th, 2015, 16:59
I just don't meet them in Pattaya. Guess I need to expand my social circles.Not every old queen's a rice queen.

February 24th, 2015, 17:47
No one I know is royalty. Not even a princess.

February 24th, 2015, 17:50
Well, for me it has nothing to do with age and more to do with smooth.

I grew up in the outer edge of what we in North America describe as the "baby boom" or that twenty or so years following the Secong World War. Some guys were starting to "come out" when I was growing up, although that wasn't always working out well for them in the 70's.

The pressure was on back then to do "the right thing" find a girl, get a job and raise a family. That eclipsed what I "wanted".

So there were a few guys I saw through high school, one I continued seeing in between girlfriends after that. I broke up with my last girlfriend when I was 29 and decided to do what I "wanted" from then on. I took an assignment outside the country for a year and found the smooth guys in that country to be just what I liked. My first trip to Thailand was only months after I returned back to Canada.

I doubt I'm really bisexual, I certainly don't consider myself that today. Whether it's because I once was attracted to women or whether it's something else but hairy men I do not find attractive. Not facial hair, no chest hair and definitely not a hairy butt.


February 24th, 2015, 17:59
I'm in the ' smooth ' camp as well.

February 25th, 2015, 02:01
I was just watching the movie "Cruising", with Al Pacino last night. I grew up during that period, early eighties and went to the gay clubs in New York. The guys were very unattractive back then. Very hairy walking around shirtless and many wearing leather trying to look real macho.

Lucky for me I had a twink boy friend who was uncut. He would love going into the "village" and being promiscuous as all hell in the bath houses and clubs. I was happy having sex with just him but he certainly was bored of me.it was an interesting time for sure. But it was the beginning of AIDS and they closed most of the bath houses. A very scary time .

Looking back I would have liked having an Asian boy friend but they were kind of rare to be seen in the gay clubs etc. Maybe they were there but I just didn't notice. My boy friend was really well hung and we had great oral sex but I wasn't into anal at all. Now I love anal with Asian guys, hairless is incredible. My boy friend left me and moved to California after a 6 year relationship. Don't know what happened to him and can't locate him on Face Book.

February 25th, 2015, 09:37
I'm in the ' smooth ' camp as well.
Count me in as well!

About 10 years ago there used to be a computer-themed bar across from Dick's in Soi Twilight. One of the doormen was cute and had a beautiful smile. Chatting to him one evening he said he was offable which seemed like a nice hint. Turned out he had absolutely no hair apart from on his head and his crotch. Total turn-on. He was also straight with 2 kids. More importantly he was a great performer.

February 25th, 2015, 11:00
. . . but hairy men I do not find attractive. Not facial hair, no chest hair and definitely not a hairy butt.
Well Surfcrest, as IтАЩve said several times on the forum, I have a preference for guys with a little bit of facial hair, some chest hair and especially those guys with a hairy butt. So, if you, or any other member for that matter, encounter any cute, hairy guys that donтАЩt interest you, then feel free to send them my way.

Jellybean is willing! =))

February 25th, 2015, 13:21
" ... I have a preference for guys with a little bit of facial hair, some chest hair and especially those guys with a hairy butt ... "
You go Jellybean!
You should have no problem on that score as I'm quite sure that 99.989% of the dudes on this board would be happy to toss them in your direction. As a matter of fact that same percentile are probably ~ as I write this ~ right now, gasping for air, rolling eyes, and having mini-strokes at the very thought of ~ I can hardly write this ~ 'hairy butts'. =;
I'm outta here!!

February 25th, 2015, 13:43
From gay parents to hairy asses all within 13 posts. :p

February 25th, 2015, 15:10
Just because you have a hairy ass doesn't mean you can't be a good gay parent :)

February 25th, 2015, 15:18
From gay parents to hairy asses all within 13 posts. :p

Surely you're not suggesting that we have gone off topic! :-$

February 25th, 2015, 15:40
Just because you have a hairy ass doesn't mean you can't be a good gay parent :)
Is this a confession joe552 ? :-$

February 25th, 2015, 16:18
I confess I am not a gay parent, though I did donate sperm to a lesbian friend over 20 years ago, which resulted in a successful birth. As for my hairy ass, the least said, the better.

February 25th, 2015, 16:28
For Caucasians, body hair is a sign of adulthood in males and a lack of body hair a sign of childhood. Draw your own conclusions about Caucasian men who are attracted to body types signifying childhood.

February 25th, 2015, 16:59
From gay parents to hairy asses all within 13 posts. :p
Hey! It wasnтАЩt me who first raised the subject of hairy butts, it was the Board Owner! Besides, happily, on this board, we donтАЩt have an overbearing and over prescriptive owner or a bunch of ancient members (of the, Those who must be kept variety), with a sense of entitlement who, whenever a post goes off topic, shout . . . тАЬOrder! Order! Off topic! Off topic!тАЭ

On this board, topics have a life of their own and wander on and off topic without too much concern or fretting amongst the membership and Board Owner.

Just because you have a hairy ass doesn't mean you can't be a good gay parent :)
Well said joe552! I couldnтАЩt agree more!

And finally, for the small minority who really do worry about posts going off topic, hereтАЩs my tuppence worth on topic. I came on to the local gay scene in my early twenties. The age of consent for homosexuals then was 21. In all my time living in three cities in the UK, I recall only one occasion when I met a gay guy, whom had been married and had a child. He was around the same age as me at the time, IтАЩd say mid-twenties. He had left his wife prior to meeting me. We had a short relationship and, unbelievably, I think we split because I thought he was too hairy! Oh тАж changed days! Come back, come back! No, on second thoughts, donтАЩt. HeтАЩd be hairy and very old now! ;)

But I have met a few western gay guys here in Thailand (not forum members) whom were previously married and have children. They were all in their 60s and only discovered or gave in to their тАШgay sideтАЩ (whichever is the correct expression) in later life. The boyfriends they had chosen were the queeniest, skinniest, most effeminate Thai guys I think IтАЩve met to date. They were the polar opposites of the type of guy IтАЩm attracted to. At the time I thought, Jesus, how the hell did they end up with them? Of course, out of politeness, I never asked them that question, but I suppose their reason for choosing such partners is explained, in part at least, by some of the earlier comments made by several members. But good luck to them, they seemed happy and content to me and it would be a funny old world if we all liked the same type of guys.

February 25th, 2015, 17:22
From gay parents to hairy asses all within 13 posts. :p

Surely you're not suggesting that we have gone off topic! :-$

Well, no, butt did wonder how the progression happened.

February 25th, 2015, 17:34
Kommentariat wrote:
For Caucasians, body hair is a sign of adulthood in males and a lack of body hair a sign of childhood. Draw your own conclusions about Caucasian men who are attracted to body types signifying childhood.

No, Kommie. Perhaps for you "a lack of body hair is a sign of childhood."

I've drawn my own conclusion - on your post. It's yet another gross generalisation and as inaccurate as all your others on this forum.

Where did you pull that one from - your own hairy arse?

Nirish guy
February 25th, 2015, 18:12
For Caucasians, body hair is a sign of adulthood in males and a lack of body hair a sign of childhood. Draw your own conclusions about Caucasian men who are attracted to body types signifying childhood.

Absolute bollocks of course and a total ( incorrect) generalisation!! I'm happen to be fucking with a 6' 2" hung fairly macho top right now who's in his 30's, so what, you think that somewhere in my head when we're getting hot and horny that I'm thinking "child" - as I said absolute bollocks ! Lucky for all smooth guys of every age out there that people don't buy into your logic or the poor sods would never get a fuck !

By your twisted logic one could argue that hairy guys are nothing but a through back in evolutionary terms to our great ape cousins the "obviously" gay guys who like hairy guys are actually loves of Beastiality no less !

It's bullshit statements like yours that feed the homophobia of some straight people were they think that all gays (who like smooth skin in your world ?) are "obviously" some sort of Pedo. You really should know better and if you're simply trolling on this board for effect as you know of course that many of us do like smooth skinned Asian guys then simply you're a sad fuck in my opinion and people can draw their own conclusions about THAT then perhaps.

February 25th, 2015, 20:14
Love hairy assess. Not easy to find in Thailand though.
And no - overweight old farangs do not interest me :D

February 25th, 2015, 21:12
But, LoveThailand, I'm not overweight =P~

February 26th, 2015, 01:53
Love ya work kommie started humming Fools Rush In as soon as I saw ak47 take the bait

February 26th, 2015, 05:59
Speaking of fools rushing in and taking the bait.....

a447 wrote:
If Bonnys has closed down, they boys would have to take some responsibility for its demise. I sat opposite having a drink and while I was there every single guy had his head down texting or gaming. Potential customers walking by weren't even acknowledged - it's as though their sources of income didn't even exist.

Opposite Bonnys eh?? What bar was that then??


February 26th, 2015, 10:23
It would be easyer if you just posted the YouTube link to you being a fox terrier ak47

February 26th, 2015, 13:53
A lot easier, but nowhere near as much fun!

As a gay guy,I love exposing dicks.

And in your case, BG, the bigger the better. Lol

February 26th, 2015, 14:37
But, LoveThailand, I'm not overweight =P~

:D Then you qualify.

February 26th, 2015, 15:32
You've made my day :ymhug:

February 26th, 2015, 16:06
As a gay guy,I love exposing dicks.I find most people need there fantasys ak47 and now we know yours. Im sure kommie will put that info to good use some time in the future.

February 26th, 2015, 16:35
a447 wrote:
As a gay guy,I love exposing dicks.
I find most people need there fantasys ak47 and now we know yours. Im sure kommie will put that info to good use some time in the future.

You mean, you didn't know I liked exposing dicks?? Really? I've been exposing dicks for years. Just ask the guys at Sunny Boys,Eros or Goodboys. And at Nature Boy and Super A to name 2 more. Shall I go on? Ok, I will. Golden Cock, Hotmale and Screwboys.

But you're the biggest dick I've exposed so far.

And rather than leave it to Kommie, why don't you "put that info to good use"?

February 26th, 2015, 17:53
You mean, you didn't know I liked exposing dicks?? Really? I've been exposing dicks for years. Just ask the guys at Sunny Boys,Eros or Goodboys. And at Nature Boy and Super A to name 2 more. Shall I go on? Ok, I will. Golden Cock, Hotmale and Screwboys.On holiday with him, BrisbaneGuy, I learned that there is no-one as self-obsessed as a447 who genuinely believes that not only does everyone read his (porno)graphic posts but they remember them too. See my various travel posts in Sawatdee Gay World to learn the details of our holiday - if you can be bothered.

February 27th, 2015, 14:43
And while your at it, BG, drop by and read my reports on Phnom Pehn, Siem Reap and Bali. The amount of fun I've had on those holidays will surely help maintain your anger over my lifestyle!

Ditto Kommie.


February 28th, 2015, 02:54
And while your at it, BG ...I wonder if BrisbaneGuy possesses an "at it"? I've heard of "going at it" which is the principal topic of a447's (porno)graphic trip reports. I've looked high and low and can safely confirm that I don't possess an "at it" but I realise - as a contrarian - that that's to be expected. BrisbaneGuy may be altogether a different class of person.